Source code

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 * Copyright 2008-2009 The Kuali Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.kuali.ole.sys.batch.dataaccess.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEConstants;
import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEPropertyConstants;
import org.kuali.ole.sys.batch.dataaccess.FiscalYearMaker;
import org.kuali.ole.sys.businessobject.FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject;
import org.kuali.ole.sys.businessobject.SystemOptions;
import org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.dao.PlatformAwareDaoBaseOjb;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.PersistenceStructureService;
import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils;

 * Default implementation of fiscal year maker process for an entity. This implementation can be used for a table in the fiscal year
 * maker process by defining a spring bean and setting the businessObjectClass property.
public class FiscalYearMakerImpl extends PlatformAwareDaoBaseOjb implements FiscalYearMaker {
    private static final Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(FiscalYearMakerImpl.class);

    protected static final Long ONE = new Long(1);

    protected PersistenceStructureService persistenceStructureService;
    protected BusinessObjectService businessObjectService;

    protected Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject> businessObjectClass;
    protected Set<Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject>> parentClasses;

    protected boolean fiscalYearOneBehind;
    protected boolean fiscalYearOneAhead;
    protected boolean twoYearCopy;
    protected boolean carryForwardInactive;
    protected boolean allowOverrideTargetYear;

    protected Boolean hasExtension = null;
    protected List<String> primaryKeyPropertyNames = null;
    protected List<String> propertyNames = null;
    protected Map<String, Class> referenceObjects = null;
    protected Map<String, Class> collectionObjects = null;
    protected Map<String, Map<String, String>> referenceForeignKeys = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();

     * Constructs a
    public FiscalYearMakerImpl() {
        fiscalYearOneBehind = false;
        fiscalYearOneAhead = false;
        twoYearCopy = false;
        carryForwardInactive = false;
        allowOverrideTargetYear = true;
        parentClasses = new HashSet<Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject>>();

    protected boolean hasExtension() {
        if (hasExtension == null) {
            hasExtension = persistenceStructureService.hasReference(businessObjectClass,
        return hasExtension.booleanValue();

    public List<String> getPrimaryKeyPropertyNames() {
        if (primaryKeyPropertyNames == null) {
            primaryKeyPropertyNames = persistenceStructureService.listPrimaryKeyFieldNames(businessObjectClass);
        return primaryKeyPropertyNames;

    public List<String> getPropertyNames() {
        if (propertyNames == null) {
            propertyNames = persistenceStructureService.listFieldNames(businessObjectClass);
        return propertyNames;

    public Map<String, Class> getReferenceObjectProperties() {
        if (referenceObjects == null) {
            referenceObjects = persistenceStructureService.listReferenceObjectFields(businessObjectClass);
        return referenceObjects;

    public Map<String, Class> getCollectionProperties() {
        if (collectionObjects == null) {
            collectionObjects = persistenceStructureService.listCollectionObjectTypes(businessObjectClass);
        return collectionObjects;

    public Map<String, String> getForeignKeyMappings(String referenceName) {
        if (!referenceForeignKeys.containsKey(referenceName)) {
                    persistenceStructureService.getForeignKeysForReference(businessObjectClass, referenceName));
        return referenceForeignKeys.get(referenceName);

     * Sets fiscal year field up one, resets version number and assigns a new Guid for the object id
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.dataaccess.FiscalYearMaker#changeForNewYear(java.lang.Integer,
    public void changeForNewYear(Integer baseFiscalYear, FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject currentRecord) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("starting changeForNewYear() for bo class " + businessObjectClass.getName());

        try {
            // increment fiscal year by 1
            Integer newFiscalYear = currentRecord.getUniversityFiscalYear() + 1;

            // update extension, must be done before updating main record so we can retrieve the extension record by reference
            updateExtensionRecord(newFiscalYear, currentRecord);

            // update main record fields

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = String.format("Failed to set properties for class %s due to %s",
                    businessObjectClass.getName(), e.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);

     * Determines if an extension record is mapped up and exists for the current record. If so then updates the version number,
     * object id, and clears the primary keys so they will be relinked when storing the main record
     * @param newFiscalYear fiscal year to set
     * @param currentRecord main record with possible extension reference
    protected void updateExtensionRecord(Integer newFiscalYear, PersistableBusinessObject currentRecord)
            throws Exception {
        // check if reference is mapped up
        if (!hasExtension()) {

        // try to retrieve extension record
        PersistableBusinessObject extension = currentRecord.getExtension();

        // if found then update fields
        if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(extension)) {
            extension = (PersistableBusinessObject) ProxyHelper.getRealObject(extension);

            // since this could be a new object (no extension object present on the source record)
            // we need to set the keys
            // But...we only need to do this if this was a truly new object, which we can tell by checking
            // the fiscal year field
            if (((FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject) extension).getUniversityFiscalYear() == null) {
                for (String pkField : getPrimaryKeyPropertyNames()) {
                    PropertyUtils.setSimpleProperty(extension, pkField,
                            PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(currentRecord, pkField));
            ((FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject) extension).setUniversityFiscalYear(newFiscalYear);

     * @see
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.dataaccess.FiscalYearMaker#createSelectionCriteria(java.lang.Integer)
    public Criteria createNextYearSelectionCriteria(Integer baseFiscalYear) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("starting createNextYearSelectionCriteria() for bo class " + businessObjectClass.getName());

        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
        addYearCriteria(criteria, baseFiscalYear + 1, twoYearCopy);

        return criteria;

     * Selects records for the given base year or base year minus one if this is a lagging copy. If this is a two year copy base
     * year plus one records will be selected as well. In addition will only select active records if the business object class
     * implements the MutableInactivatable interface and has the active property.
     * @see
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.dataaccess.FiscalYearMaker#createSelectionCriteria(java.lang.Integer)
    public Criteria createSelectionCriteria(Integer baseFiscalYear) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("starting createSelectionCriteria() for bo class " + businessObjectClass.getName());

        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
        addYearCriteria(criteria, baseFiscalYear, false);

        // add active criteria if the business object class supports the inactivateable interface
        List<String> fields = getPropertyNames();
        if (MutableInactivatable.class.isAssignableFrom(businessObjectClass)
                && fields.contains(OLEPropertyConstants.ACTIVE) && !carryForwardInactive) {
            criteria.addEqualTo(OLEPropertyConstants.ACTIVE, OLEConstants.ACTIVE_INDICATOR);

        return criteria;

     * Selects records to delete for base year + 1 (or base year for lagging, and base year + 2 for two year)
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.batch.dataaccess.FiscalYearMakerHelper#createDeleteCriteria(java.lang.Integer)
    public Criteria createDeleteCriteria(Integer baseFiscalYear) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("starting createDeleteCriteria() for bo class " + businessObjectClass.getName());

        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
        addYearCriteria(criteria, baseFiscalYear + 1, twoYearCopy);

        return criteria;

     * Adds fiscal year criteria based on the configuration (copy two years, lagging, or normal)
     * @param criteria OJB Criteria object
     * @param baseFiscalYear Fiscal year for critiera
     * @param createTwoYears indicates whether two years of fiscal year criteria should be added
    protected void addYearCriteria(Criteria criteria, Integer baseFiscalYear, boolean createTwoYears) {
        if (fiscalYearOneBehind) {
            baseFiscalYear = baseFiscalYear - 1;
        } else if (fiscalYearOneAhead) {
            baseFiscalYear = baseFiscalYear + 1;

        if (createTwoYears) {
            List<Integer> copyYears = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            copyYears.add(baseFiscalYear + 1);

            criteria.addIn(OLEPropertyConstants.UNIVERSITY_FISCAL_YEAR, copyYears);
        } else {
            criteria.addEqualTo(OLEPropertyConstants.UNIVERSITY_FISCAL_YEAR, baseFiscalYear);

     * Default implementation does nothing
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.batch.dataaccess.FiscalYearMakerHelper#performCustomProcessing(java.lang.Integer)
    public void performCustomProcessing(Integer baseFiscalYear, boolean firstCopyYear) {


     * Default to doing both normal FYM process and custom
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.batch.dataaccess.FiscalYearMakerHelper#doCustomProcessingOnly()
    public boolean doCustomProcessingOnly() {
        return false;

     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.dataaccess.FiscalYearMaker#getBusinessObjectClass()
    public Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject> getBusinessObjectClass() {
        return businessObjectClass;

     * <code>Options</code> is the parent for univFiscalYear which all our copy objects should have. Added to list here by default.
     * @see org.kuali.ole.coa.batch.dataaccess.FiscalYearMakerHelper#getParentClasses()
     * @see org.kuali.ole.sys.businessobject.Options
    public Set<Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject>> getParentClasses() {
        if (!businessObjectClass.equals(SystemOptions.class) && !parentClasses.contains(SystemOptions.class)) {

        return parentClasses;

     * Sets the businessObjectClass attribute value.
     * @param businessObjectClass The businessObjectClass to set.
    public void setBusinessObjectClass(Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject> businessObjectClass) {
        this.businessObjectClass = businessObjectClass;

     * Sets the parentClasses attribute value.
     * @param parentClasses The parentClasses to set.
    public void setParentClasses(Set<Class<? extends FiscalYearBasedBusinessObject>> parentClasses) {
        this.parentClasses = parentClasses;

     * Gets the fiscalYearOneBehind attribute.
     * @return Returns the fiscalYearOneBehind.
    public boolean isFiscalYearOneBehind() {
        return fiscalYearOneBehind;

     * Sets the fiscalYearOneBehind attribute value.
     * @param fiscalYearOneBehind The fiscalYearOneBehind to set.
    public void setFiscalYearOneBehind(boolean fiscalYearOneBehind) {
        this.fiscalYearOneBehind = fiscalYearOneBehind;

     * Gets the fiscalYearOneAhead attribute.
     * @return Returns the fiscalYearOneAhead.
    public boolean isFiscalYearOneAhead() {
        return fiscalYearOneAhead;

     * Sets the fiscalYearOneAhead attribute value.
     * @param fiscalYearOneAhead The fiscalYearOneAhead to set.
    public void setFiscalYearOneAhead(boolean fiscalYearOneAhead) {
        this.fiscalYearOneAhead = fiscalYearOneAhead;

     * Gets the twoYearCopy attribute.
     * @return Returns the twoYearCopy.
    public boolean isTwoYearCopy() {
        return twoYearCopy;

     * Sets the twoYearCopy attribute value.
     * @param twoYearCopy The twoYearCopy to set.
    public void setTwoYearCopy(boolean twoYearCopy) {
        this.twoYearCopy = twoYearCopy;

     * Gets the carryForwardInactive attribute.
     * @return Returns the carryForwardInactive.
    public boolean isCarryForwardInactive() {
        return carryForwardInactive;

     * Sets the carryForwardInactive attribute value.
     * @param carryForwardInactive The carryForwardInactive to set.
    public void setCarryForwardInactive(boolean carryForwardInactive) {
        this.carryForwardInactive = carryForwardInactive;

     * Sets the persistenceStructureService attribute value.
     * @param persistenceStructureService The persistenceStructureService to set.
    public void setPersistenceStructureService(PersistenceStructureService persistenceStructureService) {
        this.persistenceStructureService = persistenceStructureService;

     * Gets the allowOverrideTargetYear attribute.
     * @return Returns the allowOverrideTargetYear.
    public boolean isAllowOverrideTargetYear() {
        return allowOverrideTargetYear;

     * Sets the allowOverrideTargetYear attribute value.
     * @param allowOverrideTargetYear The allowOverrideTargetYear to set.
    public void setAllowOverrideTargetYear(boolean allowOverrideTargetYear) {
        this.allowOverrideTargetYear = allowOverrideTargetYear;

    public void setBusinessObjectService(BusinessObjectService businessObjectService) {
        this.businessObjectService = businessObjectService;
