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 * Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and 
 * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the
 * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER.
 * Except as contained in the copyright notice above, or as used to identify 
 * MFMER as the author of this software, the trade names, trademarks, service
 * marks, or product names of the copyright holder shall not be used in
 * advertising, promotion or otherwise in connection with this software without
 * prior written authorization of the copyright holder.
 * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 
package org.lexgrid.valuesets.helper;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ListIterator;

import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Collections.ConceptReferenceList;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.CodingSchemeVersionOrTag;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.ConceptReference;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.InterfaceElements.CodingSchemeRendering;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBException;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBInvocationException;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBParameterException;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Impl.LexBIGServiceImpl;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeGraph;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.CodedNodeSet.ActiveOption;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.LexBIGService.LexBIGService;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.Constructors;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.ServiceUtility;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Utility.logging.LgMessageDirectorIF;
import org.LexGrid.codingSchemes.CodingScheme;
import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Property;
import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.PropertyQualifier;
import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Text;
import org.LexGrid.concepts.Entities;
import org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity;
import org.LexGrid.naming.Mappings;
import org.LexGrid.naming.SupportedAssociation;
import org.LexGrid.naming.SupportedCodingScheme;
import org.LexGrid.naming.SupportedNamespace;
import org.LexGrid.proxy.CastorProxy;
import org.LexGrid.valueSets.DefinitionEntry;
import org.LexGrid.valueSets.ValueSetDefinition;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.castor.xml.XMLProperties;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalListener;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller;
import org.lexevs.dao.database.service.valuesets.ValueSetDefinitionService;
import org.lexevs.locator.LexEvsServiceLocator;
import org.lexevs.registry.service.Registry.KnownTags;
import org.lexevs.system.service.SystemResourceService;
import org.lexgrid.valuesets.LexEVSValueSetDefinitionServices;
import org.lexgrid.valuesets.dto.ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet;
import org.lexgrid.valuesets.helper.compiler.FileSystemCachingValueSetDefinitionCompilerDecorator;
import org.lexgrid.valuesets.helper.compiler.ValueSetDefinitionCompiler;


import edu.mayo.informatics.lexgrid.convert.exporters.xml.lgxml.constants.LexGridConstants;
import edu.mayo.informatics.lexgrid.convert.exporters.xml.lgxml.listeners.LexGridMarshalListener;
import edu.mayo.informatics.lexgrid.convert.exporters.xml.lgxml.listeners.StreamingLexGridMarshalListener;

 * Helper class for Value Set Definition functions.
 * @author <A HREF="">Sridhar Dwarkanath</A>
public class VSDServiceHelper {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("convert.SQL");

    private ValueSetDefinitionCompiler valueSetDefinitionCompiler;

    // The maximum number of nodes to cache in the process of searching for leaf
    // nodes of a graph
    private int maxLeafCacheSize = 10000;

    private LexBIGService lbs_;
    private SystemResourceService rm_;

    private ValueSetDefinitionService vsds_ = LexEvsServiceLocator.getInstance().getDatabaseServiceManager()

     * Constructor
     * @param sqlServer
     *            - SQL Server URI
     * @param sqlDriver
     *            - SQL driver name
     * @param sqlUsername
     *            - logon user name
     * @param sqlPassword
     *            - logon password
     * @param tablePrefix
     *            - prefix to use (?)
     * @param failOnAllErrors
     *            - true means fail on any load, false means try
     * @param messages
     *            - message director
     * @throws LBParameterException
     * @throws LBInvocationException
    public VSDServiceHelper(boolean failOnAllErrors, LgMessageDirectorIF messages)
            throws LBParameterException, LBInvocationException {
        this.rm_ = LexEvsServiceLocator.getInstance().getSystemResourceService();

     * Return the local identifier of the coding scheme name associated with the
     * supplied namespace name in the context of the supplied mapping.
     * Comparison is case insensitive.
     * @param maps
     *            Mappings to use for transformation
     * @param namespaceName
     *            name to map
     * @return local id of coding scheme if there is one, else null
    public String getCodingSchemeNameForNamespaceName(Mappings maps, String namespaceName) {
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(namespaceName)) {
            if (maps != null && maps.getSupportedNamespace() != null) {
                Iterator<SupportedNamespace> sni = maps.getSupportedNamespaceAsReference().iterator();
                while (sni.hasNext()) {
                    SupportedNamespace sns =;
                    if (sns.getLocalId().equalsIgnoreCase(namespaceName))
                        return sns.getEquivalentCodingScheme();
        return null;

     * Return the URI that corresponds to the supplied coding scheme name.
     * Comparison is case insensitive.
     * @param maps
     *            - Mappings that contain the name to URI maps
     * @param codingSchemeName
     *            - local identifier of the coding scheme
     * @return - URI or, if missing, the coding scheme name (surrogate)
    public static String getURIForCodingSchemeName(Mappings maps, String codingSchemeName) {
        if (maps != null && maps.getSupportedCodingScheme() != null) {
            ListIterator<SupportedCodingScheme> scsi = maps.getSupportedCodingSchemeAsReference().listIterator();
            while (scsi.hasNext()) {
                SupportedCodingScheme scs =;
                if (scs.getLocalId().equalsIgnoreCase(codingSchemeName))
                    return scs.getUri();
        return codingSchemeName;

     * Return the coding scheme URI that corresponds to the supplied
     * entityCodeNamespace. Comparison is case insensitive.
     * @param maps
     *            - Mappings that contain the name to URI maps
     * @param entityCodeNamespace
     *            - local identifier of the entityCodeNamespace
     * @return - URI or, if missing, the coding scheme name (surrogate)
    public static String getCodingSchemeURIForEntityCodeNamespace(Mappings maps, String entityCodeNamespace) {
        if (maps != null && maps.getSupportedNamespace() != null) {
            ListIterator<SupportedNamespace> snsi = maps.getSupportedNamespaceAsReference().listIterator();
            while (snsi.hasNext()) {
                SupportedNamespace sns =;
                if (sns.getLocalId().equalsIgnoreCase(entityCodeNamespace)) {
                    if (sns.getEquivalentCodingScheme() != null) {
                        return getURIForCodingSchemeName(maps, sns.getEquivalentCodingScheme());

        return entityCodeNamespace;

     * Return the URI that corresponds to the supplied association name. This
     * function will use <i>either</i> the local association identifier or the
     * value text. Comparison is case insensitive.
     * @param maps
     *            - Mappings that contain the name to URI maps
     * @param associationName
     *            - local identifier of the coding scheme
     * @return - URI or, if missing, the association name (surrogate)
    public String getURIForAssociationName(Mappings maps, String associationName) {
        if (maps != null && maps.getSupportedAssociation() != null) {
            ListIterator<SupportedAssociation> sai = maps.getSupportedAssociationAsReference().listIterator();
            while (sai.hasNext()) {
                SupportedAssociation sa =;
                if (sa.getLocalId().equalsIgnoreCase(associationName)
                        || sa.getContent().equalsIgnoreCase(associationName))
                    return sa.getUri();
        return associationName;

     * Return a string representation the URI's of all of the coding schemes
     * used in the supplied value domain
     * @param vdDef
     *            supplied value domain
     * @return List of unique URIs. Returned as strings because we aren't all
     *         that picky about the syntax
     * @throws LBException
     * @throws URISyntaxException
    public HashSet<String> getCodingSchemeURIs(ValueSetDefinition vdDef) throws LBException {
        HashSet<String> csRefs = new HashSet<String>();

        if (vdDef != null && vdDef.getDefinitionEntry() != null) {
            // Always add the default coding scheme, even if it isn't used
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(vdDef.getDefaultCodingScheme()))
                csRefs.add(getURIForCodingSchemeName(vdDef.getMappings(), vdDef.getDefaultCodingScheme()));

            // Iterate over all of the individual definitions
            Iterator<DefinitionEntry> deIter = vdDef.getDefinitionEntryAsReference().iterator();
            while (deIter.hasNext()) {
                DefinitionEntry de =;
                String csName = null;
                if (de.getCodingSchemeReference() != null) {
                    csName = de.getCodingSchemeReference().getCodingScheme();
                } else if (de.getEntityReference() != null) {
                    String entityNamespaceName = de.getEntityReference().getEntityCodeNamespace();
                    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(entityNamespaceName)) {
                        csName = getCodingSchemeNameForNamespaceName(vdDef.getMappings(), entityNamespaceName);
                } else if (de.getPropertyReference() != null) {
                    csName = de.getPropertyReference().getCodingScheme();
                } else if (de.getValueSetDefinitionReference() != null) {
                    try {
                                new URI(de.getValueSetDefinitionReference().getValueSetDefinitionURI()))));
                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                        // TODO Decide what to do here - the value domain URI
                        // isn't valid?
                } else {
                    assert false : "Invalid value domain definition";
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(csName) && !StringUtils.equals(csName, vdDef.getDefaultCodingScheme())) {
                    String csURI = getURIForCodingSchemeName(vdDef.getMappings(), csName);
                    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(csURI))
        return csRefs;

     * Return a list of all the versions of the supplied coding scheme URI or
     * local identifier that are supported by the service
     * @param codingSchemeNameOrURI
     *            - URI to return versions for or return all URI's if null
     * @return AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList list of codingScheme and
     *         version. Names are transformed to URI's for the return
     * @throws LBException
    public AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(
            String codingSchemeNameOrURI) throws LBException {
        AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList acsvrList = new AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList();
        CodingSchemeRendering[] csrList = getLexBIGService().getSupportedCodingSchemes().getCodingSchemeRendering();

        for (CodingSchemeRendering csr : csrList) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(codingSchemeNameOrURI)
                    || csr.getCodingSchemeSummary().getCodingSchemeURI().equalsIgnoreCase(codingSchemeNameOrURI)
                    || csr.getCodingSchemeSummary().getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(codingSchemeNameOrURI)) {
                AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference acsvr = new AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference();
        return acsvrList;

     * Checks if the supplied codingScheme and version is loaded.
     * @param codingSchemeName
     * @param version
     * @return True; if given codingScheme/version is loader, otherwise, False.
     * @throws LBException
    protected boolean isCodingSchemeVersionLoaded(String codingSchemeName, String version) throws LBException {

        String csName = codingSchemeName;

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(version)) {
            // check if supplied version for the coding scheme is loaded
            csName = rm_.getInternalCodingSchemeNameForUserCodingSchemeName(codingSchemeName, version);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(csName)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Resolve a value domain definition.
     * @param vdd
     *            - the value domain definition to be resolved
     * @param acsvl
     *            - a list of coding scheme URI's and versions to be used in the
     *            resolution.
     * @param versionTag
     *            - a tag (e.g. "production", "test", etc. used to any coding
     *            schemes not in asvl If a coding scheme does not appear in the
     *            asvl list the resolution will be as follows: 1) If the service
     *            supports a single active version of the coding scheme it will
     *            be used. 2) If there is more than one version the one that
     *            uses the supplied versionTag will be used 3) If the versionTag
     *            isn't supplied, or if none of the versions matches it, then
     *            the one marked "production" will be used 4) If there isn't one
     *            marked production, then the "latest" will be used
     * @param referencedVSDs
     *            - List of ValueSetDefinitions referenced by vsDef. If
     *            provided, these ValueSetDefinitions will be used to resolve
     *            vsDef.
     * @return ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet
     * @throws LBException
    public ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet getResolvedCodedNodeSetForValueSet(ValueSetDefinition vdd,
            AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList csVersionsToUse, String versionTag,
            HashMap<String, ValueSetDefinition> referencedVSDs) throws LBException {
        ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet rval = new ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet();

        // Remove anything from the resolution list that isn't available in the
        // coding scheme and turn into map from URI to Version
        // TODO What should the behavior be if it is in the list but not
        // supported by the service? Warning?
        HashMap<String, String> refVersions = pruneVersionList(csVersionsToUse);

        rval.setCodedNodeSet(getValueSetDefinitionCompiler().compileValueSetDefinition(vdd, refVersions, versionTag,
        rval.setCodingSchemeVersionRefList(new AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList());

        // Transfer the list of used versions
        Iterator<String> versionURLs = refVersions.keySet().iterator();
        while (versionURLs.hasNext()) {
            String versionURL =;
                    .createAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(versionURL, refVersions.get(versionURL)));
        return rval;

     * Go over the supplied coding scheme version reference list and remove any
     * entries that aren't supported by the service. If a coding scheme URI
     * appears more than once in the list, only the first entry will be used.
     * @param suppliedVersions
     *            - a list of "suggested" versions to use
     * @return A list of unique coding scheme URIs and the corresponding
     *         versions
    public HashMap<String, String> pruneVersionList(AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList suppliedCsVersions)
            throws LBException {
        HashMap<String, String> prunedList = new HashMap<String, String>();
        if (suppliedCsVersions != null) {
            // List of all coding scheme versions that are supported in the
            // service
            AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList serviceCsVersions = getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(
            for (AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference suppliedVer : suppliedCsVersions
                    .getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference()) {

                String externalVersionId = rm_.getUriForUserCodingSchemeName(suppliedVer.getCodingSchemeURN(),

                // TODO - implement a content equality operator so we can use
                // "contains" vs. an inner iterator
                for (AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference serviceVer : serviceCsVersions
                        .getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference()) {
                    if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(externalVersionId, serviceVer.getCodingSchemeURN())
                            && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(suppliedVer.getCodingSchemeVersion(),
                                    serviceVer.getCodingSchemeVersion())) {
                        if (!prunedList.containsKey(externalVersionId))
                            prunedList.put(externalVersionId, suppliedVer.getCodingSchemeVersion());
                        else {
                            // TODO Should we report an error here? A duplicate
                            // URN could result in inconsistent behavior.
        return prunedList;

     * Set the maximum cache size to be used when traversing graphs looking for
     * leaf nodes.
     * @param newSize
     *            New max size
    public void setMaxLeafCacheSize(int newSize) {
        maxLeafCacheSize = newSize;

     * Return the maximum cache size for traversing graphs looking for leaf
     * nodes
    public int getMaxLeafCacheSize() {
        return maxLeafCacheSize;

     * Record a persistent link to the LexBIG service for use by this and other
     * classes
     * @param lbs
    public void setLexBIGService(LexBIGService lbs) {
        this.lbs_ = lbs;

     * Return a persistent link to the LexBIG service
     * @return
    public LexBIGService getLexBIGService() {
        if (lbs_ == null)
            lbs_ = LexBIGServiceImpl.defaultInstance();
        return lbs_;

     * ==========================================================================
     * ======================================== Helper Functions
     * ================
     * ==========================================================
     * ========================================

     * Return the absolute reference for the supplied csName. Add the entry to
     * the refVersions if it isn't there
     * @param csName
     *            - the local identifier of the coding scheme to be resolved
     * @param maps
     *            - mappings that contain local ids to URIs
     * @param versionTag
     *            - the version tag to use if there is more than one version in
     *            the service
     * @param refVersions
     *            - a list of URI/version pairs that are already resolved
     * @return the URI/Version to use or null if none can be found
     * @throws LBException
    public AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference resolveCSVersion(String csName, Mappings maps, String versionTag,
            HashMap<String, String> refVersions) throws LBException {
        String csURI = getURIForCodingSchemeName(maps, csName);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(csURI)) {
            // If it is already in the list, use it
            if (refVersions.containsKey(csURI))
                return Constructors.createAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(csURI, refVersions.get(csURI));

            // If it is a named version, try to resolve it
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(versionTag)) {
                String tagVersion = rm_.getInternalVersionStringForTag(csURI, versionTag);
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tagVersion)) {
                    return Constructors.createAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(csURI, tagVersion);

            // Default to the named version - KnownTags.PRODUCTION, if it exists
            String tagVersion = null;
            try {
                tagVersion = rm_.getInternalVersionStringForTag(csURI, KnownTags.PRODUCTION.toString());
                if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tagVersion)) {
                    // Add the constructed AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference to the refVersions
                    refVersions.put(csURI, tagVersion);

                    return Constructors.createAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(csURI, tagVersion);
            } catch (LBParameterException e) {
                // continue on
            // Take whatever is most appropriate from the service
            AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList serviceCsVersions = getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(

            if (serviceCsVersions == null)
                return null;

            if (refVersions != null && refVersions.size() > 0) {
                for (AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference serviceCsVersion : serviceCsVersions
                        .getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference()) {
                    if (refVersions.containsValue(serviceCsVersion.getCodingSchemeVersion()))
                        return serviceCsVersion;

            if (serviceCsVersions.getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceCount() > 0) {
                return serviceCsVersions.getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference(0);
        return null;


     * Construct a (hopefully) unique key from a concept reference
     * @param cr
     *            concept reference
     * @return unique key
    protected String constructKey(ConceptReference cr) {
        return (StringUtils.isEmpty(cr.getCodeNamespace()) ? cr.getCodingSchemeName() : cr.getCodeNamespace()) + ":"
                + cr.getCode();

     * Determine whether two concept references refer to the same thing <b>in
     * the context of a single coding scheme!</b>
     * @param r1
     *            - first concept reference
     * @param r2
     *            - second concept reference
     * @return true if the references are the same within the context of a
     *         coding scheme
    protected boolean equalReferences(ConceptReference r1, ConceptReference r2) {
        return constructKey(r1).equals(constructKey(r2));

     * Convert a concept reference list into a coded node set in the context of
     * a particular value set definition
     * @param crl
     *            - list to convert
     * @param vdd
     *            - context to do the conversion in
     * @param refVersions
     *            - set of already resolved versions (may have new versions
     *            added)
     * @param versionTag
     *            - the versionTag to use if more than one version of the coding
     *            scheme exists
     * @return corresponding coded node set
     * @throws LBException
    protected CodedNodeSet conceptReferenceListToCodedNodeSet(ConceptReferenceList crl, ValueSetDefinition vdd,
            HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag) throws LBException {
        HashMap<String, ConceptReferenceList> csConcepts = new HashMap<String, ConceptReferenceList>();
        Iterator<? extends ConceptReference> crli = crl.iterateConceptReference();

        CodedNodeSet mergedNodeSet = null;

        // Split the list among the target coding schemes
        while (crli.hasNext()) {
            ConceptReference cr =;
            String crCs = StringUtils.isEmpty(cr.getCodeNamespace()) ? cr.getCodingSchemeName()
                    : getCodingSchemeNameForNamespaceName(vdd.getMappings(), cr.getCodeNamespace());
            if (!csConcepts.containsKey(crCs))
                csConcepts.put(crCs, new ConceptReferenceList());

        // Create a coded node set for each coding scheme and union it
        Iterator<String> csNames = csConcepts.keySet().iterator();
        while (csNames.hasNext()) {
            String csName =;
            CodedNodeSet csNodes = getNodeSetForCodingScheme(vdd, csName, refVersions, versionTag);
            if (csNodes != null) {
                if (mergedNodeSet == null)
                    mergedNodeSet = csNodes.restrictToCodes(csConcepts.get(csName));
                    mergedNodeSet = mergedNodeSet.union(csNodes.restrictToCodes(csConcepts.get(csName)));
            } else {
                // TODO - do we want to say anything about the fact that we
                // aren't resolving all of the association contents?
        return mergedNodeSet;

     * Return the coded node set that represents all of the concept codes in the
     * referenced coding scheme
     * @param vdd
     *            - containing value set definition
     * @param csName
     *            - local name of coding scheme within the value domain
     * @param refVersions
     *            - map from coding scheme URI to versions. A new node will be
     *            added to this list if the coding scheme isn't already there
     * @param versionTag
     *            - default version or tag
     * @return coded node set that corresponds to this node or null if none
     *         available
     * @throws LBException
    protected CodedNodeSet getNodeSetForCodingScheme(ValueSetDefinition vdd, String csName,
            HashMap<String, String> refVersions, String versionTag) throws LBException {

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(csName))
            csName = vdd.getDefaultCodingScheme();
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(csName)) {
            AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference resVersion = resolveCSVersion(csName, vdd.getMappings(),
                    versionTag, refVersions);
            CodingSchemeVersionOrTag verOrTag = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag();
            return getLexBIGService().getCodingSchemeConcepts(resVersion.getCodingSchemeURN(), verOrTag)
                    .restrictToStatus(ActiveOption.ACTIVE_ONLY, null);
        return null;

    public ValueSetDefinitionCompiler getValueSetDefinitionCompiler() {
        if (this.valueSetDefinitionCompiler == null) {
            this.valueSetDefinitionCompiler = this.doCreateValueSetDefinitionCompiler();
        return this.valueSetDefinitionCompiler;

    protected ValueSetDefinitionCompiler doCreateValueSetDefinitionCompiler() {
        return new FileSystemCachingValueSetDefinitionCompilerDecorator(new DefaultCompiler(this), this);

     * Generate LexGrid Coding Scheme object for the Value Set Resolution
     * @param vsd
     *            Value Set Definition
     * @param rvscns
     *            ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet for the VSD
     * @return Serialized Input Stream
     * @throws LBException

    public InputStream exportValueSetResolutionDataToWriter(ValueSetDefinition vsd,
            ResolvedValueSetCodedNodeSet rvscns, LgMessageDirectorIF messager) throws LBException {
        String codingSchemeUri = vsd.getValueSetDefinitionURI();
        String codingSchemeVersion = vsd.getEntryState() == null ? "UNASSIGNED"
                : vsd.getEntryState().getContainingRevision();

        String codingSchemeName = StringUtils.isEmpty(vsd.getValueSetDefinitionName()) ? codingSchemeUri
                : vsd.getValueSetDefinitionName();

        CodingScheme cs = null;

        cs = new CodingScheme();

        if (vsd.getEffectiveDate() != null)
        if (vsd.getExpirationDate() != null)
        if (vsd.getProperties() != null) {
        } else {
            cs.setProperties(new org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Properties());

        for (AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference acsvr : rvscns.getCodingSchemeVersionRefList()
                .getAbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference()) {
            Property prop = new Property();
            Text txt = new Text();
            PropertyQualifier pq = createPropertyQualifier(LexEVSValueSetDefinitionServices.VERSION,
            String csSourceName = ServiceUtility.getCodingSchemeName(acsvr.getCodingSchemeURN(),
            if (csSourceName != null) {
                PropertyQualifier pQual = createPropertyQualifier(LexEVSValueSetDefinitionServices.CS_NAME,

        Entities entities = new Entities();
        Entity entity = new Entity();

        return marshalToXml(cs, null, rvscns.getCodedNodeSet(), 5, true, false, messager);

    private String truncateDefNameforCodingSchemeName(String name) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name) && name.length() > 50) {
            name = name.substring(0, 49);
        return name;

    private PropertyQualifier createPropertyQualifier(String name, String value) {
        PropertyQualifier pq = new PropertyQualifier();
        Text pqtxt = new Text();
        return pq;

    private String getSupportedCodingSchemeNameForURI(CodingScheme cs, String URI) {
        for (SupportedCodingScheme scs : cs.getMappings().getSupportedCodingScheme()) {
            if (scs.getUri().equals(URI)) {
                return scs.getLocalId();
        return null;

    /** The namespace cognizant marshaller. */
    private LexEVSMarshaller ns_marshaller;
        ns_marshaller = new LexEVSMarshaller();
        ns_marshaller.setProperty(XMLProperties.USE_INDENTATION, "true");
        ns_marshaller.setSchemaLocation(LexGridConstants.lgSchemaLocation); // mct
        // ns_marshaller.setEncoding("UTF-8");
        ns_marshaller.setProperty(XMLProperties.PROXY_INTERFACES, CastorProxy.class.getCanonicalName());
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgBuiltin", LexGridConstants.lgBuiltin);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgCommon", LexGridConstants.lgCommon);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgCon", LexGridConstants.lgCon);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgCS", LexGridConstants.lgCS);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgNaming", LexGridConstants.lgNaming);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgRel", LexGridConstants.lgRel);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgVD", LexGridConstants.lgVD);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("lgVer", LexGridConstants.lgVer);
        ns_marshaller.setNamespaceMapping("xsi", LexGridConstants.lgXSI); // mct


     * This method exports the data in LexGRID XML format to a PipedWriter which
     * can be read using Reader as it writes.
     * @throws LBException
    private InputStream marshalToXml(final Object obj, final CodedNodeGraph cng, final CodedNodeSet cns,
            final int pageSize, final boolean useStreaming, final boolean validate,
            final LgMessageDirectorIF messager) throws LBException {
        final PipedReader in = new PipedReader();
        final Marshaller marshaller = ns_marshaller;
        try {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {
                PipedWriter out = new PipedWriter(in);

                public void run() {
                    try {
                        MarshalListener listener = null;
                        if (useStreaming == true) {
                            listener = new StreamingLexGridMarshalListener(marshaller, cng, cns, pageSize,
                        } else {
                            listener = new LexGridMarshalListener(marshaller, cng, cns, pageSize);

                        out.close(); // close the writer after the marshaling
                                     // job done
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            messager.error("Problem marshalling value set resolution : " + e.getMessage());
            throw new LBException("Problem marshalling value set resolution : " + e.getMessage());

        InputStream is = null;
        if (in != null)
            is = new ReaderInputStream(in);

        return is;