Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jboss.dashboard.kpi; import org.jboss.dashboard.DataDisplayerServices; import org.jboss.dashboard.displayer.DataDisplayer; import org.jboss.dashboard.displayer.DataDisplayerType; import org.jboss.dashboard.displayer.chart.AbstractChartDisplayer; import org.jboss.dashboard.displayer.exception.DataDisplayerInvalidConfiguration; import org.jboss.dashboard.export.ImportResults; import org.jboss.dashboard.provider.DataProvider; import org.jboss.dashboard.provider.DataProviderImpl; import org.jboss.dashboard.LocaleManager; import org.jboss.dashboard.database.hibernate.HibernateTxFragment; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.hibernate.Session; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; public class KPIImpl implements KPI { /** Logger */ private transient static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(KPIImpl.class); protected Long id; protected String code; protected Map<String, String> descriptions; protected DataProviderImpl dataProvider; protected String dataDisplayerUid; protected String dataDisplayerXML; protected transient DataDisplayer dataDisplayer; public KPIImpl() { id = null; code = null; descriptions = new HashMap<String, String>(); dataProvider = null; dataDisplayer = null; dataDisplayerUid = null; dataDisplayerXML = null; } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getId()).toHashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { try { if (obj == null) return false; if (obj == this) return true; if (id == null) return false; KPIImpl other = (KPIImpl) obj; return id.equals(other.getId()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } } public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("id", getId()).toString(); } public boolean isPersistent() { return id != null; } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public String getCode() { if (id != null && (code == null || code.trim().equals(""))) code = "kpi_" + id + System.currentTimeMillis(); return code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } public String getDescription(Locale l) { String result = descriptions.get(l.toString()); if (result == null) result = (String) LocaleManager.lookup().localize(descriptions); return result; } public void setDescription(String descr, Locale l) { if (l == null) l = LocaleManager.currentLocale(); if (descr == null) descriptions.remove(l.toString()); else { descriptions.put(l.toString(), descr); DataDisplayer displayer = getDataDisplayer(); if (displayer instanceof AbstractChartDisplayer) { AbstractChartDisplayer chartDisplayer = (AbstractChartDisplayer) displayer; chartDisplayer.setTitle(descr); } } } public void setDescriptionI18nMap(Map<String, String> descriptions) { this.descriptions.clear(); this.descriptions.putAll(descriptions); } public Map<String, String> getDescriptionI18nMap() { Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String locale : descriptions.keySet()) { results.put(locale, descriptions.get(locale)); } return results; } public DataProvider getDataProvider() { return dataProvider; } public void setDataProvider(DataProvider dataProvider) { this.dataProvider = (DataProviderImpl) dataProvider; } public DataDisplayer getDataDisplayer() { try { if (dataDisplayer == null) deserializeDataDisplayer(); } catch (DataDisplayerInvalidConfiguration dataDisplayerInvalidConfiguration) { // Data displayer is deserialized but does not match with current data provider properties. // Returns the non valid deserialized displayer in order to fix it by the UI. } return dataDisplayer; } public void setDataDisplayer(DataDisplayer dataDisplayer) throws DataDisplayerInvalidConfiguration { this.dataDisplayer = dataDisplayer; if (dataDisplayer != null) this.dataDisplayer.setDataProvider(dataProvider); serializeDataDisplayer(); } public void merge(KPI source) { KPIImpl other = (KPIImpl) source; this.code = other.code; this.setDescriptionI18nMap(other.getDescriptionI18nMap()); this.setDataProvider(other.getDataProvider()); this.dataDisplayer = other.dataDisplayer; this.serializeDataDisplayer(); } public void save() throws Exception { if (!getDataProvider().isReady()) { log.warn("Cannot save KPI because its data provider is not well configured."); return; } new HibernateTxFragment() { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Exception { boolean isTransient = !isPersistent(); serializeDataDisplayer(); if (isTransient) persist(0); else persist(1); } }.execute(); } public void update() throws Exception {; } public void delete() throws Exception { if (isPersistent()) { persist(2); } } protected void persist(final int op) throws Exception { new HibernateTxFragment() { protected void txFragment(Session session) throws Exception { KPIManager kpiManager = DataDisplayerServices.lookup().getKPIManager(); switch (op) { case 0: kpiManager.notifyKPIListener(KPIManager.EVENT_KPI_CREATED, KPIImpl.this);; kpiManager.notifyKPIListener(KPIManager.EVENT_KPI_SAVED, KPIImpl.this); break; case 1: session.update(KPIImpl.this); kpiManager.notifyKPIListener(KPIManager.EVENT_KPI_SAVED, KPIImpl.this); break; case 2: kpiManager.notifyKPIListener(KPIManager.EVENT_KPI_DELETED, KPIImpl.this); session.delete(KPIImpl.this); break; } session.flush(); } }.execute(); } // Persistence internals protected void serializeDataDisplayer() { try { dataDisplayerUid = null; dataDisplayerXML = null; if (dataDisplayer == null) return; DataDisplayerType type = dataDisplayer.getDataDisplayerType(); dataDisplayerUid = type.getUid(); dataDisplayerXML = type.getXmlFormat().format(dataDisplayer); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error serializing data displayer for KPI with id: " + id, e); } } protected void deserializeDataDisplayer() throws DataDisplayerInvalidConfiguration { try { if (dataDisplayerUid == null) return; DataDisplayerType type = DataDisplayerServices.lookup().getDataDisplayerManager() .getDisplayerTypeByUid(dataDisplayerUid); if (dataDisplayerXML != null) { ImportResults importResults = DataDisplayerServices.lookup().getImportManager() .createImportResults(); dataDisplayer = type.getXmlFormat().parse(dataDisplayerXML, importResults); if (importResults.getMessages().hasErrors()) { throw new RuntimeException(importResults.getMessages().get(0).toString()); } Locale locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale(); dataDisplayer.setDataDisplayerType(type); if (dataDisplayer instanceof AbstractChartDisplayer) { AbstractChartDisplayer displayer = (AbstractChartDisplayer) dataDisplayer; displayer.setTitle(getDescription(locale)); } dataDisplayer.setDataProvider(getDataProvider()); } } catch (DataDisplayerInvalidConfiguration e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error deserializing data displayer for KPI with id: " + id, e); } } // For Hibernate protected String getDataDisplayerUid() { return dataDisplayerUid; } // For Hibernate protected void setDataDisplayerUid(String dataDisplayerUid) { this.dataDisplayerUid = dataDisplayerUid; } // For Hibernate protected String getDataDisplayerXML() { return dataDisplayerXML; } // For Hibernate protected void setDataDisplayerXML(String dataDisplayerXML) { this.dataDisplayerXML = dataDisplayerXML; } // For Hibernate protected Map<String, String> getDescriptions() { return descriptions; } // For Hibernate protected void setDescriptions(Map<String, String> descriptions) { this.descriptions = descriptions; } }