Java tutorial
/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.Message; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.InitiateDirectoryBase; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.service.ReportWriterService; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.datetime.DateTimeService; /** * This class iterates through the files in the enterprise feeder staging directory, which is injected by Spring. Note: this class * is NOT annotated as transactional. This allows the helper service, which is defined as transactional, to do a per-file * transaction. */ public class FileEnterpriseFeederServiceImpl extends InitiateDirectoryBase implements EnterpriseFeederService { private static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(FileEnterpriseFeederServiceImpl.class); private String directoryName; private String glOriginEntryDirectoryName; private OriginEntryGroupService originEntryGroupService; private DateTimeService dateTimeService; private FileEnterpriseFeederHelperService fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService; private EnterpriseFeederNotificationService enterpriseFeederNotificationService; private String reconciliationTableId; private ReportWriterService reportWriterService; /** * Feeds file sets in the directory whose name is returned by the invocation to getDirectoryName() * * @see */ public void feed(String processName, boolean performNotifications) { // ensure that this feeder implementation may not be run concurrently on this JVM // to consider: maybe use java NIO classes to perform done file locking? synchronized (FileEnterpriseFeederServiceImpl.class) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(directoryName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("directoryName not set for FileEnterpriseFeederServiceImpl."); } //add a step to check for directory paths prepareDirectories(getRequiredDirectoryNames()); FileFilter doneFileFilter = new SuffixFileFilter(DONE_FILE_SUFFIX); File enterpriseFeedFile = null; String enterpriseFeedFileName = GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.ENTERPRISE_FEED + GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.EXTENSION; enterpriseFeedFile = new File(glOriginEntryDirectoryName + File.separator + enterpriseFeedFileName); PrintStream enterpriseFeedPs = null; try { enterpriseFeedPs = new PrintStream(enterpriseFeedFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("enterpriseFeedFile doesn't exist " + enterpriseFeedFileName); throw new RuntimeException("enterpriseFeedFile doesn't exist " + enterpriseFeedFileName); }"New File created for enterprise feeder service run: " + enterpriseFeedFileName); File directory = new File(directoryName); if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory()) { LOG.error("Directory doesn't exist and or it's not really a directory " + directoryName); throw new RuntimeException( "Directory doesn't exist and or it's not really a directory " + directoryName); } File[] doneFiles = directory.listFiles(doneFileFilter); reorderDoneFiles(doneFiles); LedgerSummaryReport ledgerSummaryReport = new LedgerSummaryReport(); List<EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper> statusAndErrorsList = new ArrayList<EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper>(); for (File doneFile : doneFiles) { File dataFile = null; File reconFile = null; EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper statusAndErrors = new EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper(); statusAndErrors.setErrorMessages(new ArrayList<Message>()); try { dataFile = getDataFile(doneFile); reconFile = getReconFile(doneFile); statusAndErrors.setFileNames(dataFile, reconFile, doneFile); if (dataFile == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find data file for done file: " + doneFile.getAbsolutePath()); statusAndErrors.getErrorMessages() .add(new Message( "Unable to find data file for done file: " + doneFile.getAbsolutePath(), Message.TYPE_FATAL)); statusAndErrors.setStatus(new RequiredFilesMissingStatus()); } if (reconFile == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find recon file for done file: " + doneFile.getAbsolutePath()); statusAndErrors.getErrorMessages() .add(new Message( "Unable to find recon file for done file: " + doneFile.getAbsolutePath(), Message.TYPE_FATAL)); statusAndErrors.setStatus(new RequiredFilesMissingStatus()); } if (dataFile != null && reconFile != null) {"Data file: " + dataFile.getAbsolutePath());"Reconciliation File: " + reconFile.getAbsolutePath()); fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService.feedOnFile(doneFile, dataFile, reconFile, enterpriseFeedPs, processName, reconciliationTableId, statusAndErrors, ledgerSummaryReport); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // we need to be extremely resistant to a file load failing so that it doesn't prevent other files from loading LOG.error("Caught exception when feeding done file: " + doneFile.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { statusAndErrorsList.add(statusAndErrors); boolean doneFileDeleted = doneFile.delete(); if (!doneFileDeleted) { statusAndErrors.getErrorMessages().add(new Message( "Unable to delete done file: " + doneFile.getAbsolutePath(), Message.TYPE_FATAL)); } if (performNotifications) { enterpriseFeederNotificationService.notifyFileFeedStatus(processName, statusAndErrors.getStatus(), doneFile, dataFile, reconFile, statusAndErrors.getErrorMessages()); } } } enterpriseFeedPs.close(); generateReport(statusAndErrorsList, ledgerSummaryReport, glOriginEntryDirectoryName + File.separator + enterpriseFeedFileName); String enterpriseFeedDoneFileName = enterpriseFeedFileName.replace( GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.EXTENSION, GeneralLedgerConstants.BatchFileSystem.DONE_FILE_EXTENSION); File enterpriseFeedDoneFile = new File( glOriginEntryDirectoryName + File.separator + enterpriseFeedDoneFileName); if (!enterpriseFeedDoneFile.exists()) { try { enterpriseFeedDoneFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to create done file for enterprise feed output group.", e); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create done file for enterprise feed output group.", e); } } } } /** * Reorders the files in case there's a dependency on the order in which files are fed upon. For this implementation, the * purpose is to always order files in a way such that unit testing will be predictable. * * @param doneFiles */ protected void reorderDoneFiles(File[] doneFiles) { // sort the list so that the unit tests will have more predictable results Arrays.sort(doneFiles); } /** * Given the doneFile, this method finds the data file corresponding to the done file * * @param doneFile * @return a File for the data file, or null if the file doesn't exist or is not readable */ protected File getDataFile(File doneFile) { String doneFileAbsPath = doneFile.getAbsolutePath(); if (!doneFileAbsPath.endsWith(DONE_FILE_SUFFIX)) { LOG.error("Done file name must end with " + DONE_FILE_SUFFIX); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Done file name must end with " + DONE_FILE_SUFFIX); } String dataFileAbsPath = StringUtils.removeEnd(doneFileAbsPath, DONE_FILE_SUFFIX) + DATA_FILE_SUFFIX; File dataFile = new File(dataFileAbsPath); if (!dataFile.exists() || !dataFile.canRead()) { LOG.error("Cannot find/read data file " + dataFileAbsPath); return null; } return dataFile; } /** * Given the doneFile, this method finds the reconciliation file corresponding to the data file * * @param doneFile * @return a file for the reconciliation data, or null if the file doesn't exist or is not readable */ protected File getReconFile(File doneFile) { String doneFileAbsPath = doneFile.getAbsolutePath(); if (!doneFileAbsPath.endsWith(DONE_FILE_SUFFIX)) { LOG.error("Done file name must end with " + DONE_FILE_SUFFIX); throw new IllegalArgumentException("DOne file name must end with " + DONE_FILE_SUFFIX); } String reconFileAbsPath = StringUtils.removeEnd(doneFileAbsPath, DONE_FILE_SUFFIX) + RECON_FILE_SUFFIX; File reconFile = new File(reconFileAbsPath); if (!reconFile.exists() || !reconFile.canRead()) { LOG.error("Cannot find/read data file " + reconFileAbsPath); return null; } return reconFile; } /** * Gets the directoryName attribute. * * @return Returns the directoryName. */ public String getDirectoryName() { return directoryName; } /** * Sets the directoryName attribute value. * * @param directoryName The directoryName to set. */ public void setDirectoryName(String directoryName) { this.directoryName = directoryName; } /** * Gets the originEntryGroupService attribute. * * @return Returns the originEntryGroupService. */ public OriginEntryGroupService getOriginEntryGroupService() { return originEntryGroupService; } /** * Sets the originEntryGroupService attribute value. * * @param originEntryGroupService The originEntryGroupService to set. */ public void setOriginEntryGroupService(OriginEntryGroupService originEntryGroupService) { this.originEntryGroupService = originEntryGroupService; } /** * Gets the dateTimeService attribute. * * @return Returns the dateTimeService. */ public DateTimeService getDateTimeService() { return dateTimeService; } /** * Sets the dateTimeService attribute value. * * @param dateTimeService The dateTimeService to set. */ public void setDateTimeService(DateTimeService dateTimeService) { this.dateTimeService = dateTimeService; } /** * Gets the fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService attribute. * * @return Returns the fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService. */ public FileEnterpriseFeederHelperService getFileEnterpriseFeederHelperService() { return fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService; } /** * Sets the fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService attribute value. * * @param fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService The fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService to set. */ public void setFileEnterpriseFeederHelperService( FileEnterpriseFeederHelperService fileEnterpriseFeederHelperServiceImpl) { this.fileEnterpriseFeederHelperService = fileEnterpriseFeederHelperServiceImpl; } /** * Gets the enterpriseFeederNotificationService attribute. * * @return Returns the enterpriseFeederNotificationService. */ public EnterpriseFeederNotificationService getEnterpriseFeederNotificationService() { return enterpriseFeederNotificationService; } /** * Sets the enterpriseFeederNotificationService attribute value. * * @param enterpriseFeederNotificationService The enterpriseFeederNotificationService to set. */ public void setEnterpriseFeederNotificationService( EnterpriseFeederNotificationService enterpriseFeederNotificationService) { this.enterpriseFeederNotificationService = enterpriseFeederNotificationService; } /** * Gets the reconciliationTableId attribute. * * @return Returns the reconciliationTableId. */ public String getReconciliationTableId() { return reconciliationTableId; } /** * Sets the reconciliationTableId attribute value. * * @param reconciliationTableId The reconciliationTableId to set. */ public void setReconciliationTableId(String reconciliationTableId) { this.reconciliationTableId = reconciliationTableId; } public void setGlOriginEntryDirectoryName(String glOriginEntryDirectoryName) { this.glOriginEntryDirectoryName = glOriginEntryDirectoryName; } protected void generateReport(List<EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper> statusAndErrorsList, LedgerSummaryReport report, String outputFileName) { reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Output File Name: %s", outputFileName); reportWriterService.writeNewLines(1); generateFilesLoadedStatusReport(statusAndErrorsList); reportWriterService.pageBreak(); report.writeReport(reportWriterService); } protected void generateFilesLoadedStatusReport( List<EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper> statusAndErrorsList) { boolean successfulFileLoaded = false; reportWriterService.writeSubTitle("Files Successfully Loaded"); for (EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper statusAndErrors : statusAndErrorsList) { if (!statusAndErrors.getStatus().isErrorEvent()) { reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Data file: %s", statusAndErrors.getDataFileName()); reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Reconciliation file: %s", statusAndErrors.getReconFileName()); reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Status: %s", statusAndErrors.getStatus().getStatusDescription()); reportWriterService.writeNewLines(1); successfulFileLoaded = true; } } if (!successfulFileLoaded) { reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("No files were successfully loaded"); } reportWriterService.writeNewLines(2); boolean unsuccessfulFileLoaded = false; reportWriterService.writeSubTitle("Files NOT Successfully Loaded"); for (EnterpriseFeederStatusAndErrorMessagesWrapper statusAndErrors : statusAndErrorsList) { if (statusAndErrors.getStatus().isErrorEvent()) { reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Data file: %s", statusAndErrors.getDataFileName() == null ? "" : statusAndErrors.getDataFileName()); reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Reconciliation file: %s", statusAndErrors.getReconFileName() == null ? "" : statusAndErrors.getReconFileName()); reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("Status: %s", statusAndErrors.getStatus().getStatusDescription()); reportWriterService.writeNewLines(1); unsuccessfulFileLoaded = true; } } if (!unsuccessfulFileLoaded) { reportWriterService.writeFormattedMessageLine("All files were successfully loaded"); } } /** * Sets the reportWriterService attribute value. * @param reportWriterService The reportWriterService to set. */ public void setReportWriterService(ReportWriterService reportWriterService) { this.reportWriterService = reportWriterService; } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.sys.batch.service.impl.InitiateDirectoryImpl#getRequiredDirectoryNames() */ @Override public List<String> getRequiredDirectoryNames() { return new ArrayList<String>() { { add(getDirectoryName()); } }; } }