Java tutorial
/* * Copyright: (c) Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and * Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC, and the * triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks and service marks of MFMER. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package org.LexGrid.LexBIG.caCore.web.util; import gov.nih.nci.system.applicationservice.ApplicationService; import gov.nih.nci.system.client.proxy.ListProxy; import gov.nih.nci.system.util.ClassCache; import gov.nih.nci.system.util.SystemConstant; import gov.nih.nci.system.web.util.HTTPUtils; import gov.nih.nci.system.web.util.SearchUtils; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.CodingSchemeVersionOrTag; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.caCore.applicationservice.QueryOptions; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.caCore.connection.orm.utils.LexEVSClassCache; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.caCore.interfaces.LexEVSApplicationService; import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.caCore.web.exceptions.WebQueryException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.intercept.FieldInterceptionHelper; import org.hibernate.intercept.FieldInterceptor; import org.hibernate.mapping.Component; import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue; import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue; import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy; import org.hibernate.proxy.LazyInitializer; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import; /** * HTTPUtils presents various methods to generate search criteria from xquery like syntax. * This class also provides functionality to generate XML result. * * @author Shaziya Muhsin, Dan Dumitru * @version 1.1 */ public class LexEVSHTTPUtils implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234567890L; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LexEVSHTTPUtils.class.getName()); private LexEVSApplicationService applicationService; private LexEVSClassCache classCache; private String query; private String startIndex = "0"; //private String resultCounter = "1000"; //private String pageNumber; private String pageSize; private String criteria; private String targetClassName; private String servletName; private String targetPackageName; private String roleName; private String codingSchemeName; private String codingSchemeVersion; private List results = new ArrayList(); private Namespace namespace = Namespace.getNamespace("xlink", SystemConstant.XLINK_URL); public LexEVSHTTPUtils(ServletContext context) { WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(context); this.classCache = (LexEVSClassCache) ctx.getBean("ClassCache"); this.applicationService = (LexEVSApplicationService) ctx.getBean("ApplicationServiceImpl"); Properties systemProperties = (Properties) ctx.getBean("WebSystemProperties"); try { String rowCounter = systemProperties.getProperty("rowCounter"); log.debug("rowCounter: " + rowCounter); if (rowCounter != null) { this.pageSize = rowCounter; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Exception: ", ex); } } /** * Sets the http Servlet name * @param name */ public void setServletName(String name) { servletName = name; } /** * Returns http servlet name * @return */ public String getServletName() { return servletName; } /** * Returns startIndex value * @return */ public String getStartIndex() { return startIndex; } /** * Sets the startIndex value * @param index */ public void setStartIndex(String index) { startIndex = index; } /** * Returns a list of result objects * @return */ public List getResults() { return results; } /** * Sets the results value * @param resultList */ public void setResults(List resultList) { results = resultList; } /** * Sets argument values based on a given queryText * @param queryText - http query * @throws Exception */ public void setQueryArguments(String queryText) throws Exception { this.query = queryText; try { if (query != null && !"".equals(query.trim())) { if (query.indexOf(SystemConstant.AMPERSAND) < 0 && query.indexOf(SystemConstant.EQUAL) > 0) { if (query.indexOf(SystemConstant.LEFT_BRACKET) > 0) { String crit = query.substring(6); query = query.substring(0, query.indexOf(SystemConstant.LEFT_BRACKET)) + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + crit; } else { query += SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + query.substring(query.indexOf(SystemConstant.EQUAL) + 1); } } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(query, SystemConstant.AMPERSAND_STR); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String param = st.nextToken(); if (param.startsWith("query")) { targetClassName = param.substring("query=".length()); } else if (param.toLowerCase().startsWith("startindex")) { startIndex = param.substring("startIndex=".length()); if (Integer.parseInt(startIndex) < 0) { throw new WebQueryException("The 'startIndex' parameter cannot be less than 0."); } } /* else if(param.toLowerCase().startsWith("resultcounter")){ resultCounter = param.substring("resultCounter=".length()); } */ else if (param.toLowerCase().startsWith("rolename=")) { roleName = param.substring("roleName=".length()); } /* else if(param.toLowerCase().startsWith("pagenumber=")){ pageNumber = param.substring("pageNumber=".length()); } */ else if (param.toLowerCase().startsWith("pagesize=")) { pageSize = param.substring("pageSize=".length()); } else if (param.toLowerCase().startsWith("codingschemename=")) { codingSchemeName = param.substring("codingschemename=".length()); } else if (param.toLowerCase().startsWith("codingschemeversion=")) { codingSchemeVersion = param.substring("codingschemeversion=".length()); } /* else if(param.toLowerCase().startsWith("page=")){ pageSize = param.substring("page=".length()); } */ else { if (criteria == null) { criteria = param; } } String target = targetClassName; if (target.indexOf(SystemConstant.COMMA) > 0) { target = target.substring(0, target.indexOf(SystemConstant.COMMA)); } classCache.isClassNameValid(target); if (target.indexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) > 0) { if (classCache .isPackageNameValid(target.substring(0, target.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT)))) { targetPackageName = target.substring(0, target.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT)); } } if (targetPackageName == null) { try { targetPackageName = getPackageName(target); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Exception: ", ex); throw ex; } } } //Check to make sure a CodingSchemeVersion was not passed in without a CodingScheme if (codingSchemeName == null && codingSchemeVersion != null) { log.error("Cannot Pass in a CodingScheme Version without a CodingScheme Name."); throw new WebQueryException( "Cannot Pass in a CodingScheme Version without a CodingScheme Name."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Exception: ", ex); throw ex; } } /** * Returns a query * @return */ public String getQuery() { return query; } /** * Returns target class name * @return */ public String getTargetClassName() { return targetClassName; } /** * Returns the criteria value * @return */ public String getCriteria() { return criteria; } /** * Sets the page size value * @param size */ public void setPageSize(int size) { pageSize = String.valueOf(size); } /** * Returns the page size * @return */ public String getPageSize() { return pageSize; } public String getCodingSchemeName() { return codingSchemeName; } public String getCodingSchemeVersion() { return codingSchemeVersion; } /** * Returns a query type value based on a given string. * @param url * @return */ public String getQueryType(String url) { String queryType = "HTTPQuery"; if (url.indexOf("Get") > 0) { queryType = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("Get")); } return queryType; } /** * Returns the target package name * @return */ public String getTargetPackageName() { return targetPackageName; } /** * Generates a search criteria from a criteria list * @param packageName - specifies the package name * @param criteriaList - specifies a list of criteria instances. * @return * @throws Exception */ private Object buildSearchCriteria(String packageName, List criteriaList) throws Exception { LexEVSSearchUtils searchUtils = new LexEVSSearchUtils(classCache); return searchUtils.buildSearchCriteria(packageName, criteriaList); } /** * Returns fully qualified search class names * @param searchClasses - specifies the search class names * @param packageName - specifies the package name * @return */ private String getSearchClassNames(String searchClasses) throws Exception { String path = ""; /** if(packageName != null && !(targetClassName.indexOf(SystemConstant.DOT)>0) && (targetClassName.indexOf(",")<0)){ targetClassName = packageName +SystemConstant.DOT+targetClassName; } **/ String delimiter = null; if (searchClasses.indexOf(SystemConstant.FORWARD_SLASH) > 0) { delimiter = SystemConstant.FORWARD_SLASH_STR; } else { delimiter = SystemConstant.COMMA_STR; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(searchClasses, delimiter); String className = st.nextToken(); if (className.indexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) > 0) { path = className; } else { path = classCache.getQualifiedClassName(className); } if (st.countTokens() > 0) { while (st.hasMoreElements()) { className = st.nextToken().trim(); if (className.indexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) > 0) { path += SystemConstant.COMMA + className; } else { path += SystemConstant.COMMA + classCache.getQualifiedClassName(className); } } } return path; } /** * Returns a search criteria list from a criteria * @param criteria - specifies the criteria string * @return */ public List<String> getSearchCriteriaList(String criteria) { List<String> criteriaList = new ArrayList<String>(); String delimiter = null; if (criteria.indexOf(SystemConstant.FORWARD_SLASH) > 0) { delimiter = SystemConstant.FORWARD_SLASH_STR; } else { delimiter = SystemConstant.BACK_SLASH; } StringBuffer critString = new StringBuffer(); for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(criteria, delimiter); st.hasMoreElements();) { String crit = st.nextToken().trim(); critString.append(crit); boolean valid = validateSyntax(critString.toString()); if (valid) { criteriaList.add(critString.toString()); critString = new StringBuffer(); } else { int len = critString.length(); if (criteria.length() > critString.length()) { for (int i = len; i < criteria.length(); i++) { if (criteria.charAt(i) == delimiter.charAt(0)) critString.append(delimiter); else break; } } } } return criteriaList; } private boolean validateSyntax(String query) { boolean valid = false; int startCounter = 0; int endCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < query.length(); i++) { if (query.charAt(i) == '[') { startCounter++; } else if (query.charAt(i) == ']') { endCounter++; } } if (startCounter == endCounter) { valid = true; } return valid; } /** * Generates an org.jdom.Document based on a resultSet * * @param resultSet - * specifies a list of populated domain objects * @param pageNumber - * specifies the page number * @return * @throws Exception */ public org.jdom.Document getXMLDocument(Object[] resultSet, int pageNumber) throws Exception { org.jdom.Element httpQuery = new org.jdom.Element("httpQuery", namespace); org.jdom.Element queryRequest = new org.jdom.Element("queryRequest"); Element queryString = new Element("queryString").setText(query); String targetResult = targetClassName; if (targetResult.indexOf(SystemConstant.COMMA) > 1) { targetResult = targetResult.substring(0, targetResult.indexOf(SystemConstant.COMMA)); } if (targetResult.indexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) < 0) { targetResult = this.getPackageName(targetResult) + SystemConstant.DOT + targetResult; } Element queryClass = new Element("class").setText(targetResult); Element queryElement = new Element("query").addContent(queryString).addContent(queryClass); queryRequest.addContent(queryElement); queryRequest.addContent(new org.jdom.Element("criteria").setText(criteria)); httpQuery.addContent(queryRequest); int start = 0; int end = resultSet.length; int rowCount = 0; int index = 0; int resultCount = Integer.parseInt(this.pageSize); int nextStartIndex = 0; int totalNumRecords = results.size(); if (!(startIndex.equals("0") || startIndex == null)) { index = Integer.valueOf(startIndex).intValue(); } /* if(!(resultCounter.equals("0") ||resultCounter == null )){ resultCount = Integer.valueOf(resultCounter).intValue(); } */ Element xmlElement = new Element("queryResponse"); String counter = String.valueOf(totalNumRecords); xmlElement.addContent(new Element("recordCounter").setText(counter)); if (resultSet.length > 0) { if (pageSize != null) { rowCount = Integer.parseInt(pageSize); } int pageCounter = 1; int size = resultSet.length; if ((index + resultCount) > totalNumRecords) { size = totalNumRecords - index; } if (rowCount > 0 && rowCount < size) { pageCounter = size / rowCount; if ((size % rowCount) > 0) { pageCounter++; } } if (pageNumber > pageCounter) { pageNumber = 1; } if (pageNumber > 0 && pageNumber <= pageCounter) { end = rowCount * pageNumber; start = end - rowCount; if (size < end) { end = size; } } String recordNum = ""; Set<String> resultClass = new HashSet<String>(); List<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int x = start; x < end; x++) { resultClass.add(resultSet[x].getClass().getName()); } if (resultClass.size() > 1) { Object lists[] = new Object[resultClass.size()]; int number = 0; for (Iterator it = resultClass.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String typeName = (String); classes.add(typeName); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (resultSet[i].getClass().getName().equals(typeName)) { list.add(resultSet[i]); } } lists[number] = new Object(); lists[number] = list; number++; } for (int o = 0; o < lists.length; o++) { List subResults = (List) lists[o]; for (int i = 0; i < subResults.size(); i++) { Object result = subResults.get(i); int recNum = index + i + 1; recordNum = String.valueOf(recNum); xmlElement.addContent(getElement(result, recordNum)); } } } else { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int recNum = index + i; recordNum = String.valueOf(recNum); Object result = resultSet[i]; xmlElement.addContent(getElement(result, recordNum)); } } if ((index - resultCount) >= 0) { nextStartIndex = index - resultCount; String preLink = servletName + "?query=" + targetClassName + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + criteria + "&startIndex=" + nextStartIndex + "&pageSize=" + pageSize; String preText = "<<< " + " PREVIOUS " + resultCount + " RECORDS"; Element preElement = new Element("previous").setAttribute("type", "simple", namespace) .setAttribute("href", preLink, namespace).setText(preText); xmlElement.addContent(preElement); } String pCount = String.valueOf(pageCounter); Element pagesElement = new Element("pages").setAttribute("count", pCount); if ((index + resultCount) < totalNumRecords) { nextStartIndex = index + resultCount; String nextLink = servletName + "?query=" + targetClassName + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + criteria + "&startIndex=" + nextStartIndex + "&pageSize=" + pageSize; String nextText = "NEXT " + resultCount + " RECORDS >>> "; Element nextElement = new Element("next").setAttribute("type", "simple", namespace) .setAttribute("href", nextLink, namespace).setText(nextText); xmlElement.addContent(nextElement); } /* for(int i=0; i< pageCounter; i++){ int p = i + 1; String pageLink = servletName +"?query="+targetClassName+SystemConstant.AMPERSAND+criteria +"&pageNumber="+p+"&resultCounter="+resultCounter+"&startIndex="+startIndex; String page = String.valueOf(p); String pageText = SystemConstant.SPACE + page + SystemConstant.SPACE; Element pElement = new Element("page").setAttribute("number",page).setAttribute("type","simple",namespace).setAttribute("href",pageLink,namespace).setText(pageText); pagesElement.addContent(pElement); } */ xmlElement.addContent(pagesElement); httpQuery.addContent(xmlElement); xmlElement.addContent(new Element("recordCounter").setText(counter)); } else { xmlElement.addContent(new Element("recordCounter").setText("0")); } if ((pageNumber - 1) > 0) { index += ((pageNumber - 1) * rowCount); } int endRecordNum = rowCount + index - 1; if (endRecordNum > totalNumRecords) { endRecordNum = totalNumRecords - 1; } String startCounter = String.valueOf(index); String endCounter = String.valueOf(endRecordNum); Element startElement = new Element("start").setText(startCounter); Element endElement = new Element("end").setText(endCounter); xmlElement.addContent(startElement).addContent(endElement); org.jdom.Document xmlDoc = new org.jdom.Document(httpQuery); return xmlDoc; } private String getCodingSchemeNameAndVersionURLString() { if (this.codingSchemeName != null && !this.codingSchemeName.equals("")) { return "&codingSchemeName=" + this.codingSchemeName + "&codingSchemeVersion=" + this.codingSchemeVersion; } else { return ""; } } /** * Generates an Element for a given result object * @param result - an instance of a class * @param recordNum - specifies the record number in the result set * @return * @throws Exception */ private Element getElement2(Object result, String recordNum) throws Exception { Element classElement = new Element("class").setAttribute("name", result.getClass().getName()) .setAttribute("recordNumber", recordNum); Map<String, Object> criteriaValueMap = this.getAllNonNullPrimitiveFieldsNamesAndValues(result); String criteriaValue = buildCriteriaString(criteriaValueMap); String link = null; Field[] fields = classCache.getAllFields(result.getClass()); for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { String criteriaBean = result.getClass().getName(); Field field = fields[f]; String fieldName = field.getName(); if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("serialVersionUID")) { continue; } Element fieldElement = new Element("field").setAttribute("name", fieldName); String fieldType = field.getType().getName(); String targetBean = null; if (!(fieldType.startsWith("java") && !(fieldType.endsWith("Collection")) || field.getType().isPrimitive())) { if (field.getType().getName().endsWith("Collection")) { LexEVSSearchUtils searchUtils = new LexEVSSearchUtils(classCache); if (searchUtils.getTargetClassName(result.getClass().getName(), fieldName) != null) { targetBean = searchUtils.getTargetClassName(result.getClass().getName(), fieldName); //handle primitive collections if (Class.forName(targetBean).isPrimitive() || targetBean.startsWith("java")) { targetBean = null; } } } else if (locateClass(fieldType)) { targetBean = fieldType; } } if (targetBean != null) { if (result.getClass().getPackage().equals(Class.forName(targetBean).getPackage())) { targetBean = targetBean.substring(targetBean.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) + 1); if (criteriaBean.indexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) > 0) { criteriaBean = criteriaBean.substring(criteriaBean.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) + 1); } } String methodName = "get" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fieldName.substring(1); link = servletName + "?query=" + targetBean + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + criteriaBean + criteriaValue + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + "roleName=" + fieldName; fieldElement.setContent(new Element("NestedTest")); fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "simple", namespace).setAttribute("href", link, namespace) .setText(methodName); } else if (fieldType.endsWith("List")) { targetBean = result.getClass().getName(); String methodName = "get" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fieldName.substring(1); link = servletName + "?query=" + targetBean + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + criteriaBean + criteriaValue + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + "roleName=" + fieldName; fieldElement.setContent(new Element("NestedTest")); fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "simple", namespace).setAttribute("href", link, namespace) .setText(methodName); } else { String fieldValue = "-"; Object value = null; try { if (fieldType.indexOf("Collection") > 0 || fieldType.endsWith("HashSet") || fieldType.endsWith("List") || fieldType.endsWith("ArrayList") || fieldType.indexOf("Vector") > 0) { if (((Collection) fields[f].get(result)).size() > 0) { Iterator it = ((Collection) fields[f].get(result)).iterator(); Collection collection = (Collection); String collectionClassName = collection.getClass().getName(); classCache.getQualifiedClassName(collectionClassName); fieldValue = String.valueOf(; while (it.hasNext()) { fieldValue += "; " + String.valueOf(; } } if (fieldValue != null) { fieldElement.setText(link); } else { fieldElement.setText("-"); } } else { if (this.getFieldValue(field, result) != null) { value = getFieldValue(field, result); fieldValue = String.valueOf(value); } fieldElement.setText(fieldValue); } } catch (Exception ex) { fieldValue = "-"; value = getFieldValue(field, result); fieldValue = String.valueOf(value); String temp = null; for (int s = 0; s < fieldValue.length(); s++) { String charValue = String.valueOf(fieldValue.charAt(s)); try { temp += charValue; } catch (Exception e) { temp += " "; } } if (temp != null) { fieldValue = temp; } fieldElement.setText(fieldValue); } } classElement.addContent(fieldElement); } return classElement; } /** * Returns the package name of a given class * @param className - specifies the class name * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getPackageName(String className) throws Exception { String packageName = classCache.getPkgNameForClass(className); if (packageName == null) { log.error("No package name found for class: " + className); throw new Exception("No package name found for class: " + className); } log.debug("Package name found for class: " + className + " is: " + packageName); return packageName; } /** * Returns true if the given class name is found * @param className * @return */ public boolean locateClass(String className) { //To make sure class is not a proxy generated by CGLIB if (className.indexOf("$") > 1) className = className.substring(0, className.indexOf("$")); try { classCache.getClassFromCache(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns an id field from an array of fields * @param fields * @return * @throws Exception */ /* private String[] getIdNames(Object searchObj) throws Exception{ KeyValue key = classCache.getIdForClass(searchObj.getClass().getName()); if(key instanceof SimpleValue){ SimpleValue val = (SimpleValue)key; } if(key instanceof Component){ Component compositeVal = (Component)key; } return null; } */ private String buildCriteriaString(Map<String, Object> map) throws Exception { String val = ""; Set<String> keySet = map.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) { //Convert the Value to a String and encode it to put in the URL String value = URLEncoder.encode(map.get(key).toString(), "UTF-8"); val = val + SystemConstant.LEFT_BRACKET + SystemConstant.AT + key + SystemConstant.EQUAL + value + SystemConstant.RIGHT_BRACKET; } return val; } private Map<String, Object> getAllNonNullPrimitiveFieldsNamesAndValues(Object obj) throws Exception { HashMap fieldNamesAndValues = new HashMap(); Class clazz = obj.getClass(); while (clazz != null) { Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { fields[i].setAccessible(true); Object fieldValue = getFieldValue(fields[i], obj); if (fieldValue != null) { if (fieldValue.getClass().isPrimitive() || fieldValue.getClass().getName().startsWith("java.lang")) { fieldNamesAndValues.put(fields[i].getName(), fieldValue); } } } clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } return fieldNamesAndValues; } /** * Returns a field that matches the given String from an array of fields * @param fields All fields * @param fieldName Field name * @return * @throws Exception */ private Field getFieldByName(Field[] fields, String fieldName) throws Exception { Field field = null; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { if (!this.locateClass(fields[i].getType().getName())) { field = fields[i]; break; } } } return field; } /** * Returns a field value * @param field - specifies the field * @param domain - specifies the object * @return * @throws Exception */ private Object getFieldValue(Field field, Object domain) throws Exception { Object value = null; if (field.get(domain) != null) { if (field.getType().getName().equals("java.util.Date")) { SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy"); value = date.format((Date) field.get(domain)); } else { value = field.get(domain); } } return value; } /** * Returns an array of result objects * @return * @throws Exception */ public Object[] getResultSet() throws Exception { results = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; try { String searchPath = getSearchClassNames(targetClassName); List criteriaList = getSearchCriteriaList(criteria); Object criteria = buildSearchCriteria(targetPackageName, criteriaList); QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions(); if (this.codingSchemeName != null) { queryOptions.setCodingScheme(codingSchemeName); if (codingSchemeVersion != null) { CodingSchemeVersionOrTag csvt = new CodingSchemeVersionOrTag(); csvt.setVersion(codingSchemeVersion); queryOptions.setCodingSchemeVersionOrTag(csvt); queryOptions.setLazyLoad(true); } } queryOptions.setResultPageSize(Integer.valueOf(pageSize)); if (startIndex != null || !startIndex.equals("0")) { index = Integer.parseInt(startIndex); } if (roleName != null) { results = applicationService.getAssociation(criteria, roleName, queryOptions); } else { results =, criteria, queryOptions); } if (results == null || results.size() == 0) { return new Object[0]; } if (results != null && (results instanceof ListProxy)) { ((ListProxy) results).setAppService(applicationService); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Exception: ", ex); throw ex; } if (results.size() < index + 1) { throw new Exception("Start index is too high." + " This result set contains " + results.size() + " entries." + " Adjust the 'startIndex' parameter to be lower than this value." + " \n\n" + " NOTE: The index parameter is zero-based, meaing the first" + " result will be '0'."); } //first, if the result set array contains a Collection, we want to pull it out //and process the elements of the collection. if (results.size() == 1 && results.get(0) instanceof List) { results = (List) results.get(0); } int pageOfResults = results.size() < Integer.parseInt(pageSize) ? results.size() : Integer.parseInt(pageSize); if (pageOfResults + Integer.parseInt(startIndex) >= results.size()) { pageOfResults = results.size() - Integer.parseInt(startIndex); } Object[] resultSet = new Object[pageOfResults]; for (int i = 0; i < pageOfResults; i++) { resultSet[i] = results.get(i + Integer.parseInt(startIndex)); } return resultSet; } /** * Returns true if a match is found * @param prop - an instance of an HTTPUtils class * @return */ public boolean getMatch(HTTPUtils prop) { boolean match = false; String oldQuery = prop.getCriteria(); String oldTarget = prop.getTargetClassName(); int size = prop.getResults().size(); if ((this.targetClassName.equals(oldTarget)) && this.criteria.equals(oldQuery) && size > 0) { match = true; } return match; } /* * This method is used when an XSLT stylesheet is not found.(Test methods) */ /** * Prints results on screen * @param resultList * @param response * @throws IOException * @throws ServletException */ public void printResults(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { response.setContentType("text/html"); ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.println("<br><font color=purple><b>"); out.println("<b>" + results.size() + " records found. </b><br><hr>"); int recordNum = 1; out.println(); out.println("<font size=4 color=black> Criteria : " + this.getCriteria() + "</font>"); if (results.size() > 0) out.println("<br><font size=4 color=black> Result Class name: " + results.get(0).getClass().getName() + "</font>"); else out.println("<br><font size=4 color=black>No records found </font>"); out.println("<br><hr><br>"); out.println("<TABLE BORDER=\"2\" style=\"table-layout:AUTO\" valign=\"top\">"); try { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { printRecord(results.get(i), servletName, out, recordNum); recordNum++; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Exception: ", ex); throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Displays a record on screen * @param result * @param servletName * @param out * @param recordNum * @throws Exception */ private void printRecord(Object result, String servletName, ServletOutputStream out, int recordNum) throws Exception { Class resultClass = result.getClass(); String className = resultClass.getName(); Class superClass = resultClass.getSuperclass(); Field[] fields = classCache.getAllFields(resultClass); Field[] superFields = classCache.getAllFields(superClass); if (recordNum == 1) { out.println("<TR BGCOLOR=\"#E3E4FA\">"); for (int x = 0; x < fields.length; x++) { String fName = fields[x].getName(); if (!fName.equalsIgnoreCase("serialVersionUID")) { out.println("<TD>" + fName + "</TD>"); } } for (int x = 0; x < superFields.length; x++) { String fName = superFields[x].getName(); if (!fName.equalsIgnoreCase("serialVersionUID")) { out.println("<TD>" + fName + "</TD>"); } } out.println("</TR>"); } out.println("<TR VALIGN=\"TOP\">"); Field idField = null; String criteriaIdValue = null; for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { fields[f].setAccessible(true); String fieldName = fields[f].getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fields[f].getName().substring(1); if (fields[f].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { idField = fields[f]; try { Object idValue = idField.get(result); String id = null; if (!idField.getType().getName().endsWith("String")) { id = String.valueOf(idValue); } criteriaIdValue = SystemConstant.AT + idField.getName() + SystemConstant.EQUAL + id; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } else if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("serialVersionUID")) { continue; } boolean bean = false; String fieldType = fields[f].getType().getName(); if (fieldType.indexOf("$") > 1) fieldType = fieldType.substring(0, fieldType.indexOf("$")); Object value = "-"; if (fields[f].get(result) != null) { value = fields[f].get(result); fieldType = value.getClass().getName(); if (fieldType.indexOf("$") > 1) fieldType = fieldType.substring(0, fieldType.indexOf("$")); if (!fieldType.startsWith("java.")) { bean = locateClass(fieldType); } } String methName = "get" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fieldName.substring(1); String beanName = null; if (bean) { beanName = fieldType.substring(fieldType.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) + 1); } String returnObjectName = fields[f].getName(); boolean collectionType = false; if (returnObjectName.endsWith("Collection") || fieldType.endsWith("Vector") || fieldType.endsWith("HashSet")) { collectionType = true; } if ((fieldType.startsWith("java.") && !(collectionType)) || fields[f].getType().isPrimitive()) { String strValue = " "; if (value != null) { strValue = String.valueOf(value); } out.println("<TD>" + strValue + "</TD>"); } else if (returnObjectName.endsWith("Collection")) { String returnClassName = returnObjectName.substring(0, returnObjectName.lastIndexOf("Collection")); returnClassName = returnClassName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + returnClassName.substring(1); String disp = "<TD><a href=" + servletName + "?query=" + returnClassName + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) + 1) + "[@" + idField.getName() + SystemConstant.EQUAL + idField.get(result) + "]>" + methName + "</a></TD>"; out.println(disp); } else if (bean) { String disp = "<TD><a href=" + servletName + "?query=" + beanName + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(SystemConstant.DOT) + 1) + "[@" + idField.getName() + SystemConstant.EQUAL + idField.get(result) + "]>" + methName + "</a></TD>"; out.println(disp); } } recordNum++; out.println("</TR>"); } //============= add code to support EVS Elements /** * Generates an Element for a given result object. * * @param result - specifies the populated EVS domain object * @param recordNum - specifies the record number in the result set * * @return the element * * @throws Exception the exception */ private Element getElement(Object result, String recordNum) throws Exception { Class resultClass = result.getClass(); String className = resultClass.getName(); Element classElement = new Element("class").setAttribute("name", className).setAttribute("recordNumber", recordNum); try { while (resultClass != null) { Field[] fields = resultClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { if (fields[f].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("serialVersionUID")) { continue; } fields[f].setAccessible(true); // String fieldClassName = fields[f].getType().getName(); String fieldName = fields[f].getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fields[f].getName().substring(1); String fieldType = fields[f].getType().getName(); Element fieldElement = new Element("field").setAttribute("name", fieldName); Object value = null; if (fields[f].get(result) == null) { fieldElement.setText(""); //fieldElement.setText(" - "); //continue; } else if (fields[f].get(result) instanceof Enum) { Enum res = (Enum) fields[f].get(result); fieldElement.setText(res.toString()); } else if (fieldType.indexOf(".LexGrid.") > 0) { if (!Hibernate.isInitialized(fields[f].get(result))) { String criteriaBean = result.getClass().getName(); Map<String, Object> criteriaValueMap = this .getAllNonNullPrimitiveFieldsNamesAndValues(result); String criteriaValue = buildCriteriaString(criteriaValueMap); String link = servletName + "?query=" + fieldType + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + criteriaBean + criteriaValue + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + "roleName=" + fieldName; fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "lazyLoad", namespace) .setAttribute("href", link, namespace).setText("Get " + fieldName); } else if (fields[f].get(result) != null) { value = fields[f].get(result); fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "association"); fieldElement.addContent(getElement(value, "1")); } else { value = Class.forName(fieldType).newInstance(); fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "association"); fieldElement.addContent(getElement(value, "1")); } } else if (fieldType.indexOf("Collection") > 0 || fieldType.endsWith("HashSet") || fieldType.endsWith("ArrayList") || fieldType.endsWith("List") || fieldType.indexOf("Vector") > 0) { int counter = 1; String strValue = new String(); Collection col = ((Collection) fields[f].get(result)); //if the field is lazy-loaded - don't try to load it, just add the URL boolean isInit = Hibernate.isInitialized(col); if (!isInit) { String criteriaBean = result.getClass().getName(); String listType = getParamatarizedListType(fields[f]); Map<String, Object> criteriaValueMap = this .getAllNonNullPrimitiveFieldsNamesAndValues(result); String criteriaValue = buildCriteriaString(criteriaValueMap); String link = servletName + "?query=" + listType + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + criteriaBean + criteriaValue + SystemConstant.AMPERSAND + "roleName=" + fieldName + this.getCodingSchemeNameAndVersionURLString(); fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "lazyLoad", namespace) .setAttribute("href", link, namespace).setText("Get " + fieldName); //fieldElement.setText(link); } else { for (Iterator it = col.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { value =; if (value != null) { if (value.getClass().getName().indexOf(".LexGrid.") > 0) { Element childElement = getElement(value, String.valueOf(counter)); fieldElement.setAttribute("type", "association"); fieldElement.addContent(childElement); counter++; } else { strValue += String.valueOf(value) + "; "; } } } } if (strValue.length() > 0) { fieldElement.setText(strValue); } } else { String strValue = " - "; if (fields[f].get(result) != null) { value = fields[f].get(result); } if (value != null) { if (fieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("java.util.Date")) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); strValue = sdf.format((Date) value); } else { strValue = String.valueOf(value); } } fieldElement.setText(strValue); } classElement.addContent(fieldElement); } resultClass = resultClass.getSuperclass(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); classElement.addContent(new Element("Exception", ex.getMessage())); } return classElement; } public static boolean isPropertyInitialized(Object proxy, String propertyName) { Object entity; if (proxy instanceof HibernateProxy) { LazyInitializer li = ((HibernateProxy) proxy).getHibernateLazyInitializer(); if (li.isUninitialized()) { return false; } else { entity = li.getImplementation(); } } else { entity = proxy; } if (FieldInterceptionHelper.isInstrumented(entity)) { FieldInterceptor interceptor = FieldInterceptionHelper.extractFieldInterceptor(entity); return interceptor == null || interceptor.isInitialized(propertyName); } else { return true; } } private String getParamatarizedListType(Field field) { String fieldTypeName = null; Type type = field.getGenericType(); //if its a Parameterized List, see if we can dig out the type if (type != null && type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type; if (pt.getActualTypeArguments().length > 0) { Type collectionType = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (collectionType instanceof Class) { fieldTypeName = ((Class) collectionType).getName(); } } } return fieldTypeName; } }