Java tutorial
/** This file is part of kalypso/deegree. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * history: * * Files in this package are originally taken from deegree and modified here * to fit in kalypso. As goals of kalypso differ from that one in deegree * interface-compatibility to deegree is wanted but not retained always. * * If you intend to use this software in other ways than in kalypso * (e.g. OGC-web services), you should consider the latest version of deegree, * see . * * all modifications are licensed as deegree, * original copyright: * * Copyright (C) 2001 by: * EXSE, Department of Geography, University of Bonn * * lat/lon GmbH * */ package org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.kalypso.commons.tokenreplace.ITokenReplacer; import org.kalypso.commons.tokenreplace.TokenReplacerEngine; import org.kalypso.contribs.eclipse.core.runtime.StatusUtilities; import; import; import org.kalypso.contribs.javax.xml.namespace.QNameUnique; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.GMLSchemaException; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.GMLSchemaUtilities; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.annotation.IAnnotation; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.feature.IFeatureType; import; import; import; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.IMarshallingTypeHandler; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.ISimpleMarshallingTypeHandler; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.ITypeRegistry; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.MarshallingTypeRegistrySingleton; import org.kalypsodeegree.KalypsoDeegreePlugin; import org.kalypsodeegree.filterencoding.Filter; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.Feature; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.FeatureList; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.FeatureVisitor; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.GMLWorkspace; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.IXLinkedFeature; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Envelope; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Object; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Polygon; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.gmlxpath.GMLXPath; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.gmlxpath.GMLXPathException; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.gmlxpath.GMLXPathUtilities; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.tokenreplace.AnnotationTokenReplacer; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.tokenreplace.FeatureIdTokenReplacer; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.tokenreplace.ListPropertyTokenReplacer; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.tokenreplace.PropertyTokenReplacer; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.visitors.CollectorVisitor; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.geometry.GeometryFactory; import; /** * @author doemming */ public final class FeatureHelper { private FeatureHelper() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Helper class, do not instantiate"); } private static ITokenReplacer TR_FEATUREID = new FeatureIdTokenReplacer(); private static ITokenReplacer TR_PROPERTYVALUE = new PropertyTokenReplacer(); private static ITokenReplacer TR_LISTPROPERTYVALUE = new ListPropertyTokenReplacer(); private static ITokenReplacer TR_ANNOTATION_VALUE = new AnnotationTokenReplacer(); private static TokenReplacerEngine FEATURE_TOKEN_REPLACE = new TokenReplacerEngine( new ITokenReplacer[] { FeatureHelper.TR_FEATUREID, FeatureHelper.TR_PROPERTYVALUE, FeatureHelper.TR_LISTPROPERTYVALUE, TR_ANNOTATION_VALUE }); /** * @deprecated Do not use strings as property names. Use {@link IFeatureType#getProperty(QName)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static IPropertyType getPT(final Feature feature, final String propName) { final IPropertyType[] properties = feature.getFeatureType().getProperties(); for (final IPropertyType type : properties) { if (propName.equals(type.getQName().getLocalPart())) return type; } return null; } /** * @deprecated use booleanIsTrue( Feature feature, QName propQName, boolean defaultStatus ) */ @Deprecated public static boolean booleanIsTrue(final Feature feature, final String propName, final boolean defaultStatus) { final Object property = feature.getProperty(propName); if (property != null && property instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) property).booleanValue(); return defaultStatus; } public static boolean booleanIsTrue(final Feature feature, final QName propQName, final boolean defaultStatus) { final Object property = feature.getProperty(propQName); if (property != null && property instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) property).booleanValue(); return defaultStatus; } /** * @deprecated Do not use: code that uses this stuff is probably not correct: it is allways defined, which type a * property has, so trying to parse this or that is forbidden! */ @Deprecated public static double getAsDouble(final Feature feature, final QName propQName, final double defaultValue) { final Object value = feature.getProperty(propQName); if (value == null) return defaultValue; if (value instanceof String) return Double.valueOf((String) value).doubleValue(); // should be a Double if (value instanceof BigDecimal) return ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue(); return ((Double) value).doubleValue(); } /** * @deprecated use instead of propName the QName of the property */ @Deprecated public static double getAsDouble(final Feature feature, final String propName, final double defaultValue) { final Object value = feature.getProperty(propName); if (value == null) return defaultValue; if (value instanceof String) return Double.valueOf((String) value).doubleValue(); // should be a Double return ((Double) value).doubleValue(); } public static String getAsString(final Feature feature, final String propName) { final Object value = feature.getProperty(propName); // TODO use numberformat if (value == null) return null; if (value instanceof String) return (String) value; return value.toString(); } /** * bertrgt die Daten eines Features in die Daten eines anderen. * <p> * Die Properties werden dabei anhand der bergebenen {@link Properties} zugeordnet. Es gilt: TODO: die Doku ist quatsch, relation properties werden im Moment gar nicht kopiert! * <ul> * <li>Es erfolgt ein Deep-Copy, inneliegende Features werden komplett kopiert.</li> * <li><Bei Referenzen auf andere Features erfolgt nur ein shallow copy, das Referenzierte Feature bleibt gleich./li> * <li>Die Typen der Zurodnung mssen passen, sonst gibts ne Exception.</li> * </ul> * * @throws CloneNotSupportedException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * Falls eine Zuordnung zwischen Properties unterschiedlkicher Typen erfolgt. * @throws NullPointerException * falls eines der Argumente <codce>null</code> ist. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * Noch sind nicht alle Typen implementiert */ public static void copyProperties(final Feature sourceFeature, final Feature targetFeature, final Properties propertyMap) throws Exception { for (final Entry<?, ?> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) { final String sourceProp = (String) entry.getKey(); final String targetProp = (String) entry.getValue(); copyProperty(sourceFeature, targetFeature, sourceProp, targetProp); } } private static void copyProperty(final Feature sourceFeature, final Feature targetFeature, final String sourceProp, final String targetProp) throws Exception { final IPropertyType sourcePT = FeatureHelper.getPT(sourceFeature, sourceProp); if (sourcePT == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quell-Property existiert nicht: " + sourceProp); final IPropertyType targetPT = FeatureHelper.getPT(targetFeature, targetProp); if (targetPT == null) { // Just this one: can happen, because we are now able to create features of different types at the same time. return; } try { final Object convertedValue = convertProperty(sourceFeature, targetFeature, sourcePT, targetPT); // Hack: Types are same, but ordinality (i.e. list or not) can be different. if (!sourcePT.isList() && targetPT.isList()) targetFeature.setProperty(targetPT, Arrays.asList(convertedValue)); else if (sourcePT.isList() && !targetPT.isList()) { final List<?> newlist = (List<?>) convertedValue; if (newlist.isEmpty()) targetFeature.setProperty(targetPT, null); else targetFeature.setProperty(targetPT, newlist.get(0)); } else targetFeature.setProperty(targetPT, convertedValue); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Typen der zugeordneten Properties sind unterschiedlich: '" + sourceProp + "' and '" + targetProp + "'", e); } } private static Object convertProperty(final Feature sourceFeature, final Feature targetFeature, final IPropertyType sourcePT, final IPropertyType targetPT) throws Exception { final Object sourceValue = sourceFeature.getProperty(sourcePT); if (sourcePT instanceof IValuePropertyType && targetPT instanceof IValuePropertyType) { /* Shortcut: clone data if the property types are equal */ final IValuePropertyType sourceFTP = (IValuePropertyType) sourcePT; final IValuePropertyType targetFTP = (IValuePropertyType) targetPT; if (sourceFTP.getValueQName().equals(targetFTP.getValueQName())) return cloneData(sourceFeature, targetFeature, sourcePT, sourceValue); else if (sourceFTP.isGeometry() && targetFTP.isGeometry()) { final GM_Object targetGeom = tryConvertGeometry((GM_Object) sourceValue, targetFTP.getValueQName()); if (targetGeom != null) return targetGeom; } } final String objectAsString = convertPropertyToString(sourceValue, sourcePT); if (objectAsString == null) return null; if (targetPT instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IMarshallingTypeHandler targetTypeHandler = ((IValuePropertyType) targetPT).getTypeHandler(); return targetTypeHandler.parseType(objectAsString); } else if (targetPT instanceof IRelationType) { if (objectAsString.contains("#")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { final IRelationType targetRT = (IRelationType) targetPT; final IFeatureType targetFeatureType = targetRT.getTargetFeatureType(); return new XLinkedFeature_Impl(targetFeature, targetRT, targetFeatureType, objectAsString); } // We assume, its internal link only. What to do, if the target references an external link? return objectAsString; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format("Unable to handle targetProperty '%s'", targetPT.getQName())); } private static GM_Object tryConvertGeometry(final GM_Object sourceGeom, final QName targetQName) { if (sourceGeom instanceof GM_MultiSurface) { final GM_MultiSurface multiSurface = (GM_MultiSurface) sourceGeom; if (GM_Polygon.POLYGON_ELEMENT.equals(targetQName) || GM_Polygon.SURFACE_ELEMENT.equals(targetQName)) { if (multiSurface.getSize() > 0) return multiSurface.getObjectAt(0); } } return null; } private static String convertPropertyToString(final Object sourceValue, final IPropertyType sourcePT) { if (sourceValue == null) return null; if (sourcePT instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IValuePropertyType sourceVPT = (IValuePropertyType) sourcePT; final IMarshallingTypeHandler sourceTypeHandler = sourceVPT.getTypeHandler(); if (sourceTypeHandler instanceof ISimpleMarshallingTypeHandler) return ((ISimpleMarshallingTypeHandler) sourceTypeHandler).convertToXMLString(sourceValue); } else if (sourcePT instanceof IRelationType) { if (sourceValue instanceof String) return (String) sourceValue; else if (sourceValue instanceof IXLinkedFeature) return ((IXLinkedFeature) sourceValue).getHref(); else if (sourceValue instanceof Feature) return ((Feature) sourceValue).getId(); } return sourceValue.toString(); } /** * Clones a feature and puts it into the given parent feature at the given property. * * @param newParentFeature * The parent where the cloned feature will be put into. May live in the same or in another workspace. * @param relation * Property where to put the new feature. If a list, the new feature is added at the end of the list. * @param nullValuedProperties * qname of IPropertiesTypes whos values will not be copied. only the featuretype will exist and the property * of its is null in result feature */ public static Feature cloneFeature(final Feature newParentFeature, final IRelationType relation, final Feature featureToClone, final QName[] nullValuedProperties) throws Exception { final IFeatureType featureType = featureToClone.getFeatureType(); final Feature newFeature = newParentFeature.getWorkspace().createFeature(newParentFeature, relation, featureType); // TODO: this is no good to add it here.... // For example we cannot give a position where to add the new feature... if (relation.isList()) { /* * Get relation in the type system from the cloned feature, because the 'old'-relation may not work with the new * feature type (due to the fact that some implementation did not implement a fitting equals method). */ final IRelationType newRelation = (IRelationType) newParentFeature.getFeatureType() .getProperty(relation.getQName()); newParentFeature.getWorkspace().addFeatureAsComposition(newParentFeature, newRelation, -1, newFeature); } else { newParentFeature.setProperty(relation, newFeature); } copyProperties(featureToClone, newFeature, nullValuedProperties); return newFeature; } public static void copyProperties(final Feature source, final Feature target, final QName[] nullValuedProperties) throws Exception { final IFeatureType featureType = source.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType[] properties = featureType.getProperties(); for (final IPropertyType pt : properties) { if (nullValuedProperties != null && ArrayUtils.contains(nullValuedProperties, pt.getQName())) continue; try { final Object newValue = FeatureHelper.cloneProperty(source, target, pt); target.setProperty(pt, newValue); } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { /* Just log, try to copy at least the rest */ KalypsoDeegreePlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(StatusUtilities.statusFromThrowable(e)); } } } /** * Clones a feature and puts it into the given parent feature at the given property. */ public static Feature cloneFeature(final Feature newParentFeature, final IRelationType relation, final Feature featureToClone) throws Exception { return FeatureHelper.cloneFeature(newParentFeature, relation, featureToClone, new QName[0]); } private static Object cloneProperty(final Feature sourceFeature, final Feature targetFeature, final IPropertyType pt) throws Exception { final Object property = sourceFeature.getProperty(pt); if (pt.isList()) { final List<?> list = (List<?>) property; final List targetList = (List) targetFeature.getProperty(pt); for (final Object listElement : list) { final Object cloneData = FeatureHelper.cloneData(sourceFeature, targetFeature, pt, listElement); // TODO: this is not nice! Better: d not add feature to list within the cloneFeature Method if (cloneData instanceof IXLinkedFeature || !(cloneData instanceof Feature)) { targetList.add(cloneData); } } return targetList; } return FeatureHelper.cloneData(sourceFeature, targetFeature, pt, property); } /** * @throws CloneNotSupportedException * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * If type of object is not supported for clone <br/> * FIXME: get gml version from source feature type */ public static Object cloneData(final Feature sourceFeature, final Feature targetFeature, final IPropertyType pt, final Object object) throws Exception { if (object == null) return null; if (pt instanceof IRelationType) { final IRelationType rt = (IRelationType) pt; if (object instanceof String) { // its an internal link: change to external if we change the workspace if (sourceFeature.getWorkspace().equals(targetFeature.getWorkspace())) return object; else // TODO: not yet supported; internal links will be broken after clone return null; } else if (object instanceof IXLinkedFeature) { final IXLinkedFeature xlink = (IXLinkedFeature) object; // retarget xlink return new XLinkedFeature_Impl(targetFeature, rt, xlink.getFeatureType(), xlink.getHref()); } else if (object instanceof Feature) return FeatureHelper.cloneFeature(targetFeature, rt, (Feature) object); return null; } // its an geometry? -> clone geometry if (object instanceof GM_Object) { final GM_Object gmo = (GM_Object) object; return gmo.clone(); } // if we have an IMarshallingTypeHandler, it will do the clone for us. final ITypeRegistry<IMarshallingTypeHandler> typeRegistry = MarshallingTypeRegistrySingleton .getTypeRegistry(); final IMarshallingTypeHandler typeHandler = typeRegistry.getTypeHandlerFor(pt); if (typeHandler != null) { try { final String gmlVersion = sourceFeature.getFeatureType().getGMLSchema().getGMLVersion(); return typeHandler.cloneObject(object, gmlVersion); } catch (final Exception e) { final CloneNotSupportedException cnse = new CloneNotSupportedException( "Kann Datenobjekt vom Typ '" + pt.getQName() + "' nicht kopieren."); cnse.initCause(e); throw cnse; } } throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Kann Datenobjekt vom Typ '" + pt.getQName() + "' nicht kopieren."); } /** * Copies all properties from one feature to another by cloning the data. The features must be of same feature type. */ public static void copyData(final Feature source, final Feature target) throws Exception { final IFeatureType type = source.getFeatureType(); Assert.isTrue(type.equals(target.getFeatureType())); final IPropertyType[] properties = type.getProperties(); for (final IPropertyType pt : properties) { final Object value = source.getProperty(pt); final Object clonedValue = FeatureHelper.cloneData(source, target, pt, value); target.setProperty(pt, clonedValue); } } public static boolean isCompositionLink(final Feature srcFE, final IRelationType linkProp, final Feature destFE) { final Object property = srcFE.getProperty(linkProp); if (property == null) return false; if (linkProp.isList()) { // list: final List<?> list = (List<?>) property; return list.contains(destFE); } // no list: return property == destFE; } /** * Checks if one of the feature properties is a collection. * * @param f * @return It returns true after the first occurrenc of a list */ public static boolean hasCollections(final Feature f) { final IFeatureType featureType = f.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType[] properties = featureType.getProperties(); for (final IPropertyType property : properties) if (property.isList()) return true; return false; } public static int[] getPositionOfAllAssociations(final Feature feature) { final ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>(); final IFeatureType featureType = feature.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType[] properties = featureType.getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { final IPropertyType property = properties[i]; if (property instanceof IRelationType) { res.add(new Integer(i)); } } final Integer[] positions = res.toArray(new Integer[res.size()]); return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(positions); } public static IRelationType[] getAllAssociations(final Feature feature) { final ArrayList<IRelationType> res = new ArrayList<>(); final IFeatureType featureType = feature.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType[] properties = featureType.getProperties(); for (final IPropertyType property : properties) if (property instanceof IRelationType) { res.add((IRelationType) property); } return res.toArray(new IRelationType[res.size()]); } public static boolean isCollection(final Feature f) { final IFeatureType featureType = f.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType[] properties = featureType.getProperties(); if (properties.length > 1) return false; for (final IPropertyType property : properties) if (property.isList()) return true; return false; } public static IFeatureType[] getFeatureTypeFromCollection(final Feature f) { final IFeatureType featureType = f.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType[] properties = featureType.getProperties(); final IPropertyType property = featureType.getProperty(properties[0].getQName()); IFeatureType[] afT = null; if (property instanceof IRelationType) { final IFeatureType ft = ((IRelationType) property).getTargetFeatureType(); afT = GMLSchemaUtilities.getSubstituts(ft, null, false, true); } return afT; } /** * Create properties by using the property-value of the given feature for each of the replace-tokens * * @param tokens * replace-tokens (tokenKey-featurePropertyName;...) */ public static Properties createReplaceTokens(final Feature f, final String tokens) { final Properties properties = new Properties(); final String[] strings = tokens.split(";"); for (final String element : strings) { final String[] splits = element.split("-"); String value = (String) f.getProperty(splits[1]); if (value == null) { value = splits[1]; } properties.setProperty(splits[0], value); } return properties; } /** * Returns the property of a feature.<br> * If the given qname contains no namespace (), it returns the first property with the same localPart. */ public static Object getPropertyLax(final Feature feature, final QName property) { final IPropertyType pt = feature.getFeatureType().getProperty(property); if (pt != null) return feature.getProperty(pt); if (XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI.equals(property.getNamespaceURI())) return feature.getProperty(property.getLocalPart()); // Will throw an IllegalArgumentException as the property will not be found return feature.getProperty(property); } /** * Returns the value of the given property. If the property is a java.util.List, it then returns the first element of * the list or null if the list is empty. */ public static Object getFirstProperty(final Feature feature, final QName property) { final Object prop = feature.getProperty(property); if (prop == null) return null; if (prop instanceof List) { final List<?> list = (List<?>) prop; if (list.size() > 0) return list.get(0); else return null; } return prop; } /** * copys all simple type properties from the source feature into the target feature * * @param srcFE * @param targetFE * @throws MultiException */ public static void copySimpleProperties(final Feature srcFE, final Feature targetFE) throws MultiException { final MultiException multiException = new MultiException(); final IPropertyType[] srcFTPs = srcFE.getFeatureType().getProperties(); for (final IPropertyType element : srcFTPs) { try { FeatureHelper.copySimpleProperty(srcFE, targetFE, element); } catch (final Exception e) { multiException.addException(e); } } if (!multiException.isEmpty()) throw multiException; } /** * @param srcFE * @param targetFE * @param property * @throws CloneNotSupportedException */ public static void copySimpleProperty(final Feature srcFE, final Feature targetFE, final IPropertyType property) throws Exception { if (property instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IValuePropertyType pt = (IValuePropertyType) property; final Object valueOriginal = srcFE.getProperty(property); final Object cloneValue = FeatureHelper.cloneData(srcFE, targetFE, pt, valueOriginal); targetFE.setProperty(pt, cloneValue); } } /** * <ul> * <li>If the property is not a list, just set the value</li> * <li>If the property ist a list, a the given value to the list. If the given value is a list, add all its values to the list.</li> * </ul> * * @see org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.Feature#addProperty(org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.FeatureProperty) */ public static void addProperty(final Feature feature, final IPropertyType pt, final Object newValue) { final Object oldValue = feature.getProperty(pt); if (oldValue instanceof List) { if (newValue instanceof List) { ((List) oldValue).addAll((List) newValue); } else { ((List) oldValue).add(newValue); } } else { feature.setProperty(pt, newValue); } } /** * Same as {@link #addFeature(Feature, QName, QName, 0)} */ public static Feature addFeature(final Feature feature, final QName listProperty, final QName newFeatureName) throws GMLSchemaException { return addFeature(feature, listProperty, newFeatureName, 0); } /** * Adds a new member to a property of the given feature. The property must be a feature list. * * @param newFeatureName * The QName of the featureType of the newly generated feature. If null, the target feature-type of the list * is taken. * @return The new feature member */ public static Feature addFeature(final Feature feature, final QName listProperty, final QName newFeatureName, final int depth) throws GMLSchemaException { final FeatureList list = (FeatureList) feature.getProperty(listProperty); final Feature parentFeature = list.getOwner(); final GMLWorkspace workspace = parentFeature.getWorkspace(); final IRelationType parentFeatureTypeProperty = list.getPropertyType(); final IFeatureType targetFeatureType = parentFeatureTypeProperty.getTargetFeatureType(); final IFeatureType newFeatureType; if (newFeatureName == null) { newFeatureType = targetFeatureType; } else { newFeatureType = GMLSchemaUtilities.getFeatureTypeQuiet(newFeatureName); } if (newFeatureName != null && !GMLSchemaUtilities.substitutes(newFeatureType, targetFeatureType.getQName())) throw new GMLSchemaException("Type of new feature (" + newFeatureName + ") does not substitutes target feature type of the list: " + targetFeatureType.getQName()); final Feature newFeature = workspace.createFeature(parentFeature, parentFeatureTypeProperty, newFeatureType, depth); list.add(newFeature); return newFeature; } /** * Only works for non list feature property * * @param feature * feature which list property receive the new feature * @param listProperty * the {@link QName} of the list property * @param featureProperties * the property of the feature to be set before adding the feature to the list * @param featurePropQNames * the {@link QName} of the feature property to be set before adding it the the * @param throws {@link IllegalArgumentException} if featureProperties and featurePropQNames are not all null or are * not all non null with differen lengths */ public static Feature addFeature(final Feature feature, final QName listProperty, final QName newFeatureName, final Object[] featureProperties, final QName[] featurePropQNames) throws GMLSchemaException, IllegalArgumentException { if (featureProperties == null & featurePropQNames == null) { // okay } else if (featureProperties != null && featurePropQNames != null) { if (featureProperties.length != featurePropQNames.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "featurePropQName and featureProperties must have the same length"); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "featureProperties and FeaturePropQnames must be all null or all non null with" + "the same length"); final FeatureList list = (FeatureList) feature.getProperty(listProperty); // TODO Patrice to check can the feature(param) be different from the list property parent final Feature parentFeature = list.getOwner(); final GMLWorkspace workspace = parentFeature.getWorkspace(); final IRelationType parentFeatureTypeProperty = list.getPropertyType(); final IFeatureType targetFeatureType = parentFeatureTypeProperty.getTargetFeatureType(); final IFeatureType newFeatureType; if (newFeatureName == null) { newFeatureType = targetFeatureType; } else { newFeatureType = GMLSchemaUtilities.getFeatureTypeQuiet(newFeatureName); } if (newFeatureName != null && !GMLSchemaUtilities.substitutes(newFeatureType, targetFeatureType.getQName())) throw new GMLSchemaException("Type of new feature (" + newFeatureName + ") does not substitutes target feature type of the list: " + targetFeatureType.getQName()); final Feature newFeature = workspace.createFeature(parentFeature, parentFeatureTypeProperty, newFeatureType); for (int i = featureProperties.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { newFeature.setProperty(featurePropQNames[i], featureProperties[i]); } list.add(newFeature); return newFeature; } public static void setProperties(final Feature result, final Map<IPropertyType, Object> props) { for (final Map.Entry<IPropertyType, Object> entry : props.entrySet()) { result.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } // FIXME: check, if this can be replaced with Feature#getMember public static Feature resolveLink(final Feature feature, final QName qname) { return FeatureHelper.resolveLink(feature, qname, false); } /** * Returns a value of the given feature as feature. If it is a link, it will be resolved. * * @param qname * Must denote a property of type IRelationType of maxoccurs 1. * @param followXLinks * If true and the property is an xlinked Feature, return the Feature where the xlink points to. Else the * xlink itself is returned as feature. */ // FIXME: check, if this can be replaced with Feature#getMember public static Feature resolveLink(final Feature feature, final QName qname, final boolean followXLinks) { final IRelationType property = (IRelationType) feature.getFeatureType().getProperty(qname); final Object value = feature.getProperty(property); if (value == null) return null; if (value instanceof IXLinkedFeature && followXLinks) return ((IXLinkedFeature) value).getFeature(); if (value instanceof Feature) return (Feature) value; // FIXME: code never reached?! if (feature instanceof IXLinkedFeature) { /* Its a local link inside a xlinked-feature */ final IXLinkedFeature xlinkedFeature = (IXLinkedFeature) feature; final String href = xlinkedFeature.getUri() + "#" + value; //$NON-NLS-1$ return new XLinkedFeature_Impl(feature, property, property.getTargetFeatureType(), href); } /* A normal local link inside the same workspace */ return feature.getWorkspace().getFeature((String) value); } /** * Resolves and adapts the linked feature. Note that the real feature is wrapped and return not the xlinked feature. * * @param feature * the link property holder * @param propertyQName * the q-name of the link property * @param adapterTargetClass * the class the link feature is to be adapted to * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if any of the parameter is null * @throws IllegalStateException * if xlink is broken (i.e. xlinked feature points to non existing real feature) * @return an adapter if the link feature or null if no linked feature is found or if the linked feature is not * adaptable to the specified class */ public static <T> T resolveLink(final Feature feature, final QName propertyQName, final Class<T> adapterTargetClass) { if (feature == null || propertyQName == null || adapterTargetClass == null) { final String message = String.format( "Arguments must not be null : \n\tfeature = %s " + "\n\tpropertyQName = %s \n\tadapterTargetClass = %s\n\t", feature, propertyQName, adapterTargetClass); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } Feature propFeature = FeatureHelper.resolveLink(feature, propertyQName); if (propFeature == null) return null; else { if (propFeature instanceof IXLinkedFeature) { // here is also possible to get IllegalArgumentException, if (phantom) xlinked feature points to nothing propFeature = ((IXLinkedFeature) propFeature).getFeature(); } final T adaptedFeature = (T) propFeature.getAdapter(adapterTargetClass); return adaptedFeature; } } public static void addChild(final Feature parentFE, final IRelationType rt, final String featureID) { if (rt.isList()) { final FeatureList list = (FeatureList) parentFE.getProperty(rt); list.add(featureID); } else { parentFE.setProperty(rt, featureID); } } /** * Creates a data object suitable for a feature property out of string. * * @return null, if the data-type is unknown * @throws NumberFormatException */ public static final Object createFeaturePropertyFromStrings(final IValuePropertyType type, final String format, final String[] input, final boolean handleEmptyAsNull) { if (GeometryUtilities.getPointClass() == type.getValueClass() || GM_Object.class == type.getValueClass()) { final String rwString = input[0].trim(); final String hwString = input[1].trim(); final String crsString; if (input.length > 2) { crsString = input[2]; } else { crsString = format; } if (rwString == null || rwString.isEmpty() || hwString == null || hwString.isEmpty()) return null; // GeometryFactory.createGM_Point( 0, 0, crsString ); final double rw = NumberUtils.parseDouble(rwString); final double hw = NumberUtils.parseDouble(hwString); return GeometryFactory.createGM_Point(rw, hw, crsString); } final IMarshallingTypeHandler typeHandler = MarshallingTypeRegistrySingleton.getTypeRegistry() .getTypeHandlerFor(type); if (typeHandler == null) return null; try { final String inputString = input[0]; if (handleEmptyAsNull && (inputString == null || inputString.trim().length() == 0)) return null; return typeHandler.parseType(inputString); } catch (final ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Retrieves a property as a feature. * <p> * If the property is not yet set, the feature is generated and set. * </p> * <p> * This method creates directly a feature of the target feature type of the given property. * </p> * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If the target feature type of the given property is abstract. */ // FIXME: check, if this can be replaced with Feature#getMember public static Feature getSubFeature(final Feature parent, final QName propertyName) { final Object value = parent.getProperty(propertyName); if (value instanceof Feature) return (Feature) value; if (value instanceof String) return parent.getWorkspace().getFeature((String) value); final IFeatureType parentType = parent.getFeatureType(); final IPropertyType property = parentType.getProperty(propertyName); if (!(property instanceof IRelationType)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property is no relation: " + propertyName); final IRelationType rt = (IRelationType) property; final IFeatureType targetFeatureType = rt.getTargetFeatureType(); if (targetFeatureType.isAbstract()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot instantiate an abstract feature"); // neues machen final GMLWorkspace workspace = parent.getWorkspace(); final Feature newSubFeature = workspace.createFeature(parent, rt, targetFeatureType); parent.setProperty(propertyName, newSubFeature); return newSubFeature; } /** * @see #addProperty(Feature, IPropertyType, Object) */ public static void addProperty(final Feature feature, final QName propertyName, final Object value) { final IPropertyType property = feature.getFeatureType().getProperty(propertyName); FeatureHelper.addProperty(feature, property, value); } /** * If the given object is a feature, return it, else return the feature with id (String)linkOrFeature. */ public static Feature getFeature(final GMLWorkspace wrk, final Object linkOrFeature) { if (linkOrFeature instanceof Feature) return (Feature) linkOrFeature; if (linkOrFeature instanceof String) return wrk.getFeature((String) linkOrFeature); return null; } public static <T> T getFeature(final GMLWorkspace workspace, final Object linkOrFeature, final Class<T> targetAdapterClass) { if (workspace == null || linkOrFeature == null || targetAdapterClass == null) { final String message = null; throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } final Feature feature = FeatureHelper.getFeature(workspace, linkOrFeature); if (feature == null) return null; final Object adapter = feature.getAdapter(targetAdapterClass); return targetAdapterClass.cast(adapter); } /** * Returns the label of a feature. * <p> * The label is taken from the annotation on the feature type * </p> * <p> * Additionally, token replace will be performed on the annotation string. * </p> * <p> * The following tokens are supported: * <ul> * <li>${id}: the gml:id of the feature</li> * <li>${property:_qname_}: the value of the property _qname_ parsed as string (via its marshalling handler). _qname_ * <li>${listProperty:_qname_;listindex}: Similar to ${property}, but the value is interpretated as List, and then the list item with index listindex is returned. Syntax: namespace#localPart</li> * </ul> * </p> */ public static String getAnnotationValue(final Feature feature, final String annotationKey) { if (feature instanceof IXLinkedFeature) { // BUGFIX: access the feature here once, before the annotation is fetched. // This is necessary in order to force the featureType to be known. ((IXLinkedFeature) feature).getFeature(); } final IFeatureType featureType = feature.getFeatureType(); final IAnnotation annotation = featureType.getAnnotation(); final String value = annotation.getValue(annotationKey); return FeatureHelper.tokenReplace(feature, value); } public static boolean hasReplaceTokens(final IFeatureType featureType, final String annotationKey) { final IAnnotation annotation = featureType.getAnnotation(); final String label = annotation.getValue(annotationKey); return label.contains(TokenReplacerEngine.TOKEN_START); } /** Performs the token replace for the methods {@link #getLabel(Feature)}, ... */ public static String tokenReplace(final Feature feature, final String tokenString) { return FeatureHelper.FEATURE_TOKEN_REPLACE.replaceTokens(feature, tokenString); } /** * This function creates separate lists of features by qname and collects them in a hash map. * * @param parent * The parent feature, containing the original feature list. * @param propertyQName * The qname of the original feature list, which contains all features. */ public static HashMap<QName, ArrayList<Feature>> sortType(final Feature parent, final QName propertyQName) { /* Get a list of all features in the given property. */ final FeatureList list = (FeatureList) parent.getProperty(propertyQName); /* Create a map QName->Features. */ final HashMap<QName, ArrayList<Feature>> featureMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final Object o : list) { /* Get the feature. */ final Feature feature = (Feature) o; /* Get the qname of the feature. */ final QName qname = feature.getFeatureType().getQName(); /* Wenn der QName bereits in der Liste existiert, hnge das Feature an dessen Liste. */ if (featureMap.containsKey(qname)) { final ArrayList<Feature> sub_list = featureMap.get(qname); sub_list.add(feature); featureMap.put(qname, sub_list); } else { /* Add the qname as a new key, with a new List. */ final ArrayList<Feature> sub_list = new ArrayList<>(); sub_list.add(feature); featureMap.put(qname, sub_list); } } return featureMap; } /** * Sets a link to a feature (<code>targetFeature</code>) inside another feature (<code>sourceFeature</code>) as a * property.<br/> * If the parent workspaces of the two features are the same, an internal link (#<id>) is created.<br/> * Else, an external xlink is created. In this case, the context of the target workspace must be non <code>null</code> * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If the property argument is not suitable for a link (not an {@link IRelationType}). If the * targetWorksapce has not a suitable context for the link. */ // TODO: check: move to Feature? Similar to Feature#setLink public static void setAsLink(final Feature sourceFeature, final QName property, final Feature targetFeature) { Assert.isNotNull(sourceFeature); final IPropertyType propertyType = sourceFeature.getFeatureType().getProperty(property); if (!(propertyType instanceof IRelationType)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Unable to set a link to property %s. It is not a relation.", property)); if (targetFeature == null) sourceFeature.setProperty(propertyType, null); final GMLWorkspace sourceWorkspace = sourceFeature.getWorkspace(); final GMLWorkspace targetWorkspace = targetFeature.getWorkspace(); final IRelationType sourceRelation = (IRelationType) propertyType; final String targetID = targetFeature.getId(); final IFeatureType targetFeatureType = targetFeature.getFeatureType(); if (sourceWorkspace == targetWorkspace) sourceFeature.setProperty(sourceRelation, targetID); else { final URL targetContext = targetWorkspace.getContext(); if (targetContext == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Unable to set a link to property %s. Workspace of target feature has no context.", property)); final String uri = targetContext.toExternalForm(); final String href = String.format("%s#%s", uri, targetID); //$NON-NLS-1$ final Feature link = new XLinkedFeature_Impl(sourceFeature, sourceRelation, targetFeatureType, href); sourceFeature.setProperty(propertyType, link); } } /** * Use {@link Feature#createLink(IRelationType, String)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static Object createLinkToID(final String id, final Feature parentFeature, final IRelationType parentRelation, final IFeatureType ft) { if (id == null) return null; if (id.startsWith("#")) //$NON-NLS-1$ return id; return new XLinkedFeature_Impl(parentFeature, parentRelation, ft, id); } /** * @author thuel2 * @return <code>true</code> if <code>parent</code> is one of the ancestors of or equals <em>ALL</em> <code>children</code> */ public static boolean isParentOfAllOrEquals(final Feature parent, final Feature[] children) { if (children.length < 1) return false; boolean isParentOfAllOrEquals = true; for (final Feature child : children) { isParentOfAllOrEquals = isParentOfAllOrEquals && FeatureHelper.isParentOrEquals(parent, child); } return isParentOfAllOrEquals; } /** * @author thuel2 * @return <code>true</code> if <code>parent</code> is one of the ancestors of <code>child</code> or equals <code>child</code> */ public static boolean isParentOrEquals(final Feature parent, final Feature child) { if (parent == null || child == null) return false; if (parent.equals(child)) return true; else return FeatureHelper.isParent(parent, child); } /** * @author thuel2 * @return <code>true</code> if <code>parent</code> is one of the ancestors of <em>ALL</em> <code>children</code> */ public static boolean isParentOfAll(final Feature parent, final Feature[] children) { if (children.length < 1) return false; boolean isParentOffAll = true; for (final Feature child : children) { isParentOffAll = isParentOffAll && FeatureHelper.isParent(parent, child); } return isParentOffAll; } /** * @author thuel2 * @return <code>true</code> if <code>parent</code> is one of the ancestors of <code>child</code> (in relation to <code>workspace</code>) */ public static boolean isParent(final GMLWorkspace workspace, final Object parent, final Object child) { Feature parentFeat = null; if (parent instanceof Feature) { parentFeat = (Feature) parent; } else { parentFeat = workspace.getFeature((String) parent); } Feature childFeat = null; if (child instanceof Feature) { childFeat = (Feature) child; } else { childFeat = workspace.getFeature((String) child); } return FeatureHelper.isParent(parentFeat, childFeat); } /** * @author thuel2 * @return <code>true</code> if <code>parent</code> is one of the ancestors of <code>child</code> */ public static boolean isParent(final Feature parent, final Feature child) { if (parent == null || child == null) return false; else if (child.getParentRelation() != null) { final Feature childParent = child.getOwner(); final Feature childRoot = child.getWorkspace().getRootFeature(); if (parent.equals(childParent)) return true; else if (childParent.equals(childRoot)) return false; else return FeatureHelper.isParent(parent, childParent); } else return false; } /** * Calculates the minimal envelope containing all envelopes of the given features. * * @return <code>null</code> if none of the given features contains a valid envelope. */ public static GM_Envelope getEnvelope(final Feature[] features) { GM_Envelope result = null; for (final Feature feature : features) { final GM_Envelope envelope = feature.getEnvelope(); if (envelope != null) { if (result == null) result = envelope; else result = result.getMerged(envelope); } } return result; } public static Feature createFeatureForListProp(final FeatureList list, final QName newFeatureName, final int index) throws GMLSchemaException { final Feature parentFeature = list.getOwner(); final GMLWorkspace workspace = parentFeature.getWorkspace(); final IRelationType parentRelation = list.getPropertyType(); final IFeatureType targetFeatureType = parentRelation.getTargetFeatureType(); final IFeatureType newFeatureType; if (newFeatureName == null) { newFeatureType = targetFeatureType; } else { newFeatureType = GMLSchemaUtilities.getFeatureTypeQuiet(newFeatureName); } if (newFeatureName != null && !GMLSchemaUtilities.substitutes(newFeatureType, targetFeatureType.getQName())) throw new GMLSchemaException("Type of new feature (" + newFeatureName + ") does not substitutes target feature type of the list: " + targetFeatureType.getQName()); final Feature newFeature = workspace.createFeature(parentFeature, parentRelation, newFeatureType); try { workspace.addFeatureAsComposition(parentFeature, parentRelation, index, newFeature); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return newFeature; } public static Feature createFeatureWithId(final QName newFeatureQName, final Feature parentFeature, final QName propQName, final String gmlID) throws IllegalArgumentException { Assert.isNotNull(parentFeature, "parentFeature"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Assert.isNotNull(propQName, "propQName"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Assert.isNotNull(newFeatureQName, "newFeatureQName"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Assert.isNotNull(gmlID); final GMLWorkspace workspace = parentFeature.getWorkspace(); final IFeatureType featureType = GMLSchemaUtilities.getFeatureTypeQuiet(newFeatureQName); final IPropertyType parentPT = parentFeature.getFeatureType().getProperty(propQName); if (!(parentPT instanceof IRelationType)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Property not a IRelationType=" + parentPT + " propQname=" + propQName); // TOASK does not include the feature into any workspace final Feature created = FeatureFactory.createFeature(parentFeature, (IRelationType) parentPT, gmlID, featureType, true); try { if (parentPT.isList()) { // workspace.addFeatureAsAggregation( // parentFeature,//srcFE, // (IRelationType)parentPT,//linkProperty, // -1,//pos, // gmlID//featureID // ); // FeatureList propList= // (FeatureList)parentFeature.getProperty( parentPT ); // propList.add( created ); workspace.addFeatureAsComposition(parentFeature, (IRelationType) parentPT, -1, created); } else { // TODO test this case parentFeature.setProperty(parentPT, created); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not add to the workspace", e); } return created; } /** * Converts a feature list into an array, and resolves all links while dooing this.<br> * The size of the resulting array may be smaller than the given list, if contained links cannot be resolved. */ public static Feature[] toArray(final FeatureList featureList) { final GMLWorkspace workspace = featureList.getOwner().getWorkspace(); final List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>(featureList.size()); for (final Object object : featureList) { final Feature feature = FeatureHelper.getFeature(workspace, object); if (feature != null) { features.add(feature); } } return features.toArray(new Feature[features.size()]); } /** * Reads a property for every feature of an array of features and puts them into a new array. */ public static <T> T[] getProperties(final Feature[] features, final GMLXPath xPath, final T[] a) throws GMLXPathException { final T[] properties = a == null ? a : (T[]) Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), features.length); for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { final Feature feature = features[i]; if (feature == null) continue; properties[i] = (T) GMLXPathUtilities.query(xPath, feature); } return properties; } /** * Resolves linked features. Handles XLinks. * * @deprecated Use {@link Feature#getMember(QName)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static Feature resolveLinkedFeature(final GMLWorkspace targetWorkspace, final Object property) { if (property == null) return null; if (property instanceof IXLinkedFeature) { try { final IXLinkedFeature xLnk = (IXLinkedFeature) property; return xLnk.getFeature(); } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } final Feature result = getFeature(targetWorkspace, property); if (result == null) return null; // throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Feature with id %s not found", property.toString() ) ); return result; } public static Feature[] getFeaturess(final Object object) { if (object == null) return new Feature[] {}; if (object instanceof Feature) return new Feature[] { (Feature) object }; else if (object instanceof FeatureList) return ((FeatureList) object).toFeatures(); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexcepted object, can not convert to Feature[]"); } /** * Returns all features of a certain feature type contained in this workspace.<br> * Comparison with feature type is exact, substitution is not considered. */ public static Feature[] getFeaturesWithType(final GMLWorkspace workspace, final IFeatureType type) { final FeatureTypeFilter predicate = new FeatureTypeFilter(type, false); return getFeatures(workspace, predicate); } public static Feature[] getFeaturesWithName(final GMLWorkspace workspace, final QName name) { final QNameUnique uniqueName = QNameUnique.create(name); final FeatureTypeFilter predicate = new FeatureTypeFilter(uniqueName, null, false); return getFeatures(workspace, predicate); } /** * Returns all feature with the given local typename. */ public static Feature[] getFeaturesWithLocalName(final GMLWorkspace workspace, final String typenameLocalPart) { final QNameUnique localTypename = QNameUnique.create(XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, typenameLocalPart); final FeatureTypeFilter predicate = new FeatureTypeFilter(null, localTypename, false); return getFeatures(workspace, predicate); } /** * Returns all feature of a workspace filtered by a given predicate. */ public static Feature[] getFeatures(final GMLWorkspace workspace, final Filter predicate) { Assert.isNotNull(workspace); final CollectorVisitor collector = new CollectorVisitor(predicate); try { final Feature rootFeature = workspace.getRootFeature(); workspace.accept(collector, rootFeature, FeatureVisitor.DEPTH_INFINITE); } catch (final Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return collector.getResults(true); } }