Source code

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 * This file is part of JGAP.
 * JGAP offers a dual license model containing the LGPL as well as the MPL.
 * For licensing information please see the file license.txt included with JGAP
 * or have a look at the top of class org.jgap.Chromosome which representatively
 * includes the JGAP license policy applicable for any file delivered with JGAP.
package org.jgap;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.*;
import org.jgap.audit.*;
import org.jgap.event.*;
import org.jgap.impl.*;
import org.jgap.util.*;

 * The Configuration class represents the current configuration of
 * plugins and parameters necessary to execute the genetic algorithm (such
 * as fitness function, natural selector, genetic operators, and so on).
 * <p>
 * Note that, while during setup, the settings, flags, and other
 * values may be set multiple times. But once the lockSettings() method
 * is invoked, they cannot be changed. The default behavior of the
 * Genotype constructor is to invoke this method, meaning that
 * once a Configuration object is passed to a Genotype, it cannot
 * be subsequently modified. There is no mechanism for unlocking
 * the settings once they are locked.
 * <p>
 * Not all configuration options are required. See the documentation
 * for each of the respective mutator methods to determine whether
 * it is required to provide a value for that setting, and what the
 * setting will default to if not.
 * @author Neil Rotstan
 * @author Klaus Meffert
 * @since 1.0
public class Configuration implements Configurable, Serializable, ICloneable, Comparable {
    /** String containing the CVS revision. Read out via reflection!*/
    private final static String CVS_REVISION = "$Revision: 1.102 $";

     * Constant for class name of JGAP Factory to use. Use as:
     * System.setProperty(PROPERTY_JGAPFACTORY_CLASS, "myJGAPFactory");
     * If none such property set, class JGAPFactory will be used.

    public static final String PROPERTY_FITFUNC_INST = "JGAPFITFUNCINST";

    public static final String PROPERTY_BFITFNC_INST = "JGAPBFITFNCINST";

    public static final String PROPERTY_FITEVAL_INST = "JGAPFITEVALINST";


    public static final String PROPERTY_EVENT_MGR_INST = "JGAPEVNTMGRINST";

     * Constants for toString()
    public static final String S_CONFIGURATION = "Configuration";

    public static final String S_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "Configuration name";

    public static final String S_POPULATION_SIZE = "Population size";

    public static final String S_MINPOPSIZE = "Minimum pop. size [%]";

    public static final String S_CHROMOSOME_SIZE = "Chromosome size";

    public static final String S_SAMPLE_CHROM = "Sample Chromosome";

    public static final String S_SIZE = "Size";

    public static final String S_TOSTRING = "toString";

    public static final String S_RANDOM_GENERATOR = "Random generator";

    public static final String S_EVENT_MANAGER = "Event manager";

    public static final String S_NONE = "none";

    public static final String S_CONFIGURATION_HANDLER = "Configuration handler";

    public static final String S_FITNESS_FUNCTION = "Fitness function";

    public static final String S_FITNESS_EVALUATOR = "Fitness evaluator";

    //  public static final String S_POPCONSTANT_SELECTOR = "Constant Population Selector";

    public static final String S_GENETIC_OPERATORS = "Genetic operators";

    public static final String S_NATURAL_SELECTORS = "Natural Selectors";

    public static final String S_PRE = "pre";

    public static final String S_POST = "post";

     * Contains a bag of custom properties. Can be empty.
     * A custom property is such that is not included in the standard JGAP
     * configuration.
     * @since 3.3.1
    //  private Map m_propertyBag;

    private ConfigurationConfigurable m_config = new ConfigurationConfigurable();

     * References the current fitness function that will be used to evaluate
     * chromosomes during the natural selection process. Note that only this
     * or the bulk fitness function may be set - the two are mutually exclusive.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    private FitnessFunction m_objectiveFunction;

     * The fitness evaluator. See interface class FitnessEvaluator for details.
     * @since 2.0 (since 1.1 in class Genotype)
    private FitnessEvaluator m_fitnessEvaluator;

     * Performs the evolution.
    private IBreeder m_breeder;

     * Minimum size guaranteed for population. If zero or below then no ensurance.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
    private int m_minPercentageSizePopulation;

     * References the current bulk fitness function that will be used to
     * evaluate chromosomes (in bulk) during the natural selection
     * process. Note that only this or the normal fitness function
     * may be set - the two are mutually exclusive.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    private BulkFitnessFunction m_bulkObjectiveFunction;

    //  /**
    //   * If population size should be kept constant then this selector determines
    //   * which of the chromosomes to select into the next generation.
    //   *
    //   * @author Klaus Meffert
    //   * @since 3.2.2
    //   */
    //  private INaturalSelector m_popConstantSelector;

     * References a Chromosome that serves as a sample of the Gene setup
     * that is to be used. Each gene in the Chromosome should be represented
     * with the desired Gene type.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    private IChromosome m_sampleChromosome;

     * References the random number generator implementation that is to be
     * used for the generation of any random numbers during the various
     * genetic operations and processes.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    private RandomGenerator m_randomGenerator;

     * References the event manager that is to be used for the notification
     * of genetic events and the management of event subscribers.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    private IEventManager m_eventManager;

     * References the chromosome pool, if any, that is to be used to pool
     * discarded Chromosome instances so that they may be recycled later,
     * thereby saving memory and the time to construct them from scratch.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    private transient IChromosomePool m_chromosomePool;

     * Stores all of the GeneticOperator implementations that are to be used
     * to operate upon the chromosomes of a population prior to natural
     * selection. Operators will be executed in the order that they are
     * added to this list.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    private List m_geneticOperators;

     * The number of genes that will be stored in each chromosome in the
     * population.
    private int m_chromosomeSize;

     * Indicates whether the settings of this Configuration instance have
     * been locked. Prior to locking, the settings may be set and reset
     * as desired. Once this flag is set to true, no settings may be
     * altered.
    private boolean m_settingsLocked;

     * Ordered chain of NaturalSelector's which will be executed before applying
     * Genetic Operators.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    private ChainOfSelectors m_preSelectors;

     * Ordered chain of NaturalSelector's which will be executed after applying
     * Genetic Operators.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    private ChainOfSelectors m_postSelectors;

     * Should the fittest chromosome in the population be preserved to the next
     * generation when evolving (in Genotype.evolve()) ?
    private boolean m_preserveFittestIndividual;

     * How many chromosomes should be selected from previous generation?
     * The missing chromosomes will be filled up with randomly created new
     * ones.
     * 1 = all
    private double m_selectFromPrevGen;

     * Indicates how many times the evolve()-method in class Genotype has been
     * called. Represents the number of the current population.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.2
    private int m_generationNr;

     * The Configuration handler for this Configurable.
     * @author Siddhartha Azad
     * @since 2.3
    private transient RootConfigurationHandler m_conHandler;

     * Informative name for output.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.3
    private String m_name;

     * True: population size will be kept constant at specified size in
     * configuration. False: population size will grow dependently on used
     * NaturalSelector's and GeneticOperator's.
     * Default is TRUE
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.4
    private boolean m_keepPopulationSizeConstant;

     * Holds the central configurable factory for creating default objects.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.6
    private IJGAPFactory m_factory;

     * See Chromosome class, field m_alwaysCalculate, for description
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2.2
    private boolean m_alwaysCalculateFitness;

    private transient String threadKey;

     * True: Use unique keys, especially in Chromosomes, to allow tracking and
     * monitoring of evolution progress.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.5
    private boolean m_uniqueKeysActive;

     * Unique ID for a configuration to distinguish it from other configurations
     * instantiated within the same thread.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.01
    private String m_id;

     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.5
    private IEvolutionMonitor m_monitor;

    public Configuration() {
        this("", null);

     * Initialize with default values.
     * @param a_id unique id for the configuration within the current thread
     * @param a_name informative name of the configuration, may be null
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.0
    public Configuration(String a_id, String a_name) {
        //    m_propertyBag = new Hashtable();
        m_id = a_id;
        m_preSelectors = new ChainOfSelectors(this);
        m_postSelectors = new ChainOfSelectors(this);
        m_selectFromPrevGen = 1.0d;
        // Use synchronized list for distributed computing.
        // ------------------------------------------------
        m_geneticOperators = new Vector();
        m_conHandler = new RootConfigurationHandler();
        m_keepPopulationSizeConstant = true;
        m_alwaysCalculateFitness = false;
        // Create factory for being able to configure the used default objects,
        // like random generators or fitness evaluators.
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        String clazz = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_JGAPFACTORY_CLASS);
        if (clazz != null && clazz.length() > 0) {
            try {
                m_factory = (IJGAPFactory) Class.forName(clazz).newInstance();
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Class " + clazz + " could not be instantiated" + " as type IJGAPFactory", ex);
        } else {
            m_factory = new JGAPFactory(false);

     * Constructs a configuration with an informative name but without a unique
     * ID. This practically prevents more than one configurations to be
     * instantiated within the same thread.
     * @param a_name informative name of the configuration, may be null
     * @author Klaus Meffert
    public Configuration(final String a_name) {

     * Reads in the configuration from the given file.
     * @param a_configFileName the config file from which to load the
     * configuration
     * @param a_ignore just there to create distinct signatures :-(
     * @throws ConfigException
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
     * @author Siddhartha Azad
     * @since 2.3
    public Configuration(final String a_configFileName, boolean a_ignore)
            throws ConfigException, InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Set the configuration statically for constructing classes by the
        // default constructor.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Read in the config, thus creating instances of configurable classes
        // by invoking their default constructor.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

     * for unit tests.<p>
     * Reset the configuration so that re-setting parameters such as fitness
     * function is possible (without calling this method, an overwriting of a
     * previously set fitness function results in a RuntimeException).
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.0
    public static void reset() {

     * Reset the configuration so that re-setting parameters such as fitness
     * function is possible (without calling this method, an overwriting of a
     * previously set fitness function results in a RuntimeException).
     * @param a_id a hopefully unique id of the configuration
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.0
    public static void reset(final String a_id) {
        String threadKey = getThreadKey(Thread.currentThread(), a_id);
        System.setProperty(threadKey + Configuration.PROPERTY_FITFUNC_INST, "");
        System.setProperty(threadKey + Configuration.PROPERTY_BFITFNC_INST, "");
        System.setProperty(threadKey + Configuration.PROPERTY_FITEVAL_INST, "");
        System.setProperty(threadKey + Configuration.PROPERTY_SAMPLE_CHROM_INST, "");
        System.setProperty(threadKey + Configuration.PROPERTY_EVENT_MGR_INST, "");

     * See Configuration.reset().
     * @param a_propName the property to reset
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.0
    public static void resetProperty(final String a_propName) {
        resetProperty(a_propName, "");

    public static void resetProperty(final String a_propName, final String a_id) {
        String threadKey = getThreadKey(Thread.currentThread(), a_id);
        System.setProperty(threadKey + a_propName, "");

     * @param a_name informative name of the configuration
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.3
    public void setName(final String a_name) {
        m_name = a_name;

     * @return informative name of the configuration
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.3
    public String getName() {
        return m_name;

     * Sets the fitness function to be used for this genetic algorithm.
     * The fitness function is responsible for evaluating a given Chromosome and
     * returning a positive integer that represents its worth as a candidate
     * solution. These values are used as a guide by the natural to determine
     * which Chromosome instances will be allowed to move on to the next round of
     * evolution, and which will instead be eliminated.
     * Note that it is illegal to set both this fitness function and a bulk
     * fitness function. Although one or the other must be set, the two are
     * mutually exclusive.
     * @param a_functionToSet fitness function to be used
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the fitness function is null, a
     * bulk fitness function has already been set, or if this Configuration
     * object is locked.
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.1
    public synchronized void setFitnessFunction(final FitnessFunction a_functionToSet)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure that the given fitness function isn't null.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_functionToSet == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The FitnessFunction instance must not be null.");
        // Make sure the bulk fitness function hasn't already been set.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        if (m_bulkObjectiveFunction != null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "The bulk fitness function and normal fitness function " + "may not both be set.");
        // Ensure that no other fitness function has been set in a different
        // configuration object within the same thread!
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        checkProperty(PROPERTY_FITFUNC_INST, a_functionToSet, m_objectiveFunction,
                "Fitness function has already been set differently.");
        m_objectiveFunction = a_functionToSet;

     * Verifies that a property is not set. If not set, set it, otherwise throw
     * a RuntimeException with a_errmsg as text.
     * @param a_propname the property to check (the current thread will be
     * considered as a part of the property's name, too)
     * @param a_obj the object that should be set in charge of the property
     * @param a_oldObj the old object that is set until now. Not used yet
     * @param a_errmsg the error message to throw in case the property is already
     * set for the current thread
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.0
    protected void checkProperty(final String a_propname, final Object a_obj, final Object a_oldObj,
            final String a_errmsg) {
        String instanceHash = System.getProperty(threadKey + a_propname, null);
        String key = makeKey(a_obj);
        if (instanceHash == null || instanceHash.length() < 1) {
            System.setProperty(threadKey + a_propname, key);
        } else if (!instanceHash.equals(key)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    a_errmsg + "\nIf you want to set or construct" + " a configuration multiple times, please call"
                            + " static method Configuration.reset() before" + " each setting!");

     * @param a_obj the object to make a key for, must not be null
     * @return key produced for the object (hashCode() is used, so it should be
     * implemented properly!)
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.0
    protected String makeKey(final Object a_obj) {
        String key = String.valueOf(a_obj.hashCode()) + a_obj.getClass().getName();
        return key;

     * Retrieves the fitness function previously setup in this Configuration
     * object.
     * @return the fitness function
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized FitnessFunction getFitnessFunction() {
        return m_objectiveFunction;

     * Sets the bulk fitness function to be used for this genetic algorithm.
     * The bulk fitness function may be used to evaluate and assign fitness
     * values to the entire group of candidate Chromosomes in a single batch.
     * This can be useful in cases where it's difficult to assign fitness
     * values to a Chromosome in isolation from the other candidate
     * Chromosomes.
     * <p>
     * Note that it is illegal to set both a bulk fitness function and a
     * normal fitness function. Although one or the other is required, the
     * two are mutually exclusive.
     * @param a_functionToSet bulk fitness function to be used
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the bulk fitness function is
     * null, the normal fitness function has already been set, or if this
     * Configuration object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized void setBulkFitnessFunction(final BulkFitnessFunction a_functionToSet)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure that the given bulk fitness function
        // isn't null.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_functionToSet == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The BulkFitnessFunction instance must not be null.");
        // Make sure a normal fitness function hasn't already been set.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        if (m_objectiveFunction != null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "The bulk fitness function and normal fitness function " + "must not both be set.");
        // Ensure that no other bulk fitness function has been set in a
        // different configuration object within the same thread!
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        checkProperty(PROPERTY_BFITFNC_INST, a_functionToSet, m_bulkObjectiveFunction,
                "Bulk fitness function has already been set differently.");
        m_bulkObjectiveFunction = a_functionToSet;

     * Retrieves the bulk fitness function previously setup in this
     * Configuration object.
     * @return the bulk fitness function
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized BulkFitnessFunction getBulkFitnessFunction() {
        return m_bulkObjectiveFunction;

     * Sets the sample Chromosome that is to be used as a guide for the
     * construction of other Chromosomes. The Chromosome should be setup
     * with each gene represented by the desired concrete Gene implementation
     * for that gene position (locus). Anytime a new Chromosome is created,
     * it will be constructed with the same Gene setup as that provided in
     * this sample Chromosome.
     * @param a_sampleChromosomeToSet Chromosome to be used as the sample
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the given Chromosome is null or
     * this Configuration object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public void setSampleChromosome(final IChromosome a_sampleChromosomeToSet)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure that the given chromosome isn't null.

        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_sampleChromosomeToSet == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The sample chromosome instance must not be null.");
        if (a_sampleChromosomeToSet.getConfiguration() == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The sample chromosome's configuration must not be null.");
        // Ensure that no other sample chromosome has been set in a
        // different configuration object within the same thread!
        // --------------------------------------------------------
        checkProperty(PROPERTY_SAMPLE_CHROM_INST, a_sampleChromosomeToSet, m_sampleChromosome,
                "Sample chromosome has already been set differently.");
        m_sampleChromosome = a_sampleChromosomeToSet;
        m_chromosomeSize = m_sampleChromosome.size();

     * Retrieves the sample Chromosome that contains the desired Gene setup
     * for each respective gene position (locus).
     * @return sample Chromosome instance
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public IChromosome getSampleChromosome() {
        return m_sampleChromosome;

     * Retrieves the chromosome size being used by this genetic
     * algorithm. This value is set automatically when the sample chromosome
     * is provided.
     * @return chromosome size used in this configuration
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public int getChromosomeSize() {
        return m_chromosomeSize;

     * Sets the natural selector to be used for this genetic algorithm.
     * The natural selector is responsible for actually selecting
     * which Chromosome instances are allowed to move on to the next
     * round of evolution (usually guided by the fitness values
     * provided by the fitness function). This setting is required.
     * @param a_selectorToSet the natural selector to be used
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the natural selector is null or
     * this Configuration object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
     * @deprecated use addNaturalSelector(false) instead
    public synchronized void setNaturalSelector(final NaturalSelector a_selectorToSet)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        addNaturalSelector(a_selectorToSet, false);

     * Retrieves the natural selector setup in this Configuration instance.
     * @return the natural selector
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
     * @deprecated use getNaturalSelectors(true) or getNaturalSelectors(false)
     * to obtain the relevant chain of NaturalSelector's and then call the
     * chain's get(index) method
    public synchronized NaturalSelector getNaturalSelector() {
        if (getNaturalSelectors(false).size() < 1) {
            return null;
        return getNaturalSelectors(false).get(0);

     * @param a_processBeforeGeneticOperators true: retrieve selector that is
     * registered to be executed before genetic operators, false: get the one
     * that is registered to be executed after genetic operators
     * @param a_index index of the selector to get
     * @return NaturalSelector
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    public synchronized NaturalSelector getNaturalSelector(final boolean a_processBeforeGeneticOperators,
            final int a_index) {
        if (a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
            return m_preSelectors.get(a_index);
        } else {
            return m_postSelectors.get(a_index);

     * Only use for read-only access! Especially don't call clear() for the
     * returned ChainOfSelectors object!
     * @param a_processBeforeGeneticOperators true: retrieve selector that is
     * registered to be executed before genetic operators, false: get the one
     * that is registered to be executed after genetic operators
     * @return ChainOfSelectors
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    public ChainOfSelectors getNaturalSelectors(final boolean a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
        if (a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
            return m_preSelectors;
        } else {
            return m_postSelectors;

     * @param a_processBeforeGeneticOperators true: retrieve selector that is
     * registered to be executed before genetic operators, false: get the one
     * that is registered to be executed after genetic operators
     * @return size of selector list (distinct by a_processBeforeGeneticOperators)
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    public int getNaturalSelectorsSize(final boolean a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
        if (a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
            return m_preSelectors.size();
        } else {
            return m_postSelectors.size();

     * Removes all natural selectors (either pre or post ones).
     * @param a_processBeforeGeneticOperators true: remove all selectors
     * processed before genetic operators, false: remove the ones processed
     * afterwards
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.3
    public void removeNaturalSelectors(final boolean a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
        if (a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
        } else {

     * Sets the random generator to be used for this genetic algorithm.
     * The random generator is responsible for generating random numbers,
     * which are used throughout the process of genetic evolution and
     * selection. This setting is required.
     * @param a_generatorToSet random generator to be used
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the random generator is null or
     * this object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized void setRandomGenerator(final RandomGenerator a_generatorToSet)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure that the given random generator isn't null.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_generatorToSet == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The RandomGenerator instance may not be null.");
        m_randomGenerator = a_generatorToSet;

     * Retrieves the random generator setup in this Configuration instance.
     * @return the random generator
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized RandomGenerator getRandomGenerator() {
        return m_randomGenerator;

     * Adds a genetic operator for use in this algorithm. Genetic operators
     * represent evolutionary steps that, when combined, make up the
     * evolutionary process. Examples of genetic operators are reproduction,
     * crossover, and mutation. During the evolution process, all of the
     * genetic operators added via this method are invoked in the order
     * they were added. At least one genetic operator must be provided.
     * @param a_operatorToAdd the genetic operator to add.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the genetic operator is null or
     * if this Configuration object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized void addGeneticOperator(final GeneticOperator a_operatorToAdd)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure that the given genetic operator isn't null.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_operatorToAdd == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The GeneticOperator instance must not be null.");

     * Retrieves the genetic operators setup in this Configuration instance.
     * Note that once this Configuration instance is locked, a new, immutable list
     * of operators is used and any lists previously retrieved with this method
     * will no longer reflect the actual list in use.
     * @return the list of genetic operators
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public List getGeneticOperators() {
        return m_geneticOperators;

     * Sets the population size to be used for this genetic algorithm.
     * The population size is a fixed value that represents the
     * number of Chromosomes contained within the Genotype (population).
     * This setting is required.
     * @param a_sizeOfPopulation population size to be used
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the population size is not
     * positive or this object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized void setPopulationSize(final int a_sizeOfPopulation) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure the population size is positive.
        // --------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_sizeOfPopulation < 1) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The population size must be positive.");
        m_config.m_populationSize = a_sizeOfPopulation;

     * Retrieves the population size setup in this Configuration instance.
     * @return population size
    public synchronized int getPopulationSize() {
        return m_config.m_populationSize;

     * Sets the event manager that is to be associated with this configuration.
     * The event manager is responsible for the management of event subscribers
     * and event notifications.
     * @param a_eventManagerToSet the EventManager instance to use in this
     * configuration
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the event manager is null
     * or this Configuration object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public void setEventManager(final IEventManager a_eventManagerToSet) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Sanity check: Make sure that the given event manager isn't null.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        if (a_eventManagerToSet == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The event manager instance must not be null.");
        // Ensure that no other event manager has been set in a different
        // configuration object within the same thread!
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        checkProperty(PROPERTY_EVENT_MGR_INST, a_eventManagerToSet, m_eventManager,
                "Event manager has already been set differently.");
        m_eventManager = a_eventManagerToSet;

     * Retrieves the event manager associated with this configuration. The event
     * manager is responsible for the management of event subscribers
     * and event notifications.
     * @return the actively configured event manager instance
     * @since 1.0
    public IEventManager getEventManager() {
        return m_eventManager;

     * Sets the ChromosomePool that is to be associated with this
     * configuration. The ChromosomePool is used to pool discarded Chromosome
     * instances so that they may be recycled later, thereby saving memory and
     * the time to construct them from scratch. The presence of a ChromosomePool
     * is optional. If none exists, then a new Chromosome will be constructed
     * each time one is needed.
     * @param a_chromosomePoolToSet the ChromosomePool instance to use
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if this object is locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public void setChromosomePool(final IChromosomePool a_chromosomePoolToSet)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        m_chromosomePool = a_chromosomePoolToSet;

     * Retrieves the ChromosomePool instance, if any, that is associated with
     * this configuration. The ChromosomePool is used to pool discarded
     * Chromosome instances so that they may be recycled later, thereby
     * saving memory and the time to construct them from scratch. The presence
     * of a ChromosomePool instance is optional. If none exists, then new
     * Chromosomes should be constructed each time one is needed.
     * @return the ChromosomePool instance associated this configuration, or
     * null if none has been provided
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public IChromosomePool getChromosomePool() {
        return m_chromosomePool;

     * Locks all of the settings in this configuration object. Once
     * this method is successfully invoked, none of the settings may
     * be changed. There is no way to unlock this object once it is locked.
     * <p>
     * Prior to returning successfully, this method will first invoke the
     * verifyStateIsValid() method to make sure that any required configuration
     * options have been properly set. If it detects a problem, it will
     * throw an InvalidConfigurationException and leave the object unlocked.
     * <p>
     * It's possible to test whether this object is locked through the
     * isLocked() method.
     * <p>
     * It is ok to lock an object more than once. In that case, this method
     * does nothing and simply returns.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if this Configuration object is
     * in an invalid state at the time of invocation
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized void lockSettings() throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        if (!m_settingsLocked) {
            //      // Make genetic operators list immutable.
            //      // --------------------------------------
            //      m_geneticOperators = Collections.unmodifiableList(m_geneticOperators);
            m_settingsLocked = true;

     * Retrieves the lock status of this object.
     * @return true if this object has been locked by a previous successful
     * call to the lockSettings() method, false otherwise
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public boolean isLocked() {
        return m_settingsLocked;

     * Tests the state of this Configuration object to make sure it's valid.
     * This generally consists of verifying that required settings have, in
     * fact, been set. If this object is not in a valid state, then an
     * exception will be thrown detailing the reason the state is not valid.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the state of this Configuration
     * is not valid. The error message in the exception will detail the reason
     * for invalidity
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    public synchronized void verifyStateIsValid() throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // First, make sure all of the required fields have been set to
        // appropriate values.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        if (m_objectiveFunction == null && m_bulkObjectiveFunction == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("A desired fitness function or bulk fitness function must "
                    + "be specified in the active configuration.");
        if (m_sampleChromosome == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("A sample instance of the desired Chromosome "
                    + "setup must be specified in the active configuration.");
        if (m_preSelectors.size() == 0 && m_postSelectors.size() == 0) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "At least one desired natural selector must be specified in the" + " active configuration.");
        if (m_randomGenerator == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "A desired random number generator must be specified in the " + "active configuration.");
        if (m_eventManager == null) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "A desired event manager must be specified in the active " + "configuration.");
        if (m_geneticOperators.isEmpty()) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "At least one genetic operator must be specified in the " + "configuration.");
        if (m_chromosomeSize <= 0) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "A chromosome size greater than zero must be specified in " + "the active configuration.");
        if (m_config.m_populationSize <= 0) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "A population size greater than zero must be specified in " + "the active configuration.");
        if (m_fitnessEvaluator == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fitness evaluator must not be null.");
        // Next, it's critical that each Gene implementation in the sample
        // Chromosome has a working equals() method, or else the genetic
        // engine will end up failing in mysterious and unpredictable ways.
        // We therefore verify right here that this method is working properly
        // in each of the Gene implementations used in the sample Chromosome.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        Gene[] sampleGenes = m_sampleChromosome.getGenes();
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleGenes.length; i++) {
            Gene sampleCopy = sampleGenes[i].newGene();
            if (!(sampleCopy.equals(sampleGenes[i]))) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("The sample Gene at gene position (locus) " + i
                        + " does not appear to have a working equals() or compareTo()" + " method.\n"
                        + "It could also be that you forgot to implement method"
                        + " newGene() in your Gene implementation.\n"
                        + "When tested, the method returned false when comparing "
                        + "the sample gene with a gene of the same type and "
                        + "possessing the same value (allele).");

     * Makes sure that this Configuration object isn't locked. If it is, then
     * an exception is thrown with an appropriate message indicating
     * that settings in this object may not be altered. This method
     * should be invoked by any mutator method in this object prior
     * to making any state alterations.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if this Configuration object is
     * locked
     * @author Neil Rotstan
     * @since 1.0
    protected void verifyChangesAllowed() throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        if (m_settingsLocked) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(
                    "This Configuration object is locked. Settings may not be " + "altered.");

     * Adds a NaturalSelector to the ordered chain of registered
     * NaturalSelector's. It's possible to execute the NaturalSelector before
     * or after (registered) genetic operations have been applied.
     * Normally, you would add a selector that is applied after the genetic
     * operators are processed (a_processBeforeGeneticOperators = false).
     * @param a_selector the selector to be added to the chain
     * @param a_processBeforeGeneticOperators true: execute NaturalSelector
     * before any genetic operator will be applied, false: .. after..
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 1.1
    public void addNaturalSelector(NaturalSelector a_selector, boolean a_processBeforeGeneticOperators)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        if (a_processBeforeGeneticOperators) {
        } else {

     * Minimum size guaranteed for population. This is significant during
     * evolution as natural selectors could select fewer chromosomes for the next
     * generation than the initial population size was.
     * @param a_minimumSizeGuaranteedPercent if zero or below then no ensurance
     * for size given, see Genotype.evolve()
     * @author Klaus Meffert
    public void setMinimumPopSizePercent(int a_minimumSizeGuaranteedPercent) {
        m_minPercentageSizePopulation = a_minimumSizeGuaranteedPercent;

    public int getMinimumPopSizePercent() {
        return m_minPercentageSizePopulation;

     * @return the assigned FitnessEvaluator
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.0
    public FitnessEvaluator getFitnessEvaluator() {
        return m_fitnessEvaluator;

     * Set the fitness evaluator (deciding if a given fitness value is better
     * when it's higher or better when it's lower).
     * @param a_fitnessEvaluator the FitnessEvaluator to be used
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.0
    public void setFitnessEvaluator(FitnessEvaluator a_fitnessEvaluator) {
        if (a_fitnessEvaluator == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The fitness evaluator object must not be null!");
        // Ensure that no other fitness evaluator has been set in a
        // different configuration object within the same thread!
        // --------------------------------------------------------
        checkProperty(PROPERTY_FITEVAL_INST, a_fitnessEvaluator, m_fitnessEvaluator,
                "Fitness evaluator has already been set differently.");
        m_fitnessEvaluator = a_fitnessEvaluator;

     * @return true: fittest chromosome should always be transferred to next
     * generation
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.1
    public boolean isPreserveFittestIndividual() {
        return m_preserveFittestIndividual;

     * Determines whether to save (keep) the fittest individual.
     * @param a_preserveFittest true: always transfer fittest chromosome to next
     * generation
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.1
    public void setPreservFittestIndividual(boolean a_preserveFittest) {
        m_preserveFittestIndividual = a_preserveFittest;

    public void incrementGenerationNr() {

    public int getGenerationNr() {
        return m_generationNr;

     * Implementation of the Configurable interface.
     * @return ConfigurationHandler
     * @throws ConfigException
     * @author Siddhartha Azad
    public ConfigurationHandler getConfigurationHandler() {
        return m_conHandler;

     * @return string representation of the configuration containing all
     * configurable elements
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.3
    public String toString() {
        String result = S_CONFIGURATION + ":";
        // Basic parameters.
        // -----------------
        result += "\n " + S_CONFIGURATION_NAME + ": " + getName();
        result += "\n " + S_POPULATION_SIZE + ": " + getPopulationSize();
        result += "\n " + S_MINPOPSIZE + ": " + getMinimumPopSizePercent();
        result += "\n " + S_CHROMOSOME_SIZE + ": " + getChromosomeSize();
        // Sample chromosome.
        // ------------------
        result += "\n " + S_SAMPLE_CHROM + ":\n";
        if (getSampleChromosome() == null) {
            result += "\n null";
        } else {
            result += "\n    " + S_SIZE + ": " + getSampleChromosome().size();
            result += "\n    " + S_TOSTRING + ": " + getSampleChromosome().toString();
        // Random generator.
        // -----------------
        result += "\n  " + S_RANDOM_GENERATOR + ": ";
        if (getRandomGenerator() != null) {
            result += getRandomGenerator().getClass().getName();
        } else {
            result += S_NONE;
        result += "\n  " + S_EVENT_MANAGER + ": ";
        // Event manager.
        // --------------
        if (getEventManager() == null) {
            result += S_NONE;
        } else {
            result += getEventManager().getClass().getName();
        // Configuration handler.
        // ----------------------
        result += "\n " + S_CONFIGURATION_HANDLER + ": ";
        if (getConfigurationHandler() == null) {
            result += "null";
        } else {
            result += getConfigurationHandler().getName();
        // Fitness function.
        // -----------------
        result += "\n " + S_FITNESS_FUNCTION + ": ";
        if (getFitnessFunction() == null) {
            result += "null";
        } else {
            result += getFitnessFunction().getClass().getName();
        // Fitness evaluator.
        // ------------------
        result += "\n " + S_FITNESS_EVALUATOR + ": ";
        if (getFitnessEvaluator() == null) {
            result += "null";
        } else {
            result += getFitnessEvaluator().getClass().getName();
        // Genetic operators.
        // ------------------
        result += "\n  " + S_GENETIC_OPERATORS + ": ";
        if (getGeneticOperators() == null) {
            result += "null";
        } else {
            int gensize = getGeneticOperators().size();
            if (gensize < 1) {
                result += S_NONE;
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < gensize; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        result += "; ";
                    result += " " + getGeneticOperators().get(i).getClass().getName();
        // Natural selectors (pre).
        // ------------------------
        int natsize = getNaturalSelectors(true).size();
        result += "\n  " + S_NATURAL_SELECTORS + "(" + S_PRE + "): ";
        if (natsize < 1) {
            result += S_NONE;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < natsize; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    result += "; ";
                result += " " + getNaturalSelectors(true).get(i).getClass().getName();
        // Natural selectors (post).
        // -------------------------
        natsize = getNaturalSelectors(false).size();
        result += "\n  " + S_NATURAL_SELECTORS + "(" + S_POST + "): ";
        if (natsize < 1) {
            result += "none";
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < natsize; i++) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    result += "; ";
                result += " " + getNaturalSelectors(false).get(i).getClass().getName();
        //    String popSelector;
        //    if (m_popConstantSelector == null) {
        //      popSelector = "null";
        //    }
        //    else {
        //      popSelector = m_popConstantSelector.getClass().getName();
        //    }
        //    result += "\n " + S_POPCONSTANT_SELECTOR + ": "
        //        + popSelector;
        return result;

     * See setKeepPopulationSizeConstant and
     * GABreeder#evolve(Population, Configuration) for detailled explanation.
     * @return true: population size will always be the same size
     * (as given with Configuration.setPopulationSize(int)
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.4
    public boolean isKeepPopulationSizeConstant() {
        return m_keepPopulationSizeConstant;

     * Allows to keep the population size constant during one evolution, even if
     * there is no appropriate instance of NaturalSelector (such as
     * WeightedRouletteSelector) registered with the Configuration.<p>
     * See setKeepPopulationSizeConstant and
     * GABreeder#evolve(Population, Configuration) for detailled explanation.
     * @param a_keepPopSizeConstant true: population size will always be
     * the same size (as given with Configuration.setPopulationSize(int)
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 2.4
    public void setKeepPopulationSizeConstant(boolean a_keepPopSizeConstant) {
        m_keepPopulationSizeConstant = a_keepPopSizeConstant;

    public void setSelectFromPrevGen(double a_percentage) {
        if (a_percentage < 0 || a_percentage > 1.00) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be between 0 and 1");
        m_selectFromPrevGen = a_percentage;

    public double getSelectFromPrevGen() {
        return m_selectFromPrevGen;

     * @return the JGAP factory registered
     * @author Klaus Meffert
    public IJGAPFactory getJGAPFactory() {
        return m_factory;

    public class ConfigurationConfigurable implements Serializable {
         * The number of chromosomes that will be stored in the Genotype.
        int m_populationSize;

     * Builds a string considering the current thread and the given id.
     * @param current the current Thread
     * @param a_id a hopefully unique id of the configuration
     * @return string built up
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.01
    protected static String getThreadKey(Thread current, String a_id) {
        return current.toString() + "|" + a_id + "|";

     * @param a_factory the IJGAPFactory to use
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.01
    public void setJGAPFactory(IJGAPFactory a_factory) {
        m_factory = a_factory;

     * @param a_breeder the breeder to use
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    public void setBreeder(IBreeder a_breeder) {
        assert (a_breeder != null);
        m_breeder = a_breeder;

     * @return the breeder set or new standard breeder instance in case no breeder
     * was set before.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    public IBreeder getBreeder() {
        if (m_breeder == null) {
            m_breeder = new GABreeder();
        return m_breeder;

    //  /**
    //   * If population size should be kept constant then this selector determines
    //   * which of the chromosomes to select into the next generation.
    //   *
    //   * @param a_popConstantSelector the selector to use
    //   * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
    //   *
    //   * @author Klaus Meffert
    //   * @since 3.2.2
    //   */
    //  public void setKeepPopConstantSelector(INaturalSelector a_popConstantSelector)
    //      throws InvalidConfigurationException {
    //    verifyChangesAllowed();
    //    m_popConstantSelector = a_popConstantSelector;
    //  }

    //  /**
    //   * @return the registered selector to keep population size constant. If none
    //   * is set, the NewestChromosomesSelector is instantiated, assigned and
    //   * returned
    //   *
    //   * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
    //   *
    //   * @author Klaus Meffert
    //   * @since 3.2.2
    //   */
    //  public INaturalSelector getKeepPopConstantSelector()
    //  throws InvalidConfigurationException{
    //    if (m_popConstantSelector == null) {
    //      m_popConstantSelector = new NewestChromosomesSelector(this);
    //    }
    //    return m_popConstantSelector;
    //  }

     * @param a_alwaysCalculate true: Chromosome.getFitnessValue() will always
     * (re-)calculate the fitness value. This may be necessary in case of
     * environments where the state changes without the chromosome to notice.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2.2
    public void setAlwaysCaculateFitness(boolean a_alwaysCalculate) {
        m_alwaysCalculateFitness = a_alwaysCalculate;

     * @return true: Chromosome.getFitnessValue() will always (re-)calculate the
     * fitness value. This may be necessary in case of environments where the
     * state changes without the chromosome to notice.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2.2
    public boolean isAlwaysCalculateFitness() {
        return m_alwaysCalculateFitness;

    protected String makeThreadKey() {
        Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
        threadKey = getThreadKey(current, m_id);
        return threadKey;

     * Sets a property in the bag.
     * Be aware that setting in unserializable value here leads to problems with
     * distributed computing or other scenarios based on serialization!
     * Be aware that cloning may also lead to conflicts
     * in case you use unsupported object types!
     * @param a_propName name of the property to se the value for
     * @param a_value value of the property
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.3.1
    //  public void setPropertyInBag(String a_propName, Object a_value) {
    //    m_propertyBag.put(a_propName, a_value);
    //  }

     * @param a_propName name of the property to retrieve the value from
     * @return value of the property
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.3.1
    //  public Object getPropertyFromBag(String a_propName) {
    //   return m_propertyBag.get(a_propName);
    //  }

     * Deserialize the object. Needed to provide a unique ID for each thread the
     * object is used in.
     * @param a_inputStream the ObjectInputStream provided for deserialzation
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.01
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream a_inputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
        // Always perform the default de-serialization first.
        // --------------------------------------------------

     * @return the id of the configuration set
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.1
    public String getId() {
        return m_id;

     * Only to be called by sub classes, such as GPConfiguration.
     * @param a_id the id to set
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    protected void setId(String a_id) {
        m_id = a_id;

     * @return deep clone of this instance
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    public Object clone() {
        return newInstance(m_id, m_name);

     * Creates a new Configuration instance by cloning. Allows to preset the
     * ID and the name.
     * @param a_id new ID for clone
     * @param a_name new name for clone
     * @return deep clone of this instance
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    public Configuration newInstance(String a_id, String a_name) {
        try {
            Configuration result = new Configuration(m_name);
            // Clone JGAPFactory first because it helps in cloning other objects.
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (m_factory instanceof ICloneable) {
                result.m_factory = (IJGAPFactory) ((ICloneable) m_factory).clone();
            } else {
                // We must fallback to a standardized solution.
                // --------------------------------------------
                m_factory = new JGAPFactory(false);
                result.m_factory = (IJGAPFactory) ((JGAPFactory) m_factory).clone();
            if (m_breeder != null) {
                result.m_breeder = (IBreeder) doClone(m_breeder);
            if (m_bulkObjectiveFunction != null) {
                result.m_bulkObjectiveFunction = m_bulkObjectiveFunction;
            result.m_chromosomeSize = m_chromosomeSize;
            //    result.m_chromosomePool = m_chromosomePool.clone();
            //    result.m_conHandler = m_conHandler.clone();
            result.m_eventManager = (IEventManager) doClone(m_eventManager);
            result.m_fitnessEvaluator = (FitnessEvaluator) doClone(m_fitnessEvaluator);
            result.m_generationNr = 0;
            result.m_geneticOperators = (List) doClone(m_geneticOperators);
            result.m_keepPopulationSizeConstant = m_keepPopulationSizeConstant;
            result.m_minPercentageSizePopulation = m_minPercentageSizePopulation;
            result.m_selectFromPrevGen = m_selectFromPrevGen;
            result.m_objectiveFunction = (FitnessFunction) doClone(m_objectiveFunction);
            //      result.m_popConstantSelector = (INaturalSelector)doClone(m_popConstantSelector);
            result.m_postSelectors = (ChainOfSelectors) doClone(m_postSelectors);
            result.m_preSelectors = (ChainOfSelectors) doClone(m_preSelectors);
            result.m_preserveFittestIndividual = m_preserveFittestIndividual;
            result.m_randomGenerator = (RandomGenerator) doClone(m_randomGenerator);
            if (m_sampleChromosome != null) {
                result.m_sampleChromosome = (IChromosome) m_sampleChromosome.clone();
            result.m_alwaysCalculateFitness = m_alwaysCalculateFitness;
            result.m_settingsLocked = m_settingsLocked;
            //      result.m_propertyBag = (Map)doClone(m_propertyBag);
            // Configurable data.
            // ------------------
            result.m_config = new ConfigurationConfigurable();
            result.m_config.m_populationSize = m_config.m_populationSize;
            // Identificative data.
            // --------------------
            result.m_name = a_name;
            result.m_id = a_id;
            result.makeThreadKey();// Must be called after m_id is set
            return result;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new CloneException(t);

     * Helper called from clone.
     * @param a_objToClone the object to clone
     * @return cloned object or null, if cloning not possible
     * @throws Exception
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    protected Object doClone(Object a_objToClone) throws Exception {
        if (a_objToClone != null) {
            ICloneHandler handler = getJGAPFactory().getCloneHandlerFor(a_objToClone, null);
            if (handler != null) {
                return handler.perform(a_objToClone, null, null);
            } else {
                /**@todo try cloning in a standard way*/
        return null;

     * The equals-method.
     * @param a_other the other object to compare
     * @return true if seen as equal
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    public boolean equals(Object a_other) {
        return compareTo(a_other) == 0;

     * The compareTo-method.
     * @param a_other the other object to compare
     * @return -1, 0, 1
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.2
    public int compareTo(Object a_other) {
        if (a_other == null) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            Configuration other = (Configuration) a_other;
            try {
                return new CompareToBuilder().append(m_config.m_populationSize, other.m_config.m_populationSize)
                        .append(m_factory, other.m_factory).append(m_breeder, other.m_breeder)
                        .append(m_objectiveFunction, other.m_objectiveFunction)
                        .append(m_fitnessEvaluator, other.m_fitnessEvaluator)
                        .append(m_bulkObjectiveFunction, other.m_bulkObjectiveFunction)
                        .append(m_sampleChromosome, other.m_sampleChromosome)
                        .append(m_randomGenerator, other.m_randomGenerator)
                        //            .append(m_eventManager, other.m_eventManager)
                        //            .append(m_chromosomePool, other.m_chromosomePool)
                        .append(m_geneticOperators.toArray(), other.m_geneticOperators.toArray())
                        .append(m_chromosomeSize, other.m_chromosomeSize)
                        .append(m_preSelectors, other.m_preSelectors).append(m_postSelectors, other.m_postSelectors)
                        //            .append(m_popConstantSelector, other.m_popConstantSelector)
                        .append(m_preserveFittestIndividual, other.m_preserveFittestIndividual)
                        //            .append(m_conHandler, other.m_conHandler)
                        .append(threadKey, other.threadKey)
                        .append(m_keepPopulationSizeConstant, other.m_keepPopulationSizeConstant)
                        .append(m_alwaysCalculateFitness, other.m_alwaysCalculateFitness)
                        .append(m_minPercentageSizePopulation, other.m_minPercentageSizePopulation)
                        .append(m_selectFromPrevGen, other.m_selectFromPrevGen)
                        .append(m_generationNr, other.m_generationNr).append(m_name, other.m_name)
                        //            .append(m_propertyBag, other.m_propertyBag)
                        .append(m_settingsLocked, other.m_settingsLocked).toComparison();
            } catch (ClassCastException cex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Cannot compare all objects within" + " org.jgap.Configuration, because at"
                                + " least one does not implement interface" + " java.lang.Comparable!");

     * Sets a monitor for auditing evolution progress.
     * @param a_monitor the monitor to use
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.5
    public void setMonitor(IEvolutionMonitor a_monitor) {
        m_monitor = a_monitor;
        if (m_monitor != null) {

     * @return the monitor uses for auditing the evolution progress.
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.5
    public IEvolutionMonitor getMonitor() {
        return m_monitor;

     * @param a_active true: use unique keys to allow tracking and monitoring
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.5
    public void setUniqueKeysActive(boolean a_active) {
        m_uniqueKeysActive = a_active;

     * @return true: use unique keys to allow tracking and monitoring
     * @author Klaus Meffert
     * @since 3.5
    public boolean isUniqueKeysActive() {
        return m_uniqueKeysActive;