Java tutorial
/** * TwitterScraper * Copyright 22.02.2015 by Michael Peter Christen, @0rb1t3r * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see <>. */ package org.loklak.harvester; import static org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils.consumeQuietly; import static org.loklak.http.ClientConnection.getCustomClosableHttpClient; import static org.loklak.http.ClientConnection.getHTML; import org.loklak.objects.AbstractObjectEntry; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import org.loklak.geo.GeoMark; import org.loklak.geo.LocationSource; import org.loklak.objects.QueryEntry.PlaceContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import; import org.loklak.http.ClientConnection; import org.loklak.objects.MessageEntry; import org.loklak.objects.ProviderType; import org.loklak.objects.SourceType; import org.loklak.objects.Timeline; import org.loklak.objects.UserEntry; public class TwitterScraper { public static final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(40); public static final Pattern emoji_pattern_span = Pattern.compile( "<span [^>]*class=\"Emoji Emoji--forLinks\" [^>]*>[\\n]*[^<]*</span>[\\n]*<span [^>]*class=\"visuallyhidden\" [^>]*aria-hidden=\"true\"[^>]*>[\\n]*([^<]*)[\\n]*</span>"); private static final Pattern bearerJsUrlRegex = Pattern.compile("showFailureMessage\\(\\'(.*?main.*?)\\'\\);"); private static final Pattern guestTokenRegex = Pattern .compile("document\\.cookie \\= decodeURIComponent\\(\\\"gt\\=([0-9]+);"); private static final Pattern bearerTokenRegex = Pattern.compile("BEARER_TOKEN:\\\"(.*?)\\\""); public static Timeline search(final String query, final ArrayList<String> filterList, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend, int jointime) { Timeline[] tl = search(query, filterList, order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + jointime; long remainingWait = 0; for (TwitterTweet tt : tl[1]) { remainingWait = Math.max(10, timeout - System.currentTimeMillis()); if (tt.waitReady(remainingWait)) { // double additions are detected tl[0].add(tt, tt.getUser()); } } return tl[0]; } public static Timeline search(final String query, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend, int jointime) { return search(query, new ArrayList<>(), order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend, jointime); } private static String prepareSearchUrl(final String query, final ArrayList<String> filterList) { // check // for a better syntax // build queries like // String httpsUrl = ""; String type = "tweets"; try { // query q StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder(query.length()); for (String s : query.replace('+', ' ').split(" ")) { t.append(' '); if (s.startsWith("since:") || s.startsWith("until:")) { int u = s.indexOf('_'); t.append(u < 0 ? s : s.substring(0, u)); } else { t.append(s); } } String q = t.length() == 0 ? "*" : URLEncoder.encode(t.substring(1), "UTF-8"); // type of content to fetch if (filterList.contains("video") && filterList.size() == 1) { type = "videos"; } // building url httpsUrl = "" + type + "&vertical=default&q=" + q + "&src=typd"; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } return httpsUrl; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Timeline[] search(final String query, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) { return search(query, new ArrayList<>(), order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); } private static Timeline[] search(final String query, final ArrayList<String> filterList, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) { // check // for a better syntax // String https_url = prepareSearchUrl(query, filterList); Timeline[] timelines = null; try { ClientConnection connection = new ClientConnection(https_url); if (connection.inputStream == null) return null; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(connection.inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); timelines = search(br, filterList, order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); } catch (IOException e) { DAO.severe(e); } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // this could mean that twitter rejected the connection (DoS protection?) or we are offline (we should be silent then) // DAO.severe(e); if (timelines == null) timelines = new Timeline[] { new Timeline(order), new Timeline(order) }; } ; // wait until all messages in the timeline are ready if (timelines == null) { // timeout occurred timelines = new Timeline[] { new Timeline(order), new Timeline(order) }; } if (timelines != null) { if (timelines[0] != null) timelines[0].setScraperInfo("local"); if (timelines[1] != null) timelines[1].setScraperInfo("local"); } return timelines; } private static Timeline[] parse(final File file, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) { return parse(file, new ArrayList<>(), order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); } private static Timeline[] parse(final File file, final ArrayList<String> filterList, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) { Timeline[] timelines = null; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); timelines = search(br, filterList, order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); } catch (IOException e) { DAO.severe(e); } finally { if (timelines == null) timelines = new Timeline[] { new Timeline(order), new Timeline(order) }; } if (timelines[0] != null) timelines[0].setScraperInfo("local"); if (timelines[1] != null) timelines[1].setScraperInfo("local"); return timelines; } private static Timeline[] search(final BufferedReader br, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) throws IOException { return search(br, new ArrayList<>(), order, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); } /** * scrape messages from the reader stream: this already checks if a message is new. There are only new messages returned * @param br * @param order * @return two timelines in one array: Timeline[0] is the one which is finished to be used, Timeline[1] contains messages which are in postprocessing * @throws IOException */ private static Timeline[] search(final BufferedReader br, final ArrayList<String> filterList, final Timeline.Order order, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) throws IOException { Timeline timelineReady = new Timeline(order); Timeline timelineWorking = new Timeline(order); String input; Map<String, prop> props = new HashMap<String, prop>(); Set<String> images = null; Set<String> videos = null; String place_id = ""; String place_name = ""; boolean parsing_favourite = false, parsing_retweet = false; int line = 0; // first line is 1, according to emacs which numbers the first line also as 1 boolean debuglog = DAO.getConfig("flag.debug.twitter_scraper", "false").equals("true"); while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) { line++; input = input.trim(); if (input.length() == 0) continue; // debug if (debuglog) DAO.log(line + ": " + input); //if (input.indexOf("ProfileTweet-actionCount") > 0) DAO.log(input); // parse int p; if ((p = input.indexOf("=\"account-group")) > 0) { props.put("userid", new prop(input, p, "data-user-id")); continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"avatar js-action-profile-avatar")) > 0) { props.put("useravatarurl", new prop(input, p, "src")); continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("data-name=")) >= 0) { props.put("userfullname", new prop(input, p, "data-name")); // don't continue here, username is in the same line } if ((p = input.indexOf("data-screen-name=")) >= 0) { props.put("usernickname", new prop(input, p, "data-screen-name")); // don't continue here, fullname is in the same line } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"tweet-timestamp")) > 0) { props.put("tweetstatusurl", new prop(input, 0, "href")); props.put("tweettimename", new prop(input, p, "title")); // don't continue here because "class=\"_timestamp" is in the same line } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"_timestamp")) > 0) { props.put("tweettimems", new prop(input, p, "data-time-ms")); continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"ProfileTweet-action--retweet")) > 0) { parsing_retweet = true; continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"ProfileTweet-action--favorite")) > 0) { parsing_favourite = true; continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"TweetTextSize")) > 0) { // read until closing p tag to account for new lines in tweets while (input.lastIndexOf("</p>") == -1) { input = input + ' ' + br.readLine(); } prop tweettext = new prop(input, p, null); props.put("tweettext", tweettext); continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"ProfileTweet-actionCount")) > 0) { if (parsing_retweet) { prop tweetretweetcount = new prop(input, p, "data-tweet-stat-count"); props.put("tweetretweetcount", tweetretweetcount); parsing_retweet = false; } if (parsing_favourite) { props.put("tweetfavouritecount", new prop(input, p, "data-tweet-stat-count")); parsing_favourite = false; } continue; } // get images if (videos == null) images = new HashSet<>(); if ((p = input.indexOf("<img")) >= 0) { String img_link = new prop(input, p, "src").value; if (img_link != null && img_link.contains("")) { images.add(img_link); continue; } } // we have two opportunities to get video thumbnails == more images; images in the presence of video content should be treated as thumbnail for the video if (videos == null) videos = new HashSet<>(); if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"animated-gif-thumbnail\"")) > 0) { String image_url = new prop(input, 0, "src").value; images.add(image_url); continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"animated-gif\"")) > 0) { String image_url = new prop(input, p, "poster").value; images.add(image_url); continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("<source video-src")) >= 0 && input.indexOf("type=\"video/") > p) { String video_url = new prop(input, p, "video-src").value; videos.add(video_url); continue; } if (input.indexOf("AdaptiveMedia-videoContainer") > 0) { /* String tweetUrl = props.get("tweetstatusurl").value; * String[] videoUrls = fetchTwitterVideos(tweetUrl); * Collections.addAll(videos, videoUrls); * * Not a good idea to fetch video right now. Need to add another endpoint which * lets end users fetch complete videos from here. * See **/ } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"Tweet-geo")) > 0) { prop place_name_prop = new prop(input, p, "title"); place_name = place_name_prop.value; continue; } if ((p = input.indexOf("class=\"ProfileTweet-actionButton u-linkClean js-nav js-geo-pivot-link")) > 0) { prop place_id_prop = new prop(input, p, "data-place-id"); place_id = place_id_prop.value; continue; } if (props.size() == 10 || (debuglog && props.size() > 4 && input.indexOf("stream-item") > 0)) { if (!filterPosts(filterList, props, videos, images)) { props = new HashMap<String, prop>(); place_id = ""; place_name = ""; continue; } //TODO: Add more filters // the tweet is complete, evaluate the result if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " propss.size() = " + props.size()); prop userid = props.get("userid"); if (userid == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value userid"); continue; } prop usernickname = props.get("usernickname"); if (usernickname == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value usernickname"); continue; } prop useravatarurl = props.get("useravatarurl"); if (useravatarurl == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value useravatarurl"); continue; } prop userfullname = props.get("userfullname"); if (userfullname == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value userfullname"); continue; } UserEntry user = new UserEntry(userid.value, usernickname.value, useravatarurl.value, MessageEntry.html2utf8(userfullname.value)); prop tweettimems = props.get("tweettimems"); if (tweettimems == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value tweettimems"); continue; } prop tweetretweetcount = props.get("tweetretweetcount"); if (tweetretweetcount == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value tweetretweetcount"); continue; } prop tweetfavouritecount = props.get("tweetfavouritecount"); if (tweetfavouritecount == null) { if (debuglog) DAO.log("*** line " + line + " MISSING value tweetfavouritecount"); continue; } TwitterTweet tweet = new TwitterTweet(user.getScreenName(), Long.parseLong(tweettimems.value), props.get("tweettimename").value, props.get("tweetstatusurl").value, props.get("tweettext").value, Long.parseLong(tweetretweetcount.value), Long.parseLong(tweetfavouritecount.value), images, videos, place_name, place_id, user, writeToIndex, writeToBackend); if (DAO.messages == null || !DAO.messages.existsCache(tweet.getPostId())) { // checking against the exist cache is incomplete. A false negative would just cause that a tweet is // indexed again. if (tweet.willBeTimeConsuming()) { executor.execute(tweet); //new Thread(tweet).start(); // because the executor may run the thread in the current thread it could be possible that the result is here already if (tweet.isReady()) { timelineReady.add(tweet, user); //DAO.log("SCRAPERTEST: messageINIT is ready"); } else { timelineWorking.add(tweet, user); //DAO.log("SCRAPERTEST: messageINIT unshortening"); } } else { // no additional thread needed, run the postprocessing in the current thread; timelineReady.add(tweet, user); } } videos = null; images = null; props.clear(); continue; } } //for (prop p: props.values()) System.out.println(p); br.close(); return new Timeline[] { timelineReady, timelineWorking }; } public static String[] fetchTwitterVideos(String tweetUrl) { // Extract BEARER_TOKEN holding js and Guest token String mobileUrl = "" + tweetUrl; String bearerJsUrl = null; String guestToken = null; String bearerToken = null; try { ClientConnection conn = new ClientConnection(mobileUrl); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (bearerJsUrl != null && guestToken != null) { // Both the entities are found break; } if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } Matcher m = bearerJsUrlRegex.matcher(line); if (m.find()) { bearerJsUrl =; continue; } m = guestTokenRegex.matcher(line); if (m.find()) { guestToken =; } } } catch (IOException e) { DAO.severe("Unable to open mobile URL: " + mobileUrl, e); return new String[] {}; } // Get BEARER_TOKEN from bearer token holder JS try { bearerToken = getBearerTokenFromJs(bearerJsUrl); } catch (IOException e) { DAO.severe("Error while fetching BEARER_TOKEN", e); return new String[] {}; } try { int slashIndex = tweetUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); String tweetId = tweetUrl.substring(slashIndex + 1); return getConversationVideos(tweetId, bearerToken, guestToken); } catch (IOException e) { DAO.severe("Error while getting data JSON for Tweet " + tweetUrl, e); } return new String[] {}; } private static String[] getConversationVideos(String tweetId, String bearerToken, String guestToken) throws IOException { String conversationApiUrl = "" + tweetId + ".json"; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getCustomClosableHttpClient(true); HttpGet req = new HttpGet(conversationApiUrl); req.setHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36"); req.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + bearerToken); req.setHeader("x-guest-token", guestToken); HttpEntity entity = httpClient.execute(req).getEntity(); String html = getHTML(entity); consumeQuietly(entity); try { JSONArray arr = (new JSONObject(html)).getJSONObject("globalObjects").getJSONObject("tweets") .getJSONObject(tweetId).getJSONObject("extended_entities").getJSONArray("media"); JSONObject obj2 = (JSONObject) arr.get(0); JSONArray videos = obj2.getJSONObject("video_info").getJSONArray("variants"); ArrayList<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < videos.length(); i++) { String url = ((JSONObject) videos.get(i)).getString("url"); urls.add(url); } return urls.toArray(new String[urls.size()]); } catch (JSONException e) { // This is not an issue. Sometimes, there are videos in long conversations but other ones get media class // div, so this fetching process is triggered. DAO.severe("Error while parsing videos from conversation JSON for " + tweetId, e); } return new String[] {}; } private static String getBearerTokenFromJs(String jsUrl) throws IOException { ClientConnection conn = new ClientConnection(jsUrl); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); String line = br.readLine(); Matcher m = bearerTokenRegex.matcher(line); if (m.find()) { return; } throw new IOException("Couldn't get BEARER_TOKEN"); } /** * Filter Posts(here tweets) according to values. * image: filter tweets with images, neglect 'tweets without images' * video: filter tweets also having video and other values like image. For only value as video, * tweets with videos are filtered in prepareUrl() method */ private static boolean filterPosts(ArrayList<String> filterList, Map<String, prop> props, Set<String> videos, Set<String> images) { Matcher matchVideo1; Matcher matchVideo2; Pattern[] videoUrlPatterns = { Pattern.compile("\\/[0-9A-z]+"), Pattern.compile("\\/watch?v=[0-9A-z]+") }; // Filter tweets with videos and others if (filterList.contains("video") && filterList.size() > 1) { matchVideo1 = videoUrlPatterns[0].matcher(props.get("tweettext").value); matchVideo2 = videoUrlPatterns[1].matcher(props.get("tweettext").value); if (!matchVideo1.find() && !matchVideo2.find() && videos.size() < 1) { return false; } } // Filter tweets with images if (filterList.contains("image") && images.size() < 1) { return false; } //TODO: Add more filters return true; } private static class prop { public String key, value = null; public prop(String value) { this.key = null; this.value = value; } public prop(String line, int start, String key) { this.key = key; if (key == null) { int p = line.indexOf('>', start); if (p > 0) { int c = 1; int q = p + 1; while (c > 0 && q < line.length()) { char a = line.charAt(q); if (a == '<') { if (line.charAt(q + 1) != 'i') { if (line.charAt(q + 1) == '/') c--; else c++; } } q++; } assert p >= -1; assert q > 0; try { value = line.substring(p + 1, q - 1); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { DAO.debug(e); } } } else { int p = line.indexOf(key + "=\"", start); if (p >= 0) { int q = line.indexOf('"', p + key.length() + 2); if (q > 0) { value = line.substring(p + key.length() + 2, q); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean success() { return value != null; } public String toString() { return this.key + "=" + (this.value == null ? "unknown" : this.value); } } final static Pattern hashtag_pattern = Pattern .compile("<a href=\"/hashtag/.*?\".*?class=\"twitter-hashtag.*?\".*?><s>#</s><b>(.*?)</b></a>"); final static Pattern timeline_link_pattern = Pattern.compile( "<a href=\"https://(.*?)\".*? data-expanded-url=\"(.*?)\".*?twitter-timeline-link.*?title=\"(.*?)\".*?>.*?</a>"); final static Pattern timeline_embed_pattern = Pattern .compile("<a href=\"(\\w+)\" class=\"twitter-timeline-link.*?>*?)</a>"); final static Pattern emoji_pattern = Pattern .compile("<img .*?class=\"Emoji Emoji--forText\".*?alt=\"(.*?)\".*?>"); final static Pattern doublespace_pattern = Pattern.compile(" "); final static Pattern cleanup_pattern = Pattern.compile("</?(s|b|strong)>|" + "<a href=\"/hashtag.*?>|" + "<a.*?class=\"twitter-atreply.*?>|" + "<span.*?span>"); public static class TwitterTweet extends Post implements Runnable { public final Semaphore ready; public MessageEntry moreData = new MessageEntry(); public UserEntry user; public boolean writeToIndex; public boolean writeToBackend; // a time stamp that is given in loklak upon the arrival of the tweet which is the current local time public Date timestampDate; // the time given in the tweet which is the time when the user created it. // This is also use to do the index partition into minute, hour, week public Date created_at; // on means 'valid from' public Date on; // 'to' means 'valid_until' and may not be set public Date to; // where did the message come from protected SourceType source_type; // who created the message protected ProviderType provider_type; public String provider_hash, screen_name, retweet_from, postId, canonical_id, parent, text; protected URL status_id_url; protected long retweet_count, favourites_count; public Set<String> images, audios, videos; protected String place_name, place_id; // the following fields are either set as a common field or generated by extraction from field 'text' or from field 'place_name' // coordinate order is [longitude, latitude] protected double[] location_point, location_mark; // Value in metres protected int location_radius; protected LocationSource location_source; protected PlaceContext place_context; protected String place_country; // The length of tweets without links, users, hashtags // the following can be computed from the tweet data but is stored in the search index // to provide statistical data and ranking attributes private int without_l_len, without_lu_len, without_luh_len; // the arrays of links, users, hashtags private List<String> users, hosts, links, mentions, hashtags; private boolean enriched; public TwitterTweet(final String user_screen_name_raw, final long created_at_raw, // Not used here but should be compared to created_at_raw final String created_at_name_raw, final String status_id_url_raw, final String text_raw, final long retweets, final long favourites, final Set<String> images, final Set<String> videos, final String place_name, final String place_id, final UserEntry user, final boolean writeToIndex, final boolean writeToBackend) throws MalformedURLException { super(); this.source_type = SourceType.TWITTER; this.provider_type = ProviderType.SCRAPED; this.screen_name = user_screen_name_raw; this.created_at = new Date(created_at_raw); this.status_id_url = new URL("" + status_id_url_raw); int p = status_id_url_raw.lastIndexOf('/'); this.postId = p >= 0 ? status_id_url_raw.substring(p + 1) : "-1"; this.retweet_count = retweets; this.favourites_count = favourites; this.place_name = place_name; this.place_id = place_id; this.images = images; this.videos = videos; this.text = text_raw; this.user = user; this.writeToIndex = writeToIndex; this.writeToBackend = writeToBackend; //Date d = new Date(timemsraw); //System.out.println(d); /* failed to reverse-engineering the place_id :( if (place_id.length() == 16) { String a = place_id.substring(0, 8); String b = place_id.substring(8, 16); long an = Long.parseLong(a, 16); long bn = Long.parseLong(b, 16); System.out.println("place = " + place_name + ", a = " + an + ", b = " + bn); // Frankfurt a = 3314145750, b = 3979907708, // Singapore a = 1487192992, b = 3578663936 } */ // this.text MUST be analysed with analyse(); this is not done here because it should be started concurrently; run run(); this.ready = new Semaphore(0); } public TwitterTweet(JSONObject json) { this.moreData = new MessageEntry(); Object timestamp_obj = lazyGet(json, AbstractObjectEntry.TIMESTAMP_FIELDNAME); this.timestampDate = MessageEntry.parseDate(timestamp_obj); this.timestamp = this.timestampDate.getTime(); Object created_at_obj = lazyGet(json, AbstractObjectEntry.CREATED_AT_FIELDNAME); this.created_at = MessageEntry.parseDate(created_at_obj); Object on_obj = lazyGet(json, "on"); this.on = on_obj == null ? null : MessageEntry.parseDate(on); Object to_obj = lazyGet(json, "to"); = to_obj == null ? null : MessageEntry.parseDate(to); String source_type_string = (String) lazyGet(json, "source_type"); try { this.source_type = source_type_string == null ? SourceType.GENERIC : SourceType.byName(source_type_string); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { this.source_type = SourceType.GENERIC; } String provider_type_string = (String) lazyGet(json, "provider_type"); if (provider_type_string == null) provider_type_string =; try { this.provider_type = ProviderType.valueOf(provider_type_string); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { this.provider_type = ProviderType.NOONE; } this.provider_hash = (String) lazyGet(json, "provider_hash"); this.screen_name = (String) lazyGet(json, "screen_name"); this.retweet_from = (String) lazyGet(json, "retweet_from"); this.postId = (String) lazyGet(json, "id_str"); this.text = (String) lazyGet(json, "text"); try { this.status_id_url = new URL((String) lazyGet(json, "link")); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { this.status_id_url = null; } this.retweet_count = MessageEntry.parseLong((Number) lazyGet(json, "retweet_count")); this.favourites_count = MessageEntry.parseLong((Number) lazyGet(json, "favourites_count")); this.images = MessageEntry.parseArrayList(lazyGet(json, "images")); this.audios = MessageEntry.parseArrayList(lazyGet(json, "audio")); this.videos = MessageEntry.parseArrayList(lazyGet(json, "videos")); this.place_id = MessageEntry.parseString((String) lazyGet(json, "place_id")); this.place_name = MessageEntry.parseString((String) lazyGet(json, "place_name")); this.place_country = MessageEntry.parseString((String) lazyGet(json, "place_country")); if (this.place_country != null && this.place_country.length() != 2) this.place_country = null; // optional location Object location_point_obj = lazyGet(json, "location_point"); Object location_radius_obj = lazyGet(json, "location_radius"); Object location_mark_obj = lazyGet(json, "location_mark"); Object location_source_obj = lazyGet(json, "location_source"); if (location_point_obj == null || location_mark_obj == null || !(location_point_obj instanceof List<?>) || !(location_mark_obj instanceof List<?>)) { this.location_point = null; this.location_radius = 0; this.location_mark = null; this.location_source = null; } else { this.location_point = new double[] { (Double) ((List<?>) location_point_obj).get(0), (Double) ((List<?>) location_point_obj).get(1) }; this.location_radius = (int) MessageEntry.parseLong((Number) location_radius_obj); this.location_mark = new double[] { (Double) ((List<?>) location_mark_obj).get(0), (Double) ((List<?>) location_mark_obj).get(1) }; this.location_source = LocationSource.valueOf((String) location_source_obj); } this.enriched = false; // load enriched data enrich(); // may lead to error!! this.ready = new Semaphore(0); //this.user = null; //this.writeToIndex = false; //this.writeToBackend = false; } public TwitterTweet() throws MalformedURLException { this.moreData = new MessageEntry(); this.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); this.timestampDate = new Date(this.timestamp); this.created_at = new Date(); this.on = null; = null; this.source_type = SourceType.GENERIC; this.provider_type = ProviderType.NOONE; this.provider_hash = ""; this.screen_name = ""; this.retweet_from = ""; this.postId = ""; this.canonical_id = ""; this.parent = ""; this.text = ""; this.status_id_url = null; this.retweet_count = 0; this.favourites_count = 0; this.images = new HashSet<String>(); this.audios = new HashSet<String>(); this.videos = new HashSet<String>(); this.place_id = ""; this.place_name = ""; this.place_context = null; this.place_country = null; this.location_point = null; this.location_radius = 0; this.location_mark = null; this.location_source = null; this.without_l_len = 0; this.without_lu_len = 0; this.without_luh_len = 0; this.hosts = new ArrayList<String>(); this.links = new ArrayList<String>(); this.mentions = new ArrayList<String>(); this.hashtags = new ArrayList<String>(); this.moreData.classifier = null; this.enriched = false; // may lead to error!! this.ready = new Semaphore(0); //this.user = null; //this.writeToIndex = false; //this.writeToBackend = false; } //TODO: fix the location issue and shift to MessageEntry class public void getLocation() { if ((this.location_point == null || this.location_point.length == 0) && DAO.geoNames != null) { GeoMark loc = null; if (place_name != null && this.place_name.length() > 0 && (this.location_source == null || this.location_source == LocationSource.ANNOTATION || this.location_source == LocationSource.PLACE)) { loc = DAO.geoNames.analyse(this.place_name, null, 5, Integer.toString(this.text.hashCode())); this.place_context = PlaceContext.FROM; this.location_source = LocationSource.PLACE; } if (loc == null) { loc = DAO.geoNames.analyse(this.text, this.hashtags.toArray(new String[0]), 5, Integer.toString(this.text.hashCode())); this.place_context = PlaceContext.ABOUT; this.location_source = LocationSource.ANNOTATION; } if (loc != null) { if (this.place_name == null || this.place_name.length() == 0) this.place_name = loc.getNames().iterator().next(); this.location_radius = 0; this.location_point = new double[] { loc.lon(), }; //[longitude, latitude] this.location_mark = new double[] { loc.mlon(), loc.mlat() }; //[longitude, latitude] this.place_country = loc.getISO3166cc(); } } } /** * create enriched data, useful for analytics and ranking: * - identify all mentioned users, hashtags and links * - count message size without links * - count message size without links and without users */ public void enrich() { if (this.enriched) return; this.moreData.classifier = Classifier.classify(this.text); enrichData(this.text); getLocation(); this.enriched = true; } public void enrichData(String inputText) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(inputText); this.links = this.moreData.extractLinks(text.toString()); text = new StringBuilder(MessageEntry.SPACEX_PATTERN.matcher(text).replaceAll(" ").trim()); // Text's length without link this.without_l_len = text.length(); this.hosts = this.moreData.extractHosts(links); this.videos = this.moreData.getLinksVideo(this.links, this.videos); this.images = this.moreData.getLinksImage(this.links, this.images); this.audios = this.moreData.getLinksAudio(this.links, this.audios); this.users = this.moreData.extractUsers(text.toString()); text = new StringBuilder(MessageEntry.SPACEX_PATTERN.matcher(text).replaceAll(" ").trim()); // Text's length without link and users this.without_lu_len = text.length(); this.mentions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.users.size(); i++) { this.mentions.add(this.users.get(i).substring(1)); } this.hashtags = this.moreData.extractHashtags(text.toString()); text = new StringBuilder(MessageEntry.SPACEX_PATTERN.matcher(text).replaceAll(" ").trim()); // Text's length without link, users and hashtags this.without_luh_len = text.length(); } /** * Channels on which the Tweet will be published - * all * twitter * twitter/mention/*username* * twitter/user/*username* (User who posted the Tweet) * twitter/hashtag/*hashtag* * twitter/country/*country code* * twitter/text/*token* * @return Array of channels to publish message to */ @Override protected String[] getStreamChannels() { ArrayList<String> channels = new ArrayList<>(); for (String mention : this.mentions) { channels.add("twitter/mention/" + mention); } for (String hashtag : this.hashtags) { channels.add("twitter/hashtag/" + hashtag); } channels.add("twitter/user/" + this.getScreenName()); if (this.place_country != null) { channels.add("twitter/country/" + this.place_country); } for (String token : Classifier.normalize(this.text)) { channels.add("twitter/text/" + token); } channels.add("all"); channels.add("twitter"); return channels.toArray(new String[channels.size()]); } @Override public void run() { //long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { //DAO.log("TwitterTweet [" + this.postId + "] start"); this.text = unshorten(this.text); this.user.setName(unshorten(this.user.getName())); //DAO.log("TwitterTweet [" + this.postId + "] unshorten after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); this.enrich(); //DAO.log("TwitterTweet [" + this.postId + "] enrich after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); if (this.writeToIndex) IncomingMessageBuffer.addScheduler(this, this.user, true); //DAO.log("TwitterTweet [" + this.postId + "] write after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); if (this.writeToBackend) DAO.outgoingMessages.transmitMessage(this, this.user); //DAO.log("TwitterTweet [" + this.postId + "] transmit after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.severe(e); } finally { this.ready.release(1000); } } public boolean isReady() { if (this.ready == null) throw new RuntimeException("isReady() should not be called if postprocessing is not started"); return this.ready.availablePermits() > 0; } public boolean waitReady(long millis) { if (this.ready == null) throw new RuntimeException("waitReady() should not be called if postprocessing is not started"); if (this.ready.availablePermits() > 0) return true; try { return this.ready.tryAcquire(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } public Post toJSON() { // very important to include calculated data here because that is written // into the index using the abstract index factory return toJSON(null, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); } public Post toJSON(final UserEntry user, final boolean calculatedData, final int iflinkexceedslength, final String urlstub) { // tweet data this.put(AbstractObjectEntry.TIMESTAMP_FIELDNAME, AbstractObjectEntry.utcFormatter.print(getTimestampDate().getTime())); this.put(AbstractObjectEntry.CREATED_AT_FIELDNAME, AbstractObjectEntry.utcFormatter.print(getCreatedAt().getTime())); if (this.on != null) this.put("on", AbstractObjectEntry.utcFormatter.print(this.on.getTime())); if ( != null) this.put("to", AbstractObjectEntry.utcFormatter.print(; this.put("screen_name", this.screen_name); if (this.retweet_from != null && this.retweet_from.length() > 0) this.put("retweet_from", this.retweet_from); // the tweet; the cleanup is a helper function which cleans mistakes from the past in scraping MessageEntry.TextLinkMap tlm = this.moreData.getText(iflinkexceedslength, urlstub, this.text, this.getLinks(), this.getPostId()); this.put("text", tlm); if (this.status_id_url != null) this.put("link", this.status_id_url.toExternalForm()); this.put("id_str", this.postId); if (this.canonical_id != null) this.put("canonical_id", this.canonical_id); if (this.parent != null) this.put("parent", this.parent); this.put("source_type", this.source_type.toString()); this.put("provider_type",; if (this.provider_hash != null && this.provider_hash.length() > 0) this.put("provider_hash", this.provider_hash); this.put("retweet_count", this.retweet_count); // there is a slight inconsistency here in the plural naming but thats how it is noted in the twitter api this.put("favourites_count", this.favourites_count); this.put("place_name", this.place_name); this.put("place_id", this.place_id); // add statistic/calculated data if (calculatedData) { // text length this.put("text_length", this.text.length()); // location data if (this.place_context != null) this.put("place_context",; if (this.place_country != null && this.place_country.length() == 2) { this.put("place_country", DAO.geoNames.getCountryName(this.place_country)); this.put("place_country_code", this.place_country); this.put("place_country_center", DAO.geoNames.getCountryCenter(this.place_country)); } // add optional location data. This is written even if calculatedData == false if // the source is from REPORT to prevent that it is lost if (this.location_point != null && this.location_point.length == 2 && this.location_mark != null && this.location_mark.length == 2) { // reference for this format: // this.put("location_point", this.location_point); // [longitude, latitude] this.put("location_radius", this.location_radius); this.put("location_mark", this.location_mark); this.put("location_source",; } // redundant data for enhanced navigation with aggregations this.put("hosts", this.hosts); this.put("hosts_count", this.hosts.size()); this.put("links", this.links); this.put("links_count", this.links.size()); this.put("unshorten", tlm.short2long); this.put("images", this.images); this.put("images_count", this.images.size()); this.put("audio", this.audios); this.put("audio_count", this.audios.size()); this.put("videos", this.videos); this.put("videos_count", this.videos.size()); this.put("mentions", this.mentions); this.put("mentions_count", this.mentions.size()); this.put("hashtags", this.hashtags); this.put("hashtags_count", this.hashtags.size()); // experimental, for ranking this.put("without_l_len", this.without_l_len); this.put("without_lu_len", this.without_lu_len); this.put("without_luh_len", this.without_luh_len); // text classifier if (this.moreData.classifier != null) { for (Map.Entry<Context, Classification<String, Category>> c : this.moreData.classifier .entrySet()) { assert c.getValue() != null; // we don't store non-existing classifications if (c.getValue().getCategory() == Classifier.Category.NONE) continue; this.put("classifier_" + c.getKey().name(), c.getValue().getCategory()); this.put("classifier_" + c.getKey().name() + "_probability", c.getValue().getProbability() == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? Float.MAX_VALUE : c.getValue().getProbability()); } } } // add user if (user != null) this.put("user", user.toJSON()); return this; } public boolean willBeTimeConsuming() { return timeline_link_pattern.matcher(this.text).find(); } public Object lazyGet(JSONObject json, String key) { try { Object o = json.get(key); return o; } catch (JSONException e) { return null; } } public UserEntry getUser() { return this.user; } public Date getTimestampDate() { return this.timestampDate == null ? new Date() : this.timestampDate; } public Date getCreatedAt() { return this.created_at == null ? new Date() : this.created_at; } public void setCreatedAt(Date created_at) { this.created_at = created_at; } public Date getOn() { return this.on; } public void setOn(Date on) { this.on = on; } public Date getTo() { return; } public void setTo(Date to) { = to; } public SourceType getSourceType() { return this.source_type; } public void setSourceType(SourceType source_type) { this.source_type = source_type; } public ProviderType getProviderType() { return provider_type; } public void setProviderType(ProviderType provider_type) { this.provider_type = provider_type; } public String getProviderHash() { return provider_hash; } public void setProviderHash(String provider_hash) { this.provider_hash = provider_hash; } public String getScreenName() { return screen_name; } public void setScreenName(String user_screen_name) { this.screen_name = user_screen_name; } public String getRetweetFrom() { return this.retweet_from; } public void setRetweetFrom(String retweet_from) { this.retweet_from = retweet_from; } public URL getStatusIdUrl() { return this.status_id_url; } public void setStatusIdUrl(URL status_id_url) { this.status_id_url = status_id_url; } public long getRetweetCount() { return retweet_count; } public void setRetweetCount(long retweet_count) { this.retweet_count = retweet_count; } public long getFavouritesCount() { return this.favourites_count; } public void setFavouritesCount(long favourites_count) { this.favourites_count = favourites_count; } public String getPlaceName() { return place_name; } public void setPlaceName(String place_name, PlaceContext place_context) { this.place_name = place_name; this.place_context = place_context; } public PlaceContext getPlaceContext() { return place_context; } public String getPlaceId() { return place_id; } public void setPlaceId(String place_id) { this.place_id = place_id; } /** * @return [longitude, latitude] */ public double[] getLocationPoint() { return location_point; } /** * set the location * @param location_point in the form [longitude, latitude] */ public void setLocationPoint(double[] location_point) { this.location_point = location_point; } public String getPostId() { return String.valueOf(this.postId); } //TODO: to implement this method private void setPostId() { this.postId = String.valueOf(this.timestamp) + String.valueOf(this.created_at.getTime()); } /** * @return [longitude, latitude] which is inside of getLocationRadius() from getLocationPoint() */ public double[] getLocationMark() { return location_mark; } /** * Set the location * @param location_point in the form [longitude, latitude] */ public void setLocationMark(double[] location_mark) { this.location_mark = location_mark; } /** * Get the radius in meter * @return radius in meter around getLocationPoint() (NOT getLocationMark()) */ public int getLocationRadius() { return location_radius; } public void setLocationRadius(int location_radius) { this.location_radius = location_radius; } public LocationSource getLocationSource() { return location_source; } public void setLocationSource(LocationSource location_source) { this.location_source = location_source; } public String getText() { return this.text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public int getTextLength() { return this.text.length(); } public long getId() { return Long.parseLong(this.postId); } public List<String> getHosts() { return this.hosts; } public Set<String> getVideos() { return this.videos; } public Set<String> getAudio() { return this.audios; } public Set<String> getImages() { return this.images; } public void setImages(String image) { if (this.images == null) { this.images = new HashSet<String>(); } this.images.add(image); } public String[] getMentions() { if (this.mentions == null) { return new String[0]; } return this.mentions.toArray(new String[0]); } public String[] getHashtags() { return this.hashtags.toArray(new String[0]); } public String[] getLinks() { return this.links.toArray(new String[0]); } public Classifier.Category getClassifier(Classifier.Context context) { return this.moreData.getClassifier(context); } } public static String unshorten(String text) { while (true) { try { Matcher m = emoji_pattern.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { String emoji =; text = m.replaceFirst(emoji); continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.severe(e); break; } try { Matcher m = emoji_pattern_span.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { String emoji =; text = m.replaceFirst(emoji); continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.severe(e); break; } try { Matcher m = hashtag_pattern.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { text = m.replaceFirst(" #" + + " "); // the extra spaces are needed because twitter removes them if the hashtag is followed with a link continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.severe(e); break; } try { Matcher m = timeline_link_pattern.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { String expanded = RedirectUnshortener.unShorten(; text = m.replaceFirst(" " + expanded); continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.severe(e); break; } try { Matcher m = timeline_embed_pattern.matcher(text); if (m.find()) { text = m.replaceFirst(""); continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.severe(e); break; } break; } text = cleanup_pattern.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = MessageEntry.html2utf8(text); text = doublespace_pattern.matcher(text).replaceAll(" "); text = text.trim(); return text; } /** * Usage: java [query] * * @param args search query */ public static void main(String[] args) { //wget --no-check-certificate "" ArrayList<String> filterList = new ArrayList<String>(); filterList.add("image"); Timeline[] result = null; if (args[0].startsWith("/")) result = parse(new File(args[0]), Timeline.Order.CREATED_AT, true, true); else result =[0], filterList, Timeline.Order.CREATED_AT, true, true); int all = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { if (x == 0) System.out.println("Timeline[0] - finished to be used:"); if (x == 1) System.out.println("Timeline[1] - messages which are in postprocessing"); all += result[x].size(); for (TwitterTweet tweet : result[x]) { tweet.waitReady(10000); System.out.println(tweet.getCreatedAt().toString() + " from @" + tweet.getScreenName() + " - " + tweet.getText()); } } System.out.println("count: " + all); System.exit(0); } }