Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Grameen Foundation USA
 * All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
 * See also for an
 * explanation of the license and how it is applied.

package org.mifos.config;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.mifos.config.persistence.ConfigurationPersistence;
import org.mifos.core.MifosRuntimeException;

public class AccountingRules {

    // if you change any of the following values please change the test cases to
    // match these values
    // if any of these configured entries are not defined in the application
    // config file they will get these values
    private static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUNDOFF_MULTIPLE = new BigDecimal("1");
    private static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_FINAL_ROUNDOFF_MULTIPLE = new BigDecimal("1");
    private static final RoundingMode DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUNDING_MODE = RoundingMode.HALF_UP;
    private static final RoundingMode DEFAULT_FINAL_ROUNDING_MODE = RoundingMode.CEILING;
    private static final RoundingMode DEFAULT_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_MODE = RoundingMode.HALF_UP;

     * An internal property which represents the digits before decimal of an amount that can be entered through
     * any User Interface, due to <b>MySQL DECIMAL(21,4)</b> for amount field in database we can store a value of up to 17
     * digits, but some of them are totals.
     * <br /><br />
     * To make sure that totals will not overflow we have allowed 14 as the limit.
     * for details see
    private static final Short DIGITS_BEFORE_DECIMAL_FOR_AMOUNT = 14;

     * An internal property which represents the digits before decimal of an interest that can be entered through
     * any User Interface, due to <b>MySQL DECIMAL(13,10)</b> for interest field in database we can store a value of up to 13
     * digits, but some of them are totals.
     * <br /><br />
     * To make sure that totals will not overflow we have allowed 10 as the limit.
     * for details see
    private static final Short DIGITS_BEFORE_DECIMAL_FOR_INTEREST = 10;

    private static final Short DIGITS_BEFORE_DECIMAL_FOR_CASH_FLOW_VALIDATIONS = 10;

    // FIXME: we should use a standard caching mechanism rather than ad hoc caches like
    // this.  Also, we need to consider if this should be thread safe since this initial
    // implementation is not thread safe for initialization.  Re-initialization should
    // only happen for test cases, so that most likely is okay.  Adding some
    // synchronization could make it thread safe, but this will be accessed every time
    // a non-default currency is read from the database, so care needs to be taken
    // regarding performance.
    private static final LinkedList<MifosCurrency> currencies = new LinkedList<MifosCurrency>();

     * Allow for reloading the currencies if the configuration has been changed during testing.
    public static void init() {

    public static MifosCurrency getMifosCurrency(ConfigurationPersistence configurationPersistence) {
        return getMifosCurrency(getDefaultCurrencyCode(), configurationPersistence);

    public static MifosCurrency getMifosCurrency(String currencyCode,
            ConfigurationPersistence configurationPersistence) {
        MifosCurrency currency = configurationPersistence.getCurrency(currencyCode);
        if (currency == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Can't find in the database the currency define in the config file " + currencyCode);
        Short digitsAfterDecimal = getDigitsAfterDecimal(currency);
        BigDecimal amountToBeRoundedTo = getAmountToBeRoundedTo(currency.getRoundingAmount());
        return new MifosCurrency(currency.getCurrencyId(), currency.getCurrencyName(), amountToBeRoundedTo,

     * Gets the List of currencies configured to use in Mifos,
     * the first element will be the default currency.
     * @return List of currencies
    public static LinkedList<MifosCurrency> getCurrencies() {
        if (currencies.size() == 0) {
            currencies.add(AccountingRules.getMifosCurrency(new ConfigurationPersistence()));
            ConfigurationPersistence configurationPersistence = new ConfigurationPersistence();
            for (String currencyCode : AccountingRules.getAdditionalCurrencyCodes()) {
                currencies.add(getMifosCurrency(currencyCode, configurationPersistence));
        return currencies;

     * Gets the currency by currency id from the list of currencies configured to used in Mifos
     * {@link AccountingRules#getCurrencies()}
     * @param currencyId
     * @return {@link MifosCurrency}
    public static MifosCurrency getCurrencyByCurrencyId(Short currencyId) {
        LinkedList<MifosCurrency> currencies = getCurrencies();
        Iterator<MifosCurrency> i = currencies.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            MifosCurrency a =;
            if (a.getCurrencyId().equals(currencyId)) {
                return a;
        throw new MifosRuntimeException("Unable to find currency with id: " + currencyId
                + ". You may be missing an entry for the currency with this id in "
                + MifosConfigurationManager.CUSTOM_CONFIG_PROPS_FILENAME + ".");

    public static String getDefaultCurrencyCode() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getString(AccountingRulesConstants.CURRENCY_CODE);

     * suppress unchecked casts to allow genericized List<String> to be used by
     * callers
    public static List<String> getAdditionalCurrencyCodes() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getList(AccountingRulesConstants.ADDITIONAL_CURRENCY_CODES);

    public static Double getMaxInterest() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MAX_INTEREST);

    public static Double getMinInterest() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MIN_INTEREST);

    public static Double getMaxCashFlowThreshold() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MAX_CASH_FLOW_THRESHOLD);

    public static Double getMinCashFlowThreshold() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MIN_CASH_FLOW_THRESHOLD);

    public static Double getMaxIndebtednessRatio() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MAX_INDEBTEDNESS_RATIO);

    public static Double getMinIndebtednessRatio() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MIN_INDEBTEDNESS_RATIO);

    public static Double getMaxRepaymentCapacity() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MAX_REPAYMENT_CAPACITY);

    public static Double getMinRepaymentCapacity() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getDouble(AccountingRulesConstants.MIN_REPAYMENT_CAPACITY);

    public static Short getDigitsAfterDecimal() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().getShort(AccountingRulesConstants.DIGITS_AFTER_DECIMAL);

    public static Short getDigitsAfterDecimal(final MifosCurrency currency) {
        if (currency == null)
            return getDigitsAfterDecimal();
        final String code = currency.getCurrencyCode();
        if (getDefaultCurrencyCode().equals(code)) {
            return getDigitsAfterDecimal();
        if (!getAdditionalCurrencyCodes().contains(code)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Currency not configured. %s. Default currency is: %s",
                    currency, getDefaultCurrencyCode()));
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()
                .getShort(AccountingRulesConstants.DIGITS_AFTER_DECIMAL + "." + code, getDigitsAfterDecimal());

    public static Short getDigitsBeforeDecimal() {

    public static Short getDigitsBeforeDecimalForInterest() {

    public static Short getDigitsAfterDecimalForInterest() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()

    public static Short getDigitsBeforeDecimalForCashFlowValidations() {

    public static Short getDigitsAfterDecimalForCashFlowValidations() {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()

    // the defaultValue passed in should be the value from database
    public static BigDecimal getAmountToBeRoundedTo(BigDecimal defaultValue) {
        return MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()
                .getBigDecimal(AccountingRulesConstants.AMOUNT_TO_BE_ROUNDED_TO, defaultValue);

    public static Short getRoundingMode(Short defaultValue) {
        Short mode;
        MifosConfigurationManager configMgr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        if (configMgr.containsKey(AccountingRulesConstants.ROUNDING_RULE)) {
            String returnStr = configMgr.getString(AccountingRulesConstants.ROUNDING_RULE);
            if (returnStr.equals("FLOOR")) {
                mode = MifosCurrency.FLOOR_MODE;
            } else if (returnStr.equals("CEILING")) {
                mode = MifosCurrency.CEILING_MODE;
            } else if (returnStr.equals("HALF_UP")) {
                mode = MifosCurrency.HALF_UP_MODE;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "The rounding mode defined in the config file is not CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP. It is "
                                + returnStr);
        } else {
            mode = defaultValue;
        return mode;

     * Expected to return either 360 or 365
    public static Short getNumberOfInterestDays() {
        Short days = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()
        if ((days != 365) && (days != 360)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid number of interest days defined in property file " + days);
        return days;

     * Head Office can specify whether/not system will accept back-dated
     * transactions. This is an MFI-wide setting and will be applicable to all
     * transactions in all offices for all loans, savings and client accounts.
     * By default, backdated transactions should be allowed. If the setting is
     * changed it only applies to future transactions
     * <ul>
     * <li>If "true", user can enter transactions dated earlier than current
     * date (but later than last meeting date).</li>
     * <li>If "false", user can only enter transactions dated with the current
     * date. Also, "date of transaction" for bulk entry will always be the
     * current date.</li>
     * </ul>
    public static boolean isBackDatedTxnAllowed() {
        MifosConfigurationManager cm = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        return cm.getBoolean(AccountingRulesConstants.BACKDATED_TRANSACTIONS_ALLOWED);

    public static Boolean isMultiCurrencyEnabled() {
        if (getAdditionalCurrencyCodes().isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public static RoundingMode getInitialRoundingMode() {
        MifosConfigurationManager configMgr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        String modeStr = configMgr.getString(AccountingRulesConstants.INITIAL_ROUNDING_MODE);
        return getRoundingModeFromString(modeStr, "InitialRoundingMode", DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUNDING_MODE);

    private static RoundingMode getRoundingModeFromString(String modeStr, String type,
            RoundingMode defaultRoundingMode) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(modeStr)) {
            return defaultRoundingMode;
        RoundingMode mode = null;
        if (modeStr.equals("FLOOR")) {
            mode = RoundingMode.FLOOR;
        } else if (modeStr.equals("CEILING")) {
            mode = RoundingMode.CEILING;
        } else if (modeStr.equals("HALF_UP")) {
            mode = RoundingMode.HALF_UP;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    type + " defined in the config file is not CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP. It is " + modeStr);
        return mode;

    public static RoundingMode getFinalRoundingMode() {
        MifosConfigurationManager configMgr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        String modeStr = configMgr.getString(AccountingRulesConstants.FINAL_ROUNDING_MODE);
        return getRoundingModeFromString(modeStr, "FinalRoundingMode", DEFAULT_FINAL_ROUNDING_MODE);

    private static BigDecimal getRoundOffMultipleFromString(String roundOffStr,
            BigDecimal defaultRoundOffMultiple) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(roundOffStr)) {
            return defaultRoundOffMultiple;
        return new BigDecimal(roundOffStr);

    public static BigDecimal getInitialRoundOffMultiple() {
        MifosConfigurationManager configMgr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        String modeStr = configMgr.getString(AccountingRulesConstants.INITIAL_ROUND_OFF_MULTIPLE);
        return getRoundOffMultipleFromString(modeStr, DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUNDOFF_MULTIPLE);

    public static BigDecimal getInitialRoundOffMultiple(final MifosCurrency currency) {
        final String code = currency.getCurrencyCode();
        if (getDefaultCurrencyCode().equals(code)) {
            return getInitialRoundOffMultiple();
        if (!getAdditionalCurrencyCodes().contains(code)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currency not configured. " + currency);
        String modeStr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()
                .getString(AccountingRulesConstants.INITIAL_ROUND_OFF_MULTIPLE + "." + code);
        return getRoundOffMultipleFromString(modeStr, DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUNDOFF_MULTIPLE);

    public static BigDecimal getFinalRoundOffMultiple() {
        MifosConfigurationManager configMgr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        String modeStr = configMgr.getString(AccountingRulesConstants.FINAL_ROUND_OFF_MULTIPLE);
        return getRoundOffMultipleFromString(modeStr, DEFAULT_FINAL_ROUNDOFF_MULTIPLE);

    public static BigDecimal getFinalRoundOffMultiple(final MifosCurrency currency) {
        final String code = currency.getCurrencyCode();
        if (getDefaultCurrencyCode().equals(code)) {
            return getFinalRoundOffMultiple();
        if (!getAdditionalCurrencyCodes().contains(code)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currency not configured. " + currency);
        String modeStr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance()
                .getString(AccountingRulesConstants.FINAL_ROUND_OFF_MULTIPLE + "." + code);
        return getRoundOffMultipleFromString(modeStr, DEFAULT_FINAL_ROUNDOFF_MULTIPLE);

    public static RoundingMode getCurrencyRoundingMode() {
        MifosConfigurationManager configMgr = MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance();
        String modeStr = configMgr.getString(AccountingRulesConstants.CURRENCY_ROUNDING_MODE);
        return getRoundingModeFromString(modeStr, "CurrencyRoundingMode", DEFAULT_CURRENCY_ROUNDING_MODE);

     * Return a decimal corresponding to the number of digits after the decimal.
     * For example 2 digits after the decimal should map to 0.01, one digit to
     * 0.1
    public static BigDecimal getDigitsAfterDecimalMultiple(MifosCurrency currency) {
        int digitsAfterDecimal = getDigitsAfterDecimal(currency).intValue();
        if (digitsAfterDecimal >= 0) {
            BigDecimal divisor = new BigDecimal("10").pow(digitsAfterDecimal);
            return new BigDecimal("1").divide(divisor);
        return new BigDecimal("10").pow(-digitsAfterDecimal);

    public static void setDigitsAfterDecimal(Short value) {
        MifosConfigurationManager.getInstance().setProperty(AccountingRulesConstants.DIGITS_AFTER_DECIMAL, value);

    public static void setDigitsAfterDecimalForInterest(Short value) {
                .setProperty(AccountingRulesConstants.DIGITS_AFTER_DECIMAL_FOR_INTEREST, value);

    public static void setRoundingRule(RoundingMode mode) {

    public static void setFinalRoundOffMultiple(BigDecimal finalRoundOffMultiple) {

    public static void setInitialRoundOffMultiple(BigDecimal initialRoundOffMultiple) {

    public static void setCurrencyRoundingMode(RoundingMode currencyRoundingMode) {

    public static void setInitialRoundingMode(RoundingMode intialRoundingMode) {

    public static void setFinalRoundingMode(RoundingMode finalRoundingMode) {

    public static void setBackDatedTransactionsAllowed(Boolean value) {

    public static void setMaxInterest(BigDecimal maxInterest) {

    public static void setMinInterest(BigDecimal minInterest) {

    public static void setNumberOfInterestDays(Integer numberOfInterestDays) {
