Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.PortalException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** Performs merging of PLF into ILF for DLM. * @version $Revision$ $Date$ * @since uPortal 2.5 */ public class PLFIntegrator { public static final String RCS_ID = "@(#) $Header$"; private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PLFIntegrator.class); /** */ public static void mergePLFintoILF(Document plf, Document ilf, IntegrationResult result) throws PortalException { // we want to use the root folders located as the single child of // the layout elements which are the document elements. Element plfLayout = plf.getDocumentElement(); Element plfRoot = (Element) plfLayout.getFirstChild(); Element ilfLayout = ilf.getDocumentElement(); Element ilfRoot = (Element) ilfLayout.getFirstChild(); DeleteManager.applyAndUpdateDeleteSet(plf, ilf, result); ParameterEditManager.applyAndUpdateParmEditSet(plf, ilf, result); if (null == plfRoot) { throw new RuntimeException("The PLF layout root element is missing, so it appears " + "that the database has been corrupted."); } applyChildChanges(plfRoot, ilfRoot, result); } private static void applyChildChanges(Element plfParent, Element ilfParent, IntegrationResult result) throws PortalException { Element positions = null; Element node = (Element) plfParent.getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { Element nextNode = (Element) node.getNextSibling(); if (node.getNodeName().equals("folder")) mergeFolder(node, plfParent, ilfParent, result); else if (node.getNodeName().equals(Constants.ELM_POSITION_SET)) positions = node; else if (node.getNodeName().equals("channel")) mergeChannel(node, plfParent, ilfParent, result); node = nextNode; } if (positions != null) { IntegrationResult posResult = new IntegrationResult(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"applying positions"); PositionManager.applyPositions(ilfParent, positions, posResult); if (posResult.changedILF == false) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"removing positionSet"); plfParent.removeChild(positions); result.changedPLF = true; } else { result.changedILF = true; if (posResult.changedPLF) result.changedPLF = true; } } } private static void mergeChannel(Element plfChild, Element plfParent, Element ilfParent, IntegrationResult result) { String id = plfChild.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID); if (id.startsWith(Constants.FRAGMENT_ID_USER_PREFIX)) { // incorporated channel - if a copy of an inc'd channel is in the // plf it is because either it has attribute edits. It does not // imply movement. // That is accomplished by the position set. So see if it still // exists in the ilf for applying changes Document ilf = ilfParent.getOwnerDocument(); Element original = ilf.getElementById(id); if (original == null) { // not there anymore, discard from plf plfParent.removeChild(plfChild); result.changedPLF = true; return; } // found it, apply changes and see if they had any affect boolean attributeChanged = false; IntegrationResult childChanges = new IntegrationResult(); attributeChanged = EditManager.applyEditSet(plfChild, original); applyChildChanges(plfChild, original, childChanges); if (attributeChanged == false && childChanges.changedILF == false) { // no changes were used so remove this guy from plf. plfParent.removeChild(plfChild); result.changedPLF = true; } else result.changedILF = true; // need to pass on up whether PLF changed in called methods if (childChanges.changedPLF) result.changedPLF = true; } else // plf channel { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"merging into ilf channel " + id); if (ilfParent.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ADD_CHILD_ALLOWED).equals("false")) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"removing from plf disallowed add of channel " + id); plfParent.removeChild(plfChild); result.changedPLF = true; } else { appendChild(plfChild, ilfParent, true); result.changedILF = true; } } } private static void mergeFolder(Element plfChild, Element plfParent, Element ilfParent, IntegrationResult result) throws PortalException { String id = plfChild.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID); if (id.startsWith(Constants.FRAGMENT_ID_USER_PREFIX)) { // incorporated folder - if a copy of an inc'd folder is in the // plf it is because either it has attribute edits or there are // nested child changes to be applied. It does not imply movement. // That is accomplished by the position set. So see if it still // exists in the ilf for applying changes Document ilf = ilfParent.getOwnerDocument(); Element original = ilf.getElementById(id); if (original == null) { // not there anymore, discard from plf plfParent.removeChild(plfChild); result.changedPLF = true; return; } // found it, apply changes and see if they had any affect boolean attributeChanged = false; IntegrationResult childChanges = new IntegrationResult(); attributeChanged = EditManager.applyEditSet(plfChild, original); applyChildChanges(plfChild, original, childChanges); if (attributeChanged == false && childChanges.changedILF == false) { // no changes were used so remove this guy from plf. plfParent.removeChild(plfChild); result.changedPLF = true; } else result.changedILF = true; // need to pass on up whether PLF changed in called methods if (childChanges.changedPLF) result.changedPLF = true; } else { // plf folder - the real node. What is being portrayed in this // case is a plf node that is supposed to be added into the ilf // parent if (ilfParent.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ADD_CHILD_ALLOWED).equals("false")) { // nope, delete directive from plf if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"removing folder from plf " + id); plfParent.removeChild(plfChild); result.changedPLF = true; return; } Element ilfChild = appendChild(plfChild, ilfParent, false); result.changedILF = true; IntegrationResult childChanges = new IntegrationResult(); applyChildChanges(plfChild, ilfChild, childChanges); if (childChanges.changedPLF) result.changedPLF = true; } } /** This method copies a plf node and any of its children into the passed in compViewParent. */ static Element appendChild(Element plfChild, Element parent, boolean copyChildren) { Document document = parent.getOwnerDocument(); Element copy = (Element) document.importNode(plfChild, false); parent.appendChild(copy); // set the identifier for the doc if warrented String id = copy.getAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID); if (id != null && !id.equals("")) copy.setIdAttribute(Constants.ATT_ID, true); if (copyChildren) { NodeList children = plfChild.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { if (children.item(i) instanceof Element) appendChild((Element) children.item(i), copy, true); } } return copy; } }