Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc, and individual contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.hal.core.finder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; import; import; import; import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.proxy.PlaceManager; import com.gwtplatform.mvp.shared.proxy.PlaceRequest; import elemental2.dom.HTMLElement; import org.jboss.gwt.elemento.core.Elements; import org.jboss.gwt.elemento.core.IsElement; import org.jboss.hal.ballroom.Attachable; import org.jboss.hal.config.Environment; import org.jboss.hal.core.finder.ColumnRegistry.LookupCallback; import org.jboss.hal.core.finder.FinderColumn.RefreshMode; import org.jboss.hal.flow.FlowContext; import org.jboss.hal.flow.Outcome; import org.jboss.hal.flow.Progress; import org.jboss.hal.flow.Task; import; import org.jboss.hal.resources.Ids; import org.jboss.hal.spi.Footer; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import rx.Completable; import rx.CompletableEmitter; import static java.lang.Math.min; import static; import static; import static org.jboss.gwt.elemento.core.Elements.div; import static org.jboss.hal.ballroom.Skeleton.applicationOffset; import static org.jboss.hal.flow.Flow.series; import static org.jboss.hal.resources.CSS.*; import static org.jboss.hal.resources.Ids.FINDER; /** * The one and only finder which is shared across all different top level categories in HAL. The very same finder * instance gets injected into the different top level presenters. Only the columns will change when navigating between * the different places */ public class Finder implements IsElement, Attachable { static final String DATA_BREADCRUMB = "breadcrumb"; static final String DATA_FILTER = "filter"; /** * The maximum number of simultaneously visible columns. If there are more columns, the left-most column is hidden. * TODO Reduce the number of visible columns if the viewport gets smaller and change col-??-2 to col-??-3 */ private static final int MAX_VISIBLE_COLUMNS = 4; private static final int MAX_COLUMNS = 12; @NonNls private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Finder.class); private final Environment environment; private final EventBus eventBus; private final PlaceManager placeManager; private final ColumnRegistry columnRegistry; private final SecurityContextRegistry securityContextRegistry; private final Provider<Progress> progress; private final FinderContext context; private final LinkedHashMap<String, FinderColumn> columns; private final Map<String, String> initialColumnsByToken; private final Map<String, PreviewContent> initialPreviewsByToken; private final HTMLElement root; private final HTMLElement previewColumn; private PreviewContent currentPreview; // ------------------------------------------------------ ui @Inject public Finder(Environment environment, EventBus eventBus, PlaceManager placeManager, ColumnRegistry columnRegistry, SecurityContextRegistry securityContextRegistry, @Footer Provider<Progress> progress) { this.environment = environment; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.placeManager = placeManager; this.columnRegistry = columnRegistry; this.securityContextRegistry = securityContextRegistry; this.progress = progress; this.context = new FinderContext(); this.columns = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.initialColumnsByToken = new HashMap<>(); this.initialPreviewsByToken = new HashMap<>(); this.root = div().id(FINDER).css(row, finder) .add(previewColumn = div().id(Ids.PREVIEW_ID).css(finderPreview, column(12)).get()).get(); } @Override public HTMLElement element() { return root; } @Override public void attach() { = vh(applicationOffset()); } @Override public void detach() { columns.values().forEach(Attachable::detach); } private FinderColumn initialColumn() { String columnId = initialColumnsByToken.get(context.getToken()); if (columnId != null) { return columns.get(columnId); } return null; } private void resizePreview() { long visibleColumns = - 1; int previewSize = MAX_COLUMNS - 2 * min((int) visibleColumns, MAX_VISIBLE_COLUMNS); previewColumn.className = finderPreview + " " + column(previewSize); } // ------------------------------------------------------ internal API void appendColumn(String columnId, AsyncCallback<FinderColumn> callback) { columnRegistry.lookup(columnId, new LookupCallback() { @Override public void found(FinderColumn column) { appendColumn(column, callback); } @Override public void error(String failure) { logger.error(failure); if (callback != null) { callback.onFailure(new RuntimeException(failure)); } } }); } private void appendColumn(FinderColumn<?> column, AsyncCallback<FinderColumn> callback) { column.resetSelection(); column.markHiddenColumns(false); Elements.setVisible(column.element(), true); columns.put(column.getId(), column); if (visibleColumns() >= MAX_VISIBLE_COLUMNS) { int index = 0; int hideUntilHere = columns.size() - MAX_VISIBLE_COLUMNS; for (FinderColumn c : columns.values()) { Elements.setVisible(c.element(), index >= hideUntilHere); index++; } if (hideUntilHere > 0) { for (FinderColumn c : columns.values()) { if (Elements.isVisible(c.element())) { c.markHiddenColumns(true); break; } } } } root.insertBefore(column.element(), previewColumn); column.attach(); column.setItems(callback); resizePreview(); } private long visibleColumns() { return columns.values().stream().filter(column -> Elements.isVisible(column.element())).count(); } private void markHiddenColumns() { Optional<FinderColumn> hiddenColumn = columns.values().stream() .filter(column -> !Elements.isVisible(column.element())).findAny(); if (hiddenColumn.isPresent()) { columns.values().stream().filter(column -> Elements.isVisible(column.element())).findAny() .ifPresent(firstVisibleColumn -> firstVisibleColumn.markHiddenColumns(true)); } } void revealHiddenColumns(FinderColumn firstVisibleColumn) { // show the last hidden column List<FinderColumn> hiddenColumns = columns.values().stream() .filter(column -> !Elements.isVisible(column.element())).collect(toList()); if (!hiddenColumns.isEmpty()) { Elements.setVisible(Iterables.getLast(hiddenColumns).element(), true); } firstVisibleColumn.markHiddenColumns(false); firstVisibleColumn.selectedRow().click(); markHiddenColumns(); } private void reduceAll() { for (Iterator<HTMLElement> iterator = Elements.children(root).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { HTMLElement element =; if (element == previewColumn) { break; } FinderColumn removeColumn = columns.remove(; iterator.remove(); removeColumn.detach(); } } void reduceTo(FinderColumn<?> column) { boolean removeFromHere = false; for (Iterator<HTMLElement> iterator = Elements.children(root).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { HTMLElement element =; if (element == column.element()) { removeFromHere = true; continue; } if (element == previewColumn) { break; } if (removeFromHere) { FinderColumn removeColumn = columns.remove(; iterator.remove(); removeColumn.detach(); } } Elements.setVisible(column.element(), true); resizePreview(); } void updateContext() { context.getPath().clear(); for (HTMLElement columnElement : Elements.children(root)) { if (columnElement == previewColumn) { break; } String key =; FinderColumn<?> column = columns.get(key); context.getPath().append(column); } eventBus.fireEvent(new FinderContextEvent(context)); } void updateHistory() { // only finder tokens of the same type please PlaceRequest current = placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest(); if (context.getToken().equals(current.getNameToken())) { PlaceRequest update = context.toPlaceRequest(); if (!update.equals(current)) { logger.debug("Update history: {}", "#" + context.getToken() + (context.getPath().isEmpty() ? "" : ";path=" + context.getPath())); placeManager.updateHistory(update, true); } } } void selectColumn(String columnId) { FinderColumn finderColumn = columns.get(columnId); if (finderColumn != null) { finderColumn.element().focus(); } } void selectPreviousColumn(String columnId) { List<String> columnIds = new ArrayList<>(columns.keySet()); int index = 0; for (String id : columnIds) { if (id.equals(columnId)) { break; } index++; } if (index > 0 && index < columnIds.size()) { String previousId = columnIds.get(index - 1); selectColumn(previousId); FinderColumn previousColumn = columns.get(previousId); if (previousColumn != null) { FinderRow selectedRow = previousColumn.selectedRow(); if (selectedRow != null) {; } } } } int columns() { return columns.size(); } void showPreview(PreviewContent<?> preview) { clearPreview(); currentPreview = preview; if (preview != null) { for (HTMLElement element : preview) { previewColumn.appendChild(element); } preview.attach(); } } private void clearPreview() { if (currentPreview != null) { currentPreview.detach(); } Elements.removeChildrenFrom(previewColumn); } void showInitialPreview() { PreviewContent previewContent = initialPreviewsByToken.get(context.getToken()); if (previewContent != null) { showPreview(previewContent); } } Environment environment() { return environment; } SecurityContextRegistry securityContextRegistry() { return securityContextRegistry; } // ------------------------------------------------------ public API /** * Resets the finder to its initial state by showing the initial column and preview. */ public void reset(String token, String initialColumn, PreviewContent initialPreview, AsyncCallback<FinderColumn> callback) { initialColumnsByToken.put(token, initialColumn); initialPreviewsByToken.put(token, initialPreview); for (FinderColumn column : columns.values()) { column.detach(); } columns.clear(); while (root.firstChild != previewColumn) { root.removeChild(root.firstChild); } context.reset(token); appendColumn(initialColumn, callback); selectColumn(initialColumn); for (FinderColumn column : columns.values()) { Elements.setVisible(column.element(), true); column.markHiddenColumns(false); } showPreview(initialPreview); updateHistory(); } /** * Refreshes the current path. */ public void refresh() { refresh(getContext().getPath()); } /** * Refreshes the specified path. * <p> * Please note that this might be a complex and long running operation since each segment in the path is turned * into a function which reloads and re-selects the items. */ public void refresh(FinderPath path) { if (!path.isEmpty()) { List<RefreshTask> tasks = stream(path.spliterator(), false) .map(segment -> new RefreshTask(new FinderSegment(segment.getColumnId(), segment.getItemId()))) .collect(toList()); series(new FlowContext(progress.get()), tasks).subscribe(new Outcome<FlowContext>() { @Override public void onError(FlowContext context, Throwable error) { } @Override public void onSuccess(FlowContext context) { if (!context.emptyStack()) { FinderColumn column = context.pop(); column.element().focus(); if (column.selectedRow() != null) { column.selectedRow().click(); } } } }); } } /** * Shows the finder associated with the specified token and selects the columns and items according to the given * finder path. * <p> * Please note that this might be a complex and long running operation since each segment in the path is turned * into a function. The function will load and initialize the column and select the item as specified in the * segment. * <p> * If the path is empty, the fallback operation is executed. */ public void select(String token, FinderPath path, Runnable fallback) { if (path.isEmpty()) {; } else { if (!token.equals(context.getToken())) { context.reset(token); reduceAll(); } else { // clear the preview right away, otherwise the previous (wrong) preview would be visible until all // select functions have been finished clearPreview(); // Find the last common column between the new and the current path String match = null; FinderPath newPath = path.reversed(); FinderPath currentPath = context.getPath().reversed(); for (FinderSegment newSegment : newPath) { for (FinderSegment currentSegment : currentPath) { if (newSegment.getColumnId().equals(currentSegment.getColumnId())) { match = newSegment.getColumnId(); break; } } if (match != null) { break; } } FinderColumn lastCommonColumn = match != null ? columns.get(match) : initialColumn(); if (lastCommonColumn != null) { reduceTo(lastCommonColumn); } } List<SelectTask> tasks = stream(path.spliterator(), false) .map(segment -> new SelectTask(new FinderSegment(segment.getColumnId(), segment.getItemId()))) .collect(toList()); series(new FlowContext(progress.get()), tasks).subscribe(new Outcome<FlowContext>() { @Override public void onError(FlowContext context, Throwable error) { if (Finder.this.context.getPath().isEmpty()) {; } else if (!context.emptyStack()) { FinderColumn column = context.pop(); markHiddenColumns(); // only in case of an error! f1nally(column); } } @Override public void onSuccess(FlowContext context) { FinderColumn column = context.pop(); f1nally(column); } @SuppressWarnings("SpellCheckingInspection") private void f1nally(FinderColumn column) { column.element().focus(); column.refresh(RefreshMode.RESTORE_SELECTION); } }); } } public FinderColumn getColumn(String columnId) { return columns.get(columnId); } public FinderContext getContext() { return context; } private class SelectTask implements Task<FlowContext> { private final FinderSegment segment; private SelectTask(FinderSegment segment) { this.segment = segment; } @Override public Completable call(FlowContext context) { return Completable .fromEmitter(emitter -> appendColumn(segment.getColumnId(), new AsyncCallback<FinderColumn>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { emitter.onError( new RuntimeException("Error in Finder.SelectTask: Unable to append column '" + segment.getColumnId() + "'")); } @Override public void onSuccess(FinderColumn column) { if (column.contains(segment.getItemId())) { column.markSelected(segment.getItemId()); column.row(segment.getItemId()).element().scrollIntoView(false); updateContext(); context.push(column); emitter.onCompleted(); } else { // Ignore items which cannot be selected. If a deployment was disabled // runtime items might no longer be available. logger.warn("Unable to select item '{} in column '{}'", segment.getItemId(), segment.getColumnId()); emitter.onCompleted(); } } })); } } private class RefreshTask implements Task<FlowContext> { private final FinderSegment segment; private RefreshTask(FinderSegment segment) { this.segment = segment; } @Override public Completable call(FlowContext context) { return Completable.fromEmitter(emitter -> { FinderColumn column = getColumn(segment.getColumnId()); if (column != null) { // refresh the existing column column.refresh(() -> selectItem(column, context, emitter)); } else { // append the column appendColumn(segment.getColumnId(), new AsyncCallback<FinderColumn>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { emitter.onError(throwable); } @Override public void onSuccess(FinderColumn finderColumn) { selectItem(finderColumn, context, emitter); } }); } }); } private void selectItem(FinderColumn column, FlowContext context, CompletableEmitter emitter) { if (column.contains(segment.getItemId())) { column.markSelected(segment.getItemId()); context.push(column); emitter.onCompleted(); } else { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral emitter.onError(new RuntimeException("Error in Finder.RefreshTask: Unable to select item '" + segment.getItemId() + "' in column '" + segment.getColumnId() + "'")); } } } }