Java tutorial
/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.TemConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.TemConstants.PerDiemParameter; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.TemKeyConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.PerDiemLoadStep; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.businessobject.PerDiemForLoad; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.PerDiemLoadService; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.PerDiemLoadValidationService; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.businessobject.PerDiem; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.businessobject.PrimaryDestination; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.businessobject.TemRegion; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.service.PerDiemService; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.KFSConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.Message; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.MessageBuilder; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.BatchInputFileType; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.service.BatchInputFileService; import; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.util.KfsDateUtils; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.datetime.DateTimeService; import org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.parameter.ParameterService; import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * implement the service methods that can parse and load federal per diem records, which can be downloaded from * * This implementation can applied onto * the TXT and XML files in ZIP file, which includes the file format definition as well. */ public class PerDiemLoadServiceImpl implements PerDiemLoadService { public static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(PerDiemLoadServiceImpl.class); public final static String REPORT_FILE_NAME_PATTERN = "{0}/{1}_{2}{3}"; private PerDiemService perDiemService; private BusinessObjectService businessObjectService; private ParameterService parameterService; private DateTimeService dateTimeService; private PerDiemLoadValidationService perDiemLoadValidationService; private BusinessObjectReportHelper perDiemUploadReportHelper; private BatchInputFileService batchInputFileService; private List<BatchInputFileType> perDiemInputFileTypes; private String perDiemFileErrorDirectory; private String perDiemReportDirectory; private String perDiemReportFilePrefix; private java.util.Date futureDate; Collection<TemRegion> persistedRegions; Collection<PrimaryDestination> persistedPrimaryDestinations; /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.PerDiemLoadService#loadPerDiem() */ @Override public boolean loadPerDiem() { boolean success = true; String dateValue = parameterService.getParameterValueAsString(PerDiemLoadStep.class, PerDiemParameter.DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE); try { futureDate = dateTimeService.convertToDate(dateValue); } catch (ParseException pe) { LOG.error("Unable to parse the parameter value to a Date for DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE"); throw new RuntimeException(pe); } for (BatchInputFileType inputFileType : perDiemInputFileTypes) { List<String> inputFileNames = batchInputFileService.listInputFileNamesWithDoneFile(inputFileType); for (String dataFileName : inputFileNames) { success &= this.loadPerDiem(dataFileName, inputFileType); } } return success; } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.PerDiemLoadService#loadPerDiem(java.lang.String, * org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.BatchInputFileType) */ @Override @Transactional public boolean loadPerDiem(String dataFileName, BatchInputFileType inputFileType) { String fileExtension = "." + inputFileType.getFileExtension(); String doneFileName = this.getCompanionFileName(dataFileName, fileExtension, TemConstants.DONE_FILE_SUFFIX); File doneFile = this.getFileByAbsolutePath(doneFileName); try { FileInputStream fileContents = new FileInputStream(dataFileName);"Processing Per Diem file [" + dataFileName + "]"); byte[] fileByteContent = IOUtils.toByteArray(fileContents); List<PerDiemForLoad> perDiemList = (List<PerDiemForLoad>) batchInputFileService.parse(inputFileType, fileByteContent); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileContents); List<PerDiemForLoad> perDiemLoadList = this.validatePerDiem(perDiemList, dataFileName); persistedRegions = businessObjectService.findAll(TemRegion.class); Map<String, TemRegion> newRegions = this.extractTemCountries(perDiemLoadList, true); for (TemRegion region : newRegions.values()) {; } persistedPrimaryDestinations = businessObjectService.findAll(PrimaryDestination.class); Map<String, PrimaryDestination> newPrimaryDestinations = this .extractPrimaryDestinations(perDiemLoadList, true); for (PrimaryDestination primaryDestination : newPrimaryDestinations.values()) {; } persistedPrimaryDestinations = businessObjectService.findAll(PrimaryDestination.class); Map<String, PrimaryDestination> allPrimaryDestinations = new HashMap<String, PrimaryDestination>(); for (PrimaryDestination pd : persistedPrimaryDestinations) { allPrimaryDestinations .put(pd.getRegionCode() + ":" + pd.getCounty() + ":" + pd.getPrimaryDestinationName(), pd); } for (PerDiem perDiem : perDiemLoadList) { if (perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getId() == null) { StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); keyBuilder.append(perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getRegionCode()); keyBuilder.append(":"); keyBuilder.append(perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getCounty()); keyBuilder.append(":"); keyBuilder.append(perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getPrimaryDestinationName()); PrimaryDestination pd = allPrimaryDestinations.get(keyBuilder.toString()); if (pd == null) { continue; } else if (pd.equals(perDiem.getPrimaryDestination())) { perDiem.setPrimaryDestinationId(pd.getId()); } } else { perDiem.setPrimaryDestinationId(perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getId()); } List<PerDiem> oldPerDiems = perDiemService.retrievePreviousPerDiem(perDiem); for (PerDiem oldPerDiem : oldPerDiems) { if (KfsDateUtils.isSameDay(oldPerDiem.getEffectiveToDate(), futureDate)) { oldPerDiem.setEffectiveToDate( new java.sql.Date(DateUtils.addDays(perDiem.getEffectiveFromDate(), 0).getTime()));; } } //; }; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to process the file : " + dataFileName, ex); this.moveErrorFile(dataFileName, this.getPerDiemFileErrorDirectory()); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to process the file : " + dataFileName, ex); } finally { boolean doneFileDeleted = doneFile.delete(); } return true; } protected Map<String, PrimaryDestination> extractPrimaryDestinations(List<PerDiemForLoad> validPerDiemList, boolean newOnly) { Map<String, PrimaryDestination> primaryDests = new HashMap<String, PrimaryDestination>(); for (PerDiem perDiem : validPerDiemList) { PrimaryDestination primaryDest = perDiem.getPrimaryDestination(); primaryDest.setRegionCode(primaryDest.getRegion().getRegionCode()); if (!persistedPrimaryDestinations.contains(primaryDest) && newOnly) { primaryDests.put(primaryDest.getRegionCode() + ":" + primaryDest.getCounty() + ":" + primaryDest.getPrimaryDestinationName(), primaryDest); } else if (!newOnly) { primaryDests.put(primaryDest.getRegionCode() + ":" + primaryDest.getCounty() + ":" + primaryDest.getPrimaryDestinationName(), primaryDest); } } return primaryDests; } protected Map<String, TemRegion> extractTemCountries(List<PerDiemForLoad> validPerDiemList, boolean newOnly) { Map<String, TemRegion> regions = new HashMap<String, TemRegion>(); for (PerDiem perDiem : validPerDiemList) { TemRegion region = perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getRegion(); if (!persistedRegions.contains(region) && newOnly) { regions.put(region.getRegionCode(), region); } else if (!newOnly) { regions.put(region.getRegionCode(), region); } } return regions; } /** * determine whether the whole per diem file has to be rejected whenever an error occurs */ protected boolean isRejectAllWhenError() { return this.getParameterService().getParameterValueAsBoolean(PerDiemLoadStep.class, PerDiemParameter.REJECT_FILE_IND); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.PerDiemLoadService#updatePerDiem(java.util.List) */ @Override public List<PerDiemForLoad> updatePerDiem(List<PerDiemForLoad> perDiemList) { List<PerDiemForLoad> filteredPerDiemList = new ArrayList<PerDiemForLoad>(); int lineNumber = 0; for (PerDiemForLoad perDiemForLoad : perDiemList) { if (shouldProcess(perDiemForLoad)) { updatePerDiem(perDiemForLoad); perDiemForLoad.setLineNumber(++lineNumber); filteredPerDiemList.add(perDiemForLoad); } } return filteredPerDiemList; } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.service.PerDiemLoadService#updatePerDiem(org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.batch.businessobject.PerDiemForLoad) */ @Override public void updatePerDiem(PerDiemForLoad perDiem) { Date effectiveDate = this.getEffectiveDateFromString(perDiem); perDiem.setEffectiveFromDate(effectiveDate); Date effectiveToDate = this.getExpirationDateFromString(perDiem); perDiem.setEffectiveToDate(effectiveToDate); Date loadDate = this.getDateTimeService().getCurrentSqlDate(); perDiem.setLoadDate(loadDate); this.getPerDiemService().updateTripType(perDiem); this.getPerDiemService().breakDownMealsIncidental(perDiem); String seasonBeginMonthAndDay = perDiem.getSeasonBeginDateAsString(); perDiem.setSeasonBeginMonthAndDay(seasonBeginMonthAndDay); } /** * get the session begin date built from the given date string * * @return the session begin date built from the given date string */ protected Date getSessionBeginDateFromString(PerDiemForLoad perDiem) { String seasonBeginDateAsString = perDiem.getSeasonBeginDateAsString(); return buildDate(perDiem, seasonBeginDateAsString); } /** * get the session end date built from the given date string * * @return the session end date built from the given date string */ protected Date getSessionEndDateFromString(PerDiemForLoad perDiem) { String seasonEndDateAsString = perDiem.getSeasonEndDateAsString(); return buildDate(perDiem, seasonEndDateAsString); } /** * This method... * @param perDiem * @return */ protected Date buildDate(PerDiemForLoad perDiem, String seasonDateAsString) { int effectiveYear = this.getEffectiveYear(perDiem); Date effectiveDate = perDiem.getEffectiveFromDate(); Date seasonDate = this.getDateFromString(seasonDateAsString, effectiveYear); int difference = this.getDateTimeService().dateDiff(effectiveDate, seasonDate, true); if (difference <= 0) { DateUtils.addYears(seasonDate, 1); } return seasonDate; } /** * get the effective date built from the given date string * * @return the effective date built from the given date string */ protected Date getEffectiveDateFromString(PerDiemForLoad perDiem) { int effectiveYear = this.getDateTimeService().getCurrentCalendar().get(Calendar.YEAR); return this.getDateFromString(perDiem.getEffectiveDateAsString(), effectiveYear); } /** * get the expiration date built from the given date string * * @return the expiration date built from the given date string */ protected Date getExpirationDateFromString(PerDiemForLoad perDiem) { int effectiveYear = this.getDateTimeService().getCurrentCalendar().get(Calendar.YEAR); return this.getDateFromString(perDiem.getExpirationDateAsString(), effectiveYear); } /** * get date from the given date string * * @param dateAsString the given date string * @return date built from the given date string */ protected Date getDateFromString(String dateAsString, int effectiveYear) { String localDateAsString = completeDateString(dateAsString, effectiveYear); return this.convertDateFrom(localDateAsString); } /** * complete the date string if the year is missing */ protected String completeDateString(String dateString, int effectiveYear) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dateString) && StringUtils.countMatches(dateString, TemConstants.DATE_FIELD_SEPARATOR) >= 2) { return dateString; } return dateString + TemConstants.DATE_FIELD_SEPARATOR + effectiveYear; } /** * convert the given string into date */ protected Date convertDateFrom(String dateString) { try { java.util.Date localDate = TemConstants.SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.parse(dateString); return KfsDateUtils.convertToSqlDate(localDate); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "The date " + dateString + " must be formatted as " + TemConstants.DATE_FORMAT_STRING, ex); } } /** * get the year of the per diem in effect */ protected int getEffectiveYear(PerDiemForLoad perDiem) { Date effectiveDate = perDiem.getEffectiveFromDate(); return this.getDateTimeService().getCurrentCalendar().get(Calendar.YEAR); } /** * move the given file to the specified directory * * @param fileName the given file name * @param directory the specified directory */ protected void moveErrorFile(String fileName, String directory) { File dataFile = this.getFileByAbsolutePath(fileName); if (dataFile != null && dataFile.exists()) { File errorDirectory = this.getFileByAbsolutePath(directory); try { FileUtils.moveToDirectory(dataFile, errorDirectory, true); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Cannot move the file:" + fileName + " to the directory: " + perDiemFileErrorDirectory, ex); } } } /** * get the file based on the given absolute file path * * @param absolutePath the given absolute file path * @return the file with the given absolute file path */ protected File getFileByAbsolutePath(String absolutePath) { File dataFile = new File(absolutePath); if (!dataFile.exists() || !dataFile.canRead()) { LOG.error("Cannot find/read data file " + absolutePath); return null; } return dataFile; } /** * generate the name of a companion file of the given file with the given companion file extension * * @param fileAbsPath the given file * @param fileExtension the extension of the given file * @param companionFileExtension the given companion file extension * @return the name of a companion file of the given file with the given companion file extension */ protected String getCompanionFileName(String fileAbsPath, String fileExtension, String companionFileExtension) { return StringUtils.removeEnd(fileAbsPath, fileExtension).concat(companionFileExtension); } /** * validate the given per diem records * * @return the valid per diem records */ protected <T extends PerDiem> List<T> validatePerDiem(List<T> perDiemList, String fileName) { List<T> validPerDiems = new ArrayList<T>(); PrintStream reportDataStream = this.getReportPrintStream(); this.writeReportHeader(reportDataStream, fileName); for (T perDiem : perDiemList) { List<Message> errorMessage = this.getPerDiemLoadValidationService().validate(perDiem); if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(errorMessage) && !errorMessage.isEmpty()) { this.writeErrorToReport(reportDataStream, perDiem, errorMessage); } else { validPerDiems.add(perDiem); } } if (reportDataStream != null) { reportDataStream.flush(); reportDataStream.close(); } return validPerDiems; } /** * write report header */ protected void writeReportHeader(PrintStream reportDataStream, String fileName) { StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); header.append(MessageBuilder.buildMessageWithPlaceHolder(TemKeyConstants.MESSAGE_PER_DIEM_REPORT_HEADER, BusinessObjectReportHelper.LINE_BREAK, fileName)); header.append(BusinessObjectReportHelper.LINE_BREAK); header.append(BusinessObjectReportHelper.LINE_BREAK); header.append(BusinessObjectReportHelper.LINE_BREAK); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = this.getPerDiemUploadReportHelper().getTableDefinition(); String tableHeaderFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_HEADER_LINE_KEY); header.append(tableHeaderFormat); reportDataStream.print(header); } /** * write the error message to the given print stream */ protected <T extends PerDiem> void writeErrorToReport(PrintStream reportDataStream, T perDiem, List<Message> errorMessage) { String reportEntry = this.formatMessage(perDiem, errorMessage); reportDataStream.println(reportEntry); } /** * build message body with the given per diem and message list */ protected <T extends PerDiem> String formatMessage(T perDiem, List<Message> messageList) { StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> tableDefinition = this.getPerDiemUploadReportHelper().getTableDefinition(); String tableCellFormat = tableDefinition.get(KFSConstants.ReportConstants.TABLE_CELL_FORMAT_KEY); List<String> propertyList = this.getPerDiemUploadReportHelper().getTableCellValues(perDiem, false); String fieldLine = String.format(tableCellFormat, propertyList.toArray()); body.append(fieldLine); for (Message message : messageList) { body.append("\t** ").append(message).append(BusinessObjectReportHelper.LINE_BREAK); } return body.toString(); } /** * get print stream for report */ protected PrintStream getReportPrintStream() { String dateTime = dateTimeService.toDateTimeStringForFilename(dateTimeService.getCurrentSqlDate()); String reportFileName = MessageFormat.format(REPORT_FILE_NAME_PATTERN, this.getPerDiemReportDirectory(), this.getPerDiemReportFilePrefix(), dateTime, TemConstants.TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX); File outputfile = new File(reportFileName); try { return new PrintStream(outputfile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { String errorMessage = "Cannot find the output file: " + reportFileName; LOG.error(errorMessage); throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage, e); } } /** * Determines if the given PerDiem record should be processed at all; in the base implementation, it checks the KFS-TEM / PerDiemLoadStep / BYPASS_STATE_OR_COUNTRY_CODES to see if the perdiem should be skipped * @param perDiem the PerDiem record * @return true if the record should be validated and processed, false otherwise */ protected <T extends PerDiem> boolean shouldProcess(T perDiem) { final Collection<String> bypassStateCountryCodes = getParameterService().getParameterValuesAsString( PerDiemLoadStep.class, TemConstants.PerDiemParameter.BYPASS_STATE_OR_COUNTRY_CODES); return (bypassStateCountryCodes == null || bypassStateCountryCodes.isEmpty() || !bypassStateCountryCodes.contains(perDiem.getPrimaryDestination().getRegion().getRegionCode())); } /** * Gets the perDiemService attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemService. */ public PerDiemService getPerDiemService() { return perDiemService; } /** * Sets the perDiemService attribute value. * * @param perDiemService The perDiemService to set. */ public void setPerDiemService(PerDiemService perDiemService) { this.perDiemService = perDiemService; } /** * Gets the businessObjectService attribute. * * @return Returns the businessObjectService. */ public BusinessObjectService getBusinessObjectService() { return businessObjectService; } /** * Sets the businessObjectService attribute value. * * @param businessObjectService The businessObjectService to set. */ public void setBusinessObjectService(BusinessObjectService businessObjectService) { this.businessObjectService = businessObjectService; } /** * Gets the perDiemFileErrorDirectory attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemFileErrorDirectory. */ public String getPerDiemFileErrorDirectory() { return perDiemFileErrorDirectory; } /** * Sets the perDiemFileErrorDirectory attribute value. * * @param perDiemFileErrorDirectory The perDiemFileErrorDirectory to set. */ public void setPerDiemFileErrorDirectory(String perDiemFileErrorDirectory) { this.perDiemFileErrorDirectory = perDiemFileErrorDirectory; } /** * Gets the parameterService attribute. * * @return Returns the parameterService. */ public ParameterService getParameterService() { return parameterService; } /** * Sets the parameterService attribute value. * * @param parameterService The parameterService to set. */ public void setParameterService(ParameterService parameterService) { this.parameterService = parameterService; } /** * Gets the dateTimeService attribute. * * @return Returns the dateTimeService. */ public DateTimeService getDateTimeService() { return dateTimeService; } /** * Sets the dateTimeService attribute value. * * @param dateTimeService The dateTimeService to set. */ public void setDateTimeService(DateTimeService dateTimeService) { this.dateTimeService = dateTimeService; } /** * Gets the perDiemLoadValidationService attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemLoadValidationService. */ public PerDiemLoadValidationService getPerDiemLoadValidationService() { return perDiemLoadValidationService; } /** * Sets the perDiemLoadValidationService attribute value. * * @param perDiemLoadValidationService The perDiemLoadValidationService to set. */ public void setPerDiemLoadValidationService(PerDiemLoadValidationService perDiemLoadValidationService) { this.perDiemLoadValidationService = perDiemLoadValidationService; } /** * Gets the perDiemReportDirectory attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemReportDirectory. */ public String getPerDiemReportDirectory() { return perDiemReportDirectory; } /** * Sets the perDiemReportDirectory attribute value. * * @param perDiemReportDirectory The perDiemReportDirectory to set. */ public void setPerDiemReportDirectory(String perDiemReportDirectory) { this.perDiemReportDirectory = perDiemReportDirectory; } /** * Gets the perDiemReportFilePrefix attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemReportFilePrefix. */ public String getPerDiemReportFilePrefix() { return perDiemReportFilePrefix; } /** * Sets the perDiemReportFilePrefix attribute value. * * @param perDiemReportFilePrefix The perDiemReportFilePrefix to set. */ public void setPerDiemReportFilePrefix(String perDiemReportFilePrefix) { this.perDiemReportFilePrefix = perDiemReportFilePrefix; } /** * Gets the perDiemUploadReportHelper attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemUploadReportHelper. */ public BusinessObjectReportHelper getPerDiemUploadReportHelper() { return perDiemUploadReportHelper; } /** * Sets the perDiemUploadReportHelper attribute value. * * @param perDiemUploadReportHelper The perDiemUploadReportHelper to set. */ public void setPerDiemUploadReportHelper(BusinessObjectReportHelper perDiemUploadReportHelper) { this.perDiemUploadReportHelper = perDiemUploadReportHelper; } /** * Gets the batchInputFileService attribute. * * @return Returns the batchInputFileService. */ public BatchInputFileService getBatchInputFileService() { return batchInputFileService; } /** * Sets the batchInputFileService attribute value. * * @param batchInputFileService The batchInputFileService to set. */ public void setBatchInputFileService(BatchInputFileService batchInputFileService) { this.batchInputFileService = batchInputFileService; } /** * Gets the perDiemInputFileTypes attribute. * * @return Returns the perDiemInputFileTypes. */ public List<BatchInputFileType> getPerDiemInputFileTypes() { return perDiemInputFileTypes; } /** * Sets the perDiemInputFileTypes attribute value. * * @param perDiemInputFileTypes The perDiemInputFileTypes to set. */ public void setPerDiemInputFileTypes(List<BatchInputFileType> perDiemInputFileTypes) { this.perDiemInputFileTypes = perDiemInputFileTypes; } }