Java tutorial
package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.os.Environment; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.cache.disc.impl.UnlimitedDiscCache; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.DisplayImageOptions; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoader; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoaderConfiguration; import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.display.FadeInBitmapDisplayer; import org.mewx.wenku8.MyApp; import org.mewx.wenku8.R; import; import org.mewx.wenku8.util.LightCache; import org.mewx.wenku8.util.LightNetwork; import org.mewx.wenku8.util.LightTool; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created by MewX on 2015/1/20. * * ???? */ @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" }) public class GlobalConfig { public static final String saveFolderName = "saves"; public static final String imgsSaveFolderName = "imgs"; public static final String customFolderName = "custom"; private static final String saveSearchHistoryFileName = "search_history.wk8"; private static final String saveReadSavesFileName = "read_saves.wk8"; private static final String saveReadSavesV1FileName = "read_saves_v1.wk8"; private static final String saveLocalBookshelfFileName = "bookshelf_local.wk8"; private static final String saveSetting = "settings.wk8"; private static final String saveUserAccountFileName = "cert.wk8"; // certification file private static final String saveUserAvatarFileName = "avatar.jpg"; private static int maxSearchHistory = 20; // default // vars private static boolean isInBookshelf = false; private static boolean isInLatest = false; private static boolean doLoadImage = true; private static boolean FirstStoragePathStatus = true; private static Wenku8API.LANG currentLang = Wenku8API.LANG.SC; public static String pathPickedSave; // dir picker save path // static variables private static ArrayList<String> searchHistory = null; private static ArrayList<ReadSaves> readSaves = null; // deprecated private static ArrayList<Integer> bookshelf = null; private static ArrayList<ReadSavesV1> readSavesV1 = null; // deprecated private static ContentValues allSetting = null; /** Structures */ public static class ReadSaves { // deprecated public int cid; public int pos; // last time scroll Y pos public int height; // last time scroll Y height } public static class ReadSavesV1 { // deprecated public int aid; public int vid; public int cid; public int lineId; public int wordId; } public enum SettingItems { version, // (int) 1 language, menu_bg_id, // (int) 1-5 by system, 0 for user menu_bg_path, // (String) for user custom reader_font_path, // (String) path to ttf, "0" means default reader_font_size, // (int) sp (8 - 32) reader_line_distance, // (int) dp (0 - 32) reader_paragraph_distance, // (int) dp (0 - 48) reader_paragraph_edge_distance, // (int) dp (0 - 16) reader_background_path, // (String) path to an image, day mode only, "0" means default } // sets and gets public static void setCurrentLang(Wenku8API.LANG l) { currentLang = l; setToAllSetting(SettingItems.language, currentLang.toString()); } public static Wenku8API.LANG getCurrentLang() { String temp = getFromAllSetting(SettingItems.language); if (temp == null) { setToAllSetting(SettingItems.language, currentLang.toString()); } else if (!temp.equals(currentLang.toString())) { if (temp.equals(Wenku8API.LANG.SC.toString())) currentLang = Wenku8API.LANG.SC; else if (temp.equals(Wenku8API.LANG.TC.toString())) currentLang = Wenku8API.LANG.TC; else currentLang = Wenku8API.LANG.SC; } return currentLang; } // external libs private static Cache volleyCache = null; private static Network volleyNetwork = null; public static RequestQueue volleyRequestQueue = null; // global configs, need to call first public static void initVolleyNetwork() { if (volleyRequestQueue != null) return; // volleyCache = new DiskBasedCache(new File(getSecondStoragePath()), 1024 * 1024); // 1MB cap // volleyNetwork = new BasicNetwork(new HurlStack()); // volleyRequestQueue = new RequestQueue(volleyCache, volleyNetwork); volleyRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(MyApp.getContext()); if (volleyRequestQueue == null) { Log.e("MewX", "GlobalConfig:initVolleyNetwork volleyRequestQueue is NULL"); } } public static void initImageLoader(Context context) { UnlimitedDiscCache localUnlimitedDiscCache = new UnlimitedDiscCache( new File(GlobalConfig.getFirstStoragePath() + "cache"), new File(context.getCacheDir() + File.separator + "imgs")); DisplayImageOptions localDisplayImageOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder() .resetViewBeforeLoading(true).cacheOnDisk(true).cacheInMemory(true) .bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565).resetViewBeforeLoading(true) .displayer(new FadeInBitmapDisplayer(250)).build(); ImageLoaderConfiguration localImageLoaderConfiguration = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(context) .diskCache(localUnlimitedDiscCache).defaultDisplayImageOptions(localDisplayImageOptions).build(); ImageLoader.getInstance().init(localImageLoaderConfiguration); } // settings public static String getOpensourceLicense() { InputStream is = MyApp.getContext().getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.license); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * ??? * @param a true-??; false-??? */ public static void setFirstStoragePathStatus(boolean a) { } public static String getFirstStoragePath() { return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + File.separator + "wenku8" + File.separator; } public static String getSecondStoragePath() { return MyApp.getContext().getFilesDir() + File.separator; } public static String getDefaultStoragePath() { return FirstStoragePathStatus ? getFirstStoragePath() : getSecondStoragePath(); } public static boolean doCacheImage() { // for non-image mode return doLoadImage; // when cache, cache images } public static int getShowTextSize() { return 18; // in "sp" } public static int getShowTextPaddingTop() { return 48; // in "dp" } public static int getShowTextPaddingLeft() { return 32; // in "dp" } public static int getShowTextPaddingRight() { return 32; // in "dp" } public static int getTextLoadWay() { // 0 - Always load from online, when WLAN available // 1 - Load locally first, then considerate online // 2 - In bookshelf do (1), else do (0) return 2; } public static String getFirstFullSaveFilePath() { return getFirstStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator; } public static String getSecondFullSaveFilePath() { return getSecondStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator; } public static String getFirstFullUserAccountSaveFilePath() { return getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + saveUserAccountFileName; } public static String getSecondFullUserAccountSaveFilePath() { return getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + saveUserAccountFileName; } public static String getFirstUserAvatarSaveFilePath() { return getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + saveUserAvatarFileName; } public static String getSecondUserAvatarSaveFilePath() { return getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + saveUserAvatarFileName; } /** * Extract image name. * @param url <!--image--><!--image--> * @return pictures113054175950471.jpg */ public static String generateImageFileNameByURL(String url) { String[] s = url.split("/"); String result = ""; boolean canStart = false; for (String temp : s) { if (!canStart && temp.contains(".")) canStart = true; // judge canStart first else if (canStart) result += temp; } return result; } private static String loadFullSaveFileContent(String FileName) { // get full file in file save path String h = ""; if (LightCache.testFileExist(getFirstStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator + FileName)) { try { byte[] b = LightCache.loadFile(getFirstStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator + FileName); if (b == null) return ""; h = new String(b, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (LightCache.testFileExist(getSecondStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator + FileName)) { try { byte[] b = LightCache.loadFile(getSecondStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator + FileName); if (b == null) return ""; h = new String(b, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return h; } private static boolean writeFullSaveFileContent(String FileName, String s) { // process path and filename String path = "", fileName = FileName; if (FileName.contains(File.separator)) { path = FileName.substring(0, FileName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); fileName = FileName.substring(FileName.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + File.separator.length(), FileName.length()); } // write save file in save path if (!LightCache.saveFile(getFirstStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator + path, fileName, s.getBytes(), true)) // if not exist return LightCache.saveFile(getSecondStoragePath() + saveFolderName + File.separator + path, fileName, s.getBytes(), true); return true; } public static String loadFullFileFromSaveFolder(String subFolderName, String fileName) { return loadFullSaveFileContent(subFolderName + File.separator + fileName); } public static boolean writeFullFileIntoSaveFolder(String subFolderName, String fileName, String s) { // input no separator return writeFullSaveFileContent(subFolderName + File.separator + fileName, s); } /** Book shelf */ public static void loadLocalBookShelf() { // Format: // aid||aid||aid // the file just saves the aid list bookshelf = new ArrayList<>(); String h = loadFullSaveFileContent(saveLocalBookshelfFileName); String[] p = h.split("\\|\\|"); // regular expression for (String t : p) { if (t.equals("")) continue; bookshelf.add(Integer.valueOf(t)); } } public static void writeLocalBookShelf() { if (bookshelf == null) loadLocalBookShelf(); String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bookshelf.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) s += "||"; s += bookshelf.get(i); } writeFullSaveFileContent(saveLocalBookshelfFileName, s); } public static void addToLocalBookshelf(int aid) { if (bookshelf == null) loadLocalBookShelf(); if (bookshelf.indexOf(aid) == -1) bookshelf.add(0, aid); // add to the first place writeLocalBookShelf(); } public static void removeFromLocalBookshelf(int aid) { if (bookshelf == null) loadLocalBookShelf(); int i = bookshelf.indexOf(aid); if (i != -1) bookshelf.remove(i); writeLocalBookShelf(); } public static ArrayList<Integer> getLocalBookshelfList() { if (bookshelf == null) loadLocalBookShelf(); return bookshelf; } public static boolean testInLocalBookshelf(int aid) { if (bookshelf == null) loadLocalBookShelf(); return bookshelf.indexOf(aid) != -1; } public static void accessToLocalBookshelf(int aid) { int temp = bookshelf.indexOf(aid); if (aid == -1) return; bookshelf.remove(temp); bookshelf.add(0, aid); writeLocalBookShelf(); } public static boolean testInBookshelf() { return isInBookshelf; } public static void EnterBookshelf() { isInBookshelf = true; } public static void LeaveBookshelf() { isInBookshelf = false; } public static boolean testInLatest() { return isInLatest; } public static void EnterLatest() { isInLatest = true; } public static void LeaveLatest() { isInLatest = false; } /** search history */ public static void readSearchHistory() { // always initial empty searchHistory = new ArrayList<>(); // read history from file, if not exist, create. String h = loadFullSaveFileContent(saveSearchHistoryFileName); // separate the read string int i = 0, temp; while (true) { temp = h.indexOf("[", i); // find '[' if (temp == -1) break; i = temp + 1; temp = h.indexOf("]", i); // get ']' if (temp == -1) break; // ok, get a part searchHistory.add(h.substring(i, temp)); } } public static void writeSearchHistory() { // [0what][1what]... String temp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < searchHistory.size(); i++) { temp += "[" + searchHistory.get(i) + "]"; } // write file writeFullSaveFileContent(saveSearchHistoryFileName, temp); } public static ArrayList<String> getSearchHistory() { if (searchHistory == null) readSearchHistory(); return searchHistory; } public static void addSearchHistory(String record) { // record begins with a number, which represent its type if (searchHistory == null) readSearchHistory(); if (searchHistory.indexOf("[") != -1) return; // harmful // remove same thing while (true) { int pos = searchHistory.indexOf(record); if (pos < 0) break; else searchHistory.remove(pos); } while (searchHistory.size() >= maxSearchHistory) searchHistory.remove(maxSearchHistory - 1); // remove the last searchHistory.add(0, record); // add to the first place writeSearchHistory(); // save history file } public static void deleteSearchHistory(String record) { // record begins with a number, which represent its type if (searchHistory == null) readSearchHistory(); if (searchHistory.indexOf("[") != -1) return; // harmful // remove same thing while (true) { int pos = searchHistory.indexOf(record); if (pos < 0) break; else searchHistory.remove(pos); } writeSearchHistory(); // save history file } @Deprecated public static void onSearchClicked(int index) { if (index >= searchHistory.size()) return; String temp = searchHistory.get(index); searchHistory.remove(index); searchHistory.add(0, temp); writeSearchHistory(); // save history file } public static void clearSearchHistory() { searchHistory = new ArrayList<>(); writeSearchHistory(); // save history file } public static int getMaxSearchHistory() { return maxSearchHistory; } public static void setMaxSearchHistory(int size) { if (size > 0) maxSearchHistory = size; } /** Read Saves (Old) */ public static void loadReadSaves() { // Format: // cid,,pos,,height||cid,,pos,,height // just use split function readSaves = new ArrayList<>(); // read history from file, if not exist, create. String h = loadFullSaveFileContent(saveReadSavesFileName); // split string h String[] p = h.split("\\|\\|"); // regular expression for (String temp : p) { Log.v("MewX", temp); String[] parts = temp.split(",,"); if (parts.length != 3) continue; ReadSaves rs = new ReadSaves(); rs.cid = Integer.valueOf(parts[0]); rs.pos = Integer.valueOf(parts[1]); rs.height = Integer.valueOf(parts[2]); readSaves.add(rs); } } public static void writeReadSaves() { if (readSaves == null) loadReadSaves(); String t = ""; for (int i = 0; i < readSaves.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) t += "||"; t += readSaves.get(i).cid + ",," + readSaves.get(i).pos + ",," + readSaves.get(i).height; } writeFullSaveFileContent(saveReadSavesFileName, t); } public static void addReadSavesRecord(int c, int p, int h) { if (p < 100) return; // no necessary to save it if (readSaves == null) loadReadSaves(); // judge if exist, and if legal, update it for (int i = 0; i < readSaves.size(); i++) { if (readSaves.get(i).cid == c) { // judge if need to update readSaves.get(i).pos = p; readSaves.get(i).height = h; writeReadSaves(); return; } } // new record ReadSaves rs = new ReadSaves(); rs.cid = c; rs.pos = p; rs.height = h; readSaves.add(rs); writeReadSaves(); } public static int getReadSavesRecord(int c, int h) { if (readSaves == null) loadReadSaves(); for (int i = 0; i < readSaves.size(); i++) { if (readSaves.get(i).cid == c) { // return h * readSaves.get(i).pos / readSaves.get(i).height; return readSaves.get(i).pos; } } // by default return 0; } /** Read Saves (V1) */ public static void loadReadSavesV1() { // Format: // cid,,pos,,height||cid,,pos,,height // just use split function readSavesV1 = new ArrayList<>(); // read history from file, if not exist, create. String h = loadFullSaveFileContent(saveReadSavesV1FileName); // split string h String[] p = h.split("\\|\\|"); // regular expression OutLoop: for (String temp : p) { Log.v("MewX", temp); String[] parts = temp.split(":"); // \\: if (parts.length != 5) continue; // judge legal for (String str : parts) if (!LightTool.isInteger(str)) continue OutLoop; // add to list ReadSavesV1 rs = new ReadSavesV1(); rs.aid = Integer.valueOf(parts[0]); rs.vid = Integer.valueOf(parts[1]); rs.cid = Integer.valueOf(parts[2]); rs.lineId = Integer.valueOf(parts[3]); rs.wordId = Integer.valueOf(parts[4]); readSavesV1.add(rs); } } public static void writeReadSavesV1() { if (readSavesV1 == null) loadReadSavesV1(); String t = ""; for (int i = 0; i < readSavesV1.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) t += "||"; t += readSavesV1.get(i).aid + ":" + readSavesV1.get(i).vid + ":" + readSavesV1.get(i).cid + ":" + readSavesV1.get(i).lineId + ":" + readSavesV1.get(i).wordId; } writeFullSaveFileContent(saveReadSavesV1FileName, t); } public static void addReadSavesRecordV1(int aid, int vid, int cid, int lineId, int wordId) { if (readSavesV1 == null) loadReadSavesV1(); // judge if exist, and if legal, update it for (int i = 0; i < readSavesV1.size(); i++) { if (readSavesV1.get(i).aid == aid) { // need to update readSavesV1.get(i).vid = vid; readSavesV1.get(i).cid = cid; readSavesV1.get(i).lineId = lineId; readSavesV1.get(i).wordId = wordId; writeReadSavesV1(); return; } } // new record ReadSavesV1 rs = new ReadSavesV1(); rs.aid = aid; rs.vid = vid; rs.cid = cid; rs.lineId = lineId; rs.wordId = wordId; readSavesV1.add(rs); writeReadSavesV1(); } public static void removeReadSavesRecordV1(int aid) { if (readSavesV1 == null) loadReadSavesV1(); int i = 0; for (; i < readSavesV1.size(); i++) { if (readSavesV1.get(i).aid == aid) break; } if (i < readSavesV1.size()) readSavesV1.remove(i); writeReadSavesV1(); } @Nullable public static ReadSavesV1 getReadSavesRecordV1(int aid) { if (readSavesV1 == null) loadReadSavesV1(); for (int i = 0; i < readSavesV1.size(); i++) { if (readSavesV1.get(i).aid == aid) return readSavesV1.get(i); } return null; } /** All settings */ public static void loadAllSetting() { allSetting = new ContentValues(); String h = loadFullSaveFileContent(saveSetting); String[] sets = h.split("\\|\\|\\|\\|"); for (String set : sets) { String[] temp = set.split("::::"); if (temp.length != 2 || temp[0] == null || temp[0].length() == 0 || temp[1] == null || temp[1].length() == 0) continue; allSetting.put(temp[0], temp[1]); } if (getFromAllSetting(SettingItems.version) == null || getFromAllSetting(SettingItems.version).equals("")) setToAllSetting(SettingItems.version, "1"); } public static void saveAllSetting() { if (allSetting == null) loadAllSetting(); String result = ""; for (String key : allSetting.keySet()) { if (!result.equals("")) result = result + "||||"; result = result + key + "::::" + allSetting.getAsString(key); } writeFullSaveFileContent(saveSetting, result); } @Nullable public static String getFromAllSetting(SettingItems name) { if (allSetting == null) loadAllSetting(); return allSetting.getAsString(name.toString()); } public static void setToAllSetting(SettingItems name, String value) { if (allSetting == null) loadAllSetting(); if (name != null && value != null) { allSetting.remove(name.toString()); allSetting.put(name.toString(), value); saveAllSetting(); } } /** Novel content */ /** * saveNovelContentImage: * * Async get image url and download to save folder's image folder * * @param url * : full http url of target image * @return if file finally exist, if already exist before saving, still * return true; if finally the file does not exist, return false. */ public static boolean saveNovelContentImage(String url) { String imgFileName = generateImageFileNameByURL(url); if (!LightCache .testFileExist(getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator + imgFileName) && !LightCache.testFileExist( getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator + imgFileName)) { // neither of the file exist byte[] fileContent = LightNetwork.LightHttpDownload(url); if (fileContent == null) return false; // network error return LightCache.saveFile(getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator, imgFileName, fileContent, true) || LightCache.saveFile(getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator, imgFileName, fileContent, true); } return true; // file exist } /** * removeNovelContentImage: * * get image url and delete the corresponding local file * * @param url * : full http url of target image * @return true if file deleted successfully. */ public static boolean removeNovelContentImage(String url) { String imgFileName = generateImageFileNameByURL(url); // in fact, one of them deleted is ok, so use "or" return LightCache.deleteFile(getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator, imgFileName) || LightCache.deleteFile(getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator, imgFileName); } /** * getAvailableNovolContentImagePath: * * get available local saving path of target image. * * @param fileName * : just need the fileName * @return direct fileName or just null */ public static String getAvailableNovolContentImagePath(String fileName) { if (LightCache.testFileExist(getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator + fileName)) { return getFirstFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator + fileName; } else if (LightCache .testFileExist(getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator + fileName)) { return getSecondFullSaveFilePath() + imgsSaveFolderName + File.separator + fileName; } else return null; } public static boolean isNetworkAvailable(Context context) { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (cm != null) { NetworkInfo[] info = cm.getAllNetworkInfo(); if (info != null) { for (NetworkInfo ni : info) { if (ni.getState() == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED) return true; } } } return false; } }