Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2011 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. All rights reserved. * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.icons.Icons; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.tables.DefaultCellTable; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.tabs.FakeTabPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class VDBView extends SuspendableViewImpl implements VDBPresenter.MyView { private PagedView pages; private ListDataProvider<VDB> vdbProvider = new ListDataProvider<VDB>(); private DefaultCellTable vdbTable; private VDBPresenter presenter; private VDBRequestsTab vdbRequestsTab; private VDBModelsTab vdbModelsTab; private VDBSessionsTab vdbSessionsTab; private VDBCachingTab vdbCachingTab; private DataModelFactory factory; public void setDataModelFactory(DataModelFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } @Override public void setDeployedVDBs(List<VDB> vdbs) { if (vdbs != null && !vdbs.isEmpty()) { this.vdbProvider.getList().clear(); this.vdbProvider.getList().addAll(vdbs); this.vdbTable.getSelectionModel().setSelected(vdbs.get(0), true); } else { this.vdbProvider.getList().clear(); } } @Override public void setPresenter(VDBPresenter presenter) { this.presenter = presenter; } @Override public void setVDBRequests(List<Request> requests) { this.vdbRequestsTab.setRequests(requests); } @Override public void setQueryPlan(String plan) { this.vdbRequestsTab.setQueryPlan(plan); } @Override public void cancelSubmitted(Request request) { this.vdbRequestsTab.cancelSubmitted(request); } @Override public void setModelSchema(String ddl) { vdbModelsTab.setSchema(ddl); } @Override public Widget createWidget() { pages = new PagedView(); pages.addPage(Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_back(), mainPageAsWidget()); // default page pages.showPage(0); LayoutPanel layout = new LayoutPanel(); // Top Most Tab FakeTabPanel titleBar = new FakeTabPanel("Virtual Databases"); layout.add(titleBar); Widget pagesWidget = pages.asWidget(); layout.add(pagesWidget); layout.setWidgetTopHeight(titleBar, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 40, Style.Unit.PX); layout.setWidgetTopHeight(pagesWidget, 40, Style.Unit.PX, 100, Style.Unit.PCT); return layout; } Widget mainPageAsWidget() { ListHandler<VDB> sortHandler = new ListHandler<VDB>(this.vdbProvider.getList()); final ToolStrip toolStrip = new ToolStrip(); toolStrip.addToolButtonRight(new ToolButton(Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_refresh(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { presenter.refresh(false); } })); DefaultCellTable<VDB> table = new DefaultCellTable<VDB>(5, new ProvidesKey<VDB>() { @Override public Object getKey(VDB item) { return item.getName() + "_" + item.getVersion(); } }); table.addColumnSortHandler(sortHandler); TextColumn<VDB> nameColumn = new TextColumn<VDB>() { @Override public String getValue(VDB record) { return record.getName(); } }; nameColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(nameColumn, new Comparator<VDB>() { @Override public int compare(VDB o1, VDB o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); Column<VDB, Number> versionColumn = new Column<VDB, Number>(new NumberCell()) { @Override public Number getValue(VDB vdb) { return vdb.getVersion(); } }; versionColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(versionColumn, new Comparator<VDB>() { @Override public int compare(VDB o1, VDB o2) { return o1.getVersion().compareTo(o2.getVersion()); } }); TextColumn<VDB> dynamicColumn = new TextColumn<VDB>() { @Override public String getValue(VDB record) { return String.valueOf(record.isDynamic()); } }; dynamicColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(dynamicColumn, new Comparator<VDB>() { @Override public int compare(VDB o1, VDB o2) { return o1.isDynamic().compareTo(o2.isDynamic()); } }); TextColumn<VDB> statusColumn = new TextColumn<VDB>() { @Override public String getValue(VDB record) { return String.valueOf(record.getStatus()); } }; statusColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(statusColumn, new Comparator<VDB>() { @Override public int compare(VDB o1, VDB o2) { return o1.getStatus().compareTo(o2.getStatus()); } }); Column<VDB, ImageResource> validColumn = new Column<VDB, ImageResource>(new ImageResourceCell()) { @Override public ImageResource getValue(VDB vdb) { ImageResource res = null; if (vdb.isValid()) { res = Icons.INSTANCE.status_good(); } else { res = TeiidIcons.INSTANCE.status_not_ok(); } return res; } }; validColumn.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(validColumn, new Comparator<VDB>() { @Override public int compare(VDB o1, VDB o2) { return o1.isValid().compareTo(o2.isValid()); } }); Column<VDB, String> reloadBtn = new Column<VDB, String>(new ButtonCell()) { @Override public String getValue(VDB record) { return "Reload"; } }; reloadBtn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<VDB, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, VDB vdb, String value) { reloadVDB(vdb); } }); table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name"); table.addColumn(versionColumn, "Version"); table.addColumn(dynamicColumn, "Dynamic"); table.addColumn(statusColumn, "Status"); table.addColumn(validColumn, "Valid"); table.addColumn(reloadBtn, "Reload"); // sets initial sorting table.getColumnSortList().push(nameColumn); this.vdbTable = table; this.vdbProvider.addDataDisplay(table); this.vdbRequestsTab = new VDBRequestsTab(presenter); this.vdbModelsTab = new VDBModelsTab(this.presenter); this.vdbModelsTab.setDataModelFactory(factory); this.vdbSessionsTab = new VDBSessionsTab(presenter); this.vdbCachingTab = new VDBCachingTab(presenter); // Page layout MultipleToOneLayout layout = new MultipleToOneLayout().setPlain(true).setTitle("VDB Panel") .setDescription(new SafeHtmlBuilder().appendHtmlConstant("").toSafeHtml()) .setHeadline("Deployed Virtual Databases").setTopLevelTools(toolStrip) .setMaster("Deployed VDBS", table) .addDetail("Summary", new VDBSummaryTab(this.presenter).getPanel(table)) .addDetail("Models", this.vdbModelsTab.getPanel(table)) .addDetail("Overrides", new VDBTranslatorsTab(this.presenter).getPanel(table)) .addDetail("Caching", this.vdbCachingTab.getPanel(table)) .addDetail("Data Roles", new VDBDataRolesTab(this.presenter).getPanel(table)) .addDetail("Requests", this.vdbRequestsTab.getPanel(table)) .addDetail("Sessions", this.vdbSessionsTab.getPanel(table)); return; } interface TabProvider { VerticalPanel getPanel(DefaultCellTable vdbTable); } static interface TableSelectionCallback<T> { void onSelectionChange(T selection); } static void onTableSectionChange(DefaultCellTable table, final TableSelectionCallback callback) { SingleSelectionModel selectionModel = (SingleSelectionModel) table.getSelectionModel(); if (selectionModel == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Define selection model for table"); } final SingleSelectionModel finalSelectionModel = selectionModel; selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Object selectedObject = finalSelectionModel.getSelectedObject(); if (selectedObject != null) { callback.onSelectionChange(selectedObject); } else { callback.onSelectionChange(null); } } }); } }); } static DefaultCellTable<ValidityError> buildErrorTable() { ProvidesKey<ValidityError> keyProvider = new ProvidesKey<ValidityError>() { @Override public Object getKey(ValidityError item) { return item.getMessage(); } }; DefaultCellTable<ValidityError> errors = new DefaultCellTable<ValidityError>(5, keyProvider); TextColumn<ValidityError> modelPath = new TextColumn<ValidityError>() { @Override public String getValue(ValidityError record) { return record.getPath(); } }; TextColumn<ValidityError> errorMsg = new TextColumn<ValidityError>() { @Override public String getValue(ValidityError record) { return record.getMessage(); } }; errors.setTitle("Validation Errors"); errors.addColumn(modelPath, "Path"); errors.addColumn(errorMsg, "Error/Warnings"); errors.setSelectionModel(new SingleSelectionModel<ValidityError>(keyProvider)); return errors; } static DefaultCellTable<KeyValuePair> buildPropertiesTable() { ProvidesKey<KeyValuePair> keyProvider = new ProvidesKey<KeyValuePair>() { @Override public Object getKey(KeyValuePair item) { return item.getKey(); } }; DefaultCellTable<KeyValuePair> propertiesTable = new DefaultCellTable<KeyValuePair>(8, keyProvider); TextColumn<KeyValuePair> nameColumn = new TextColumn<KeyValuePair>() { @Override public String getValue(KeyValuePair record) { return record.getKey(); } }; TextColumn<KeyValuePair> valueColumn = new TextColumn<KeyValuePair>() { @Override public String getValue(KeyValuePair record) { return record.getValue(); } }; propertiesTable.setTitle("Properties"); propertiesTable.addColumn(nameColumn, "Key"); propertiesTable.addColumn(valueColumn, "Value"); propertiesTable.setSelectionModel(new SingleSelectionModel<KeyValuePair>(keyProvider)); return propertiesTable; } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); } @Override public void terminateSessionSubmitted(Session session) { this.vdbSessionsTab.terminateSubmitted(session); } @Override public void setVDBSessions(String vdbName, int version, List<Session> sessions) { this.vdbSessionsTab.setSessions(sessions); } @Override public <T> void setQueryResults(List<T> results, String clazz) { this.vdbCachingTab.setQueryResults(results, clazz); } public void connectionTypeChanged(String vdbName, int version) { this.presenter.refresh(false); } private void reloadVDB(VDB vdb) { this.presenter.reloadVDB(vdb.getName(), vdb.getVersion()); } @Override public void vdbReloaded(String vdbName, int version) { this.presenter.refresh(false); } @Override public void setCacheStatistics(CacheStatistics cache) { this.vdbCachingTab.setCacheStatistics(cache); } @Override public void setSourceRequests(Request selection, List<Request> requests) { this.vdbRequestsTab.setSourceRequests(selection, requests); } }