Java tutorial
/* begin license * * * "Meresco Lucene" is a set of components and tools to integrate Lucene (based on PyLucene) into Meresco * * Copyright (C) 2015 Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Seecr (Seek You Too B.V.) * * This file is part of "Meresco Lucene" * * "Meresco Lucene" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * "Meresco Lucene" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with "Meresco Lucene"; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * end license */ package org.meresco.lucene; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField; import org.apache.lucene.facet.DrillDownQuery; import org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetResult; import org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetsConfig; import org.apache.lucene.facet.LabelAndValue; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.CachedOrdinalsReader; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.DocValuesOrdinalsReader; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.OrdinalsReader; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.SearcherTaxonomyManager; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.SearcherTaxonomyManager.SearcherAndTaxonomy; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.TaxonomyReader; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.TaxonomyReader.ChildrenIterator; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.LruTaxonomyWriterCache; import org.apache.lucene.index.Fields; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig; import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiFields; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy; import org.apache.lucene.queries.ChainedFilter; import org.apache.lucene.queries.CommonTermsQuery; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.OpenBitSet; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.meresco.lucene.LuceneResponse.ClusterHit; import org.meresco.lucene.LuceneResponse.DedupHit; import org.meresco.lucene.LuceneResponse.DrilldownData; import org.meresco.lucene.LuceneResponse.GroupingHit; import org.meresco.lucene.LuceneResponse.Hit; import org.meresco.lucene.QueryConverter.FacetRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Lucene { @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class UninitializedException extends Exception { } public static final String ID_FIELD = "__id__"; private int commitCount = 0; private Timer commitTimer; public String name; private File stateDir; private Map<String, CachedOrdinalsReader> cachedOrdinalsReader = new HashMap<String, CachedOrdinalsReader>(); private DirectSpellChecker spellChecker = new DirectSpellChecker(); LuceneData data = new LuceneData(); public Lucene(String name, File stateDir) { = name; this.stateDir = stateDir; } public Lucene(File stateDir, LuceneSettings settings) throws Exception { this(null, stateDir, settings); } public Lucene(String name, File stateDir, LuceneSettings settings) throws Exception { = name; this.stateDir = stateDir; initSettings(settings); } public void initSettings(LuceneSettings settings) throws Exception { data.initSettings(stateDir, settings); } public LuceneSettings getSettings() throws Exception { return; } public boolean hasSettings() { return; } public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (commitTimer != null) commitTimer.cancel();; } public void addDocument(Document doc) throws Exception { doc = data.getFacetsConfig().build(data.getTaxoWriter(), doc); data.getIndexWriter().addDocument(doc); maybeCommitAfterUpdate(); } public void addDocument(String identifier, Document doc) throws Exception { doc.add(new StringField(ID_FIELD, identifier, Store.YES)); doc = data.getFacetsConfig().build(data.getTaxoWriter(), doc); data.getIndexWriter().updateDocument(new Term(ID_FIELD, identifier), doc); maybeCommitAfterUpdate(); } public void deleteDocument(String identifier) throws Exception { data.getIndexWriter().deleteDocuments(new Term(ID_FIELD, identifier)); maybeCommitAfterUpdate(); } public void maybeCommitAfterUpdate() throws Exception { commitCount++; LuceneSettings settings = data.getSettings(); if (commitCount >= settings.commitCount) { commit(); return; } if (commitTimer == null) { TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { commit(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } }; commitTimer = new Timer(); commitTimer.schedule(timerTask, settings.commitTimeout * 1000); } } public synchronized void commit() throws Exception { commitCount = 0; if (commitTimer != null) { commitTimer.cancel(); commitTimer.purge(); commitTimer = null; } data.commit(); } public LuceneResponse executeQuery(QueryData q) throws Throwable { return executeQuery(q, null, null, null, null, null); } public LuceneResponse executeQuery(Query query) throws Throwable { QueryData q = new QueryData(); q.query = query; return executeQuery(q, null, null, null, null, null); } public LuceneResponse executeQuery(Query query, int start, int stop) throws Throwable { QueryData q = new QueryData(); q.query = query; q.start = start; q.stop = stop; return executeQuery(q, null, null, null, null, null); } public LuceneResponse executeQuery(Query query, List<FacetRequest> facets) throws Throwable { QueryData q = new QueryData(); q.query = query; q.facets = facets; return executeQuery(q, null, null, null, null, null); } public LuceneResponse executeQuery(QueryData q, List<Query> filterQueries, List<String[]> drilldownQueries, List<Filter> filters, List<AggregateScoreSuperCollector> scoreCollectors, Collection<KeySuperCollector> keyCollectors) throws Throwable { int totalHits; List<LuceneResponse.Hit> hits; Collectors collectors = null; Map<String, Long> times = new HashMap<>(); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int topCollectorStop = q.stop; SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { while (true) { ClusterConfig clusterConfig = null; if (q.clustering) { clusterConfig = q.clusterConfig; if (clusterConfig == null) { clusterConfig = data.getSettings().clusterConfig; } } collectors = createCollectors(q, topCollectorStop + (q.clustering ? clusterConfig.clusterMoreRecords : 0), keyCollectors, scoreCollectors, reference); Filter f = filtersFor(filterQueries, filters == null ? null : filters.toArray(new Filter[0])); Query query = q.query; if (drilldownQueries != null) query = createDrilldownQuery(query, drilldownQueries); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); ((SuperIndexSearcher) reference.searcher).search(query, f, collectors.root); times.put("searchTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); totalHits = collectors.topCollector.getTotalHits(); if (q.clustering) { t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); hits = clusterTopDocsResponse(q, collectors, times, reference.searcher.getIndexReader(), clusterConfig); times.put("totalClusterTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); } else { t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); hits = topDocsResponse(q, collectors); times.put("topDocsTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); } if (hits.size() == q.stop - q.start || topCollectorStop >= totalHits) break; topCollectorStop *= 10; if (topCollectorStop > 10000) { break; } } LuceneResponse response = new LuceneResponse(totalHits); if (collectors.dedupCollector != null) response.totalWithDuplicates = collectors.dedupCollector.getTotalHits(); response.hits = hits; if (collectors.facetCollector != null) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); response.drilldownData = facetResult(collectors.facetCollector, q.facets); times.put("facetTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); } if (q.suggestionRequest != null) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); HashMap<String, SuggestWord[]> result = new HashMap<>(); for (String suggest : q.suggestionRequest.suggests) result.put(suggest, suggest(suggest, q.suggestionRequest.count, q.suggestionRequest.field)); times.put("suggestionTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); response.suggestions = result; } response.times = times; response.queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; return response; } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } private List<Hit> clusterTopDocsResponse(QueryData q, Collectors collectors, Map<String, Long> times, IndexReader indexReader, ClusterConfig clusterConfig) throws Exception { int totalHits = collectors.topCollector.getTotalHits(); TopDocs topDocs = collectors.topCollector.topDocs(q.start); MerescoClusterer clusterer = new MerescoClusterer(indexReader, clusterConfig, this.getSettings().interpolateEpsilon, totalHits, q.stop - q.start); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); clusterer.processTopDocs(topDocs); times.put("processTopDocsForClustering", System.currentTimeMillis() - t0); t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); clusterer.finish(); times.put("clusteringAlgorithm", System.currentTimeMillis() - t0); List<LuceneResponse.Hit> hits = new ArrayList<>(); int count = q.start; HashSet<Integer> seenDocIds = new HashSet<>(); t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs) { if (count >= q.stop) break; if (seenDocIds.contains(scoreDoc.doc)) continue; Integer representative = null; MerescoCluster cluster = clusterer.cluster(scoreDoc.doc); if (cluster == null) { representative = scoreDoc.doc; seenDocIds.add(representative); } else { for (DocScore ds : cluster.topDocs) { if (representative == null) { representative = ds.docId; } seenDocIds.add(ds.docId); } } ClusterHit hit = new ClusterHit(getDocument(representative).get(ID_FIELD), scoreDoc.score); if (cluster != null) { hit.topTerms = cluster.topTerms; hit.topDocs = cluster.topDocs; for (DocScore docScore : cluster.topDocs) { docScore.identifier = getDocument(docScore.docId).get(ID_FIELD); } } hits.add(hit); count += 1; } times.put("collectClusters", System.currentTimeMillis() - t0); return hits; } private List<Hit> topDocsResponse(QueryData q, Collectors collectors) throws Exception { int totalHits = collectors.topCollector.getTotalHits(); DeDupFilterSuperCollector dedupCollector = collectors.dedupCollector; GroupSuperCollector groupingCollector = collectors.groupingCollector; HashSet<String> seenIds = new HashSet<>(); int count = q.start; List<LuceneResponse.Hit> hits = new ArrayList<>(); for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : collectors.topCollector.topDocs(q.stop == 0 ? 1 : q.start).scoreDocs) { //TODO: temp fix for start/stop = 0 if (count >= q.stop) break; if (dedupCollector != null) { DeDupFilterSuperCollector.Key keyForDocId = dedupCollector.keyForDocId(scoreDoc.doc); int newDocId = keyForDocId == null ? scoreDoc.doc : keyForDocId.getDocId(); DedupHit hit = new DedupHit(getDocument(newDocId).get(ID_FIELD), scoreDoc.score); hit.duplicateField = dedupCollector.getKeyName(); hit.duplicateCount = 1; if (keyForDocId != null) hit.duplicateCount = keyForDocId.getCount(); hit.score = scoreDoc.score; hits.add(hit); } else if (groupingCollector != null) { GroupingHit hit = new GroupingHit(getDocument(scoreDoc.doc).get(ID_FIELD), scoreDoc.score); if (seenIds.contains( continue; List<String> duplicateIds = new ArrayList<>(); duplicateIds.add(; if (totalHits > (q.stop - q.start)) { List<Integer> groupedDocIds =; if (groupedDocIds != null) for (int docId : groupedDocIds) { String id = getDocument(docId).get(ID_FIELD); if (!id.equals( duplicateIds.add(id); } } seenIds.addAll(duplicateIds); hit.groupingField = groupingCollector.getKeyName(); hit.duplicates = duplicateIds; hit.score = scoreDoc.score; hits.add(hit); } else { Hit hit = new Hit(getDocument(scoreDoc.doc).get(ID_FIELD), scoreDoc.score); hits.add(hit); } count++; } return hits; } public List<DrilldownData> facets(List<FacetRequest> facets, List<Query> filterQueries, List<String[]> drilldownQueries, Filter filter) throws Throwable { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { FacetSuperCollector facetCollector = facetCollector(facets, reference.taxonomyReader); if (facetCollector == null) return new ArrayList<DrilldownData>(); Filter filter_ = filtersFor(filterQueries, filter); Query query = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); if (drilldownQueries != null) query = createDrilldownQuery(query, drilldownQueries); ((SuperIndexSearcher) reference.searcher).search(query, filter_, facetCollector); return facetResult(facetCollector, facets); } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public Filter filterQuery(Query query) throws Exception { Filter f = data.getFilterCache().get(query); if (f != null) { return f; } CachingWrapperFilter filter = new CachingWrapperFilter(new QueryWrapperFilter(query)); data.getFilterCache().put(query, filter); return filter; } private Filter filtersFor(List<Query> filterQueries, Filter... filter) throws Exception { List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); if (filterQueries != null) for (Query query : filterQueries) filters.add(filterQuery(query)); if (filter != null) for (Filter f : filter) if (f != null) filters.add(f); if (filters.size() == 0) return null; return new ChainedFilter(filters.toArray(new Filter[0]), ChainedFilter.AND); } public Document getDocument(int docID) throws Exception { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { return ((SuperIndexSearcher) reference.searcher).doc(docID); } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } private Collectors createCollectors(QueryData q, int stop, Collection<KeySuperCollector> keyCollectors, List<AggregateScoreSuperCollector> scoreCollectors, SearcherAndTaxonomy reference) throws Exception { Collectors allCollectors = new Collectors(); SuperCollector<?> resultsCollector; if (q.groupingField != null) { allCollectors.topCollector = topCollector(q.start, stop * 10, q.sort); allCollectors.groupingCollector = new GroupSuperCollector(q.groupingField, allCollectors.topCollector); resultsCollector = allCollectors.groupingCollector; } else if (q.dedupField != null) { allCollectors.topCollector = topCollector(q.start, stop, q.sort); allCollectors.dedupCollector = new DeDupFilterSuperCollector(q.dedupField, q.dedupSortField, allCollectors.topCollector); resultsCollector = allCollectors.dedupCollector; } else { allCollectors.topCollector = topCollector(q.start, stop, q.sort); resultsCollector = allCollectors.topCollector; } allCollectors.facetCollector = facetCollector(q.facets, reference.taxonomyReader); List<SuperCollector<?>> collectors = new ArrayList<SuperCollector<?>>(); collectors.add(resultsCollector); if (allCollectors.facetCollector != null) { collectors.add(allCollectors.facetCollector); } if (keyCollectors != null) collectors.addAll(keyCollectors); allCollectors.root = new MultiSuperCollector(collectors); if (scoreCollectors != null && scoreCollectors.size() > 0) { for (AggregateScoreSuperCollector scoreCollector : scoreCollectors) { scoreCollector.setDelegate(allCollectors.root); allCollectors.root = scoreCollector; } } return allCollectors; } private TopDocSuperCollector topCollector(int start, int stop, Sort sort) { if (stop <= start) //TODO: temp fix for start/stop = 0; You should use TotalHitCountSuperCollector return new TopScoreDocSuperCollector(stop == 0 ? 1 : stop, true); // return new TotalHitCountSuperCollector(); if (sort == null) return new TopScoreDocSuperCollector(stop, true); return new TopFieldSuperCollector(sort, stop, true, false, true); } private FacetSuperCollector facetCollector(List<FacetRequest> facets, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader) throws Exception { if (facets == null || facets.size() == 0) return null; String[] indexFieldnames = getIndexFieldNames(facets); FacetSuperCollector collector = new FacetSuperCollector(taxonomyReader, data.getFacetsConfig(), getOrdinalsReader(indexFieldnames[0])); for (int i = 1; i < indexFieldnames.length; i++) { collector.addOrdinalsReader(getOrdinalsReader(indexFieldnames[i])); } return collector; } String[] getIndexFieldNames(List<FacetRequest> facets) throws Exception { Set<String> indexFieldnames = new HashSet<String>(); for (FacetRequest f : facets) indexFieldnames.add(; return indexFieldnames.toArray(new String[0]); } private OrdinalsReader getOrdinalsReader(String indexFieldname) { CachedOrdinalsReader reader = cachedOrdinalsReader.get(indexFieldname); if (reader == null) { DocValuesOrdinalsReader docValuesReader = indexFieldname == null ? new DocValuesOrdinalsReader() : new DocValuesOrdinalsReader(indexFieldname); reader = new CachedOrdinalsReader(docValuesReader); cachedOrdinalsReader.put(indexFieldname, reader); } return reader; } private List<DrilldownData> facetResult(FacetSuperCollector facetCollector, List<FacetRequest> facets) throws Exception { List<DrilldownData> drilldownData = new ArrayList<DrilldownData>(); for (FacetRequest facet : facets) { DrilldownData dd = new DrilldownData(facet.fieldname); dd.path = facet.path; List<DrilldownData.Term> terms = drilldownDataFromFacetResult(facetCollector, facet, facet.path,; if (terms != null) { dd.terms = terms; drilldownData.add(dd); } } return drilldownData; } public List<DrilldownData.Term> drilldownDataFromFacetResult(FacetSuperCollector facetCollector, FacetRequest facet, String[] path, boolean hierarchical) throws IOException { FacetResult result = facetCollector.getTopChildren(facet.maxTerms == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : facet.maxTerms, facet.fieldname, path); if (result == null) return null; List<DrilldownData.Term> terms = new ArrayList<DrilldownData.Term>(); for (LabelAndValue l : result.labelValues) { DrilldownData.Term term = new DrilldownData.Term(l.label, l.value.intValue()); if (hierarchical) { String[] newPath = new String[path.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(path, 0, newPath, 0, path.length); newPath[newPath.length - 1] = l.label; term.subTerms = drilldownDataFromFacetResult(facetCollector, facet, newPath, hierarchical); } terms.add(term); } return terms; } public List<TermCount> termsForField(String field, String prefix, int limit) throws Exception { // if t == str: // convert = lambda term: term.utf8ToString() // elif t == int: // convert = lambda term: NumericUtils.prefixCodedToInt(term) // elif t == long: // convert = lambda term: NumericUtils.prefixCodedToLong(term) // elif t == float: // convert = lambda term: NumericUtils.sortableLongToDouble(NumericUtils.prefixCodedToLong(term)) SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { List<TermCount> terms = new ArrayList<TermCount>(); IndexReader reader = reference.searcher.getIndexReader(); Terms termsEnum = MultiFields.getTerms(reader, field); if (termsEnum == null) return terms; TermsEnum iterator = termsEnum.iterator(null); if (prefix != null) { iterator.seekCeil(new BytesRef(prefix)); terms.add(new TermCount(iterator.term().utf8ToString(), iterator.docFreq())); } while (terms.size() < limit) { BytesRef next =; if (next == null) break; String term = next.utf8ToString(); if (prefix != null && !term.startsWith(prefix)) { break; } terms.add(new TermCount(term, iterator.docFreq())); } return terms; } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public int numDocs() throws Exception { return; } public int maxDoc() throws Exception { return; } public List<String> fieldnames() throws Exception { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { List<String> fieldnames = new ArrayList<String>(); Fields fields = MultiFields.getFields(reference.searcher.getIndexReader()); if (fields == null) return fieldnames; for (Iterator<String> iterator = fields.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { fieldnames.add(; } return fieldnames; } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public List<String> drilldownFieldnames(int limit, String dim, String... path) throws Exception { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { DirectoryTaxonomyReader taxoReader = reference.taxonomyReader; int parentOrdinal = dim == null ? TaxonomyReader.ROOT_ORDINAL : taxoReader.getOrdinal(dim, path); ChildrenIterator childrenIter = taxoReader.getChildren(parentOrdinal); List<String> fieldnames = new ArrayList<String>(); while (true) { int ordinal =; if (ordinal == TaxonomyReader.INVALID_ORDINAL) break; String[] components = taxoReader.getPath(ordinal).components; fieldnames.add(components[components.length - 1]); if (fieldnames.size() >= limit) break; } return fieldnames; } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public void search(Query query, Query filterQuery, SuperCollector<?> collector) throws Throwable { Filter filter_ = null; if (filterQuery != null) filter_ = new QueryWrapperFilter(filterQuery); SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { ((SuperIndexSearcher) reference.searcher).search(query, filter_, collector); } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public OpenBitSet collectKeys(Query filterQuery, String keyName, Query query) throws Throwable { return collectKeys(filterQuery, keyName, query, true); } public OpenBitSet collectKeys(Query filterQuery, String keyName, Query query, boolean cacheCollectedKeys) throws Throwable { if (cacheCollectedKeys) { KeyNameQuery keyNameQuery = new KeyNameQuery(keyName, filterQuery); OpenBitSet keys = data.getKeyCollectorCache().get(keyNameQuery); if (keys == null) { keys = doCollectKeys(filterQuery, keyName, query); data.getKeyCollectorCache().put(keyNameQuery, keys); } return keys; } return doCollectKeys(filterQuery, keyName, query); } private OpenBitSet doCollectKeys(Query filterQuery, String keyName, Query query) throws Throwable { KeySuperCollector keyCollector = new KeySuperCollector(keyName); if (query == null) query = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); search(query, filterQuery, keyCollector); return keyCollector.getCollectedKeys(); } public Query createDrilldownQuery(Query luceneQuery, List<String[]> drilldownQueries) throws Exception { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(true); if (luceneQuery != null) q.add(luceneQuery, Occur.MUST); for (int i = 0; i < drilldownQueries.size(); i += 2) { String field = drilldownQueries.get(i)[0]; String indexFieldName = data.getFacetsConfig().getDimConfig(field).indexFieldName; q.add(new TermQuery(DrillDownQuery.term(indexFieldName, field, drilldownQueries.get(i + 1))), Occur.MUST); } return q; } public QueryConverter getQueryConverter() throws Exception { return new QueryConverter(; } public ScoreSuperCollector scoreCollector(String keyName, Query query) throws Throwable { KeyNameQuery keyNameQuery = new KeyNameQuery(keyName, query); ScoreSuperCollector scoreCollector = data.getScoreCollectorCache().get(keyNameQuery); if (scoreCollector == null) { scoreCollector = doScoreCollecting(keyName, query); data.getScoreCollectorCache().put(keyNameQuery, scoreCollector); } return scoreCollector; } public ScoreSuperCollector doScoreCollecting(String keyName, Query query) throws Throwable { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { ScoreSuperCollector scoreCollector = new ScoreSuperCollector(keyName); ((SuperIndexSearcher) reference.searcher).search(query, null, scoreCollector); return scoreCollector; } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public SuggestWord[] suggest(String term, int count, String field) throws Exception { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { return spellChecker.suggestSimilar(new Term(field, term), count, reference.searcher.getIndexReader()); } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public LuceneResponse similarDocuments(String identifier) throws Throwable { SearcherAndTaxonomy reference = data.getManager().acquire(); try { Query idQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(ID_FIELD, identifier)); TopDocs topDocs =, 1); if (topDocs.totalHits == 0) return new LuceneResponse(0); int docId = topDocs.scoreDocs[0].doc; IndexReader reader = reference.searcher.getIndexReader(); CommonTermsQuery commonQuery = new CommonTermsQuery(Occur.SHOULD, Occur.SHOULD, 0.1f); Fields termVectors = reader.getTermVectors(docId); if (termVectors == null) return new LuceneResponse(0); for (String field : termVectors) { TermsEnum iterator = termVectors.terms(field).iterator(null); BytesRef b; while ((b = != null) { Term term = new Term(field, b.utf8ToString()); commonQuery.add(term); } } BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); query.add(idQuery, Occur.MUST_NOT); query.add(commonQuery, Occur.MUST); return executeQuery(query); } finally { data.getManager().release(reference); } } public static class Collectors { public GroupSuperCollector groupingCollector; public DeDupFilterSuperCollector dedupCollector; public TopDocSuperCollector topCollector; public FacetSuperCollector facetCollector; public SuperCollector<?> root; } public class TermCount { public String term; public int count; public TermCount(String term, int count) { this.term = term; this.count = count; } } private static class KeyNameQuery { private String keyName; private Query query; public KeyNameQuery(String keyName, Query query) { this.keyName = keyName; this.query = query; } @Override public int hashCode() { return keyName.hashCode() + 127 * query.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof KeyNameQuery) { KeyNameQuery other = (KeyNameQuery) obj; return other.keyName.equals(keyName) && other.query.equals(query); } return false; } } static class LuceneData { private IndexWriter indexWriter; private DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter; private LuceneSettings settings; private Map<Query, Filter> filterCache; private Map<KeyNameQuery, ScoreSuperCollector> scoreCollectorCache; private Map<KeyNameQuery, OpenBitSet> keyCollectorCache; private SearcherTaxonomyManager manager; private LuceneRefreshListener refreshListener = new LuceneRefreshListener(); public void commit() throws Exception { this.indexWriter.commit(); this.taxoWriter.commit(); this.manager.maybeRefreshBlocking(); if (this.refreshListener.isRefreshed()) { this.scoreCollectorCache.clear(); this.keyCollectorCache.clear(); } } public void close() throws IOException { if (this.settings == null) return; if (this.manager != null) this.manager.close(); if (this.taxoWriter != null) this.taxoWriter.close(); if (this.indexWriter != null) this.indexWriter.close(); } public void initSettings(File stateDir, LuceneSettings settings) throws Exception { if (this.settings != null) throw new Exception("Init settings is only allowed once"); this.settings = settings; MMapDirectory indexDirectory = new MMapDirectory(new File(stateDir, "index")); indexDirectory.setUseUnmap(false); MMapDirectory taxoDirectory = new MMapDirectory(new File(stateDir, "taxo")); taxoDirectory.setUseUnmap(false); IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_4_10_4, settings.analyzer); config.setSimilarity(settings.similarity); TieredMergePolicy mergePolicy = new TieredMergePolicy(); mergePolicy.setMaxMergeAtOnce(settings.maxMergeAtOnce); mergePolicy.setSegmentsPerTier(settings.segmentsPerTier); config.setMergePolicy(mergePolicy); this.indexWriter = new IndexWriter(indexDirectory, config); this.indexWriter.commit(); this.taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDirectory, IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND, new LruTaxonomyWriterCache(settings.lruTaxonomyWriterCacheSize)); this.taxoWriter.commit(); this.filterCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap<Query, Filter>(50)); this.scoreCollectorCache = Collections .synchronizedMap(new LRUMap<KeyNameQuery, ScoreSuperCollector>(50)); this.keyCollectorCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap<KeyNameQuery, OpenBitSet>(50)); this.manager = new SearcherTaxonomyManager(indexDirectory, taxoDirectory, new MerescoSearchFactory(indexDirectory, taxoDirectory, settings)); this.manager.addListener(refreshListener); } public IndexWriter getIndexWriter() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return indexWriter; } public DirectoryTaxonomyWriter getTaxoWriter() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return taxoWriter; } public FacetsConfig getFacetsConfig() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return this.settings.facetsConfig; } public LuceneSettings getSettings() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return settings; } public boolean hasSettings() { return this.settings != null; } public Map<Query, Filter> getFilterCache() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return filterCache; } public Map<KeyNameQuery, ScoreSuperCollector> getScoreCollectorCache() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return scoreCollectorCache; } public Map<KeyNameQuery, OpenBitSet> getKeyCollectorCache() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return keyCollectorCache; } public SearcherTaxonomyManager getManager() throws UninitializedException { if (this.settings == null) throw new UninitializedException(); return manager; } private class LuceneRefreshListener implements RefreshListener { private boolean refreshed; @Override public void afterRefresh(boolean didRefresh) throws IOException { if (!refreshed) refreshed = didRefresh; } @Override public void beforeRefresh() throws IOException { } public boolean isRefreshed() { if (refreshed) { refreshed = false; return true; } return false; } } } }