Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2014 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package org.matsim.integration.weekly.fundamentaldiagram; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Scenario; import; import; import; import; import; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Person; import; import org.matsim.core.config.Config; import org.matsim.core.config.ConfigUtils; import org.matsim.core.config.groups.QSimConfigGroup.LinkDynamics; import org.matsim.core.config.groups.QSimConfigGroup.TrafficDynamics; import org.matsim.core.config.groups.VspExperimentalConfigGroup.VspDefaultsCheckingLevel; import; import org.matsim.core.gbl.MatsimRandom; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.framework.AgentSource; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.framework.MobsimAgent; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.framework.MobsimDriverAgent; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.qsim.ActivityEngine; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.qsim.QSim; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.qsim.interfaces.MobsimVehicle; import org.matsim.core.mobsim.qsim.qnetsimengine.QNetsimEngine; import; import org.matsim.core.scenario.ScenarioUtils; import org.matsim.core.utils.collections.Tuple; import org.matsim.facilities.Facility; import org.matsim.testcases.MatsimTestUtils; import org.matsim.vehicles.Vehicle; import org.matsim.vehicles.VehicleType; import org.matsim.vehicles.VehicleUtils; /** * Generates fundamental diagrams for the all combination of link and traffic dynamics for car/bike and car/truck groups. * Also generates car/bike FDs using fast capacity update method. * Results are archived at @see <a href=""></a> * @author amit */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class CreateAutomatedFDTest { /** * Constructor. Even if it does not look like one. */ public CreateAutomatedFDTest(LinkDynamics linkDynamics, TrafficDynamics trafficDynamics) { this.linkDynamics = linkDynamics; this.trafficDynamics = trafficDynamics; this.travelModes = new String[] { "car", "bike" }; } private LinkDynamics linkDynamics; private TrafficDynamics trafficDynamics; private final Map<Id<Person>, String> person2Mode = new HashMap<>(); @Parameters(name = "{index}: LinkDynamics == {0}; Traffic dynamics == {1};") public static Collection<Object[]> createFds() { int combos = LinkDynamics.values().length * TrafficDynamics.values().length; Object[][] combos2run = new Object[combos][2]; // #ld x #td x #params int index = 0; for (LinkDynamics ld : LinkDynamics.values()) { for (TrafficDynamics td : TrafficDynamics.values()) { combos2run[index] = new Object[] { ld, td }; index++; } } return Arrays.asList(combos2run); // the convention, I think, is that the output of the method marked by "@Parameters" is taken as input to the constructor // before running each test. kai, jul'16 } @Test public void fdsCarTruck() { this.travelModes = new String[] { "car", "truck" }; run(false); } @Test public void fdsCarBike() { run(false); } @Test public void fdsCarBikeFastCapacityUpdate() { run(true); } @Test public void fdsCarOnly() { this.travelModes = new String[] { "car" }; run(false); } @Rule public MatsimTestUtils helper = new MatsimTestUtils(); private String[] travelModes; public final Id<Link> flowDynamicsMeasurementLinkId = Id.createLinkId(0); private Map<String, VehicleType> modeVehicleTypes; private Map<Id<VehicleType>, TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator> mode2FlowData; static GlobalFlowDynamicsUpdator globalFlowDynamicsUpdator; private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CreateAutomatedFDTest.class); private void run(final boolean isUsingFastCapacityUpdate) { MatsimRandom.reset(); final Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig(); config.qsim().setMainModes(Arrays.asList(travelModes)); config.qsim().setEndTime(14 * 3600); config.qsim().setLinkDynamics(linkDynamics); if (linkDynamics.equals(LinkDynamics.SeepageQ)) { config.qsim().setSeepModes(Arrays.asList("bike")); config.qsim().setSeepModeStorageFree(false); config.qsim().setRestrictingSeepage(true); } config.vspExperimental().setVspDefaultsCheckingLevel(VspDefaultsCheckingLevel.abort); config.qsim().setTrafficDynamics(trafficDynamics); config.qsim().setUsingFastCapacityUpdate(isUsingFastCapacityUpdate); // --- Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.loadScenario(config); createNetwork(scenario); storeVehicleTypeInfo(); double networkDensity = 3. * (1000. / 7.5); double sumOfPCUInEachStep = 0.; //equal modal split run for (String mode : travelModes) { sumOfPCUInEachStep += modeVehicleTypes.get(mode).getPcuEquivalents() * getMinNumberOfAgentAtStart(mode); } ; int reduceNoOfDataPointsInPlot = 4; // 1--> will generate all possible data points; if (sumOfPCUInEachStep >= 3) reduceNoOfDataPointsInPlot = 1; int numberOfPoints = (int) Math.ceil(networkDensity / (reduceNoOfDataPointsInPlot * sumOfPCUInEachStep)) + 5; List<Map<String, Integer>> points2Run = new ArrayList<>(); for (int m = 1; m < numberOfPoints; m++) { Map<String, Integer> pointToRun = new HashMap<>(); for (String mode : travelModes) { pointToRun.put(mode, getMinNumberOfAgentAtStart(mode) * m * reduceNoOfDataPointsInPlot); } double density = 0; for (String mode : pointToRun.keySet()) { double pcu = this.modeVehicleTypes.get(mode).getPcuEquivalents(); density += pcu * pointToRun.get(mode); } if (density <= networkDensity + 10) { System.out.println("Number of Agents - \t" + pointToRun.toString()); points2Run.add(pointToRun); } } Map<Double, Map<String, Tuple<Double, Double>>> outData = new HashMap<>(); for (Map<String, Integer> point2run : points2Run) { System.out.println("\n \n \t \t Running points " + point2run.toString() + "\n \n"); int count = 0; person2Mode.clear(); for (String mode : point2run.keySet()) { for (int ii = 0; ii < point2run.get(mode); ii++) { person2Mode.put(Id.createPersonId(count++), mode); } this.mode2FlowData.get(modeVehicleTypes.get(mode).getId()).setnumberOfAgents(point2run.get(mode)); } EventsManager events = EventsUtils.createEventsManager(); globalFlowDynamicsUpdator = new GlobalFlowDynamicsUpdator(mode2FlowData); events.addHandler(globalFlowDynamicsUpdator); final QSim qSim = new QSim(scenario, events); ActivityEngine activityEngine = new ActivityEngine(events, qSim.getAgentCounter()); qSim.addMobsimEngine(activityEngine); qSim.addActivityHandler(activityEngine); QNetsimEngine netsimEngine; // if ( config.qsim().getTrafficDynamics()==TrafficDynamics.assignmentEmulating ) { // QNetworkFactory networkFactory = new AssignmentEmulatingQLaneNetworkFactory(scenario,events) ; // netsimEngine = new QNetsimEngine( qSim, networkFactory ) ; // } else { netsimEngine = new QNetsimEngine(qSim); // } qSim.addMobsimEngine(netsimEngine); qSim.addDepartureHandler(netsimEngine.getDepartureHandler()); final Map<String, VehicleType> travelModesTypes = new HashMap<>(); for (String mode : travelModes) { travelModesTypes.put(mode, modeVehicleTypes.get(mode)); } AgentSource agentSource = new AgentSource() { @Override public void insertAgentsIntoMobsim() { for (Id<Person> personId : person2Mode.keySet()) { String travelMode = person2Mode.get(personId); double actEndTime = (MatsimRandom.getRandom().nextDouble()) * 900; MobsimAgent agent = new MySimplifiedRoundAndRoundAgent(personId, actEndTime, travelMode); qSim.insertAgentIntoMobsim(agent); final Vehicle vehicle = VehicleUtils.getFactory().createVehicle( Id.create(agent.getId(), Vehicle.class), travelModesTypes.get(travelMode)); final Id<Link> linkId4VehicleInsertion = Id.createLinkId("home"); qSim.createAndParkVehicleOnLink(vehicle, linkId4VehicleInsertion); } } }; qSim.addAgentSource(agentSource);; Map<String, Tuple<Double, Double>> mode2FlowSpeed = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < travelModes.length; i++) { Tuple<Double, Double> flowSpeed = new Tuple<>( this.mode2FlowData.get(Id.create(travelModes[i], VehicleType.class)).getPermanentFlow(), this.mode2FlowData.get(Id.create(travelModes[i], VehicleType.class)) .getPermanentAverageVelocity()); mode2FlowSpeed.put(travelModes[i], flowSpeed); outData.put(globalFlowDynamicsUpdator.getGlobalData().getPermanentDensity(), mode2FlowSpeed); } } /* * Basically overriding the helper.getOutputDirectory() method, such that, * if file directory does not exists or same file already exists, remove and re-creates the whole dir hierarchy so that * all existing files are re-written * else, just keep adding files in the directory. * This is necessary in order to allow writing different tests results from JUnit parameterization. */ String outDir = "test/output/" + CreateAutomatedFDTest.class.getCanonicalName().replace('.', '/') + "/" + helper.getMethodName() + "/"; String fileName = linkDynamics + "_" + trafficDynamics + ".png"; String outFile; //TODO : what if, there exists some different directory (or files with old filename) => changing method name will keep collecting the old data. if (!new File(outDir).exists() || new File(outDir + fileName).exists()) { outFile = helper.getOutputDirectory() + fileName; } else { outFile = outDir + fileName; } //plotting data scatterPlot(outData, outFile); } static int getMinNumberOfAgentAtStart(final String mode) {//equal modal split run // only three different modes (and pcus) are used in this test ie -- car(1), truck(3), bike(0.25) switch (mode) { case "car": return 1; case "truck": return 3; case "motorbike": case "bike": return 4; default: throw new RuntimeException("The test is not designed for this " + mode + "yet."); } } static class MySimplifiedRoundAndRoundAgent implements MobsimAgent, MobsimDriverAgent { private static final Id<Link> ORIGIN_LINK_ID = Id.createLinkId("home"); private static final Id<Link> BASE_LINK_ID = Id.createLinkId(0); private static final Id<Link> MIDDEL_LINK_ID_OF_TRACK = Id.createLinkId(1); private static final Id<Link> LAST_LINK_ID_OF_TRACK = Id.createLinkId(2); private static final Id<Link> DESTINATION_LINK_ID = Id.createLinkId("work"); public MySimplifiedRoundAndRoundAgent(Id<Person> agentId, double actEndTime, String travelMode) { personId = agentId; mode = travelMode; this.actEndTime = actEndTime; this.plannedVehicleId = Id.create(agentId, Vehicle.class); } private final Id<Person> personId; private final Id<Vehicle> plannedVehicleId; private final String mode; private final double actEndTime; private MobsimVehicle vehicle; public boolean isArriving = false; private Id<Link> currentLinkId = ORIGIN_LINK_ID; private State agentState = MobsimAgent.State.ACTIVITY;; @Override public Id<Link> getCurrentLinkId() { return this.currentLinkId; } @Override public Id<Link> getDestinationLinkId() { return DESTINATION_LINK_ID; } @Override public Id<Person> getId() { return this.personId; } @Override public Id<Link> chooseNextLinkId() { if (globalFlowDynamicsUpdator.isPermanent()) { isArriving = true; } if (ORIGIN_LINK_ID.equals(this.currentLinkId)) { return BASE_LINK_ID; } else if (BASE_LINK_ID.equals(this.currentLinkId)) { if (isArriving) { return DESTINATION_LINK_ID; } else { return MIDDEL_LINK_ID_OF_TRACK; } } else if (MIDDEL_LINK_ID_OF_TRACK.equals(this.currentLinkId)) { return LAST_LINK_ID_OF_TRACK; } else if (LAST_LINK_ID_OF_TRACK.equals(this.currentLinkId)) { return BASE_LINK_ID; } else return null; // returning null so that agent will arrive. } @Override public void notifyMoveOverNode(Id<Link> newLinkId) { this.currentLinkId = newLinkId; } @Override public boolean isWantingToArriveOnCurrentLink() { if (this.chooseNextLinkId() == null) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public void setVehicle(MobsimVehicle veh) { this.vehicle = veh; } @Override public MobsimVehicle getVehicle() { return this.vehicle; } @Override public Id<Vehicle> getPlannedVehicleId() { return this.plannedVehicleId; } @Override public State getState() { return agentState; } @Override public double getActivityEndTime() { if (isArriving && agentState.equals(MobsimAgent.State.ACTIVITY)) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return this.actEndTime; } @Override public void endActivityAndComputeNextState(double now) { agentState = MobsimAgent.State.LEG; } @Override public void endLegAndComputeNextState(double now) { agentState = MobsimAgent.State.ACTIVITY; } @Override public void setStateToAbort(double now) { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } @Override public Double getExpectedTravelTime() { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } @Override public Double getExpectedTravelDistance() { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } @Override public String getMode() { return mode; } @Override public void notifyArrivalOnLinkByNonNetworkMode(Id<Link> linkId) { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } @Override public Facility<? extends Facility<?>> getCurrentFacility() { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } @Override public Facility<? extends Facility<?>> getDestinationFacility() { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } } private void storeVehicleTypeInfo() { modeVehicleTypes = new HashMap<>(); mode2FlowData = new HashMap<>(); VehicleType car = VehicleUtils.getFactory().createVehicleType(Id.create("car", VehicleType.class)); car.setMaximumVelocity(16.667); car.setPcuEquivalents(1.0); modeVehicleTypes.put("car", car); VehicleType bike = VehicleUtils.getFactory().createVehicleType(Id.create("bike", VehicleType.class)); bike.setMaximumVelocity(4.167); bike.setPcuEquivalents(0.25); modeVehicleTypes.put("bike", bike); VehicleType truck = VehicleUtils.getFactory().createVehicleType(Id.create("truck", VehicleType.class)); truck.setMaximumVelocity(8.33); truck.setPcuEquivalents(3.); modeVehicleTypes.put("truck", truck); for (String mode : travelModes) { TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator modeUpdator = new TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator( modeVehicleTypes.get(mode)); mode2FlowData.put(modeVehicleTypes.get(mode).getId(), modeUpdator); } } private void createNetwork(Scenario scenario) { Network network = scenario.getNetwork(); double x = -50; Node nodeHome = NetworkUtils.createAndAddNode(network, Id.createNodeId("home"), new Coord(x, (double) 0)); Node node1 = NetworkUtils.createAndAddNode(network, Id.createNodeId(0), new Coord((double) 0, (double) 0)); Node node2 = NetworkUtils.createAndAddNode(network, Id.createNodeId(1), new Coord((double) 1000, (double) 0)); Node node3 = NetworkUtils.createAndAddNode(network, Id.createNodeId(2), new Coord((double) 500, 866.0)); Node nodeWork = NetworkUtils.createAndAddNode(network, Id.createNodeId("work"), new Coord((double) 1050, (double) 0)); double freeSpeedOnLink = 60 / 3.6; final Node fromNode = nodeHome; final Node toNode = node1; final double freespeed = freeSpeedOnLink; NetworkUtils.createAndAddLink(network, Id.createLinkId("home"), fromNode, toNode, (double) 25, freespeed, (double) 7200, (double) 1); final Node fromNode1 = node1; final Node toNode1 = node2; final double freespeed1 = freeSpeedOnLink; NetworkUtils.createAndAddLink(network, Id.createLinkId(0), fromNode1, toNode1, (double) 1000, freespeed1, (double) 1600, (double) 1); final Node fromNode2 = node2; final Node toNode2 = node3; final double freespeed2 = freeSpeedOnLink; NetworkUtils.createAndAddLink(network, Id.createLinkId(1), fromNode2, toNode2, (double) 1000, freespeed2, (double) 1600, (double) 1); final Node fromNode3 = node3; final Node toNode3 = node1; final double freespeed3 = freeSpeedOnLink; NetworkUtils.createAndAddLink(network, Id.createLinkId(2), fromNode3, toNode3, (double) 1000, freespeed3, (double) 1600, (double) 1); final Node fromNode4 = node2; final Node toNode4 = nodeWork; final double freespeed4 = freeSpeedOnLink; NetworkUtils.createAndAddLink(network, Id.createLinkId("work"), fromNode4, toNode4, (double) 25, freespeed4, (double) 7200, (double) 1); Set<String> allowedModes = new HashSet<>(); allowedModes.addAll(Arrays.asList(travelModes)); for (Link l : network.getLinks().values()) { l.setAllowedModes(allowedModes); } } private void scatterPlot(Map<Double, Map<String, Tuple<Double, Double>>> inputData, String outFile) { String mode1 = travelModes[0]; XYSeries carFlow = new XYSeries(mode1 + " flow"); XYSeries carSpeed = new XYSeries(mode1 + " speed"); XYSeries bikeFlow = null; XYSeries bikeSpeed = null; if (travelModes.length == 2) { bikeFlow = new XYSeries(travelModes[1] + " flow"); bikeSpeed = new XYSeries(travelModes[1] + " speed"); } for (double d : inputData.keySet()) { carFlow.add(d, inputData.get(d).get(mode1).getFirst()); carSpeed.add(d, inputData.get(d).get(mode1).getSecond()); if (travelModes.length == 2) { bikeFlow.add(d, inputData.get(d).get(travelModes[1]).getFirst()); bikeSpeed.add(d, inputData.get(d).get(travelModes[1]).getSecond()); } } // flow vs density XYSeriesCollection flowDataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); flowDataset.addSeries(carFlow); NumberAxis flowAxis = new NumberAxis("Flow (PCU/h)"); flowAxis.setRange(0.0, 1700.0); XYPlot plot1 = new XYPlot(flowDataset, null, flowAxis, new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(false, true)); plot1.setRangeAxisLocation(AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_LEFT); // speed vs density XYSeriesCollection speedDataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); speedDataset.addSeries(carSpeed); if (travelModes.length == 2) { flowDataset.addSeries(bikeFlow); speedDataset.addSeries(bikeSpeed); } NumberAxis speedAxis = new NumberAxis("Speed (m/s)"); speedAxis.setRange(0.0, 17.0); XYPlot plot2 = new XYPlot(speedDataset, null, speedAxis, new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(false, true)); plot2.setRangeAxisLocation(AxisLocation.TOP_OR_LEFT); NumberAxis densityAxis = new NumberAxis("Overall density (PCU/km)"); densityAxis.setRange(0.0, 140.00); CombinedDomainXYPlot plot = new CombinedDomainXYPlot(densityAxis); plot.setGap(10.); plot.add(plot1); plot.add(plot2); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart("Fundamental diagrams", JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File(outFile), chart, 800, 600); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Data is not plotted. Reason " + e); } } //============================================== class TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator { private final int NUMBER_OF_MEMORIZED_FLOWS = 10; private Id<VehicleType> modeId; private VehicleType vehicleType = null;// Maybe keeping global data in the EventHandler can be smart (ssix, 25.09.13) // So far programmed to contain also global data, i.e. data without a specific vehicleType (ssix, 30.09.13) public int numberOfAgents; private double permanentDensity; private double permanentAverageVelocity; private double permanentFlow; private Map<Id<Vehicle>, Double> lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter;//records last entry time for every person, but also useful for getting actual number of people in the simulation private int speedTableSize; private List<Double> speedTable; private Double flowTime; private List<Double> flowTable900; private List<Double> lastXFlows900;;//recording a number of flows to ensure stability private boolean speedStability; private boolean flowStability; public TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator() { } public TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator(VehicleType vT) { this.vehicleType = vT; this.modeId = this.vehicleType.getId(); } public void handle(LinkEnterEvent event) { if (event.getLinkId().equals(flowDynamicsMeasurementLinkId)) { // Id<Person> personId = Id.createPersonId(event.getDriverId()); double nowTime = event.getTime(); this.updateFlow900(nowTime, this.vehicleType.getPcuEquivalents()); // this.updateSpeedTable(nowTime, personId); this.updateSpeedTable(nowTime, event.getVehicleId()); //Checking for stability //Making sure all agents are on the track before testing stability //Also waiting half an hour to let the database build itself. if ((this.getNumberOfDrivingAgents() == this.numberOfAgents) && (nowTime > 1800)) {//TODO empirical factor if (!(this.speedStability)) { this.checkSpeedStability(); } if (!(this.flowStability)) { this.checkFlowStability900(); } } } } private void updateFlow900(double nowTime, double pcuVeh) { if (nowTime == this.flowTime.doubleValue()) {//Still measuring the flow of the same second Double nowFlow = this.flowTable900.get(0); this.flowTable900.set(0, nowFlow.doubleValue() + pcuVeh); } else {//Need to offset the new flow table from existing flow table. int timeDifference = (int) (nowTime - this.flowTime.doubleValue()); if (timeDifference < 900) { for (int i = 899 - timeDifference; i >= 0; i--) { this.flowTable900.set(i + timeDifference, this.flowTable900.get(i).doubleValue()); } if (timeDifference > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < timeDifference; i++) { this.flowTable900.set(i, 0.); } } this.flowTable900.set(0, pcuVeh); } else { flowTableReset(); } this.flowTime = new Double(nowTime); } updateLastXFlows900(); } private void updateLastXFlows900() { Double nowFlow = new Double(this.getCurrentHourlyFlow()); for (int i = NUMBER_OF_MEMORIZED_FLOWS - 2; i >= 0; i--) { this.lastXFlows900.set(i + 1, this.lastXFlows900.get(i).doubleValue()); } this.lastXFlows900.set(0, nowFlow); } private void updateSpeedTable(double nowTime, Id<Vehicle> vehicleId) { if (this.lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter.containsKey(vehicleId)) { double lastSeenTime = lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter.get(vehicleId); double speed = 1000 * 3 / (nowTime - lastSeenTime);//in m/s!! for (int i = speedTableSize - 2; i >= 0; i--) { this.speedTable.set(i + 1, this.speedTable.get(i).doubleValue()); } this.speedTable.set(0, speed); this.lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter.put(vehicleId, nowTime); } else { this.lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter.put(vehicleId, nowTime); } //this.numberOfDrivingAgents = this.lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter.size(); } private void checkSpeedStability() { double relativeDeviances = 0.; double averageSpeed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.speedTableSize; i++) { averageSpeed += this.speedTable.get(i).doubleValue(); } averageSpeed /= this.speedTableSize; for (int i = 0; i < this.speedTableSize; i++) { relativeDeviances += Math .pow(((this.speedTable.get(i).doubleValue() - averageSpeed) / averageSpeed), 2); } relativeDeviances /= travelModes.length;//taking dependence on number of modes away if (relativeDeviances < 0.0005) { this.speedStability = true; } else { this.speedStability = false; } } private void checkFlowStability900() { double absoluteDeviances = this.lastXFlows900.get(this.lastXFlows900.size() - 1) - this.lastXFlows900.get(0); if (Math.abs(absoluteDeviances) < 1) { this.flowStability = true; if (modeId == null)"========== Reaching a certain flow stability for global flow."); else"========== Reaching a certain flow stability in mode: " + modeId.toString()); } else { this.flowStability = false; } } private void initDynamicVariables() { //numberOfAgents for each mode should be initialized at this point this.decideSpeedTableSize(); this.speedTable = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.speedTableSize; i++) { this.speedTable.add(0.); } this.flowTime = 0.; this.flowTable900 = new LinkedList<>(); flowTableReset(); this.lastXFlows900 = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_MEMORIZED_FLOWS; i++) { this.lastXFlows900.add(0.); } this.speedStability = false; this.flowStability = false; this.lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter = new TreeMap<>(); this.permanentDensity = 0.; this.permanentAverageVelocity = 0.; this.permanentFlow = 0.; } private void reset() { this.speedTable.clear(); this.speedStability = false; this.flowStability = false; } private void decideSpeedTableSize() { //Ensures a significant speed sampling for every mode size //Is pretty empirical and can be changed if necessary (ssix, 16.10.13) if (this.numberOfAgents >= 500) { this.speedTableSize = 50; } else if (this.numberOfAgents >= 100) { this.speedTableSize = 20; } else if (this.numberOfAgents >= 10) { this.speedTableSize = 10; } else if (this.numberOfAgents > 0) { this.speedTableSize = this.numberOfAgents; } else { //case no agents in mode this.speedTableSize = 1; } } private void flowTableReset() { for (int i = 0; i < 900; i++) { this.flowTable900.add(0.); } } private void saveDynamicVariables() { //NB: Should not be called upon a modeData without a vehicleType, as this.vehicleType will be null and will throw an exception. this.permanentDensity = this.numberOfAgents / (1000. * 3) * 1000. * this.vehicleType.getPcuEquivalents(); this.permanentAverageVelocity = this.getActualAverageVelocity();"Calculated permanent Speed from " + modeId + "'s lastXSpeeds : " + speedTable + "\nResult is : " + this.permanentAverageVelocity); this.permanentFlow = this.getSlidingAverageLastXFlows900();"Calculated permanent Flow from " + modeId + "'s lastXFlows900 : " + lastXFlows900 + "\nResult is :" + this.permanentFlow); } //Getters/Setters public double getActualAverageVelocity() { double nowSpeed = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < this.speedTableSize; i++) { nowSpeed += this.speedTable.get(i); } nowSpeed /= this.speedTableSize; return nowSpeed; } public double getCurrentHourlyFlow() { double nowFlow = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < 900; i++) { nowFlow += this.flowTable900.get(i); } return nowFlow * 4; } public double getSlidingAverageLastXFlows900() { double average = 0; for (double flow : this.lastXFlows900) { average += flow; } return average / NUMBER_OF_MEMORIZED_FLOWS; } public boolean isSpeedStable() { return this.speedStability; } public boolean isFlowStable() { return this.flowStability; } public void setnumberOfAgents(int n) { this.numberOfAgents = n; } public double getPermanentDensity() { return this.permanentDensity; } public void setPermanentDensity(double permanentDensity) { this.permanentDensity = permanentDensity; } public double getPermanentAverageVelocity() { return this.permanentAverageVelocity; } public void setPermanentAverageVelocity(double permanentAverageVelocity) { this.permanentAverageVelocity = permanentAverageVelocity; } public double getPermanentFlow() { return this.permanentFlow; } public void setPermanentFlow(double permanentFlow) { this.permanentFlow = permanentFlow; } public int getNumberOfDrivingAgents() { return this.lastSeenOnStudiedLinkEnter.size(); } } //======================================= class GlobalFlowDynamicsUpdator implements LinkEnterEventHandler { private Map<Id<VehicleType>, TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator> travelModesFlowData; private TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator globalFlowData; private boolean permanentRegime; /** * container to store static properties of vehicles and dynamic flow properties during simulation */ public GlobalFlowDynamicsUpdator( Map<Id<VehicleType>, TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator> travelModeFlowDataContainer) { this.travelModesFlowData = travelModeFlowDataContainer; for (Id<VehicleType> vehTyp : this.travelModesFlowData.keySet()) { this.travelModesFlowData.get(vehTyp).initDynamicVariables(); } this.globalFlowData = new TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator(); this.globalFlowData.setnumberOfAgents(person2Mode.size()); this.globalFlowData.initDynamicVariables(); this.permanentRegime = false; } @Override public void reset(int iteration) { for (Id<VehicleType> vehTyp : this.travelModesFlowData.keySet()) { this.travelModesFlowData.get(vehTyp).reset(); } this.globalFlowData.reset(); this.permanentRegime = false; } @Override public void handleEvent(LinkEnterEvent event) { if (!(permanentRegime)) { // Id<Person> personId = Id.createPersonId(event.getDriverId()); //Disaggregated data updating methods String travelMode = person2Mode.get(event.getVehicleId()); Id<VehicleType> transportMode = modeVehicleTypes.get(travelMode).getId(); this.travelModesFlowData.get(transportMode).handle(event); double pcuVeh = modeVehicleTypes.get(travelMode).getPcuEquivalents(); //Aggregated data update double nowTime = event.getTime(); if (event.getLinkId().equals(flowDynamicsMeasurementLinkId)) { this.globalFlowData.updateFlow900(nowTime, pcuVeh); this.globalFlowData.updateSpeedTable(nowTime, event.getVehicleId()); //Waiting for all agents to be on the track before studying stability if ((this.globalFlowData.getNumberOfDrivingAgents() == this.globalFlowData.numberOfAgents) && (nowTime > 1800)) { //TODO parametrize this correctly /*//Taking speed check out, as it is not reliable on the global speed table * Maybe making a list of moving averages could be smart, * but there is no reliable converging process even in that case. (ssix, 25.10.13) * if (!(this.globalData.isSpeedStable())){ this.globalData.checkSpeedStability(); System.out.println("Checking speed stability in global data for: "+this.globalData.getSpeedTable()); }*/ if (!(this.globalFlowData.isFlowStable())) { this.globalFlowData.checkFlowStability900(); } //Checking modes stability boolean modesStable = true; for (Id<VehicleType> vehTyp : this.travelModesFlowData.keySet()) { if (this.travelModesFlowData.get(vehTyp).numberOfAgents != 0) { if (!this.travelModesFlowData.get(vehTyp).isSpeedStable() || !(this.travelModesFlowData.get(vehTyp).isFlowStable())) { modesStable = false; break; } } } if (modesStable) { //Checking global stability if ( /*this.globalData.isSpeedStable() &&*/ this.globalFlowData.isFlowStable()) {"========== Global permanent regime is attained"); for (Id<VehicleType> vehTyp : this.travelModesFlowData.keySet()) { this.travelModesFlowData.get(vehTyp).saveDynamicVariables(); } this.globalFlowData.setPermanentAverageVelocity( this.globalFlowData.getActualAverageVelocity()); //this.permanentFlow = this.getActualFlow(); this.globalFlowData.setPermanentFlow(this.globalFlowData.getCurrentHourlyFlow()); double globalDensity = 0.; for (TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator mode : this.travelModesFlowData.values()) { globalDensity += mode.getPermanentDensity(); } this.globalFlowData.setPermanentDensity(globalDensity); this.permanentRegime = true; } } } } } } public boolean isPermanent() { return permanentRegime; } public TravelModesFlowDynamicsUpdator getGlobalData() { return this.globalFlowData; } } }