Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.kuali.ole.coa.businessobject.Account; import org.kuali.ole.coa.businessobject.BalanceType; import org.kuali.ole.coa.businessobject.ObjectType; import org.kuali.ole.coa.service.AccountService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEConstants; import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEConstants.SystemGroupParameterNames; import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEKeyConstants; import org.kuali.ole.sys.OLEPropertyConstants; import org.kuali.ole.sys.batch.BatchInputFileType; import org.kuali.ole.sys.batch.service.BatchInputFileService; import org.kuali.ole.sys.context.SpringContext; import org.kuali.ole.sys.exception.ParseException; import; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.datetime.DateTimeService; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal; import org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.parameter.ParameterService; import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.MessageMap; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils; /** * The base implementation of CollectorHelperService * @see */ public class CollectorHelperServiceImpl implements CollectorHelperService { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CollectorHelperServiceImpl.class); private static final String CURRENCY_SYMBOL = "$"; private CollectorDetailService collectorDetailService; private OriginEntryService originEntryService; private OriginEntryGroupService originEntryGroupService; private ParameterService parameterService; private ConfigurationService configurationService; private DateTimeService dateTimeService; private BatchInputFileService batchInputFileService; private CollectorScrubberService collectorScrubberService; private AccountService accountService; private PreScrubberService preScrubberService; private String batchFileDirectoryName; /** * Parses the given file, validates the batch, stores the entries, and sends email. * @param fileName - name of file to load (including path) * @param group the group into which to persist the origin entries for the collector batch/file * @param collectorReportData the object used to store all of the collector status information for reporting * @param collectorScrubberStatuses if the collector scrubber is able to be invoked upon this collector batch, then the status * info of the collector status run is added to the end of this list * @param the output stream to which to store origin entries that properly pass validation * @return boolean - true if load was successful, false if errors were encountered * @see */ public boolean loadCollectorFile(String fileName, CollectorReportData collectorReportData, List<CollectorScrubberStatus> collectorScrubberStatuses, BatchInputFileType collectorInputFileType, PrintStream originEntryOutputPs) { boolean isValid = true; MessageMap fileMessageMap = collectorReportData.getMessageMapForFileName(fileName); List<CollectorBatch> batches = doCollectorFileParse(fileName, fileMessageMap, collectorInputFileType, collectorReportData); for (int i = 0; i < batches.size(); i++) { CollectorBatch collectorBatch = batches.get(i); collectorBatch.setBatchName(fileName + " Batch " + String.valueOf(i + 1)); collectorReportData.addBatch(collectorBatch); isValid &= loadCollectorBatch(collectorBatch, fileName, i + 1, collectorReportData, collectorScrubberStatuses, collectorInputFileType, originEntryOutputPs); } return isValid; } protected boolean loadCollectorBatch(CollectorBatch batch, String fileName, int batchIndex, CollectorReportData collectorReportData, List<CollectorScrubberStatus> collectorScrubberStatuses, BatchInputFileType collectorInputFileType, PrintStream originEntryOutputPs) { boolean isValid = true; MessageMap messageMap = batch.getMessageMap(); // terminate if there were parse errors if (messageMap.hasErrors()) { isValid = false; } if (isValid) { collectorReportData.setNumInputDetails(batch); // check totals isValid = checkTrailerTotals(batch, collectorReportData, messageMap); } // do validation, base collector files rules and total checks if (isValid) { isValid = performValidation(batch, messageMap); } if (isValid) { // mark batch as valid collectorReportData.markValidationStatus(batch, true); prescrubParsedCollectorBatch(batch, collectorReportData); String collectorFileDirectoryName = collectorInputFileType.getDirectoryPath(); // create a input file for scrubber String collectorInputFileNameForScrubber = batchFileDirectoryName + File.separator + GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.COLLECTOR_BACKUP_FILE + GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.EXTENSION; PrintStream inputFilePs = null; try { inputFilePs = new PrintStream(collectorInputFileNameForScrubber); for (OriginEntryFull entry : batch.getOriginEntries()) { inputFilePs.printf("%s\n", entry.getLine()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("loadCollectorFile Stopped: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputFilePs); } CollectorScrubberStatus collectorScrubberStatus = collectorScrubberService.scrub(batch, collectorReportData, collectorFileDirectoryName); collectorScrubberStatuses.add(collectorScrubberStatus); processInterDepartmentalBillingAmounts(batch); // store origin group, entries, and collector detairs String collectorDemergerOutputFileName = batchFileDirectoryName + File.separator + GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.COLLECTOR_DEMERGER_VAILD_OUTPUT_FILE + GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.EXTENSION; batch.setDefaultsAndStore(collectorReportData, collectorDemergerOutputFileName, originEntryOutputPs); collectorReportData.incrementNumPersistedBatches(); } else { collectorReportData.incrementNumNonPersistedBatches(); collectorReportData.incrementNumNotPersistedOriginEntryRecords(batch.getOriginEntries().size()); collectorReportData.incrementNumNotPersistedCollectorDetailRecords(batch.getCollectorDetails().size()); // mark batch as invalid collectorReportData.markValidationStatus(batch, false); } return isValid; } /** * After a parse error, tries to go through the file to see if the email address can be determined. This method will not throw * an exception. * * It's not doing much right now, just returning null * * @param fileName the name of the file that a parsing error occurred on * @return the email from the file */ protected String attemptToParseEmailAfterParseError(String fileName) { return null; } /** * Calls batch input service to parse the xml contents into an object. Any errors will be contained in GlobalVariables.MessageMap * * @param fileName the name of the file to parse * @param MessageMap a map of errors resultant from the parsing * @return the CollectorBatch of details parsed from the file */ protected List<CollectorBatch> doCollectorFileParse(String fileName, MessageMap messageMap, BatchInputFileType collectorInputFileType, CollectorReportData collectorReportData) { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("file to parse not found " + fileName, e); collectorReportData.markUnparsableFileNames(fileName); throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot find the file requested to be parsed " + fileName + " " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { collectorReportData.markUnparsableFileNames(fileName); throw e; } List<CollectorBatch> parsedObject = null; try { byte[] fileByteContent = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream); parsedObject = (List<CollectorBatch>) batchInputFileService.parse(collectorInputFileType, fileByteContent); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("error while getting file bytes: " + e.getMessage(), e); collectorReportData.markUnparsableFileNames(fileName); throw new RuntimeException("Error encountered while attempting to get file bytes: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ParseException e1) { LOG.error("errors parsing file " + e1.getMessage(), e1); collectorReportData.markUnparsableFileNames(fileName); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.ERROR_BATCH_UPLOAD_PARSING_XML, new String[] { e1.getMessage() }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { collectorReportData.markUnparsableFileNames(fileName); throw e; } return parsedObject; } protected void prescrubParsedCollectorBatch(CollectorBatch collectorBatch, CollectorReportData collectorReportData) { if (preScrubberService.deriveChartOfAccountsCodeIfSpaces()) { PreScrubberReportData preScrubberReportData = collectorReportData.getPreScrubberReportData(); int inputRecords = collectorBatch.getOriginEntries().size(); Set<String> noChartCodesCache = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> multipleChartCodesCache = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, String> accountNumberToChartCodeCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<?> originEntryAndDetailIterator = IteratorUtils.chainedIterator( collectorBatch.getOriginEntries().iterator(), collectorBatch.getCollectorDetails().iterator()); while (originEntryAndDetailIterator.hasNext()) { Object originEntryOrDetail =; if (StringUtils.isBlank(extractChartOfAccountsCode(originEntryOrDetail))) { String accountNumber = extractAccountNumber(originEntryOrDetail); boolean nonExistent = false; boolean multipleFound = false; String chartOfAccountsCode = null; if (noChartCodesCache.contains(accountNumber)) { nonExistent = true; } else if (multipleChartCodesCache.contains(accountNumber)) { multipleFound = true; } else if (accountNumberToChartCodeCache.containsKey(accountNumber)) { chartOfAccountsCode = accountNumberToChartCodeCache.get(accountNumber); } else { Collection<Account> accounts = accountService.getAccountsForAccountNumber(accountNumber); if (accounts.size() == 1) { chartOfAccountsCode = accounts.iterator().next().getChartOfAccountsCode(); accountNumberToChartCodeCache.put(accountNumber, chartOfAccountsCode); } else if (accounts.size() == 0) { noChartCodesCache.add(accountNumber); nonExistent = true; } else { multipleChartCodesCache.add(accountNumber); multipleFound = true; } } if (!nonExistent && !multipleFound) { setChartOfAccountsCode(originEntryOrDetail, chartOfAccountsCode); } } } preScrubberReportData.getAccountsWithMultipleCharts().addAll(multipleChartCodesCache); preScrubberReportData.getAccountsWithNoCharts().addAll(noChartCodesCache); preScrubberReportData.setInputRecords(preScrubberReportData.getInputRecords() + inputRecords); preScrubberReportData.setOutputRecords(preScrubberReportData.getOutputRecords() + inputRecords); } } protected String extractChartOfAccountsCode(Object originEntryOrDetail) { if (originEntryOrDetail instanceof OriginEntryInformation) return ((OriginEntryInformation) originEntryOrDetail).getChartOfAccountsCode(); return ((CollectorDetail) originEntryOrDetail).getChartOfAccountsCode(); } protected String extractAccountNumber(Object originEntryOrDetail) { if (originEntryOrDetail instanceof OriginEntryInformation) return ((OriginEntryInformation) originEntryOrDetail).getAccountNumber(); return ((CollectorDetail) originEntryOrDetail).getAccountNumber(); } protected void setChartOfAccountsCode(Object originEntryOrDetail, String chartOfAccountsCode) { if (originEntryOrDetail instanceof OriginEntryInformation) ((OriginEntryInformation) originEntryOrDetail).setChartOfAccountsCode(chartOfAccountsCode); else ((CollectorDetail) originEntryOrDetail).setChartOfAccountsCode(chartOfAccountsCode); } /** * Validates the contents of a parsed file. * * @param batch - batch to validate * @return boolean - true if validation was OK, false if there were errors * @see */ public boolean performValidation(CollectorBatch batch) { return performValidation(batch, GlobalVariables.getMessageMap()); } /** * Performs the following checks on the collector batch: Any errors will be contained in GlobalVariables.MessageMap * * @param batch - batch to validate * @param MessageMap the map into which to put errors encountered during validation * @return boolean - true if validation was successful, false it not */ protected boolean performValidation(CollectorBatch batch, MessageMap messageMap) { boolean valid = performCollectorHeaderValidation(batch, messageMap); performUppercasing(batch); boolean performDuplicateHeaderCheck = parameterService.getParameterValueAsBoolean(CollectorStep.class, SystemGroupParameterNames.COLLECTOR_PERFORM_DUPLICATE_HEADER_CHECK); if (valid && performDuplicateHeaderCheck) { valid = duplicateHeaderCheck(batch, messageMap); } if (valid) { valid = checkForMixedDocumentTypes(batch, messageMap); } if (valid) { valid = checkForMixedBalanceTypes(batch, messageMap); } if (valid) { valid = checkDetailKeys(batch, messageMap); } return valid; } /** * Uppercases sub-account, sub-object, and project fields * * @param batch CollectorBatch with data to uppercase */ protected void performUppercasing(CollectorBatch batch) { for (OriginEntryFull originEntry : batch.getOriginEntries()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originEntry.getSubAccountNumber())) { originEntry.setSubAccountNumber(originEntry.getSubAccountNumber().toUpperCase()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originEntry.getFinancialSubObjectCode())) { originEntry.setFinancialSubObjectCode(originEntry.getFinancialSubObjectCode().toUpperCase()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originEntry.getProjectCode())) { originEntry.setProjectCode(originEntry.getProjectCode().toUpperCase()); } } for (CollectorDetail detail : batch.getCollectorDetails()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(detail.getSubAccountNumber())) { detail.setSubAccountNumber(detail.getSubAccountNumber().toUpperCase()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(detail.getFinancialSubObjectCode())) { detail.setFinancialSubObjectCode(detail.getFinancialSubObjectCode().toUpperCase()); } } } protected boolean performCollectorHeaderValidation(CollectorBatch batch, MessageMap messageMap) { if (batch.isHeaderlessBatch()) { // if it's a headerless batch, don't validate the header, but it's still an error return false; } boolean valid = true; if (StringUtils.isBlank(batch.getChartOfAccountsCode())) { valid = false; messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.HEADER_CHART_CODE_REQUIRED); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(batch.getOrganizationCode())) { valid = false; messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.HEADER_ORGANIZATION_CODE_REQUIRED); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(batch.getCampusCode())) { valid = false; messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.HEADER_CAMPUS_CODE_REQUIRED); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(batch.getPhoneNumber())) { valid = false; messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.HEADER_PHONE_NUMBER_REQUIRED); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(batch.getMailingAddress())) { valid = false; messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.HEADER_MAILING_ADDRESS_REQUIRED); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(batch.getDepartmentName())) { valid = false; messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.HEADER_DEPARTMENT_NAME_REQUIRED); } return valid; } /** * Modifies the amounts in the ID Billing Detail rows, depending on specific business rules. For this default implementation, * see the {@link #negateAmountIfNecessary(InterDepartmentalBilling, BalanceTyp, ObjectType, CollectorBatch)} method to see how * the billing detail amounts are modified. * * @param batch a CollectorBatch to process */ protected void processInterDepartmentalBillingAmounts(CollectorBatch batch) { for (CollectorDetail collectorDetail : batch.getCollectorDetails()) { String balanceTypeCode = getBalanceTypeCode(collectorDetail, batch); BalanceType balanceTyp = new BalanceType(); balanceTyp.setFinancialBalanceTypeCode(balanceTypeCode); balanceTyp = (BalanceType) SpringContext.getBean(BusinessObjectService.class).retrieve(balanceTyp); if (balanceTyp == null) { // no balance type in db"No balance type code found for ID billing record. " + collectorDetail); continue; } collectorDetail.refreshReferenceObject(OLEPropertyConstants.FINANCIAL_OBJECT); if (collectorDetail.getFinancialObject() == null) { // no object code in db"No object code found for ID billing record. " + collectorDetail); continue; } ObjectType objectType = collectorDetail.getFinancialObject().getFinancialObjectType(); /** Commented out for KULRNE-5922 */ // negateAmountIfNecessary(collectorDetail, balanceTyp, objectType, batch); } } /** * Negates the amount of the internal departmental billing detail record if necessary. For this default implementation, if the * balance type's offset indicator is yes and the object type has a debit indicator, then the amount is negated. * * @param collectorDetail the collector detail * @param balanceTyp the balance type * @param objectType the object type * @param batch the patch to which the interDepartmentalBilling parameter belongs */ protected void negateAmountIfNecessary(CollectorDetail collectorDetail, BalanceType balanceTyp, ObjectType objectType, CollectorBatch batch) { if (balanceTyp != null && objectType != null) { if (balanceTyp.isFinancialOffsetGenerationIndicator()) { if (OLEConstants.GL_DEBIT_CODE.equals(objectType.getFinObjectTypeDebitcreditCd())) { KualiDecimal amount = collectorDetail.getCollectorDetailItemAmount(); amount = amount.negated(); collectorDetail.setCollectorDetailItemAmount(amount); } } } } /** * Returns the balance type code for the interDepartmentalBilling record. This default implementation will look into the system * parameters to determine the balance type * * @param interDepartmentalBilling a inter departmental billing detail record * @param batch the batch to which the interDepartmentalBilling billing belongs * @return the balance type code for the billing detail */ protected String getBalanceTypeCode(CollectorDetail collectorDetail, CollectorBatch batch) { return collectorDetail.getFinancialBalanceTypeCode(); } /** * Checks header against previously loaded batch headers for a duplicate submission. * * @param batch - batch to check * @return true if header if OK, false if header was used previously */ protected boolean duplicateHeaderCheck(CollectorBatch batch, MessageMap messageMap) { boolean validHeader = true; CollectorHeader foundHeader = batch.retrieveDuplicateHeader(); if (foundHeader != null) { LOG.error("batch header was matched to a previously loaded batch"); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.DUPLICATE_BATCH_HEADER); validHeader = false; } return validHeader; } /** * Iterates through the origin entries and builds a map on the document types. Then checks there was only one document type * found. * * @param batch - batch to check document types * @return true if there is only one document type, false if multiple document types were found. */ protected boolean checkForMixedDocumentTypes(CollectorBatch batch, MessageMap messageMap) { boolean docTypesNotMixed = true; Set<String> batchDocumentTypes = new HashSet<String>(); for (OriginEntryFull entry : batch.getOriginEntries()) { batchDocumentTypes.add(entry.getFinancialDocumentTypeCode()); } if (batchDocumentTypes.size() > 1) { LOG.error("mixed document types found in batch"); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.MIXED_DOCUMENT_TYPES); docTypesNotMixed = false; } return docTypesNotMixed; } /** * Iterates through the origin entries and builds a map on the balance types. Then checks there was only one balance type found. * * @param batch - batch to check balance types * @return true if there is only one balance type, false if multiple balance types were found */ protected boolean checkForMixedBalanceTypes(CollectorBatch batch, MessageMap messageMap) { boolean balanceTypesNotMixed = true; Set<String> balanceTypes = new HashSet<String>(); for (OriginEntryFull entry : batch.getOriginEntries()) { balanceTypes.add(entry.getFinancialBalanceTypeCode()); } if (balanceTypes.size() > 1) { LOG.error("mixed balance types found in batch"); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.MIXED_BALANCE_TYPES); balanceTypesNotMixed = false; } return balanceTypesNotMixed; } /** * Verifies each detail (id billing) record key has an corresponding gl entry in the same batch. The key is built by joining the * values of chart of accounts code, account number, sub account number, object code, and sub object code. * * @param batch - batch to validate * @return true if all detail records had matching keys, false otherwise */ protected boolean checkDetailKeys(CollectorBatch batch, MessageMap messageMap) { boolean detailKeysFound = true; // build a Set of keys from the gl entries to compare with Set<String> glEntryKeys = new HashSet<String>(); for (OriginEntryFull entry : batch.getOriginEntries()) { glEntryKeys.add(generateOriginEntryMatchingKey(entry, ", ")); } for (CollectorDetail collectorDetail : batch.getCollectorDetails()) { String collectorDetailKey = generateCollectorDetailMatchingKey(collectorDetail, ", "); if (!glEntryKeys.contains(collectorDetailKey)) { LOG.error("found detail key without a matching gl entry key " + collectorDetailKey); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.NONMATCHING_DETAIL_KEY, collectorDetailKey); detailKeysFound = false; } } return detailKeysFound; } /** * Generates a String representation of the OriginEntryFull's primary key * * @param entry origin entry to get key from * @param delimiter the String delimiter to separate parts of the key * @return the key as a String */ protected String generateOriginEntryMatchingKey(OriginEntryFull entry, String delimiter) { return StringUtils.join(new String[] { ObjectUtils.isNull(entry.getUniversityFiscalYear()) ? "" : entry.getUniversityFiscalYear().toString(), entry.getUniversityFiscalPeriodCode(), entry.getChartOfAccountsCode(), entry.getAccountNumber(), entry.getSubAccountNumber(), entry.getFinancialObjectCode(), entry.getFinancialSubObjectCode(), entry.getFinancialObjectTypeCode(), entry.getDocumentNumber(), entry.getFinancialDocumentTypeCode(), entry.getFinancialSystemOriginationCode() }, delimiter); } /** * Generates a String representation of the CollectorDetail's primary key * * @param collectorDetail collector detail to get key from * @param delimiter the String delimiter to separate parts of the key * @return the key as a String */ protected String generateCollectorDetailMatchingKey(CollectorDetail collectorDetail, String delimiter) { return StringUtils.join(new String[] { ObjectUtils.isNull(collectorDetail.getUniversityFiscalYear()) ? "" : collectorDetail.getUniversityFiscalYear().toString(), collectorDetail.getUniversityFiscalPeriodCode(), collectorDetail.getChartOfAccountsCode(), collectorDetail.getAccountNumber(), collectorDetail.getSubAccountNumber(), collectorDetail.getFinancialObjectCode(), collectorDetail.getFinancialSubObjectCode(), collectorDetail.getFinancialObjectTypeCode(), collectorDetail.getDocumentNumber(), collectorDetail.getFinancialDocumentTypeCode(), collectorDetail.getFinancialSystemOriginationCode() }, delimiter); } /** * Checks the batch total line count and amounts against the trailer. Any errors will be contained in GlobalVariables.MessageMap * * @param batch batch to check totals for * @param collectorReportData collector report data (optional) * @see, * */ public boolean checkTrailerTotals(CollectorBatch batch, CollectorReportData collectorReportData) { return checkTrailerTotals(batch, collectorReportData, GlobalVariables.getMessageMap()); } /** * Checks the batch total line count and amounts against the trailer. Any errors will be contained in GlobalVariables.MessageMap * * @param batch - batch to check totals for * @return boolean - true if validation was successful, false it not */ protected boolean checkTrailerTotals(CollectorBatch batch, CollectorReportData collectorReportData, MessageMap messageMap) { boolean trailerTotalsMatch = true; int actualRecordCount = batch.getOriginEntries().size() + batch.getCollectorDetails().size(); if (actualRecordCount != batch.getTotalRecords()) { LOG.error("trailer check on total count did not pass, expected count: " + String.valueOf(batch.getTotalRecords()) + ", actual count: " + String.valueOf(actualRecordCount)); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.TRAILER_ERROR_COUNTNOMATCH, String.valueOf(batch.getTotalRecords()), String.valueOf(actualRecordCount)); trailerTotalsMatch = false; } OriginEntryTotals totals = batch.getOriginEntryTotals(); if (batch.getOriginEntries().size() == 0) { if (!KualiDecimal.ZERO.equals(batch.getTotalAmount())) { LOG.error("trailer total should be zero when there are no origin entries"); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.TRAILER_ERROR_AMOUNT_SHOULD_BE_ZERO); } return false; } // retrieve document types that balance by equal debits and credits Collection<String> documentTypes = new ArrayList<String>( parameterService.getParameterValuesAsString(CollectorStep.class, OLEConstants.SystemGroupParameterNames.COLLECTOR_EQUAL_DC_TOTAL_DOCUMENT_TYPES)); boolean equalDebitCreditTotal = false; for (String documentType : documentTypes) { documentType = StringUtils.remove(documentType, "*").toUpperCase(); if (batch.getOriginEntries().get(0).getFinancialDocumentTypeCode().startsWith(documentType) && OLEConstants.BALANCE_TYPE_ACTUAL .equals(batch.getOriginEntries().get(0).getFinancialBalanceTypeCode())) { equalDebitCreditTotal = true; } } if (equalDebitCreditTotal) { // credits must equal debits must equal total trailer amount if (!totals.getCreditAmount().equals(totals.getDebitAmount()) || !totals.getCreditAmount().equals(batch.getTotalAmount())) { LOG.error( "trailer check on total amount did not pass, debit should equal credit, should equal trailer total"); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.TRAILER_ERROR_AMOUNTNOMATCH1, totals.getCreditAmount().toString(), totals.getDebitAmount().toString(), batch.getTotalAmount().toString()); trailerTotalsMatch = false; } } else { // credits plus debits plus other amount must equal trailer KualiDecimal totalGlEntries = totals.getCreditAmount().add(totals.getDebitAmount()) .add(totals.getOtherAmount()); if (!totalGlEntries.equals(batch.getTotalAmount())) { LOG.error( "trailer check on total amount did not pass, sum of gl entry amounts should equal trailer total"); messageMap.putError(OLEConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, OLEKeyConstants.Collector.TRAILER_ERROR_AMOUNTNOMATCH2, totalGlEntries.toString(), batch.getTotalAmount().toString()); trailerTotalsMatch = false; } } return trailerTotalsMatch; } public void setCollectorDetailService(CollectorDetailService collectorDetailService) { this.collectorDetailService = collectorDetailService; } public void setOriginEntryGroupService(OriginEntryGroupService originEntryGroupService) { this.originEntryGroupService = originEntryGroupService; } public void setOriginEntryService(OriginEntryService originEntryService) { this.originEntryService = originEntryService; } /** * Returns the name of the directory where Collector files are saved * * @return the name of the staging directory */ public String getStagingDirectory() { return configurationService.getPropertyValueAsString(OLEConstants.GL_COLLECTOR_STAGING_DIRECTORY); } public void setDateTimeService(DateTimeService dateTimeService) { this.dateTimeService = dateTimeService; } public void setBatchInputFileService(BatchInputFileService batchInputFileService) { this.batchInputFileService = batchInputFileService; } /** * Sets the collectorScrubberService attribute value. * * @param collectorScrubberService The collectorScrubberService to set. */ public void setCollectorScrubberService(CollectorScrubberService collectorScrubberService) { this.collectorScrubberService = collectorScrubberService; } public void setConfigurationService(ConfigurationService configurationService) { this.configurationService = configurationService; } public void setParameterService(ParameterService parameterService) { this.parameterService = parameterService; } /** * Sets the batchFileDirectoryName attribute value. * @param batchFileDirectoryName The batchFileDirectoryName to set. */ public void setBatchFileDirectoryName(String batchFileDirectoryName) { this.batchFileDirectoryName = batchFileDirectoryName; } /** * Sets the accountService attribute value. * @param accountService The accountService to set. */ public void setAccountService(AccountService accountService) { this.accountService = accountService; } /** * Sets the preScrubberService attribute value. * @param preScrubberService The preScrubberService to set. */ public void setPreScrubberService(PreScrubberService preScrubberService) { this.preScrubberService = preScrubberService; } }