Java tutorial
/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2011 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. All rights reserved. * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.tables.DefaultCellTable; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.tables.DefaultPager; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.DefaultWindow; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.DialogueOptions; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.Feedback; import org.jboss.ballroom.client.widgets.window.WindowContentBuilder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * In its constructor, this class displays a dialog of server groups that the user can choose * to assign a deployment to. When the user submits the request it calls back into the * Deployments Presenter. * * @author Stan Silvert (C) 2011 Red Hat Inc. */ public class ServerGroupSelector { private List<ServerGroupSelection> selections; private DomainDeploymentPresenter presenter; private DeploymentRecord deployment; private MultiSelectionModel<ServerGroupSelection> selectionModel; private HTML errorMessages; /** * Create a new dialog and let the user choose server groups for a deployment. * * @param presenter The presenter that will get the request for server group assignment. * @param deployment The deployment to be assigned to one or more server groups. */ public ServerGroupSelector(DomainDeploymentPresenter presenter, DeploymentRecord deployment) { this.presenter = presenter; this.deployment = deployment; List<ServerGroupRecord> serverGroups = presenter.getPossibleGroupAssignments(deployment); if (serverGroups.isEmpty()) { Feedback.alert(Console.MESSAGES.selectServerGroups(), Console.MESSAGES.alreadyAssignedToAllGroups(deployment.getName())); return; } selections = new ArrayList<ServerGroupSelection>(serverGroups.size()); for (ServerGroupRecord group : serverGroups) { selections.add(new ServerGroupSelection(group)); } ListDataProvider<ServerGroupSelection> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<ServerGroupSelection>(); dataProvider.setList(selections); DefaultWindow window = makeWindow(deployment, dataProvider);; } private DefaultWindow makeWindow(DeploymentRecord deployment, ListDataProvider<ServerGroupSelection> dataProvider) { DefaultWindow window = new DefaultWindow(Console.MESSAGES.selectServerGroups()); window.setWidth(640); window.setHeight(480); window.setGlassEnabled(true); window.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<PopupPanel>() { @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) { } }); VerticalPanel layout = new VerticalPanel(); layout.addStyleName("window-content"); layout.add(new HTML("<h3>" + Console.MESSAGES.selectServerGroupsFor(deployment.getName()) + "</h3>")); Widget table = makeSelectionTable(dataProvider); layout.add(table); CheckBox enableBox = new CheckBox(Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_enable() + " " + deployment.getName()); enableBox.setValue(Boolean.TRUE); layout.add(enableBox); DialogueOptions options = new DialogueOptions( new GroupSelectSubmitHandler(this.deployment, window, enableBox), new CancelHandler(window)); Widget content = new WindowContentBuilder(layout, options).build(); window.trapWidget(content); return window; } private Widget makeSelectionTable(ListDataProvider<ServerGroupSelection> dataProvider) { VerticalPanel vpanel = new VerticalPanel(); vpanel.setStyleName("fill-layout-width"); vpanel.getElement().setAttribute("style", "padding-top:5px;"); DefaultCellTable<ServerGroupSelection> selectionTable = new DefaultCellTable<ServerGroupSelection>(5); dataProvider.addDataDisplay(selectionTable); selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<ServerGroupSelection>(new ProvidesKey<ServerGroupSelection>() { @Override public Object getKey(ServerGroupSelection serverGroupSelection) { return serverGroupSelection.getName(); } }); selectionTable.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); Column nameColumn = new TextColumn<ServerGroupSelection>() { @Override public String getValue(ServerGroupSelection serverGroup) { return serverGroup.getName(); } }; Column profileColumn = new TextColumn<ServerGroupSelection>() { @Override public String getValue(ServerGroupSelection serverGroup) { return serverGroup.getProfileName(); } }; Column<ServerGroupSelection, Boolean> selectedColumn = new Column<ServerGroupSelection, Boolean>( new CheckboxCell()) { @Override public Boolean getValue(ServerGroupSelection object) { return selectionModel.isSelected(object); } }; selectionTable.addColumn(selectedColumn, "Assign"); selectionTable.addColumn(nameColumn, Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_serverGroup()); selectionTable.addColumn(profileColumn, Console.CONSTANTS.common_label_profile()); selectionTable.setWidth("100%", true); selectionTable.setColumnWidth(selectedColumn, 10, Style.Unit.PCT); selectionTable.setColumnWidth(nameColumn, 40, Style.Unit.PCT); selectionTable.setColumnWidth(profileColumn, 40, Style.Unit.PCT); vpanel.add(selectionTable); DefaultPager pager = new DefaultPager(); pager.setDisplay(selectionTable); vpanel.add(pager); errorMessages = new HTML("Please select a group!"); errorMessages.setStyleName("error-panel"); errorMessages.setVisible(false); vpanel.add(errorMessages); return vpanel; } private class CancelHandler implements ClickHandler { private DefaultWindow window; CancelHandler(DefaultWindow window) { this.window = window; } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { window.hide(); } } private class GroupSelectSubmitHandler implements ClickHandler { private DefaultWindow window; private DeploymentRecord deployment; private CheckBox enableBox; GroupSelectSubmitHandler(DeploymentRecord deployment, DefaultWindow window, CheckBox enableBox) { this.window = window; this.deployment = deployment; this.enableBox = enableBox; } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { errorMessages.setVisible(false); Set<ServerGroupSelection> groupsSelected = selectionModel.getSelectedSet(); if (groupsSelected.isEmpty()) { errorMessages.setVisible(true); return; } ServerGroupSelector.this.presenter.onAssignToServerGroup(deployment, enableBox.getValue(), groupsSelected); window.hide(); } } }