Java tutorial
/* * Biocep: R-based Platform for Computational e-Science. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Karim Chine - * * Copyright (C) 2007 EMBL-EBI-Microarray Informatics * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.kchine.rpf.db; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.AccessException; import java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; import javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.kchine.rpf.LookUpInterrupted; import org.kchine.rpf.LookUpTimeout; import org.kchine.rpf.PoolUtils; import org.kchine.rpf.RPFSessionInfo; import; import static org.kchine.rpf.PoolUtils.*; /** * @author Karim Chine */ public abstract class DBLayer implements DBLayerInterface { private Connection _connection; private ConnectionProvider _connectionProvider; private static final Log _log = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(DBLayer.class); abstract void lock(Statement stmt) throws SQLException; abstract void unlock(Statement stmt) throws SQLException; abstract String sysdateFunctionName(); abstract boolean isNoConnectionError(SQLException sqle); abstract boolean isConstraintViolationError(SQLException sqle); public DBLayer(Connection connection) { _connection = connection; if (_connection != null) { try { _connection.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void checkConnection() throws SQLException { if (_connection == null && _connectionProvider != null) { _connection = _connectionProvider.newConnection(); try { _connection.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Connection Created Successfully"); } } public void bind(String name, Remote obj, HashMap<String, Object> options) throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); lock(stmt); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from SERVANTS where NAME='" + name + "'");; if (rset.getInt(1) > 0) { throw new AlreadyBoundException(); } } catch (AlreadyBoundException abe) { try { if (stmt != null) { unlock(stmt); _connection.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", e); } throw abe; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { bind(name, obj); } else { throw new RemoteException("", sqle); } } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", e); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", e); } } stmt = null; String stub_hex = stubToHex(obj); try { stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute( "Insert into SERVANTS (NAME,STUB_HEX,IN_USE,PING_FAILURES,REGISTER_TIME,PROCESS_ID,HOST_NAME,HOST_IP,OS,CODEBASE,JOB_ID,JOB_NAME,NOTIFY_EMAIL,NOTIFIED) " + "values ('" + name + "','" + stub_hex + "',0,0," + sysdateFunctionName() + ",'" + options.get("") + "','" + options.get("") + "','" + options.get("host.ip") + "','" + options.get("") + "'," + (options.get("java.rmi.server.codebase") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("java.rmi.server.codebase") + "',") + (options.get("") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("") + "'") + "," + (options.get("") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("") + "'") + "," + (options.get("") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("") + "'") + ",0)"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); if (isConstraintViolationError(sqle)) throw new AlreadyBoundException(); else throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { unlock(stmt); _connection.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void bind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, AccessException { HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>(); options.put("", getProcessId()); options.put("", getHostName()); options.put("host.ip", getHostIp()); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); options.put("java.rmi.server.codebase", System.getProperty("java.rmi.server.codebase")); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); bind(name, obj, options); } public String[] list() throws RemoteException, AccessException { Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select NAME from SERVANTS"); while ( { result.add(rset.getString(1)); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { return list(); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } return result.toArray(new String[0]); } public Remote lookup(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select STUB_HEX,CODEBASE from SERVANTS where NAME='" + name + "'"); if ( { final String stubHex = rset.getString(1); final String codeBaseStr = rset.getString(2); final ClassLoader cl = (codeBaseStr != null ? new URLClassLoader(PoolUtils.getURLS(codeBaseStr), DBLayer.class.getClassLoader()) : DBLayer.class.getClassLoader()); System.out.println("codeBaseStr ::" + codeBaseStr); final Object[] resultHolder = new Object[1]; Runnable lookupRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { resultHolder[0] = hexToStub(stubHex, cl); } catch (Exception e) { final boolean wasInterrupted = Thread.interrupted(); if (wasInterrupted) { resultHolder[0] = new LookUpInterrupted(); } else { resultHolder[0] = e; } } } }; Thread lookupThread = InterruptibleRMIThreadFactory.getInstance().newThread(lookupRunnable); lookupThread.start(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (resultHolder[0] == null) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) > PoolUtils.LOOKUP_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC) { lookupThread.interrupt(); resultHolder[0] = new LookUpTimeout(); registerPingFailure(name); break; } Thread.sleep(10); } if (resultHolder[0] instanceof Throwable) { if (resultHolder[0] instanceof NotBoundException) throw (NotBoundException) resultHolder[0]; else throw (RemoteException) resultHolder[0]; } return (Remote) resultHolder[0]; } else { throw new NotBoundException(); } } catch (NotBoundException nbe) { throw nbe; } catch (AccessException ae) { throw ae; } catch (LookUpTimeout lue) { throw lue; } catch (LookUpInterrupted lui) { throw lui; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { return lookup(name); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void rebind(String name, Remote obj, HashMap<String, Object> options) throws RemoteException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); lock(stmt); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from SERVANTS where NAME='" + name + "'");; if (rset.getInt(1) > 0) { stmt.execute("DELETE FROM SERVANTS WHERE NAME='" + name + "'"); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { rebind(name, obj); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } stmt = null; String stub_hex = stubToHex(obj); try { stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute( "Insert into SERVANTS (NAME,STUB_HEX,IN_USE,PING_FAILURES,REGISTER_TIME,PROCESS_ID,HOST_NAME,HOST_IP,OS,CODEBASE,JOB_ID,JOB_NAME,NOTIFY_EMAIL,NOTIFIED) " + "values ('" + name + "','" + stub_hex + "',0,0," + sysdateFunctionName() + ",'" + options.get("") + "','" + options.get("") + "','" + options.get("host.ip") + "','" + options.get("") + "'," + (options.get("java.rmi.server.codebase") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("java.rmi.server.codebase") + "',") + (options.get("") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("") + "'") + "," + (options.get("") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("") + "'") + "," + (options.get("") == null ? "NULL" : "'" + options.get("") + "'") + ",0)"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { unlock(stmt); _connection.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void rebind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AccessException { HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>(); options.put("", getProcessId()); options.put("", getHostName()); options.put("host.ip", getHostIp()); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); options.put("java.rmi.server.codebase", System.getProperty("java.rmi.server.codebase")); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); options.put("", System.getProperty("")); rebind(name, obj, options); } public void unbind(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); lock(stmt); stmt.execute("DELETE FROM SERVANTS WHERE NAME='" + name + "'"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { unbind(name); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { unlock(stmt); _connection.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public Vector<String> list(String[] prefixes) throws RemoteException, AccessException { Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); String stmtStr = "select NAME from SERVANTS where IN_USE=0 AND PING_FAILURES<" + PoolUtils.PING_FAILURES_NBR_MAX + " AND (NAME like '" + prefixes[0] + "%'"; for (int i = 1; i < prefixes.length; ++i) stmtStr += " OR NAME like '" + prefixes[i] + "%'"; stmtStr += ")"; rset = stmt.executeQuery(stmtStr); while ( { result.add(rset.getString(1)); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { return list(prefixes); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } return result; } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> listKillable() throws RemoteException, AccessException { return getTableData("SERVANTS", "PING_FAILURES>=" + PoolUtils.PING_FAILURES_NBR_MAX); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> listKillable(String nodeIp, String nodePrefix) throws RemoteException, AccessException { return getTableData("SERVANTS", "PING_FAILURES>=" + PoolUtils.PING_FAILURES_NBR_MAX + " AND " + "HOST_IP='" + nodeIp + "' AND NAME like '" + nodePrefix + "%'"); } public void lock() throws RemoteException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); lock(stmt); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { lock(); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void unlock() throws RemoteException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); unlock(stmt); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { unlock(); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void reserve(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("UPDATE SERVANTS SET IN_USE=1, BORROW_TIME=" + sysdateFunctionName() + ",BORROW_HOST_NAME='" + getHostName() + "'" + ",BORROW_HOST_IP='" + getHostIp() + "'" + ",BORROW_PROCESS_ID='" + getProcessId() + "'" + ",BORROW_SESSION_INFO_HEX=" + (RPFSessionInfo.get() == null ? "NULL" : "'" + objectToHex(RPFSessionInfo.get()) + "'") + ",RETURN_TIME=NULL" + ",RETURN_HOST_NAME=NULL" + ",RETURN_HOST_IP=NULL" + ",RETURN_PROCESS_ID=NULL" + " WHERE NAME='" + name + "'"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { reserve(name); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void unReserve(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("UPDATE SERVANTS SET IN_USE=0 " + ",RETURN_TIME=" + sysdateFunctionName() + ",RETURN_HOST_NAME='" + getHostName() + "'" + ",RETURN_HOST_IP='" + getHostIp() + "'" + ",RETURN_PROCESS_ID='" + getProcessId() + "'" + " WHERE NAME='" + name + "'"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { unReserve(name); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void registerPingFailure(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("update SERVANTS SET PING_FAILURES=(PING_FAILURES+1) WHERE NAME='" + name + "'"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { registerPingFailure(name); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void incrementNodeProcessCounter(String nodeName) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute( "update NODE_DATA set PROCESS_COUNTER=(PROCESS_COUNTER+1) WHERE NODE_NAME='" + nodeName + "'"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { incrementNodeProcessCounter(nodeName); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void updateServantNodeName(String servantName, String nodeName) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("update SERVANTS SET NODE_NAME='" + nodeName + "' WHERE NAME='" + servantName + "'"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { updateServantNodeName(servantName, nodeName); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void updateServantAttributes(String servantName, HashMap<String, Object> attributes) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("update SERVANTS SET ATTRIBUTES_HEX='" + PoolUtils.objectToHex(attributes) + "' WHERE NAME='" + servantName + "'"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { updateServantAttributes(servantName, attributes); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void commit() throws SQLException { _connection.commit(); } public Remote getRemoteObject(String stub, String codeBaseStr) throws RemoteException { try { ClassLoader cl = null; if (codeBaseStr != null) { cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL(codeBaseStr) }, DBLayer.class.getClassLoader()); } return hexToStub(stub, cl); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } public HashMap<String, PoolDataDB> getPoolDataHashMap() throws RemoteException, AccessException { HashMap<String, PoolDataDB> result = new HashMap<String, PoolDataDB>(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select POOL_NAME,POOL_PREFIXES,TIMEOUT from POOL_DATA"); while ( { result.put(rset.getString(1), new PoolDataDB(rset.getString(1), getPrefixes(rset.getString(2)), rset.getInt(3))); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } return result; } public static String[] getPrefixes(String prefixes) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(prefixes, ","); Vector<String> pv = new Vector<String>(); while (st.hasMoreElements()) pv.add((String) st.nextElement()); return pv.toArray(new String[0]); } public Vector<PoolDataDB> getPoolData() throws RemoteException, AccessException { Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> nodeTable = getTableData("POOL_DATA"); Vector<PoolDataDB> result = new Vector<PoolDataDB>(); for (HashMap<String, Object> hm : nodeTable) { result.add(new PoolDataDB((String) hm.get("POOL_NAME"), getPrefixes((String) hm.get("POOL_PREFIXES")), (Integer) hm.get("TIMEOUT"))); } return result; } public Vector<NodeDataDB> getNodeData(String condition) throws RemoteException, AccessException { Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> nodeTable = getTableData("NODE_DATA", condition); Vector<NodeDataDB> result = new Vector<NodeDataDB>(); for (HashMap<String, Object> hm : nodeTable) { String pwd = (String) hm.get("PWD"); if (!pwd.equals("")) { pwd = decipherPwd(pwd); } result.add(new NodeDataDB((String) hm.get("NODE_NAME"), (String) hm.get("HOST_IP"), (String) hm.get("HOST_NAME"), (String) hm.get("LOGIN"), pwd, (String) hm.get("INSTALL_DIR"), (String) hm.get("CREATE_SERVANT_COMMAND"), (String) hm.get("KILL_SERVANT_COMMAND"), (String) hm.get("OS"), (Integer) hm.get("SERVANT_NBR_MIN"), (Integer) hm.get("SERVANT_NBR_MAX"), (String) hm.get("POOL_PREFIX"), (Integer) hm.get("PROCESS_COUNTER"))); } return result; } public void addNode(NodeDataDB nodeData) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute( "INSERT INTO NODE_DATA(NODE_NAME, HOST_IP,HOST_NAME,LOGIN,PWD,INSTALL_DIR,CREATE_SERVANT_COMMAND, KILL_SERVANT_COMMAND ,OS,SERVANT_NBR_MIN,SERVANT_NBR_MAX,POOL_PREFIX, PROCESS_COUNTER) values (" + "'" + nodeData.getNodeName() + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getHostIp() + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getHostName() + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getLogin() + "'," + "'" + (nodeData.getPwd().trim().equals("") ? "" : cipherPwd(nodeData.getPwd())) + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getInstallDir() + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getCreateServantCommand() + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getKillServantCommand() + "'," + "'" + nodeData.getOS() + "'," + nodeData.getServantNbrMin() + "," + nodeData.getServantNbrMax() + "," + "'" + nodeData.getPoolPrefix() + "'" + ",0" + ")"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { addNode(nodeData); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void addPool(PoolDataDB poolData) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); String prefixes = ""; for (int i = 0; i < poolData.getPrefixes().length; ++i) prefixes += poolData.getPrefixes()[i] + (i == poolData.getPrefixes().length - 1 ? "" : ","); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("INSERT INTO POOL_DATA(POOL_NAME, TIMEOUT,POOL_PREFIXES) values (" + "'" + poolData.getPoolName() + "'," + poolData.getBorrowTimeout() + "," + "'" + prefixes + "')"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { addPool(poolData); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void updateNode(NodeDataDB nodeData) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; String ip = nodeData.getHostIp().trim(); String host = nodeData.getHostName().trim(); String prefix = nodeData.getPoolPrefix().trim(); String nodeName = nodeData.getNodeName(); if (ip.equals("")) { try { ip = InetAddress.getByName(nodeData.getHostName()).getHostAddress(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); String updateStr = "UPDATE NODE_DATA set " + " HOST_IP=" + "'" + ip + "'," + " HOST_NAME=" + "'" + host + "'," + " POOL_PREFIX=" + "'" + prefix + "'," + " LOGIN=" + "'" + nodeData.getLogin() + "'," + " PWD=" + "'" + (nodeData.getPwd().trim().equals("") ? "" : cipherPwd(nodeData.getPwd())) + "'," + " INSTALL_DIR=" + "'" + nodeData.getInstallDir() + "'," + " CREATE_SERVANT_COMMAND=" + "'" + nodeData.getCreateServantCommand() + "'," + " KILL_SERVANT_COMMAND=" + "'" + nodeData.getKillServantCommand() + "'," + " OS=" + "'" + nodeData.getOS() + "'," + " SERVANT_NBR_MIN=" + nodeData.getServantNbrMin() + "," + " SERVANT_NBR_MAX=" + nodeData.getServantNbrMax() + "" + " where NODE_NAME='" + nodeName + "'"; System.out.println(updateStr); stmt.execute(updateStr); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { updateNode(nodeData); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void removeNode(String nodeName) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); String deleteStr = "delete from NODE_DATA where NODE_NAME='" + nodeName + "'"; stmt.execute(deleteStr); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { removeNode(nodeName); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void removePool(String poolName) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); String deleteStr = "delete from POOL_DATA where POOL_NAME='" + poolName + "'"; stmt.execute(deleteStr); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { removePool(poolName); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void updatePool(PoolDataDB poolData) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; String prefixes = ""; for (int i = 0; i < poolData.getPrefixes().length; ++i) prefixes += poolData.getPrefixes()[i] + (i == poolData.getPrefixes().length - 1 ? "" : ","); try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); String updateStr = "UPDATE POOL_DATA set TIMEOUT=" + poolData.getBorrowTimeout() + "," + " POOL_PREFIXES='" + prefixes + "' where POOL_NAME='" + poolData.getPoolName() + "'"; System.out.println(updateStr); stmt.execute(updateStr); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { updatePool(poolData); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void unlockServant(String servantName) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("UPDATE SERVANTS SET IN_USE=0, PING_FAILURES=0" + ",BORROW_HOST_NAME=NULL" + ",BORROW_HOST_IP=NULL" + ",BORROW_PROCESS_ID=NULL" + ",BORROW_SESSION_INFO_HEX=NULL" + ",RETURN_TIME=" + sysdateFunctionName() + ",RETURN_HOST_NAME='" + getHostName() + "'" + ",RETURN_HOST_IP='" + getHostIp() + "'" + ",RETURN_PROCESS_ID='" + getProcessId() + "'" + " WHERE NAME='" + servantName + "'"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { unlockServant(servantName); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> getTableData(String tableName) throws RemoteException { return getTableData(tableName, null); } public Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> getTableData(String tableName, String condition) throws RemoteException { Vector<HashMap<String, Object>> result = new Vector<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName + (condition == null || condition.equals("") ? "" : " WHERE " + condition)); while ( { HashMap<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 1; i <= rset.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); ++i) { hm.put(rset.getMetaData().getColumnName(i), rset.getObject(i)); } result.add(hm); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { return getTableData(tableName, condition); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } return result; } public String getNameFromStub(Remote stub) throws RemoteException, AccessException { ByteArrayOutputStream baoStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { new ObjectOutputStream(baoStream).writeObject(stub); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String stub_hex = bytesToHex(baoStream.toByteArray()); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select NAME from SERVANTS where STUB_HEX='" + stub_hex + "'"); if (! throw new RemoteException("no corresponding servant in DB"); return rset.getString(1); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { return getNameFromStub(stub); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void unregisterAll() throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { if (getProcessId().equals(UNKOWN)) return; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); lock(stmt); stmt.execute("UPDATE SERVANTS SET IN_USE=0 " + ",RETURN_TIME=" + sysdateFunctionName() + ",RETURN_HOST_NAME='" + getHostName() + "'" + ",RETURN_HOST_IP='" + getHostIp() + "'" + ",RETURN_PROCESS_ID='" + getProcessId() + "'" + " WHERE BORROW_HOST_IP='" + getHostIp() + "' AND BORROW_PROCESS_ID='" + getProcessId() + "'"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { unregisterAll(); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { unlock(stmt); _connection.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public static String replaceCode(String s) { int p1 = 0; while ((p1 = s.indexOf("<%=")) != -1) { int p2 = s.indexOf("%>", p1 + 3); String expression = s.substring(p1 + 3, p2); String className = expression.substring(0, expression.lastIndexOf('.')); String functionName = expression.substring(expression.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, expression.lastIndexOf("()")); String replaceWith = "ERROR"; try { replaceWith = (String) Class.forName(className).getMethod(functionName, (Class[]) null).invoke(null, (Object[]) null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } s = s.substring(0, p1) + replaceWith + s.substring(p2 + 2); } return s; } public void applyDBScript(InputStream scriptInputStream) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(scriptInputStream)); String line = null; StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer(); try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sbuffer.append(line.trim()); sbuffer.append(" "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(replaceCode(sbuffer.toString()), ";"); while (st.hasMoreElements()) { String statmentStr = ((String) st.nextElement()).trim(); if (statmentStr.equals("")) continue; System.out.println("<" + statmentStr + ">"); try { if (statmentStr.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("commit")) { _connection.commit(); } else { stmt.execute(statmentStr); } System.out.println("OK"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (statmentStr.toUpperCase().startsWith("DROP")) { System.out.println("NOK / " + statmentStr + " Failed "); } else { sqle.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { applyDBScript(scriptInputStream); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public boolean canReconnect() { if (_connectionProvider == null) return false;"try to reconnect"); Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeQuery("select POOL_NAME from POOL_DATA");"reconnection aborted, connection was up"); return false; } catch (SQLException sqle) { } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } Connection connection = null; try { connection = _connectionProvider.newConnection(); stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeQuery("select POOL_NAME from POOL_DATA"); } catch (SQLException sqle) {"reconnection failed"); return false; } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } _connection = connection;"reconnection succeeded"); return true; } public void setConnectionProvider(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider) { this._connectionProvider = connectionProvider; } public static DBLayer getLayer(String dbtype, Connection conn) throws Exception { String className = "org.kchine.rpf.db.DBLayer" + ("" + dbtype.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + dbtype.substring(1); return (DBLayer) Class.forName(className).getConstructor(new Class[] { Connection.class }) .newInstance(new Object[] { conn }); } public static DBLayer getLayer(String dbtype, ConnectionProvider connProvider) throws Exception { Connection c = null; try { c = connProvider.newConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DBLayer result = getLayer(dbtype, c); result.setConnectionProvider(connProvider); return result; } static String _pwdKey = "800761F89437B3B0F47F753792A7D69E49E65B5191D52652"; static SecretKey _key = null; static SecretKey getSecretKey() { try { DESedeKeySpec keyspec = new DESedeKeySpec(PoolUtils.hexToBytes(_pwdKey)); SecretKeyFactory desEdeFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DESede"); SecretKey k = desEdeFactory.generateSecret(keyspec); return k; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } static String cipherPwd(String pwd) { try { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey()); byte[] ciphertext = cipher.doFinal(PoolUtils.objectToBytes(pwd)); return PoolUtils.bytesToHex(ciphertext); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } static String decipherPwd(String cipheredpwd) { try { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey()); return (String) PoolUtils.bytesToObject(cipher.doFinal(PoolUtils.hexToBytes(cipheredpwd))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void setJobID(String servantName, String jobID) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute("update SERVANTS SET JOB_ID='" + jobID + "' WHERE NAME='" + servantName + "'"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { setJobID(servantName, jobID); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } public void setNotified(String servantName, boolean notified) throws RemoteException { Statement stmt = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute( "update SERVANTS SET NOTIFIED=" + (notified ? "1" : "0") + " WHERE NAME='" + servantName + "'"); _connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { setNotified(servantName, notified); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } } }