Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Samppa Saarela * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.javersion.path; import static; import static java.lang.Long.parseLong; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeEcmaScript; import static org.javersion.path.NodeId.ROOT_ID; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.RuleNode; import org.javersion.path.NodeId.IndexId; import org.javersion.path.NodeId.KeyId; import org.javersion.path.NodeId.PropertyId; import org.javersion.path.PropertyPath.SubPath; import org.javersion.path.parser.PropertyPathBaseVisitor; import org.javersion.path.parser.PropertyPathLexer; import org.javersion.path.parser.PropertyPathParser; import; import; public abstract class PropertyPath implements Comparable<PropertyPath>, Iterable<SubPath> { private static final class SilentParseException extends RuntimeException { public SilentParseException() { super(null, null, false, false); } } private static final ANTLRErrorListener BASIC_ERROR_LISTENER = new BaseErrorListener() { @Override public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("line " + line + ":" + charPositionInLine + " " + msg); } }; private static final ANTLRErrorListener SILENT_ERROR_LISTENER = new BaseErrorListener() { @Override public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) { throw new SilentParseException(); } }; public static final Root ROOT = new Root(); public static PropertyPath parse(String path) { checkNotNull(path); if (path.length() == 0) { return ROOT; } return newParser(path, false).parsePath().accept(new PropertyPathBaseVisitor<PropertyPath>() { private PropertyPath parent = ROOT; @Override public PropertyPath visitIndex(PropertyPathParser.IndexContext ctx) { return parent = new Index(parent, parseLong(ctx.getText())); } @Override public PropertyPath visitKey(PropertyPathParser.KeyContext ctx) { String keyLiteral = ctx.getText(); return parent = new Key(parent, unescapeEcmaScript(keyLiteral.substring(1, keyLiteral.length() - 1))); } @Override public PropertyPath visitProperty(PropertyPathParser.PropertyContext ctx) { return parent = new Property(parent, ctx.getText()); } @Override public PropertyPath visitAnyProperty(@NotNull PropertyPathParser.AnyPropertyContext ctx) { return parent = new AnyProperty(parent); } @Override public PropertyPath visitAnyIndex(PropertyPathParser.AnyIndexContext ctx) { return parent = new AnyIndex(parent); } @Override public PropertyPath visitAnyKey(PropertyPathParser.AnyKeyContext ctx) { return parent = new AnyKey(parent); } @Override public PropertyPath visitAny(PropertyPathParser.AnyContext ctx) { return parent = new Any(parent); } @Override protected PropertyPath defaultResult() { return parent; } }); } private transient List<SubPath> fullPath; PropertyPath() { } public Property property(String name) { return newParser(name, false).parseProperty().accept(new PropertyPathBaseVisitor<Property>() { @Override public Property visitProperty(PropertyPathParser.PropertyContext ctx) { return new Property(PropertyPath.this, ctx.getText()); } @Override protected boolean shouldVisitNextChild(RuleNode node, Property currentResult) { return currentResult == null; } }); } public final Index index(long index) { return new Index(this, index); } public final Key key(String index) { checkNotNull(index); return new Key(this, index); } public final PropertyPath keyOrIndex(Object object) { return node(NodeId.keyOrIndex(object)); } public final PropertyPath node(NodeId nodeId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodeId); return nodeId.toPath(this); } public final AnyProperty anyProperty() { return new AnyProperty(this); } public final AnyIndex anyIndex() { return new AnyIndex(this); } public final AnyKey anyKey() { return new AnyKey(this); } public final Any any() { return new Any(this); } public final SubPath propertyOrKey(String string) { checkNotNull(string); try { return newParser(string, true).parseProperty().accept(new PropertyPathBaseVisitor<SubPath>() { @Override public SubPath visitProperty(PropertyPathParser.PropertyContext ctx) { return new Property(PropertyPath.this, ctx.getText()); } @Override protected boolean shouldVisitNextChild(RuleNode node, SubPath currentResult) { return currentResult == null; } }); } catch (SilentParseException e) { return new Key(this, string); } } public final PropertyPath path(PropertyPath path) { PropertyPath result = this; for (SubPath subPath : path) { result = subPath.withParent(result); } return result; } public Iterator<SubPath> iterator() { return asList().iterator(); } public List<SubPath> asList() { return fullPath != null ? fullPath : (fullPath = getFullPath()); } public boolean isRoot() { return false; } public boolean startsWith(PropertyPath other) { if (other.isRoot()) { return true; } else if (this.isRoot()) { return false; } else { List<SubPath> otherPath = other.asList(); List<SubPath> thisPath = asList(); int otherSize = otherPath.size(); return thisPath.size() >= otherSize && thisPath.get(otherSize - 1).equals(otherPath.get(otherSize - 1)); } } public PropertyPath toSchemaPath() { PropertyPath schemaPath = ROOT; for (SubPath path : this) { schemaPath = path.toSchemaPath(schemaPath); } return schemaPath; } @Override public int compareTo(PropertyPath other) { List<SubPath> myPath = getFullPath(); List<SubPath> otherPath = other.getFullPath(); int len = Math.min(myPath.size(), otherPath.size()); int cmp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len && cmp == 0; i++) { cmp = myPath.get(i).getNodeId().compareTo(otherPath.get(i).getNodeId()); } return cmp == 0 ?, otherPath.size()) : cmp; } public abstract String toString(); public abstract boolean equals(Object obj); public abstract int hashCode(); public abstract NodeId getNodeId(); abstract List<SubPath> getFullPath(); abstract PropertyPath withParent(PropertyPath newParent); public static final class Root extends PropertyPath { private static final List<SubPath> FULL_PATH = ImmutableList.of(); private Root() { } List<SubPath> getFullPath() { return FULL_PATH; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj == this; } @Override public String toString() { return ""; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 1; } public boolean isRoot() { return true; } @Override public NodeId getNodeId() { return ROOT_ID; } @Override PropertyPath withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return newParent; } } public static abstract class SubPath extends PropertyPath { public final NodeId nodeId; public final PropertyPath parent; // cached hash private int hash; SubPath(PropertyPath parent, NodeId nodeId) { this.parent = checkNotNull(parent, "parent"); this.nodeId = checkNotNull(nodeId, "nodeId"); this.hash = 31 * parent.hashCode() + nodeId.hashCode(); } List<SubPath> getFullPath() { List<SubPath> parentPath = parent.getFullPath(); ImmutableList.Builder<SubPath> pathBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); pathBuilder.addAll(parentPath); pathBuilder.add(this); return; } @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } else if (obj instanceof SubPath) { SubPath other = (SubPath) obj; return this.nodeId.equals(other.nodeId) && parent.equals(other.parent); } else { return false; } } @Override public final int hashCode() { return hash; } @Override public final NodeId getNodeId() { return nodeId; } public final String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(parent.toString()); appendNode(sb); return sb.toString(); } PropertyPath toSchemaPath(PropertyPath newParent) { return withParent(newParent); } protected abstract void appendNode(StringBuilder sb); } public static final class Property extends SubPath { Property(PropertyPath parent, String name) { super(parent, new PropertyId(name)); } Property(PropertyPath parent, PropertyId nodeId) { super(parent, nodeId); } @Override Property toSchemaPath(PropertyPath newParent) { // NOTE: SchemaPath of a Property is itself - there's no changing index/key return withParent(newParent); } @Override Property withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return newParent.equals(parent) ? this : new Property(newParent, (PropertyId) nodeId); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { if (!parent.isRoot()) { sb.append('.'); } sb.append(nodeId); } } public static final class Index extends SubPath { private Index(PropertyPath parent, long index) { super(parent, new IndexId(index)); } Index(PropertyPath parent, IndexId id) { super(parent, id); } @Override AnyIndex toSchemaPath(PropertyPath newParent) { return new AnyIndex(newParent); } @Override Index withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return new Index(newParent, (IndexId) nodeId); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append('[').append(nodeId).append(']'); } } public static final class Key extends SubPath { private Key(PropertyPath parent, String key) { super(parent, new KeyId(key)); } Key(PropertyPath parent, KeyId id) { super(parent, id); } @Override AnyKey toSchemaPath(PropertyPath newParent) { return new AnyKey(newParent); } @Override SubPath withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return new Key(newParent, (KeyId) nodeId); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append('[').append(nodeId).append(']').toString(); } } public static final class AnyProperty extends SubPath { AnyProperty(PropertyPath parent) { super(parent, NodeId.ANY_PROPERTY); } @Override AnyProperty withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return newParent.equals(parent) ? this : new AnyProperty(newParent); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(NodeId.ANY_PROPERTY); } } public static final class AnyIndex extends SubPath { AnyIndex(PropertyPath parent) { super(parent, NodeId.ANY_INDEX); } @Override AnyIndex withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return newParent.equals(parent) ? this : new AnyIndex(newParent); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(NodeId.ANY_INDEX); } } public static final class AnyKey extends SubPath { AnyKey(PropertyPath parent) { super(parent, NodeId.ANY_KEY); } @Override AnyKey withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return newParent.equals(parent) ? this : new AnyKey(newParent); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(NodeId.ANY_KEY); } } public static final class Any extends SubPath { Any(PropertyPath parent) { super(parent, NodeId.ANY); } @Override Any withParent(PropertyPath newParent) { return newParent.equals(parent) ? this : new Any(newParent); } @Override protected void appendNode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(NodeId.ANY); } } private static PropertyPathParser newParser(String input, boolean silent) { PropertyPathLexer lexer = new PropertyPathLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(input)); lexer.removeErrorListeners(); lexer.addErrorListener(silent ? SILENT_ERROR_LISTENER : BASIC_ERROR_LISTENER); PropertyPathParser parser = new PropertyPathParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer)); parser.removeErrorListeners(); parser.addErrorListener(silent ? SILENT_ERROR_LISTENER : BASIC_ERROR_LISTENER); return parser; } }