Java tutorial
/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.impl; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.KFSConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.Message; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.service.WrappingBatchService; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.context.SpringContext; import; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.datetime.DateTimeService; import; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils; /** * Text output implementation of <code>ReportWriterService</code> interface. If you are a developer attempting to add a new business * object for error report writing, take a look at the Spring definitions for BusinessObjectReportHelper.<br> * This class CANNOT be used by 2 processes simultaneously. It is for very specific batch processes that should not run at the same * time, and initialize and destroy must be called and the beginning and end of each process that uses it. * * @see */ public class ReportWriterTextServiceImpl implements ReportWriterService, WrappingBatchService { private static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(ReportWriterTextServiceImpl.class); // Changing the initial line number would only affect that a page break occurs early. It does not actually print in the // middle of the page. Hence changing this has little use. protected static final int INITIAL_LINE_NUMBER = 0; protected String filePath; protected String fileNamePrefix; protected String fileNameSuffix; protected String title; protected int pageWidth; protected int pageLength; protected int initialPageNumber; protected String errorSubTitle; protected String statisticsLabel; protected String statisticsLeftPadding; private String parametersLabel; private String parametersLeftPadding; protected String pageLabel; protected String newLineCharacter; protected DateTimeService dateTimeService; protected boolean aggregationModeOn; /** * A map of BO classes to {@link BusinessObjectReportHelper} bean names, to configure which BO's will be rendered by which * BusinessObjectReportHelper. This property should be configured via the spring bean definition */ protected Map<Class<? extends BusinessObject>, String> classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames; // Local caching field to speed up the selection of formatting BusinessObjectReportHelper to use per configuration in Spring protected Map<Class<? extends BusinessObject>, BusinessObjectReportHelper> businessObjectReportHelpers; protected PrintStream printStream; protected int page; protected int line = INITIAL_LINE_NUMBER; protected String errorFormat; // Ensures that the statistics header isn't written multiple times. Does not check that a user doesn't write other stuff into // the statistics // section. A developer is responsible for ensuring that themselves protected boolean modeStatistics = false; // Ensures that the parameters header isn't written multiple times. Does not check that a user doesn't write other stuff into // the parameters // section. A developer is responsible for ensuring that themselves protected boolean modeParameters = false; // So that writeError knows when to writeErrorHeader protected boolean newPage = true; // For printing new headers when the BO is changed protected Class<? extends BusinessObject> businessObjectClass; public ReportWriterTextServiceImpl() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.service.WrappingBatchService#initialize() */ public void initialize() { try { printStream = new PrintStream(generateFullFilePath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } page = initialPageNumber; initializeBusinessObjectReportHelpers(); // Initial header this.writeHeader(title); } protected void initializeBusinessObjectReportHelpers() { businessObjectReportHelpers = new HashMap<Class<? extends BusinessObject>, BusinessObjectReportHelper>(); if (classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames != null) { for (Class<? extends BusinessObject> clazz : classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames.keySet()) { String businessObjectReportHelperBeanName = classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames.get(clazz); BusinessObjectReportHelper reportHelper = (BusinessObjectReportHelper) SpringContext .getService(businessObjectReportHelperBeanName); if (ObjectUtils.isNull(reportHelper)) { LOG.error("Cannot find BusinessObjectReportHelper implementation for class: " + clazz.getName() + " bean name: " + businessObjectReportHelperBeanName); throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find BusinessObjectReportHelper implementation for class: " + clazz.getName() + " bean name: " + businessObjectReportHelperBeanName); } businessObjectReportHelpers.put(clazz, reportHelper); } } } protected String generateFullFilePath() { if (aggregationModeOn) { return filePath + File.separator + this.fileNamePrefix + fileNameSuffix; } else { return filePath + File.separator + this.fileNamePrefix + dateTimeService.toDateTimeStringForFilename(dateTimeService.getCurrentDate()) + fileNameSuffix; } } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.service.WrappingBatchService#destroy() */ public void destroy() { if (printStream != null) { printStream.close(); printStream = null; } // reset variables that track state page = initialPageNumber; line = INITIAL_LINE_NUMBER; modeStatistics = false; modeParameters = false; newPage = true; businessObjectClass = null; } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeSubTitle(java.lang.String) */ public void writeSubTitle(String message) { if (message.length() > pageWidth) { LOG.warn("sub title to be written exceeds pageWidth. Printing anyway."); this.writeFormattedMessageLine(message); } else { int padding = (pageWidth - message.length()) / 2; this.writeFormattedMessageLine("%" + (padding + message.length()) + "s", message); } } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeError(java.lang.Class, org.kuali.kfs.sys.Message) */ public void writeError(BusinessObject businessObject, Message message) { this.writeError(businessObject, message, true); } /** * @param printBusinessObjectValues indicates whether the bo values should be printed before the message * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeError(java.lang.Class, org.kuali.kfs.sys.Message) */ public void writeError(BusinessObject businessObject, Message message, boolean printBusinessObjectValues) { // Check if we need to write a new table header. We do this if it hasn't been written before or if the businessObject // changed if (newPage || businessObjectClass == null || !businessObjectClass.getName().equals(businessObject.getClass().getName())) { if (businessObjectClass == null) { // If we didn't write the header before, write it with a subTitle this.writeSubTitle(errorSubTitle); } else if (!businessObjectClass.getName().equals(businessObject.getClass().getName())) { // If it changed push a newline in for neater formatting this.writeNewLines(1); } this.writeErrorHeader(businessObject); newPage = false; businessObjectClass = businessObject.getClass(); } // Get business object formatter that will be used BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObject); // Print the values of the businessObject per formatting determined by writeErrorHeader List<Object> formatterArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (printBusinessObjectValues) { formatterArgs.addAll(businessObjectReportHelper.getValues(businessObject)); } else { formatterArgs.addAll(businessObjectReportHelper.getBlankValues(businessObject)); } // write rest of message on new line(s) if it was cut off int maxMessageLength = Integer .parseInt(StringUtils.substringBefore(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(errorFormat, "%-"), "s")); String messageToPrint = message.getMessage(); boolean firstMessageLine = true; while (messageToPrint.length() > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(messageToPrint)) { if (!firstMessageLine) { formatterArgs = new ArrayList<Object>(); formatterArgs.addAll(businessObjectReportHelper.getBlankValues(businessObject)); } else { firstMessageLine = false; } messageToPrint = StringUtils.trim(messageToPrint); String messageLine = messageToPrint; if (messageLine.length() > maxMessageLength) { messageLine = StringUtils.substring(messageLine, 0, maxMessageLength); if (StringUtils.contains(messageLine, " ")) { messageLine = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(messageLine, " "); } } formatterArgs.add(new Message(messageLine, message.getType())); this.writeFormattedMessageLine(errorFormat, formatterArgs.toArray()); messageToPrint = StringUtils.removeStart(messageToPrint, messageLine); } } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeError(java.lang.Class, java.util.List) */ public void writeError(BusinessObject businessObject, List<Message> messages) { int i = 0; for (Iterator<Message> messagesIter = messages.iterator(); messagesIter.hasNext();) { Message message =; if (i == 0) { // First one has its values written this.writeError(businessObject, message, true); } else { // Any consecutive one only has message written this.writeError(businessObject, message, false); } i++; } } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeNewLines(int) */ public void writeNewLines(int lines) { for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { this.writeFormattedMessageLine(""); } } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeStatisticLine(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ public void writeStatisticLine(String message, Object... args) { // Statistics header is only written if it hasn't been written before if (!modeStatistics) { this.modeStatistics = true; // If nothing has been written to the report we don't want to page break if (!(page == initialPageNumber && line == INITIAL_LINE_NUMBER + 2)) { this.pageBreak(); } this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine("*******************" + statisticsLabel + "*******************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); } this.writeFormattedMessageLine(statisticsLeftPadding + message, args); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeParameterLine(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ public void writeParameterLine(String message, Object... args) { // Statistics header is only written if it hasn't been written before if (!modeParameters) { this.modeParameters = true; // If nothing has been written to the report we don't want to page break if (!(page == initialPageNumber && line == INITIAL_LINE_NUMBER + 2)) { this.pageBreak(); } this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine("*******************" + getParametersLabel() + "*******************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); this.writeFormattedMessageLine( "*********************************************************************************************************************************"); } this.writeFormattedMessageLine(getParametersLeftPadding() + message, args); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeFormattedMessageLine(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ public void writeFormattedMessageLine(String format, Object... args) { if (format.indexOf("% s") > -1) { LOG.warn("Cannot properly format: " + format); } else { Object[] escapedArgs = escapeArguments(args); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("writeFormattedMessageLine, format: " + format); } String message = null; if (escapedArgs.length > 0) { message = String.format(format + newLineCharacter, escapedArgs); } else { message = format + newLineCharacter; } // Log we are writing out of bounds. Would be nice to show message here but not so sure if it's wise to dump that data into // logs if (message.length() > pageWidth) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("message is out of bounds writing anyway"); } } printStream.print(message); printStream.flush(); line++; if (line >= pageLength) { this.pageBreak(); } } } /** * Determines if all formatting on the given String is escaped - ie, that it has no formatting * @param format the format to test * @return true if the String is without formatting, false otherwise */ protected boolean allFormattingEscaped(String format) { int currPoint = 0; int currIndex = format.indexOf('%', currPoint); while (currIndex > -1) { char nextChar = format.charAt(currIndex + 1); if (nextChar != '%') { return false; } currPoint = currIndex + 2; } return true; } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#pageBreak() */ public void pageBreak() { // Intentionally not using writeFormattedMessageLine here since it would loop trying to page break ;) // 12 represents the ASCII Form Feed character printStream.printf("%c" + newLineCharacter, 12); page++; line = INITIAL_LINE_NUMBER; newPage = true; this.writeHeader(title); } /** * Helper method to write a header for placement at top of new page * * @param title that should be printed on this header */ protected void writeHeader(String title) { String headerText = String.format("%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM", dateTimeService.getCurrentDate()); int reportTitlePadding = pageWidth / 2 - headerText.length() - title.length() / 2; headerText = String.format("%s%" + (reportTitlePadding + title.length()) + "s%" + reportTitlePadding + "s", headerText, title, ""); if (aggregationModeOn) { this.writeFormattedMessageLine("%s%s%s", headerText, pageLabel, KFSConstants.REPORT_WRITER_SERVICE_PAGE_NUMBER_PLACEHOLDER); } else { this.writeFormattedMessageLine("%s%s%,9d", headerText, pageLabel, page); } this.writeNewLines(1); } /** * Helper method to write the error header * * @param businessObject to print header for */ protected void writeErrorHeader(BusinessObject businessObject) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObject); List<String> errorHeader = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableHeader(pageWidth); // If we are at end of page and don't have space for table header, go ahead and page break if (errorHeader.size() + line >= pageLength) { this.pageBreak(); } // Print the header one by one. Note the last element is the formatter. So capture that seperately for (Iterator<String> headers = errorHeader.iterator(); headers.hasNext();) { String header =; if (headers.hasNext()) { this.writeFormattedMessageLine("%s", header); } else { errorFormat = header; } } } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeTableHeader( */ public void writeTableHeader(BusinessObject businessObject) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObject); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableDefinition(); String tableHeaderFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_HEADER_LINE_KEY); String[] headerLines = this.getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(tableHeaderFormat, new Object()); this.writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(headerLines); } /** * Writes out the table header, based on a business object class * @param businessObjectClass the class to write the header out for */ public void writeTableHeader(Class<? extends BusinessObject> businessObjectClass) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObjectClass); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableDefinition(); String tableHeaderFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_HEADER_LINE_KEY); String[] headerLines = this.getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(tableHeaderFormat, new Object()); this.writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(headerLines); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeTableRow( */ public void writeTableRowSeparationLine(BusinessObject businessObject) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObject); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableDefinition(); String separationLine = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.SEPARATOR_LINE_KEY); this.writeFormattedMessageLine(separationLine); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeTableRow( */ public void writeTableRow(BusinessObject businessObject) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObject); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableDefinition(); String tableCellFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_CELL_FORMAT_KEY); List<String> tableCellValues = businessObjectReportHelper .getTableCellValuesPaddingWithEmptyCell(businessObject, false); String[] rowMessageLines = this.getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(tableCellFormat, tableCellValues.toArray()); this.writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(rowMessageLines); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeTableRowWithColspan( */ public void writeTableRowWithColspan(BusinessObject businessObject) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper(businessObject); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableDefinition(); String tableCellFormat = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableCellFormat(true, true, StringUtils.EMPTY); List<String> tableCellValues = businessObjectReportHelper .getTableCellValuesPaddingWithEmptyCell(businessObject, true); String[] rowMessageLines = this.getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(tableCellFormat, tableCellValues.toArray()); this.writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(rowMessageLines); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService#writeTable(java.util.List, boolean, boolean) */ public void writeTable(List<? extends BusinessObject> businessObjects, boolean isHeaderRepeatedInNewPage, boolean isRowBreakAcrossPageAllowed) { if (ObjectUtils.isNull(businessObjects) || businessObjects.isEmpty()) { return; } BusinessObject firstBusinessObject = businessObjects.get(0); this.writeTableHeader(firstBusinessObject); BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = getBusinessObjectReportHelper( businessObjects.get(0)); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = businessObjectReportHelper.getTableDefinition(); String tableHeaderFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_HEADER_LINE_KEY); String[] headerLines = this.getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(tableHeaderFormat, new Object()); String tableCellFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_CELL_FORMAT_KEY); for (BusinessObject businessObject : businessObjects) { List<String> tableCellValues = businessObjectReportHelper .getTableCellValuesPaddingWithEmptyCell(businessObject, false); String[] messageLines = this.getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(tableCellFormat, tableCellValues.toArray()); boolean hasEnoughLinesInPage = messageLines.length <= (this.pageLength - this.line); if (!hasEnoughLinesInPage && !isRowBreakAcrossPageAllowed) { this.pageBreak(); if (isHeaderRepeatedInNewPage) { this.writeTableHeader(firstBusinessObject); } } this.writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(messageLines, headerLines, isRowBreakAcrossPageAllowed); } } /** * get the business report helper for the given business object * * @param businessObject the given business object * @return the business report helper for the given business object */ public BusinessObjectReportHelper getBusinessObjectReportHelper(BusinessObject businessObject) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (businessObject == null) { LOG.debug("reporting " + filePath + " but can't because null business object sent in"); } else if (businessObjectReportHelpers == null) { LOG.debug("Logging " + businessObject + " in report " + filePath + " but businessObjectReportHelpers are null"); } } BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = this.businessObjectReportHelpers .get(businessObject.getClass()); if (ObjectUtils.isNull(businessObjectReportHelper)) { throw new RuntimeException(businessObject.getClass().toString() + " is not handled"); } return businessObjectReportHelper; } /** * get the business report helper for the given business object * * @param businessObject the given business object * @return the business report helper for the given business object */ public BusinessObjectReportHelper getBusinessObjectReportHelper( Class<? extends BusinessObject> businessObjectClass) { BusinessObjectReportHelper businessObjectReportHelper = this.businessObjectReportHelpers .get(businessObjectClass); if (ObjectUtils.isNull(businessObjectReportHelper)) { throw new RuntimeException(businessObjectClass.getName() + " is not handled"); } return businessObjectReportHelper; } /** * write the given information as multiple lines if it contains more than one line breaks * * @param format the given text format definition * @param messageLines the given information being written out * @param headerLinesInNewPage the given header lines being written in the begin of a new page */ protected void writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(String[] messageLines, String[] headerLinesInNewPage, boolean isRowBreakAcrossPageAllowed) { int currentPageNumber =; for (String line : messageLines) { boolean hasEnoughLinesInPage = messageLines.length <= (this.pageLength - this.line); if (!hasEnoughLinesInPage && !isRowBreakAcrossPageAllowed) { this.pageBreak(); } if (currentPageNumber < && ObjectUtils.isNotNull(headerLinesInNewPage)) { currentPageNumber =; for (String headerLine : headerLinesInNewPage) { this.writeFormattedMessageLine(headerLine); } } this.writeFormattedMessageLine(line); } } /** * write the given information as multiple lines if it contains more than one line breaks * * @param format the given text format definition * @param args the given information being written out */ public void writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(String[] messageLines) { this.writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(messageLines, null, false); } public void writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(String format, Object... args) { Object[] escapedArgs = escapeArguments(args); String[] messageLines = getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(format, escapedArgs); writeMultipleFormattedMessageLines(messageLines); } /** * This method... * * @param format * @param args * @return */ public String[] getMultipleFormattedMessageLines(String format, Object... args) { Object[] escapedArgs = escapeArguments(args); String message = String.format(format, escapedArgs); return StringUtils.split(message, newLineCharacter); } /** * Iterates through array and escapes special formatting characters * * @param args Object array to process * @return Object array with String members escaped */ protected Object[] escapeArguments(Object... args) { Object[] escapedArgs = new Object[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; if (arg == null) { args[i] = ""; } else if (arg != null && arg instanceof String) { String escapedArg = escapeFormatCharacters((String) arg); escapedArgs[i] = escapedArg; } else { escapedArgs[i] = arg; } } return escapedArgs; } /** * Escapes characters in a string that have special meaning for formatting * * @param replacementString string to escape * @return string with format characters escaped * @see KFSConstants.ReportConstants.FORMAT_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS */ protected String escapeFormatCharacters(String replacementString) { String escapedString = replacementString; for (int i = 0; i < KFSConstants.ReportConstants.FORMAT_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS.length; i++) { String characterToEscape = KFSConstants.ReportConstants.FORMAT_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS[i]; escapedString = StringUtils.replace(escapedString, characterToEscape, characterToEscape + characterToEscape); } return escapedString; } /** * Sets the filePath * * @param filePath The filePath to set. */ public void setFilePath(String filePath) { this.filePath = filePath; } /** * Sets the fileNamePrefix * * @param fileNamePrefix The fileNamePrefix to set. */ public void setFileNamePrefix(String fileNamePrefix) { this.fileNamePrefix = fileNamePrefix; } /** * Sets the fileNameSuffix * * @param fileNameSuffix The fileNameSuffix to set. */ public void setFileNameSuffix(String fileNameSuffix) { this.fileNameSuffix = fileNameSuffix; } /** * Sets the title * * @param title The title to set. */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } /** * Sets the pageWidth * * @param pageWidth The pageWidth to set. */ public void setPageWidth(int pageWidth) { this.pageWidth = pageWidth; } /** * Sets the pageLength * * @param pageLength The pageLength to set. */ public void setPageLength(int pageLength) { this.pageLength = pageLength; } /** * Sets the initialPageNumber * * @param initialPageNumber The initialPageNumber to set. */ public void setInitialPageNumber(int initialPageNumber) { this.initialPageNumber = initialPageNumber; } /** * Sets the errorSubTitle * * @param errorSubTitle The errorSubTitle to set. */ public void setErrorSubTitle(String errorSubTitle) { this.errorSubTitle = errorSubTitle; } /** * Sets the statisticsLabel * * @param statisticsLabel The statisticsLabel to set. */ public void setStatisticsLabel(String statisticsLabel) { this.statisticsLabel = statisticsLabel; } /** * Sets the statisticsLeftPadding * * @param statisticsLeftPadding The statisticsLeftPadding to set. */ public void setStatisticsLeftPadding(String statisticsLeftPadding) { this.statisticsLeftPadding = statisticsLeftPadding; } /** * Sets the pageLabel * * @param pageLabel The pageLabel to set. */ public void setPageLabel(String pageLabel) { this.pageLabel = pageLabel; } /** * Sets the newLineCharacter * * @param newLineCharacter The newLineCharacter to set. */ public void setNewLineCharacter(String newLineCharacter) { this.newLineCharacter = newLineCharacter; } /** * Sets the DateTimeService * * @param dateTimeService The DateTimeService to set. */ public void setDateTimeService(DateTimeService dateTimeService) { this.dateTimeService = dateTimeService; } /** * Sets a map of BO classes to {@link BusinessObjectReportHelper} bean names, to configure which BO's will be rendered by which * BusinessObjectReportHelper. This property should be configured via the spring bean definition * * @param classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames The classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames to set. */ public void setClassToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames( Map<Class<? extends BusinessObject>, String> classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames) { this.classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames = classToBusinessObjectReportHelperBeanNames; } /** * Gets the parametersLabel attribute. * @return Returns the parametersLabel. */ public String getParametersLabel() { return parametersLabel; } /** * Sets the parametersLabel attribute value. * @param parametersLabel The parametersLabel to set. */ public void setParametersLabel(String parametersLabel) { this.parametersLabel = parametersLabel; } /** * Gets the parametersLeftPadding attribute. * @return Returns the parametersLeftPadding. */ public String getParametersLeftPadding() { return parametersLeftPadding; } /** * Sets the parametersLeftPadding attribute value. * @param parametersLeftPadding The parametersLeftPadding to set. */ public void setParametersLeftPadding(String parametersLeftPadding) { this.parametersLeftPadding = parametersLeftPadding; } /** * Gets the aggregationModeOn attribute. * @return Returns the aggregationModeOn. */ public boolean isAggregationModeOn() { return aggregationModeOn; } /** * Sets the aggregationModeOn attribute value. * @param aggregationModeOn The aggregationModeOn to set. */ public void setAggregationModeOn(boolean aggregationModeOn) { this.aggregationModeOn = aggregationModeOn; } }