Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2011 Kuali Foundation, Inc. Licensed under the // Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // package org.kuali.continuity.admin.main.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Setting extends ListControl implements EntryPoint { final HTML switchAccessOnoffHTML = new HTML("<h3> Switch Access On/Off:</h3>"); final Label locationLabel = new Label("Location"); final Label locationTextLabel = new Label(); final TextBox locationTextBox = new TextBox(); Hidden csrfToken = new Hidden(); // final Label sublocationLabel = new Label("Sublocation"); // final TextBox sublocationTextBox = new TextBox(); final Label accessLabel = new Label("Access"); final ListBox accessListBox = new ListBox(); final HTML screenOptionsHTML = new HTML("<H3 style='margin-bottom:8px;'> Select Optional Screens: </H3>"); final CheckBox showTeamsCheckBox = new CheckBox(); final CheckBox showSkillsCheckBox = new CheckBox(); final CheckBox showStaffingBox = new CheckBox(); final CheckBox showExamplesOfCheckBox = new CheckBox(); final CheckBox replaceStep4 = new CheckBox(); final Button backButton = new Button(); final Button saveSettingsButton = new Button(); public SimpleServiceAsync itemService = null; int domaincount = 0; ArrayList domainList = new ArrayList(); HashMap domainMap = new HashMap(); HashMap<String, String> systemAccessIndex = new HashMap(); VerticalPanel tableRoot; // Radio buttons final RadioButton radioFull = new RadioButton("new-group"); final RadioButton radioPartial = new RadioButton("new-group"); final TextBox domainTextBox = new TextBox(); final TextBox systemNameTextBox = new TextBox(); final VerticalPanel modPanel = new VerticalPanel(); final CheckBox testModeCheckBox = new CheckBox(); final VerticalPanel testModePanel = new VerticalPanel(); final TextBox emailTextBox = new TextBox(); final HorizontalPanel emailPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); final HTML invalidEmailHTML = new HTML( "<span class=\"MessageDIVClass\">Return email address is invalid!</span>"); final CheckBox showCriticalLevelCheckBox = new CheckBox(); final VerticalPanel otherPanel = new VerticalPanel(); public void onModuleLoad() { RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get("gwtRoot"); rootPanel.setWidth("760px"); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.add(new HTML("<h1>Setup System Parameters</h1>")); switchAccessOnoffHTML.setWidth("282px"); vp.add(switchAccessOnoffHTML); HorizontalPanel switchAccessPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); switchAccessPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM); switchAccessPanel.setWidth("700px"); switchAccessPanel.add(locationLabel); locationTextLabel.setWidth("151px"); locationTextLabel.setText(""); locationTextLabel.addStyleName("settings-read-only"); locationTextBox.setText(""); locationTextBox.setReadOnly(true); locationTextBox.setStyleName("SettingsLocationTextBox"); locationTextBox.setWidth("300px"); // locationTextBox.addStyleName("SettingsLocationTextBox"); // locationTextBox.setStylePrimaryName("SettingsLocationTextBox"); // switchAccessPanel.add(locationTextLabel); switchAccessPanel.add(locationTextBox); switchAccessPanel.add(accessLabel); switchAccessPanel.add(accessListBox); switchAccessPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(locationLabel, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); switchAccessPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(accessLabel, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); switchAccessPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(locationTextBox, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); switchAccessPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(accessListBox, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); vp.add(switchAccessPanel); final Label usingThisControlLabel = new HTML( "<p class='StandardWidth'>Using this control, an Institution Administrator or Local Administrator can specify who may access this planning tool, at any location under his/her control. One use of this is to \"turn off\" access to end-users (\"Local Users\") while customization is being done to the application</p>"); vp.add(usingThisControlLabel); // --- test mode vp.add(testModePanel); testModePanel.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); testModePanel.add(new HTML("<h3>Testing mode:</h3>")); testModePanel.add(testModeCheckBox); testModeCheckBox.setHTML( "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\"> Check here to place the system in Testing Mode. Testing Mode temporarily disables the automated email messages that are generated when you add a person's name onto the Add/Remove User screen, or when you approve/deny a password request on the Moderator's Approval screen. Do this when testing, troubleshooting, setting up plans, etc. to avoid sending unwanted emails. Uncheck to turn back on.</span>"); FlexTable testModeTable = new FlexTable(); testModeTable.setWidth("700px"); testModeTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(0, 0, 2); testModeTable.setHTML(0, 0, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\"> </span>"); testModeTable.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(1, 0, 2); testModeTable.setHTML(1, 0, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">Please note:</span>"); testModeTable.setHTML(2, 0, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">(1) </span>"); testModeTable.setHTML(2, 1, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">Testing Mode disables only the emails that would be generated by YOU. Testing Mode has no impact on other users: they will continue to experience normal system behavior.</span>"); testModeTable.setHTML(3, 0, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">(2) </span>"); testModeTable.setHTML(3, 1, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">Testing Mode disables only those emails generated by the Add/Remove User screen and by the Moderator's Approval screen. Emails generated by the login screens (to create a new account, or replace a forgotten password) will continue to be generated as normal.</span>"); testModeTable.setHTML(4, 0, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">(3) </span>"); testModeTable.setHTML(4, 1, "<span class=\"gwt-HTML-location\">Emails are never generated by the Manage User Accounts screen, so that screen is not of concern.</span>"); testModePanel.add(testModeTable); // -- email VerticalPanel emailVPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vp.add(emailVPanel); emailVPanel.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); emailVPanel.add(new HTML("<h3>Return Address for System-Generated Emails:</h3>")); emailVPanel.add(new HTML( "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">Under certain circumstances, this tool will generate & send emails to users (details are given in the Administrator's Manual).</p>" + "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">Please choose here the <span style='font-weight:bold;'>return address</span> that will be displayed on these emails.</p>" + "<ul class=\"bulletlist\">" + "<li>You might use the email address of one of your Local Administrators</li>" + "<li>You might use the address of a departmental email account, if you have one; or</li>" + "<li>You might create a special email account for this purpose.</li>" + "</ul><p>" + "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">Keep in mind that recipients are often reluctant to open emails that have odd-looking return addresses.</p>" + "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">You may change this return address at any time in future by simply entering a new address here.</p>")); emailVPanel.add(emailPanel); emailPanel.setWidth("700px"); HTML emailLabel = new HTML( "<span style='font-weight:bold;'>Return address for system-generated emails:</span>"); emailTextBox.setStyleName("SettingDomainTextBox"); emailTextBox.setWidth("300px"); emailPanel.add(emailLabel); emailPanel.add(emailTextBox); // -- screen options vp.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); vp.add(screenOptionsHTML); vp.add(showTeamsCheckBox); showTeamsCheckBox.setText("Show Teams"); showTeamsCheckBox.addStyleName("optional-screen-list"); vp.add(showSkillsCheckBox); showSkillsCheckBox.setText("Show Skills"); showSkillsCheckBox.addStyleName("optional-screen-list"); vp.add(showStaffingBox); showStaffingBox.setText("Show Staffing Requirements"); showStaffingBox.addStyleName("optional-screen-list"); vp.add(showExamplesOfCheckBox); showExamplesOfCheckBox.setWidth("240px"); showExamplesOfCheckBox.setText("Show Examples of Critical Functions"); showExamplesOfCheckBox.addStyleName("optional-screen-list"); vp.add(replaceStep4); replaceStep4.setSize("455px", "22px"); replaceStep4.setText("Replace Step 4: Instruction with Step 4: Faculty Preparedness"); replaceStep4.addStyleName("optional-screen-list"); final HTML theseSettingsControlLabel = new HTML( "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">These settings control the display or non-display of certain screens. When checked, the screen in question will appear for ALL users at a location. When un-checked, the screen will be hidden from ALL users at that location.</p>" + "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">These settings apply to one location (campus) only. In a multi-campus institution, the settings would have to be done separately for each campus - they cannot be done for the whole institution.</p>" + "<p class=\"StandardWidth\">These settings do not affect the data in the database. Hence when you switch a screen off, any data displayed on that screen remains in the database and will re-appear if you switch the screen on again at some future time.</p>"); vp.add(theseSettingsControlLabel); theseSettingsControlLabel.setSize("709px", "107px"); // --- select other optional features vp.add(otherPanel); otherPanel.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); otherPanel.add(new HTML("<h3>Select Other Optional Features:</h3>")); otherPanel.add(showCriticalLevelCheckBox); showCriticalLevelCheckBox.setHTML( " <span style='font-weight:bold;'>Detail Screens:</span> In Step 2 Critical Functions, display the detail screens for ALL functions, " + "regardless of criticality level. If unchecked, the detail screens will be displayed for functions whose criticality level is one of " + "the top three levels, but will NOT be displayed for functions assigned the fourth (lowest) level of criticality."); // --- select the rule for issuing passwords vp.add(modPanel); modPanel.setVisible(false); modPanel.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); modPanel.add(new HTML("<h3>Select the Rule for Issuing Passwords:</h3>")); modPanel.add(new HTML( "<p class='StandardWidth'>This selection applies only when the location (campus) is configured for Direct Login (i.e., when Ariah Continuity issues passwords to users via email). </p>")); modPanel.add(radioFull); radioFull.setText( "Full Moderation (every password request is submitted to the Moderator for approval before a password is issued)"); radioFull.addStyleName("password-rules-list"); radioFull.setChecked(true); modPanel.add(radioPartial); radioPartial.setText( "Partial Moderation (issue passwords to users from the following email domains, submit other requests to Moderator):"); radioPartial.addStyleName("password-rules-list"); // set token String token = Cookies.getCookie(CSRF_TOKEN); csrfToken.setValue(token); vp.add(csrfToken); rootPanel.add(vp); // rootPanel.setStyleName("delText"); // Buttons backButton.setStyleName("BackButtonClass"); saveSettingsButton.setStyleName("SaveButtonClass"); // SimplePanel rootPanel = new SimplePanel(); itemService = (SimpleServiceAsync) GWT.create(SimpleService.class); backButton.setStyleName("BackButtonClass"); backButton.setText("Back"); backButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); redirect("/continuity/admin/adminHome"); } }); saveSettingsButton.setStyleName("SaveButtonClass"); saveSettingsButton.setText("Save Settings"); saveSettingsButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); invalidEmailHTML.setVisible(false); String retEmailAddr = emailTextBox.getText(); if (retEmailAddr != null && retEmailAddr.trim().length() != 0 && !retEmailAddr.matches("^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$")) { invalidEmailHTML.setVisible(true); return; } domainList = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = tableRoot.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { HorizontalPanel hp = (HorizontalPanel); Label dl = (Label) hp.getWidget(0); // Window.alert("Adding "+(String) dl.getText() ); domainList.add((String) dl.getText()); } boolean ok = true; // if (domainList.size() > 0 && radioFull.isChecked()) { // // radioPartial.setChecked(false); // radioFull.setChecked(true); // ok = true; // } if (domainList.size() == 0 && radioPartial.isChecked()) { ok = false; boolean uncheck = Window.confirm( "You have selected partial moderation with no email domains. Do you wish to use full moderation instead?"); if (!uncheck) { Window.alert( "Please enter email domains for partial moderation, or select full moderation."); } else { radioPartial.setChecked(false); radioFull.setChecked(true); ok = true; } } if (ok) ok = Window.confirm("Update System Parameters: " + "are you sure?"); if (ok) { SettingItem item = new SettingItem(); item.setAccess(new Integer(accessListBox.getValue(accessListBox.getSelectedIndex()))); Boolean[] opts = { false, false, false, false, false, false }; opts[SettingItem.optionType.Teams.ordinal()] = showTeamsCheckBox.isChecked(); opts[SettingItem.optionType.Skills.ordinal()] = showSkillsCheckBox.isChecked(); opts[SettingItem.optionType.Staffing.ordinal()] = showStaffingBox.isChecked(); opts[SettingItem.optionType.Functions.ordinal()] = showExamplesOfCheckBox.isChecked(); opts[SettingItem.optionType.Replace.ordinal()] = !replaceStep4.isChecked(); opts[SettingItem.optionType.CriticalityLevel.ordinal()] = showCriticalLevelCheckBox.isChecked(); item.setOptions(opts); // ArrayList<String> domainList = new ArrayList(); // admin email disabled item.setInTestMode(testModeCheckBox.isChecked()); if (radioFull.isChecked()) { item.setFullModeration("1"); } else if (radioPartial.isChecked()) { item.setFullModeration("2"); } item.setSystemName(systemNameTextBox.getText()); item.setEmail(emailTextBox.getText()); item.setCsrfToken(csrfToken.getValue()); String str[] = new String[domainList.size()]; domainList.toArray(str); item.setDomainList(str); String[] str2 = item.getDomainList(); // String slist=""; // for (String s: str) { // slist+=s+" "; // } // Window.alert("Saving: "+slist); itemService.updateItem("setting", item, updateItemCallback); } } }); final HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonPanel.add(backButton); buttonPanel.add(saveSettingsButton); final HorizontalPanel domainPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); modPanel.add(domainPanel); // vp.add(domainPanel); final Label allowThisDomainLabel = new Label("Allow this domain (e.g.,"); domainPanel.add(allowThisDomainLabel); allowThisDomainLabel.setWidth("284px"); allowThisDomainLabel.addStyleName("SettingAllowThisDomainLabel"); domainPanel.add(domainTextBox); domainTextBox.setSize("255px", "20px"); domainTextBox.setStyleName("SettingDomainTextBox"); final Button addButton = new Button(); domainPanel.add(addButton); addButton.setSize("103px", "22px"); addButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { // Label listItem = new Label(); // listItem.setText(domainTextBox.getText()); // domainList.add(listItem); addDomain(); } }); addButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); addButton.setText("Add to List"); // Setup test code: delete final Label domain1 = new Label("l1"); // rootPanel.add(domain1, 345, 460); domain1.setSize("255px", "15px"); final Label del1 = new Label("delete"); // rootPanel.add(del1, 620, 460); //del1.setStylePrimaryName("gwt-Labeld"); del1.setStyleName("SettingDomainDeleteLink"); del1.setSize("47px", "15px"); formLoad(); tableRoot = new VerticalPanel(); tableRoot.addStyleName("domain_list"); //tableRoot.addStyleName("partial-moderation-margin"); HTML allowedDomainLab = new HTML("<p><strong>Allowed Domains:</strong></p>"); allowedDomainLab.addStyleName("SettingAllowDomainLabel"); modPanel.add(allowedDomainLab); modPanel.add(tableRoot); tableRoot.setWidth("300px"); vp.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); vp.add(new HTML("<h3>Create a Name for this Planning Tool:</h3>")); vp.add(new HTML( "<p class='StandardWidth'>Please enter here a name for your local version of the Ariah Continuity tool. This name will appear in the system-generated emails that notify users about new accounts, passwords, etc. Some possible examples: Indiana Ready, UBC Ready, Penn State Continuity Planner. For consistency, please use the same name as will appear in your custom graphics at the top of every page.</p>")); systemNameTextBox.setSize("644px", "20px"); systemNameTextBox.setMaxLength(1000); systemNameTextBox.setStyleName("SettingDomainTextBox"); vp.add(systemNameTextBox); vp.add(new HTML("<hr style='margin-top:10px;'/>")); invalidEmailHTML.setVisible(false); vp.add(invalidEmailHTML); vp.add(buttonPanel); }; int domainPanelXBase = 80; int domainPanelYBase = 500; int domainPanelYadd = 25; boolean validDomain(String domainString) { boolean ret = true; if (domainString.length() == 0) { ret = false; } else if (domainString.indexOf(".") <= 0) { ret = false; } else { String pstring = "[a-zA-Z_0-9|\\.]*"; ret = domainString.matches(pstring); } return ret; } public void addDomain() { // Window.alert(""+domIdx); String newString = domainTextBox.getText(); if (validDomain(newString)) { addDomain(newString); } else { Window.alert("The Domain is not valid, should be similar to,"); } } public void addDomain(String newString) { boolean oktogo = true; if (null != domainMap.get(newString)) { oktogo = false; Window.alert("Item " + newString + " already entered."); } if (oktogo) { //radioPartial.setChecked(true); int domIdx = domainList.size(); Label domainItem = new Label(newString); domainItem.setStylePrimaryName("SettingDomainItemLabel"); HorizontalPanel newItem = new HorizontalPanel(); // newItem.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); domainItem.setWidth("50px"); newItem.add(domainItem); newItem.setHeight("" + domainPanelYadd + "px"); IndexedLabel delbutton = new IndexedLabel(); delbutton.setText("delete"); delbutton.setStylePrimaryName("delete_domain_button"); delbutton.index = domIdx; delbutton.thatItem = newItem; delbutton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { int xloc = ((IndexedLabel) sender).index; // Window.alert("Delete pressed at: "+xloc); String dk = ((IndexedLabel) sender).itemName; domainMap.remove(dk); tableRoot.remove(((IndexedLabel) sender).thatItem); domainList.remove(xloc); reCountList(); } }); delbutton.setSize("47px", "15px"); newItem.add(delbutton); domainMap.put(newString, "x"); domainList.add(newItem); tableRoot.add(newItem); domainTextBox.setText(""); if (!radioPartial.isChecked()) { radioFull.setChecked(false); radioPartial.setChecked(true); } } } class IndexedLabel extends Label { public int index = 0; public String itemName = null; public HorizontalPanel thatItem = null; } public void reCountList() { for (int i = 0; i < domainList.size(); i++) { HorizontalPanel h = (HorizontalPanel) domainList.get(i); Widget w = null; for (Iterator j = h.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { w = (Widget); } IndexedLabel il = (IndexedLabel) w; if (w != null) { il.index = i; } } } public void displayItem(int i) { int domIdx = i; HorizontalPanel newItem = new HorizontalPanel(); Label domainItem = new Label(domainList.get(i).toString()); domainItem.addStyleName("SettingDomainItemLabel"); domainItem.setWidth("50px"); newItem.add(domainItem); newItem.setHeight("" + domainPanelYadd + "px"); IndexedLabel delbutton = new IndexedLabel(); delbutton.setText("delete"); delbutton.index = domIdx; delbutton.thatItem = newItem; delbutton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { int xloc = ((IndexedLabel) sender).index; // Window.alert("Delete pressed at: "+xloc); tableRoot.remove(((IndexedLabel) sender).thatItem); domainList.remove(xloc); reCountList(); } }); delbutton.setStylePrimaryName("gwt-Labeld"); delbutton.setSize("47px", "15px"); newItem.add(delbutton); domainList.add(newItem); tableRoot.add(newItem); } public void formLoad() { itemService.getItem("setting", 0, selectItemCallback); } public AsyncCallback updateItemCallback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { flashDone(); redirect("/continuity/admin/setting"); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; public AsyncCallback selectItemCallback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { SettingItem si = (SettingItem) result; if (!si.isShibMode()) { modPanel.setVisible(true); } // locationTextLabel.setText(si.getLocation()); locationTextBox.setText(si.getLocation()); // sublocationTextBox.setText(si.getSublocation()); // Populating the Access List Drop Down switch (Integer.parseInt(si.getLoggedUserAccessLevel())) { case 0: // System Admin accessListBox.addItem("System Admins Only", "0"); case 3: // Institutional Admin accessListBox.addItem("System and Institutional Admins Only", "3"); case 1:// Local Admin accessListBox.addItem("Admins Only", "1"); default: accessListBox.addItem("All Users", "2"); } // Populating the Access List Map switch (Integer.parseInt(si.getLoggedUserAccessLevel())) { case 0: // System Admin systemAccessIndex = new HashMap<String, String>(); systemAccessIndex.put("0", "0"); // For System Admins systemAccessIndex.put("3", "1"); // For System and Insitutional // Admins systemAccessIndex.put("1", "2"); // For Admins systemAccessIndex.put("2", "3"); // For All Users break; case 3: // Institutional Admin systemAccessIndex = new HashMap<String, String>(); systemAccessIndex.put("3", "0"); // For System and Insitutional // Admins systemAccessIndex.put("1", "1"); // For Admins systemAccessIndex.put("2", "2"); // For All Users break; case 1:// Local Admin systemAccessIndex = new HashMap<String, String>(); systemAccessIndex.put("1", "0"); // For Admins systemAccessIndex.put("2", "1"); // For All Users break; default: } // Window.alert(si.getLoggedUserAccessLevel()); accessListBox.setVisibleItemCount(1); accessListBox.setItemSelected( Integer.parseInt(((String) systemAccessIndex.get(si.getAccess().toString()))), true); // accessListBox.get Boolean[] opts = si.getOptions(); showTeamsCheckBox.setChecked(opts[SettingItem.optionType.Teams.ordinal()]); showSkillsCheckBox.setChecked(opts[SettingItem.optionType.Skills.ordinal()]); showStaffingBox.setChecked(opts[SettingItem.optionType.Staffing.ordinal()]); showExamplesOfCheckBox.setChecked(opts[SettingItem.optionType.Functions.ordinal()]); replaceStep4.setChecked(!opts[SettingItem.optionType.Replace.ordinal()]); showCriticalLevelCheckBox.setChecked(opts[SettingItem.optionType.CriticalityLevel.ordinal()]); // admin email disabled testModeCheckBox.setChecked(si.isInTestMode()); // Add in email Domain list for (String s : si.getDomainList()) { addDomain(s); } if (si.getFullModeration().equals("2")) { radioFull.setChecked(false); radioPartial.setChecked(true); } else { radioFull.setChecked(true); radioPartial.setChecked(false); } systemNameTextBox.setText(si.getSystemName()); emailTextBox.setText(si.getEmail()); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; }