Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of CMDit. * * CMDit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CMDit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with CMDit. If not, see <>. */ package org.malaguna.cmdit.service.reflection; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class ReflectionUtils { private static ReflectionUtils instancia = null; private static HibernateProxyUtils hpu = null; protected ReflectionUtils() { super(); } public static ReflectionUtils getInstance() { if (instancia == null) { instancia = new ReflectionUtils(); hpu = HibernateProxyUtils.getInstance(); } return instancia; } public boolean compareAndUpdateAttributes(Object oldObj, Object newObj, String[] atributos, boolean update, StringBuffer msgBuffer) { boolean result = true; if (atributos != null && atributos.length > 0) { for (String attr : atributos) { result &= compareAndUpdateAttribute(oldObj, newObj, attr, update, msgBuffer); } } return result; } public boolean compareAndUpdateAttribute(Object oldObj, Object newObj, String atributo, boolean update, StringBuffer msgBuffer) { return compareAndUpdateAttribute(oldObj, newObj, atributo, update, msgBuffer, null); } public boolean compareAndUpdateAttribute(Object oldObj, Object newObj, String atributo, boolean update, StringBuffer msgBuffer, String msgContext) { boolean result = false; if (oldObj != null && newObj != null) { oldObj = hpu.unproxy(oldObj); newObj = hpu.unproxy(newObj); if (!isHibernateProxy(oldObj) && !isHibernateProxy(newObj)) { PropertyDescriptor desc = null; try { String firstAttribute = null; String restAttribute = null; int pos = atributo.indexOf("."); if (pos >= 0) { firstAttribute = atributo.substring(0, pos); restAttribute = atributo.substring(pos + 1); } else { firstAttribute = atributo; } desc = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(oldObj, firstAttribute); if (desc != null) { Object oldValue = hpu.unproxy(desc.getReadMethod().invoke(oldObj)); Object newValue = hpu.unproxy(desc.getReadMethod().invoke(newObj)); if (restAttribute == null && !isHibernateProxy(oldValue) && !isHibernateProxy(newValue)) { String auxChangeMsg = null; result = (oldValue != null) ? compareObjects(desc, oldValue, newValue) : (newValue == null); if (!result) { if (msgBuffer != null) { auxChangeMsg = buildChangeMessage(desc, firstAttribute, oldValue, newValue, msgContext); } if (update) { updateOldValue(oldObj, desc, oldValue, newValue); } } if (msgBuffer != null) msgBuffer.append(getAppendMsg(auxChangeMsg, msgBuffer)); } if (restAttribute != null) { if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desc.getPropertyType())) { Collection<?> oldSetAux = (Collection<?>) oldValue; Collection<?> newSetAux = (Collection<?>) newValue; if (oldValue != null && newValue != null) { Collection<?> intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(oldSetAux, newSetAux); for (Object obj : intersection) { RUPredicate rup = new RUPredicate(obj.hashCode()); Object oldElement = CollectionUtils.find(oldSetAux, rup); Object newElement = CollectionUtils.find(newSetAux, rup); String context = (msgContext != null) ? msgContext + firstAttribute : firstAttribute; context += "([" + oldElement.toString() + "])."; compareAndUpdateAttribute(oldElement, newElement, restAttribute, update, msgBuffer, context); } } } else { compareAndUpdateAttribute(oldValue, newValue, restAttribute, update, msgBuffer); } } } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { String error = "Error in compareAndUpdateAttribute, class type [%s] has no property [%s]"; throw new RuntimeException(String.format(error, oldObj.getClass(), atributo), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; } private String getAppendMsg(String auxChangeMsg, StringBuffer msgBuffer) { String result = ""; if (auxChangeMsg != null) { result = (StringUtils.isEmpty(msgBuffer)) ? auxChangeMsg : String.format(", %s", auxChangeMsg); } return result; } private boolean isHibernateProxy(Object object) { boolean result = (object != null) ? hpu.isProxy(object) : false; if (result) { String error = "Object [%s] of class type [%s] is an hibernate proxy" + " and thus it is not possible to compareAndUpdate by means" + " of reflection. You must initializeAndUnproxy before."; throw new RuntimeException(String.format(error, object, object.getClass())); } return result; } private boolean compareObjects(PropertyDescriptor desc, Object orig, Object nuevo) { boolean result = false; if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(desc.getPropertyType())) { try { Method compare = Date.class.getMethod("compareTo", Date.class); int aux = (nuevo != null) ? (int) compare.invoke((Date) orig, (Date) nuevo) : -1; result = (aux == 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desc.getPropertyType())) { result = (nuevo != null) ? CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection((Collection<?>) orig, (Collection<?>) nuevo) : false; } else { result = orig.equals(nuevo); } return result; } private String buildChangeMessage(PropertyDescriptor desc, String atributo, Object oldValue, Object newValue, String msgContext) { String result = null; if (msgContext != null) atributo = msgContext + atributo; if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desc.getPropertyType())) { StringBuffer msgBuff = null; Collection<?> oldSetAux = (Collection<?>) oldValue; Collection<?> newSetAux = (Collection<?>) newValue; if ((oldSetAux != null && !oldSetAux.isEmpty()) || (newSetAux != null && !newSetAux.isEmpty())) { msgBuff = new StringBuffer("{" + atributo + "}"); } if (oldSetAux != null && newSetAux != null) { Collection<?> intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(oldSetAux, newSetAux); Collection<?> nuevos = CollectionUtils.removeAll(newSetAux, intersection); Collection<?> borrados = CollectionUtils.removeAll(oldSetAux, intersection); if (nuevos != null && !nuevos.isEmpty()) { msgBuff.append("+++: "); for (Object element : nuevos) msgBuff.append(String.format("[%s], ", element.toString())); msgBuff.delete(msgBuff.length() - 2, msgBuff.length()); } if (borrados != null && !borrados.isEmpty()) { msgBuff.append("---: "); for (Object element : borrados) msgBuff.append(String.format("[%s], ", element.toString())); msgBuff.delete(msgBuff.length() - 2, msgBuff.length()); } } else if (oldSetAux != null && newSetAux == null) { if (!oldSetAux.isEmpty()) { msgBuff.append("+++: "); for (Object element : oldSetAux) msgBuff.append(String.format("[%s], ", element.toString())); msgBuff.delete(msgBuff.length() - 2, msgBuff.length()); } } else if (oldSetAux == null && newSetAux != null) { if (!newSetAux.isEmpty()) { msgBuff.append("---: "); for (Object element : newSetAux) msgBuff.append(String.format("[%s], ", element.toString())); msgBuff.delete(msgBuff.length() - 2, msgBuff.length()); } } if (msgBuff != null) result = msgBuff.toString(); } else { String format = "['%s' :: (%s) -> (%s)]"; result = String.format(format, atributo, (oldValue != null) ? oldValue.toString() : "null", (newValue != null) ? newValue.toString() : "null"); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private void updateOldValue(Object oldObj, PropertyDescriptor desc, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desc.getPropertyType())) { Collection oldSetAux = (Collection) oldValue; Collection newSetAux = (Collection) newValue; if (oldSetAux == null) { setNewValue(oldObj, desc.getWriteMethod(), newSetAux); } else { //oldSetAux.clear(); if (newSetAux != null) { Collection<?> intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(oldSetAux, newSetAux); Collection<?> nuevos = CollectionUtils.removeAll(newSetAux, intersection); Collection<?> borrados = CollectionUtils.removeAll(oldSetAux, intersection); oldSetAux.removeAll(borrados); oldSetAux.addAll(nuevos); } } } else { setNewValue(oldObj, desc.getWriteMethod(), newValue); } } private void setNewValue(Object oldObj, Method method, Object newValue) { try { method.invoke(oldObj, newValue); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class RUPredicate implements Predicate<Object> { int hash = -1; public RUPredicate(int hashCode) { hash = hashCode; } @Override public boolean evaluate(Object obj) { return obj.hashCode() == hash; } }