Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2016 DigitalGlobe, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import; import; import; import*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.nio.*; public class RasterWritable extends BytesWritable implements Serializable { private static int HEADERSIZE = 5; public static class RasterWritableException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Exception origException; public RasterWritableException(final Exception e) { this.origException = e; } public RasterWritableException(final String msg) { final Exception e = new Exception(msg); this.origException = e; } @Override public void printStackTrace() { origException.printStackTrace(); } } enum SampleModelType { PIXELINTERLEAVED, BANDED, SINGLEPIXELPACKED, MULTIPIXELPACKED, COMPONENT } public RasterWritable() { super(); } public RasterWritable(final byte[] bytes) { super(bytes); } public RasterWritable(RasterWritable copy) { super(copy.copyBytes()); } // we could use the default serializations here, but instead we'll just do it manually private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.writeInt(getLength()); stream.write(getBytes(), 0, getLength()); } private synchronized void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException { int size = stream.readInt(); byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; stream.readFully(bytes, 0, size); set(bytes, 0, size); } public byte[] copyBytes() { return getBytes().clone(); } public static Raster toRaster(final RasterWritable writable) throws IOException { return toRaster(writable, null); } public static Raster toRaster(final RasterWritable writable, Writable payload) throws IOException { return read(writable.getBytes(), payload); } public static Raster toRaster(final RasterWritable writable, final CompressionCodec codec, final Decompressor decompressor) throws IOException { return toRaster(writable, codec, decompressor, null); } public static Raster toRaster(final RasterWritable writable, final CompressionCodec codec, final Decompressor decompressor, Writable payload) throws IOException { decompressor.reset(); final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(writable.getBytes(), 0, writable.getLength()); final CompressionInputStream gis = codec.createInputStream(bis, decompressor); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copyBytes(gis, baos, 1024 * 1024 * 2, true); return read(baos.toByteArray(), payload); } public static SampleModelType toSampleModelType(final SampleModel model) { if (model instanceof PixelInterleavedSampleModel) { return SampleModelType.PIXELINTERLEAVED; } if (model instanceof BandedSampleModel) { return SampleModelType.BANDED; } if (model instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) { return SampleModelType.SINGLEPIXELPACKED; } if (model instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) { return SampleModelType.MULTIPIXELPACKED; } if (model instanceof ComponentSampleModel) { return SampleModelType.COMPONENT; } throw new RasterWritableException("Unknown RasterSampleModel type"); } public static RasterWritable toWritable(byte[] data, int width, int height, int bands, int datatype) throws IOException { return toWritable(data, width, height, bands, datatype, null); } public static RasterWritable toWritable(byte[] data, int width, int height, int bands, int datatype, Writable payload) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeHeader(width, height, bands, datatype, baos); baos.write(data, 0, data.length); if (payload != null) { writePayload(payload, baos); } baos.close(); return new RasterWritable(baos.toByteArray()); } public static RasterWritable toWritable(final Raster raster) throws IOException { return toWritable(raster, null); } public static RasterWritable toWritable(final Raster raster, final Writable payload) throws IOException { final byte[] pixels = rasterToBytes(raster); final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(pixels); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeHeader(raster, baos); IOUtils.copyBytes(bis, baos, pixels.length, false); if (payload != null) { writePayload(payload, baos); } bis.close(); baos.close(); return new RasterWritable(baos.toByteArray()); } public static RasterWritable toWritable(final Raster raster, final CompressionCodec codec, final Compressor compressor) throws IOException { return toWritable(raster, codec, compressor, null); } public static RasterWritable toWritable(final Raster raster, final CompressionCodec codec, final Compressor compressor, final Writable payload) throws IOException { compressor.reset(); final byte[] pixels = rasterToBytes(raster); final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(pixels); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final CompressionOutputStream cos = codec.createOutputStream(baos, compressor); writeHeader(raster, cos); IOUtils.copyBytes(bis, cos, pixels.length, false); if (payload != null) { writePayload(payload, cos); } bis.close(); cos.close(); return new RasterWritable(baos.toByteArray()); } private static byte[] rasterToBytes(final Raster raster) { final int datatype = raster.getTransferType(); byte[] pixels; final Object elements = raster.getDataElements(raster.getMinX(), raster.getMinY(), raster.getWidth(), raster.getHeight(), null); switch (datatype) { case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE: { pixels = (byte[]) elements; break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT: { final float[] floatElements = (float[]) elements; pixels = new byte[floatElements.length * RasterUtils.FLOAT_BYTES]; final ByteBuffer bytebuff = ByteBuffer.wrap(pixels); final FloatBuffer floatbuff = bytebuff.asFloatBuffer(); floatbuff.put(floatElements); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE: { final double[] doubleElements = (double[]) elements; pixels = new byte[doubleElements.length * RasterUtils.DOUBLE_BYTES]; final ByteBuffer bytebuff = ByteBuffer.wrap(pixels); final DoubleBuffer doubleBuff = bytebuff.asDoubleBuffer(); doubleBuff.put(doubleElements); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT: { final int[] intElements = (int[]) elements; pixels = new byte[intElements.length * RasterUtils.INT_BYTES]; final ByteBuffer bytebuff = ByteBuffer.wrap(pixels); final IntBuffer intBuff = bytebuff.asIntBuffer(); intBuff.put(intElements); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT: case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT: { final short[] shortElements = (short[]) elements; pixels = new byte[shortElements.length * RasterUtils.SHORT_BYTES]; final ByteBuffer bytebuff = ByteBuffer.wrap(pixels); final ShortBuffer shortbuff = bytebuff.asShortBuffer(); shortbuff.put(shortElements); break; } default: throw new RasterWritableException("Error trying to append raster. Bad raster data type"); } return pixels; } public static byte[] toBytes(Raster raster, Writable payload) throws IOException { return RasterWritable.toWritable(raster, payload).getBytes(); } public static Raster toRaster(final byte[] rasterBytes, Writable payload) throws IOException { return read(rasterBytes, payload); } private static Raster read(final byte[] rasterBytes, Writable payload) throws IOException { WritableRaster raster; final ByteBuffer rasterBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rasterBytes); @SuppressWarnings("unused") final int headersize = rasterBuffer.getInt(); // this isn't really used anymore... final int height = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int width = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int bands = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int datatype = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final SampleModelType sampleModelType = SampleModelType.values()[rasterBuffer.getInt()]; SampleModel model; switch (sampleModelType) { case BANDED: model = new BandedSampleModel(datatype, width, height, bands); break; case MULTIPIXELPACKED: throw new NotImplementedException("MultiPixelPackedSampleModel not implemented yet"); // model = new MultiPixelPackedSampleModel(dataType, w, h, numberOfBits) case PIXELINTERLEAVED: { final int pixelStride = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int scanlineStride = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int bandcnt = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int[] bandOffsets = new int[bandcnt]; for (int i = 0; i < bandcnt; i++) { bandOffsets[i] = rasterBuffer.getInt(); } model = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(datatype, width, height, pixelStride, scanlineStride, bandOffsets); break; } case SINGLEPIXELPACKED: throw new NotImplementedException("SinglePixelPackedSampleModel not implemented yet"); // model = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(dataType, w, h, bitMasks); case COMPONENT: { final int pixelStride = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int scanlineStride = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int bandcnt = rasterBuffer.getInt(); final int[] bandOffsets = new int[bandcnt]; for (int i = 0; i < bandcnt; i++) { bandOffsets[i] = rasterBuffer.getInt(); } model = new ComponentSampleModel(datatype, width, height, pixelStride, scanlineStride, bandOffsets); break; } default: throw new RasterWritableException("Unknown RasterSampleModel type"); } // include the header size param in the count int startdata = rasterBuffer.position(); // calculate the data size int[] samplesize = model.getSampleSize(); int samplebytes = 0; for (int ss : samplesize) { // bits to bytes samplebytes += (ss / 8); } int databytes = model.getHeight() * model.getWidth() * samplebytes; // final ByteBuffer rasterBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rasterBytes, headerbytes, databytes); // the corner of the raster is always 0,0 raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(model, null); switch (datatype) { case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE: { // we can't use the byte buffer explicitly because the header info is // still in it... final byte[] bytedata = new byte[databytes]; rasterBuffer.get(bytedata); raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, bytedata); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT: { final FloatBuffer floatbuff = rasterBuffer.asFloatBuffer(); final float[] floatdata = new float[databytes / RasterUtils.FLOAT_BYTES]; floatbuff.get(floatdata); raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, floatdata); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE: { final DoubleBuffer doublebuff = rasterBuffer.asDoubleBuffer(); final double[] doubledata = new double[databytes / RasterUtils.DOUBLE_BYTES]; doublebuff.get(doubledata); raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, doubledata); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT: { final IntBuffer intbuff = rasterBuffer.asIntBuffer(); final int[] intdata = new int[databytes / RasterUtils.INT_BYTES]; intbuff.get(intdata); raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, intdata); break; } case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT: case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT: { final ShortBuffer shortbuff = rasterBuffer.asShortBuffer(); final short[] shortdata = new short[databytes / RasterUtils.SHORT_BYTES]; shortbuff.get(shortdata); raster.setDataElements(0, 0, width, height, shortdata); break; } default: throw new RasterWritableException("Error trying to read raster. Bad raster data type"); } // should we even try to extract the payload? if (payload != null) { // test to see if this is a raster with a possible payload final int payloadStart = startdata + databytes; if (rasterBytes.length > payloadStart) { // extract the payload final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(rasterBytes, payloadStart, rasterBytes.length - payloadStart); final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais); payload.readFields(dis); } } return raster; } private static void writeHeader(int width, int height, int bands, int datatype, OutputStream out) throws IOException { final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); dos.writeInt(HEADERSIZE); dos.writeInt(height); dos.writeInt(width); dos.writeInt(bands); dos.writeInt(datatype); dos.writeInt(SampleModelType.BANDED.ordinal()); } private static void writeHeader(final Raster raster, final OutputStream out) throws IOException { final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); int headersize = HEADERSIZE; // this is in integers! // MAKE SURE TO KEEP THIS CORRECT IF YOU ADD PARAMETERS TO THE HEADER!!! final SampleModel model = raster.getSampleModel(); final SampleModelType modeltype = toSampleModelType(model); int[] bandOffsets = null; switch (modeltype) { case BANDED: break; case PIXELINTERLEAVED: case COMPONENT: bandOffsets = ((ComponentSampleModel) model).getBandOffsets(); // add pixel-stride, scanline-stride, band offset count, & band offsets to // the header count headersize += 3 + bandOffsets.length; break; case MULTIPIXELPACKED: break; case SINGLEPIXELPACKED: break; default: } dos.writeInt(headersize); dos.writeInt(raster.getHeight()); dos.writeInt(raster.getWidth()); dos.writeInt(raster.getNumBands()); dos.writeInt(raster.getTransferType()); dos.writeInt(modeltype.ordinal()); switch (modeltype) { case BANDED: break; case COMPONENT: case PIXELINTERLEAVED: { final ComponentSampleModel pism = (ComponentSampleModel) model; dos.writeInt(pism.getPixelStride()); dos.writeInt(pism.getScanlineStride()); dos.writeInt(bandOffsets.length); for (final int bandOffset : bandOffsets) { dos.writeInt(bandOffset); } } break; case MULTIPIXELPACKED: break; case SINGLEPIXELPACKED: break; default: } } private static void writePayload(final Writable payload, final OutputStream out) throws IOException { final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); payload.write(dos); } }