Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright Paul James Mutton, 2001-2009,
This file is part of PircBot.
This software is dual-licensed, allowing you to choose between the GNU
General Public License (GPL) and the Commercial License.
Since the GPL may be too restrictive for use in a proprietary application,
a commercial license is also provided. Full license information can be
found at

package org.jibble.pircbot;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.mozilla.universalchardet.UniversalDetector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * PircBot is a Java framework for writing IRC bots quickly and easily.
 * <p/>
 * It provides an event-driven architecture to handle common IRC
 * events, flood protection, DCC support, ident support, and more.
 * The comprehensive logfile format is suitable for use with pisg to generate
 * channel statistics.
 * <p/>
 * Methods of the PircBot class can be called to send events to the IRC server
 * that it connects to.  For example, calling the sendMessage method will
 * send a message to a channel or user on the IRC server.  Multiple servers
 * can be supported using multiple instances of PircBot.
 * <p/>
 * To perform an action when the PircBot receives a normal message from the IRC
 * server, you would override the onMessage method defined in the PircBot
 * class.  All on<i>XYZ</i> methods in the PircBot class are automatically called
 * when the event <i>XYZ</i> happens, so you would override these if you wish
 * to do something when it does happen.
 * <p/>
 * Some event methods, such as onPing, should only really perform a specific
 * function (i.e. respond to a PING from the server).  For your convenience, such
 * methods are already correctly implemented in the PircBot and should not
 * normally need to be overridden.  Please read the full documentation for each
 * method to see which ones are already implemented by the PircBot class.
 * <p/>
 * Please visit the PircBot homepage at
 * <a href=""></a>
 * for full revision history, a beginners guide to creating your first PircBot
 * and a list of some existing Java IRC bots and clients that use the PircBot
 * framework.
 * @author Paul James Mutton,
 *         <a href=""></a>
 * @version 1.5.0 (Build time: Mon Dec 14 20:07:17 2009)
public abstract class PircBot implements ReplyConstants {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PircBot.class);

     * The definitive version number of this release of PircBot.
     * (Note: Change this before automatically building releases)
    public static final String VERSION = "1.6.0";

    public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; // 1k should be enough

    private static final int OP_ADD = 1;
    private static final int OP_REMOVE = 2;
    private static final int VOICE_ADD = 3;
    private static final int VOICE_REMOVE = 4;

     * Constructs a PircBot with the default settings.  Your own constructors
     * in classes which extend the PircBot abstract class should be responsible
     * for changing the default settings if required.
    public PircBot() {

     * Attempt to connect to the specified IRC server.
     * The onConnect method is called upon success.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the server to connect to.
     * @throws IOException               if it was not possible to connect to the server.
     * @throws IrcException              if the server would not let us join it.
     * @throws NickAlreadyInUseException if our nick is already in use on the server.
    public final synchronized void connect(String hostname)
            throws IOException, IrcException, NickAlreadyInUseException {
        this.connect(hostname, 6667, null);

     * Attempt to connect to the specified IRC server and port number.
     * The onConnect method is called upon success.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the server to connect to.
     * @param port     The port number to connect to on the server.
     * @throws IOException               if it was not possible to connect to the server.
     * @throws IrcException              if the server would not let us join it.
     * @throws NickAlreadyInUseException if our nick is already in use on the server.
    public final synchronized void connect(String hostname, int port)
            throws IOException, IrcException, NickAlreadyInUseException {
        this.connect(hostname, port, null);

     * Attempt to connect to the specified IRC server using the supplied
     * password.
     * The onConnect method is called upon success.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the server to connect to.
     * @param port     The port number to connect to on the server.
     * @param password The password to use to join the server.
     * @throws IOException               if it was not possible to connect to the server.
     * @throws IrcException              if the server would not let us join it.
     * @throws NickAlreadyInUseException if our nick is already in use on the server.
    public final synchronized void connect(String hostname, int port, String password)
            throws IOException, IrcException, NickAlreadyInUseException {

        _server = hostname;
        _port = port;
        _password = password;

        if (isConnected()) {
            throw new IOException("The PircBot is already connected to an IRC server.  Disconnect first.");

        // Don't clear the outqueue - there might be something important in it!

        // Clear everything we may have know about channels.

        // Connect to the server.
        Socket socket = new Socket(hostname, port);"*** Connected to server.");

        _inetAddress = socket.getLocalAddress();

        _detector = new UniversalDetector(null);

        String defaultEncoding = null;

        OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = null;

        if (getEncoding() != null) {
            // Assume the specified encoding is valid for this JVM.
            outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), getEncoding());
        } else {
            // Otherwise, just use the JVM's default encoding.
            outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream());

        defaultEncoding = outputStreamWriter.getEncoding();

        BufferedWriter bwriter = new BufferedWriter(outputStreamWriter);

        // Attempt to join the server.
        if (password != null && !password.equals("")) {
            OutputThread.sendRawLine(this, bwriter, "PASS " + password);
        String nick = this.getName();
        OutputThread.sendRawLine(this, bwriter, "NICK " + nick);
        OutputThread.sendRawLine(this, bwriter, "USER " + this.getLogin() + " 8 * :" + this.getVersion());

        _inputThread = new InputThread(this, socket, socket.getInputStream(), bwriter, defaultEncoding);

        boolean connected = false;

        // Read stuff back from the server to see if we connected.
        int tries = 1;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
        int readBytes = -1;
        String overflow = "";
        while ((readBytes = socket.getInputStream().read(buffer)) > -1) {

            String encoding = detect(buffer);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Detected encoding from IRC Server: {} (may be null)", encoding);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(encoding)) {
                encoding = defaultEncoding;

            String decodedBuffer = new String(buffer, 0, readBytes, Charset.forName(encoding));
            String[] lines = (overflow + decodedBuffer).split("\\r?\\n");

            // if the buffer does not end with a \n, then maybe the last sentence is not complete
            // We need to save this part for the next round.
            if (!decodedBuffer.endsWith("\n")) {
                overflow = lines[lines.length - 1];
                lines = ArrayUtils.remove(lines, lines.length - 1);
            } else {
                overflow = "";

            for (String line : lines) {

                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(line)) {


                    int firstSpace = line.indexOf(" ");
                    int secondSpace = line.indexOf(" ", firstSpace + 1);
                    if (secondSpace >= 0) {
                        String code = line.substring(firstSpace + 1, secondSpace);

                        if (code.equals("004")) {
                            // We're connected to the server.
                            connected = true;
                        } else if (code.equals("433")) {
                            if (_autoNickChange) {
                                nick = getName() + tries;
                                OutputThread.sendRawLine(this, bwriter, "NICK " + nick);
                            } else {
                                _inputThread = null;
                                throw new NickAlreadyInUseException(line);
                        } else if (code.equals("439")) {
                            // No action required.
                        } else if (code.startsWith("5") || code.startsWith("4")) {
                            _inputThread = null;
                            throw new IrcException("Could not log into the IRC server: " + line);

            if (connected) {
        }"*** Logged onto server.");

        // This makes the socket timeout on read operations after 5 minutes.
        // Maybe in some future version I will let the user change this at runtime.
        socket.setSoTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000);

        // Now start the InputThread to read all other lines from the server.

        // Now start the outputThread that will be used to send all messages.
        if (_outputThread == null) {
            _outputThread = new OutputThread(this, _outQueue);



     * Reconnects to the IRC server that we were previously connected to.
     * If necessary, the appropriate port number and password will be used.
     * This method will throw an IrcException if we have never connected
     * to an IRC server previously.
     * @throws IOException               if it was not possible to connect to the server.
     * @throws IrcException              if the server would not let us join it.
     * @throws NickAlreadyInUseException if our nick is already in use on the server.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.9
    public final synchronized void reconnect() throws IOException, IrcException, NickAlreadyInUseException {
        if (getServer() == null) {
            throw new IrcException(
                    "Cannot reconnect to an IRC server because we were never connected to one previously!");
        connect(getServer(), getPort(), getPassword());

     * This method disconnects from the server cleanly by calling the
     * quitServer() method.  Providing the PircBot was connected to an
     * IRC server, the onDisconnect() will be called as soon as the
     * disconnection is made by the server.
     * @see #quitServer() quitServer
     * @see #quitServer(String) quitServer
    public final synchronized void disconnect() {

     * When you connect to a server and your nick is already in use and
     * this is set to true, a new nick will be automatically chosen.
     * This is done by adding numbers to the end of the nick until an
     * available nick is found.
     * @param autoNickChange Set to true if you want automatic nick changes
     *                       during connection.
    public void setAutoNickChange(boolean autoNickChange) {
        _autoNickChange = autoNickChange;

     * Starts an ident server (Identification Protocol Server, RFC 1413).
     * <p/>
     * Most IRC servers attempt to contact the ident server on connecting
     * hosts in order to determine the user's identity.  A few IRC servers
     * will not allow you to connect unless this information is provided.
     * <p/>
     * So when a PircBot is run on a machine that does not run an ident server,
     * it may be necessary to call this method to start one up.
     * <p/>
     * Calling this method starts up an ident server which will respond with
     * the login provided by calling getLogin() and then shut down immediately.
     * It will also be shut down if it has not been contacted within 60 seconds
     * of creation.
     * <p/>
     * If you require an ident response, then the correct procedure is to start
     * the ident server and then connect to the IRC server.  The IRC server may
     * then contact the ident server to get the information it needs.
     * <p/>
     * The ident server will fail to start if there is already an ident server
     * running on port 113, or if you are running as an unprivileged user who
     * is unable to create a server socket on that port number.
     * <p/>
     * If it is essential for you to use an ident server when connecting to an
     * IRC server, then make sure that port 113 on your machine is visible to
     * the IRC server so that it may contact the ident server.
     * @since PircBot 0.9c
    public final void startIdentServer() {
        new IdentServer(getLogin());

     * Joins a channel.
     * @param channel The name of the channel to join (eg "#cs").
    public final void joinChannel(String channel) {
        this.sendRawLine("JOIN " + channel);

     * Joins a channel with a key.
     * @param channel The name of the channel to join (eg "#cs").
     * @param key     The key that will be used to join the channel.
    public final void joinChannel(String channel, String key) {
        this.joinChannel(channel + " " + key);

     * Parts a channel.
     * @param channel The name of the channel to leave.
    public final void partChannel(String channel) {
        this.sendRawLine("PART " + channel);

     * Parts a channel, giving a reason.
     * @param channel The name of the channel to leave.
     * @param reason  The reason for parting the channel.
    public final void partChannel(String channel, String reason) {
        this.sendRawLine("PART " + channel + " :" + reason);

     * Quits from the IRC server.
     * Providing we are actually connected to an IRC server, the
     * onDisconnect() method will be called as soon as the IRC server
     * disconnects us.
    public final void quitServer() {

     * Quits from the IRC server with a reason.
     * Providing we are actually connected to an IRC server, the
     * onDisconnect() method will be called as soon as the IRC server
     * disconnects us.
     * @param reason The reason for quitting the server.
    public final void quitServer(String reason) {
        this.sendRawLine("QUIT :" + reason);

     * Sends a raw line to the IRC server as soon as possible, bypassing the
     * outgoing message queue.
     * @param line The raw line to send to the IRC server.
    public final synchronized void sendRawLine(String line) {
        if (isConnected()) {

     * Sends a raw line through the outgoing message queue.
     * @param line The raw line to send to the IRC server.
    public final synchronized void sendRawLineViaQueue(String line) {
        if (line == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot send null messages to server");
        if (isConnected()) {

     * Sends a message to a channel or a private message to a user.  These
     * messages are added to the outgoing message queue and sent at the
     * earliest possible opportunity.
     * <p/>
     * Some examples: -
     * <pre>    // Send the message "Hello!" to the channel #cs.
     *    sendMessage("#cs", "Hello!");
     * <p/>
     *    // Send a private message to Paul that says "Hi".
     *    sendMessage("Paul", "Hi");</pre>
     * <p/>
     * You may optionally apply colours, boldness, underlining, etc to
     * the message by using the <code>Colors</code> class.
     * @param target  The name of the channel or user nick to send to.
     * @param message The message to send.
     * @see Colors
    public final void sendMessage(String target, String message) {
        _outQueue.add("PRIVMSG " + target + " :" + message);

     * Sends an action to the channel or to a user.
     * @param target The name of the channel or user nick to send to.
     * @param action The action to send.
     * @see Colors
    public final void sendAction(String target, String action) {
        sendCTCPCommand(target, "ACTION " + action);

     * Sends a notice to the channel or to a user.
     * @param target The name of the channel or user nick to send to.
     * @param notice The notice to send.
    public final void sendNotice(String target, String notice) {
        _outQueue.add("NOTICE " + target + " :" + notice);

     * Sends a CTCP command to a channel or user.  (Client to client protocol).
     * Examples of such commands are "PING <number>", "FINGER", "VERSION", etc.
     * For example, if you wish to request the version of a user called "Dave",
     * then you would call <code>sendCTCPCommand("Dave", "VERSION");</code>.
     * The type of response to such commands is largely dependant on the target
     * client software.
     * @param target  The name of the channel or user to send the CTCP message to.
     * @param command The CTCP command to send.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    public final void sendCTCPCommand(String target, String command) {
        _outQueue.add("PRIVMSG " + target + " :\u0001" + command + "\u0001");

     * Attempt to change the current nick (nickname) of the bot when it
     * is connected to an IRC server.
     * After confirmation of a successful nick change, the getNick method
     * will return the new nick.
     * @param newNick The new nick to use.
    public final void changeNick(String newNick) {
        this.sendRawLine("NICK " + newNick);

     * Identify the bot with NickServ, supplying the appropriate password.
     * Some IRC Networks (such as freenode) require users to <i>register</i> and
     * <i>identify</i> with NickServ before they are able to send private messages
     * to other users, thus reducing the amount of spam.  If you are using
     * an IRC network where this kind of policy is enforced, you will need
     * to make your bot <i>identify</i> itself to NickServ before you can send
     * private messages. Assuming you have already registered your bot's
     * nick with NickServ, this method can be used to <i>identify</i> with
     * the supplied password. It usually makes sense to identify with NickServ
     * immediately after connecting to a server.
     * <p/>
     * This method issues a raw NICKSERV command to the server, and is therefore
     * safer than the alternative approach of sending a private message to
     * NickServ. The latter approach is considered dangerous, as it may cause
     * you to inadvertently transmit your password to an untrusted party if you
     * connect to a network which does not run a NickServ service and where the
     * untrusted party has assumed the nick "NickServ".  However, if your IRC
     * network is only compatible with the private message approach, you may
     * typically identify like so:
     * <pre>sendMessage("NickServ", "identify PASSWORD");</pre>
     * @param password The password which will be used to identify with NickServ.
    public final void identify(String password) {
        this.sendRawLine("NICKSERV IDENTIFY " + password);

     * Set the mode of a channel.
     * This method attempts to set the mode of a channel.  This
     * may require the bot to have operator status on the channel.
     * For example, if the bot has operator status, we can grant
     * operator status to "Dave" on the #cs channel
     * by calling setMode("#cs", "+o Dave");
     * An alternative way of doing this would be to use the op method.
     * @param channel The channel on which to perform the mode change.
     * @param mode    The new mode to apply to the channel.  This may include
     *                zero or more arguments if necessary.
     * @see #op(String, String) op
    public final void setMode(String channel, String mode) {
        this.sendRawLine("MODE " + channel + " " + mode);

     * Sends an invitation to join a channel.  Some channels can be marked
     * as "invite-only", so it may be useful to allow a bot to invite people
     * into it.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user to invite
     * @param channel The channel you are inviting the user to join.
    public final void sendInvite(String nick, String channel) {
        this.sendRawLine("INVITE " + nick + " :" + channel);

     * Bans a user from a channel.  An example of a valid hostmask is
     * "*!*compu@*".  This may be used in conjunction with the
     * kick method to permanently remove a user from a channel.
     * Successful use of this method may require the bot to have operator
     * status itself.
     * @param channel  The channel to ban the user from.
     * @param hostmask A hostmask representing the user we're banning.
    public final void ban(String channel, String hostmask) {
        this.sendRawLine("MODE " + channel + " +b " + hostmask);

     * Unbans a user from a channel.  An example of a valid hostmask is
     * "*!*compu@*".
     * Successful use of this method may require the bot to have operator
     * status itself.
     * @param channel  The channel to unban the user from.
     * @param hostmask A hostmask representing the user we're unbanning.
    public final void unBan(String channel, String hostmask) {
        this.sendRawLine("MODE " + channel + " -b " + hostmask);

     * Grants operator privilidges to a user on a channel.
     * Successful use of this method may require the bot to have operator
     * status itself.
     * @param channel The channel we're opping the user on.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user we are opping.
    public final void op(String channel, String nick) {
        this.setMode(channel, "+o " + nick);

     * Removes operator privilidges from a user on a channel.
     * Successful use of this method may require the bot to have operator
     * status itself.
     * @param channel The channel we're deopping the user on.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user we are deopping.
    public final void deOp(String channel, String nick) {
        this.setMode(channel, "-o " + nick);

     * Grants voice privilidges to a user on a channel.
     * Successful use of this method may require the bot to have operator
     * status itself.
     * @param channel The channel we're voicing the user on.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user we are voicing.
    public final void voice(String channel, String nick) {
        this.setMode(channel, "+v " + nick);

     * Removes voice privilidges from a user on a channel.
     * Successful use of this method may require the bot to have operator
     * status itself.
     * @param channel The channel we're devoicing the user on.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user we are devoicing.
    public final void deVoice(String channel, String nick) {
        this.setMode(channel, "-v " + nick);

     * Set the topic for a channel.
     * This method attempts to set the topic of a channel.  This
     * may require the bot to have operator status if the topic
     * is protected.
     * @param channel The channel on which to perform the mode change.
     * @param topic   The new topic for the channel.
    public final void setTopic(String channel, String topic) {
        this.sendRawLine("TOPIC " + channel + " :" + topic);

     * Kicks a user from a channel.
     * This method attempts to kick a user from a channel and
     * may require the bot to have operator status in the channel.
     * @param channel The channel to kick the user from.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user to kick.
    public final void kick(String channel, String nick) {
        this.kick(channel, nick, "");

     * Kicks a user from a channel, giving a reason.
     * This method attempts to kick a user from a channel and
     * may require the bot to have operator status in the channel.
     * @param channel The channel to kick the user from.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user to kick.
     * @param reason  A description of the reason for kicking a user.
    public final void kick(String channel, String nick, String reason) {
        this.sendRawLine("KICK " + channel + " " + nick + " :" + reason);

     * Issues a request for a list of all channels on the IRC server.
     * When the PircBot receives information for each channel, it will
     * call the onChannelInfo method, which you will need to override
     * if you want it to do anything useful.
     * @see #onChannelInfo(String, int, String) onChannelInfo
    public final void listChannels() {

     * Issues a request for a list of all channels on the IRC server.
     * When the PircBot receives information for each channel, it will
     * call the onChannelInfo method, which you will need to override
     * if you want it to do anything useful.
     * <p/>
     * Some IRC servers support certain parameters for LIST requests.
     * One example is a parameter of ">10" to list only those channels
     * that have more than 10 users in them.  Whether these parameters
     * are supported or not will depend on the IRC server software.
     * @param parameters The parameters to supply when requesting the
     *                   list.
     * @see #onChannelInfo(String, int, String) onChannelInfo
    public final void listChannels(String parameters) {
        if (parameters == null) {
        } else {
            this.sendRawLine("LIST " + parameters);

     * Sends a file to another user.  Resuming is supported.
     * The other user must be able to connect directly to your bot to be
     * able to receive the file.
     * <p/>
     * You may throttle the speed of this file transfer by calling the
     * setPacketDelay method on the DccFileTransfer that is returned.
     * <p/>
     * This method may not be overridden.
     * @param file    The file to send.
     * @param nick    The user to whom the file is to be sent.
     * @param timeout The number of milliseconds to wait for the recipient to
     *                acccept the file (we recommend about 120000).
     * @return The DccFileTransfer that can be used to monitor this transfer.
     * @see DccFileTransfer
     * @since 0.9c
    public final DccFileTransfer dccSendFile(File file, String nick, int timeout) {
        DccFileTransfer transfer = new DccFileTransfer(this, _dccManager, file, nick, timeout);
        return transfer;

     * Receives a file that is being sent to us by a DCC SEND request.
     * Please use the onIncomingFileTransfer method to receive files.
     * @deprecated As of PircBot 1.2.0, use {@link #onIncomingFileTransfer(DccFileTransfer)}
    protected final void dccReceiveFile(File file, long address, int port, int size) {
        throw new RuntimeException("dccReceiveFile is deprecated, please use sendFile");

     * Attempts to establish a DCC CHAT session with a client.  This method
     * issues the connection request to the client and then waits for the
     * client to respond.  If the connection is successfully made, then a
     * DccChat object is returned by this method.  If the connection is not
     * made within the time limit specified by the timeout value, then null
     * is returned.
     * <p/>
     * It is <b>strongly recommended</b> that you call this method within a new
     * Thread, as it may take a long time to return.
     * <p/>
     * This method may not be overridden.
     * @param nick    The nick of the user we are trying to establish a chat with.
     * @param timeout The number of milliseconds to wait for the recipient to
     *                accept the chat connection (we recommend about 120000).
     * @return a DccChat object that can be used to send and recieve lines of
     * text.  Returns <b>null</b> if the connection could not be made.
     * @see DccChat
     * @since PircBot 0.9.8
    public final DccChat dccSendChatRequest(String nick, int timeout) {
        DccChat chat = null;
        try {
            ServerSocket ss = null;

            int[] ports = getDccPorts();
            if (ports == null) {
                // Use any free port.
                ss = new ServerSocket(0);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
                    try {
                        ss = new ServerSocket(ports[i]);
                        // Found a port number we could use.
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // Do nothing; go round and try another port.
                if (ss == null) {
                    // No ports could be used.
                    throw new IOException("All ports returned by getDccPorts() are in use.");

            int port = ss.getLocalPort();

            InetAddress inetAddress = getDccInetAddress();
            if (inetAddress == null) {
                inetAddress = getInetAddress();
            byte[] ip = inetAddress.getAddress();
            long ipNum = ipToLong(ip);

            sendCTCPCommand(nick, "DCC CHAT chat " + ipNum + " " + port);

            // The client may now connect to us to chat.
            Socket socket = ss.accept();

            // Close the server socket now that we've finished with it.

            chat = new DccChat(this, nick, socket);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Do nothing.
        return chat;

     * Attempts to accept a DCC CHAT request by a client.
     * Please use the onIncomingChatRequest method to receive files.
     * @deprecated As of PircBot 1.2.0, use {@link #onIncomingChatRequest(DccChat)}
    protected final DccChat dccAcceptChatRequest(String sourceNick, long address, int port) {
        throw new RuntimeException("dccAcceptChatRequest is deprecated, please use onIncomingChatRequest");

     * This method handles events when any line of text arrives from the server,
     * then calling the appropriate method in the PircBot.  This method is
     * protected and only called by the InputThread for this instance.
     * <p/>
     * This method may not be overridden!
     * @param line The raw line of text from the server.
    protected void handleLine(String line) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {

        // Check for server pings.
        if (line.startsWith("PING ")) {
            // Respond to the ping and return immediately.

        String sourceNick = "";
        String sourceLogin = "";
        String sourceHostname = "";

        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
        String senderInfo = tokenizer.nextToken();
        String command = tokenizer.nextToken();
        String target = null;

        int exclamation = senderInfo.indexOf("!");
        int at = senderInfo.indexOf("@");
        if (senderInfo.startsWith(":")) {
            if (exclamation > 0 && at > 0 && exclamation < at) {
                sourceNick = senderInfo.substring(1, exclamation);
                sourceLogin = senderInfo.substring(exclamation + 1, at);
                sourceHostname = senderInfo.substring(at + 1);
            } else {

                if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = command;

                    int code = -1;
                    try {
                        code = Integer.parseInt(token);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // Keep the existing value.

                    if (code != -1) {
                        String errorStr = token;
                        String response = line.substring(line.indexOf(errorStr, senderInfo.length()) + 4,
                        this.processServerResponse(code, response);
                        // Return from the method.
                    } else {
                        // This is not a server response.
                        // It must be a nick without login and hostname.
                        // (or maybe a NOTICE or suchlike from the server)
                        sourceNick = senderInfo;
                        target = token;
                } else {
                    // We don't know what this line means.
                    // Return from the method;


        command = command.toUpperCase();
        if (sourceNick.startsWith(":")) {
            sourceNick = sourceNick.substring(1);
        if (target == null) {
            target = tokenizer.nextToken();
        if (target.startsWith(":")) {
            target = target.substring(1);

        // Check for CTCP requests.
        if (command.equals("PRIVMSG") && line.indexOf(":\u0001") > 0 && line.endsWith("\u0001")) {
            String request = line.substring(line.indexOf(":\u0001") + 2, line.length() - 1);
            if (request.equals("VERSION")) {
                // VERSION request
                this.onVersion(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, target);
            } else if (request.startsWith("ACTION ")) {
                // ACTION request
                this.onAction(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, target, request.substring(7));
            } else if (request.startsWith("PING ")) {
                // PING request
                this.onPing(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, target, request.substring(5));
            } else if (request.equals("TIME")) {
                // TIME request
                this.onTime(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, target);
            } else if (request.equals("FINGER")) {
                // FINGER request
                this.onFinger(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, target);
            } else if ((tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(request)).countTokens() >= 5
                    && tokenizer.nextToken().equals("DCC")) {
                // This is a DCC request.
                boolean success = _dccManager.processRequest(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, request);
                if (!success) {
                    // The DccManager didn't know what to do with the line.
            } else {
                // An unknown CTCP message - ignore it.
        } else if (command.equals("PRIVMSG") && _channelPrefixes.indexOf(target.charAt(0)) >= 0) {
            // This is a normal message to a channel.
            this.onMessage(target, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2));
        } else if (command.equals("PRIVMSG")) {
            // This is a private message to us.
            this.onPrivateMessage(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2));
        } else if (command.equals("JOIN")) {
            // Someone is joining a channel.
            String channel = target;
            this.addUser(channel, new User("", sourceNick));
            this.onJoin(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
        } else if (command.equals("PART")) {
            // Someone is parting from a channel.
            this.removeUser(target, sourceNick);
            if (sourceNick.equals(this.getNick())) {
            this.onPart(target, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
        } else if (command.equals("NICK")) {
            // Somebody is changing their nick.
            String newNick = target;
            this.renameUser(sourceNick, newNick);
            if (sourceNick.equals(this.getNick())) {
                // Update our nick if it was us that changed nick.
            this.onNickChange(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, newNick);
        } else if (command.equals("NOTICE")) {
            // Someone is sending a notice.
            this.onNotice(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, target, line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2));
        } else if (command.equals("QUIT")) {
            // Someone has quit from the IRC server.
            if (sourceNick.equals(this.getNick())) {
            } else {
            this.onQuit(sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2));
        } else if (command.equals("KICK")) {
            // Somebody has been kicked from a channel.
            String recipient = tokenizer.nextToken();
            if (recipient.equals(this.getNick())) {
            this.removeUser(target, recipient);
            this.onKick(target, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, recipient,
                    line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2));
        } else if (command.equals("MODE")) {
            // Somebody is changing the mode on a channel or user.
            String mode = line.substring(line.indexOf(target, 2) + target.length() + 1);
            if (mode.startsWith(":")) {
                mode = mode.substring(1);
            this.processMode(target, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, mode);
        } else if (command.equals("TOPIC")) {
            // Someone is changing the topic.
            this.onTopic(target, line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2), sourceNick, System.currentTimeMillis(),
        } else if (command.equals("INVITE")) {
            // Somebody is inviting somebody else into a channel.
            this.onInvite(target, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, line.substring(line.indexOf(" :") + 2));
        } else {
            // If we reach this point, then we've found something that the PircBot
            // Doesn't currently deal with.


     * This method is called once the PircBot has successfully connected to
     * the IRC server.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.6
    protected void onConnect() {

     * This method carries out the actions to be performed when the PircBot
     * gets disconnected.  This may happen if the PircBot quits from the
     * server, or if the connection is unexpectedly lost.
     * <p/>
     * Disconnection from the IRC server is detected immediately if either
     * we or the server close the connection normally. If the connection to
     * the server is lost, but neither we nor the server have explicitly closed
     * the connection, then it may take a few minutes to detect (this is
     * commonly referred to as a "ping timeout").
     * <p/>
     * If you wish to get your IRC bot to automatically rejoin a server after
     * the connection has been lost, then this is probably the ideal method to
     * override to implement such functionality.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
    protected void onDisconnect() {

     * This method is called by the PircBot when a numeric response
     * is received from the IRC server.  We use this method to
     * allow PircBot to process various responses from the server
     * before then passing them on to the onServerResponse method.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this method is private and should not appear in any
     * of the javadoc generated documenation.
     * @param code     The three-digit numerical code for the response.
     * @param response The full response from the IRC server.
    private final void processServerResponse(int code, String response) {

        if (code == RPL_LIST) {
            // This is a bit of information about a channel.
            int firstSpace = response.indexOf(' ');
            int secondSpace = response.indexOf(' ', firstSpace + 1);
            int thirdSpace = response.indexOf(' ', secondSpace + 1);
            int colon = response.indexOf(':');
            String channel = response.substring(firstSpace + 1, secondSpace);
            int userCount = 0;
            try {
                userCount = Integer.parseInt(response.substring(secondSpace + 1, thirdSpace));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // Stick with the value of zero.
            String topic = response.substring(colon + 1);
            this.onChannelInfo(channel, userCount, topic);
        } else if (code == RPL_TOPIC) {
            // This is topic information about a channel we've just joined.
            int firstSpace = response.indexOf(' ');
            int secondSpace = response.indexOf(' ', firstSpace + 1);
            int colon = response.indexOf(':');
            String channel = response.substring(firstSpace + 1, secondSpace);
            String topic = response.substring(colon + 1);

            _topics.put(channel, topic);

            // For backwards compatibility only - this onTopic method is deprecated.
            this.onTopic(channel, topic);
        } else if (code == RPL_TOPICINFO) {
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(response);
            String channel = tokenizer.nextToken();
            String setBy = tokenizer.nextToken();
            long date = 0;
            try {
                date = Long.parseLong(tokenizer.nextToken()) * 1000;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // Stick with the default value of zero.

            String topic = (String) _topics.get(channel);

            this.onTopic(channel, topic, setBy, date, false);
        } else if (code == RPL_NAMREPLY) {
            // This is a list of nicks in a channel that we've just joined.
            int channelEndIndex = response.indexOf(" :");
            String channel = response.substring(response.lastIndexOf(' ', channelEndIndex - 1) + 1,

            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(response.substring(response.indexOf(" :") + 2));
            while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String nick = tokenizer.nextToken();
                String prefix = "";
                if (nick.startsWith("@")) {
                    // User is an operator in this channel.
                    prefix = "@";
                } else if (nick.startsWith("+")) {
                    // User is voiced in this channel.
                    prefix = "+";
                } else if (nick.startsWith(".")) {
                    // Some wibbly status I've never seen before...
                    prefix = ".";
                nick = nick.substring(prefix.length());
                this.addUser(channel, new User(prefix, nick));
        } else if (code == RPL_ENDOFNAMES) {
            // This is the end of a NAMES list, so we know that we've got
            // the full list of users in the channel that we just joined. 
            String channel = response.substring(response.indexOf(' ') + 1, response.indexOf(" :"));
            User[] users = this.getUsers(channel);
            this.onUserList(channel, users);

        this.onServerResponse(code, response);

     * This method is called when we receive a numeric response from the
     * IRC server.
     * <p/>
     * Numerics in the range from 001 to 099 are used for client-server
     * connections only and should never travel between servers.  Replies
     * generated in response to commands are found in the range from 200
     * to 399.  Error replies are found in the range from 400 to 599.
     * <p/>
     * For example, we can use this method to discover the topic of a
     * channel when we join it.  If we join the channel #test which
     * has a topic of &quot;I am King of Test&quot; then the response
     * will be &quot;<code>PircBot #test :I Am King of Test</code>&quot;
     * with a code of 332 to signify that this is a topic.
     * (This is just an example - note that overriding the
     * <code>onTopic</code> method is an easier way of finding the
     * topic for a channel). Check the IRC RFC for the full list of other
     * command response codes.
     * <p/>
     * PircBot implements the interface ReplyConstants, which contains
     * contstants that you may find useful here.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param code     The three-digit numerical code for the response.
     * @param response The full response from the IRC server.
     * @see ReplyConstants
    protected void onServerResponse(int code, String response) {

     * This method is called when we receive a user list from the server
     * after joining a channel.
     * <p/>
     * Shortly after joining a channel, the IRC server sends a list of all
     * users in that channel. The PircBot collects this information and
     * calls this method as soon as it has the full list.
     * <p/>
     * To obtain the nick of each user in the channel, call the getNick()
     * method on each User object in the array.
     * <p/>
     * At a later time, you may call the getUsers method to obtain an
     * up to date list of the users in the channel.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel The name of the channel.
     * @param users   An array of User objects belonging to this channel.
     * @see User
     * @since PircBot 1.0.0
    protected void onUserList(String channel, User[] users) {

     * This method is called whenever a message is sent to a channel.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel  The channel to which the message was sent.
     * @param sender   The nick of the person who sent the message.
     * @param login    The login of the person who sent the message.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the person who sent the message.
     * @param message  The actual message sent to the channel.
    protected void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {

     * This method is called whenever a private message is sent to the PircBot.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param sender   The nick of the person who sent the private message.
     * @param login    The login of the person who sent the private message.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the person who sent the private message.
     * @param message  The actual message.
    protected void onPrivateMessage(String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {

     * This method is called whenever an ACTION is sent from a user.  E.g.
     * such events generated by typing "/me goes shopping" in most IRC clients.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param sender   The nick of the user that sent the action.
     * @param login    The login of the user that sent the action.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the user that sent the action.
     * @param target   The target of the action, be it a channel or our nick.
     * @param action   The action carried out by the user.
    protected void onAction(String sender, String login, String hostname, String target, String action) {

     * This method is called whenever we receive a notice.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that sent the notice.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that sent the notice.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that sent the notice.
     * @param target         The target of the notice, be it our nick or a channel name.
     * @param notice         The notice message.
    protected void onNotice(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String target,
            String notice) {

     * This method is called whenever someone (possibly us) joins a channel
     * which we are on.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel  The channel which somebody joined.
     * @param sender   The nick of the user who joined the channel.
     * @param login    The login of the user who joined the channel.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the user who joined the channel.
    protected void onJoin(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {

     * This method is called whenever someone (possibly us) parts a channel
     * which we are on.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel  The channel which somebody parted from.
     * @param sender   The nick of the user who parted from the channel.
     * @param login    The login of the user who parted from the channel.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the user who parted from the channel.
    protected void onPart(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {

     * This method is called whenever someone (possibly us) changes nick on any
     * of the channels that we are on.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param oldNick  The old nick.
     * @param login    The login of the user.
     * @param hostname The hostname of the user.
     * @param newNick  The new nick.
    protected void onNickChange(String oldNick, String login, String hostname, String newNick) {

     * This method is called whenever someone (possibly us) is kicked from
     * any of the channels that we are in.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel from which the recipient was kicked.
     * @param kickerNick     The nick of the user who performed the kick.
     * @param kickerLogin    The login of the user who performed the kick.
     * @param kickerHostname The hostname of the user who performed the kick.
     * @param recipientNick  The unfortunate recipient of the kick.
     * @param reason         The reason given by the user who performed the kick.
    protected void onKick(String channel, String kickerNick, String kickerLogin, String kickerHostname,
            String recipientNick, String reason) {

     * This method is called whenever someone (possibly us) quits from the
     * server.  We will only observe this if the user was in one of the
     * channels to which we are connected.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that quit from the server.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that quit from the server.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that quit from the server.
     * @param reason         The reason given for quitting the server.
    protected void onQuit(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String reason) {

     * This method is called whenever a user sets the topic, or when
     * PircBot joins a new channel and discovers its topic.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel The channel that the topic belongs to.
     * @param topic   The topic for the channel.
     * @deprecated As of 1.2.0, replaced by {@link #onTopic(String, String, String, long, boolean)}
    protected void onTopic(String channel, String topic) {

     * This method is called whenever a user sets the topic, or when
     * PircBot joins a new channel and discovers its topic.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel The channel that the topic belongs to.
     * @param topic   The topic for the channel.
     * @param setBy   The nick of the user that set the topic.
     * @param date    When the topic was set (milliseconds since the epoch).
     * @param changed True if the topic has just been changed, false if
     *                the topic was already there.
    protected void onTopic(String channel, String topic, String setBy, long date, boolean changed) {

     * After calling the listChannels() method in PircBot, the server
     * will start to send us information about each channel on the
     * server.  You may override this method in order to receive the
     * information about each channel as soon as it is received.
     * <p/>
     * Note that certain channels, such as those marked as hidden,
     * may not appear in channel listings.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel   The name of the channel.
     * @param userCount The number of users visible in this channel.
     * @param topic     The topic for this channel.
     * @see #listChannels() listChannels
    protected void onChannelInfo(String channel, int userCount, String topic) {

     * Called when the mode of a channel is set.  We process this in
     * order to call the appropriate onOp, onDeop, etc method before
     * finally calling the override-able onMode method.
     * <p/>
     * Note that this method is private and is not intended to appear
     * in the javadoc generated documentation.
     * @param target         The channel or nick that the mode operation applies to.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that set the mode.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that set the mode.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that set the mode.
     * @param mode           The mode that has been set.
    private final void processMode(String target, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String mode) {

        if (_channelPrefixes.indexOf(target.charAt(0)) >= 0) {
            // The mode of a channel is being changed.
            String channel = target;
            StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(mode);
            String[] params = new String[tok.countTokens()];

            int t = 0;
            while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
                params[t] = tok.nextToken();

            char pn = ' ';
            int p = 1;

            // All of this is very large and ugly, but it's the only way of providing
            // what the users want :-/
            for (int i = 0; i < params[0].length(); i++) {
                char atPos = params[0].charAt(i);

                if (atPos == '+' || atPos == '-') {
                    pn = atPos;
                } else if (atPos == 'o') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        this.updateUser(channel, OP_ADD, params[p]);
                        onOp(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                    } else {
                        this.updateUser(channel, OP_REMOVE, params[p]);
                        onDeop(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                } else if (atPos == 'v') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        this.updateUser(channel, VOICE_ADD, params[p]);
                        onVoice(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                    } else {
                        this.updateUser(channel, VOICE_REMOVE, params[p]);
                        onDeVoice(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                } else if (atPos == 'k') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetChannelKey(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveChannelKey(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                } else if (atPos == 'l') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetChannelLimit(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname,
                    } else {
                        onRemoveChannelLimit(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                } else if (atPos == 'b') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetChannelBan(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveChannelBan(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, params[p]);
                } else if (atPos == 't') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetTopicProtection(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveTopicProtection(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                } else if (atPos == 'n') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetNoExternalMessages(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveNoExternalMessages(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                } else if (atPos == 'i') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetInviteOnly(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveInviteOnly(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                } else if (atPos == 'm') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetModerated(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveModerated(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                } else if (atPos == 'p') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetPrivate(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                    } else {
                        onRemovePrivate(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                } else if (atPos == 's') {
                    if (pn == '+') {
                        onSetSecret(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);
                    } else {
                        onRemoveSecret(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname);

            this.onMode(channel, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, mode);
        } else {
            // The mode of a user is being changed.
            String nick = target;
            this.onUserMode(nick, sourceNick, sourceLogin, sourceHostname, mode);

     * Called when the mode of a channel is set.
     * <p/>
     * You may find it more convenient to decode the meaning of the mode
     * string by overriding the onOp, onDeOp, onVoice, onDeVoice,
     * onChannelKey, onDeChannelKey, onChannelLimit, onDeChannelLimit,
     * onChannelBan or onDeChannelBan methods as appropriate.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel that the mode operation applies to.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that set the mode.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that set the mode.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that set the mode.
     * @param mode           The mode that has been set.
    protected void onMode(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String mode) {

     * Called when the mode of a user is set.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param targetNick     The nick that the mode operation applies to.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that set the mode.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that set the mode.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that set the mode.
     * @param mode           The mode that has been set.
     * @since PircBot 1.2.0
    protected void onUserMode(String targetNick, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String mode) {

     * Called when a user (possibly us) gets granted operator status for a channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param recipient      The nick of the user that got 'opped'.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onOp(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String recipient) {

     * Called when a user (possibly us) gets operator status taken away.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param recipient      The nick of the user that got 'deopped'.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onDeop(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String recipient) {

     * Called when a user (possibly us) gets voice status granted in a channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param recipient      The nick of the user that got 'voiced'.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onVoice(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String recipient) {

     * Called when a user (possibly us) gets voice status removed.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param recipient      The nick of the user that got 'devoiced'.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onDeVoice(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String recipient) {

     * Called when a channel key is set.  When the channel key has been set,
     * other users may only join that channel if they know the key.  Channel keys
     * are sometimes referred to as passwords.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param key            The new key for the channel.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetChannelKey(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String key) {

     * Called when a channel key is removed.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param key            The key that was in use before the channel key was removed.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveChannelKey(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String key) {

     * Called when a user limit is set for a channel.  The number of users in
     * the channel cannot exceed this limit.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param limit          The maximum number of users that may be in this channel at the same time.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetChannelLimit(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            int limit) {

     * Called when the user limit is removed for a channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveChannelLimit(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin,
            String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a user (possibly us) gets banned from a channel.  Being
     * banned from a channel prevents any user with a matching hostmask from
     * joining the channel.  For this reason, most bans are usually directly
     * followed by the user being kicked :-)
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param hostmask       The hostmask of the user that has been banned.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetChannelBan(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String hostmask) {

     * Called when a hostmask ban is removed from a channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param hostmask
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveChannelBan(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String hostmask) {

     * Called when topic protection is enabled for a channel.  Topic protection
     * means that only operators in a channel may change the topic.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetTopicProtection(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin,
            String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when topic protection is removed for a channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveTopicProtection(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin,
            String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is set to only allow messages from users that
     * are in the channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetNoExternalMessages(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin,
            String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is set to allow messages from any user, even
     * if they are not actually in the channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveNoExternalMessages(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin,
            String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is set to 'invite only' mode.  A user may only
     * join the channel if they are invited by someone who is already in the
     * channel.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetInviteOnly(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel has 'invite only' removed.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveInviteOnly(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin,
            String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is set to 'moderated' mode.  If a channel is
     * moderated, then only users who have been 'voiced' or 'opped' may speak
     * or change their nicks.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetModerated(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel has moderated mode removed.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveModerated(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is marked as being in private mode.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetPrivate(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is marked as not being in private mode.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemovePrivate(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel is set to be in 'secret' mode.  Such channels
     * typically do not appear on a server's channel listing.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onSetSecret(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when a channel has 'secret' mode removed.
     * <p/>
     * This is a type of mode change and is also passed to the onMode
     * method in the PircBot class.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param channel        The channel in which the mode change took place.
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that performed the mode change.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onRemoveSecret(String channel, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname) {

     * Called when we are invited to a channel by a user.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param targetNick     The nick of the user being invited - should be us!
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that sent the invitation.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that sent the invitation.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that sent the invitation.
     * @param channel        The channel that we're being invited to.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.5
    protected void onInvite(String targetNick, String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname,
            String channel) {

     * This method used to be called when a DCC SEND request was sent to the PircBot.
     * Please use the onIncomingFileTransfer method to receive files, as it
     * has better functionality and supports resuming.
     * @deprecated As of PircBot 1.2.0, use {@link #onIncomingFileTransfer(DccFileTransfer)}
    protected void onDccSendRequest(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String filename,
            long address, int port, int size) {

     * This method used to be called when a DCC CHAT request was sent to the PircBot.
     * Please use the onIncomingChatRequest method to accept chats, as it
     * has better functionality.
     * @deprecated As of PircBot 1.2.0, use {@link #onIncomingChatRequest(DccChat)}
    protected void onDccChatRequest(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, long address,
            int port) {

     * This method is called whenever a DCC SEND request is sent to the PircBot.
     * This means that a client has requested to send a file to us.
     * This abstract implementation performs no action, which means that all
     * DCC SEND requests will be ignored by default. If you wish to receive
     * the file, then you may override this method and call the receive method
     * on the DccFileTransfer object, which connects to the sender and downloads
     * the file.
     * <p/>
     * Example:
     * <pre> public void onIncomingFileTransfer(DccFileTransfer transfer) {
     *     // Use the suggested file name.
     *     File file = transfer.getFile();
     *     // Receive the transfer and save it to the file, allowing resuming.
     *     transfer.receive(file, true);
     * }</pre>
     * <p/>
     * <b>Warning:</b> Receiving an incoming file transfer will cause a file
     * to be written to disk. Please ensure that you make adequate security
     * checks so that this file does not overwrite anything important!
     * <p/>
     * Each time a file is received, it happens within a new Thread
     * in order to allow multiple files to be downloaded by the PircBot
     * at the same time.
     * <p/>
     * If you allow resuming and the file already partly exists, it will
     * be appended to instead of overwritten.  If resuming is not enabled,
     * the file will be overwritten if it already exists.
     * <p/>
     * You can throttle the speed of the transfer by calling the setPacketDelay
     * method on the DccFileTransfer object, either before you receive the
     * file or at any moment during the transfer.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param transfer The DcccFileTransfer that you may accept.
     * @see DccFileTransfer
     * @since PircBot 1.2.0
    protected void onIncomingFileTransfer(DccFileTransfer transfer) {

     * This method gets called when a DccFileTransfer has finished.
     * If there was a problem, the Exception will say what went wrong.
     * If the file was sent successfully, the Exception will be null.
     * <p/>
     * Both incoming and outgoing file transfers are passed to this method.
     * You can determine the type by calling the isIncoming or isOutgoing
     * methods on the DccFileTransfer object.
     * @param transfer The DccFileTransfer that has finished.
     * @param e        null if the file was transfered successfully, otherwise this
     *                 will report what went wrong.
     * @see DccFileTransfer
     * @since PircBot 1.2.0
    protected void onFileTransferFinished(DccFileTransfer transfer, Exception e) {

     * This method will be called whenever a DCC Chat request is received.
     * This means that a client has requested to chat to us directly rather
     * than via the IRC server. This is useful for sending many lines of text
     * to and from the bot without having to worry about flooding the server
     * or any operators of the server being able to "spy" on what is being
     * said. This abstract implementation performs no action, which means
     * that all DCC CHAT requests will be ignored by default.
     * <p/>
     * If you wish to accept the connection, then you may override this
     * method and call the accept() method on the DccChat object, which
     * connects to the sender of the chat request and allows lines to be
     * sent to and from the bot.
     * <p/>
     * Your bot must be able to connect directly to the user that sent the
     * request.
     * <p/>
     * Example:
     * <pre> public void onIncomingChatRequest(DccChat chat) {
     *     try {
     *         // Accept all chat, whoever it's from.
     *         chat.accept();
     *         chat.sendLine("Hello");
     *         String response = chat.readLine();
     *         chat.close();
     *     }
     *     catch (IOException e) {}
     * }</pre>
     * <p/>
     * Each time this method is called, it is called from within a new Thread
     * so that multiple DCC CHAT sessions can run concurrently.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param chat A DccChat object that represents the incoming chat request.
     * @see DccChat
     * @since PircBot 1.2.0
    protected void onIncomingChatRequest(DccChat chat) {

     * This method is called whenever we receive a VERSION request.
     * This abstract implementation responds with the PircBot's _version string,
     * so if you override this method, be sure to either mimic its functionality
     * or to call super.onVersion(...);
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that sent the VERSION request.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that sent the VERSION request.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that sent the VERSION request.
     * @param target         The target of the VERSION request, be it our nick or a channel name.
    protected void onVersion(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String target) {
        this.sendRawLine("NOTICE " + sourceNick + " :\u0001VERSION " + _version + "\u0001");

     * This method is called whenever we receive a PING request from another
     * user.
     * <p/>
     * This abstract implementation responds correctly, so if you override this
     * method, be sure to either mimic its functionality or to call
     * super.onPing(...);
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that sent the PING request.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that sent the PING request.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that sent the PING request.
     * @param target         The target of the PING request, be it our nick or a channel name.
     * @param pingValue      The value that was supplied as an argument to the PING command.
    protected void onPing(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String target,
            String pingValue) {
        this.sendRawLine("NOTICE " + sourceNick + " :\u0001PING " + pingValue + "\u0001");

     * The actions to perform when a PING request comes from the server.
     * <p/>
     * This sends back a correct response, so if you override this method,
     * be sure to either mimic its functionality or to call
     * super.onServerPing(response);
     * @param response The response that should be given back in your PONG.
    protected void onServerPing(String response) {
        this.sendRawLine("PONG " + response);

     * This method is called whenever we receive a TIME request.
     * <p/>
     * This abstract implementation responds correctly, so if you override this
     * method, be sure to either mimic its functionality or to call
     * super.onTime(...);
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that sent the TIME request.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that sent the TIME request.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that sent the TIME request.
     * @param target         The target of the TIME request, be it our nick or a channel name.
    protected void onTime(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String target) {
        this.sendRawLine("NOTICE " + sourceNick + " :\u0001TIME " + new Date().toString() + "\u0001");

     * This method is called whenever we receive a FINGER request.
     * <p/>
     * This abstract implementation responds correctly, so if you override this
     * method, be sure to either mimic its functionality or to call
     * super.onFinger(...);
     * @param sourceNick     The nick of the user that sent the FINGER request.
     * @param sourceLogin    The login of the user that sent the FINGER request.
     * @param sourceHostname The hostname of the user that sent the FINGER request.
     * @param target         The target of the FINGER request, be it our nick or a channel name.
    protected void onFinger(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String target) {
        this.sendRawLine("NOTICE " + sourceNick + " :\u0001FINGER " + _finger + "\u0001");

     * This method is called whenever we receive a line from the server that
     * the PircBot has not been programmed to recognise.
     * <p/>
     * The implementation of this method in the PircBot abstract class
     * performs no actions and may be overridden as required.
     * @param line The raw line that was received from the server.
    protected void onUnknown(String line) {
        // And then there were none :)

     * Sets the name of the bot, which will be used as its nick when it
     * tries to join an IRC server.  This should be set before joining
     * any servers, otherwise the default nick will be used.  You would
     * typically call this method from the constructor of the class that
     * extends PircBot.
     * <p/>
     * The changeNick method should be used if you wish to change your nick
     * when you are connected to a server.
     * @param name The new name of the Bot.
    protected final void setName(String name) {
        _name = name;

     * Sets the internal nick of the bot.  This is only to be called by the
     * PircBot class in response to notification of nick changes that apply
     * to us.
     * @param nick The new nick.
    private final void setNick(String nick) {
        _nick = nick;

     * Sets the internal login of the Bot.  This should be set before joining
     * any servers.
     * @param login The new login of the Bot.
    protected final void setLogin(String login) {
        _login = login;

     * Sets the internal version of the Bot.  This should be set before joining
     * any servers.
     * @param version The new version of the Bot.
    protected final void setVersion(String version) {
        _version = version;

     * Sets the interal finger message.  This should be set before joining
     * any servers.
     * @param finger The new finger message for the Bot.
    protected final void setFinger(String finger) {
        _finger = finger;

     * Gets the name of the PircBot. This is the name that will be used as
     * as a nick when we try to join servers.
     * @return The name of the PircBot.
    public final String getName() {
        return _name;

     * Returns the current nick of the bot. Note that if you have just changed
     * your nick, this method will still return the old nick until confirmation
     * of the nick change is received from the server.
     * <p/>
     * The nick returned by this method is maintained only by the PircBot
     * class and is guaranteed to be correct in the context of the IRC server.
     * @return The current nick of the bot.
     * @since PircBot 1.0.0
    public String getNick() {
        return _nick;

     * Gets the internal login of the PircBot.
     * @return The login of the PircBot.
    public final String getLogin() {
        return _login;

     * Gets the internal version of the PircBot.
     * @return The version of the PircBot.
    public final String getVersion() {
        return _version;

     * Gets the internal finger message of the PircBot.
     * @return The finger message of the PircBot.
    public final String getFinger() {
        return _finger;

     * Returns whether or not the PircBot is currently connected to a server.
     * The result of this method should only act as a rough guide,
     * as the result may not be valid by the time you act upon it.
     * @return True if and only if the PircBot is currently connected to a server.
    public final synchronized boolean isConnected() {
        return _inputThread != null && _inputThread.isConnected();

     * Sets the number of milliseconds to delay between consecutive
     * messages when there are multiple messages waiting in the
     * outgoing message queue.  This has a default value of 1000ms.
     * It is a good idea to stick to this default value, as it will
     * prevent your bot from spamming servers and facing the subsequent
     * wrath!  However, if you do need to change this delay value (<b>not
     * recommended</b>), then this is the method to use.
     * @param delay The number of milliseconds between each outgoing message.
    public final void setMessageDelay(long delay) {
        if (delay < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have a negative time.");
        _messageDelay = delay;

     * Returns the number of milliseconds that will be used to separate
     * consecutive messages to the server from the outgoing message queue.
     * @return Number of milliseconds.
    public final long getMessageDelay() {
        return _messageDelay;

     * Gets the maximum length of any line that is sent via the IRC protocol.
     * The IRC RFC specifies that line lengths, including the trailing \r\n
     * must not exceed 512 bytes.  Hence, there is currently no option to
     * change this value in PircBot.  All lines greater than this length
     * will be truncated before being sent to the IRC server.
     * @return The maximum line length (currently fixed at 512)
    public final int getMaxLineLength() {
        return InputThread.MAX_LINE_LENGTH;

     * Gets the number of lines currently waiting in the outgoing message Queue.
     * If this returns 0, then the Queue is empty and any new message is likely
     * to be sent to the IRC server immediately.
     * @return The number of lines in the outgoing message Queue.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.9
    public final int getOutgoingQueueSize() {
        return _outQueue.size();

     * Returns the name of the last IRC server the PircBot tried to connect to.
     * This does not imply that the connection attempt to the server was
     * successful (we suggest you look at the onConnect method).
     * A value of null is returned if the PircBot has never tried to connect
     * to a server.
     * @return The name of the last machine we tried to connect to. Returns
     * null if no connection attempts have ever been made.
    public final String getServer() {
        return _server;

     * Returns the port number of the last IRC server that the PircBot tried
     * to connect to.
     * This does not imply that the connection attempt to the server was
     * successful (we suggest you look at the onConnect method).
     * A value of -1 is returned if the PircBot has never tried to connect
     * to a server.
     * @return The port number of the last IRC server we connected to.
     * Returns -1 if no connection attempts have ever been made.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.9
    public final int getPort() {
        return _port;

     * Returns the last password that we used when connecting to an IRC server.
     * This does not imply that the connection attempt to the server was
     * successful (we suggest you look at the onConnect method).
     * A value of null is returned if the PircBot has never tried to connect
     * to a server using a password.
     * @return The last password that we used when connecting to an IRC server.
     * Returns null if we have not previously connected using a password.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.9
    public final String getPassword() {
        return _password;

     * A convenient method that accepts an IP address represented as a
     * long and returns an integer array of size 4 representing the same
     * IP address.
     * @param address the long value representing the IP address.
     * @return An int[] of size 4.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.4
    public int[] longToIp(long address) {
        int[] ip = new int[4];
        for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
            ip[i] = (int) (address % 256);
            address = address / 256;
        return ip;

     * A convenient method that accepts an IP address represented by a byte[]
     * of size 4 and returns this as a long representation of the same IP
     * address.
     * @param address the byte[] of size 4 representing the IP address.
     * @return a long representation of the IP address.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.4
    public long ipToLong(byte[] address) {
        if (address.length != 4) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("byte array must be of length 4");
        long ipNum = 0;
        long multiplier = 1;
        for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
            int byteVal = (address[i] + 256) % 256;
            ipNum += byteVal * multiplier;
            multiplier *= 256;
        return ipNum;

     * Sets the encoding charset to be used when sending or receiving lines
     * from the IRC server.  If set to null, then the platform's default
     * charset is used.  You should only use this method if you are
     * trying to send text to an IRC server in a different charset, e.g.
     * "GB2312" for Chinese encoding.  If a PircBot is currently connected
     * to a server, then it must reconnect before this change takes effect.
     * @param charset The new encoding charset to be used by PircBot.
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If the named charset is not
     *                                      supported.
     * @since PircBot 1.0.4
    public void setEncoding(String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        // Just try to see if the charset is supported first...

        _charset = charset;

     * Returns the encoding used to send and receive lines from
     * the IRC server, or null if not set.  Use the setEncoding
     * method to change the encoding charset.
     * @return The encoding used to send outgoing messages, or
     * null if not set.
     * @since PircBot 1.0.4
    public String getEncoding() {
        return _charset;

     * Returns the InetAddress used by the PircBot.
     * This can be used to find the I.P. address from which the PircBot is
     * connected to a server.
     * @return The current local InetAddress, or null if never connected.
     * @since PircBot 1.4.4
    public InetAddress getInetAddress() {
        return _inetAddress;

     * Sets the InetAddress to be used when sending DCC chat or file transfers.
     * This can be very useful when you are running a bot on a machine which
     * is behind a firewall and you need to tell receiving clients to connect
     * to a NAT/router, which then forwards the connection.
     * @param dccInetAddress The new InetAddress, or null to use the default.
     * @since PircBot 1.4.4
    public void setDccInetAddress(InetAddress dccInetAddress) {
        _dccInetAddress = dccInetAddress;

     * Returns the InetAddress used when sending DCC chat or file transfers.
     * If this is null, the default InetAddress will be used.
     * @return The current DCC InetAddress, or null if left as default.
     * @since PircBot 1.4.4
    public InetAddress getDccInetAddress() {
        return _dccInetAddress;

     * Returns the set of port numbers to be used when sending a DCC chat
     * or file transfer. This is useful when you are behind a firewall and
     * need to set up port forwarding. The array of port numbers is traversed
     * in sequence until a free port is found to listen on. A DCC tranfer will
     * fail if all ports are already in use.
     * If set to null, <i>any</i> free port number will be used.
     * @return An array of port numbers that PircBot can use to send DCC
     * transfers, or null if any port is allowed.
     * @since PircBot 1.4.4
    public int[] getDccPorts() {
        if (_dccPorts == null || _dccPorts.length == 0) {
            return null;
        // Clone the array to prevent external modification.
        return (int[]) _dccPorts.clone();

     * Sets the choice of port numbers that can be used when sending a DCC chat
     * or file transfer. This is useful when you are behind a firewall and
     * need to set up port forwarding. The array of port numbers is traversed
     * in sequence until a free port is found to listen on. A DCC tranfer will
     * fail if all ports are already in use.
     * If set to null, <i>any</i> free port number will be used.
     * @param ports The set of port numbers that PircBot may use for DCC
     *              transfers, or null to let it use any free port (default).
     * @since PircBot 1.4.4
    public void setDccPorts(int[] ports) {
        if (ports == null || ports.length == 0) {
            _dccPorts = null;
        } else {
            // Clone the array to prevent external modification.
            _dccPorts = (int[]) ports.clone();

     * Returns true if and only if the object being compared is the exact
     * same instance as this PircBot. This may be useful if you are writing
     * a multiple server IRC bot that uses more than one instance of PircBot.
     * @return true if and only if Object o is a PircBot and equal to this.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.9
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        // This probably has the same effect as Object.equals, but that may change...
        if (o instanceof PircBot) {
            PircBot other = (PircBot) o;
            return other == this;
        return false;

     * Returns the hashCode of this PircBot. This method can be called by hashed
     * collection classes and is useful for managing multiple instances of
     * PircBots in such collections.
     * @return the hash code for this instance of PircBot.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.9
    public int hashCode() {
        return super.hashCode();

     * Returns a String representation of this object.
     * You may find this useful for debugging purposes, particularly
     * if you are using more than one PircBot instance to achieve
     * multiple server connectivity. The format of
     * this String may change between different versions of PircBot
     * but is currently something of the form
     * <code>
     * Version{PircBot x.y.z Java IRC Bot -}
     * Connected{true}
     * Server{}
     * Port{6667}
     * Password{}
     * </code>
     * @return a String representation of this object.
     * @since PircBot 0.9.10
    public String toString() {
        return "Version{" + _version + "}" + " Connected{" + isConnected() + "}" + " Server{" + _server + "}"
                + " Port{" + _port + "}" + " Password{" + _password + "}";

     * Returns an array of all users in the specified channel.
     * <p/>
     * There are some important things to note about this method:-
     * <ul>
     * <li>This method may not return a full list of users if you call it
     * before the complete nick list has arrived from the IRC server.
     * </li>
     * <li>If you wish to find out which users are in a channel as soon
     * as you join it, then you should override the onUserList method
     * instead of calling this method, as the onUserList method is only
     * called as soon as the full user list has been received.
     * </li>
     * <li>This method will return immediately, as it does not require any
     * interaction with the IRC server.
     * </li>
     * <li>The bot must be in a channel to be able to know which users are
     * in it.
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * @param channel The name of the channel to list.
     * @return An array of User objects. This array is empty if we are not
     * in the channel.
     * @see #onUserList(String, User[]) onUserList
     * @since PircBot 1.0.0
    public final User[] getUsers(String channel) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase();
        User[] userArray = new User[0];
        synchronized (_channels) {
            Hashtable users = (Hashtable) _channels.get(channel);
            if (users != null) {
                userArray = new User[users.size()];
                Enumeration enumeration = users.elements();
                for (int i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
                    User user = (User) enumeration.nextElement();
                    userArray[i] = user;
        return userArray;

     * Returns an array of all channels that we are in.  Note that if you
     * call this method immediately after joining a new channel, the new
     * channel may not appear in this array as it is not possible to tell
     * if the join was successful until a response is received from the
     * IRC server.
     * @return A String array containing the names of all channels that we
     * are in.
     * @since PircBot 1.0.0
    public final String[] getChannels() {
        String[] channels = new String[0];
        synchronized (_channels) {
            channels = new String[_channels.size()];
            Enumeration enumeration = _channels.keys();
            for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) {
                channels[i] = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
        return channels;

     * Disposes of all thread resources used by this PircBot. This may be
     * useful when writing bots or clients that use multiple servers (and
     * therefore multiple PircBot instances) or when integrating a PircBot
     * with an existing program.
     * <p/>
     * Each PircBot runs its own threads for dispatching messages from its
     * outgoing message queue and receiving messages from the server.
     * Calling dispose() ensures that these threads are
     * stopped, thus freeing up system resources and allowing the PircBot
     * object to be garbage collected if there are no other references to
     * it.
     * <p/>
     * Once a PircBot object has been disposed, it should not be used again.
     * Attempting to use a PircBot that has been disposed may result in
     * unpredictable behaviour.
     * @since 1.2.2
    public synchronized void dispose() {

     * Add a user to the specified channel in our memory.
     * Overwrite the existing entry if it exists.
    private final void addUser(String channel, User user) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase();
        synchronized (_channels) {
            Hashtable users = (Hashtable) _channels.get(channel);
            if (users == null) {
                users = new Hashtable();
                _channels.put(channel, users);
            users.put(user, user);

     * Remove a user from the specified channel in our memory.
    private final User removeUser(String channel, String nick) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase();
        User user = new User("", nick);
        synchronized (_channels) {
            Hashtable users = (Hashtable) _channels.get(channel);
            if (users != null) {
                return (User) users.remove(user);
        return null;

     * Remove a user from all channels in our memory.
    private final void removeUser(String nick) {
        synchronized (_channels) {
            Enumeration enumeration = _channels.keys();
            while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                String channel = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
                this.removeUser(channel, nick);

     * Rename a user if they appear in any of the channels we know about.
    private final void renameUser(String oldNick, String newNick) {
        synchronized (_channels) {
            Enumeration enumeration = _channels.keys();
            while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                String channel = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
                User user = this.removeUser(channel, oldNick);
                if (user != null) {
                    user = new User(user.getPrefix(), newNick);
                    this.addUser(channel, user);

     * Removes an entire channel from our memory of users.
    private final void removeChannel(String channel) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase();
        synchronized (_channels) {

     * Removes all channels from our memory of users.
    private final void removeAllChannels() {
        synchronized (_channels) {
            _channels = new Hashtable();

    private final void updateUser(String channel, int userMode, String nick) {
        channel = channel.toLowerCase();
        synchronized (_channels) {
            Hashtable users = (Hashtable) _channels.get(channel);
            User newUser = null;
            if (users != null) {
                Enumeration enumeration = users.elements();
                while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                    User userObj = (User) enumeration.nextElement();
                    if (userObj.getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(nick)) {
                        if (userMode == OP_ADD) {
                            if (userObj.hasVoice()) {
                                newUser = new User("@+", nick);
                            } else {
                                newUser = new User("@", nick);
                        } else if (userMode == OP_REMOVE) {
                            if (userObj.hasVoice()) {
                                newUser = new User("+", nick);
                            } else {
                                newUser = new User("", nick);
                        } else if (userMode == VOICE_ADD) {
                            if (userObj.isOp()) {
                                newUser = new User("@+", nick);
                            } else {
                                newUser = new User("+", nick);
                        } else if (userMode == VOICE_REMOVE) {
                            if (userObj.isOp()) {
                                newUser = new User("@", nick);
                            } else {
                                newUser = new User("", nick);
            if (newUser != null) {
                users.put(newUser, newUser);
            } else {
                // just in case ...
                newUser = new User("", nick);
                users.put(newUser, newUser);

    private void streamTransformer() {


    public String detect(byte[] bytes) {
        _detector.handleData(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        String encoding = _detector.getDetectedCharset();
        return encoding;

    // Connection stuff.
    private InputThread _inputThread = null;
    private OutputThread _outputThread = null;
    private String _charset = null;
    private InetAddress _inetAddress = null;

    // Details about the last server that we connected to.
    private String _server = null;
    private int _port = -1;
    private String _password = null;

    // Outgoing message stuff.
    private Queue _outQueue = new Queue();
    private long _messageDelay = 1000;

    // A Hashtable of channels that points to a selfreferential Hashtable of
    // User objects (used to remember which users are in which channels).
    private Hashtable _channels = new Hashtable();

    // A Hashtable to temporarily store channel topics when we join them
    // until we find out who set that topic.
    private Hashtable _topics = new Hashtable();

    // DccManager to process and handle all DCC events.
    private DccManager _dccManager = new DccManager(this);
    private int[] _dccPorts = null;
    private InetAddress _dccInetAddress = null;

    // Necessary stuff to handle charset changes
    private UniversalDetector _detector = null;

    // Default settings for the PircBot.
    private boolean _autoNickChange = false;
    private String _name = "PircBot";
    private String _nick = _name;
    private String _login = "PircBot";
    private String _version = "PircBot " + VERSION + " Java IRC Bot -";
    private String _finger = "You ought to be arrested for fingering a bot!";

    private String _channelPrefixes = "#&+!";