Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2011 Kuali Foundation, Inc. Licensed under the // Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // package org.kuali.continuity.admin.main.client; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CriticalFunction extends ListControl implements EntryPoint { final HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); final ListBoxDC availablePlanListBox = new ListBoxDC(); final VerticalPanel midPanel = new VerticalPanel(); final Image addButton = new Image("Add.gif"); final Image removeButton = new Image("Remove.gif"); final ListBoxDC examplePlanListBox = new ListBoxDC(); final HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel_1 = new HorizontalPanel(); final ListBox criticalFunctionsListBox = new ListBox(); final DockPanel dockPanel = new DockPanel(); final DockPanel buttonBar = new DockPanel(); final HorizontalPanel left = new HorizontalPanel(); final HorizontalPanel right = new HorizontalPanel(); final Label criticalFunctionLabel = new Label(" "); final Button backButton = new Button(); final Button saveButton = new Button(); final Button viewButton = new Button(); int listBoxHeight = 17; String itemRootName; public SimpleServiceAsync itemService = null; int thisInstitution = 0; int currentId; final Hidden csrfToken = new Hidden(); public void addMethod() { if (availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { int curItem = availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex(); String thisPlanName = availablePlanListBox.getItemText(curItem); String thisPlanId = availablePlanListBox.getValue(curItem); availablePlanListBox.removeItem(curItem); examplePlanListBox.addItem(thisPlanName, thisPlanId); } } public void removeMethod() { if (examplePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) { int curItem = examplePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex(); String thisPlanName = examplePlanListBox.getItemText(curItem); String thisPlanId = examplePlanListBox.getValue(curItem); examplePlanListBox.removeItem(curItem); availablePlanListBox.addItem(thisPlanName, thisPlanId); } } public void onModuleLoad() { RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get("gwtRoot"); rootPanel.setWidth("642"); Element screenelement = DOM.getElementById("itemdata"); Element formelement = DOM.getElementById("formelement"); Element pluralelement = DOM.getElementById("plural"); String panelHeight = "250px"; String planBoxWidth = "275px"; String pageInfo = screenelement.getTitle(); String pageTitle = screenelement.getTitle(); String proxyUrl = "./items.lst"; itemService = (SimpleServiceAsync) GWT.create(SimpleService.class); rootPanel.add(dockPanel); // set token String token = Cookies.getCookie(CSRF_TOKEN); csrfToken.setValue(token); rootPanel.add(csrfToken); dockPanel.add(horizontalPanel, DockPanel.NORTH); horizontalPanel.setSize("601px", panelHeight); VerticalPanel leftPanel = new VerticalPanel(); leftPanel.add(new Label("Available Plans")); leftPanel.add(availablePlanListBox); horizontalPanel.add(leftPanel); availablePlanListBox.setWidth(planBoxWidth); availablePlanListBox.setVisibleItemCount(listBoxHeight); availablePlanListBox.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget arg0) { if (availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) if (availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex() <= availablePlanListBox.getItemCount()) { int index = availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex(); Integer planId = Integer.parseInt(availablePlanListBox.getValue(index)); criticalFunctionLabel.setText(" - " + availablePlanListBox.getItemText(index)); itemService.getStringArray("function", planId, callbackGetFunctions); } } }); examplePlanListBox.setWidth(planBoxWidth); examplePlanListBox.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget arg0) { int index = examplePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex(); if (index >= 0) if (index < examplePlanListBox.getItemCount()) { // Window.alert("" + // examplePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex() // + " " + examplePlanListBox.getItemCount()); Integer planId = Integer.parseInt(examplePlanListBox.getValue(index)); //Window.alert("Before getting plans for plan id " + planId); // criticalFunctionLabel.setText(" - "+examplePlanListBox // .getItemText(index)); criticalFunctionLabel.setText(" - " + examplePlanListBox.getItemText(index)); itemService.getStringArray("function", planId, callbackGetFunctions); } } }); availablePlanListBox.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget arg0) { // Window.alert("Double click "+availablePlanListBox.getItemText( // availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex())); addMethod(); } }); examplePlanListBox.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget arg0) { // Window.alert("Double click "+availablePlanListBox.getItemText( // availablePlanListBox.getSelectedIndex())); removeMethod(); } }); itemRootName = pageInfo.toLowerCase(); VerticalPanel topFiller = new VerticalPanel(); String midwid = "90px"; topFiller.setSize(midwid, "90px"); topFiller.add(new Label(" ")); midPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); midPanel.add(topFiller); horizontalPanel.add(midPanel); midPanel.add(addButton); addButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget arg0) { // Get plan from Available Plan List // Remove it and add it to example plan List addMethod(); } }); // addButton.setText("Add >"); VerticalPanel midFiller = new VerticalPanel(); midFiller.setSize(midwid, "12px"); midFiller.add(new Label(" ")); midPanel.add(midFiller); midPanel.add(removeButton); removeButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget arg0) { // Get selected item from example Plan List // Remove it from selected List and add it to // Available list. removeMethod(); } }); // removeButton.setText("< Remove "); VerticalPanel rightPanel = new VerticalPanel(); rightPanel.add(new Label("Selected Plans")); rightPanel.add(examplePlanListBox); horizontalPanel.add(rightPanel); examplePlanListBox.setVisibleItemCount(listBoxHeight); examplePlanListBox.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget arg0) { // Show functions for the current plan. //itemService.getStringArray("function", thisInstitution,callbackGetPlans); } }); horizontalPanel_1.setSize("601px", "128px"); VerticalPanel bottom = new VerticalPanel(); AbsolutePanel bottomLabelPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); // HorizontalPanel bottomLabelPanelLeft = new HorizontalPanel(); // bottomLabelPanelLeft.setWidth("220px"); // bottomLabelPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // bottomLabelPanelLeft.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // bottomLabelPanel.add(bottomLabelPanelLeft); final Label cfTitle = new Label("Critical Functions of Plan"); bottomLabelPanel.add(cfTitle, 0, 0); cfTitle.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // functionLabelPanel.add(spacer); criticalFunctionLabel.setStyleName("AttentionClass2"); bottomLabelPanel.add(criticalFunctionLabel, 140, 0); criticalFunctionLabel.setWidth("341px"); bottomLabelPanel.setHeight("12px"); criticalFunctionLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // criticalFunctionLabel.setText("Hi there Joe Smudley"); // HorizontalPanel functionLabelPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); // functionLabelPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // functionLabelPanel.setWidth("136px"); // bottomLabelPanel.add(functionLabelPanel, 409, 0); bottom.add(bottomLabelPanel); bottom.add(criticalFunctionsListBox); horizontalPanel_1.add(bottom); criticalFunctionsListBox.setWidth("642px"); criticalFunctionsListBox.setVisibleItemCount(10); // Button Bar backButton.setText("Back"); backButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); backButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); redirect("/continuity/admin/adminHome"); } }); viewButton.setText("View User-Screen"); viewButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); viewButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); redirect("/continuity/plan/getCriticalFunctionExamples"); } }); saveButton.setText("Save Selections"); saveButton.setStyleName("ButtonClass"); saveButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); NamedItem item = new NamedItem(); item.setId(currentId); // Create plan list String planString = ""; String comma = ""; for (int i = 0; i < examplePlanListBox.getItemCount(); i++) { String planId = examplePlanListBox.getValue(i); planString += comma + planId; comma = ","; } item.setName(planString); item.setCsrfToken(csrfToken.getValue()); itemService.updateItem("function", item, callbackUpdate); } }); buttonBar.add(left, DockPanel.WEST); left.setWidth("200px"); right.setWidth("440px"); right.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); left.add(backButton); right.add(saveButton); right.add(viewButton); buttonBar.add(right, DockPanel.EAST); buttonBar.setSize(screenWidth, "58px"); dockPanel.add(buttonBar, DockPanel.SOUTH); dockPanel.add(horizontalPanel_1, DockPanel.SOUTH); // Begin load process. // Get Function Example list itemService.getItem("function", thisInstitution, callbackLoad); // formGrid.addFormItem("Order", orderBox); } public AsyncCallback callbackUpdate = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object arg0) { // TODO Call flashDone(); } public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; String[][] functionList; String[][] selectedExamples; public AsyncCallback callbackGetFunctions = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { String cf[][] = (String[][]) result; //Window.alert("Load Critical Functions Call back " + cf.length); loadFunctionListBox(cf); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; /** * We now have the function example data. Loading the main listbox is a * multistep process. First we get the list (function) of plans that have * been selected. Then we proceed to the get the plan. */ public AsyncCallback callbackLoad = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { // Now get the plan Array List. // Note that this is an actual application, // That uses several tables, not // just a one-table-per screen // Ideally this would be refactored into a single service // like roleService. NamedItem item = (NamedItem) result; // The entry list is stored in the item name. exampleString = item.getName(); currentId = item.getId(); thisInstitution = item.getSystemDomainId(); // Window.alert("got list: "+examplePlanListString); if (null == exampleString) exampleString = ""; itemService.getStringArray("plan", thisInstitution, callbackGetPlans); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; public void loadFunctionListBox(String cf[][]) { int nitems = cf.length; criticalFunctionsListBox.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { criticalFunctionsListBox.addItem(cf[i][1], cf[i][0]); } } /** * Now The Plan listbox is loaded. If the plan has been selected, the * selected plan is placed in selectedPlanListBox, otherwise it is placed in * availablePlanListBox. */ public AsyncCallback callbackGetPlans = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { String[][] planlist = (String[][]) result; loadListBoxes(planlist); } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { //Window.alert("Get Plan error occured:" + e); redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm("3")); } }; String exampleString = ""; HashSet exampleMap = new HashSet(); public void loadListBoxes(String[][] planList) { int nitems = planList.length; // if (nitems>40) nitems=40; examplePlanListBox.clear(); availablePlanListBox.clear(); // Load example map. String[] exampleArray = exampleString.split(","); exampleMap = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(exampleArray)); if (planList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { String[] planEntry = (String[]) planList[i]; // Is the plan id in the if (exampleMap.contains(planEntry[0])) { examplePlanListBox.addItem(planEntry[1], planEntry[0]); } else { availablePlanListBox.addItem(planEntry[1], planEntry[0]); } } } } public AsyncCallback callbackFunctionList = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { // Now we have the selected Plan Function List String[][] functionList = (String[][]) result; int nitems = functionList.length; criticalFunctionsListBox.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) { String[] functionEntry = (String[]) functionList[i]; criticalFunctionsListBox.addItem(functionEntry[1], functionEntry[0]); } } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; public class ListBoxDC extends ListBox implements SourcesChangeEvents { private ChangeListenerCollection changeListeners; public ListBoxDC() { super(); this.sinkEvents(Event.ONDBLCLICK); } public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { super.onBrowserEvent(event); int type = DOM.eventGetType(event); switch (type) { case Event.ONDBLCLICK: { if (changeListeners != null) { changeListeners.fireChange(this); } break; } } } public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener arg0) { if (changeListeners == null) changeListeners = new ChangeListenerCollection(); changeListeners.add(arg0); } } }