Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Research. All rights reserved. * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Contributors: * Markus Alexander Kuppe - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.model; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceRuleFactory; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor; import; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunch; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.FindReplaceDocumentAdapter; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider; import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.spec.Spec; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.ToolboxHandle; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.TLCActivator; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.launch.IModelConfigurationConstants; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.model.Model.StateChangeListener.ChangeEvent; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.model.Model.StateChangeListener.ChangeEvent.State; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.traceexplorer.SimpleTLCState; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tool.tlc.util.ModelHelper; import org.lamport.tla.toolbox.util.ResourceHelper; import tlc2.output.MP; /** * This class represents a Toolbox Model that can be executed by TLC. */ public class Model implements IModelConfigurationConstants, IAdaptable { /** * Marker indicating an error in the model */ private static final String TLC_MODEL_ERROR_MARKER = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tlc.modelErrorMarker"; /** * boolean attribute indicating if the original trace of a model checking * run should be shown in the error view for that model */ private static final String IS_ORIGINAL_TRACE_SHOWN = "isOriginalTraceShown"; /** * marker on .launch file with boolean attribute modelIsRunning; only used for historic clean-ups as of 1.5.5 */ private static final String TLC_MODEL_IN_USE_MARKER = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tlc.modelMarker"; /** * marker on .launch file, binary semantics */ private static final String TLC_CRASHED_MARKER = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tlc.crashedModelMarker"; /** * marker on .launch file, with boolean attribute isOriginalTraceShown */ private static final String TRACE_EXPLORER_MARKER = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tlc.traceExplorerMarker"; public static final String SPEC_MODEL_DELIM = "___"; static String sanitizeName(String aModelName) { Assert.isNotNull(aModelName); if (aModelName.contains(SPEC_MODEL_DELIM)) { // Strip spec prefix aModelName = aModelName.split(SPEC_MODEL_DELIM)[1]; } if (aModelName.endsWith(".launch")) { // Strip file name extension aModelName = aModelName.substring(0, aModelName.length() - ".launch".length()); } return aModelName; } /** * @param fullQualifiedModelName The full-qualified (includes the Spec name and separator too) name of the Model. * @return A Model, iff a Model by the given name exists and <code>null</code> otherwise. */ public static Model getByName(final String modelName) { return TLCModelFactory.getByName(modelName); } /** * A {@link StateChangeListener} is notified when the running state of the model * changes. There is no guarantee as to which thread is being used to send the * notification. A {@link StateChangeListener} has subscribe and unsubscribe * via {@link Model#add(StateChangeListener)} and {@link Model#remove(StateChangeListener)}. */ public static class StateChangeListener { public static class ChangeEvent { public enum State { RUNNING, NOT_RUNNING, DELETED, REMOTE_RUNNING, REMOTE_NOT_RUNNING; public boolean in(State... states) { for (State state : states) { if (state == this) { return true; } } return false; } } private final State state; private final Model model; private ChangeEvent(Model model, State state) { this.model = model; this.state = state; } public State getState() { return state; } public Model getModel() { return model; } } /** * @return true iff the listener should be unsubscribed from receiving future * events after it handled the event. */ public boolean handleChange(ChangeEvent event) { return false; } } private final Set<StateChangeListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<StateChangeListener>(); private TLCSpec spec; private ILaunchConfiguration launchConfig; // transient fields /** * The working copy is the temporary storage for pending model changes until * they are saved. Upon save, the changes are merged back into launchConfig * and the working copy is nulled. * <p> * A null workingCopy indicates that the model is *not* dirty/has no pending, * unsaved changes. */ private ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy workingCopy; private ILaunch launch; /** * Marker indicating the SANY Errors */ public static final String TLC_MODEL_ERROR_MARKER_SANY = "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.tlc.modelErrorSANY"; /** * Only supposed to be called by {@link TLCModelFactory} */ protected Model(ILaunchConfiguration launchConfig) { /* * The only caller of this method should only ever be * TLCModelFactory.getAdapter(Object, Class<T>). All others should use * ILaunchConfiguration.getAdapter(Model.class). */ Assert.isNotNull(launchConfig); this.launchConfig = launchConfig; } public boolean add(StateChangeListener stateChangeListener) { return this.listeners.add(stateChangeListener); } public boolean remove(StateChangeListener stateChangeListener) { return this.listeners.remove(stateChangeListener); } private void notifyListener(final StateChangeListener.ChangeEvent event) { for (StateChangeListener scl : listeners) { if (scl.handleChange(event)) { // Listener wants to be deregistered as a listener. listeners.remove(scl); } } } public TLCSpec getSpec() { if (this.spec == null) { final String launchName = this.launchConfig.getName(); Assert.isTrue(launchName.contains(SPEC_MODEL_DELIM)); final Spec spec = ToolboxHandle.getSpecByName(launchName.split(SPEC_MODEL_DELIM)[0]); Assert.isNotNull(spec, "Failed to lookup spec with name " + launchName.split(SPEC_MODEL_DELIM)[0]); this.spec = spec.getAdapter(TLCSpec.class); } return this.spec; } public Model copy(String newModelName) { newModelName = sanitizeName(newModelName); try { final ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy copy = this.launchConfig .copy(getSpec().getName() + SPEC_MODEL_DELIM + newModelName); copy.setAttribute(ModelHelper.MODEL_NAME, newModelName); return copy.doSave().getAdapter(Model.class); } catch (CoreException e) { TLCActivator.logError("Error cloning model.", e); return null; } } public void rename(String newModelName, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { final Collection<Model> snapshots = getSnapshots(); // Rename the model directory to the new name. final IFolder modelDir = getTargetDirectory(); if (modelDir != null && modelDir.exists()) { final IPath src = modelDir.getFullPath(); final IPath dst = src.removeLastSegments(1).append(newModelName); modelDir.move(dst, true, monitor); } renameLaunch(getSpec(), sanitizeName(newModelName)); for (Model snapshot : snapshots) { snapshot.rename(newModelName + snapshot.getSnapshotSuffix(), monitor); } } /** * The {@link Model}'s parent {@link TLCSpec} has been renamed. Update the {@link Model} too. * @param newSpecName */ void specRename(final Spec newSpec) { final Collection<Model> snapshots = getSnapshots(); renameLaunch(newSpec, getName()); // The spec's name has changed. Force a re-lookup of the instance with // the updated name. this.spec = null; for (Model snapshot : snapshots) { snapshot.specRename(newSpec); ; } } private void renameLaunch(final Spec newSpec, String newModelName) { try { // create the model with the new name final ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy copy = this.launchConfig .copy(newSpec.getName() + SPEC_MODEL_DELIM + newModelName); copy.setAttribute(SPEC_NAME, newSpec.getName()); copy.setAttribute(ModelHelper.MODEL_NAME, newModelName); copy.setContainer(newSpec.getProject()); final ILaunchConfiguration renamed = copy.doSave(); // delete the old model this.launchConfig.delete(); this.launchConfig = renamed; } catch (CoreException e) { TLCActivator.logError("Error renaming model.", e); } } public String getName() { try { return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(ModelHelper.MODEL_NAME, (String) null); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); return null; } } public String getComments() { try { return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(IModelConfigurationConstants.MODEL_COMMENTS, ""); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); return ""; } } public boolean isRunning() { final ILaunchManager launchManager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager(); final ILaunch[] launches = launchManager.getLaunches(); for (int i = 0; i < launches.length; i++) { final ILaunch launch = launches[i]; if (launch.getLaunchConfiguration() != null && launch.getLaunchConfiguration().contentsEqual(this.launchConfig)) { if (!launch.isTerminated()) { return true; } } } return false; } public void setRunning(boolean isRunning) { if (isRunning) { // Clear the crashed marker. After all, the model is obviously // running now. recover(); } notifyListener(new StateChangeListener.ChangeEvent(this, isRunning ? State.RUNNING : State.NOT_RUNNING)); } /** * Looks up if the model has a stale marker. The stale marker is installed * when the TLC process crashed (terminated with exit code > 0). */ public boolean isStale() { final IFile resource = getFile(); if (resource.exists()) { IMarker[] foundMarkers; try { foundMarkers = resource.findMarkers(TLC_CRASHED_MARKER, false, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO); if (foundMarkers.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } return false; } public void setStale() { try { getFile().createMarker(TLC_CRASHED_MARKER); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } private boolean isRunningRemotely = false; public boolean isRunningRemotely() { return this.isRunningRemotely; } public void setRunningRemotely(boolean isRunning) { this.isRunningRemotely = isRunning; notifyListener(new StateChangeListener.ChangeEvent(this, isRunning ? State.REMOTE_RUNNING : State.REMOTE_NOT_RUNNING)); } /* * Snapshot related methods. */ private static final String SNAP_SHOT = "_SnapShot_"; static final String SNAPSHOT_REGEXP = SNAP_SHOT + "[0-9]*$"; private String getSnapshotSuffix() { if (isSnapshot()) { final int idx = getName().lastIndexOf(SNAP_SHOT); return getName().substring(idx, getName().length()); } return ""; } public long getSnapshotTimeStamp() { final int idx = getName().lastIndexOf(SNAP_SHOT) + 10; return Long.valueOf(getName().substring(idx)); } public Collection<Model> getSnapshots() { return getSpec().getModels(Pattern.quote(getName()) + SNAPSHOT_REGEXP, true).values(); } public boolean isSnapshot() { return getName().matches(".*" + SNAPSHOT_REGEXP); } public boolean hasSnapshots() { return !getSpec().getModels(Pattern.quote(getName()) + SNAPSHOT_REGEXP, true).isEmpty(); } public Model getSnapshotFor() { return getSpec().getModel(getName().replaceFirst(SNAPSHOT_REGEXP, "")); } public Model snapshot() throws CoreException { // Create a copy of the underlying launch configuration. final Model snapshot = copy(getName() + SNAP_SHOT + System.currentTimeMillis()); // Snapshot the model's markers as well (e.g. the information about errors, see hasErrors()). final IMarker[] markers = getMarkers(); for (IMarker iMarker : markers) { snapshot.setMarker(iMarker.getAttributes(), iMarker.getType()); } // Set the snapshot to be locked? Do we want the user to be able to run it again? // snapshot.setLocked(true); /* * Snapshot (copy) the model folder which include the TLC output as well as the version * of the spec and module overwrites with which TLC ran. */ final IPath snapshotPath = getSpec().getProject().getFolder(snapshot.getName()).getLocation(); final IPath modelFolder = getSpec().getProject().getFolder(this.getName()).getLocation(); // Use non-Eclipse API instead of modelFolder.copy(snapshotFolder, false, // monitor which supports a non-recursive copy. A recursive copy includes the // states/ directory leftover from TLC which waste quite some space and might // take some time to copy. try { FileUtils.copyDirectory(modelFolder.toFile(), snapshotPath.toFile(), new NotFileFilter(DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY)); // Rename .dot file name because hasStateGraphDump checks if a .dot file exists // that matches the name of the model. if (hasStateGraphDump()) { final IPath oldDotFile = getSpec().getProject() .getFolder(snapshot.getName() + File.separator + this.getName() + ".dot").getLocation(); final IPath newDotFile = getSpec().getProject() .getFolder(snapshot.getName() + File.separator + snapshot.getName() + ".dot").getLocation(); FileUtils.moveFile(oldDotFile.toFile(), newDotFile.toFile()); } // Now that we've had a successful save, prune any snapshots, starting with the oldest, in order to assure the // cardinality no greater than snapshotKeepCount. pruneOldestSnapshots(); // Refresh the snapshot folder after having copied files without using the // Eclipse resource API. Otherwise, the resource API does not see the files // which e.g. results in an incomplete model deletion or hasStateGraphDump // incorrectly returning false. snapshot.getFolder().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(Status.ERROR, TLCActivator.PLUGIN_ID, e.getMessage(), e)); } return snapshot; } private void pruneOldestSnapshots() throws CoreException { // Sort model by snapshot timestamp and remove oldest ones. final int snapshotKeepCount = TLCActivator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore() .getInt(TLCActivator.I_TLC_SNAPSHOT_KEEP_COUNT); final List<Model> snapshotModels = new ArrayList<>(getSnapshots()); if (snapshotModels.size() > snapshotKeepCount) { final int pruneCount = snapshotModels.size() - snapshotKeepCount; Collections.sort(snapshotModels, new Comparator<Model>() { public int compare(final Model model1, final Model model2) { final long ts1 = model1.getSnapshotTimeStamp(); final long ts2 = model2.getSnapshotTimeStamp(); return, ts2); } }); for (int i = 0; i < pruneCount; i++) { final Model model = snapshotModels.get(i); model.delete(new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } /* * End of snapshot related methods. */ /* * State Graph dump in dot file format (GraphViz). */ private static final String DOT_FILE_EXT = ".dot"; public boolean hasStateGraphDump() { final String name = getName().concat(DOT_FILE_EXT); // Convert to rather than Eclipse's IFile. For the latter // file.exists might return null if Eclipse's internal FS cache is stale. final File file = getFolder().getFile(name).getLocation().toFile(); return file.exists(); } public IFile getStateGraphDump() { final String name = getName().concat(DOT_FILE_EXT); return getFolder().getFile(name); } /* * End of state graph dump related methods. */ /** * Returns whether the original trace or the trace with trace explorer expressions from the * most recent run of the trace explorer for the model should be shown in the TLC error view. * * See {@link ModelHelper#setOriginalTraceShown(ILaunchConfiguration, boolean)} for setting this * return value. * * @return whether the original trace or the trace with trace explorer expressions from the * most recent run of the trace explorer for the model should be shown in the TLC error view */ public boolean isOriginalTraceShown() { return isMarkerSet(TRACE_EXPLORER_MARKER, IS_ORIGINAL_TRACE_SHOWN); } /** * Sets whether the original trace or the trace with trace explorer expressions * should be shown in the TLC error view for the model represented by this * configuration. * * Code the raises the TLC error view or updates the TLC error view for a model * can use {@link ModelHelper#isOriginalTraceShown(ILaunchConfiguration)} to determine * if the original trace should be shown for a given model. * * @param isOriginalTraceShown true if the original trace should be shown, false if * the trace with trace explorer expressions should be shown */ public void setOriginalTraceShown(boolean isOriginalTraceShown) { setMarker(TRACE_EXPLORER_MARKER, IS_ORIGINAL_TRACE_SHOWN, isOriginalTraceShown); } public boolean hasError() { return getMarkers().length > 0; } private boolean isMarkerSet(String markerType, final String attributeName) { // marker final IFile resource = getFile(); if (resource.exists()) { try { final IMarker[] foundMarkers = resource.findMarkers(markerType, false, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO); if (foundMarkers.length > 0) { boolean set = foundMarkers[0].getAttribute(attributeName, false); // remove trash if any for (int i = 1; i < foundMarkers.length; i++) { foundMarkers[i].delete(); } return set; } else { return false; } } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } return false; } private void setMarker(final String markerType, final String attributeName, boolean value) { final IFile resource = getFile(); if (resource.exists()) { try { IMarker marker; final IMarker[] foundMarkers = resource.findMarkers(markerType, false, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO); if (foundMarkers.length > 0) { marker = foundMarkers[0]; // remove trash if any for (int i = 1; i < foundMarkers.length; i++) { foundMarkers[i].delete(); } } else { marker = resource.createMarker(markerType); } marker.setAttribute(attributeName, value); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } } /** * Installs a marker on the model * @param properties a map of attribute names to attribute values * (key type : <code>String</code> value type : <code>String</code>, * <code>Integer</code>, or <code>Boolean</code>) or <code>null</code> */ public IMarker setMarker(Map<String, Object> properties, String markerType) { try { IMarker marker = getFile().createMarker(markerType); marker.setAttributes(properties); return marker; } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } return null; } public IMarker[] getMarkers() { final IFile resource = getFile(); if (resource.exists()) { try { return resource.findMarkers(TLC_MODEL_ERROR_MARKER, true, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } return new IMarker[0]; } public void removeMarkers(final String markerType) { try { final IMarker[] foundMarkers = getFile().findMarkers(markerType, true, IResource.DEPTH_ONE); for (int i = 0; i < foundMarkers.length; i++) { foundMarkers[i].delete(); } } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } /** * Tries to recover model after an abnormal TLC termination * It deletes all temporary files on disk and restores the state to unlocked. */ public void recover() { final IFile resource = getFile(); if (resource.exists()) { try { // remove any crashed markers IMarker[] foundMarkers = resource.findMarkers(TLC_CRASHED_MARKER, false, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO); if (foundMarkers.length == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < foundMarkers.length; i++) { foundMarkers[i].delete(); } foundMarkers = resource.findMarkers(TLC_MODEL_IN_USE_MARKER, false, IResource.DEPTH_ZERO); for (int i = 0; i < foundMarkers.length; i++) { foundMarkers[i].delete(); } } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } } public ILaunchConfiguration getLaunchConfiguration() { return this.launchConfig; } public void delete(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { // First delete the Model's snapshots. If left undelete, they disappear from the // Toolbox have to be deleted manually. final Collection<Model> snapshots = getSnapshots(); for (Model model : snapshots) { model.delete(SubMonitor.convert(monitor)); } notifyListener(new ChangeEvent(this, State.DELETED)); final IResource[] members; // if the model has never been model checked, no model folder will exist final IFolder modelFolder = getTargetDirectory(); if (modelFolder != null) { members = new IResource[2]; members[0] = modelFolder; // model folder members[1] = getLaunchConfiguration().getFile(); // modle launch config } else { members = new IResource[] { getLaunchConfiguration().getFile() }; } // schedule combined deletion of both the model folder as well as the // launch config final ISchedulingRule deleteRule = ResourceHelper.getDeleteRule(members); ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(new IWorkspaceRunnable() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable#run(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public void run(IProgressMonitor subMonitor) throws CoreException { subMonitor.beginTask("Deleting files", members.length); // actually deletes all IResource members try { for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { members[i].delete(IResource.FORCE, SubMonitor.convert(subMonitor, 1)); } } catch (CoreException e) { TLCActivator.logError("Error deleting a file " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } subMonitor.done(); } }, deleteRule, IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, SubMonitor.convert(monitor, members.length)); } /** * Retrieves the working directory for the model. Returns null if the model has * not run yet. In other words, gets created by running TLC.<br> * Note, this is a handle operation only, the resource returned may not exist * * @param config * @return the Folder. * @see Model#getFolder() */ public IFolder getTargetDirectory() { return (IFolder) getSpec().getProject().findMember(getName()); } public List<IFile> getSavedTLAFiles() { try { final List<IFile> res = new ArrayList<>(); final IFolder targetDirectory = getTargetDirectory(); if (targetDirectory == null) { // Model has not been run yet. return res; } final List<IResource> asList = Arrays.asList(targetDirectory.members()); for (final IResource iResource : asList) { if (iResource instanceof IFile) { final IFile f = (IFile) iResource; if (f.exists() && "tla".equalsIgnoreCase(f.getFileExtension())) { res.add(f); } } } return res; } catch (CoreException e) { return new ArrayList<>(); } } /** * Retrieves the TLA file that is being model checked on the model run. This is * the MC.tla file. * * @param config configuration representing the model * @return a file handle or <code>null</code> */ public IFile getTLAFile() { return getFile(ModelHelper.FILE_TLA); } /** * Retrieves the TE file that is being used by the trace explorer. * * @param config * configuration representing the model * @return a file handle or <code>null</code> */ public IFile getTEFile() { return getFile(ModelHelper.TE_FILE_TLA); } public IFile getOutputLogFile() { return getOutputLogFile(false); } /** * Retrieves a file where the log of the TLC run is written. If isTraceExploration is true, this * will return the log file for trace exploration. If that flag is false, this will return the log file * for normal model checking. * * @param config configuration representing the model * @param getTraceExplorerOutput flag indicating if the log file for trace exploration is to be returned * @return the file handle, or null */ public IFile getOutputLogFile(boolean getTraceExplorerOutput) { if (getTraceExplorerOutput) { return getFile(ModelHelper.TE_FILE_OUT); } else { return getFile(ModelHelper.FILE_OUT); } } /** * Retrieves the TLA file used by the trace explorer * @return a file handle or <code>null</code> */ public IFile getTraceExplorerTLAFile() { return getFile(ModelHelper.TE_FILE_TLA); } private IFile getFile(final String id) { final IFolder targetFolder = getTargetDirectory(); if (targetFolder != null && targetFolder.exists()) { final IFile teFile = (IFile) targetFolder.findMember(id); if (teFile != null && teFile.exists()) { return teFile; } } return null; } /** * Returns a handle to the output file {@link ModelHelper#TE_TRACE_SOURCE} used by the * trace explorer to retrieve the trace from the most recent run of TLC on * the config. * * Note that this is a handle-only operation. The file need not exist in the * underlying file system. * * @return */ public IFile getTraceSourceFile() { final IFolder targetFolder = getTargetDirectory(); if (targetFolder != null && targetFolder.exists()) { final IFile logFile = targetFolder.getFile(ModelHelper.TE_TRACE_SOURCE); Assert.isNotNull(logFile); return logFile; } return null; } public void createModelOutputLogFile(InputStream is, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IFolder targetFolder = getTargetDirectory(); // Create targetFolder which might be missing if the model has never // been checked but the user wants to load TLC output anyway. // This happens with distributed TLC, where the model is executed // remotely and the log is send to the user afterwards. if (targetFolder == null || !targetFolder.exists()) { String modelName = getName(); targetFolder = getSpec().getProject().getFolder(modelName); targetFolder.create(true, true, monitor); } if (targetFolder != null && targetFolder.exists()) { // Always refresh the folder in case it has to override an existing // file that is out-of-sync with the Eclipse foundation layer. targetFolder.refreshLocal(IFolder.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor); // Import MC.out IFile mcOutFile = targetFolder.getFile(ModelHelper.FILE_OUT); if (mcOutFile.exists()) { mcOutFile.delete(true, monitor); } mcOutFile.create(is, true, monitor); // create closes the InputStream is. // Import MC_TE.out by copying the MC.out file to MC_TE.out. // The reason why there are two identical files (MC.out and // MC_TE.out) has been lost in history. IFile mcTEOutfile = targetFolder.getFile(ModelHelper.TE_TRACE_SOURCE); if (mcTEOutfile.exists()) { mcTEOutfile.delete(true, monitor); } mcOutFile.copy(mcTEOutfile.getFullPath(), true, monitor); } } public IFolder getFolder() { return getSpec().getProject().getFolder(getName()); } private static final String CHECKPOINT_STATES = ModelHelper.MC_MODEL_NAME + ".st.chkpt"; private static final String CHECKPOINT_QUEUE = "queue.chkpt"; private static final String CHECKPOINT_VARS = "vars.chkpt"; /** * Checks whether the checkpoint files exist for a given model * If doRefresh is set to true, this method will refresh the model directory, * and if a checkpoint folder is found, it will refresh the contents of that folder. * This means that the eclipse workspace representation of that directory will * synch with the file system. This is a long running job, so this method should not * be called within the running of another job unless the scheduling rule for * refreshing the model directory is included in the scheduling rule of the job which * is calling this method. This scheduling rule can be found by calling * * Note: Because the Toolbox deletes any existing checkpoint when running TLC, * there should be at most one checkpoint. Therefore, this method should return an array * of length 0 or 1. * * {@link IResourceRuleFactory#refreshRule(IResource)} * @param config * @param doRefresh whether the model directory's contents and any checkpoint * folders contents should be refreshed * @return the array of checkpoint directories, sorted from last to first */ public IResource[] getCheckpoints(boolean doRefresh) throws CoreException { // yy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}"); Vector<IResource> checkpoints = new Vector<IResource>(); IFolder directory = getTargetDirectory(); if (directory != null && directory.exists()) { // refreshing is necessary because TLC creates // the checkpoint folders, but they may not have // been incorporated into the toolbox workspace // yet // the depth is one to find any checkpoint folders if (doRefresh) { directory.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null); } IResource[] members = directory.members(); for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { if (members[i].getType() == IResource.FOLDER) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(members[i].getName()); if (matcher.matches()) { // if there is a checkpoint folder, it is necessary // to refresh its contents because they may not // be part of the workspace yet if (doRefresh) { members[i].refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null); } if (((IFolder) members[i]).findMember(CHECKPOINT_QUEUE) != null && ((IFolder) members[i]).findMember(CHECKPOINT_VARS) != null && ((IFolder) members[i]).findMember(CHECKPOINT_STATES) != null) { checkpoints.add(members[i]); } } } } } IResource[] result = (IResource[]) checkpoints.toArray(new IResource[checkpoints.size()]); // sort the result Arrays.sort(result, new Comparator<IResource>() { public int compare(IResource arg0, IResource arg1) { return arg0.getName().compareTo(arg1.getName()); } }); return result; } private static final String CR = "\n"; private static final String SPACE = " "; /** * Returns a possibly empty List of {@link SimpleTLCState} that represents * the error trace produced by the most recent run of TLC on config, if an error * trace was produced. */ public List<SimpleTLCState> getErrorTrace() { /* * Use a file editor input and file document provider to gain access to the * document representation of the file containing the trace. */ FileEditorInput logFileEditorInput = new FileEditorInput(getTraceSourceFile()); FileDocumentProvider logFileDocumentProvider = new FileDocumentProvider(); try { logFileDocumentProvider.connect(logFileEditorInput); IDocument logFileDocument = logFileDocumentProvider.getDocument(logFileEditorInput); FindReplaceDocumentAdapter logFileSearcher = new FindReplaceDocumentAdapter(logFileDocument); // the regular expression for searching for the start tag for state print outs String regExStartTag = MP.DELIM + MP.STARTMSG + "[0-9]{4}" + MP.COLON + MP.STATE + SPACE + MP.DELIM + CR; // the regular expression for searching for the end tag for state print outs String regExEndTag = MP.DELIM + MP.ENDMSG + "[0-9]{4}" + SPACE + MP.DELIM; IRegion startTagRegion = logFileSearcher.find(0, regExStartTag, true, true, false, true); // vector of SimpleTLCStates Vector<SimpleTLCState> trace = new Vector<SimpleTLCState>(); while (startTagRegion != null) { IRegion endTagRegion = logFileSearcher.find(startTagRegion.getOffset() + startTagRegion.getLength(), regExEndTag, true, true, false, true); if (endTagRegion != null) { int stateInputStart = startTagRegion.getOffset() + startTagRegion.getLength(); int stateInputLength = endTagRegion.getOffset() - stateInputStart; // string from which the state can be parsed String stateInputString = logFileDocument.get(stateInputStart, stateInputLength); trace.add(SimpleTLCState.parseSimpleTLCState(stateInputString)); } else { TLCActivator.logDebug("Found start tag region in model log file without end tag for model " + getName() + "."); } // TLCActivator.getDefault().logDebug(logFileDocument.get(startTagRegion.getOffset() + startTagRegion.getLength(), // endTagRegion.getOffset() - startTagRegion.getLength() - startTagRegion.getOffset())); startTagRegion = logFileSearcher.find(startTagRegion.getOffset() + startTagRegion.getLength(), regExStartTag, true, true, false, true); } return trace; } catch (CoreException e) { TLCActivator.logError("Error connecting to model log file for model " + getName() + ".", e); } catch (BadLocationException e) { TLCActivator.logError("Error searching model log file for " + getName() + ".", e); } finally { /* * The document provider is not needed. Always disconnect it to avoid a memory leak. * * Keeping it connected only seems to provide synchronization of * the document with file changes. That is not necessary in this context. */ logFileDocumentProvider.disconnect(logFileEditorInput); } return new Vector<SimpleTLCState>(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { // The model's full-qualified name return getSpec().getName() + SPEC_MODEL_DELIM + getName(); } public List<String> getTraceExplorerExpressions() { final Vector<String> defaultValue = new Vector<String>(); try { return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(IModelConfigurationConstants.TRACE_EXPLORE_EXPRESSIONS, defaultValue); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); return defaultValue; } } public void setTraceExplorerExpression(List<String> serializedInput) { // TODO Why is this written into a working copy? => One can only write // into a working copy, which is synced on save. Thus, make sure never // to write to different copies concurrently. try { getWorkingCopy().setAttribute(IModelConfigurationConstants.TRACE_EXPLORE_EXPRESSIONS, serializedInput); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } public IFile getFile() { return getLaunchConfiguration().getFile(); } /** * @return The last {@link ILaunch} or <code>null</code> if {@link Model} has never been run. */ public ILaunch getLastLaunch() { return launch; } public void launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor subProgressMonitor, boolean build) throws CoreException { Assert.isTrue(this.workingCopy == null, "Cannot launch dirty model, save first."); this.launch = this.launchConfig.launch(mode, subProgressMonitor, build); } public Model save(final IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (this.workingCopy != null) { //TODO This is a workspace operation and thus should be decoupled from the UI thread. try { this.launchConfig = this.workingCopy.doSave(); // Null the temporary working copy . Save effectively merges the // changes in the working copy back into the launch config. this.workingCopy = null; } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } TLCActivator.logDebug("Trying to save a clean Model."); // Fluent return this; } private ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy getWorkingCopy() throws CoreException { if (this.workingCopy == null) { this.workingCopy = this.launchConfig.getWorkingCopy(); } return this.workingCopy; } public void unsavedSetEvalExpression(final String expression) { setAttribute(MODEL_EXPRESSION_EVAL, expression); } public String getEvalExpression() { try { return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(MODEL_EXPRESSION_EVAL, ""); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); return ""; } } public int getAttribute(String key, int defaultValue) throws CoreException { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(key, defaultValue); } public String getAttribute(String key, String defaultValue) throws CoreException { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(key, defaultValue); } public boolean getAttribute(String key, boolean defaultValue) throws CoreException { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(key, defaultValue); } public List<String> getAttribute(String key, List<String> defaultValue) throws CoreException { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression return this.launchConfig.getAttribute(key, defaultValue); } public void setAttribute(String key, int value) { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression try { getWorkingCopy().setAttribute(key, value); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } public void setAttribute(String key, String value) { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression try { getWorkingCopy().setAttribute(key, value); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } public void setAttribute(String key, boolean value) { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression try { getWorkingCopy().setAttribute(key, value); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } public void setAttribute(String key, List<String> value) { // TODO Replace this generic lookup method with real getters for the // various keys. E.g. see getEvalExpression/unsavedSetEvalExpression try { getWorkingCopy().setAttribute(key, value); } catch (CoreException shouldNotHappen) { TLCActivator.logError(shouldNotHappen.getMessage(), shouldNotHappen); } } /* IAdaptable */ public <T> T getAdapter(Class<T> adapter) { return Platform.getAdapterManager().getAdapter(this, adapter); } }