Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005-2010 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kuali.kra.meeting; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.kuali.kra.SkipVersioning; import; import; import; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KraServiceLocator; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.RoleConstants; import org.kuali.kra.irb.Protocol; import org.kuali.kra.irb.actions.submit.ProtocolReviewer; import org.kuali.kra.irb.onlinereview.ProtocolOnlineReview; import org.kuali.kra.irb.onlinereview.ProtocolReviewable; import; import; import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.BusinessObjectService; import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.GlobalVariables; /** * * This is BO class for committee schedule minute. */ public class CommitteeScheduleMinute extends ProtocolReviewable implements Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2294619582524055884L; private static final String PERSON_NOT_FOUND_FORMAT_STRING = "%s (not found)"; private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(CommitteeScheduleMinute.class); private Long commScheduleMinutesId; private Long scheduleIdFk; private Integer entryNumber; private String minuteEntryTypeCode; private String protocolContingencyCode; private Long protocolIdFk; private Long commScheduleActItemsIdFk; private Long submissionIdFk; private boolean privateCommentFlag; private boolean finalFlag; private Long protocolReviewerIdFk; private Long protocolOnlineReviewIdFk; private ProtocolContingency protocolContingency; private MinuteEntryType minuteEntryType; private CommScheduleActItem commScheduleActItem; private CommitteeSchedule committeeSchedule; private ProtocolReviewer protocolReviewer; private String createUser; private Timestamp createTimestamp; @SkipVersioning private transient ProtocolOnlineReview protocolOnlineReview; private String minuteEntry; // TODO : not sure how this protocols yet. @SkipVersioning private List<Protocol> protocols; @SkipVersioning private Protocol protocol; private boolean generateAttendance = false; @SkipVersioning private transient String createUserFullName; @SkipVersioning private transient String updateUserFullName; private transient boolean displayReviewerName; /* * This comparator orders CommitteeScheduleMinute by entry type first and then by entry type detail (if available) */ public static final Comparator<CommitteeScheduleMinute> entryTypeComparator = new Comparator<CommitteeScheduleMinute>() { public int compare(CommitteeScheduleMinute csm1, CommitteeScheduleMinute csm2) { int retVal = 0; // first sort by protocol number if possible if ((csm1.getProtocolIdFk() != null) && (csm2.getProtocolIdFk() != null)) { retVal = csm1.getProtocol().getProtocolNumber().compareTo(csm2.getProtocol().getProtocolNumber()); } else if ((csm1.getProtocolIdFk() == null) && (csm2.getProtocolIdFk() != null)) { retVal = -1; // null should come before actual protocol } else if ((csm1.getProtocolIdFk() != null) && (csm2.getProtocolIdFk() == null)) { retVal = 1; // protocol comes after null } // if still same, check entry type then timestamps if (retVal == 0) { retVal = csm1.getMinuteEntryType().compareTo(csm2.getMinuteEntryType()); // if not entry type then try time of entries if ((retVal == 0) && (csm1.getUpdateTimestamp() != null) && (csm2.getUpdateTimestamp() != null)) { retVal = csm1.getUpdateTimestamp().compareTo(csm2.getUpdateTimestamp()); } } return retVal; } }; /** * Constructs a CommitteeScheduleMinute. */ public CommitteeScheduleMinute() { } /** * Constructs a CommitteeScheduleMinute with a default minute entry. * @param minuteEntryTypeCode the type code for the default minute entry */ public CommitteeScheduleMinute(String minuteEntryTypeCode) { this.minuteEntryTypeCode = minuteEntryTypeCode; } public Long getScheduleIdFk() { return scheduleIdFk; } public void setScheduleIdFk(Long scheduleIdFk) { this.scheduleIdFk = scheduleIdFk; } public Integer getEntryNumber() { return entryNumber; } public void setEntryNumber(Integer entryNumber) { this.entryNumber = entryNumber; } public String getMinuteEntryTypeCode() { return minuteEntryTypeCode; } public void setMinuteEntryTypeCode(String minuteEntryTypeCode) { this.minuteEntryTypeCode = minuteEntryTypeCode; } public Long getProtocolIdFk() { return protocolIdFk; } public void setProtocolIdFk(Long protocolIdFk) { this.protocolIdFk = protocolIdFk; } public Long getCommScheduleActItemsIdFk() { return commScheduleActItemsIdFk; } public void setCommScheduleActItemsIdFk(Long commScheduleActItemsIdFk) { this.commScheduleActItemsIdFk = commScheduleActItemsIdFk; } public Long getSubmissionIdFk() { return submissionIdFk; } public void setSubmissionIdFk(Long submissionIdFk) { this.submissionIdFk = submissionIdFk; } public boolean getPrivateCommentFlag() { return privateCommentFlag; } public void setPrivateCommentFlag(boolean privateCommentFlag) { this.privateCommentFlag = privateCommentFlag; } public String getProtocolContingencyCode() { return protocolContingencyCode; } public void setProtocolContingencyCode(String protocolContingencyCode) { this.protocolContingencyCode = protocolContingencyCode; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(protocolContingencyCode) && getProtocolContingency() != null) { setMinuteEntry(getProtocolContingency().getDescription()); } } public String getMinuteEntry() { return minuteEntry; } public void setMinuteEntry(String minuteEntry) { this.minuteEntry = minuteEntry; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer(50); LinkedHashMap hm = toStringMapper(); for (Object key : hm.keySet()) { retVal.append(key.toString()).append(" : "); try { retVal.append(hm.get(key).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { retVal.append("NPE problem"); } retVal.append("\n"); } return retVal.toString(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected LinkedHashMap<String, Object> toStringMapper() { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> hashMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); hashMap.put("commScheduleMinutesId", this.getCommScheduleMinutesId()); hashMap.put("scheduleIdFk", this.getScheduleIdFk()); hashMap.put("entryNumber", this.getEntryNumber()); hashMap.put("minuteEntryTypeCode", this.getMinuteEntryTypeCode()); hashMap.put("protocolIdFk", this.getProtocolIdFk()); hashMap.put("commScheduleActItemsIdFk", this.getCommScheduleActItemsIdFk()); hashMap.put("submissionIdFk", this.getSubmissionIdFk()); hashMap.put("privateCommentFlag", this.getPrivateCommentFlag()); hashMap.put("finalFlag", this.isFinalFlag()); hashMap.put("protocolContingencyCode", this.getProtocolContingencyCode()); hashMap.put("minuteEntry", this.getMinuteEntry()); hashMap.put("protocolOnlineReviewIdFk", getProtocolOnlineReviewIdFk()); return hashMap; } public Long getCommScheduleMinutesId() { return commScheduleMinutesId; } public void setCommScheduleMinutesId(Long commScheduleMinutesId) { this.commScheduleMinutesId = commScheduleMinutesId; } public ProtocolContingency getProtocolContingency() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(protocolContingencyCode)) { protocolContingency = null; } else if (protocolContingency == null || !StringUtils.equals(protocolContingencyCode, protocolContingency.getProtocolContingencyCode())) { refreshReferenceObject("protocolContingency"); } return protocolContingency; } public void setProtocolContingency(ProtocolContingency protocolContingency) { this.protocolContingency = protocolContingency; } public MinuteEntryType getMinuteEntryType() { return minuteEntryType; } public void setMinuteEntryType(MinuteEntryType minuteEntryType) { this.minuteEntryType = minuteEntryType; } public CommScheduleActItem getCommScheduleActItem() { return commScheduleActItem; } public void setCommScheduleActItem(CommScheduleActItem commScheduleActItem) { this.commScheduleActItem = commScheduleActItem; } public List<Protocol> getProtocols() { return protocols; } public void setProtocols(List<Protocol> protocols) { this.protocols = protocols; } public boolean isGenerateAttendance() { return generateAttendance; } public void setGenerateAttendance(boolean generateAttendance) { this.generateAttendance = generateAttendance; } public boolean isFinalFlag() { return finalFlag; } public void setFinalFlag(boolean finalFlag) { this.finalFlag = finalFlag; } public Protocol getProtocol() { return protocol; } public void setProtocol(Protocol protocol) { this.protocol = protocol; } public Long getProtocolReviewerIdFk() { return protocolReviewerIdFk; } public void setProtocolReviewerIdFk(Long protocolReviewerIdFk) { this.protocolReviewerIdFk = protocolReviewerIdFk; } public ProtocolReviewer getProtocolReviewer() { return protocolReviewer; } public void setProtocolReviewer(ProtocolReviewer protocolReviewer) { this.protocolReviewer = protocolReviewer; } public void setCreateUser(String createUser) { this.createUser = createUser; } public String getCreateUser() { return createUser; } public void setCreateTimestamp(Timestamp createTimestamp) { this.createTimestamp = createTimestamp; } public Timestamp getCreateTimestamp() { return createTimestamp; } /** * Gets the protocolReviewIdFk attribute. * @return Returns the protocolReviewIdFk. */ public Long getProtocolOnlineReviewIdFk() { return protocolOnlineReviewIdFk; } /** * Sets the protocolReviewIdFk attribute value. * @param protocolOnlineReviewIdFk The protocolReviewIdFk to set. */ public void setProtocolOnlineReviewIdFk(Long protocolOnlineReviewIdFk) { this.protocolOnlineReviewIdFk = protocolOnlineReviewIdFk; } /** * Gets the protocolReview attribute. * @return Returns the protocolReview. */ public ProtocolOnlineReview getProtocolOnlineReview() { return protocolOnlineReview; } /** * Sets the protocolReview attribute value. * @param protocolReview The protocolReview to set. */ public void setProtocolOnlineReview(ProtocolOnlineReview protocolReview) { this.protocolOnlineReview = protocolReview; } /** * Equality is based on minute id, minute entry value, entry number(order position) * and whether or not it is private. * This function is used to determine if a minute needs to be updated on the DB. * @param o a CommitteeScheduleMinute object * @return boolean if the passed in minute is the same as THIS minute. * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o != null && o instanceof CommitteeScheduleMinute) { CommitteeScheduleMinute csm = (CommitteeScheduleMinute) o; return this.getCommScheduleMinutesId().equals(csm.getCommScheduleMinutesId()) && StringUtils.equals(this.getMinuteEntry(), csm.getMinuteEntry()) && this.getEntryNumber().equals(csm.getEntryNumber()) && this.getPrivateCommentFlag() == csm.getPrivateCommentFlag() && this.isFinalFlag() == csm.isFinalFlag(); } else { return false; } } /* * beforeUpdate - only do actual update if a change has been made to the comment. */ @Override public void beforeUpdate(PersistenceBroker persistenceBroker) throws PersistenceBrokerException { if (setUpdateIfModified()) { super.beforeUpdate(persistenceBroker); } } private boolean setUpdateIfModified() { boolean result = false; String updateUser = GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalName(); if (getCommScheduleMinutesId() != null) { HashMap<String, String> pkMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); pkMap.put("commScheduleMinutesId", getCommScheduleMinutesId().toString()); CommitteeScheduleMinute committeeScheduleMinute = (CommitteeScheduleMinute) KraServiceLocator .getService(BusinessObjectService.class).findByPrimaryKey(this.getClass(), pkMap); // if (!updateUser.equals(committeeScheduleMinute.getUpdateUser())) { if (!StringUtils.equals(getMinuteEntry(), committeeScheduleMinute.getMinuteEntry()) || privateCommentFlag != committeeScheduleMinute.getPrivateCommentFlag() || finalFlag != committeeScheduleMinute.isFinalFlag() || isProtocolFieldChanged(committeeScheduleMinute)) { this.setUpdateUser(updateUser); result = true; } // } } else { this.setUpdateUser(updateUser); result = true; } setUpdateUserSet(true); return result; } private boolean isProtocolFieldChanged(CommitteeScheduleMinute committeeScheduleMinute) { boolean isChanged = false; // check for identical objects or both being null if (protocolIdFk != committeeScheduleMinute.getProtocolIdFk()) { if (protocolIdFk != null) { isChanged &= !protocolIdFk.equals(committeeScheduleMinute.getProtocolIdFk()); } else { isChanged &= !committeeScheduleMinute.getProtocolIdFk().equals(protocolIdFk); } } if (protocolContingencyCode != committeeScheduleMinute.getProtocolContingencyCode()) { if (protocolContingencyCode != null) { isChanged &= !protocolContingencyCode.equals(committeeScheduleMinute.getProtocolContingencyCode()); } else { isChanged &= !committeeScheduleMinute.getProtocolContingencyCode().equals(protocolContingencyCode); } } return isChanged; } /** * * This method returns true if the object has been saved to the database, and returns false if it has not. * @return a boolean */ public boolean isPersisted() { return this.commScheduleMinutesId != null; } public Long getProtocolId() { Long protocolId = null; if (this.protocol != null) { protocolId = this.protocol.getProtocolId(); } else { if (this.protocolIdFk != null) { this.refreshReferenceObject("protocol"); } if (protocol != null) { protocolId = this.protocol.getProtocolId(); } } return protocolId; } /** * Gets the createUserFullName attribute. * @return Returns the createUserFullName. */ public String getCreateUserFullName() { if (createUserFullName == null && getCreateUser() != null) { KcPerson person = getKcPersonService().getKcPersonByUserName(getCreateUser()); createUserFullName = person == null ? String.format(PERSON_NOT_FOUND_FORMAT_STRING, getCreateUser()) : person.getFullName(); } return createUserFullName; } /** * Sets the createUserFullName attribute value. * @param createUserFullName The createUserFullName to set. */ public void setCreateUserFullName(String createUserFullName) { this.createUserFullName = createUserFullName; } /** * Gets the updateUserFullName attribute. * @return Returns the updateUserFullName. */ public String getUpdateUserFullName() { if (updateUserFullName == null && getUpdateUser() != null) { KcPerson person = getKcPersonService().getKcPersonByUserName(getUpdateUser()); updateUserFullName = person == null ? String.format(PERSON_NOT_FOUND_FORMAT_STRING, getUpdateUser()) : person.getFullName(); } return updateUserFullName; } /** * Sets the updateUserFullName attribute value. * @param updateUserFullName The updateUserFullName to set. */ public void setUpdateUserFullName(String updateUserFullName) { this.updateUserFullName = updateUserFullName; } public CommitteeSchedule getCommitteeSchedule() { return committeeSchedule; } public void setCommitteeSchedule(CommitteeSchedule committeeSchedule) { this.committeeSchedule = committeeSchedule; } /** * Returns whether the current user can view this comment. * * This is true either if * 1) The current user has the role IRB Administrator * 2) The current user does not have the role IRB Administrator, but the current user is the comment creator * 3) The current user does not have the role IRB Administrator, the current user is not the comment creator, but the comment is public and final * @return whether the current user can view this comment */ public boolean getCanView() { String principalId = GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId(); String principalName = GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalName(); return isIrbAdministrator(principalId) || StringUtils.equals(principalName, createUser) || (!getPrivateCommentFlag() && isFinalFlag()); } private boolean isIrbAdministrator(String principalId) { RoleService roleService = KraServiceLocator.getService(RoleManagementService.class); Collection<String> ids = roleService.getRoleMemberPrincipalIds(RoleConstants.DEPARTMENT_ROLE_TYPE, RoleConstants.IRB_ADMINISTRATOR, null); return ids.contains(principalId); } public CommitteeScheduleMinute getCopy() { CommitteeScheduleMinute copy = null; try { copy = (CommitteeScheduleMinute) this.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return copy; } public boolean isDisplayReviewerName() { return displayReviewerName; } public void setDisplayReviewerName(boolean displayReviewerName) { this.displayReviewerName = displayReviewerName; } /** * * This method is needed to determine whether schedule minute comments have been accepted by * the irb admin. Only online review comments are subject to approval, all other minute types * are returned true by default. * @return false if it is an online review comment and not accepted, true otherwise. */ // public boolean isAccepted() { // boolean accepted = false; // // if (getProtocolOnlineReviewIdFk() != null) { // ProtocolOnlineReview protocolOnlineReview = getBusinessObjectService().findBySinglePrimaryKey(ProtocolOnlineReview.class, getProtocolOnlineReviewIdFk()); // if (protocolOnlineReview.isAdminAccepted()) { // accepted = true; // } // } else { // accepted = true; // } // // return accepted; // } // private BusinessObjectService getBusinessObjectService() { // return KraServiceLocator.getService(BusinessObjectService.class); // } public boolean isReviewComment() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } @Override public boolean isFinal() { return isFinalFlag(); } @Override public boolean isPrivate() { return getPrivateCommentFlag(); } }