Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2011 Kuali Foundation, Inc. Licensed under the // Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // package org.kuali.continuity.admin.project.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject; import com.gwtext.client.core.SortDir; import com.gwtext.client.core.UrlParam; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gwtext.client.util.CSS; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Component; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.PagingToolbar; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.event.PanelListenerAdapter; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnConfig; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnModel; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.GridPanel; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.GridView; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.RowSelectionModel; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.event.GridHeaderListener; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.event.GridRowListener; import; /** * Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>. This is the Ariah * Continuity Admin Role Management Application in GWT. */ public class ImageViewer extends ListControl implements EntryPoint, TableListener { // Model control variables. boolean localpaging = true; boolean showpagingbar = false; boolean showingscrollbar = true; // Application control variables. int roleGridCols = 6; String buttonPressed = ""; KcpServiceAsync kcpService; HttpProxy dataProxy = new HttpProxy("./accounts"); String currentSort = "name"; String[] sorts = { "userID", "name", "emailregular", "workPhone", "securityType", "accessStatus" }; Object[][] userData = new Object[][] {}; PagingMemoryProxy memproxy = new PagingMemoryProxy(userData); final RecordDef recordDef = new RecordDef(new FieldDef[] { new StringFieldDef("name"), new StringFieldDef("emailregular"), new StringFieldDef("workPhone"), new StringFieldDef("securityType"), new StringFieldDef("accessStatus"), new StringFieldDef("userID") }); ArrayList persons = null; JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(recordDef); // MEM ArrayReader reader2 = new ArrayReader(recordDef); private Button clickMeButton; final FormPanel formPanel = new FormPanel(); protected final String CSRF_TOKEN = "adminCsrfToken"; // Buttons final Button backButton = new Button(); final Button insertAccountButton = new Button(); final Button updateAccountButton = new Button(); final Button deleteAccountButton = new Button(); // Headings final Label headingLabel = new Label("Role Management"); final Label trustAccessLabel = new Label( "This location is configured for Shibboleth Trust authentication. Only Role and Access fields can be updated. "); // Grid final GridPanel roleGrid = new GridPanel(); int roleGridTopItem = 0; // Form final ListBox universityListBox = new ListBox(); // Search and Trust Section. // final Label firstSearchLabel = new Label("First Name"); // final TextBox firstSearchTextBox = new TextBox(); // final Label lastSearchLabel = new Label("Last Name"); // final Image searchButton = new Image("Search2.gif"); // final TextBox lastSearchTextBox = new TextBox(); //final HTML directoryidLabel = new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span> DirectoryID"); //final TextBox directoryidTextBox = new TextBox(); // Not visible: User Key Info. final TextBox idTextBox = new TextBox(); // Main Form final Image formImage = new Image("spacer.gif"); final HTML firstNameLabel = new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span>First Name"); final TextBox firstNameTextBox = new TextBox(); final HTML lastNameLabel = new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span>Last Name"); final TextBox lastNameTextBox = new TextBox(); final HTML roleLabel = new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span>Role"); final ListBox roleListBox = new ListBox(); final Label titleLabel = new Label("Title"); final TextBox titleTextBox = new TextBox(); final Label departmentLabel = new Label("Department"); final TextBox departmentTextBox = new TextBox(); final Label emailLabel = new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span>EMail"); final TextBox emailTextBox = new TextBox(); final HTML phoneLabel = new HTML(" Phone"); final TextBox phoneTextBox = new TextBox(); final HTML loginLabel = new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span>Login Name"); final TextBox loginTextBox = new TextBox(); final HTMLPanel passwordPanel = new HTMLPanel( "<span class='required'>*</span>Password <span id='passwordTextBox' ></span>"); // final HTMLPanel passwordPanel = new HTMLPanel("<span id='loginTextBox' ></span> <span class='required'>*</span>Password <span id='passwordTextBox' ></span>"); final PasswordTextBox passwordTextBox = new PasswordTextBox(); final HTML accessLabel = new HTML(" Access"); final ListBox accessListBox = new ListBox(); final Hidden csrfToken = new Hidden(); // Callback public AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { String gotit = (String) result; Window.alert("The button was pressed:" + gotit); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { //Window.alert("An error occured:" + e); redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm("3")); } }; // Current User Information String curId = ""; // xxxx int rolePullDownSelects[] = { -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 9 }; int rolePullDownSelects0[] = { -1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 9 }; int rolePullDownSelects3[] = { -1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 9 }; int rolePullDownSelects1[] = { -1, 1, 2, 4, 9 }; public AsyncCallback usercallback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { showErr(false); UserInfo u = (UserInfo) result; idTextBox.setText("" + u.getUserId()); firstNameTextBox.setText(u.getFirstName()); lastNameTextBox.setText(u.getLastName()); emailTextBox.setText(u.getEmailregular()); phoneTextBox.setText(u.getWorkPhone()); titleTextBox.setText(u.getTitle()); departmentTextBox.setText(u.getDepartmentName()); int itemselected = (int) Integer.parseInt(u.getAccessStatus()); // Either 0 or 1. accessListBox.setSelectedIndex(itemselected); loginTextBox.setText(u.getAuthId()); passwordTextBox.setText(u.getPassword()); idTextBox.setText(u.getUserId().toString()); //directoryidTextBox.setText(u.getDirectoryId()); // accessListBox.setItemSelected(itemselected, false); // xxxx int roleselected = -1; int sectype = Integer.parseInt(u.getSecurityType()); // Translate the security type. for (int i = 0; i < rolePullDownSelects.length; i++) { if (sectype == rolePullDownSelects[i]) { roleselected = i; break; } } roleListBox.setItemSelected(roleselected, true); if (u.isUserSelf()) { roleListBox.setEnabled(false); } else { roleListBox.setEnabled(true); } } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { //Window.alert("An error occured reading user:" + trunc(e.toString(),200)); //Window.alert("Host Base URL is: " + GWT.getHostPageBaseURL()); //Window.alert("Host is: " + getHostName()); //Window.alert(getLogoutUrlWithParm("3")); redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm("3")); } }; public native void redirect(String url) /*-{ $wnd.parent.location.replace(url); }-*/; public void onCellClicked(SourcesTableEvents sender, int row, int cell) { // highlight(null, row); } // public void onTableLoad(List<User> ulist) { // int row = 0; // // for (User u : ulist) { // // } // // } public class MyHeaderListener implements GridHeaderListener { public void onHeaderClick(GridPanel grid, int colIndex, EventObject e) { currentSort = sorts[colIndex]; int selectedItem = universityListBox.getSelectedIndex(); final int institutionId = new Integer(universityListBox.getValue(selectedItem)).intValue(); gridLoad(selectedItem, institutionId); } public void onHeaderContextMenu(GridPanel grid, int colIndex, EventObject e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void onHeaderDblClick(GridPanel grid, int colIndex, EventObject e) { this.onHeaderClick(grid, colIndex, e); } } MyHeaderListener headerlistener = new MyHeaderListener(); public class MyRowListener implements GridRowListener { public void onRowClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex, EventObject e) { showErr(false); Record record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); String[] fields = record.getFields(); String f = ""; for (String fi : fields) { f += " " + fi; } String id = record.getAsString("userID"); // Window.alert("Row: "+id); kcpService.getUser(id, usercallback); } public void onRowContextMenu(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex, EventObject e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void onRowDblClick(GridPanel grid, int rowIndex, EventObject e) { // Window.alert("Row click: " + rowIndex + " " // + e.getClass().getName()); } } public MyRowListener rowlistener = new MyRowListener(); // public void onCellClicked(final SourcesTableEvents sender, final int // row, final int cell) { // // highlight(roleGrid, row); // // } // }); // Grid Column size. int[] gcsize = { 200, 200, 160, 80, 50, 0 }; int curinst = 1; String[] heading = { "Name", "Email", "Phone", "Role", "Access", "" }; public ColumnConfig nameColumn = new ColumnConfig("Name", "name", gcsize[0], true); public ColumnConfig emailColumn = new ColumnConfig("Email", "emailregular", gcsize[1], true); public ColumnConfig phoneColumn = new ColumnConfig("Phone", "workPhone", gcsize[2], true); public ColumnConfig roleColumn = new ColumnConfig("Role", "securityType", gcsize[3], true); public ColumnConfig accessColumn = new ColumnConfig("Access", "accessStatus", gcsize[5], true); ColumnModel columnModel = new ColumnModel( new ColumnConfig[] { nameColumn, emailColumn, phoneColumn, roleColumn, accessColumn }); int pageSize = 999; final Store store = new Store(dataProxy, reader, true); public void onModuleLoad() { // // Grid // if (!showingscrollbar) { pageSize = 7; } kcpService = (KcpServiceAsync) GWT.create(KcpService.class); int startinstitutionId = curinst; kcpService.getUserArray(startinstitutionId, callbackUserload); // PagingMemoryProxy memproxy = new PagingMemoryProxy(userData); store.setDefaultSort("name", SortDir.ASC); reader.setRoot("persons"); // reader.setTotalProperty("totalPersons"); reader.setId("UserID"); RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get(); rootPanel.setStylePrimaryName("user-accounts-page"); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); rootPanel.add(vp); vp.add(new HTML("<h1>Manage User Accounts</h1>")); vp.add(new HTML( "<p class='StandardWidth'>Please use this page to manage user accounts and access roles.</p>")); vp.add(new HTML( "<p class='StandardWidth'>To modify an existing item, first highlight that row on the grid then use the entry-forms at the bottom to modify.</p>")); HTMLPanel buttonPanel = new HTMLPanel( "<div class='MyButtonsDivClass'><div class='floatLeft' id='leftButtons'></div><div class='floatRight' id='rightButtons'></div></div>"); // rootPanel.add(formPanel, 20, 581); // formPanel.setSize("639px", "39px"); // formPanel.setTitle(" "); roleGrid.setStore(store); // EXT roleGrid.addTableListener(new TableListener() { // EXT roleGrid.setCellPadding(0); // EXT initData(roleGrid); // EXT highlight(roleGrid, 1); // EXT ColumnFormatter cf = roleGrid.getColumnFormatter(); // EXT roleGrid.addTableListener(this); // EXT roleGrid.setCellSpacing(0); // roleGrid.addGridHeaderListener(headerlistener); roleGrid.addGridRowListener(rowlistener); roleGrid.setTitle("Accounts"); roleGrid.setCls(".myclass"); roleGrid.setColumnModel(columnModel); roleGrid.setTrackMouseOver(true); roleGrid.setLoadMask(true); roleGrid.setSelectionModel(new RowSelectionModel()); roleGrid.setStripeRows(true); roleGrid.setIconCls("grid-icon"); roleGrid.setEnableColumnResize(true); GridView view = new GridView(); view.setForceFit(true); roleGrid.setView(view); // if (showpagingbar) { PagingToolbar pagingToolbar = new PagingToolbar(store); pagingToolbar.setPageSize(pageSize); pagingToolbar.setDisplayMsg(""); pagingToolbar.setDisplayInfo(false); roleGrid.setBottomToolbar(pagingToolbar); } if (!showingscrollbar) { pageSize = 7; } final UrlParam[] urlParams = { // new UrlParam("start", 0), new UrlParam("limit", pageSize), new UrlParam("institution", curinst), new UrlParam("sort", "name"), new UrlParam("dir", "ASC") }; store.setBaseParams(urlParams); store.setRemoteSort(false); if (localpaging) { store.load(0, pageSize); } else { roleGrid.addListener(new PanelListenerAdapter() { public void onRender(Component component) { // store.load(urlParams,false); store.load(0, pageSize); } }); } vp.add(roleGrid); roleGrid.setSize("660px", "226px"); vp.add(universityListBox); universityListBox.addStyleName("insselector-row"); vp.add(trustAccessLabel); headingLabel.setStylePrimaryName("h1"); headingLabel.addStyleName("h1"); headingLabel.setWidth("212px"); buttonPanel.add(backButton, "leftButtons"); backButton.setWidth("41px"); backButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); backButton.setText("Back"); backButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); redirect("/continuity/admin/adminHome"); } }); buttonPanel.add(insertAccountButton, "rightButtons"); insertAccountButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); boolean ok = Window.confirm("Insert new user account: " + firstNameTextBox.getText() + " " + lastNameTextBox.getText() + ". are you sure?"); if (ok) { buttonPressed = "insert"; UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); saveUserFields(ui, true); validateUser(ui, errlist); if (errlist != null && errlist.getItemCount() > 0) { showErr(true); } else { kcpService.createUser(ui, callbackCreateUser); // StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); // kcpService.createUser(ui, error, callbackUpdate); // // if (error.length() > 0){ // setError("Specified login name already exists"); // showErr(true); // } } } } }); insertAccountButton.setText("Insert Account"); insertAccountButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); buttonPanel.add(updateAccountButton, "rightButtons"); updateAccountButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); boolean ok = Window.confirm("Update user account " + firstNameTextBox.getText() + " " + lastNameTextBox.getText() + ": are you sure?"); if (ok) { buttonPressed = "update"; UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); saveUserFields(ui); validateUser(ui, errlist); if (errlist != null && errlist.getItemCount() > 0) { showErr(true); } else { kcpService.updateUser(ui, callbackUpdateUser); } } } }); updateAccountButton.setText("Update Account"); updateAccountButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); // public void onClick(final Widget sender) { // // kcpService.getButtonAnswer(callback); // // } buttonPanel.add(deleteAccountButton, "rightButtons"); deleteAccountButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); boolean ok = Window.confirm("Delete user account " + firstNameTextBox.getText() + " " + lastNameTextBox.getText() + " " + idTextBox.getText() + ": are you sure?"); if (ok) { buttonPressed = "delete"; UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); saveUserFields(ui); kcpService.deleteUser(ui, callbackUpdateUser); } } }); deleteAccountButton.setText("Delete Account"); deleteAccountButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); FlexTable formTable = new FlexTable(); vp.add(formTable); vp.add(buttonPanel); formTable.setStylePrimaryName("user-accounts-form"); formTable.setWidget(0, 0, firstNameLabel); formTable.setWidget(0, 1, firstNameTextBox); /* NOT SURE what the ID Box is for, so disabling it idTextBox.setVisible(false); formTable.setWidget(0,2,idTextBox); idTextBox.setWidth("7px"); */ firstNameTextBox.setWidth("120px"); firstNameTextBox.setMaxLength(20); //formPanel1.add(starLabel1); formTable.setWidget(0, 2, new HTML("<span class='required'>*</span>Last Name")); formTable.setWidget(0, 3, lastNameTextBox); lastNameTextBox.setWidth("115px"); lastNameTextBox.setMaxLength(30); formTable.setWidget(0, 4, roleLabel); formTable.setWidget(0, 5, roleListBox); // xxxx // ROLE VALUE List 2 of 4 . Next go to DisplayUtil roleListBox.setStyleName("AccountRoleSelectClass"); roleListBox.setWidth("120px"); roleListBox.setVisibleItemCount(1); formTable.setWidget(1, 0, titleLabel); formTable.setWidget(1, 1, titleTextBox); titleTextBox.setWidth("552px"); titleTextBox.setMaxLength(100); formTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(1, 1, 5); formTable.setWidget(2, 0, departmentLabel); formTable.setWidget(2, 1, departmentTextBox); departmentTextBox.setWidth("552px"); departmentTextBox.setMaxLength(100); formTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(2, 1, 5); formTable.setWidget(3, 0, emailLabel); HTMLPanel hpanel = new HTMLPanel( "<div class='gwt-HTML'><span id='emailTextBox'></span> Phone <span id='phoneTextBox'></span> Access <span id='accessListBox'></span></div>"); hpanel.add(emailTextBox, "emailTextBox"); emailTextBox.setWidth("252px"); //emailTextBox.setMaxLength(50); //hpanel.add(phoneLabel,"items"); hpanel.add(phoneTextBox, "phoneTextBox"); //hpanel.add(accessLabel,"items"); hpanel.add(accessListBox, "accessListBox"); formTable.setWidget(3, 1, hpanel); formTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(3, 1, 5); //formTable.setWidget(3,3,phoneTextBox); phoneTextBox.setWidth("115px"); phoneTextBox.setMaxLength(20); //formTable.setWidget(3,4,accessLabel); //formTable.setWidget(3,5,accessListBox); accessListBox.addItem("OFF", "0"); accessListBox.addItem("ON", "1"); accessListBox.setSize("63px", "22px"); accessListBox.setVisibleItemCount(1); accessListBox.setSelectedIndex(1); // loginLabel.setWidth("72px"); formTable.setWidget(4, 0, loginLabel); // rootPanel.add(starLabel4, 420, 545); // rootPanel.add(passwordLabel, 430, 548); // passwordLabel.setWidth("71px"); // rootPanel.add(directoryIdLabel,475,25); // directoryIdLabel.setWidth("71px"); // rootPanel.add(directoryIdTextBox,475,107); // directoryIdTextBox.setWidth("552px"); formTable.setWidget(4, 1, loginTextBox); loginTextBox.setWidth("252px"); // Was 552 loginTextBox.setMaxLength(256); formTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(4, 1, 3); formTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(4, 2, 3); // formTable.setWidget(4, 3, passwordLabel); // formTable.setWidget(4,4,passwordTextBox); passwordTextBox.setWidth("135px"); passwordTextBox.setMaxLength(50); // HorizontalPanel hpanel2 = new HorizontalPanel(); passwordPanel.setStylePrimaryName("gwt-HTML"); passwordPanel.add(passwordTextBox, "passwordTextBox"); // hpanel2.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); formTable.setWidget(4, 2, passwordPanel); //formTable.setWidget(5,0,directoryidLabel); //formTable.setWidget(5,1,directoryidTextBox); //directoryidTextBox.setWidth("552px"); //directoryidTextBox.setMaxLength(12); formTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(5, 1, 5); universityListBox.setWidth("300px"); universityListBox.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); int selectedItem = universityListBox.getSelectedIndex(); final int institutionId = new Integer(universityListBox.getValue(selectedItem)).intValue(); curinst = institutionId; currentSort = sorts[1]; gridLoad(selectedItem, institutionId); } }); universityListBox.setWidth("300px"); universityListBox.setVisibleItemCount(1); // rootPanel.add(firstSearchLabel, 280, 350); // rootPanel.add(firstSearchTextBox, 350, 345); // firstSearchTextBox.setWidth("90px"); // rootPanel.add(lastSearchLabel, 450, 350); // lastSearchTextBox.setWidth("80px"); // rootPanel.add(lastSearchTextBox, 520, 345); // rootPanel.add(searchButton, 605, 350); // searchButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(final Widget sender) { // showErr(false); // Window.confirm("Search for: " + firstSearchTextBox.getText() // + " " + lastSearchTextBox.getText() + "?"); // setError("Search not allowed."); // setError("Wait until next version."); // } // }); //rootPanel.add(trustAccessLabel, 25, 375); // rootPanel.add(passwordTextBox, 500, 545); // passwordTextBox.setWidth("96px"); // passwordTextBox.setMaxLength(12); formImage.setSize("52px", "70px"); //rootPanel.add(formImage, 20, 393); formImage.setStylePrimaryName("gwt-Image1"); formImage.setSize("649px", "217px"); formImage.setVisibleRect(20, 393, 649, 217); kcpService.getInstitutions(callbackUload); // set token String token = Cookies.getCookie(CSRF_TOKEN); csrfToken.setValue(token); vp.add(csrfToken); CSS.swapStyleSheet("theme", "js/ext/resources/css/xtheme-gray.css"); rootPanelLoadErrorSetup(rootPanel, 20, 602); onModuleSetup(); } // END of onModuleLoad // ****************************************************** void gridRefresh() { int selectedItem = universityListBox.getSelectedIndex(); final int institutionId = new Integer(universityListBox.getValue(selectedItem)).intValue(); gridLoad(selectedItem, institutionId); } void gridLoad(int selectedItem, int institutionId) { gridLoad(selectedItem, institutionId, currentSort); } void gridLoad(int selectedItem, int institutionId, String sort) { final UrlParam[] urlParams = { new UrlParam("start", institutionId), new UrlParam("limit", pageSize), new UrlParam("institution", institutionId), new UrlParam("sort", sort), new UrlParam("dir", "ASC") }; store.setDefaultSort("name", SortDir.ASC); // store.setBaseParams(urlParams); store.load(urlParams); // Window.alert("calling trustForm "+institutionId+" "+selectedItem); trustForm(isTrustList[selectedItem]); // End new code. } void trustForm(boolean isTrust) { // firstSearchLabel.setVisible(isTrust); // lastSearchLabel.setVisible(isTrust); // firstSearchTextBox.setVisible(isTrust); // lastSearchTextBox.setVisible(isTrust); // searchButton.setVisible(isTrust); trustAccessLabel.setVisible(isTrust); loginLabel.setVisible(!isTrust); loginTextBox.setVisible(!isTrust); passwordPanel.setVisible(!isTrust); passwordTextBox.setVisible(!isTrust); //directoryidLabel.setVisible(isTrust); //directoryidTextBox.setVisible(isTrust); enableForm(!isTrust); // Input fields are disabled for Trust Form. // modify role list int roleCount = roleListBox.getItemCount(); int testIndex = roleCount - 2; String roleValue = roleListBox.getValue(testIndex); if (isTrust && roleValue.trim().equals("4")) { roleListBox.removeItem(testIndex); int[] rTestList = new int[roleCount - 1]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < this.rolePullDownSelects.length; i++) { if (this.rolePullDownSelects[i] != 4) { rTestList[j] = this.rolePullDownSelects[i]; j++; } } this.rolePullDownSelects = rTestList; } else if (!isTrust && !roleValue.trim().equals("4")) { roleListBox.insertItem("Moderator", "4", testIndex + 1); int[] rTestList = new int[roleCount + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < (this.rolePullDownSelects.length - 1); i++) { rTestList[i] = this.rolePullDownSelects[i]; } rTestList[roleCount - 1] = 4; rTestList[roleCount] = this.rolePullDownSelects[roleCount - 1]; this.rolePullDownSelects = rTestList; } } void enableElement(TextBox t, boolean enabled) { t.setEnabled(enabled); t.setReadOnly(!enabled); String primarycolor = "gandalfwhite"; if (!enabled) { primarycolor = "gandalfgrey"; } t.setStylePrimaryName(primarycolor); t.setStyleName(primarycolor); } void enableForm(boolean enabled) { enableElement(firstNameTextBox, enabled); enableElement(lastNameTextBox, enabled); enableElement(titleTextBox, enabled); enableElement(departmentTextBox, enabled); enableElement(emailTextBox, enabled); enableElement(phoneTextBox, enabled); enableElement(loginTextBox, enabled); enableElement(passwordTextBox, enabled); //enableElement(directoryidTextBox, enabled); } boolean isEmpty(String s) { boolean ret = false; if (s == null) { ret = true; } else { if (s.trim().length() == 0) { ret = true; } } return ret; } void addif(ListBox list, boolean condition, String msg) { if (condition) { list.addItem(msg); } } void checkfield(ListBox l, TextBox t, String fn) { addif(l, isEmpty(t.getText()) && t.isEnabled(), fn + " can not be empty."); } void validateUser(UserInfo ui, ListBox ret) { addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getLastName()), "Last name can not be empty."); addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getLastName()), "First name can not be empty."); addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getAuthId()) && loginTextBox.isVisible(), "Login Name must be specified."); addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getPassword()) && loginTextBox.isVisible() && buttonPressed.equals("insert"), "Password must be specified."); addif(ret, !isEmpty(ui.getPassword()) && loginTextBox.isVisible() && ui.getPassword().length() < 8, "Password must be at least 8 characters."); addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getEmailregular()) && loginTextBox.isVisible(), "EMail Address must be specified."); //addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getDirectoryId()) && directoryidTextBox.isVisible(), "Directory ID must be specified."); addif(ret, isEmpty(ui.getSecurityType()) || ui.getSecurityType().equals("-1"), "Account role required."); } String noNulls(String strin) { String ret = ""; if (strin != null) { ret = strin; } return ret; } void saveUserFields(UserInfo ui) { saveUserFields(ui, false); } void saveUserFields(UserInfo ui, boolean adding) { int index = universityListBox.getSelectedIndex(); ui.setInstitutionId(new Integer(universityListBox.getValue(index))); ui.setLastName(lastNameTextBox.getText()); ui.setFirstName(firstNameTextBox.getText()); if (!adding) { ui.setUserId(Integer.parseInt(idTextBox.getText())); } else { // ui.setUserId(null); Shouldn't be necessary. } ui.setTitle(titleTextBox.getText()); ui.setEmailregular(emailTextBox.getText()); ui.setDepartmentName(departmentTextBox.getText()); //ui.setDirectoryId(noNulls(directoryidTextBox.getText())); ui.setWorkPhone(noNulls(phoneTextBox.getText())); ui.setAuthId(loginTextBox.getText()); ui.setPassword(passwordTextBox.getText()); ui.setSecurityType(roleListBox.getValue(roleListBox.getSelectedIndex())); int accessindex = this.accessListBox.getSelectedIndex(); ui.setAccessStatus(accessListBox.getValue(accessindex)); // if (buttonPressed.equals("insert")) { -- Always. ui.setCsrfToken(csrfToken.getValue()); // } } public void clearUserFields() { idTextBox.setText(""); lastNameTextBox.setText(""); firstNameTextBox.setText(""); titleTextBox.setText(""); emailTextBox.setText(""); departmentTextBox.setText(""); //directoryidTextBox.setText(""); phoneTextBox.setText(""); loginTextBox.setText(""); roleListBox.setSelectedIndex(0); accessListBox.setSelectedIndex(1); // KCP-98 default is on. passwordTextBox.setText(""); } // Not in use? public void addToUserList(UserInfo ui) { } public AsyncCallback callbackUpdate = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { roleGrid.clear(); // loadGrid(roleGrid, (String[][]) result); userData = (Object[][]) result; clearUserFields(); int selectedInstItem = universityListBox.getSelectedIndex(); // Window.alert("Selected Institution: "+selectedInstItem+" "+universityListBox.getValue(selectedInstItem)); gridRefresh(); // Window.alert("I got here: "); // Window.alert("The button was pressed:" + gotit); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String emsg = "Error occured while performing " + buttonPressed + ": " + trunc(e.toString(), 120); setError(emsg); } }; public AsyncCallback callbackUpdateUser = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { String delmsg = (String) result; // Following Plans have links to the record selected for deletion: | 12;13;1024 if (delmsg.length() > 0) { setError(delmsg); showErr(true); } clearUserFields(); roleGrid.clear(); gridRefresh(); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String emsg = "Error occured while performing " + buttonPressed + ": " + trunc(e.toString(), 120); setError(emsg); } }; public AsyncCallback callbackCreateUser = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { String delmsg = (String) result; // Following Plans have links to the record selected for deletion: | 12;13;1024 if (delmsg.length() > 0) { setError(delmsg); showErr(true); } clearUserFields(); roleGrid.clear(); gridRefresh(); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String emsg = "Error occured while performing " + buttonPressed + ": " + trunc(e.toString(), 120); setError(emsg); } }; public String trunc(String in, int len) { if (in.length() > len) { return in.substring(0, len); } return in; } public AsyncCallback callbackUserload = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { roleGrid.clear(); // loadGrid(roleGrid, (String[][]) result); userData = (Object[][]) result; // Window.alert("I got here: "); // Window.alert("The button was pressed:" + gotit); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { //Window.alert("An error occured:" +trunc(e.toString(),200)); redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm("3")); } }; public AsyncCallback callbackUload = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { universityListBox.clear(); loadListBox(universityListBox, (String[][]) result, true); // Window.alert("I got here: "); // Window.alert("The button was pressed:" + gotit); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { //Window.alert("Error occured reading institution list:" + trunc(e.toString(),200)); redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm("3")); } }; public boolean isTrustList[] = null; public void loadListBox(ListBox lb, String[][] list, boolean emptyrow) { int nitems = list.length; int selectedIdx = 0; // if (emptyrow) { // lb.addItem("", "0"); // } isTrustList = new boolean[nitems]; int adminUserRole = 0; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { String[] nvp = (String[]) list[i]; lb.addItem(nvp[0], nvp[1]); // 8,14,16,20 // Set initially selected Institution int iid = Integer.parseInt(nvp[1]); // if (iid == curinst) { // lb.setItemSelected(i, true); // } // Refactored to get initial item from SAML if (nvp[2].trim().length() > 0) { lb.setItemSelected(i, true); // Selects current institution selectedIdx = i; curinst = iid; adminUserRole = Integer.parseInt(nvp[2]); roleListBox.addItem("--Select Role--", "-1"); if (adminUserRole == 0) { rolePullDownSelects = rolePullDownSelects0; roleListBox.addItem("System Admin", "0"); roleListBox.addItem("Institution Admin", "3"); roleListBox.addItem("Local Admin", "1"); } else if (adminUserRole == 3) { rolePullDownSelects = rolePullDownSelects3; roleListBox.addItem("Institution Admin", "3"); roleListBox.addItem("Local Admin", "1"); } else if (adminUserRole == 1) { rolePullDownSelects = rolePullDownSelects1; roleListBox.addItem("Local Admin", "1"); } roleListBox.addItem("Universal Viewer", "2"); roleListBox.addItem("Moderator", "4"); roleListBox.addItem("Local User", "9"); } // if (iid == 23 || iid == 27 || iid == 28 || iid == 29) { // test // // code // // (replace // // with // // npv[3] // isTrustList[i] = false; // } else { // isTrustList[i] = true; // } isTrustList[i] = nvp[3].equals("Y"); } if (isTrustList.length == 1) { trustForm(isTrustList[0]); } else { trustForm(isTrustList[selectedIdx]); } } // lb.setItemSelected(curinst, true); } public class TextBoxItem extends TextBox { int row = 0; int cell = 0; public void setRow(int rowin) { row = rowin; } TableListener container = null;; public void setContainer(TableListener contin) { container = contin; } public int getRow() { return row; } TextBoxItem() { super(); this.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); container.onCellClicked(null, row, cell); } }); } } }