Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Arthur Pachachura, LASA Robotics, and contributors * MIT licensed * * Some code from OpenCV samples, license at */ package; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.DMatch; import org.opencv.core.KeyPoint; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch; import org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorExtractor; import org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher; import org.opencv.features2d.FeatureDetector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Object Detector - searches a scene for keypoints then can match keypoints in the object * to keypoints in the scene, effectively locating an object within a scene * <p/> * This class is designed to detect a single object at a time in an image */ public class ObjectDetection { private final FeatureDetector detector; private final DescriptorExtractor extractor; private final DescriptorMatcher matcher; /** * Instantiate an object detector based on the FAST, BRIEF, and BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING algorithms */ public ObjectDetection() { detector = FeatureDetector.create(FeatureDetectorType.FAST.val()); extractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(DescriptorExtractorType.BRIEF.val()); matcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcherType.BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING.val()); } /** * Instantiate an object detector based on custom algorithms * * @param detector Keypoint detection algorithm * @param extractor Keypoint descriptor extractor * @param matcher Descriptor matcher */ public ObjectDetection(FeatureDetectorType detector, DescriptorExtractorType extractor, DescriptorMatcherType matcher) { this.detector = FeatureDetector.create(detector.val()); this.extractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(extractor.val()); this.matcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(matcher.val()); } /** * Draw keypoints directly onto an scene image - red circles indicate keypoints * * @param output The scene matrix * @param sceneAnalysis Analysis of the scene, as given by analyzeScene() */ public static void drawKeypoints(Mat output, SceneAnalysis sceneAnalysis) { KeyPoint[] keypoints = sceneAnalysis.keypoints.toArray(); for (KeyPoint kp : keypoints) { Drawing.drawCircle(output, new Point(,, 4, new ColorRGBA(255, 0, 0)); } } /** * Draw the object's location * * @param output Image to draw on * @param objectAnalysis Object analysis information * @param sceneAnalysis Scene analysis information */ public static void drawObjectLocation(Mat output, ObjectAnalysis objectAnalysis, SceneAnalysis sceneAnalysis) { List<Point> ptsObject = new ArrayList<>(); List<Point> ptsScene = new ArrayList<>(); KeyPoint[] keypointsObject = objectAnalysis.keypoints.toArray(); KeyPoint[] keypointsScene = sceneAnalysis.keypoints.toArray(); DMatch[] matches = sceneAnalysis.matches.toArray(); for (DMatch matche : matches) { //Get the keypoints from these matches ptsObject.add(keypointsObject[matche.queryIdx].pt); ptsScene.add(keypointsScene[matche.trainIdx].pt); } MatOfPoint2f matObject = new MatOfPoint2f(); matObject.fromList(ptsObject); MatOfPoint2f matScene = new MatOfPoint2f(); matScene.fromList(ptsScene); //Calculate homography of object in scene Mat homography = Calib3d.findHomography(matObject, matScene, Calib3d.RANSAC, 5.0f); //Create the unscaled array of corners, representing the object size Point cornersObject[] = new Point[4]; cornersObject[0] = new Point(0, 0); cornersObject[1] = new Point(objectAnalysis.object.cols(), 0); cornersObject[2] = new Point(objectAnalysis.object.cols(), objectAnalysis.object.rows()); cornersObject[3] = new Point(0, objectAnalysis.object.rows()); Point[] cornersSceneTemp = new Point[0]; MatOfPoint2f cornersSceneMatrix = new MatOfPoint2f(cornersSceneTemp); MatOfPoint2f cornersObjectMatrix = new MatOfPoint2f(cornersObject); //Transform the object coordinates to the scene coordinates by the homography matrix Core.perspectiveTransform(cornersObjectMatrix, cornersSceneMatrix, homography); //Mat transform = Imgproc.getAffineTransform(cornersObjectMatrix, cornersSceneMatrix); //Draw the lines of the object on the scene Point[] cornersScene = cornersSceneMatrix.toArray(); final ColorRGBA lineColor = new ColorRGBA("#00ff00"); Drawing.drawLine(output, new Point(cornersScene[0].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[0].y), new Point(cornersScene[1].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[1].y), lineColor, 5); Drawing.drawLine(output, new Point(cornersScene[1].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[1].y), new Point(cornersScene[2].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[2].y), lineColor, 5); Drawing.drawLine(output, new Point(cornersScene[2].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[2].y), new Point(cornersScene[3].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[3].y), lineColor, 5); Drawing.drawLine(output, new Point(cornersScene[3].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[3].y), new Point(cornersScene[0].x + objectAnalysis.object.cols(), cornersScene[0].y), lineColor, 5); } /** * Draw debug info onto screen * * @param output Image to draw on * @param sceneAnalysis Scene analysis object */ public static void drawDebugInfo(Mat output, SceneAnalysis sceneAnalysis) { Transform.flip(output, Transform.FlipType.FLIP_ACROSS_Y); Drawing.drawText(output, "Keypoints: " + sceneAnalysis.keypoints.rows(), new Point(0, 8), 1.0f, new ColorRGBA(255, 255, 255), Drawing.Anchor.BOTTOMLEFT_UNFLIPPED_Y); Transform.flip(output, Transform.FlipType.FLIP_ACROSS_Y); } /** * Analyzes an object in preparation to search for the object in a frame. * <p/> * This method should be called in an initialize() method. * Calling the analyzeObject method twice will overwrite the previous objectAnalysis. * <p/> * It is recommended to use a GFTT (Good Features To Track) detector for this phase. * * @param object Object image * @return The object descriptor matrix to be piped into locateObject() later */ public ObjectAnalysis analyzeObject(Mat object) throws IllegalArgumentException { Mat descriptors = new Mat(); MatOfKeyPoint keypoints = new MatOfKeyPoint(); Log.d("FTCVision", "Analyzing object..."); if (object == null || object.empty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object image cannot be empty!"); } //Detect object keypoints detector.detect(object, keypoints); //Extract object keypoints extractor.compute(object, keypoints, descriptors); return new ObjectAnalysis(keypoints, descriptors, object); } /** * Analyzes a scene for a target object. * * @param scene The scene to be analyzed as a GRAYSCALE matrix * @param analysis The target object's analysis from analyzeObject * @return A complete scene analysis */ public SceneAnalysis analyzeScene(Mat scene, ObjectAnalysis analysis) throws IllegalArgumentException { MatOfKeyPoint keypointsScene = new MatOfKeyPoint(); //DETECT KEYPOINTS in scene detector.detect(scene, keypointsScene); //EXTRACT KEYPOINT INFO from scene Mat descriptorsScene = new Mat(); extractor.compute(scene, keypointsScene, descriptorsScene); if (analysis == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Analysis must not be null!"); } if (analysis.descriptors.cols() != descriptorsScene.cols() || analysis.descriptors.type() != descriptorsScene.type()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object and scene descriptors do not match in cols() or type()."); } MatOfDMatch matches = new MatOfDMatch(); matcher.match(analysis.descriptors, descriptorsScene, matches); //FILTER KEYPOINTS /*double max_dist = 0, min_dist = 100; for(int i = 0; i < objectAnalysis.descriptors.rows(); i++) { double dist = matches.get; if(dist < ) }*/ //STORE SCENE ANALYSIS return new SceneAnalysis(keypointsScene, descriptorsScene, matches, scene); } /** * Feature detector types * <p/> * Feature detectors search the images for features - typically corners - that are then * extracted and processed to locate an object in a scene. */ public enum FeatureDetectorType { FAST(1), STAR(2), //SIFT(3), //SURF(4), ORB(5), MSER(6), GFTT(7), HARRIS(8), SIMPLEBLOB(9), DENSE(10), BRISK(11), FAST_DYNAMIC(1, true), STAR_DYNAMIC(2, true), //SIFT_DYNAMIC(3, true), //SURF_DYNAMIC(4, true), ORB_DYNAMIC(5, true), MSER_DYNAMIC(6, true), GFTT_DYNAMIC(7, true), HARRIS_DYNAMIC(8, true), SIMPLEBLOB_DYNAMIC(9, true), DENSE_DYNAMIC(10, true), BRISK_DYNAMIC(11, true); private final int m; FeatureDetectorType(int type) { m = type; } FeatureDetectorType(int type, boolean dynamic) { m = type + (dynamic ? 3000 : 0); } public int val() { return m; } } /** * Descriptor extractor types * <p/> * Descriptor extractors get information from the feature detector and analyze * it in various ways - these descriptors are then stored in the object analysis * to later search for the same descriptors in the scene. */ public enum DescriptorExtractorType { //SIFT(1), //SURF(2), ORB(3), BRIEF(4), BRISK(5), FREAK(6), //SIFT_OPPONENT(1, true), //SURF_OPPONENT(2, true), ORB_OPPONENT(3, true), BRIEF_OPPONENT(4, true), BRISK_OPPONENT(5, true), FREAK_OPPONENT(6, true); private final int m; DescriptorExtractorType(int type) { m = type; } DescriptorExtractorType(int type, boolean opponent) { m = type + (opponent ? 1000 : 0); } public int val() { return m; } } /** * Descriptor matcher types * <p/> * Descriptor matchers match descriptors found from the object * to descriptors in an image - they effectively locate the object in the scene. */ public enum DescriptorMatcherType { FLANN(1), BRUTEFORCE(2), BRUTEFORCE_L1(3), BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING(4), BRUTEFORCE_HAMMINGLUT(5), BRUTEFORCE_SL2( 6); private final int m; DescriptorMatcherType(int type) { m = type; } public int val() { return m; } } /** * Object analysis class returned after analyzing an object */ public final class ObjectAnalysis { final MatOfKeyPoint keypoints; final Mat descriptors; final Mat object; ObjectAnalysis(MatOfKeyPoint keypoints, Mat descriptors, Mat object) { this.keypoints = keypoints; this.descriptors = descriptors; this.object = object; } } /** * Scene analysis class returned after analyzing a scene */ public final class SceneAnalysis { final MatOfKeyPoint keypoints; final Mat descriptors; final MatOfDMatch matches; final Mat scene; SceneAnalysis(MatOfKeyPoint keypoints, Mat descriptors, MatOfDMatch matches, Mat scene) { this.keypoints = keypoints; this.descriptors = descriptors; this.matches = matches; this.scene = scene; } } }