Java tutorial
/* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Copyright by KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland * Website:; Email: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <>. * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7: * * KNIME interoperates with ECLIPSE solely via ECLIPSE's plug-in APIs. * Hence, KNIME and ECLIPSE are both independent programs and are not * derived from each other. Should, however, the interpretation of the * GNU GPL Version 3 ("License") under any applicable laws result in * KNIME and ECLIPSE being a combined program, KNIME AG herewith grants * you the additional permission to use and propagate KNIME together with * ECLIPSE with only the license terms in place for ECLIPSE applying to * ECLIPSE and the GNU GPL Version 3 applying for KNIME, provided the * license terms of ECLIPSE themselves allow for the respective use and * propagation of ECLIPSE together with KNIME. * * Additional permission relating to nodes for KNIME that extend the Node * Extension (and in particular that are based on subclasses of NodeModel, * NodeDialog, and NodeView) and that only interoperate with KNIME through * standard APIs ("Nodes"): * Nodes are deemed to be separate and independent programs and to not be * covered works. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the * License, the License does not apply to Nodes, you are not required to * license Nodes under the License, and you are granted a license to * prepare and propagate Nodes, in each case even if such Nodes are * propagated with or for interoperation with KNIME. The owner of a Node * may freely choose the license terms applicable to such Node, including * when such Node is propagated with or for interoperation with KNIME. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * History * 17.01.2017 (Julian): created */ package org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.transformation.documentdataassigner; import java.text.ParseException; import java.time.LocalDate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.LazyInitializer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.knime.core.node.util.CheckUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.knime.ext.textprocessing.util.DataCellCache; import org.knime.ext.textprocessing.util.LRUDataCellCache; import org.knime.ext.textprocessing.util.TextContainerDataCellFactory; import org.knime.ext.textprocessing.util.TextContainerDataCellFactoryBuilder; /** * The {@code DocumentDataAssignerCellFactory} is a cell factory that builds new document cells from incoming documents * and adds desired metainformation like authors, source, category etc. * * @author Julian Bunzel,, Berlin, Germany */ class DocumentDataAssignerCellFactory extends AbstractCellFactory { private final LazyInitializer<DataCellCache> m_cacheInitializer; private DocumentDataAssignerConfig m_conf; /** * @param conf The {@code DocumentDataAssignerConfig} that contains information about how to build new Documents. * @param dataColumnSpec The {@code DataColumnSpec} containing the information of the new column. */ public DocumentDataAssignerCellFactory(final DocumentDataAssignerConfig conf, final DataColumnSpec[] dataColumnSpec) { super(dataColumnSpec); m_conf = conf; this.setParallelProcessing(true); m_cacheInitializer = new LazyInitializer<DataCellCache>() { @Override protected DataCellCache initialize() throws ConcurrentException { return initializeDataCellCache(); } }; } /** * Callback from initializer - only be called when executing. * * @return The {@code DataCellCache} with the given document cell factory to create data cells with. */ private DataCellCache initializeDataCellCache() { final TextContainerDataCellFactory docCellFac = TextContainerDataCellFactoryBuilder .createDocumentCellFactory(); final FileStoreFactory fileStoreFactory = getFileStoreFactory(); CheckUtils.checkState(fileStoreFactory != null, "File store factory not expected to be null at this point"); docCellFac.prepare(fileStoreFactory); return new LRUDataCellCache(docCellFac); } /** * @return The {@code DataCellCache} from the initializer, not null. Throws RuntimeException if needed. */ private DataCellCache getDataCellCache() { DataCellCache dataCellCache; try { dataCellCache = m_cacheInitializer.get(); } catch (ConcurrentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't retrieve data cell cache", e); } return dataCellCache; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DataCell[] getCells(final DataRow row) { // check if cell contains missing value if (!row.getCell(m_conf.getDocumentColumnIndex()).isMissing()) { // get document content from incoming table Document doc = ((DocumentValue) row.getCell(m_conf.getDocumentColumnIndex())).getDocument(); // create document builder and set sections from incoming document DocumentBuilder docBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); docBuilder.setSections(doc.getSections()); // set authors if (m_conf.getAuthorsColumnIndex() >= 0) { DataCell authorCell = row.getCell(m_conf.getAuthorsColumnIndex()); if (!authorCell.isMissing() && authorCell.getType().isCompatible(StringValue.class)) { String authors[] = ((StringCell) authorCell).getStringValue() .split(m_conf.getAuthorsSplitStr()); for (String author : authors) { final String[] names = author.split(" "); if (names.length > 1) { docBuilder.addAuthor(new Author(names[0], names[names.length - 1])); } else { docBuilder.addAuthor(new Author("", names[0])); } } } } // set document source if (m_conf.getSourceColumnIndex() < 0) { if (!m_conf.getDocSource().isEmpty()) { docBuilder.addDocumentSource(new DocumentSource(m_conf.getDocSource())); } } else { DataCell sourceCell = row.getCell(m_conf.getSourceColumnIndex()); if (!sourceCell.isMissing() && sourceCell.getType().isCompatible(StringValue.class)) { docBuilder.addDocumentSource(new DocumentSource(((StringCell) sourceCell).getStringValue())); } } // set document category if (m_conf.getCategoryColumnIndex() < 0) { if (!m_conf.getDocCategory().isEmpty()) { docBuilder.addDocumentCategory(new DocumentCategory(m_conf.getDocCategory())); } } else { DataCell categoryCell = row.getCell(m_conf.getCategoryColumnIndex()); if (!categoryCell.isMissing() && categoryCell.getType().isCompatible(StringValue.class)) { docBuilder.addDocumentCategory( new DocumentCategory(((StringCell) categoryCell).getStringValue())); } } // set document type docBuilder.setDocumentType(DocumentType.stringToDocumentType(m_conf.getDocType())); // set publication date if (m_conf.getPubDateColumnIndex() >= 0) { final DataCell pubDateCell = row.getCell(m_conf.getPubDateColumnIndex()); if (!pubDateCell.isMissing()) { // new LocalDate type LocalDate date = ((LocalDateValue) pubDateCell).getLocalDate(); setPublicationDate(docBuilder, date.getYear(), date.getMonthValue(), date.getDayOfMonth()); } } else { LocalDate date = m_conf.getDocPubDate(); setPublicationDate(docBuilder, date.getYear(), date.getMonthValue(), date.getDayOfMonth()); } // return new data cell DataCellCache dataCellCache = getDataCellCache(); return new DataCell[] { dataCellCache.getInstance(docBuilder.createDocument()) }; } else { // return new missing value cell (if incoming document cell is missing) return new DataCell[] { DataType.getMissingCell() }; } } // sets the publication date to the document builder private void setPublicationDate(final DocumentBuilder docBuilder, final int year, final int month, final int day) { try { docBuilder.setPublicationDate(new PublicationDate(year, month, day)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void afterProcessing() { super.afterProcessing(); try { getDataCellCache().close(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // catch exception if file store wasn't created due to empty table } } }