Java tutorial
/** * (c) Copyright 2014 WibiData, Inc. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kiji.schema.impl.cassandra; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kiji.commons.ByteUtils; import org.kiji.schema.DecodedCell; import org.kiji.schema.EntityId; import org.kiji.schema.InternalKijiError; import org.kiji.schema.KConstants; import org.kiji.schema.KijiCell; import org.kiji.schema.KijiCellDecoder; import org.kiji.schema.KijiColumnName; import org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequest; import org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequest.Column; import org.kiji.schema.KijiIOException; import org.kiji.schema.KijiRowKeyComponents; import org.kiji.schema.KijiTable; import org.kiji.schema.NoSuchColumnException; import org.kiji.schema.avro.RowKeyComponent; import org.kiji.schema.avro.RowKeyFormat2; import org.kiji.schema.cassandra.CassandraColumnName; import org.kiji.schema.cassandra.CassandraTableName; import org.kiji.schema.layout.CassandraColumnNameTranslator; import org.kiji.schema.layout.KijiTableLayout; import org.kiji.schema.layout.impl.CellDecoderProvider; /** * Provides decoding functions for Kiji columns. */ public final class RowDecoders { /** * Create a new column family result set decoder function. * * @param tableName The Cassandra table that the results are from. * @param column The Kiji column name of the family. * @param columnRequest The column request defining the request for the family. * @param dataRequest The data request defining the request. * @param layout The layout of the Kiji table. * @param translator A column name translator for the table. * @param decoderProvider A cell decoder provider for the table. * @param <T> Type of cell values. * @return A function to convert a {@link ResultSet} containing a column family to cells. */ public static <T> Function<ResultSet, Iterator<KijiCell<T>>> getColumnFamilyDecoderFunction( final CassandraTableName tableName, final KijiColumnName column, final Column columnRequest, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest, final KijiTableLayout layout, final CassandraColumnNameTranslator translator, final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider) { return new Function<ResultSet, Iterator<KijiCell<T>>>() { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Iterator<KijiCell<T>> apply(final ResultSet resultSet) { final int mMaxVersions = columnRequest.getMaxVersions(); final long mMinTimestamp = dataRequest.getMinTimestamp(); final long mMaxTimestamp = dataRequest.getMaxTimestamp(); Iterator<Row> rows = resultSet.iterator(); if (mMinTimestamp != 0) { rows = Iterators.filter(rows, new MinTimestampPredicate(mMinTimestamp)); } if (mMaxTimestamp != KConstants.END_OF_TIME) { rows = Iterators.filter(rows, new MaxTimestampPredicate(mMaxTimestamp)); } rows = Iterators.filter(rows, new MaxVersionsPredicate(mMaxVersions)); try { if (layout.getFamilyMap().get(column.getFamily()).isMapType()) { // Map-type family final Function<Row, KijiCell<T>> decoder = new MapFamilyDecoder<>(tableName, translator.toCassandraColumnName(column), translator, decoderProvider.<T>getDecoder(column)); return Iterators.transform(rows, decoder); } else { // Group-type family final Function<Row, KijiCell<T>> decoder = new GroupFamilyDecoder<>(tableName, translator.toCassandraColumnName(column), translator, decoderProvider); // Group family decoder may return nulls, so filter them out return Iterators.filter(Iterators.transform(rows, decoder), Predicates.notNull()); } } catch (NoSuchColumnException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Column %s does not exist in Kiji table %s.", column, layout.getName())); } } }; } /** * Create a new qualified column result set decoder function. * * @param column The Kiji column of the Row. * @param decoderProvider A cell decoder provider for the table. * @param <T> The value type in the column. * @return A decoded cell. */ public static <T> Function<ResultSet, Iterator<KijiCell<T>>> getQualifiedColumnDecoderFunction( final KijiColumnName column, final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider) { // No min/max timestamp or max versions filter is needed, because the CQL statement for // qualified gets only selects the required cells. return new Function<ResultSet, Iterator<KijiCell<T>>>() { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Iterator<KijiCell<T>> apply(final ResultSet resultSet) { final Function<Row, KijiCell<T>> decoder = new QualifiedColumnDecoder<>(column, decoderProvider.<T>getDecoder(column)); return Iterators.transform(resultSet.iterator(), decoder); } }; } /** * Get a function for decoding row keys and tokens from Cassandra rows. * * @param layout The table layout. * @return A function to decode row keys and tokens for the table. */ public static Function<Row, TokenRowKeyComponents> getRowKeyDecoderFunction(final KijiTableLayout layout) { final RowKeyFormat2 keyFormat = (RowKeyFormat2) layout.getDesc().getKeysFormat(); switch (keyFormat.getEncoding()) { case RAW: return new RawRowKeyDecoder(layout); case FORMATTED: return new FormattedRowKeyDecoder(layout); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Unknown row key encoding %s.", keyFormat.getEncoding())); } } /** * Get a function for converting {@link TokenRowKeyComponents} to {@link EntityId}s. * * @param table The Kiji table the row keys belong to. * @return A function for converting {@link TokenRowKeyComponents} to {@link EntityId}s. */ public static Function<TokenRowKeyComponents, EntityId> getEntityIdFunction(final KijiTable table) { return new RowKeyComponentsToEntityId(table); } /** * A function which will decode {@link Row}s from a map-type column. * * <p> * This function may apply optimizations that make it only suitable to decode {@code Row}s * from the specified group-type family, so do not use it over {@code Row}s from another * family. * </p> */ @NotThreadSafe private static final class MapFamilyDecoder<T> implements Function<Row, KijiCell<T>> { private final CassandraTableName mTableName; private final CassandraColumnName mFamilyColumn; private final KijiCellDecoder<T> mCellDecoder; private final CassandraColumnNameTranslator mColumnTranslator; private KijiColumnName mLastColumn = null; private ByteBuffer mLastQualifier = null; /** * Create a map-family column decoder. * @param tableName The Cassandra table name. * @param familyColumn The Kiji column of the Row. * @param columnTranslator The column translator for the table. * @param decoder for the table. */ public MapFamilyDecoder(final CassandraTableName tableName, final CassandraColumnName familyColumn, final CassandraColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator, final KijiCellDecoder<T> decoder) { mFamilyColumn = familyColumn; mTableName = tableName; mColumnTranslator = columnTranslator; mCellDecoder = decoder; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> * We cache the previously-used {@code KijiColumnName}. This saves parsing and allocations of * the column name for the common case of iterating through multiple versions of each column * in the family. * </p> * * @param row to decode. * @return the decoded KijiCell. */ @Override public KijiCell<T> apply(final Row row) { final ByteBuffer qualifier = row.getBytes(CQLUtils.QUALIFIER_COL); if (!qualifier.equals(mLastQualifier)) { mLastQualifier = qualifier; try { mLastColumn = mColumnTranslator.toKijiColumnName(mTableName, new CassandraColumnName( mFamilyColumn.getFamily(), ByteUtils.toBytes(row.getBytes(CQLUtils.QUALIFIER_COL)))); } catch (NoSuchColumnException e) { // There should be no columns that we can't decode, so this signals a logic error throw new InternalKijiError(e); } } final long version = row.getLong(CQLUtils.VERSION_COL); try { final DecodedCell<T> decodedCell = mCellDecoder .decodeCell(ByteUtils.toBytes(row.getBytes(CQLUtils.VALUE_COL))); return KijiCell.create(mLastColumn, version, decodedCell); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KijiIOException(e); } } } /** * A function which will decode {@link Row}s from a group-type family. If a column is read which * has been dropped, then this function will return null. * * <p> * This function may use optimizations that make it only suitable to decode {@code Row}s * from the specified group-type family, so do not use it over {@code Row}s from another * family. * </p> */ @NotThreadSafe private static final class GroupFamilyDecoder<T> implements Function<Row, KijiCell<T>> { private final CassandraTableName mTableName; private final CellDecoderProvider mDecoderProvider; private final CassandraColumnNameTranslator mColumnTranslator; private final CassandraColumnName mFamilyColumn; private KijiCellDecoder<T> mLastDecoder; private KijiColumnName mLastColumn; private ByteBuffer mLastQualifier; /** * Create a qualified column decoder for the provided column. * * @param tableName The Cassandra table name. * @param familyColumn The Kiji column of the Row. * @param columnTranslator The column translator for the table. * @param decoderProvider A cell decoder provider for the table. */ public GroupFamilyDecoder(final CassandraTableName tableName, final CassandraColumnName familyColumn, final CassandraColumnNameTranslator columnTranslator, final CellDecoderProvider decoderProvider) { mTableName = tableName; mDecoderProvider = decoderProvider; mColumnTranslator = columnTranslator; mFamilyColumn = familyColumn; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> * We cache the previously-used {@code KijiCellDecoder} and {@code KijiColumnName}. This saves * lookups (of the decoder) and allocations (of the column name) for the common case of * iterating through the versions of a column in the family. * </p> * * TODO: We know that all of the KijiCell's decoded from this function always have the same * Kiji family, so we should not decode it. Currently the CassandraColumnNameTranslator does not * support this. * * @param row The row to decode. * @return the decoded KijiCell. */ @Override public KijiCell<T> apply(final Row row) { final ByteBuffer qualifier = row.getBytes(CQLUtils.QUALIFIER_COL); if (!qualifier.equals(mLastQualifier)) { try { mLastQualifier = qualifier.duplicate(); mLastColumn = mColumnTranslator.toKijiColumnName(mTableName, new CassandraColumnName(mFamilyColumn.getFamily(), ByteUtils.toBytes(qualifier))); mLastDecoder = mDecoderProvider.getDecoder(mLastColumn); } catch (NoSuchColumnException e) { // This can happen when a column is dropped from the group-family layout mLastDecoder = null; mLastColumn = null; mLastQualifier = null; return null; } } final long version = row.getLong(CQLUtils.VERSION_COL); try { final DecodedCell<T> decodedCell = mLastDecoder .decodeCell(ByteUtils.toBytes(row.getBytes(CQLUtils.VALUE_COL))); return KijiCell.create(mLastColumn, version, decodedCell); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KijiIOException(e); } } } /** * A function which will decode {@link Row}s from a qualified column. * * <p> * The column may be from either a map-type or group-type family. * </p> * * <p> * This function may apply optimizations that make it only suitable to decode {@code KeyValue}s * from the specified column, so do not use it over {@code KeyValue}s from another column. * </p> * * @param <T> type of value in the column. */ @Immutable private static final class QualifiedColumnDecoder<T> implements Function<Row, KijiCell<T>> { private final KijiCellDecoder<T> mCellDecoder; private final KijiColumnName mColumnName; /** * Create a qualified column decoder for the provided column. * * @param columnName of the column. * @param cellDecoder for the table. */ public QualifiedColumnDecoder(final KijiColumnName columnName, final KijiCellDecoder<T> cellDecoder) { mCellDecoder = cellDecoder; mColumnName = columnName; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public KijiCell<T> apply(final Row row) { try { final DecodedCell<T> decodedCell = mCellDecoder .decodeCell(ByteUtils.toBytes(row.getBytes(CQLUtils.VALUE_COL))); return KijiCell.create(mColumnName, row.getLong(CQLUtils.VERSION_COL), decodedCell); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KijiIOException(e); } } } /** * A 2-tuple combining a Cassandra token and Kiji row key components. */ @Immutable public static class TokenRowKeyComponents { private final long mToken; private final KijiRowKeyComponents mComponents; /** * Create a token, row key components tuple. * * @param token The token. * @param components The components. */ public TokenRowKeyComponents(final long token, final KijiRowKeyComponents components) { mToken = token; mComponents = components; } /** * Get the token. * * @return The token. */ public long getToken() { return mToken; } /** * Get the components. * * @return The components. */ public KijiRowKeyComponents getComponents() { return mComponents; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(mToken, mComponents); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final TokenRowKeyComponents other = (TokenRowKeyComponents) obj; return Objects.equal(this.mToken, other.mToken) && Objects.equal(this.mComponents, other.mComponents); } } /** * A comparator for {@link TokenRowKeyComponents}. */ @Immutable public static final class TokenRowKeyComponentsComparator implements Comparator<TokenRowKeyComponents> { private static final TokenRowKeyComponentsComparator INSTANCE = new TokenRowKeyComponentsComparator(); /** * Get an instance of the comparator. * * @return An instance of the comparator. */ public static TokenRowKeyComponentsComparator getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** Private constructor for non-instantiable class. */ private TokenRowKeyComponentsComparator() { } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int compare(final TokenRowKeyComponents a, final TokenRowKeyComponents b) { final long tokenCompare = a.getToken() - b.getToken(); if (tokenCompare != 0) { return (int) tokenCompare; } else { return a.getComponents().compareTo(b.getComponents()); } } } /** * Decodes a Cassandra row containing the token a raw row key olumn into a * {@link TokenRowKeyComponents}. */ @Immutable private static final class RawRowKeyDecoder implements Function<Row, TokenRowKeyComponents> { private final String mTokenColumn; /** * Create a row key decoder for a raw row key format table. * * @param layout The layout of the table. */ private RawRowKeyDecoder(final KijiTableLayout layout) { mTokenColumn = CQLUtils.getTokenColumn(layout); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public TokenRowKeyComponents apply(final Row row) { final int token = row.getInt(mTokenColumn); final Object[] components = new Object[] { ByteUtils.toBytes(row.getBytes(CQLUtils.RAW_KEY_COL)) }; return new TokenRowKeyComponents(token, KijiRowKeyComponents.fromComponents(components)); } } /** * Decodes a Cassandra row containing the token and row key component columns into a * {@link TokenRowKeyComponents}. */ @Immutable private static final class FormattedRowKeyDecoder implements Function<Row, TokenRowKeyComponents> { private final RowKeyFormat2 mKeyFormat; private final String mTokenColumn; /** * Create a new {@code FormattedRowKeyDecoder}. * * @param layout The table layout. */ private FormattedRowKeyDecoder(final KijiTableLayout layout) { mTokenColumn = CQLUtils.getTokenColumn(layout); mKeyFormat = (RowKeyFormat2) layout.getDesc().getKeysFormat(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public TokenRowKeyComponents apply(final Row row) { final List<RowKeyComponent> formatComponents = mKeyFormat.getComponents(); final Object[] components = new Object[formatComponents.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < formatComponents.size(); i++) { RowKeyComponent component = formatComponents.get(i); // TODO: investigate whether we can do this by position instead of creating a bunch of // garbage through column name translation final String columnName = CQLUtils.translateEntityIDComponentNameToColumnName(component.getName()); switch (component.getType()) { case STRING: { components[i] = row.getString(columnName); break; } case INTEGER: { components[i] = row.getInt(columnName); break; } case LONG: { components[i] = row.getLong(columnName); break; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown row key component type."); } } return new TokenRowKeyComponents(row.getLong(mTokenColumn), KijiRowKeyComponents.fromComponents(components)); } } /** * A function for converting {@link TokenRowKeyComponents} to {@link EntityId}s. */ private static class RowKeyComponentsToEntityId implements Function<TokenRowKeyComponents, EntityId> { private final KijiTable mTable; /** * Create a new function for converting a {@link TokenRowKeyComponents} to an {@link EntityId}. * The table must not be closed while the function could still evaluate. * * @param table The table the row key belongs to. */ public RowKeyComponentsToEntityId(final KijiTable table) { mTable = table; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public EntityId apply(final TokenRowKeyComponents input) { return input.getComponents().getEntityIdForTable(mTable); } } /** * A predicate to filter excess Kiji Cells of a column from a Cassandra result set. */ @NotThreadSafe private static final class MaxVersionsPredicate implements Predicate<Row> { private final int mMaxVersions; private int mCurrentCount = 0; private ByteBuffer mCurrentFamily = null; private ByteBuffer mCurrentQualifier = null; /** * Create a new column limit predicate. * * @param maxVersions The number of cells from each column to limit to. */ private MaxVersionsPredicate(final int maxVersions) { mMaxVersions = maxVersions; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean apply(final Row row) { final ByteBuffer family = row.getBytes(CQLUtils.FAMILY_COL); final ByteBuffer qualifier = row.getBytes(CQLUtils.QUALIFIER_COL); if (!family.equals(mCurrentFamily)) { mCurrentFamily = family; mCurrentQualifier = qualifier; mCurrentCount = 0; } else if (!qualifier.equals(mCurrentQualifier)) { mCurrentQualifier = qualifier; mCurrentCount = 0; } mCurrentCount += 1; return mCurrentCount <= mMaxVersions; } } /** * A predicate to filter Kiji cells below a minimum timestamp (inclusive). */ @Immutable private static final class MinTimestampPredicate implements Predicate<Row> { private final long mTimestamp; /** * Create a new minimum timestamp predicate. * * @param timestamp The minimum timestamp. */ private MinTimestampPredicate(final long timestamp) { mTimestamp = timestamp; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean apply(final Row row) { return row.getLong(CQLUtils.VERSION_COL) >= mTimestamp; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(mTimestamp); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } final MinTimestampPredicate other = (MinTimestampPredicate) obj; return Objects.equal(this.mTimestamp, other.mTimestamp); } } /** * A predicate to filter Kiji cells above a maximum timestamp (exclusive). */ @Immutable private static final class MaxTimestampPredicate implements Predicate<Row> { private final long mTimestamp; /** * Create a new maximum timestamp predicate. * * @param timestamp The maximum timestamp. */ private MaxTimestampPredicate(final long timestamp) { mTimestamp = timestamp; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean apply(final Row input) { return input.getLong(CQLUtils.VERSION_COL) < mTimestamp; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(mTimestamp); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } final MaxTimestampPredicate other = (MaxTimestampPredicate) obj; return Objects.equal(this.mTimestamp, other.mTimestamp); } } /** private constructor for utility class. */ private RowDecoders() { } }