Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work * for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jasig.portal.groups.filesystem; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import junit.textui.TestRunner; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasig.portal.EntityIdentifier; import org.jasig.portal.EntityTypes; import org.jasig.portal.groups.EntityImpl; import org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupServiceConfiguration; import org.jasig.portal.groups.GroupsException; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntity; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroupStore; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IGroupConstants; import org.jasig.portal.groups.IGroupMember; import org.jasig.portal.rdbm.TransientDatasource; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; /** * This class was rewritten to eliminate external dependencies, chiefly * on the composite group service. Although this was mostly achieved, * 2 dependencies remain. It needs a file system to read via, * since this is what is being tested, and it requires a composite * group service configuration document. I will eventually remove these * dependencies but it seemed better to get the test in now. I was * thinking we could eventually use something like Apache Commons VFS * to set up a virtual file system (a future enhancement for the * FileSystem group service). In the meantime, this class must create a * GROUPS_ROOT directory and write to it. The class first tries to * create the directory in the user.home. If unsuccessful, it tries to * create it in the current directory, and if this is unsuccessful, * it dies. * * @author Dan Ellentuck * @version $Revision$ */ @Ignore public class FileSystemGroupsTest { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FileSystemGroupsTest.class); private static Class GROUP_CLASS; private static Class IPERSON_CLASS; private static String CR = "\n"; private String[] testEntityKeys; private String[] testFileNames; private List testGroupKeys; private int numTestFiles; private int numTestEntities; @Rule public final TemporaryFolder groupsRoot = new TemporaryFolder(); private String GROUPS_ROOT; private String IPERSON_GROUPS_ROOT; private List allFiles = null, directoryFiles = null, keyFiles = null; private final String NON_EXISTENT_ID = "xyzxyzxyz"; private IEntityGroupStore groupStore; private String GROUP_SEPARATOR; private DataSource testDataSource; /** */ protected void addIdsToFile(File f) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 10; long div = now % 5; div += 5; try { String line = null, start = null; final BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); bw.write("# test file written at " + new java.util.Date()); bw.newLine(); bw.write("#"); bw.newLine(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numTestEntities; i++) { start = i > 0 && i % div == 0 ? " " : ""; line = start + this.testEntityKeys[i] + " is entity " + (i + 1); bw.write(line); bw.newLine(); } bw.write("# end of test file "); bw.newLine(); bw.write("#"); bw.newLine(); bw.close(); } // end try catch (final Exception ex) { print("FileSystemGroupsTest.addIdsToFile(): " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * @return org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup */ private IEntityGroup findGroup(File file) throws GroupsException { final String key = this.getKeyFromFile(file); return this.findGroup(key); } /** * Note that this is the local, not composite, key. * @return org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup */ private IEntityGroup findGroup(String key) throws GroupsException { return this.getGroupStore().find(key); } private File getGroupsRoot() { return this.groupsRoot.getRoot(); } /** * @return FileSystemGroupStore */ private FileSystemGroupStore getGroupStore() throws GroupsException { if (this.groupStore == null) { final GroupServiceConfiguration config = new GroupServiceConfiguration(); final Map atts = config.getAttributes(); atts.put("nodeSeparator", IGroupConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR); this.groupStore = new FileSystemGroupStore(config); } return (FileSystemGroupStore) this.groupStore; } /** * @return org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup */ private String getKeyFromFile(File file) throws GroupsException { String key = file.getPath(); if (key.startsWith(this.GROUPS_ROOT)) { key = key.substring(this.GROUPS_ROOT.length()); if (this.GROUP_SEPARATOR.equals(String.valueOf(FileSystemGroupStore.PERIOD))) { key = key.replace(FileSystemGroupStore.PERIOD, FileSystemGroupStore.SUBSTITUTE_PERIOD); } } return key; } /** * @return org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntity */ private IEntity getNewIPersonEntity(String key) throws GroupsException { return this.getNewEntity(IPERSON_CLASS, key); } /** * @return org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntity */ private IEntity getNewEntity(Class type, String key) throws GroupsException { return new EntityImpl(key, type); } /** * @return java.lang.String * @param length int */ private String getRandomString(java.util.Random r, int length) { final char[] chars = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final int diff = r.nextInt(25); final int charValue = 'A' + diff; chars[i] = (char) charValue; } return new String(chars); } /** * Starts the application. * @param args an array of command-line arguments */ public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) throws Exception { final String[] mainArgs = { "org.jasig.portal.groups.filesystem.FileSystemGroupsTest" }; print("START TESTING FILESYSTEM GROUP STORE" + CR); TestRunner.main(mainArgs); print(CR + "END TESTING FILESYSTEM GROUP STORE"); } /** * @param msg java.lang.String */ private static void print(String msg) { LOG.debug(msg); } /** */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { if (GROUP_CLASS == null) { GROUP_CLASS = Class.forName("org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup"); } if (IPERSON_CLASS == null) { IPERSON_CLASS = Class.forName(""); } this.numTestEntities = 10; this.numTestFiles = 2; this.allFiles = new ArrayList(); this.directoryFiles = new ArrayList(); this.keyFiles = new ArrayList(); final char sep = this.getGroupStore().getGoodSeparator(); File iPersonGroupsRootDir; String fileName = null; File f = null, ff = null, fff = null; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; final int totalNumTestFiles = this.numTestFiles + this.numTestFiles * this.numTestFiles + this.numTestFiles * this.numTestFiles * this.numTestFiles; // Entities and their keys: this.testEntityKeys = new String[this.numTestEntities]; java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random(); for (i = 0; i < this.numTestEntities; i++) { this.testEntityKeys[i] = this.getRandomString(random, 3) + i; } // File names: this.testFileNames = new String[totalNumTestFiles]; random = new java.util.Random(); for (i = 0; i < totalNumTestFiles; i++) { this.testFileNames[i] = this.getRandomString(random, 3) + i; } // GroupKeys: this.testGroupKeys = new ArrayList(); // Create directory structure: final File gr = this.getGroupsRoot(); if (gr == null) { throw new RuntimeException("COULD NOT CREATE GROUPS ROOT DIRECTORY!!!\n" + "You must have WRITE permission on either user.home or the current directory.\n" + "Could not create groups root directory."); } final String tempGroupsRoot = gr.getAbsolutePath(); this.getGroupStore().setGroupsRootPath(tempGroupsRoot); this.GROUPS_ROOT = this.getGroupStore().getGroupsRootPath(); this.GROUP_SEPARATOR = IGroupConstants.NODE_SEPARATOR; // initialize composite service: // GroupService.findGroup("local" + GROUP_SEPARATOR + "0"); this.IPERSON_GROUPS_ROOT = this.GROUPS_ROOT + IPERSON_CLASS.getName(); iPersonGroupsRootDir = new File(this.IPERSON_GROUPS_ROOT); if (!iPersonGroupsRootDir.exists()) { iPersonGroupsRootDir.mkdir(); this.allFiles.add(iPersonGroupsRootDir); } int fileNameIdx = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.numTestFiles; i++) { fileName = iPersonGroupsRootDir.getPath() + sep + this.testFileNames[fileNameIdx++]; f = new File(fileName); f.mkdir(); this.allFiles.add(f); this.directoryFiles.add(f); for (j = this.numTestFiles; j < this.numTestFiles * 2; j++) { fileName = f.getPath() + sep + this.testFileNames[fileNameIdx++]; ff = new File(fileName); ff.mkdir(); this.allFiles.add(ff); this.directoryFiles.add(ff); for (k = this.numTestFiles * 2; k < this.numTestFiles * 3; k++) { fileName = ff.getPath() + sep + this.testFileNames[fileNameIdx++]; fff = new File(fileName); fff.createNewFile(); this.addIdsToFile(fff); this.allFiles.add(fff); this.keyFiles.add(fff); } } } this.testDataSource = new TransientDatasource(); final Connection con = this.testDataSource.getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE UP_ENTITY_TYPE " + "(ENTITY_TYPE_ID INTEGER, " + "ENTITY_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR(1000), " + "DESCRIPTIVE_NAME VARCHAR(1000))").execute(); con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO UP_ENTITY_TYPE " + "VALUES (1, 'java.lang.Object', 'Generic')").execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO UP_ENTITY_TYPE " + "VALUES (2, '', 'IPerson')") .execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO UP_ENTITY_TYPE " + "VALUES (3, 'org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntityGroup', 'Group')") .execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO UP_ENTITY_TYPE " + "VALUES (4, 'org.jasig.portal.ChannelDefinition', 'Channel')") .execute(); con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO UP_ENTITY_TYPE " + "VALUES (5, 'org.jasig.portal.groups.IEntity', 'Grouped Entity')") .execute(); con.close(); // initialize EntityTypes // EntityTypes.singleton(this.testDataSource); // print("Leaving FileSystemGroupsTest.setUp()" + CR); } /** */ @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { this.testEntityKeys = null; this.testFileNames = null; this.testGroupKeys = null; final File[] oldFiles = (File[]) this.allFiles.toArray(new File[this.allFiles.size()]); for (int i = oldFiles.length; i > 0; i--) { oldFiles[i - 1].delete(); } this.getGroupsRoot().delete(); this.allFiles = null; this.directoryFiles = null; this.keyFiles = null; this.groupStore = null; final Connection con = this.testDataSource.getConnection(); con.prepareStatement("DROP TABLE UP_ENTITY_TYPE").execute(); con.prepareStatement("SHUTDOWN").execute(); con.close(); this.testDataSource = null; } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.find(), which returns an instance of IEntityGroup * given a key. */ @Test public void testFind() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FilesyStemGroupsTester.testFind() *****" + CR); String msg = null; String existingKey = null, nonExistingKey = null; IEntityGroup existingGroup = null; File f = null; msg = "Finding existing groups by key..."; print(msg); for (final Iterator itr = this.directoryFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); existingKey = this.getKeyFromFile(f); msg = "Finding group key " + existingKey; existingGroup = this.getGroupStore().find(existingKey); assertNotNull(msg, existingGroup); } nonExistingKey = existingKey + "x"; msg = "Finding non-existing key: " + nonExistingKey; print(msg); existingGroup = this.getGroupStore().find(nonExistingKey); assertNull(msg, existingGroup); print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFind() *****" + CR); } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.findContainingGroups() for both an IEntity and * an IEntityGroup. */ @Test public void testFindContainingGroups() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindContainingGroups() *****" + CR); String msg = null; final String groupKey = null; IEntityGroup group = null, containingGroup = null; IEntity ent = null; File f = null; Iterator itr = null; final List containingGroups = new ArrayList(); msg = "Finding containing groups for entity keys..."; print(msg); for (final String testEntityKey : this.testEntityKeys) { ent = this.getNewIPersonEntity(testEntityKey); msg = "Finding containing groups for " + ent; print(msg); containingGroups.clear(); for (itr = this.getGroupStore().findContainingGroups(ent); itr.hasNext();) { group = (IEntityGroup); containingGroups.add(group); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); } assertEquals(msg, this.keyFiles.size(), containingGroups.size()); } ent = this.getNewIPersonEntity(this.NON_EXISTENT_ID); msg = "Finding containing groups for non-existent key: " + this.NON_EXISTENT_ID; print(msg); containingGroups.clear(); for (itr = this.getGroupStore().findContainingGroups(ent); itr.hasNext();) { containingGroups.add(; } assertEquals(msg, 0, containingGroups.size()); msg = "Finding containing groups for groups..."; print(msg); // Each file that contains keys should have 1 and only 1 containing group. for (itr = this.keyFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); group = this.findGroup(f); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); containingGroups.clear(); for (final Iterator cg = this.getGroupStore().findContainingGroups(group); cg.hasNext();) { containingGroup = (IEntityGroup); assertTrue(msg, containingGroup instanceof IEntityGroup); containingGroups.add(containingGroup); } assertEquals(msg, 1, containingGroups.size()); } msg = "Finding containing groups for a non-existent type..."; print(msg); ent = this.getNewEntity(new Object().getClass(), this.testEntityKeys[0]); itr = this.getGroupStore().findContainingGroups(ent); final boolean hasContainingGroup = itr.hasNext(); assertTrue(msg, !hasContainingGroup); print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindContainingGroups() *****" + CR); } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.findMemberGroups(), findContainingGroups */ @Test public void testFindEmbeddedMemberGroups() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindEmbeddedMemberGroups() *****" + CR); String msg = null; IEntityGroup group = null, memberGroup = null; File f = null, f2 = null; String memberKeys[] = null; f = (File) this.keyFiles.get(this.keyFiles.size() - 1); // member f2 = (File) this.keyFiles.get(this.keyFiles.size() - 2); // group final String memberKey = this.getKeyFromFile(f); final String groupKey = this.getKeyFromFile(f2); msg = "Now adding member group key " + memberKey + " to " + groupKey; print(msg); final BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f2.getPath(), true)); bw.write("group:" + memberKey); bw.newLine(); bw.close(); msg = "Finding member group keys for key file " + groupKey; print(msg); group = this.findGroup(f2); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); memberKeys = this.getGroupStore().findMemberGroupKeys(group); assertEquals(msg, 1, memberKeys.length); memberGroup = this.findGroup(memberKeys[0]); assertNotNull(msg, memberGroup); assertTrue(msg, this.getGroupStore().contains(group, memberGroup)); print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindEmbeddedMemberGroups() *****" + CR); } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.findEntitiesForGroup(). */ @Test public void testFindEntitiesForGroup() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindEntitiesForGroup() *****" + CR); String msg = null; IEntityGroup group = null; String entityKey = null; File f = null, f2 = null; Iterator itr = null; final List memberEntities = new ArrayList(); msg = "Finding entities for files..."; print(msg); for (itr = this.keyFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); msg = "finding group: " + f; group = this.findGroup(f); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); memberEntities.clear(); for (final Iterator members = this.getGroupStore().getEntityIdsFromFile(f).iterator(); members .hasNext();) { entityKey = (String); assertTrue(msg, entityKey != null); assertTrue(msg, entityKey.length() > 0); memberEntities.add(entityKey); } assertEquals(msg, this.numTestEntities, memberEntities.size()); } f = (File) this.keyFiles.get(0); f2 = f.getParentFile(); msg = "Finding entities for " + f2 + " (should have none)."; group = this.findGroup(f2); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); final boolean hasEntities = this.getGroupStore().findEntitiesForGroup(group).hasNext(); assertTrue(msg, !hasEntities); print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindEntitiesForGroup() *****" + CR); } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.findMemberGroupKeys(). */ @Test public void testFindMemberGroupKeys() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindMemberGroupKeys() *****" + CR); String msg = null; IEntityGroup group = null, memberGroup = null; File f = null; final File f2 = null; Iterator itr = null; String memberKeys[] = null; msg = "Finding member group keys for directory files..."; print(msg); for (itr = this.directoryFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); msg = "Finding member group keys for group: " + f; group = this.findGroup(f); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); memberKeys = this.getGroupStore().findMemberGroupKeys(group); assertEquals(msg, this.numTestFiles, memberKeys.length); for (final String memberKey : memberKeys) { memberGroup = this.findGroup(memberKey); assertNotNull(msg, memberGroup); assertTrue(msg, this.getGroupStore().contains(group, memberGroup)); } } msg = "Finding member group keys for key files..."; print(msg); for (itr = this.keyFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); msg = "Finding member group keys for group: " + f; group = this.findGroup(f); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); memberKeys = this.getGroupStore().findMemberGroupKeys(group); assertEquals(msg, 0, memberKeys.length); } print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindMemberGroupKeys() *****" + CR); } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.findMemberGroups(). */ @Test public void testFindMemberGroups() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindMemberGroups() *****" + CR); String msg = null, groupKey = null; IEntityGroup group = null, memberGroup = null; File f = null; final File f2 = null; Iterator itr = null; Iterator memberGroups = null; msg = "Finding member groups for directory files..."; print(msg); for (itr = this.directoryFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); msg = "Finding member groups for group: " + f; group = this.findGroup(f); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); memberGroups = this.getGroupStore().findMemberGroups(group); while (memberGroups.hasNext()) { memberGroup = (IEntityGroup); assertNotNull(msg, memberGroup); groupKey = memberGroup.getKey(); memberGroup = this.findGroup(groupKey); assertTrue(msg, this.getGroupStore().contains(group, memberGroup)); } } msg = "Finding member groups for key files..."; print(msg); for (itr = this.keyFiles.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { f = (File); msg = "Finding member groups for group: " + f; group = this.findGroup(f); assertTrue(msg, group instanceof IEntityGroup); memberGroups = this.getGroupStore().findMemberGroups(group); assertTrue(msg, !memberGroups.hasNext()); } print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testFindMemberGroups() *****" + CR); } /** * Tests IEntityGroupStore.searchForGroups(), which returns EntityIdentifier[] given * a search string. */ @Test public void testSearchForGroups() throws Exception { print("***** ENTERING FileSystemGroupsTest.testSearchForGroups() *****" + CR); String msg = null; String is = null, startsWith = null, endsWith = null, contains = null, badQuery = null; final Class type = IPERSON_CLASS; final IEntityGroup existingGroup = null; IGroupMember member = null; EntityIdentifier[] ids = null; msg = "Searching for existing groups..."; print(msg); for (final String testFileName : this.testFileNames) { is = testFileName; startsWith = is.substring(0, (is.length() - 1)); endsWith = is.substring(1); contains = is.substring(1, (is.length() - 1)); badQuery = is + " a b c"; msg = "Searching for IS " + is; ids = this.getGroupStore().searchForGroups(is, IGroupConstants.IS, type); assertEquals(msg, ids.length, 1); member = this.findGroup(ids[0].getKey()); assertTrue(msg, member.isGroup()); msg = "Searching for STARTS WITH " + startsWith; ids = this.getGroupStore().searchForGroups(startsWith, IGroupConstants.STARTS_WITH, type); assertTrue(msg, ids.length > 0); msg = "Searching for ENDS WITH " + endsWith; ids = this.getGroupStore().searchForGroups(endsWith, IGroupConstants.ENDS_WITH, type); assertTrue(msg, ids.length > 0); msg = "Searching for CONTAINS " + contains; ids = this.getGroupStore().searchForGroups(contains, IGroupConstants.CONTAINS, type); assertTrue(msg, ids.length > 0); msg = "Searching for IS " + badQuery; ids = this.getGroupStore().searchForGroups(badQuery, IGroupConstants.IS, type); assertEquals(msg, ids.length, 0); } print("Test completed successfully." + CR); print("***** LEAVING FileSystemGroupsTest.testSearchForGroups() *****" + CR); } }