Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, * Erik Ramfelt, Koichi Fujikawa, Red Hat, Inc., Seiji Sogabe, * Stephen Connolly, Tom Huybrechts, Yahoo! Inc., Alan Harder, CloudBees, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import hudson.Functions; import hudson.maven.MavenEmbedderException; import hudson.model.UpdateSite; import hudson.model.UpdateSite.Plugin; import hudson.util.VersionNumber; import; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet; import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmTag; import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkout.CheckOutScmResult; import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager; import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository; import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainerException; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; /** * Frontend for plugin compatibility tests * @author Frederic Camblor, Olivier Lamy */ public class PluginCompatTester { private static final String DEFAULT_SOURCE_ID = "default"; private PluginCompatTesterConfig config; private final MavenRunner runner; public PluginCompatTester(PluginCompatTesterConfig config) { this.config = config; runner = config.getExternalMaven() == null ? new InternalMavenRunner() : new ExternalMavenRunner(config.getExternalMaven()); } private SortedSet<MavenCoordinates> generateCoreCoordinatesToTest(UpdateSite.Data data, PluginCompatReport previousReport) { SortedSet<MavenCoordinates> coreCoordinatesToTest = null; // If parent GroupId/Artifact are not null, this will be fast : we will only test // against 1 core coordinate if (config.getParentGroupId() != null && config.getParentArtifactId() != null) { coreCoordinatesToTest = new TreeSet<MavenCoordinates>(); // If coreVersion is not provided in PluginCompatTesterConfig, let's use latest core // version used in update center String coreVersion = config.getParentVersion() == null ? data.core.version : config.getParentVersion(); MavenCoordinates coreArtifact = new MavenCoordinates(config.getParentGroupId(), config.getParentArtifactId(), coreVersion); coreCoordinatesToTest.add(coreArtifact); // If parent groupId/artifactId are null, we'll test against every already recorded // cores } else if (config.getParentGroupId() == null && config.getParentArtifactId() == null) { coreCoordinatesToTest = previousReport.getTestedCoreCoordinates(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "config.parentGroupId and config.parentArtifactId should either be both null or both filled\n" + "config.parentGroupId=" + String.valueOf(config.getParentGroupId()) + ", config.parentArtifactId=" + String.valueOf(config.getParentArtifactId())); } return coreCoordinatesToTest; } public PluginCompatReport testPlugins() throws PlexusContainerException, IOException, MavenEmbedderException { // Providing XSL Stylesheet along xml report file if (config.reportFile != null) { if (config.isProvideXslReport()) { File xslFilePath = PluginCompatReport.getXslFilepath(config.reportFile); FileUtils.copyStreamToFile(new RawInputStreamFacade(getXslTransformerResource().getInputStream()), xslFilePath); } } DataImporter dataImporter = null; if (config.getGaeBaseUrl() != null && config.getGaeSecurityToken() != null) { dataImporter = new DataImporter(config.getGaeBaseUrl(), config.getGaeSecurityToken()); } HashMap<String, String> pluginGroupIds = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Used to track real plugin groupIds from WARs UpdateSite.Data data = config.getWar() == null ? extractUpdateCenterData() : scanWAR(config.getWar(), pluginGroupIds); PluginCompatReport report = PluginCompatReport.fromXml(config.reportFile); SortedSet<MavenCoordinates> testedCores = config.getWar() == null ? generateCoreCoordinatesToTest(data, report) : coreVersionFromWAR(data); MavenRunner.Config mconfig = new MavenRunner.Config(); mconfig.userSettingsFile = config.getM2SettingsFile(); // TODO REMOVE mconfig.userProperties.put("failIfNoTests", "false"); mconfig.userProperties.put("argLine", "-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"); String mavenPropertiesFilePath = this.config.getMavenPropertiesFile(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mavenPropertiesFilePath)) { File file = new File(mavenPropertiesFilePath); if (file.exists()) { FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(fileInputStream); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { mconfig.userProperties.put((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileInputStream); } } else { System.out.println("File " + mavenPropertiesFilePath + " not exists"); } } SCMManagerFactory.getInstance().start(); for (MavenCoordinates coreCoordinates : testedCores) { System.out.println("Starting plugin tests on core coordinates : " + coreCoordinates.toString()); for (Plugin plugin : data.plugins.values()) { if (config.getIncludePlugins() == null || config.getIncludePlugins().contains( { PluginInfos pluginInfos = new PluginInfos(, plugin.version, plugin.url); if (config.getExcludePlugins() != null && config.getExcludePlugins().contains( { System.out.println("Plugin " + + " is in excluded plugins => test skipped !"); continue; } String errorMessage = null; TestStatus status = null; MavenCoordinates actualCoreCoordinates = coreCoordinates; PluginRemoting remote = new PluginRemoting(plugin.url); PomData pomData; try { pomData = remote.retrievePomData(); System.out.println("detected parent POM " + pomData.parent.toGAV()); if ((pomData.parent.groupId.equals(PluginCompatTesterConfig.DEFAULT_PARENT_GROUP) && pomData.parent.artifactId .equals(PluginCompatTesterConfig.DEFAULT_PARENT_ARTIFACT) || pomData.parent.groupId.equals("org.jvnet.hudson.plugins")) && coreCoordinates.version.matches("1[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+") && new VersionNumber(coreCoordinates.version) .compareTo(new VersionNumber("1.485")) < 0) { // TODO unless 1.480.3+ System.out.println("Cannot test against " + coreCoordinates.version + " due to lack of deployed POM for " + coreCoordinates.toGAV()); actualCoreCoordinates = new MavenCoordinates(coreCoordinates.groupId, coreCoordinates.artifactId, coreCoordinates.version.replaceFirst("[.][0-9]+$", "")); } } catch (Throwable t) { status = TestStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR; errorMessage = t.getMessage(); pomData = null; } if (!config.isSkipTestCache() && report.isCompatTestResultAlreadyInCache(pluginInfos, actualCoreCoordinates, config.getTestCacheTimeout(), config.getCacheThresholStatus())) { System.out.println( "Cache activated for plugin " + pluginInfos.pluginName + " => test skipped !"); continue; // Don't do anything : we are in the cached interval ! :-) } List<String> warningMessages = new ArrayList<String>(); if (errorMessage == null) { try { TestExecutionResult result = testPluginAgainst(actualCoreCoordinates, plugin, mconfig, pomData, data.plugins, pluginGroupIds); // If no PomExecutionException, everything went well... status = TestStatus.SUCCESS; warningMessages.addAll(result.pomWarningMessages); } catch (PomExecutionException e) { if (!e.succeededPluginArtifactIds.contains("maven-compiler-plugin")) { status = TestStatus.COMPILATION_ERROR; } else if (!e.succeededPluginArtifactIds.contains("maven-surefire-plugin")) { status = TestStatus.TEST_FAILURES; } else { // Can this really happen ??? status = TestStatus.SUCCESS; } errorMessage = e.getErrorMessage(); warningMessages.addAll(e.getPomWarningMessages()); } catch (Error e) { // Rethrow the error ... something is getting wrong ! throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { status = TestStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR; errorMessage = t.getMessage(); } } File buildLogFile = createBuildLogFile(config.reportFile,, plugin.version, actualCoreCoordinates); String buildLogFilePath = ""; if (buildLogFile.exists()) { buildLogFilePath = createBuildLogFilePathFor(pluginInfos.pluginName, pluginInfos.pluginVersion, actualCoreCoordinates); } PluginCompatResult result = new PluginCompatResult(actualCoreCoordinates, status, errorMessage, warningMessages, buildLogFilePath); report.add(pluginInfos, result); // Adding result to GAE if (dataImporter != null) { dataImporter.importPluginCompatResult(result, pluginInfos, config.reportFile.getParentFile()); // TODO: import log files } if (config.reportFile != null) { if (!config.reportFile.exists()) { FileUtils.fileWrite(config.reportFile.getAbsolutePath(), ""); }; } } else { System.out.println("Plugin " + + " not in included plugins => test skipped !"); } } } // Generating HTML report if needed if (config.reportFile != null) { if (config.isGenerateHtmlReport()) { generateHtmlReportFile(); } } return report; } private void generateHtmlReportFile() throws IOException { Source xmlSource = new StreamSource(config.reportFile); Source xsltSource = new StreamSource(getXslTransformerResource().getInputStream()); Result result = new StreamResult(PluginCompatReport.getHtmlFilepath(config.reportFile)); TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = null; try { transformer = factory.newTransformer(xsltSource); transformer.transform(xmlSource, result); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static ClassPathResource getXslTransformerResource() { return new ClassPathResource("resultToReport.xsl"); } private static File createBuildLogFile(File reportFile, String pluginName, String pluginVersion, MavenCoordinates coreCoords) { return new File(reportFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + createBuildLogFilePathFor(pluginName, pluginVersion, coreCoords)); } private static String createBuildLogFilePathFor(String pluginName, String pluginVersion, MavenCoordinates coreCoords) { return String.format("logs/%s/v%s_against_%s_%s_%s.log", pluginName, pluginVersion, coreCoords.groupId, coreCoords.artifactId, coreCoords.version); } private TestExecutionResult testPluginAgainst(MavenCoordinates coreCoordinates, Plugin plugin, MavenRunner.Config mconfig, PomData pomData, Map<String, Plugin> otherPlugins, Map<String, String> pluginGroupIds) throws PluginSourcesUnavailableException, PomTransformationException, PomExecutionException, IOException { System.out.println(String.format("%n%n%n%n%n")); System.out.println(String.format("#############################################")); System.out.println(String.format("#############################################")); System.out.println(String.format("##%n## Starting to test plugin %s v%s%n## against %s%n##",, plugin.version, coreCoordinates)); System.out.println(String.format("#############################################")); System.out.println(String.format("#############################################")); System.out.println(String.format("%n%n%n%n%n")); File pluginCheckoutDir = new File(config.workDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + + "/"); if (pluginCheckoutDir.exists()) { System.out.println("Deleting working directory " + pluginCheckoutDir.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(pluginCheckoutDir); } pluginCheckoutDir.mkdir(); System.out.println("Created plugin checkout dir : " + pluginCheckoutDir.getAbsolutePath()); try { System.out.println("Checking out from SCM connection URL : " + pomData.getConnectionUrl() + " (" + + "-" + plugin.version + ")"); ScmManager scmManager = SCMManagerFactory.getInstance().createScmManager(); ScmRepository repository = scmManager.makeScmRepository(pomData.getConnectionUrl()); CheckOutScmResult result = scmManager.checkOut(repository, new ScmFileSet(pluginCheckoutDir), new ScmTag( + "-" + plugin.version)); if (!result.isSuccess()) { if (result.getCommandOutput().contains("error: pathspec") && result.getCommandOutput().contains("did not match any file(s) known to git.")) { // Trying to look for existing branch that looks like the one we are looking for // TODO ??? } else { throw new RuntimeException(result.getProviderMessage() + "||" + result.getCommandOutput()); } } } catch (ComponentLookupException e) { System.err.println("Error : " + e.getMessage()); throw new PluginSourcesUnavailableException("Problem while creating ScmManager !", e); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error : " + e.getMessage()); throw new PluginSourcesUnavailableException("Problem while checking out plugin sources!", e); } List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean mustTransformPom = false; // TODO future versions of DEFAULT_PARENT_GROUP/ARTIFACT may be able to use this as well if (pomData.parent.groupId.equals("com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins") && pomData.parent.artifactId.equals("jenkins-plugins") || // TODO ought to analyze the chain of parent POMs, which would lead to com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins:jenkins-plugins in this case: pomData.parent.groupId.equals("com.cloudbees.operations-center.common") && pomData.parent.artifactId.equals("operations-center-parent") || pomData.parent.groupId.equals("com.cloudbees.operations-center.client") && pomData.parent.artifactId.equals("operations-center-parent-client")) { args.add("-Djenkins.version=" + coreCoordinates.version); args.add("-Dhpi-plugin.version=1.99"); // TODO would ideally pick up exact version from org.jenkins-ci.main:pom } else { mustTransformPom = true; } File buildLogFile = createBuildLogFile(config.reportFile,, plugin.version, coreCoordinates); FileUtils.forceMkdir(buildLogFile.getParentFile()); // Creating log directory FileUtils.fileWrite(buildLogFile.getAbsolutePath(), ""); // Creating log file boolean ranCompile = false; try { // First build against the original POM. // This defends against source incompatibilities (which we do not care about for this purpose); // and ensures that we are testing a plugin binary as close as possible to what was actually released., pluginCheckoutDir, buildLogFile, "clean", "process-test-classes"); ranCompile = true; // Then transform the POM and run tests against that. // You might think that it would suffice to run e.g. // -Dmaven-surefire-plugin.version=2.15 -Dmaven.test.dependency.excludes=org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war -Dmaven.test.additionalClasspath=//org/jenkins-ci/main/jenkins-war/1.580.1/jenkins-war-1.580.1.war clean test // (2.15+ required for ${maven.test.dependency.excludes} and ${maven.test.additionalClasspath} to be honored from CLI) // but it does not work; there are lots of linkage errors as some things are expected to be in the test classpath which are not. // Much simpler to do use the parent POM to set up the test classpath. MavenPom pom = new MavenPom(pluginCheckoutDir); try { addSplitPluginDependencies(, mconfig, pluginCheckoutDir, pom, otherPlugins, pluginGroupIds); } catch (Exception x) { x.printStackTrace(); pomData.getWarningMessages().add(Functions.printThrowable(x)); // but continue } if (mustTransformPom) { pom.transformPom(coreCoordinates); } args.add("--define=maven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile=false"); args.add("--define=concurrency=1"); args.add("hpi:resolve-test-dependencies"); args.add("hpi:test-hpl"); args.add("surefire:test");, pluginCheckoutDir, buildLogFile, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); return new TestExecutionResult(pomData.getWarningMessages()); } catch (PomExecutionException e) { PomExecutionException e2 = new PomExecutionException(e); e2.getPomWarningMessages().addAll(pomData.getWarningMessages()); if (ranCompile) { // So the status is considered to be TEST_FAILURES not COMPILATION_ERROR: e2.succeededPluginArtifactIds.add("maven-compiler-plugin"); } throw e2; } } private UpdateSite.Data extractUpdateCenterData() { URL url = null; String jsonp = null; try { url = new URL(config.updateCenterUrl); jsonp = IOUtils.toString(url.openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid update center url : " + config.updateCenterUrl, e); } String json = jsonp.substring(jsonp.indexOf('(') + 1, jsonp.lastIndexOf(')')); UpdateSite us = new UpdateSite(DEFAULT_SOURCE_ID, url.toExternalForm()); return newUpdateSiteData(us, JSONObject.fromObject(json)); } /** * Scans through a WAR file, accumulating plugin information * @param war WAR to scan * @param pluginGroupIds Map pluginName to groupId if set in the manifest, MUTATED IN THE EXECUTION * @return Update center data * @throws IOException */ private UpdateSite.Data scanWAR(File war, Map<String, String> pluginGroupIds) throws IOException { JSONObject top = new JSONObject(); top.put("id", DEFAULT_SOURCE_ID); JSONObject plugins = new JSONObject(); JarFile jf = new JarFile(war); if (pluginGroupIds == null) { pluginGroupIds = new HashMap<String, String>(); } try { Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jf.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); String name = entry.getName(); Matcher m = Pattern.compile("WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-([0-9.]+(?:-[0-9.]+)?(?:-SNAPSHOT)?)[.]jar") .matcher(name); if (m.matches()) { if (top.has("core")) { throw new IOException(">1 jenkins-core.jar in " + war); } top.put("core", new JSONObject().accumulate("name", "core").accumulate("version", .accumulate("url", "")); } m = Pattern.compile("WEB-INF/(?:optional-)?plugins/([^/.]+)[.][hj]pi").matcher(name); if (m.matches()) { JSONObject plugin = new JSONObject().accumulate("url", ""); InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(entry); try { JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(is); try { Manifest manifest = jis.getManifest(); String shortName = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Short-Name"); if (shortName == null) { shortName = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Extension-Name"); if (shortName == null) { shortName =; } } plugin.put("name", shortName); pluginGroupIds.put(shortName, manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Group-Id")); plugin.put("version", manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Plugin-Version")); plugin.put("url", "jar:" + war.toURI() + "!/" + name); JSONArray dependenciesA = new JSONArray(); String dependencies = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Plugin-Dependencies"); if (dependencies != null) { // e.g. matrix-auth:1.0.2;resolution:=optional,credentials:1.8.3;resolution:=optional for (String pair : dependencies.replace(";resolution:=optional", "").split(",")) { String[] nameVer = pair.split(":"); assert nameVer.length == 2; dependenciesA.add(new JSONObject().accumulate("name", nameVer[0]) .accumulate("version", nameVer[1]) ./* we do care about even optional deps here */accumulate("optional", "false")); } } plugin.accumulate("dependencies", dependenciesA); plugins.put(shortName, plugin); } finally { jis.close(); } } finally { is.close(); } } } } finally { jf.close(); } top.put("plugins", plugins); if (!top.has("core")) { throw new IOException("no jenkins-core.jar in " + war); } System.out.println("Scanned contents of " + war + ": " + top); return newUpdateSiteData(new UpdateSite(DEFAULT_SOURCE_ID, null), top); } private SortedSet<MavenCoordinates> coreVersionFromWAR(UpdateSite.Data data) { SortedSet<MavenCoordinates> result = new TreeSet<MavenCoordinates>(); result.add(new MavenCoordinates(PluginCompatTesterConfig.DEFAULT_PARENT_GROUP, PluginCompatTesterConfig.DEFAULT_PARENT_ARTIFACT, data.core.version)); return result; } private UpdateSite.Data newUpdateSiteData(UpdateSite us, JSONObject jsonO) throws RuntimeException { try { Constructor<UpdateSite.Data> dataConstructor = UpdateSite.Data.class .getDeclaredConstructor(UpdateSite.class, JSONObject.class); dataConstructor.setAccessible(true); return dataConstructor.newInstance(us, jsonO); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("UpdateSite.Data instanciation problems", e); } } private void addSplitPluginDependencies(String thisPlugin, MavenRunner.Config mconfig, File pluginCheckoutDir, MavenPom pom, Map<String, Plugin> otherPlugins, Map<String, String> pluginGroupIds) throws PomExecutionException, IOException { File tmp = File.createTempFile("dependencies", ".log"); VersionNumber coreDep = null; Map<String, VersionNumber> pluginDeps = new HashMap<String, VersionNumber>(); try {, pluginCheckoutDir, tmp, "dependency:resolve"); Reader r = new FileReader(tmp); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(r); // TODO could include |test but only if pom.addDependencies would add as <scope>test</scope> Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "\\[INFO\\] ([^:]+):([^:]+):([a-z-]+):([^:]+):(provided|compile|runtime|system)"); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { Matcher m = p.matcher(line); if (!m.matches()) { continue; } String groupId =; String artifactId =; VersionNumber version; try { version = new VersionNumber(; } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { // OK, some other kind of dep, just ignore continue; } if (groupId.equals("org.jenkins-ci.main") && artifactId.equals("jenkins-core")) { coreDep = version; } else if (groupId.equals("org.jenkins-ci.plugins")) { pluginDeps.put(artifactId, version); } else if (groupId.equals("org.jenkins-ci.main") && artifactId.equals("maven-plugin")) { pluginDeps.put(artifactId, version); } else if (groupId.equals(pluginGroupIds.get(artifactId))) { pluginDeps.put(artifactId, version); } } } finally { r.close(); } } finally { tmp.delete(); } System.out.println("Analysis: coreDep=" + coreDep + " pluginDeps=" + pluginDeps); if (coreDep != null) { // Synchronize with ClassicPluginStrategy.DETACHED_LIST: String[] splits = { "maven-plugin:1.296:1.296", "subversion:1.310:1.0", "cvs:1.340:0.1", "ant:1.430.*:1.0", "javadoc:1.430.*:1.0", "external-monitor-job:1.467.*:1.0", "ldap:1.467.*:1.0", "pam-auth:1.467.*:1.0", "mailer:1.493.*:1.2", "matrix-auth:1.535.*:1.0.2", "windows-slaves:1.547.*:1.0", "antisamy-markup-formatter:1.553.*:1.0", "matrix-project:1.561.*:1.0", "junit:1.577.*:1.0", }; // Synchronize with ClassicPluginStrategy.BREAK_CYCLES: String[] exceptions = { "script-security/matrix-auth", "script-security/windows-slaves", "script-security/antisamy-markup-formatter", "script-security/matrix-project", "credentials/matrix-auth", "credentials/windows-slaves" }; Map<String, VersionNumber> toAdd = new HashMap<String, VersionNumber>(); Map<String, VersionNumber> toReplace = new HashMap<String, VersionNumber>(); for (String split : splits) { String[] pieces = split.split(":"); String plugin = pieces[0]; if (Arrays.asList(exceptions).contains(thisPlugin + "/" + plugin)) { System.out.println("Skipping implicit dep " + thisPlugin + " " + plugin); continue; } VersionNumber splitPoint = new VersionNumber(pieces[1]); VersionNumber declaredMinimum = new VersionNumber(pieces[2]); // TODO this should only happen if the tested core version is splitPoint // TODO pluginDeps could include test deps inherited from jenkins-test-harness; do we need to add/replace these implicit deps? if (coreDep.compareTo(splitPoint) <= 0 && !pluginDeps.containsKey(plugin)) { Plugin bundledP = otherPlugins.get(plugin); if (bundledP != null) { VersionNumber bundledV; try { bundledV = new VersionNumber(bundledP.version); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { // TODO apparently this does not handle `1.0-beta-1` and the like?! System.out.println( "Skipping unparseable dep on " + + ": " + bundledP.version); continue; } if (bundledV.isNewerThan(declaredMinimum)) { toAdd.put(plugin, bundledV); continue; } } toAdd.put(plugin, declaredMinimum); } } for (Map.Entry<String, VersionNumber> pluginDep : pluginDeps.entrySet()) { String plugin = pluginDep.getKey(); Plugin bundledP = otherPlugins.get(plugin); if (bundledP != null) { VersionNumber bundledV = new VersionNumber(bundledP.version); if (bundledV.isNewerThan(pluginDep.getValue())) { assert !toAdd.containsKey(plugin); toReplace.put(plugin, bundledV); } // Also check any dependencies, so if we are upgrading cloudbees-folder, we also add an explicit dep on a bundled credentials. for (Map.Entry<String, String> dependency : bundledP.dependencies.entrySet()) { String depPlugin = dependency.getKey(); if (pluginDeps.containsKey(depPlugin)) { continue; // already handled } // We ignore the declared dependency version and go with the bundled version: Plugin depBundledP = otherPlugins.get(depPlugin); if (depBundledP != null) { System.out.println("Adding " + depPlugin + " since it was a dependency of " + plugin); toAdd.put(depPlugin, new VersionNumber(depBundledP.version)); } } } } if (!toAdd.isEmpty() || !toReplace.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "Adding/replacing plugin dependencies for compatibility: " + toAdd + " " + toReplace); pom.addDependencies(toAdd, toReplace, coreDep, pluginGroupIds); } } } }