Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 SAP AG * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.lpe.common.util; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.TDistribution; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.TestUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression; import org.lpe.common.util.stats.IQROutlierDetector; import; /** * Utility class for numeric operations. * * @author Alexander Wert, Roozbeh Farahbod * */ public final class LpeNumericUtils { private static final int NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM = 6; private static final int kilo = 1000; private static final int SEC_IN_MIN = 60; private static final int MIN_IN_H = 60; protected static IQROutlierDetector iqrOutlierDetector = null; /** * private constructor due to utility class. */ private LpeNumericUtils() { } /** * Formats a <code>double</code> value into a <code>String</code> with * <i>d</i> digits after decimal point. * * @param v * value to format * @param d * number of digits * @return formatted String */ public static String dFormat(double v, int d) { String pattern = "0"; for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { if (i == 0) { pattern += "."; } pattern += "0"; } DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(pattern, otherSymbols); return format.format(v); } /** * Converts the passed duration in millisecands to a hour, min, sec, * millisec string. * * @param timeMillis * duration to convert * @return formatted string */ public static String formatTimeMillis(long timeMillis) { long milliSec = timeMillis % kilo; long secAll = timeMillis / kilo; long sec = secAll % SEC_IN_MIN; long minAll = secAll / SEC_IN_MIN; long min = minAll % MIN_IN_H; long h = minAll / MIN_IN_H; return h + " h - " + min + " min - " + sec + " s - " + milliSec + " ms"; } /** * Returns the average (mean) of the given values. * * @param values * a collection of values * @return the average as a double value */ public static double average(Collection<? extends Number> values) { double result = 0; if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot calculate average on a null object."); } if (values.size() == 0) { return 0; } else { for (Number n : values) { result += n.doubleValue(); } } return result / values.size(); } /** * Returns the maximum of the given values. * * @param values * a collection of values * @param <T> * type of values * @return the maximum */ public static <T extends Number> T max(Collection<T> values) { T max = null; for (T value : values) { if (max == null) { max = value; continue; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Comparable<T> comparable = (Comparable<T>) value; if (comparable.compareTo(max) > 0) { max = value; } } return max; } /** * Returns the minimum of the given values. * * @param values * a collection of values * @param <T> * type of values * @return the minimum */ public static <T extends Number> T min(Collection<T> values) { T min = null; for (T value : values) { if (min == null) { min = value; continue; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Comparable<T> comparable = (Comparable<T>) value; if (comparable.compareTo(min) < 0) { min = value; } } return min; } /** * Returns the average (mean) of the given values. * * @param values * an array of values * @return the average as a double value */ public static double average(double[] values) { double result = 0; if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot calculate average on a null object."); } if (values.length == 0) { return 0; } else { for (Number n : values) { result += n.doubleValue(); } } return result / values.length; } /** * Returns the population standard deviation of the given values. * * @param values * input values * @return the population standard deviation */ public static double stdDev(double[] values) { double result = 0; if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot calculate standard deviation on a null object."); } if (values.length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot calculated standard deviation on an empty set."); } final double mean = average(values); for (double v : values) { result += (v - mean) * (v - mean); } result = Math.sqrt(result / values.length); return result; } /** * Returns the population standard deviation of the given values. * * @param array * input values * @param <T> * number type * @return the population standard deviation * */ public static <T extends Number> double stdDev(T[] array) { double[] temp = new double[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { temp[i] = array[i].doubleValue(); } return stdDev(temp); } /** * Returns the population standard deviation of the given values. * * @param values * input values * @param <T> * number type * @return the population standard deviation */ public static <T extends Number> double stdDev(Collection<T> values) { return stdDev(values.toArray(new Number[] {})); } /** * Calculates confidence interval width for the given SummaryStatistics and * the significance level. * * @param summaryStatistics * the data * @param significance * desired significance level * @return the width of the confidence interval around the mean with the * given significance level */ public static double getConfidenceIntervalWidth(SummaryStatistics summaryStatistics, double significance) { return getConfidenceIntervalWidth(summaryStatistics.getN(), summaryStatistics.getStandardDeviation(), significance); } /** * Calculates confidence interval width for the given data and the * significance level. * * @param sampleSize * number of values * @param stdDev * standard deviation of the values * @param significance * desired significance level * @return the width of the confidence interval around the mean with the * given significance level */ public static double getConfidenceIntervalWidth(long sampleSize, double stdDev, double significance) { TDistribution tDist = new TDistribution(sampleSize - 1); double a = tDist.inverseCumulativeProbability(1.0 - significance / 2); return a * stdDev / Math.sqrt(sampleSize) * 2; } /** * Filters outliers from the given set of values using the 1.5*IQR method. * * @param values * a list of numeric values * @return a filtered set of the input values without the outliers * * @see IQROutlierDetector#filterOutliers(List) */ public static <T extends Number> List<T> filterOutliersUsingIQR(List<T> values) { return getDefaultIQROutlierDetector().filterOutliers(values); } /** * Filters outliers from the keys of the given set of values using the * 1.5*IQR method. * * @param list * a list of numeric pairs values * @param <T> * type * @return a filtered set of the input pairs without the outliers * * * @see IQROutlierDetector#filterOutliers(List) */ public static <T extends Number> NumericPairList<Double, T> filterOutliersInKeysUsingIQR( NumericPairList<Double, T> list) { return getDefaultIQROutlierDetector().filterOutliersInKeys(list); } /** * Filters outliers from the values of the given set of values using the * 1.5*IQR method. * * @param list * a list of numeric pairs values * @param <T> * type * @return a filtered set of the input pairs without the outliers * * @see IQROutlierDetector#filterOutliers(List) */ public static <T extends Number> NumericPairList<T, Double> filterOutliersInValuesUsingIQR( NumericPairList<T, Double> list) { return getDefaultIQROutlierDetector().filterOutliersInValues(list); } /** * Remove outliers in keys by calculating the distance to the neighbor * points. If the distance of a point to its neighbors is quite high, the * point is considered as an outlier. * * @param list * list of pairs * @param noiseThreshold * noise threshold * @param windowSize * window size to include neigbors for consideration * @param <T> * value type * @return filtered list of pairs */ public static <T extends Number> NumericPairList<Double, T> removeNoiseInKeys(NumericPairList<Double, T> list, double noiseThreshold, int windowSize) { NumericPairList<Double, T> result = new NumericPairList<>(); double[] noiseMetrics = new double[list.size()]; double maxNoise = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { double sum = 0; double count = 0; for (int j = i - windowSize / 2; j <= i + windowSize / 2; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= list.size() || i == j) { continue; } sum += Math.abs(list.get(i).getKey() - list.get(j).getKey()); count += 1.0; } noiseMetrics[i] = sum / count; if (noiseMetrics[i] > maxNoise) { maxNoise = noiseMetrics[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < noiseMetrics.length; i++) { double relativeNoise = noiseMetrics[i] / maxNoise; if (relativeNoise < noiseThreshold) { result.add(new NumericPair<Double, T>(list.get(i).getKey(), list.get(i).getValue())); } } return result; } /** * Remove outliers in values by calculating the distance to the neighbor * points. If the distance of a point to its neighbors is quite high, the * point is considered as an outlier. * * @param list * list of pairs * @param noiseThreshold * noise threshold * @param percentile * if noise threshold is not used, percentile of the noise is * used as threshold * @param windowSize * window size to include neighbors for consideration * * @param <T> * value type * @return filtered list of pairs */ public static <T extends Number> NumericPairList<T, Double> removeNoiseInValues(NumericPairList<T, Double> list, double noiseThreshold, double percentile, int windowSize) { NumericPairList<T, Double> result = new NumericPairList<>(); if (noiseThreshold > 0) { double[] noiseMetrics = new double[list.size()]; double maxNoise = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { double sum = 0; double count = 0; for (int j = i - windowSize / 2; j <= i + windowSize / 2; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= list.size() || i == j) { continue; } sum += Math.abs(list.get(i).getValue() - list.get(j).getValue()); count += 1.0; } noiseMetrics[i] = sum / count; if (noiseMetrics[i] > maxNoise) { maxNoise = noiseMetrics[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < noiseMetrics.length; i++) { double relativeNoise = noiseMetrics[i] / maxNoise; if (relativeNoise < noiseThreshold) { result.add(new NumericPair<T, Double>(list.get(i).getKey(), list.get(i).getValue())); } } } else { double[] noiseMetrics = new double[list.size()]; double maxNoise = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { double sum = 0; double count = 0; for (int j = i - windowSize / 2; j <= i + windowSize / 2; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= list.size() || i == j) { continue; } sum += Math.abs(list.get(i).getValue() - list.get(j).getValue()); count += 1.0; } noiseMetrics[i] = sum / count; if (noiseMetrics[i] > maxNoise) { maxNoise = noiseMetrics[i]; } } List<Double> noisemetricsList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < noiseMetrics.length; i++) { noiseMetrics[i] = noiseMetrics[i] / maxNoise; noisemetricsList.add(noiseMetrics[i]); } Collections.sort(noisemetricsList); int percentileIx = (int) (((double) noisemetricsList.size()) * percentile); noiseThreshold = noisemetricsList.get(percentileIx); for (int i = 0; i < noiseMetrics.length; i++) { if (noiseMetrics[i] < noiseThreshold) { result.add(new NumericPair<T, Double>(list.get(i).getKey(), list.get(i).getValue())); } } } return result; } /** * Exports a pair list as CSV. * * @param list * pair list to export * @param file * target CSV file * @param keyColumnName * name of the key column * @param valueColumnName * name of the value column */ public static void exportAsCSV(NumericPairList<? extends Number, ? extends Number> list, String file, String keyColumnName, String valueColumnName) { FileWriter fWriter = null; CSVWriter csvWriter = null; try { fWriter = new FileWriter(file); csvWriter = new CSVWriter(fWriter, ';'); String[] line = { keyColumnName, valueColumnName }; csvWriter.writeNext(line); for (NumericPair<? extends Number, ? extends Number> pair : list) { line[0] = pair.getKey().toString(); line[1] = pair.getValue().toString(); csvWriter.writeNext(line); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (csvWriter != null) { try { csvWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (fWriter != null) { try { fWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } /** * Exports a pair list as CSV. * * @param list * pair list to export * @param file * target CSV file * @param keyColumnName * name of the key column * @param valueColumnName * name of the value column */ public static void exportAsCSV(String file, List<? extends Number>... data) { boolean first = true; int prevSize = -1; for (Collection<? extends Number> col : data) { if (col == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Null collection"); } if (first) { first = false; prevSize = col.size(); continue; } if (col.size() != prevSize) { throw new RuntimeException("Collections have unequal sizes!"); } prevSize = col.size(); } FileWriter fWriter = null; CSVWriter csvWriter = null; try { fWriter = new FileWriter(file); csvWriter = new CSVWriter(fWriter, ';'); String[] line = new String[data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { line[i] = "Col" + i; } csvWriter.writeNext(line); for (int index = 0; index < data[0].size(); index++) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { line[i] = data[i].get(index).toString(); } csvWriter.writeNext(line); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (csvWriter != null) { try { csvWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (fWriter != null) { try { fWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } /** * Marks the outliers in the given list of values using the 1.5*IQR method. * * @param values * a list of numeric data * @return a map from values to a Boolean flag which indicates if a value is * an outlier (<code>true</code>) or not (<code>false</code>). * * @see IQROutlierDetector#markOutliersUsingIQR(List) */ public static Map<Double, Boolean> markOutliersUsingIQR(List<Double> values) { return getDefaultIQROutlierDetector().markOutliersUsingIQR(values); } /** * @return the default IQR outlier detector for this class */ public static IQROutlierDetector getDefaultIQROutlierDetector() { if (iqrOutlierDetector == null) { iqrOutlierDetector = new IQROutlierDetector(); } return iqrOutlierDetector; } /** * Calculates the p-Value by executing an unpaired t-test for the given two * non-normally distributed samples.<br /> * <b>Be aware</b>: The method requires at least two values for each value * list to run a t-test. * * @param values1 * sample one * @param values2 * sample two * @return p-value the t-test p-value in range [0-1]. Can be -1, if at least * one of the lists has below 2 data entries. */ public static double tTestOnNonNormalDistributedSample(List<? extends Number> values1, List<? extends Number> values2) { List<Double> sums1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> sums2 = new ArrayList<>(); createNormalDistributionByBootstrapping(values1, values2, sums1, sums2); return tTest(sums1, sums2); } /** * Creates normal distribution by bootstrapping the given samples. * * @param values1 * input sample 1 * @param values2 * input sample 2 * @param sums1 * output for sample 1 * @param sums2 * output for sample 2 */ public static void createNormalDistributionByBootstrapping(List<? extends Number> values1, List<? extends Number> values2, final List<Double> sums1, final List<Double> sums2) { if (values1.size() < 3 * NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM || values2.size() < 3 * NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot conduct t-test on non normally distributed sample sets. Not enough data points!"); } double sum = 0; int counter = 0; for (Number num : values1) { if (counter % NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM == 0 && counter != 0) { sums1.add(sum / (double) NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM); sum = 0; } sum += num.doubleValue(); counter++; } sum = 0; counter = 0; for (Number num : values2) { if (counter % NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM == 0 && counter != 0) { sums2.add(sum / (double) NUM_ITEMS_IN_SUM); sum = 0; } sum += num.doubleValue(); counter++; } } /** * Calculates the p-Value by executing an unpaired t-test for the given to * samples.<br /> * <b>Be aware</b>: The method requires at least two values for each value * list to run a t-test. * * @param values1 * sample one * @param values2 * sample two * @return p-value the t-test p-value in range [0-1]. Can be -1, if at least * one of the lists has below 2 data entries. */ public static double tTest(List<? extends Number> values1, List<? extends Number> values2) { // Apache commons requires at least 2 values to do a t-test if (values1.size() < 2 || values2.size() < 2) { return -1; } double[] sample1 = new double[values1.size()]; double[] sample2 = new double[values2.size()]; int i = 0; for (Number value : values1) { sample1[i] = value.doubleValue(); i++; } i = 0; for (Number value : values2) { sample2[i] = value.doubleValue(); i++; } return TestUtils.tTest(sample1, sample2); } /** * Converts a list of a specific Number type A to a list of a number type B. * * @param values * list to convert * @param targetType * type of the target list * @return list of converted values * @param <A> * source type * @param <B> * target type */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <A extends Number, B extends Number> List<B> convertList(List<A> values, Class<B> targetType) { LpeSupportedTypes lpeType = LpeSupportedTypes.get(targetType); List<B> bList = new ArrayList<>(); switch (lpeType) { case Double: for (A a : values) { bList.add((B) new Double(a.doubleValue())); } break; case Float: for (A a : values) { bList.add((B) new Float(a.floatValue())); } break; case Integer: for (A a : values) { bList.add((B) new Integer(a.intValue())); } break; case Long: for (A a : values) { bList.add((B) new Long(a.longValue())); } break; case Short: for (A a : values) { bList.add((B) new Short(a.shortValue())); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(targetType + " is not a Number!"); } return bList; } /** * Returns a fraction closest to the specified double with a power of the * given basis as denominator. The fraction is returned as array of integer * with the numerator as zeroth and the denominator as first element. * * @param dec * double to be converted into a fraction * @param basis * basis of the denominator * @param precision * denotes how close to the decimal value the fraction may be<br> * <b>Note:</b> 0 < {@code precision} and {@code basis}<sup> * {@code precision}</sup> * {@code dec} <= * {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} * @return the closest fraction to {@code dec} with {@code basis} * <sup>n</sup> as denominator */ public static int[] getFractionFromDouble(double dec, int basis, int precision) { int denom = (int) Math.pow(basis, precision); int num = (int) Math.round(dec * denom); while (num % 2 == 0) { num /= 2; denom /= 2; } return new int[] { num, denom }; } /** * Returns a fraction closest to the specified double. The fraction is * returned as array of integer with the numerator as zeroth and the * denominator as first element. * * @param dec * double to be converted into a fraction * @return the closest fraction to {@code dec} */ public static int[] getFractionFromDouble(double dec) { if (dec < 0.005) { return new int[] { 0, 1 }; } double tmp = 1 / dec; int integer = (int) tmp; int[] rest = getFractionFromDouble(tmp - integer); return new int[] { rest[1], integer * rest[1] + rest[0] }; } /** * Creates a linear regression object. * * @param dataPoints * data points to add * @return SimpleRegression */ public static SimpleRegression linearRegression( NumericPairList<? extends Number, ? extends Number> dataPoints) { SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression(true); for (NumericPair<? extends Number, ? extends Number> point : dataPoints) { regression.addData(point.getKey().doubleValue(), point.getValue().doubleValue()); } return regression; } /** * calculates Erlangs C formula for further calculation of response times in * a multi-server queue (cf. queueing theory). * * @param numServers * number of servers * @param utilization * overall server utilization * @return the calculated value for the given parameters */ public static double calculateErlangsCFormula(int numServers, double utilization) { double c = (double) numServers; double p = utilization; double cp = c * p; double cpC = Math.pow(cp, c); double cFac = factorial(numServers); double termA = (cpC / cFac) * (1 / (1 - p)); double termB = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { double cpI = Math.pow(cp, i); double iFac = factorial(i); termB += cpI / iFac; } return termA / (termB + termA); } /** * Calculates the factorial of x. * * @param x * the value for which to calculate the factorial * @return fac(x) */ public static long factorial(int x) { long result = 1; while (x >= 1) { result *= x; x--; } return result; } public static <T extends Number, S extends Number> double meanNormalizedDistance(NumericPairList<T, S> points, double keyRange, double valueRange) { double keyFactor = 1.0 / keyRange; double valueFactor = 1.0 / valueRange; double sumDistance = 0; NumericPair<T, S> prevPoint = null; for (NumericPair<T, S> point : points) { if (prevPoint != null) { sumDistance += distance(prevPoint, point, keyFactor, valueFactor); } prevPoint = point; } return sumDistance / (double) (points.size() - 1); } public static <T extends Number, S extends Number> List<NumericPairList<T, S>> dbscanNormalized( NumericPairList<T, S> points, double epsilon, int minNumPoints, double keyRange, double valueRange) { NormalizedDistanceMeasure distanceMeasure = new NormalizedDistanceMeasure(1.0 / keyRange, 1.0 / valueRange); System.out.println("########## STARTED CLUSTERING ###################"); DBSCANClusterer<NumericPair<T, S>> clusterer = new DBSCANClusterer<NumericPair<T, S>>(epsilon, minNumPoints, distanceMeasure); List<Cluster<NumericPair<T, S>>> clusters = clusterer.cluster(points.getPairs()); System.out.println("########## FINISHED CLUSTERING ###################"); List<NumericPairList<T, S>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Cluster<NumericPair<T, S>> c : clusters) { NumericPairList<T, S> pairList = new NumericPairList<>(); for (NumericPair<T, S> pair : c.getPoints()) { pairList.add(pair); } result.add(pairList); } System.out.println("########## RETURNED CLUSTERS ###################"); return result; } public static <T extends Number, S extends Number> List<NumericPairList<T, S>> dbscan( NumericPairList<T, S> points, double epsilon, int minNumPoints) { DBSCANClusterer<NumericPair<T, S>> clusterer = new DBSCANClusterer<NumericPair<T, S>>(epsilon, minNumPoints); List<Cluster<NumericPair<T, S>>> clusters = clusterer.cluster(points.getPairs()); List<NumericPairList<T, S>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Cluster<NumericPair<T, S>> c : clusters) { NumericPairList<T, S> pairList = new NumericPairList<>(); for (NumericPair<T, S> pair : c.getPoints()) { pairList.add(pair); } result.add(pairList); } return result; } private static <T extends Number, S extends Number> double distance(NumericPair<T, S> point_1, NumericPair<T, S> point_2, double keyFactor, double valueFactor) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((point_1.getKey().doubleValue() - point_2.getKey().doubleValue()) * keyFactor, 2) + Math.pow((point_1.getValue().doubleValue() - point_2.getValue().doubleValue()) * valueFactor, 2)); } public static double getUtilizationForResponseTimeFactorQT(double rtFactor, int numCores) { double left = 0.01; double right = 1.0; double mid = 0.5; double epsilon = 1.0; double epsilonThreshold = 0.01; double result = mid; double smallUtilization = 0.01; double refValue = 1.0 / (1.0 - smallUtilization) * LpeNumericUtils.calculateErlangsCFormula(numCores, smallUtilization); while (epsilon > epsilonThreshold) { double value = 1.0 / (1.0 - mid) * LpeNumericUtils.calculateErlangsCFormula(numCores, mid); double proportion = refValue / value; epsilon = Math.abs((proportion - rtFactor)); result = mid; if (proportion < rtFactor) { left = mid; mid = mid + 0.5 * (right - mid); } else { right = mid; mid = left + 0.5 * (mid - left); } } return result; } }