Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2016 CyberVision, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kaaproject.kaa.client.persistence; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumReader; import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter; import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.Charsets; import; import; import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.KaaClientProperties; import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.event.EndpointAccessToken; import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.event.EndpointKeyHash; import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.exceptions.KaaRuntimeException; import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.notification.TopicListHashCalculator; import org.kaaproject.kaa.client.util.Base64; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.endpoint.gen.SubscriptionType; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.endpoint.gen.Topic; import; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.hash.EndpointObjectHash; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class KaaClientPropertiesState implements KaaClientState { private static final String APP_STATE_SEQ_NUMBER = "APP_STATE_SEQ_NUMBER"; private static final String PROFILE_HASH = "PROFILE_HASH"; private static final String ENDPOINT_ACCESS_TOKEN = "ENDPOINT_TOKEN"; /** * The Constant LOG. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KaaClientPropertiesState.class); private static final String ATTACHED_ENDPOINTS = "attached_eps"; private static final String NF_SUBSCRIPTIONS = "nf_subscriptions"; private static final String IS_REGISTERED = "is_registered"; private static final String IS_ATTACHED = "is_attached"; private static final String EVENT_SEQ_NUM = "event.seq.num"; private static final String TOPIC_LIST = "topic.list"; private static final String TOPIC_LIST_HASH = "topic.list.hash"; private static final String PROPERTIES_HASH = "properties.hash"; private static final String NEED_PROFILE_RESYNC = "need.profile.resync"; private final PersistentStorage storage; private final Base64 base64; private final Properties state; private final String stateFileLocation; private final String clientPrivateKeyFileLocation; private final String clientPublicKeyFileLocation; private final Map<Long, Topic> topicMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<Long, Integer> nfSubscriptions = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<EndpointAccessToken, EndpointKeyHash> attachedEndpoints = new HashMap<>(); private final AtomicInteger eventSequence = new AtomicInteger(); private Integer topicListHash; private KeyPair keyPair; private EndpointKeyHash keyHash; private boolean isConfigVersionUpdated = false; private boolean hasUpdate = false; private boolean isAutogeneratedKeys; public KaaClientPropertiesState(PersistentStorage storage, Base64 base64, KaaClientProperties properties) { this(storage, base64, properties, false); } /** * All needed properties for creating Kaa client * * @param storage - in what storage platform will work * @param base64 - interface for Base64 type * @param properties - saved properties for client * @param isAutogeneratedKeys - if not key pair keyPair and true, then create keys. In default it * false and used already created keys. */ public KaaClientPropertiesState(PersistentStorage storage, Base64 base64, KaaClientProperties properties, boolean isAutogeneratedKeys) { super(); = storage; this.base64 = base64; this.isAutogeneratedKeys = isAutogeneratedKeys; properties.setBase64(base64); stateFileLocation = properties.getStateFileFullName(); clientPrivateKeyFileLocation = properties.getPrivateKeyFileFullName(); clientPublicKeyFileLocation = properties.getPublicKeyFileFullName();"Version: '{}', commit hash: '{}'", properties.getBuildVersion(), properties.getCommitHash()); state = new Properties(); if (storage.exists(stateFileLocation)) { InputStream stream = null; try { stream = storage.openForRead(stateFileLocation); state.load(stream); if (isSdkPropertiesUpdated(properties)) {"SDK properties were updated"); setRegistered(false); setPropertiesHash(properties.getPropertiesHash()); //TODO: add more intelligent check by comparing part of SDK token. isConfigVersionUpdated = true; } else {"SDK properties are up to date"); } parseTopics(); parseNfSubscriptions(); String attachedEndpointsString = state.getProperty(ATTACHED_ENDPOINTS); if (attachedEndpointsString != null) { String[] splittedEndpointsList = attachedEndpointsString.split(","); for (String attachedEndpoint : splittedEndpointsList) { if (!attachedEndpoint.isEmpty()) { String[] splittedValues = attachedEndpoint.split(":"); attachedEndpoints.put(new EndpointAccessToken(splittedValues[0]), new EndpointKeyHash(splittedValues[1])); } } } String eventSeqNumStr = state.getProperty(EVENT_SEQ_NUM); if (eventSeqNumStr != null) { Integer eventSeqNum = 0; try { // NOSONAR eventSeqNum = Integer.parseInt(eventSeqNumStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception while parsing event sequence number. " + "Can not parse String: {} to Integer", eventSeqNumStr); } eventSequence.set(eventSeqNum); } String topicListHashStr = state.getProperty(TOPIC_LIST_HASH); if (topicListHashStr != null) { try { // NOSONAR this.topicListHash = Integer.parseInt(topicListHashStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception while parsing topic list hash. Can not parse String: " + "{} to Integer", topicListHashStr); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Can't load state file", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } else {"First SDK start"); setPropertiesHash(properties.getPropertiesHash()); } } private void parseTopics() { if (state.getProperty(TOPIC_LIST) != null) { byte[] data = base64.decodeBase64(state.getProperty(TOPIC_LIST)); BinaryDecoder decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(data, null); SpecificDatumReader<Topic> avroReader = new SpecificDatumReader<>(Topic.class); try { // NOSONAR Topic decodedTopic; while (!decoder.isEnd()) { decodedTopic =, decoder); LOG.debug("Loaded {}", decodedTopic); topicMap.put(decodedTopic.getId(), decodedTopic); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception occurred while reading information from decoder", ex); } } else {"No topic list found in state"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseNfSubscriptions() { if (state.getProperty(NF_SUBSCRIPTIONS) != null) { byte[] data = base64.decodeBase64(state.getProperty(NF_SUBSCRIPTIONS)); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is)) { nfSubscriptions.putAll((Map<Long, Integer>) ois.readObject()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception occurred while reading subscription information from state", ex); } } else {"No subscription info found in state"); } } private boolean isSdkPropertiesUpdated(KaaClientProperties sdkProperties) { byte[] hashFromSdk = sdkProperties.getPropertiesHash(); byte[] hashFromStateFile = base64.decodeBase64( state.getProperty(PROPERTIES_HASH, new String(base64.encodeBase64(new byte[0]), Charsets.UTF_8)) .getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); return !Arrays.equals(hashFromSdk, hashFromStateFile); } private void setStateStringValue(String propertyKey, String value) { Object previous = state.setProperty(propertyKey, value); String previousString = previous == null ? null : previous.toString(); hasUpdate |= !value.equals(previousString); } private void setStateBooleanValue(String propertyKey, boolean value) { Object previous = state.setProperty(propertyKey, Boolean.toString(value)); boolean previousBoolean = previous == null ? false : Boolean.valueOf(previous.toString()); hasUpdate |= value != previousBoolean; } private void setPropertiesHash(byte[] hash) { setStateStringValue(PROPERTIES_HASH, new String(base64.encodeBase64(hash), Charsets.UTF_8)); } @Override public boolean isConfigurationVersionUpdated() { return isConfigVersionUpdated; } @Override public boolean isRegistered() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(state.getProperty(IS_REGISTERED, Boolean.FALSE.toString())); } @Override public void setRegistered(boolean registered) { setStateBooleanValue(IS_REGISTERED, registered); } @Override public boolean isNeedProfileResync() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(state.getProperty(NEED_PROFILE_RESYNC, Boolean.FALSE.toString())); } @Override public void setIfNeedProfileResync(boolean needProfileResync) { setStateBooleanValue(NEED_PROFILE_RESYNC, needProfileResync); } @Override public void persist() { if (hasUpdate) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryEncoder encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(baos, null); SpecificDatumWriter<Topic> datumWriter = new SpecificDatumWriter<>(Topic.class); try { for (Topic topic : topicMap.values()) { datumWriter.write(topic, encoder);"Persisted {}", topic); } encoder.flush(); String base64Str = new String(base64.encodeBase64(baos.toByteArray()), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); state.setProperty(TOPIC_LIST, base64Str); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Can't persist topic list info", ex); } baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)) { oos.writeObject(nfSubscriptions); String base64Str = new String(base64.encodeBase64(baos.toByteArray()), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); state.setProperty(NF_SUBSCRIPTIONS, base64Str); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Can't persist notification subscription info", ex); } StringBuilder attachedEndpointsString = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<EndpointAccessToken, EndpointKeyHash> attached : attachedEndpoints.entrySet()) { attachedEndpointsString.append(attached.getKey().getToken()).append(":") .append(attached.getValue().getKeyHash()).append(','); } state.setProperty(ATTACHED_ENDPOINTS, attachedEndpointsString.toString()); state.setProperty(EVENT_SEQ_NUM, "" + eventSequence.get()); if (topicListHash != null) { state.setProperty(TOPIC_LIST_HASH, "" + topicListHash); } OutputStream os = null; try { storage.renameTo(stateFileLocation, stateFileLocation + "_bckp"); os = storage.openForWrite(stateFileLocation);, null); hasUpdate = false; } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Can't persist state file", ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(os); } } } @Override public String refreshEndpointAccessToken() { String newAccessToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); setEndpointAccessToken(newAccessToken); return newAccessToken; } @Override public PrivateKey getPrivateKey() { return getOrInitKeyPair(isAutogeneratedKeys).getPrivate(); } @Override public PublicKey getPublicKey() { return getOrInitKeyPair(isAutogeneratedKeys).getPublic(); } private KeyPair getOrInitKeyPair(boolean isAutogeneratedKeys) { LOG.debug("Check if key pair exists {}, {}", clientPublicKeyFileLocation, clientPrivateKeyFileLocation); if (keyPair != null) { return keyPair; } if (storage.exists(clientPublicKeyFileLocation) && storage.exists(clientPrivateKeyFileLocation)) { InputStream publicKeyInput = null; InputStream privateKeyInput = null; try { publicKeyInput = storage.openForRead(clientPublicKeyFileLocation); privateKeyInput = storage.openForRead(clientPrivateKeyFileLocation); PublicKey publicKey = KeyUtil.getPublic(publicKeyInput); PrivateKey privateKey = KeyUtil.getPrivate(privateKeyInput); if (publicKey != null && privateKey != null) { keyPair = new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey); if (!KeyUtil.validateKeyPair(keyPair)) { throw new InvalidKeyException(); } return keyPair; } } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) { keyPair = null; LOG.error("Unable to parse client RSA keypair. Generating new keys.. Reason {}", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error loading client RSA keypair. Reason {}", ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); // NOSONAR } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(publicKeyInput); IOUtils.closeQuietly(privateKeyInput); } } if (isAutogeneratedKeys) { LOG.debug("Generating Client Key pair"); OutputStream privateKeyOutput = null; OutputStream publicKeyOutput = null; try { privateKeyOutput = storage.openForWrite(clientPrivateKeyFileLocation); publicKeyOutput = storage.openForWrite(clientPublicKeyFileLocation); keyPair = KeyUtil.generateKeyPair(privateKeyOutput, publicKeyOutput); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Error generating Client Key pair", ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(privateKeyOutput); IOUtils.closeQuietly(publicKeyOutput); } } else { LOG.debug("Error loading key pair!", "Key pair is not found and key strategy is default"); throw new KaaRuntimeException("Key pair is not found and your key strategy is default"); } return keyPair; } @Override public EndpointKeyHash getEndpointKeyHash() { if (keyHash == null) { EndpointObjectHash publicKeyHash = EndpointObjectHash .fromSha1(getOrInitKeyPair(isAutogeneratedKeys).getPublic().getEncoded()); keyHash = new EndpointKeyHash(new String(base64.encodeBase64(publicKeyHash.getData()))); } return keyHash; } @Override public int getAppStateSeqNumber() { return Integer.parseInt(state.getProperty(APP_STATE_SEQ_NUMBER, "1")); } @Override public void setAppStateSeqNumber(int appStateSeqNumber) { setStateStringValue(APP_STATE_SEQ_NUMBER, Integer.toString(appStateSeqNumber)); } @Override public EndpointObjectHash getProfileHash() { return EndpointObjectHash.fromBytes(base64.decodeBase64( state.getProperty(PROFILE_HASH, new String(base64.encodeBase64(new byte[0]), Charsets.UTF_8)) .getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8))); } @Override public void setProfileHash(EndpointObjectHash hash) { setStateStringValue(PROFILE_HASH, new String(base64.encodeBase64(hash.getData()), Charsets.UTF_8)); } @Override public void addTopic(Topic topic) { if (topicMap.get(topic.getId()) == null) { topicMap.put(topic.getId(), topic); if (topic.getSubscriptionType() == SubscriptionType.MANDATORY_SUBSCRIPTION) { nfSubscriptions.put(topic.getId(), 0);"Adding new seqNumber 0 for {} subscription", topic.getId()); } hasUpdate = true;"Adding new topic with id {}", topic.getId()); } } @Override public void removeTopic(Long topicId) { if (topicMap.remove(topicId) != null) { if (nfSubscriptions.remove(topicId) != null) {"Removed subscription info for {}", topicId); } hasUpdate = true;"Removed topic with id {}", topicId); } } @Override public void addTopicSubscription(Long topicId) { Integer seqNum = nfSubscriptions.get(topicId); if (seqNum == null) { nfSubscriptions.put(topicId, 0);"Adding new seqNumber 0 for {} subscription", topicId); hasUpdate = true; } } @Override public void removeTopicSubscription(Long topicId) { if (nfSubscriptions.remove(topicId) != null) {"Removed subscription info for {}", topicId); hasUpdate = true; } } @Override public boolean updateTopicSubscriptionInfo(Long topicId, Integer sequenceNumber) { Integer seqNum = nfSubscriptions.get(topicId); boolean updated = false; if (seqNum != null) { if (sequenceNumber > seqNum) { updated = true; nfSubscriptions.put(topicId, sequenceNumber); hasUpdate = true; LOG.debug("Updated seqNumber to {} for {} subscription", sequenceNumber, topicId); } } return updated; } @Override public Map<Long, Integer> getNfSubscriptions() { return nfSubscriptions; } @Override public Collection<Topic> getTopics() { return topicMap.values(); } @Override public Integer getTopicListHash() { if (topicListHash == null) { return TopicListHashCalculator.NULL_LIST_HASH; } else { return topicListHash; } } @Override public void setTopicListHash(Integer topicListHash) { if (!Objects.equals(this.topicListHash, topicListHash)) { this.topicListHash = topicListHash; hasUpdate = true; } } @Override public Map<EndpointAccessToken, EndpointKeyHash> getAttachedEndpointsList() { return attachedEndpoints; } @Override public void setAttachedEndpointsList(Map<EndpointAccessToken, EndpointKeyHash> attachedEndpoints) { this.attachedEndpoints.clear(); this.attachedEndpoints.putAll(attachedEndpoints); hasUpdate = true; } @Override public String getEndpointAccessToken() { return state.getProperty(ENDPOINT_ACCESS_TOKEN, ""); } @Override public void setEndpointAccessToken(String token) { setStateStringValue(ENDPOINT_ACCESS_TOKEN, token); } @Override public int getAndIncrementEventSeqNum() { hasUpdate = true; return eventSequence.getAndIncrement(); } @Override public int getEventSeqNum() { return eventSequence.get(); } @Override public void setEventSeqNum(int newSeqNum) { if (eventSequence.get() != newSeqNum) { eventSequence.set(newSeqNum); hasUpdate = true; } } @Override public boolean isAttachedToUser() { return Boolean.parseBoolean(state.getProperty(IS_ATTACHED, Boolean.FALSE.toString())); } @Override public void setAttachedToUser(boolean isAttached) { setStateBooleanValue(IS_ATTACHED, isAttached); } @Override public void clean() { setRegistered(false); setIfNeedProfileResync(false); saveFileDelete(stateFileLocation); saveFileDelete(stateFileLocation + "_bckp"); keyPair = null; hasUpdate = true; } private void saveFileDelete(String fileName) { try { FileUtils.forceDelete(new File(fileName)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { LOG.trace("File {} wasn't deleted, as it hadn't existed :", fileName, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.debug("An error occurred during deletion of the file [{}] :", fileName, ex); } } }