Java tutorial
/* * (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e. V. <> * * This file is part of the Kitodo project. * * It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later. * * For the full copyright and license information, please read the * GPL3-License.txt file that was distributed with this source code. */ package org.kitodo.production.helper.tasks; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import; import; import; import; import org.kitodo.exceptions.ProcessCreationException; import org.kitodo.exceptions.ProcessGenerationException; import org.kitodo.production.forms.ProzesskopieForm; import org.kitodo.production.helper.Helper; import org.kitodo.production.helper.metadata.legacytypeimplementations.LegacyDocStructHelperInterface; import org.kitodo.production.helper.metadata.legacytypeimplementations.LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper; import org.kitodo.production.helper.metadata.legacytypeimplementations.LegacyPrefsHelper; import org.kitodo.production.model.bibliography.course.Course; import org.kitodo.production.model.bibliography.course.CourseToGerman; import org.kitodo.production.model.bibliography.course.Granularity; import org.kitodo.production.model.bibliography.course.IndividualIssue; import org.kitodo.production.process.TitleGenerator; import; /** * The class CreateNewspaperProcessesTask is a LongRunningTask to create * processes from a course of appearance. * * @author Matthias Ronge <> */ public class CreateNewspaperProcessesTask extends EmptyTask { /** * The field batchLabel is set in addToBatches() on the first function call * which finds it to be null, and is used and set back to null in * flushLogisticsBatch() to create the batches specific part of the * identifier (put in parentheses behind the shared part). */ private String batchLabel; /** * The field createBatches holds a granularity level that is used to create * batches out of the given processes. The field may be null which disables * the feature. */ private final Granularity createBatches; /** * The field currentBreakMark holds an integer hash value which, for a given * Granularity, shall indicate for two neighboring processes whether they * form the same logistics batch (break mark is equal) or to different * processes (break mark differs). */ private Integer currentBreakMark; /** * The field fullBatch holds a batch that all issues will be assigned to. */ private Batch fullBatch = new Batch(BatchType.NEWSPAPER); /** * The field logisticsBatch holds a batch that all issues of the same * logistics unit will be assigned to. */ private Batch logisticsBatch = new Batch(BatchType.LOGISTIC); /** * The field nextProcessToCreate holds the index of the next process to * create. Because long running tasks are interruptible is a field so the * thread will continue to work with the next process after being continued. */ private int nextProcessToCreate; /** * The field numberOfProcesses holds the processes size to prevent calling * size() over and over again. */ private final int numberOfProcesses; /** * The field pattern holds a ProzesskopieForm instance that will be used as * pattern for the creation of processes. */ private final ProzesskopieForm pattern; /** * The field processes holds a List of List of IndividualIssue objects that * processes will be created from. Each list object, which is a list itself, * represents a process to create. Each process can consist of many issues * which will be part of that process. */ private final List<List<IndividualIssue>> processes; /** * The field description holds a verbal description of the course of * appearance. */ private final List<String> description; /** * The class CreateNewspaperProcessesTask is a LongRunningTask to create * processes from a course of appearance. * * @param pattern * a ProzesskopieForm to use for creating processes * @param course * course of appearance to create processes for * @param batchGranularity * a granularity level at which batches shall be created */ public CreateNewspaperProcessesTask(ProzesskopieForm pattern, Course course, Granularity batchGranularity) { super(pattern.getProzessVorlageTitel()); this.pattern = pattern; this.processes = new ArrayList<>(course.getNumberOfProcesses()); this.description = CourseToGerman.asReadableText(course); this.createBatches = batchGranularity; for (List<IndividualIssue> issues : course.getProcesses()) { List<IndividualIssue> process = new ArrayList<>(issues.size()); process.addAll(issues); processes.add(process); } nextProcessToCreate = 0; numberOfProcesses = processes.size(); } /** * The copy constructor creates a new thread from a given one. This is * required to call the copy constructor of the parent. * * @param master * copy master */ public CreateNewspaperProcessesTask(CreateNewspaperProcessesTask master) { super(master); this.pattern = master.pattern; this.processes = master.processes; this.description = master.description; this.createBatches = master.createBatches; this.logisticsBatch = master.logisticsBatch; this.currentBreakMark = master.currentBreakMark; this.batchLabel = master.batchLabel; this.fullBatch = master.fullBatch; this.nextProcessToCreate = master.nextProcessToCreate; this.numberOfProcesses = master.numberOfProcesses; } /** * The function run() is the main function of this task (which is a thread). * * <p> * It will create a new process for each entry from the field processes?. * </p> * * <p> * Therefore it makes use of * CreateNewProcessProcessor.newProcessFromTemplate() to once again load a * ProzesskopieForm from Hibernate for each process to create, sets the * required fields accordingly, then triggers the calculation of the process * title and finally initiates the process creation one by one. The * statusProgress variable is being updated to show the operator how far the * task has proceeded. * </p> * * @see java.lang.Thread#run() */ @Override public void run() { String currentTitle = null; try { while (nextProcessToCreate < numberOfProcesses) { List<IndividualIssue> issues = processes.get(nextProcessToCreate); if (!issues.isEmpty()) { ProzesskopieForm newProcess = CreateNewProcessProcessor .newProcessFromTemplate(pattern.getTemplate().getTitle()); newProcess.setDigitalCollections(pattern.getDigitalCollections()); newProcess.setDocType(pattern.getDocType()); newProcess.setAdditionalFields(pattern.getAdditionalFields()); TitleGenerator titleGenerator = new TitleGenerator(newProcess.getAtstsl(), newProcess.getAdditionalFields()); try { currentTitle = titleGenerator.generateTitle(newProcess.getTitleDefinition(), issues.get(0).getGenericFields()); } catch (ProcessGenerationException e) { setException(new ProcessCreationException( "Couldnt create process title for issue " + issues.get(0).toString(), e)); return; } setWorkDetail(currentTitle); if (Objects.isNull(newProcess.getFileformat())) { newProcess.createNewFileformat(); } createLogicalStructure(newProcess, issues, StringUtils.join(description, "\n\n")); if (isInterrupted()) { return; } boolean created = newProcess.createProcess(); if (!created) { throw new ProcessCreationException(Helper.getLastMessage().replaceFirst(":\\?*$", "")); } addToBatches(newProcess.getProzessKopie(), issues, currentTitle); } nextProcessToCreate++; setProgress((100 * nextProcessToCreate) / (numberOfProcesses + 2)); if (isInterrupted()) { return; } } flushLogisticsBatch(currentTitle); setProgress(((100 * nextProcessToCreate) + 1) / (numberOfProcesses + 2)); saveFullBatch(currentTitle); setProgress(100); } catch (DataException | RuntimeException e) { String message = Objects.nonNull(currentTitle) ? Helper.getTranslation("createNewspaperProcessesTask.MetadataNotAllowedException", currentTitle) : e.getClass().getSimpleName(); setException(new ProcessCreationException(message + ": " + e.getMessage(), e)); } } /** * The function createFirstChild() creates the first level of the logical * document structure available at the given parent. * * @param docStruct * level of the logical document structure to create a child in * @param document * document to create the child in * @param ruleset * rule set the document is based on * @return the created child */ private LegacyDocStructHelperInterface createFirstChild(LegacyDocStructHelperInterface docStruct, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper document, LegacyPrefsHelper ruleset) { String firstAddable = null; try { firstAddable = docStruct.getDocStructType().getAllAllowedDocStructTypes().get(0); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dead code pending removal"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("Could not add child "); if (Objects.nonNull(firstAddable)) { message.append(firstAddable); message.append(' '); } message.append("to DocStrct"); if (Objects.isNull(docStruct.getDocStructType())) { message.append(" without type"); } else { message.append("Type "); message.append(docStruct.getDocStructType().getName()); } message.append(": "); if (e instanceof NullPointerException) { message.append("No child type available."); } else { message.append(e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } throw new ProcessCreationException(message.toString(), e); } } /** * Creates a logical structure tree in the process under creation. In the * tree, all issues will have been created. Presumption is that never issues * for more than one year will be added to the same process. * * @param newProcess * process under creation * @param issues * issues to add * @param publicationRun * verbal description of the course of appearance */ private void createLogicalStructure(ProzesskopieForm newProcess, List<IndividualIssue> issues, String publicationRun) { // initialise LegacyPrefsHelper ruleset = ServiceManager.getRulesetService() .getPreferences(newProcess.getProzessKopie().getRuleset()); LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper document; document = newProcess.getFileformat().getDigitalDocument(); LegacyDocStructHelperInterface newspaper = document.getLogicalDocStruct(); // try to add the publication run addMetadatum(newspaper, "PublicationRun", publicationRun, false); // create the year level LegacyDocStructHelperInterface year = createFirstChild(newspaper, document, ruleset); String theYear = Integer.toString(issues.get(0).getDate().getYear()); addMetadatum(year, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper.CREATE_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, theYear, true); // create the month level Map<Integer, LegacyDocStructHelperInterface> months = new HashMap<>(); Map<LocalDate, LegacyDocStructHelperInterface> days = new HashMap<>(488); for (IndividualIssue individualIssue : issues) { LocalDate date = individualIssue.getDate(); Integer monthNo = date.getMonthOfYear(); if (!months.containsKey(monthNo)) { LegacyDocStructHelperInterface newMonth = createFirstChild(year, document, ruleset); addMetadatum(newMonth, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper.CREATE_ORDERLABEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, monthNo.toString(), true); addMetadatum(newMonth, year.getDocStructType().getName(), theYear, false); addMetadatum(newMonth, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper.CREATE_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, monthNo.toString(), false); months.put(monthNo, newMonth); } LegacyDocStructHelperInterface month = months.get(monthNo); // create the day level if (!days.containsKey(date)) { LegacyDocStructHelperInterface newDay = createFirstChild(month, document, ruleset); addMetadatum(newDay, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper.CREATE_ORDERLABEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, Integer.toString(date.getDayOfMonth()), true); addMetadatum(newDay, year.getDocStructType().getName(), theYear, false); addMetadatum(newDay, month.getDocStructType().getName(), Integer.toString(date.getMonthOfYear()), false); addMetadatum(newDay, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper.CREATE_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, Integer.toString(date.getDayOfMonth()), false); days.put(date, newDay); } LegacyDocStructHelperInterface day = days.get(date); // create the issue LegacyDocStructHelperInterface issue = createFirstChild(day, document, ruleset); String heading = individualIssue.getHeading(); if (Objects.nonNull(heading) && !heading.trim().isEmpty()) { addMetadatum(issue, issue.getDocStructType().getName(), heading, true); } addMetadatum(issue, year.getDocStructType().getName(), theYear, false); addMetadatum(issue, month.getDocStructType().getName(), Integer.toString(date.getMonthOfYear()), false); addMetadatum(issue, day.getDocStructType().getName(), Integer.toString(date.getDayOfMonth()), false); addMetadatum(issue, LegacyMetsModsDigitalDocumentHelper.CREATE_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, heading, false); } } /** * The function addMetadatum() adds a metadata to the given level of the * logical document structure hierarchy. * * @param level * level of the logical document structure to create a child in * @param key * name of the metadata to create * @param value * value to set the metadata to * @param fail * if true, throws an error on fail, otherwise returns silently */ private void addMetadatum(LegacyDocStructHelperInterface level, String key, String value, boolean fail) { try { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dead code pending removal"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (fail) { throw new ProcessCreationException("Could not create metadatum " + key + " in " + (Objects.nonNull(level.getDocStructType()) ? "DocStrctType " + level.getDocStructType().getName() : "anonymous DocStrctType") + ": " + e.getClass().getSimpleName().replace("NullPointerException", "No metadata types are associated with that DocStructType."), e); } } } /** * The method addToBatches() adds a given process to the allover and the * annual batch. If the break mark changes, the logistics batch will be * flushed and the process will be added to a new logistics batch. * * @param process * process to add * @param issues * list of individual issues in the process * @param processTitle * the title of the process */ private void addToBatches(Process process, List<IndividualIssue> issues, String processTitle) throws DataException { if (Objects.nonNull(createBatches)) { int lastIndex = issues.size() - 1; int breakMark = issues.get(lastIndex).getBreakMark(createBatches); if (Objects.nonNull(currentBreakMark) && breakMark != currentBreakMark) { flushLogisticsBatch(processTitle); } if (Objects.isNull(batchLabel)) { batchLabel = createBatches.format(issues.get(lastIndex).getDate()); } logisticsBatch.getProcesses().add(process); currentBreakMark = breakMark; } fullBatch.getProcesses().add(process); } /** * The method flushLogisticsBatch() sets the title for the logistics batch, * saves it to hibernate and then populates the global variable with a new, * empty batch. * * @param processTitle * the title of the process */ private void flushLogisticsBatch(String processTitle) throws DataException { if (ServiceManager.getBatchService().size(logisticsBatch) > 0) { logisticsBatch.setTitle(firstGroupFrom(processTitle) + " (" + batchLabel + ')'); ServiceManager.getBatchService().save(logisticsBatch); logisticsBatch = new Batch(BatchType.LOGISTIC); } currentBreakMark = null; batchLabel = null; } /** * Returns the display name of the task to show to the user. * * @see org.kitodo.production.helper.tasks.INameableTask#getDisplayName() */ @Override public String getDisplayName() { return Helper.getTranslation("createNewspaperProcessesTask"); } /** * The method saveFullBatch() sets the title for the allover batch and saves * it to hibernate. * * @param theProcessTitle * the title of the process */ private void saveFullBatch(String theProcessTitle) throws DataException { fullBatch.setTitle(firstGroupFrom(theProcessTitle)); ServiceManager.getBatchService().save(fullBatch); } /** * The function firstGroupFrom() extracts the first sequence of characters * that are no punctuation characters * (<kbd>!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~</kbd>) from the * given string. * * @param s * string to parse * @return the first sequence of characters that are no punctuation * characters */ private String firstGroupFrom(String s) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^[\\p{Punct}\\p{Space}]*([^\\p{Punct}]+)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); if (m.find()) { return; } else { return s.trim(); } } /** * Calls the clone constructor to create a not yet executed instance of this * thread object. This is necessary for threads that have terminated in * order to render possible to restart them. * * @return a not-yet-executed replacement of this thread * @see org.kitodo.production.helper.tasks.EmptyTask#replace() */ @Override public CreateNewspaperProcessesTask replace() { return new CreateNewspaperProcessesTask(this); } }