Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 Lending Club, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import com.amazonaws.regions.Region; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; public class ELBScanner extends AWSScanner<AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient> { private static final int DESCRIBE_TAGS_MAX = 20; public ELBScanner(AWSScannerBuilder builder) { super(builder, AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient.class, "AwsElb"); } @Override protected AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient createClient() { return (AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient) builder .configure(AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClientBuilder.standard()).build(); } public void scanLoadBalancerNames(String... loadBalancerNames) { if (loadBalancerNames == null || loadBalancerNames.length == 0) { return; } DescribeLoadBalancersRequest request = new DescribeLoadBalancersRequest(); request.setLoadBalancerNames(Arrays.asList(loadBalancerNames)); String marker = null; do { rateLimit(); DescribeLoadBalancersResult results = getClient().describeLoadBalancers(request); marker = results.getNextMarker(); results.getLoadBalancerDescriptions().forEach(it -> { projectElb(it, null); }); writeTagsToNeo4j(results, getRegion(), getClient()); request.setMarker(marker); } while (tokenHasNext(marker)); } @Override public Optional<String> computeArn(JsonNode n) { return Optional.ofNullable(ArnGenerator .newInstance(n.path(AccountScanner.ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE).asText(), n.path(AWSScanner.AWS_REGION_ATTRIBUTE).asText()) .createElbArn(n.path("aws_loadBalancerName").asText())); } private void projectElb(LoadBalancerDescription elb, GraphNodeGarbageCollector gc) { ObjectNode n = convertAwsObject(elb, getRegion()); incrementEntityCount(); String elbArn = n.path("aws_arn").asText(); logger.debug("Scanning elb: {}", elbArn); String cypher = "merge (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{aws_arn}}) set x+={props} set x.updateTs=timestamp() return x"; Preconditions.checkNotNull(getNeoRxClient()); getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "aws_arn", elbArn, "props", n).forEach(it -> { if (gc != null) { gc.MERGE_ACTION.accept(it); } }); mapElbRelationships(elb, elbArn, getRegion().getName()); } @Override protected void doScan() { GraphNodeGarbageCollector gc = newGarbageCollector().bindScannerContext(); forEachElb(getRegion(), elb -> { try { incrementEntityCount(); projectElb(elb, gc); } catch (RuntimeException e) { maybeThrow(e, "problem scanning ELB"); } }); } private void forEachElb(Region region, Consumer<LoadBalancerDescription> consumer) { DescribeLoadBalancersRequest request = new DescribeLoadBalancersRequest(); String marker = null; do { rateLimit(); DescribeLoadBalancersResult results = getClient().describeLoadBalancers(request.withMarker(marker)); marker = results.getNextMarker(); results.getLoadBalancerDescriptions().forEach(consumer); writeTagsToNeo4j(results, region, getClient()); request.setMarker(marker); } while (tokenHasNext(marker)); } protected void writeTagsToNeo4j(DescribeLoadBalancersResult results, Region region, AmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient client) { if (!results.getLoadBalancerDescriptions().isEmpty()) { List<String> loadBalancerNames = results.getLoadBalancerDescriptions().stream() .map(lb -> lb.getLoadBalancerName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); // DescribeTags takes at most 20 names at a time for (int i = 0; i < loadBalancerNames.size(); i += DESCRIBE_TAGS_MAX) { try { List<String> subsetNames = loadBalancerNames.subList(i, Math.min(i + DESCRIBE_TAGS_MAX, loadBalancerNames.size())); rateLimit(); DescribeTagsResult describeTagsResult = client .describeTags(new DescribeTagsRequest().withLoadBalancerNames(subsetNames)); describeTagsResult.getTagDescriptions().forEach(tag -> { try { ObjectNode n = convertAwsObject(tag, region); String elbArn = n.path("aws_arn").asText(); String cypher = "merge (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{aws_arn}}) set x+={props} return x"; Preconditions.checkNotNull(getNeoRxClient()); getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "aws_arn", elbArn, "props", n).forEach(r -> { getShadowAttributeRemover().removeTagAttributes("AwsElb", n, r); }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { maybeThrow(e, "problem scanning ELB tags"); } }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { maybeThrow(e, "problem scanning ELB tags"); } } } } protected void mapElbRelationships(LoadBalancerDescription lb, String elbArn, String region) { JsonNode n = mapper.valueToTree(lb); JsonNode subnets = n.path("subnets"); JsonNode instances = n.path("instances"); JsonNode securityGroups = n.path("securityGroups"); mapElbToSubnet(subnets, elbArn, region); mapElbToInstance(instances, elbArn, region); addSecurityGroups(securityGroups, elbArn); mapElbToSecurityGroups(lb, elbArn, region); } protected void mapElbToSecurityGroups(LoadBalancerDescription lb, String elbArn, String region) { LinkageHelper linkage = new LinkageHelper().withFromLabel(getNeo4jLabel()).withFromArn(elbArn) .withNeo4j(getNeoRxClient()).withTargetLabel("AwsSecurityGroup").withLinkLabel("ATTACHED_TO") .withTargetValues(lb.getSecurityGroups().stream().map(sg -> createArn("ec2", "security-group", sg)) .collect(Collectors.toList())); linkage.execute(); } protected void addSecurityGroups(JsonNode securityGroups, String elbArn) { List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonNode s : securityGroups) { l.add(s.asText()); } String cypher = "match (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{aws_arn}}) set x.aws_securityGroups={sg}"; getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "aws_arn", elbArn, "sg", l); } protected void mapElbToSubnet(JsonNode subnets, String elbArn, String region) { for (JsonNode s : subnets) { String subnetName = s.asText(); String subnetArn = String.format("arn:aws:ec2:%s:%s:subnet/%s", region, getAccountId(), subnetName); String cypher = "match (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{elbArn}}), (y:AwsSubnet {aws_arn:{subnetArn}}) " + "merge (x)-[r:AVAILABLE_IN]->(y) set r.updateTs=timestamp()"; getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "elbArn", elbArn, "subnetArn", subnetArn); } } protected void mapElbToInstance(JsonNode instances, String elbArn, String region) { AtomicLong oldestRelationshipTs = new AtomicLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); for (JsonNode i : instances) { String instanceName = i.path("instanceId").asText(); String instanceArn = String.format("arn:aws:ec2:%s:%s:instance/%s", region, getAccountId(), instanceName); //"{} instanceArn: {}",elbArn,instanceArn); String cypher = "match (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{elbArn}}), (y:AwsEc2Instance {aws_arn:{instanceArn}}) " + "merge (x)-[r:DISTRIBUTES_TRAFFIC_TO]->(y) set r.updateTs=timestamp() return x,r,y"; getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "elbArn", elbArn, "instanceArn", instanceArn).forEach(r -> { oldestRelationshipTs .set(Math.min(r.path("r").path("updateTs").asLong(), oldestRelationshipTs.get())); }); if (oldestRelationshipTs.get() > 0 && oldestRelationshipTs.get() < Long.MAX_VALUE) { cypher = "match (x:AwsElb {aws_arn:{elbArn}})-[r:DISTRIBUTES_TRAFFIC_TO]-(y:AwsEc2Instance) where r.updateTs<{oldest} delete r"; getNeoRxClient().execCypher(cypher, "elbArn", elbArn, "oldest", oldestRelationshipTs.get()); } } } @Override public Optional<Double> getDefaultRateLimitPerSecond() { return Optional.of(2d); } }