Java tutorial
/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.kuali.kfs.vnd.batch.dataaccess; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kuali.kfs.vnd.businessobject.DebarredVendorMatch; import org.kuali.kfs.vnd.businessobject.VendorAddress; import org.kuali.kfs.vnd.document.service.VendorService; import org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.jdbc.dao.PlatformAwareDaoBaseJdbc; import; public class DebarredVendorDaoJdbc extends PlatformAwareDaoBaseJdbc implements DebarredVendorDao { private VendorService vendorService; private DebarredVendorMatchDao debarredVendorMatchDao; @Override public List<DebarredVendorMatch> match() { String active = "dtl.DOBJ_MAINT_CD_ACTV_IND = 'Y'"; String joinDtl = " INNER JOIN pur_vndr_dtl_t dtl"; String joinExcl = " INNER JOIN PUR_VNDR_EXCL_MT excl"; String where = " WHERE " + active; String eplsFields = "excl.VNDR_EXCL_ID, excl.VNDR_EXCL_LOAD_DT, excl.VNDR_EXCL_NM, excl.VNDR_EXCL_LN1_ADDR, excl.VNDR_EXCL_LN2_ADDR, excl.VNDR_EXCL_CTY_NM" + ", excl.VNDR_EXCL_ST_CD, excl.VNDR_EXCL_PRVN_NM, excl.VNDR_EXCL_ZIP_CD, excl.VNDR_EXCL_OTHR_NM, excl.VNDR_EXCL_DESC_TXT"; String selectName = "SELECT dtl.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID, dtl.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID, " + eplsFields + " , 0 VNDR_ADDR_GNRTD_ID"; String fromName = " FROM pur_vndr_dtl_t dtl"; String name = filter("dtl.VNDR_NM", "., "); String eplsName = filter("excl.VNDR_EXCL_NM", "., "); String onName = " ON " + compare(name, eplsName, false); // use = to compare String sqlName = selectName + fromName + joinExcl + onName + where; String selectAlias = "SELECT als.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID, als.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID, " + eplsFields + " , 0 VNDR_ADDR_GNRTD_ID"; String fromAlias = " FROM pur_vndr_alias_t als"; String onAlsDtl = " ON als.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID = dtl.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID AND als.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID = dtl.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID"; String alias = filter("als.VNDR_ALIAS_NM", "., "); String eplsAlias = filter("excl.VNDR_EXCL_NM", "., "); String onAlias = " ON " + compare(alias, eplsAlias, false); // use = to compare String sqlAlias = selectAlias + fromAlias + joinDtl + onAlsDtl + joinExcl + onAlias + where; String selectAddr = "SELECT addr.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID, addr.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID, " + eplsFields + " , addr.VNDR_ADDR_GNRTD_ID"; String fromAddr = " FROM pur_vndr_addr_t addr"; String onAddrDtl = " ON addr.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID = dtl.VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID AND addr.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID = dtl.VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID"; // String addr1 = filter("addr.VNDR_LN1_ADDR", ".,# "); String eplsAddr1 = filter("excl.VNDR_EXCL_LN1_ADDR", ".,# "); String cmpAddr1 = compare(addr1, eplsAddr1, true); // use LIKE to compare // String city = filter("addr.VNDR_CTY_NM", "., "); String eplsCity = filter("excl.VNDR_EXCL_CTY_NM", "., "); String cmpCity = compare(city, eplsCity, false); // use = to compare // String state = "upper(addr.VNDR_ST_CD)"; String eplsState = "upper(excl.VNDR_EXCL_ST_CD)"; String cmpState = compare(state, eplsState, false); // use = to compare // String zip = filter("addr.VNDR_ZIP_CD", "-"); String eplsZip = filter("excl.VNDR_EXCL_ZIP_CD", "-"); String cmpZip = compare(zip, eplsZip, false); // use = to compare String fullZip = "length(addr.VNDR_ZIP_CD) > 5"; // String onAddr = " ON (" + cmpAddr1 + " OR " + cmpZip + " AND " + fullZip + ") AND " + cmpCity + " AND " + cmpState; String sqlAddr = selectAddr + fromAddr + joinDtl + onAddrDtl + joinExcl + onAddr + where; String max = ", MAX(VNDR_ADDR_GNRTD_ID)"; String selectFields = "VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID, VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID, VNDR_EXCL_ID, VNDR_EXCL_LOAD_DT, VNDR_EXCL_NM, VNDR_EXCL_LN1_ADDR, VNDR_EXCL_LN2_ADDR, VNDR_EXCL_CTY_NM" + ", VNDR_EXCL_ST_CD, VNDR_EXCL_PRVN_NM, VNDR_EXCL_ZIP_CD, VNDR_EXCL_OTHR_NM, VNDR_EXCL_DESC_TXT"; String select = "SELECT " + selectFields + max; String subqr = sqlName + " UNION " + sqlAlias + " UNION " + sqlAddr; String from = " FROM (" + subqr + ")"; String group = " GROUP BY " + selectFields; String sql = select + from + group; List<DebarredVendorMatch> matches = new ArrayList<DebarredVendorMatch>(); try { SqlRowSet rs = getJdbcTemplate().queryForRowSet(sql); DebarredVendorMatch match; while ( { match = new DebarredVendorMatch(); match.setVendorHeaderGeneratedIdentifier(new Integer(rs.getInt(1))); match.setVendorDetailAssignedIdentifier(new Integer(rs.getInt(2))); match.setLoadDate(rs.getDate(4)); match.setName(rs.getString(5)); match.setAddress1(rs.getString(6)); match.setAddress2(rs.getString(7)); match.setCity(rs.getString(8)); match.setState(rs.getString(9)); match.setProvince(rs.getString(10)); match.setZip(rs.getString(11)); match.setAliases(rs.getString(12)); match.setDescription(rs.getString(13)); match.setAddressGeneratedId(rs.getLong(14)); // didn't find a matched address, search for best one if (match.getAddressGeneratedId() == 0) { match.setAddressGeneratedId(getMatchAddressId(match)); } DebarredVendorMatch oldMatch = debarredVendorMatchDao.getPreviousVendorExcludeConfirmation(match); if (oldMatch == null) { // store the match only if an exact old match doesn't exist match.setConfirmStatusCode("U"); // status - Unprocessed matches.add(match); } } } catch (Exception e) { // if exception occurs, return empty results throw new RuntimeException(e); } return matches; } /** * Gets the addressGeneratedId of the vendor address that matches best with the address of the * EPLS debarred vendor in the specified vendor exclude match. * If no address matches, returns the default address for IU campus. */ protected long getMatchAddressId(DebarredVendorMatch match) { long bestid = 0; long defaultId = 0; int maxPriority = 0; List<VendorAddress> addresses = vendorService.getVendorDetail(match.getVendorHeaderGeneratedIdentifier(), match.getVendorDetailAssignedIdentifier()).getVendorAddresses(); if (addresses == null) { return bestid; } for (VendorAddress address : addresses) { if (address.isVendorDefaultAddressIndicator()) { defaultId = address.getVendorAddressGeneratedIdentifier(); } //each condition satisfied will increase the priority score for this address int priority = 0; String vendorAddr1 = StringUtils.replaceChars(address.getVendorLine1Address(), ".,# ", ""); String eplsAddr1 = StringUtils.replaceChars(match.getAddress1(), ".,# ", ""); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(vendorAddr1, eplsAddr1)) { priority++; } String vendorCity = StringUtils.replaceChars(address.getVendorCityName(), "., ", ""); String eplsCity = StringUtils.replaceChars(match.getCity(), "., ", ""); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(vendorCity, eplsCity)) { priority++; } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(address.getVendorStateCode(), match.getState())) { priority++; } String vendorZip = StringUtils.substring(address.getVendorZipCode(), 0, 5); String eplsZip = StringUtils.substring(match.getZip(), 0, 5); if (StringUtils.equals(vendorZip, eplsZip)) { priority++; } if (priority >= maxPriority) { bestid = address.getVendorAddressGeneratedIdentifier(); maxPriority = priority; } } if (bestid == 0) { bestid = defaultId; } return bestid; } protected String filter(String field, String charset) { // add upper function String upper = "upper(" + field + ")"; if (charset == null) return upper; // add replace functions layer by layer to filter out the chars in the charset one by one String replace = upper; char[] chararr = charset.toCharArray(); for (char ch : chararr) { // replace with empty string replace = "replace(" + replace + ", '" + ch + "', '')"; } return replace; } protected String compare(String fieldl, String fieldr, boolean useLike) { String cmpstr = ""; // whether neither field is null String notnulll = fieldl + " IS NOT NULL"; String notnullr = fieldr + " IS NOT NULL"; if (useLike) { // whether one of the two fields is substring of the other String like1 = notnullr + " AND " + fieldl + " LIKE '%'||" + fieldr + "||'%'"; String like2 = notnulll + " AND " + fieldr + " LIKE '%'||" + fieldl + "||'%'"; cmpstr += "(" + like1 + " OR " + like2 + ")"; // put () around the 'OR' to ensure integrity } else { // whether the two fields equal cmpstr = notnulll + " AND " + fieldl + " = " + fieldr; } return cmpstr; } /** * Gets the vendorService attribute. * @return Returns the vendorService. */ public VendorService getVendorService() { return vendorService; } /** * Sets the vendorService attribute value. * @param vendorService The vendorService to set. */ public void setVendorService(VendorService vendorService) { this.vendorService = vendorService; } /** * Gets the debarredVendorMatchDao attribute. * @return Returns the debarredVendorMatchDao. */ public DebarredVendorMatchDao getDebarredVendorMatchDao() { return debarredVendorMatchDao; } /** * Sets the debarredVendorMatchDao attribute value. * @param debarredVendorMatchDao The debarredVendorMatchDao to set. */ public void setDebarredVendorMatchDao(DebarredVendorMatchDao debarredVendorMatchDao) { this.debarredVendorMatchDao = debarredVendorMatchDao; } }