Java tutorial
/* * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at */ package; import*; import android.os.*; import; import android.view.*; import android.widget.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import org.jitsi.*; import*; import*; import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.*; import org.jitsi.service.osgi.*; import org.jitsi.service.protocol.event.*; import org.jitsi.util.event.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; // Disambiguation /** * The dialog shows security information for ZRTP protocol. Allows user to * verify/clear security authentication string.<br/> * It will be shown only if the call is secured(there is security control * available).<br/> * Parent <tt>Activity</tt> should implement {@link SasVerificationListener} in * order to receive SAS verification status updates performed by this dialog. * * @author Pawel Domas */ public class ZrtpInfoDialog extends OSGiDialogFragment implements CallPeerSecurityListener, VideoListener { /** * The logger. */ private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ZrtpInfoDialog.class); /** * The extra key for call ID managed by {@link CallManager}. */ public static final String EXTRA_CALL_KEY = ""; /** * The listener object that will be notified on SAS string verification * status change. */ private SasVerificationListener verificationListener; /** * The {@link MediaAwareCallPeer} used by this dialog. */ MediaAwareCallPeer<?, ?, ?> mediaAwarePeer; /** * The {@link ZrtpControl} used as a master security controller. Retrieved * from AUDIO stream. */ private ZrtpControl masterControl; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { if (activity instanceof SasVerificationListener) { verificationListener = (SasVerificationListener) activity; } super.onAttach(activity); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onDetach() { verificationListener = null; super.onDetach(); } /** * Notifies the listener(if any) about the SAS verification update. * * @param isVerified <tt>true</tt> if the SAS string has been verified by * the user. */ private void notifySasVerified(boolean isVerified) { if (verificationListener != null) verificationListener.onSasVerificationChanged(isVerified); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Retrieves the call from manager. String callKey = getArguments().getString(EXTRA_CALL_KEY); Call call = CallManager.getActiveCall(callKey); if (call != null) { // Gets first media aware call peer Iterator<? extends CallPeer> callPeers = call.getCallPeers(); if (callPeers.hasNext()) { CallPeer callPeer =; if (callPeer instanceof MediaAwareCallPeer<?, ?, ?>) { this.mediaAwarePeer = (MediaAwareCallPeer<?, ?, ?>) callPeer; } } } // Retrieves security control for master stream(AUDIO) if (mediaAwarePeer != null) { SrtpControl srtpCtrl = mediaAwarePeer.getMediaHandler().getEncryptionMethod(MediaType.AUDIO); if (srtpCtrl instanceof ZrtpControl) { this.masterControl = (ZrtpControl) srtpCtrl; } } View content = inflater.inflate(R.layout.zrtp_info_dialog, container, false); View confirmBtn = content.findViewById(; confirmBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { // Confirms / clears SAS confirmation status masterControl.setSASVerification(!masterControl.isSecurityVerified()); updateVerificationStatus(); notifySasVerified(masterControl.isSecurityVerified()); } }); getDialog().setTitle(R.string.service_gui_SECURITY_INFO); return content; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); if (mediaAwarePeer == null) { showToast("This call does not contain media information"); dismiss(); return; } if (masterControl == null) { showToast("This call does not contain security information"); dismiss(); return; } mediaAwarePeer.addCallPeerSecurityListener(this); mediaAwarePeer.getMediaHandler().addVideoListener(this); ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(),, getSecurityString()); ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(),, MessageFormat .format(getString(R.string.service_gui_security_CIPHER), masterControl.getCipherString())); updateVerificationStatus(); boolean isAudioSecure = masterControl != null && masterControl.getSecureCommunicationStatus(); updateAudioSecureStatus(isAudioSecure); MediaStream videoStream = mediaAwarePeer.getMediaHandler().getStream(MediaType.VIDEO); updateVideoSecureStatus(videoStream != null && videoStream.getSrtpControl().getSecureCommunicationStatus()); } /** * Updates SAS verification status display. */ private void updateVerificationStatus() { boolean verified = masterControl.isSecurityVerified(); logger.trace("Is sas verified? " + verified); String txt = verified ? getString(R.string.service_gui_security_STRING_COMPARED) : getString(R.string.service_gui_security_COMPARE_WITH_PARTNER_SHORT); ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(),, txt); String confirmTxt = verified ? getString(R.string.service_gui_security_CLEAR_SAS) : getString(R.string.service_gui_security_CONFIRM_SAS); ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(),, confirmTxt); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onStop() { mediaAwarePeer.removeCallPeerSecurityListener(this); mediaAwarePeer.getMediaHandler().removeVideoListener(this); super.onStop(); } /** * Shows the toast on the screen with given <tt>text</tt>. * * @param text the message text that will be used. */ private void showToast(String text) { Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getActivity(), text, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; } /** * Formats the security string. * * @return Returns formatted security authentication string. */ private String getSecurityString() { String securityString = masterControl.getSecurityString(); if (securityString != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10); sb.append(securityString.charAt(0)); sb.append(' '); sb.append(securityString.charAt(1)); sb.append(' '); sb.append(securityString.charAt(2)); sb.append(' '); sb.append(securityString.charAt(3)); return sb.toString(); } else { return ""; } } /** * Updates audio security displays according to given status flag. * * @param isSecure <tt>true</tt> if the audio is secure. */ private void updateAudioSecureStatus(boolean isSecure) { String audioStr = isSecure ? getString(R.string.service_gui_security_SECURE_AUDIO) : getString(R.string.service_gui_security_AUDIO_NOT_SECURED); ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(),, audioStr); int iconId = isSecure ? R.drawable.secure_audio_on : R.drawable.secure_audio_off; ViewUtil.setImageViewIcon(getView(),, iconId); } /** * Checks video stream security status. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if the video is secure. */ private boolean isVideoSecure() { MediaStream videoStream = mediaAwarePeer.getMediaHandler().getStream(MediaType.VIDEO); return videoStream != null && videoStream.getSrtpControl().getSecureCommunicationStatus(); } /** * Updates video security displays. * * @param isSecure <tt>true</tt> if video stream is secured. */ private void updateVideoSecureStatus(boolean isSecure) { boolean isVideo = false; OperationSetVideoTelephony videoTelephony = mediaAwarePeer.getProtocolProvider() .getOperationSet(OperationSetVideoTelephony.class); if (videoTelephony != null) { /* * The invocation of MediaAwareCallPeer.isLocalVideoStreaming() is * cheaper than the invocation of * OperationSetVideoTelephony.getVisualComponents(CallPeer). */ isVideo = mediaAwarePeer.isLocalVideoStreaming(); if (!isVideo) { List<Component> videos = videoTelephony.getVisualComponents(mediaAwarePeer); isVideo = ((videos != null) && (videos.size() != 0)); } } ViewUtil.ensureVisible(getView(),, isVideo); ViewUtil.ensureVisible(getView(),, isVideo); /** * If there's no video skip this part, as controls will be hidden. */ if (!isVideo) return; String videoText = isSecure ? getString(R.string.service_gui_security_SECURE_VIDEO) : getString(R.string.service_gui_security_VIDEO_NOT_SECURED); ViewUtil.setTextViewValue(getView(),, videoText); ViewUtil.setImageViewIcon(getView(),, isSecure ? R.drawable.secure_video_on : R.drawable.secure_video_off); } /** * The handler for the security event received. The security event * represents an indication of change in the security status. * * @param securityEvent the security event received */ public void securityOn(CallPeerSecurityOnEvent securityEvent) { int sessionType = securityEvent.getSessionType(); if (sessionType == CallPeerSecurityStatusEvent.AUDIO_SESSION) { // Audio security on updateAudioSecureStatus(true); } else if (sessionType == CallPeerSecurityStatusEvent.VIDEO_SESSION) { // Video security on updateVideoSecureStatus(true); } } /** * The handler for the security event received. The security event * represents an indication of change in the security status. * * @param securityEvent the security event received */ public void securityOff(CallPeerSecurityOffEvent securityEvent) { int sessionType = securityEvent.getSessionType(); if (sessionType == CallPeerSecurityStatusEvent.AUDIO_SESSION) { // Audio security off updateAudioSecureStatus(false); } else if (sessionType == CallPeerSecurityStatusEvent.VIDEO_SESSION) { // Video security off updateVideoSecureStatus(false); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void securityTimeout(CallPeerSecurityTimeoutEvent securityTimeoutEvent) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void securityMessageRecieved(CallPeerSecurityMessageEvent event) { } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void securityNegotiationStarted(CallPeerSecurityNegotiationStartedEvent securityStartedEvent) { } /** * Refreshes video security displays on GUI thread. */ private void refreshVideoOnUIThread() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateVideoSecureStatus(isVideoSecure()); } }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void videoAdded(VideoEvent videoEvent) { refreshVideoOnUIThread(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void videoRemoved(VideoEvent videoEvent) { refreshVideoOnUIThread(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void videoUpdate(VideoEvent videoEvent) { refreshVideoOnUIThread(); } /** * The security authentication string verification status listener. */ public interface SasVerificationListener { /** * Called when SAS verification status is updated. * * @param isVerified <tt>true</tt> if SAS is verified by the user. */ void onSasVerificationChanged(boolean isVerified); } /** * Creates new parametrized instance of {@link ZrtpInfoDialog}. * * @param callKey the call key managed by {@link CallManager}. * * @return parametrized instance of <tt>ZrtpInfoDialog</tt>. */ public static ZrtpInfoDialog newInstance(String callKey) { ZrtpInfoDialog infoDialog = new ZrtpInfoDialog(); Bundle arguments = new Bundle(); arguments.putString(EXTRA_CALL_KEY, callKey); infoDialog.setArguments(arguments); return infoDialog; } }