Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mksmart.ecapi.couchdb; import static org.mksmart.ecapi.couchdb.Config.DB; import static org.mksmart.ecapi.couchdb.Config.SERVICE_URL; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.mksmart.ecapi.access.UnavailablePolicyTableException; import org.mksmart.ecapi.access.auth.VisibilityChecker; import org.mksmart.ecapi.api.AssemblyProvider; import org.mksmart.ecapi.api.DebuggableAssemblyProvider; import org.mksmart.ecapi.api.GlobalType; import org.mksmart.ecapi.api.TypeSupport; import; import; import; import org.mksmart.ecapi.api.query.Query; import org.mksmart.ecapi.commons.couchdb.client.DocumentProvider; import org.mksmart.ecapi.impl.GlobalTypeImpl; import org.mksmart.ecapi.impl.query.QueryParser; import org.mksmart.ecapi.impl.query.SparqlQuery; import org.mksmart.ecapi.impl.query.SparqlTargetedQuery; import org.mksmart.ecapi.impl.script.ScriptUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * An {@link AssemblyProvider} that relies upon the functions in a CouchDB database that stores all the * required configurations. * * This implementation makes raw REST client calls using a CouchDB {@link DocumentProvider}. * * @author alessandro <> * */ public class CouchDbAssemblyProvider implements DebuggableAssemblyProvider<String> { public static final String DEFAULT_DESIGN_DOC_ID = "_design/compile"; private String dB; private String designDocId; protected DocumentProvider<JSONObject> documentProvider; private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private String server_url; public CouchDbAssemblyProvider(Properties configuration, DocumentProvider<JSONObject> documentProvider) { this.server_url = configuration.getProperty(SERVICE_URL); this.dB = configuration.getProperty(DB); this.designDocId = DEFAULT_DESIGN_DOC_ID; this.documentProvider = documentProvider; } private void fallbackPostProcess(CanonicalGlobalURI guri, final Map<URI, List<Query>> queries) { String program = null, qtpl = null, superType = null; // Use the most specific localise function and query template you can find. String st = "type/global:id/" + guri.getEntityType(); JSONObject stDoc = documentProvider.getDocument(st); if (stDoc != null) { log.debug("Falling back to global type spec <{}>", st); if (stDoc.has("localise")) program = stDoc.getString("localise"); log.trace(" ... localisation function is '{}'", program); if (stDoc.has("query_tpl")) qtpl = stDoc.getString("query_tpl"); log.trace(" ... query template is is '{}'", qtpl); if (stDoc.has("mks:super")) superType = stDoc.getString("mks:super"); while ((program == null || qtpl == null) && superType != null) { log.debug("Falling back to supertype spec <{}>", superType); stDoc = documentProvider.getDocument(superType); if (program == null && stDoc.has("localise")) { program = stDoc.getString("localise"); log.trace(" ... localisation function is '{}'", program); } if (qtpl == null && stDoc.has("query_tpl")) { qtpl = stDoc.getString("query_tpl"); log.trace(" ... query template is is '{}'", qtpl); } superType = (stDoc.has("mks:super")) ? stDoc.getString("mks:super") : null; } } else { // No dice, just use the TOP type spec GlobalType gt = new GlobalTypeImpl(GlobalType.TOP_URI); log.debug("Falling back to TOP type spec <{}>", gt); JSONObject gtDoc = documentProvider.getDocument(gt.getId().toString()); if (gtDoc != null) { program = gtDoc.getString("localise"); qtpl = gtDoc.getString("query_tpl"); } } if (program != null && qtpl != null) { Object deal = ScriptUtils.runJs(program, "localise", new Object[] { guri.getEntityType(), guri instanceof ScopedGlobalURI ? ((ScopedGlobalURI) guri).getIdentifierRealm() : null, guri instanceof ScopedGlobalURI ? ((ScopedGlobalURI) guri).getIdentifyingProperty() : null, guri.getIdentifer() }, String.class);" ... localised result is {}", deal); if (deal == null) { log.error("Null local URI. Cannot generate query."); } else { URI tgt = URI.create((String) deal); // qtpl = gtDoc.getString("query_tpl"); if (!queries.containsKey(tgt)) queries.put(tgt, new LinkedList<Query>()); queries.get(tgt).add(QueryParser.parse(qtpl, tgt)); } } } private Set<String> filterDatasets(JSONObject view, Set<String> datasetNames) { boolean opendata = (datasetNames == null); log.debug("Requested datasets : {}", datasetNames); Set<String> filtered = new HashSet<>(), checkUs = new HashSet<>(); JSONArray rows = view.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i); checkUs.add(row.getString("id")); } if (opendata) try {"Request is for all open datasets."); filtered = VisibilityChecker.getInstance().filter(checkUs); } catch (UnavailablePolicyTableException e) { log.error("Denying all data access due to unavailable policy table."); throw new RuntimeException(e); } else { filtered.addAll(datasetNames); filtered.retainAll(checkUs); } log.debug("{} datasets filtered in out of {} requested.", datasetNames == null ? "[undefined, all open data]" : filtered.size(), datasetNames == null ? "[none specifically]" : datasetNames.size()); return filtered; } @Override public Set<String> getCandidateTypes(GlobalURI guri) { log.debug("Requested candidate types for global entity {}", guri); if (!(guri instanceof CanonicalGlobalURI)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This entity provider only supports candidate retrieval for global URIs that are at least instances of " + CanonicalGlobalURI.class); Set<String> candidateTypes = new HashSet<>(); JSONObject json = documentProvider.getView("type", "short-reverse", ((CanonicalGlobalURI) guri).getEntityType()); JSONArray rows = json.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i); log.debug(" ... Found candidate type {}", row.getString("value")); candidateTypes.add(row.getString("value")); } return candidateTypes; } @Override public Set<URI> getCandidateTypes(URI property) { throw new NotImplementedException("NIY"); } public DocumentProvider<JSONObject> getDocumentProvider() { return this.documentProvider; } @Override public String getMicrocompiler(String name, GlobalType type) { throw new NotImplementedException("NIY"); } @Override public String getMicrocompiler(String name, GlobalType type, URI dataSource) { throw new NotImplementedException("NIY"); } @Override public String getMicrocompiler(URI type) { // Design document URL String u = this.server_url + '/' + this.dB + '/' + this.designDocId; log.debug("Getting design document from URL <{}>", u); JSONObject json = documentProvider.getResource(u); Object o = json.get("views"); if (o == null || !(o instanceof JSONObject)) throw new IllegalStateException("views did not parse as a JSON object"); Object oP = ((JSONObject) o).get("public"); if (oP == null || !(oP instanceof JSONObject)) throw new IllegalStateException("public view did not parse as a JSON object"); String rmap = ((JSONObject) oP).getString("map"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^function\\(doc\\).*case '" + type.toString() + "':(.*)break;.*$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(rmap); if (m.find()) return; return rmap; } @Override public Map<String, String> getMicrocompilers(GlobalType type, URI dataSource) { log.debug("Getting microcompilers for type <{}> from data source <{}>", type, dataSource); Map<String, String> res = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Set<String>> funcMap = new HashMap<>(); JSONObject jmap = documentProvider.getReducedView("compile", "jit", true, type.getId().toString()); JSONArray rows = jmap.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("value"); if (row.has(dataSource.toString())) { JSONObject dsc = row.getJSONObject(dataSource.toString()); for (Iterator<?> it = dsc.keys(); it.hasNext();) { String funcName = (String); JSONObject conf = dsc.getJSONObject(funcName); if (conf.has("config")) { String confPointer = conf.getString("config"); if (!funcMap.containsKey(confPointer)) funcMap.put(confPointer, new HashSet<String>()); funcMap.get(confPointer).add(funcName); } } } } JSONObject jFuncs = documentProvider.getDocuments(funcMap.keySet().toArray(new String[0])); rows = jFuncs.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { String ds = rows.getJSONObject(i).getString("id"); JSONObject doc = rows.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("doc"); if (doc.has("type") && "provider-spec".equals(doc.getString("type"))) { if (doc.has("mks:types")) { JSONObject jTyps = doc.getJSONObject("mks:types"); String typeName = type.getId().toString(); if (jTyps.has(typeName) && jTyps.get(typeName) != null) { JSONObject jTyp = jTyps.getJSONObject(typeName); if (funcMap.containsKey(ds) && funcMap.get(ds) != null) for (String funcName : funcMap.get(ds)) { if (jTyp.has(funcName) && !res.containsKey(funcName)) { log.debug("Getting microcompiler \"{}\" from configuration <{}>", funcName, ds); res.put(funcName, jTyp.getString(funcName)); } } else log.debug("No function map was found for data source {}.", ds); } } else log.warn("Data source {} is misconfigured. No 'mks:types' field was found.", ds); } } return res; } @Override public Map<URI, List<Query>> getQueryMap(GlobalType gtype) { return getQueryMap(gtype, false); } @Override public Map<URI, List<Query>> getQueryMap(GlobalType gtype, boolean debug) { Map<URI, List<Query>> result = new HashMap<>(); // list datasets that have the type (new view typedataset) log.debug("Prefetching instances of type '{}'", gtype); JSONObject jds = documentProvider.getView("compile", "typedataset", gtype.toString()); JSONArray rows = jds.getJSONArray("rows"); // Iterate over dataset supports for this type. log.debug(" ... found support in {} datasets.", rows.length()); if (rows.length() == 0) log.debug("<== No dataset support found."); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject value = row.getJSONObject("value"); if (value.has("dataset")) { URI ds = URI.create(value.getString("dataset")); log.debug(" ... Dataset is {}", ds); log.debug("Dataset {}", ds); if (value.has("debug") && value.getBoolean("debug") && !debug) { log.debug(" ... is in debug state and debug mode is not set." + " Will not contribute to final data feed."); continue; } result.put(ds, new LinkedList<Query>()); log.debug(" ... Queries before: {}", result.get(ds).size()); // datasets.add(ds); if (value.has("fetch_query")) { String fetch = value.getString("fetch_query").trim(); if (!fetch.isEmpty()) { log.debug(" ... query is \"{}\"", fetch); Query query = new SparqlTargetedQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, fetch, ds); result.get(ds).add(query); log.debug(" ... Queries after: {}", result.get(ds).size()); } } } else log.error("<== FAIL - no query endpoint specified for this dataset. Skipping."); } return result; } @Override public Map<URI, List<Query>> getQueryMap(GlobalURI guri) { return getQueryMap(guri, false); } @Override public Map<URI, List<Query>> getQueryMap(GlobalURI guri, boolean debug) { return getQueryMap(guri, Collections.<String>emptySet(), debug); } @Override public Map<URI, List<Query>> getQueryMap(GlobalURI guri, Set<String> datasetNames) { return getQueryMap(guri, datasetNames, false); } @Override public Map<URI, List<Query>> getQueryMap(GlobalURI uuri, Set<String> datasetNames, boolean debug) { // At this stage, datasetNames could be null, which means "open data"."Requested query map for global entity {}", uuri); if (!(uuri instanceof CanonicalGlobalURI)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This entity provider only supports query mapping for global URIs that are at least instances of " + CanonicalGlobalURI.class); CanonicalGlobalURI guri = (CanonicalGlobalURI) uuri; Map<URI, List<Query>> result = new HashMap<>(); if ("has".equals(guri.getEntityType())) { // case for primitive classes if (!(guri instanceof ScopedGlobalURI)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This entity provider only supports query mapping for primitive global URIs that are at least instances of " + ScopedGlobalURI.class); log.debug("Type is a primitive class."); String key = ((ScopedGlobalURI) guri).getIdentifierRealm() + ':' + ((ScopedGlobalURI) guri).getIdentifyingProperty(); log.debug("Check support for primitive {} (value: {})", guri.getIdentifer(), key); JSONObject primMap = documentProvider.getView("compile", "primitives", key); JSONArray rows = primMap.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject value = row.getJSONObject("value"); String ds = value.getString("dataset"); log.debug("Dataset {}", ds); if (value.has("debug") && value.getBoolean("debug") && !debug) { log.debug(" ... is in debug state and debug mode is not set." + " Will not contribute to final data feed."); continue; } String program = value.getJSONObject("query").getString("generator"); log.trace("Query generation program: {}", program); if (program != null) { Object deal = ScriptUtils.runJs(program, "generator", new Object[] { guri.getIdentifer() }, String.class); log.trace("Generated query text: {}", deal); String jep = documentProvider.getDocument(ds) .getString(""); // TODO delegate choice of query type if ("sparql".equals(value.getJSONObject("query").getString("lang"))) { Query q = new SparqlTargetedQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, (String) deal, URI.create(ds)); URI k = URI.create(jep); if (!result.containsKey(k)) result.put(k, new LinkedList<Query>()); result.get(k).add(q); } } } } else { // case for asserted classes // start of mda's new version Vector<String> sparqleps = new Vector<String>(); Vector<Query> queries = new Vector<Query>(); // list datasets that have the type (new view typedataset) String entType = "type/global:id/" + guri.getEntityType(); log.debug("Scanning dataset support for type '{}'", entType); JSONObject jds = documentProvider.getView("compile", "typedataset", entType); JSONArray rows = jds.getJSONArray("rows"); // Iterate over dataset supports for this type. log.debug(" ... found support in {} datasets.", rows.length()); if (rows.length() == 0) log.debug("<== No dataset support found."); Set<String> allowed = filterDatasets(jds, datasetNames); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i);"{}: dataset <{}>", i, row.getString("id")); JSONObject value = row.getJSONObject("value"); // Debug restrictions come first. if (value.has("debug") && value.getBoolean("debug") && !debug) { log.debug(" ... is in debug state and debug mode is not set." + " Will not contribute to final data feed."); continue; } if (allowed != null && !allowed.contains(row.getString("id"))) {" ... NOT allowed with supplied credentials! Skipping..."); continue; } GlobalType ty = new GlobalTypeImpl(ScopedGlobalURI.parse(entType)); Map<String, String> jitFunctions = getMicrocompilers(ty, URI.create(row.getString("id"))); log.trace("Microcompilers for {} follow:", URI.create(row.getString("id"))); for (Entry<String, String> entry : jitFunctions.entrySet()) log.trace("{} : {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); String sep = value.getString("sep"); String luri = null; if (sep == null) { log.error("<== FAIL - no query endpoint specified for this dataset. Skipping."); continue; } log.debug(" ... Query endpoint is <{}>", sep); // Look for the localise function in the JIT plan first, then in the dataset document, finally // in the type spec String localise; if (jitFunctions.containsKey("localise")) localise = jitFunctions.get("localise"); else if (value.has("localise")) localise = value.getString("localise"); else localise = localiseFromType(entType); if (localise == null) { log.error("<== FAIL - no localise function specified for this dataset. Skipping."); continue; } Object deal = ScriptUtils.runJs(localise, "localise", new Object[] { guri.getEntityType(), guri instanceof ScopedGlobalURI ? ((ScopedGlobalURI) guri).getIdentifierRealm() : null, guri instanceof ScopedGlobalURI ? ((ScopedGlobalURI) guri).getIdentifyingProperty() : null, guri.getIdentifer() }, String.class); log.debug("<== DONE - Conjunctive query was recompiled to '{}'", deal); luri = (String) deal; if (luri == null || luri.isEmpty()) { log.debug("No local URI could be obtained from dataset <{}>. Skipping", row.getString("id")); continue; } Query query; if (jitFunctions.containsKey("query_text")) { String query_text = jitFunctions.get("query_text"); // FIXME copied from below query_text = query_text.replaceAll("\\[LURI\\]", luri); log.debug(" ... query text: \"{}\"", query_text); if (value.has("dataset")) query = new SparqlTargetedQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, query_text, URI.create(value.getString("dataset"))); else query = new SparqlQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, query_text); } // the dataset spec could have a standard query template else if (value.has("query_tpl")) { log.debug(" ... query template: \"{}\"", value.getString("query_tpl")); URI tgt = URI.create(luri); query = QueryParser.parse(value.getString("query_tpl"), tgt); if (value.has("dataset")) query = query.wrap(URI.create(value.getString("dataset"))); } // or it could have a bespoke query text else if (value.has("query_text")) { String query_text = value.getString("query_text"); query_text = query_text.replaceAll("\\[LURI\\]", luri); log.debug(" ... query text: \"{}\"", query_text); if (value.has("dataset")) query = new SparqlTargetedQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, query_text, URI.create(value.getString("dataset"))); else query = new SparqlQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, query_text); } // otherwise, the type spec could have one else query = queryFromType(entType, luri, value.has("dataset") ? value.getString("dataset") : null); log.debug(" ... Query is \"{}\"", query); if (query != null) { // that sep is not null we already know by now queries.add(query); sparqleps.add(sep); } } if (queries.size() != sparqleps.size()) { log.error("No match for queries and endpoints! #queries = {} , #endpoints = {}", queries.size(), sparqleps.size()); } else for (int j = 0; j < sparqleps.size(); j++) { URI tgt = URI.create(sparqleps.elementAt(j)); if (result.get(tgt) == null) result.put(tgt, new LinkedList<Query>()); result.get(tgt).add(queries.elementAt(j)); } } // If no queries were generated, do general fallback // if (result.isEmpty()) fallbackPostProcess(guri, result); return result; } @Override public Set<URI> getSupportedTypes() { return getSupportedTypes(Collections.<String>emptySet()); } @Override public Set<URI> getSupportedTypes(Set<String> datasetNames) { Set<URI> result = new HashSet<>(); JSONObject typeMap = documentProvider.getView("compile", "typemaps"); JSONArray rows = typeMap.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i); result.add(URI.create(row.getString("key"))); } return result; } @Override public Set<URI> getTypeAliases(GlobalType type) { Set<URI> result = new HashSet<>(); JSONObject typeMap = documentProvider.getView("type", "short-reverse", type.getId().getIdentifer()); JSONArray rows = typeMap.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i); result.add(URI.create(row.getString("value"))); } return result; } @Override public TypeSupport getTypeSupport(GlobalType type) { return getTypeSupport(type, false); } @Override public TypeSupport getTypeSupport(GlobalType type, boolean debug) { TypeSupport result = TypeSupport.create(type);"type {}", type.getId()); JSONObject typeMap = documentProvider.getView("compile", "typedataset", type.getId().toString()); JSONArray rows = typeMap.getJSONArray("rows"); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length(); i++) { JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(i).getJSONObject("value"); log.trace(row.toString()); if (row.has("dataset")) { URI uds = URI.create(row.getString("dataset")); log.debug("Dataset {}", uds); if (row.has("debug") && row.getBoolean("debug") && !debug) { log.debug(" ... is in debug state and debug mode is not set." + " Will not contribute to final data feed."); continue; } result.addDataset(uds); if (row.has("examples")) { log.debug(" ... has examples"); JSONArray exs = row.getJSONArray("examples"); for (int j = 0; j < exs.length(); j++) { String stype = type.getId().toString(); stype = stype.substring(stype.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, stype.length()); GlobalURI exampleId = new CanonicalGlobalURI(stype, exs.getString(j)); result.addExampleInstance(uds, exampleId); } } } } return result; } @Override public Set<Set<URI>> getUnifiers(URI type) { throw new NotImplementedException("NIY"); } private String localiseFromType(String type) { log.debug("Selecting localisation function from type definition '{}'", type); JSONObject typev = documentProvider.getView("compile", "typefunctions", type); JSONArray rows = typev.getJSONArray("rows"); log.debug(" ... Obtained {} types", rows.length()); if (rows.length() == 1) { JSONObject val = rows.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("value"); if (val.has("localise")) { String func = val.getString("localise"); log.debug("localise function follows:\r\n{}", func); return func; } else if (val.has("super")) return localiseFromType(val.getString("super")); } log.warn("Got more than one type functions, will skip type '{}'", type); return null; } /** * Query for retrieving an entity signature based only on its type. * * @param type * @param luri * @return */ private Query queryFromType(String type, String luri, String dataset) { if (luri == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Local URI cannot be null."); log.debug("Extracting query for type '{}'", type); JSONObject typev = documentProvider.getView("compile", "typefunctions", type); JSONArray rows = typev.getJSONArray("rows"); log.debug(" ... Obtained {} types", rows.length()); if (rows.length() == 1) { JSONObject val = rows.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("value"); if (val.has("query_tpl")) { log.trace(" ... Query template is {}", val.getString("query_tpl")); URI tgt = URI.create(luri); Query query = QueryParser.parse(val.getString("query_tpl"), tgt); if (dataset != null) query = query.wrap(URI.create(dataset)); log.trace(" ... Query is {}", query); return query; } else if (val.has("query_text")) { String query_text = val.getString("query_text"); query_text = query_text.replaceAll("\\[LURI\\]", luri); log.trace(" ... query is {}", query_text); Query query; if (dataset != null) query = new SparqlTargetedQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, query_text, URI.create(dataset)); else query = new SparqlQuery(Query.Type.SPARQL_SELECT, query_text); return query; } else if (val.has("super")) return queryFromType(val.getString("super"), luri, dataset); } else log.warn("Got more than one type functions, will skip type '{}'", type); return null; } }