Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of CMDit.
 * CMDit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * CMDit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with CMDit.  If not, see <>.
package org.malaguna.cmdit.bbeans;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIData;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.Flash;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.malaguna.cmdit.model.AbstractObject;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.model.usrmgt.User;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.service.BeanNames;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.service.CommandRunner;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.service.ServiceDelegate;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.service.commands.Command;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.service.commands.CommandException;
import org.malaguna.cmdit.service.commands.ResultCommand;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;

 * Clase abstracta con los atributos comunes a cualquier
 * Back Bean de la aplicacin:
 *  - Acceso a la sesion
 *  - Acceso a la capa de servicio
 *  - Tratamiento comn de errores en la lgica
public class AbstractBean extends CommandRunner {
    private final static String AUTH_USER_KEY = "authuser";
    private Flash flash = null;

     * Resuelve el locale del cliente
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return getFacesContext().getViewRoot().getLocale();

    * Resuelve dinmicamente el ServiceDelegate
    public AbstractBean() {
        WebApplicationContext wac = WebApplicationContextUtils
        super.setService((ServiceDelegate) wac.getBean(BeanNames.SERVICE));

     * @return El contexto de Faces
    protected FacesContext getFacesContext() {
        return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

     * @return El contexto del contenedor de Faces
    protected ExternalContext getExternalContext() {
        return getFacesContext().getExternalContext();

     * @return El contexto del servlet, si es que se est ejecutanto en uno
    protected ServletContext getServletContext() {
        ServletContext sc = null;

        try {
            sc = (ServletContext) getExternalContext().getContext();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logError("", e, (Object[]) null);

        return sc;

     * Devuelve un back bean dado su nombre
     * @param backBean
    public Object getBackBeanReference(String backBean) {
        ELContext context = getFacesContext().getELContext();
        return context.getELResolver().getValue(context, null, backBean);

     * Devuelve un Bean de Spring dado su nombre
     * @param name
     * @return
    public Object getSpringBean(String name) {
        Object result = null;

        if (getBeanFactory() != null)
            result = getBeanFactory().getBean(name);
        else {
            String className = this.getClass().getName();
            String mensaje = String.format(
                    "El MBean %s no ha sido inicializado convenientemente, no dispone de acceso al BeanFactory!",
            setErrorMessage("Error de inicializacin", mensaje);

        return result;

     * Introduce un mensaje de tipo INFO en la cola de mensajes de Faces
     * @param summary Mensaje de Informacin
    protected void setInfoMessage(String summary, String msg) {
        getFacesContext().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, summary, msg));

     * Introduce un mensaje de tipo INFO en la cola de mensajes de Faces asociado a un componente de la vista
     * @param component El componente al que se le asocia el mensaje
     * @param summary Mensaje de informacin
    protected void setInfoMessage(UIComponent component, String summary, String msg) {
                new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, summary, msg));

    * Introduce un mensaje de tipo WARM en la cola de mensajes de Faces
    * @param summary Mensaje de Advertencia
    protected void setWarmMessage(String summary, String msg) {
        getFacesContext().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, summary, msg));

     * Introduce un mensaje de tipo WARM en la cola de mensajes de Faces asociado a un componente de la vista
     * @param component El componente al que se le asocia el mensaje
     * @param summary Mensaje de Advertencia
    protected void setWarmMessage(UIComponent component, String summary, String msg) {
                new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, summary, msg));

    * Introduce un mensaje de tipo ERROR en la cola de mensajes de Faces
    * @param summary Mensaje de error
    protected void setErrorMessage(String summary, String msg) {
        getFacesContext().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, summary, msg));

     * Introduce un mensaje de tipo ERROR en la cola de mensajes de Faces asociado a un componente de la vista
     * @param component El componente al que se le asocia el mensaje
     * @param summary Mensaje de error
    protected void setErrorMessage(UIComponent component, String summary, String msg) {
                new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, summary, msg));

    * Introduce un mensaje de tipo FATAL en la cola de mensajes de Faces
    * @param summary Mensaje de error fatal
    protected void setFatalMessage(String summary, String msg) {
        getFacesContext().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, summary, msg));

     * Introduce un mensaje de tipo FATAL en la cola de mensajes de Faces asociado a un componente de la vista
     * @param component El componente al que se le asocia el mensaje
     * @param summary Mensaje de error fatal
    protected void setFatalMessage(UIComponent component, String summary, String msg) {
                new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, summary, msg));

     * It runs a command safely and catching all error info. If commands fail, 
     * it won't do anything.
     * @param cmd
     * @return
     * @throws CommandException
    protected Command runCommandWE(Command cmd) throws CommandException {
        return super.runCommand(cmd);

     * It runs a command safely and catching all error info. If commands fail, 
     * it will show error info standard way.
     * @param cmd
     * @return
    protected Command runCommand(Command cmd) {

        try {
            cmd = super.runCommand(cmd);
            if ((cmd != null) && (cmd.getUserComment() != null)) {
                setInfoMessage("Command Info:", cmd.getUserComment());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Throwable ce = (e.getCause() != null) ? e.getCause() : e;

            String aux = getMessage(ce.getClass().getName(), getLocale());
            String errMsg = null;

            if (aux != null)
                errMsg = String.format("%s: %s", aux, ce.getLocalizedMessage());
                errMsg = ce.getLocalizedMessage();

            setErrorMessage("Command Error:", errMsg);
            cmd = null;

        return cmd;

     * This is for bussines logic outside a request, in this case there is no possible user
     * to retrieve from context. For example an HL7 message, a WebService without credentials,
     * etc.
     * @param cmd
     * @return
     * @throws CommandException
    protected Command runCommandOffSession(Command cmd) throws CommandException {
        return super.runCommand(cmd);

     * Method that obtains the selected row from a UIComponent. It does not check super classes
     * @param anEvent
    protected Object selectRowFromEvent(UIComponent tmpComponent, Class<?> clazz) {
        return selectRowFromEvent(tmpComponent, clazz, false);

     * Method that obtains the selected row from a UIComponent. It can check super class
     * @param anEvent
    protected Object selectRowFromEvent(UIComponent tmpComponent, Class<?> clazz, boolean checkSuper) {
        Object tmpRowData = null;

        if (tmpComponent != null) {
            while (null != tmpComponent && !(tmpComponent instanceof UIData))
                tmpComponent = tmpComponent.getParent();

            if (tmpComponent != null && (tmpComponent instanceof UIData)) {
                tmpRowData = ((UIData) tmpComponent).getRowData();

                boolean checked = clazz.isAssignableFrom(tmpRowData.getClass());

                if (!checked && checkSuper) {
                    checked = clazz.isInstance(tmpRowData);

                if (!checked) {
                    setErrorMessage("Casting from event error:",
                            "Error de casting para el objeto fila: se esperaba [" + clazz.toString() + "] y es ["
                                    + tmpRowData.getClass().toString() + "]");
                    tmpRowData = null;

        return tmpRowData;

    protected void sendFileThroughHttpResponse(File file, String fileName, String contentType) throws Exception {

        if (file != null && file.exists()) {

            if (contentType != null) {

                HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) getFacesContext().getExternalContext()
                response.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
                response.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
                response.setHeader("Expires", "01 Apr 1995 01:10:10 GMT");

                StringBuffer contentDisposition = new StringBuffer();
                contentDisposition.append(fileName != null ? fileName : file.getName());

                response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition.toString());

                try {
                    FileUtils.copyFile(file, response.getOutputStream());
                } catch (Exception e) {

            } else {
                setErrorMessage("Sendind file error:",
                        "No se ha indicado tipo de contenido del fichero a enviar por HTTP");
        } else {
            setErrorMessage("Sendind file error:", "No se ha indicado fichero para enviar por HTTP");

     * It puts into session an user. Only a SessionAbstractBean can do this.
     * @param user
    protected void putAuthUserIntoSession(User user) {
        if (this instanceof SessionAbstractBean) {
            ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
            ec.getSessionMap().put(AUTH_USER_KEY, user);

     * It retrieves from session an user
    private User getAuthUserFromSession() {
        ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
        return (User) ec.getSessionMap().get(AUTH_USER_KEY);

    protected void putFlash(String key, Object value) {

        if (flash == null) {
            flash = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash();

        flash.put(key, value);


    protected Object getFlash(String key) {

        if (flash == null) {
            flash = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash();

        return flash.get(key);


    protected List<SelectItem> loadAllObjectsAsSelectItems(
            Class<? extends ResultCommand<? extends List<? extends AbstractObject<? extends Serializable>>>> clazz,
            String action) {
        List<SelectItem> result = null;
        ResultCommand<? extends List<? extends AbstractObject<? extends Serializable>>> cmd = null;

        cmd = (ResultCommand<? extends List<? extends AbstractObject<? extends Serializable>>>) createCommand(
        cmd = (ResultCommand<? extends List<? extends AbstractObject<? extends Serializable>>>) runCommand(cmd);

        if ((cmd != null) && (cmd.getResult() != null) && !(cmd.getResult().isEmpty())) {
            result = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            for (AbstractObject<?> aux : cmd.getResult())
                result.add(new SelectItem(aux.getPid(), aux.toString()));

        return result;
