Java tutorial
/** * ========================================================================================== * = JAHIA'S DUAL LICENSING - IMPORTANT INFORMATION = * ========================================================================================== * * * * Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Jahia Solutions Group SA. All rights reserved. * * THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE UNDER TWO DIFFERENT LICENSES: * 1/GPL OR 2/JSEL * * 1/ GPL * ================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE GPL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * 2/ JSEL - Commercial and Supported Versions of the program * =================================================================================== * * IF YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE THE JSEL LICENSE, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING TERMS: * * Alternatively, commercial and supported versions of the program - also known as * Enterprise Distributions - must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions * contained in a separate written agreement between you and Jahia Solutions Group SA. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, * please contact the sales department at */ package org.jahia.ajax.gwt.helper; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Credentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.service.GWTJahiaServiceException; import org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.widget.publication.PublicationWorkflow; import org.jahia.api.Constants; import org.jahia.bin.Render; import org.jahia.registries.ServicesRegistry; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jahia.utils.i18n.Messages; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * User: toto * Date: Sep 28, 2009 * Time: 2:15:34 PM */ public class PublicationHelper { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PublicationHelper.class); private JCRPublicationService publicationService; private WorkflowHelper workflowHelper; private WorkflowService workflowService; private HttpClientService httpClientService; public void setPublicationService(JCRPublicationService publicationService) { this.publicationService = publicationService; } public void setWorkflowService(WorkflowService workflowService) { this.workflowService = workflowService; } public WorkflowHelper getWorkflowHelper() { return workflowHelper; } public void setWorkflowHelper(WorkflowHelper workflowHelper) { this.workflowHelper = workflowHelper; } /** * Get the publication status information for a particular path. * * * * @param node to get publication info from * @param currentUserSession * @param includesReferences * @param includesSubnodes * @return a GWTJahiaPublicationInfo object filled with the right status for the publication state of this path * @throws org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.service.GWTJahiaServiceException * in case of any RepositoryException */ public Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> getAggregatedPublicationInfosByLanguage(JCRNodeWrapper node, Set<String> languages, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, boolean includesReferences, boolean includesSubnodes) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { try { HashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> infos = new HashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>( languages.size()); for (String language : languages) { PublicationInfo pubInfo = publicationService.getPublicationInfo(node.getIdentifier(), Collections.singleton(language), includesReferences, includesSubnodes, false, currentUserSession.getWorkspace().getName(), Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE).get(0); if (!includesSubnodes) { // We don't include subnodes, but we still need the translation nodes to get the correct status final JCRSessionWrapper unlocalizedSession = JCRSessionFactory.getInstance() .getCurrentUserSession(); final JCRNodeWrapper nodeByIdentifier = unlocalizedSession .getNodeByIdentifier(node.getIdentifier()); String langNodeName = "j:translation_" + language; if (nodeByIdentifier.hasNode(langNodeName)) { JCRNodeWrapper next = nodeByIdentifier.getNode(langNodeName); PublicationInfo translationInfo = publicationService .getPublicationInfo(next.getIdentifier(), Collections.singleton(language), includesReferences, false, false, currentUserSession.getWorkspace().getName(), Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE) .get(0); pubInfo.getRoot().addChild(translationInfo.getRoot()); } } GWTJahiaPublicationInfo gwtInfo = new GWTJahiaPublicationInfo(pubInfo.getRoot().getUuid(), pubInfo.getRoot().getStatus()); // if (pubInfo.getRoot().isLocked() ) { // gwtInfo.setLocked(true); // } String translationNodeName = pubInfo.getRoot().getChildren().size() > 0 ? "/j:translation_" + language : null; for (PublicationInfoNode sub : pubInfo.getRoot().getChildren()) { if (sub.getPath().contains(translationNodeName)) { if (sub.getStatus() > gwtInfo.getStatus()) { gwtInfo.setStatus(sub.getStatus()); } if (gwtInfo.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.UNPUBLISHED && sub.getStatus() != GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.UNPUBLISHED) { gwtInfo.setStatus(sub.getStatus()); } if (sub.isLocked()) { gwtInfo.setLocked(true); } if (sub.isWorkInProgress()) { gwtInfo.setWorkInProgress(true); } } } gwtInfo.setIsAllowedToPublishWithoutWorkflow(node.hasPermission("publish")); gwtInfo.setIsNonRootMarkedForDeletion( gwtInfo.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.MARKED_FOR_DELETION && !node.isNodeType("jmix:markedForDeletionRoot")); if (gwtInfo.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.PUBLISHED) { // the item status is published: check if the tree status or references are modified or unpublished Set<Integer> status = pubInfo.getTreeStatus(language); boolean overrideStatus = !status.isEmpty() && Collections.max(status) > GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.PUBLISHED; if (!overrideStatus) { // check references for (PublicationInfo refInfo : pubInfo.getAllReferences()) { status = refInfo.getTreeStatus(language); if (!status.isEmpty() && Collections.max(status) > GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.PUBLISHED) { overrideStatus = true; break; } } } if (overrideStatus) { gwtInfo.setStatus(GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.MODIFIED); } } infos.put(language, gwtInfo); } return infos; } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("repository exception", e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException("Cannot get publication status for node " + node.getPath() + ". Cause: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } public Map<String, List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>> getFullPublicationInfosByLanguage(List<String> uuids, Set<String> languages, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, boolean allSubTree) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> all = getFullPublicationInfos(uuids, languages, currentUserSession, allSubTree, false); Map<String, List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>> res = new HashMap<String, List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>>(); for (GWTJahiaPublicationInfo info : all) { if (!res.containsKey(info.getLanguage())) { res.put(info.getLanguage(), new ArrayList<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>()); } res.get(info.getLanguage()).add(info); } return res; } public List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> getFullPublicationInfos(List<String> uuids, Set<String> languages, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, boolean allSubTree, boolean checkForUnpublication) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { try { if (!checkForUnpublication) { LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> res = new LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(); for (String language : languages) { List<PublicationInfo> infos = publicationService.getPublicationInfos(uuids, Collections.singleton(language), true, true, allSubTree, currentUserSession.getWorkspace().getName(), Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE); for (PublicationInfo info : infos) { info.clearInternalAndPublishedReferences(uuids); } final List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> infoList = convert(infos, currentUserSession, language, "publish"); String lastGroup = null; String lastTitle = null; Locale l = new Locale(language); for (GWTJahiaPublicationInfo info : infoList) { if (((info.isPublishable() || info.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.MANDATORY_LANGUAGE_UNPUBLISHABLE) && (info.getWorkflowDefinition() != null || info.isAllowedToPublishWithoutWorkflow()))) { res.put(language + "/" + info.getUuid(), info); if (lastGroup == null || !info.getWorkflowGroup().equals(lastGroup)) { lastGroup = info.getWorkflowGroup(); lastTitle = info.getTitle() + " ( " + l.getDisplayName(l) + " )"; } info.setWorkflowTitle(lastTitle); } } } return new ArrayList<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(res.values()); } else { List<PublicationInfo> infos = publicationService.getPublicationInfos(uuids, null, false, true, allSubTree, currentUserSession.getWorkspace().getName(), Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE); LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> res = new LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(); for (String language : languages) { final List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> infoList = convert(infos, currentUserSession, language, "unpublish"); String lastGroup = null; String lastTitle = null; Locale l = new Locale(language); for (GWTJahiaPublicationInfo info : infoList) { if ((info.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.PUBLISHED && (info.getWorkflowDefinition() != null || info.isAllowedToPublishWithoutWorkflow()))) { res.put(language + "/" + info.getUuid(), info); if (lastGroup == null || !info.getWorkflowGroup().equals(lastGroup)) { lastGroup = info.getWorkflowGroup(); lastTitle = info.getTitle() + " ( " + l.getDisplayName(l) + " )"; } info.setWorkflowTitle(lastTitle); } } } for (PublicationInfo info : infos) { Set<String> publishedLanguages = info.getAllPublishedLanguages(); if (!languages.containsAll(publishedLanguages)) { keepOnlyTranslation(res); } } return new ArrayList<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(res.values()); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("repository exception", e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException( "Cannot get publication status for nodes " + uuids + ". Cause: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } public void keepOnlyTranslation(LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> all) throws RepositoryException { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(all.keySet()); for (String key : keys) { GWTJahiaPublicationInfo gwtinfo = all.get(key); if (gwtinfo.getI18nUuid() == null) { all.remove(key); } else { gwtinfo.remove("uuid"); } } } private List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> convert(List<PublicationInfo> pubInfos, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, String language, String workflowAction) throws RepositoryException { List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> gwtInfos = new ArrayList<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(); List<String> mainPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PublicationInfo pubInfo : pubInfos) { final Collection<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> infoCollection = (Collection<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>) convert( pubInfo, pubInfo.getRoot(), mainPaths, currentUserSession, language, workflowAction).values(); gwtInfos.addAll(infoCollection); } return gwtInfos; } private Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> convert(PublicationInfo pubInfo, PublicationInfoNode root, List<String> mainPaths, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, String language, String workflowAction) { Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> gwtInfos = new LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(); return convert(pubInfo, root, mainPaths, currentUserSession, language, gwtInfos, workflowAction); } private Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> convert(PublicationInfo pubInfo, PublicationInfoNode root, List<String> mainPaths, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, String language, Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> gwtInfos, String workflowAction) { PublicationInfoNode node = pubInfo.getRoot(); List<PublicationInfo> references = new ArrayList<PublicationInfo>(); convert(gwtInfos, root, mainPaths, null, node, references, currentUserSession, language, workflowAction); Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> res = new LinkedHashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(); res.putAll(gwtInfos); for (PublicationInfo pi : references) { if (!gwtInfos.containsKey(pi.getRoot().getUuid())) { res.putAll(convert(pi, pi.getRoot(), mainPaths, currentUserSession, language, gwtInfos, workflowAction)); } } return res; } private GWTJahiaPublicationInfo convert(Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> all, PublicationInfoNode root, List<String> mainPaths, WorkflowRule lastRule, PublicationInfoNode node, List<PublicationInfo> references, JCRSessionWrapper currentUserSession, String language, String workflowAction) { GWTJahiaPublicationInfo gwtInfo = new GWTJahiaPublicationInfo(node.getUuid(), node.getStatus()); try { JCRNodeWrapper jcrNode; if (node.getStatus() == PublicationInfo.DELETED) { JCRSessionWrapper liveSession = JCRTemplate.getInstance().getSessionFactory().getCurrentUserSession( "live", currentUserSession.getLocale(), currentUserSession.getFallbackLocale()); jcrNode = liveSession.getNodeByUUID(node.getUuid()); } else { jcrNode = currentUserSession.getNodeByUUID(node.getUuid()); if (lastRule == null || jcrNode.hasNode(WorkflowService.WORKFLOWRULES_NODE_NAME)) { WorkflowRule rule = workflowService.getWorkflowRuleForAction(jcrNode, false, workflowAction); if (rule != null) { if (!rule.equals(lastRule)) { if (workflowService.getWorkflowRuleForAction(jcrNode, true, workflowAction) != null) { lastRule = rule; } else { lastRule = null; } } } } } if (jcrNode.hasProperty("jcr:title")) { gwtInfo.setTitle(jcrNode.getProperty("jcr:title").getString()); } else { gwtInfo.setTitle(jcrNode.getName()); } gwtInfo.setPath(jcrNode.getPath()); gwtInfo.setNodetype(jcrNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getLabel(currentUserSession.getLocale())); gwtInfo.setIsAllowedToPublishWithoutWorkflow(jcrNode.hasPermission("publish")); gwtInfo.setIsNonRootMarkedForDeletion(jcrNode.isNodeType("jmix:markedForDeletion") && !jcrNode.isNodeType("jmix:markedForDeletionRoot")); } catch (RepositoryException e1) { logger.warn("Issue when reading workflow and delete status of node " + node.getPath(), e1); gwtInfo.setTitle(node.getPath()); } gwtInfo.setWorkInProgress(node.isWorkInProgress()); String mainPath = root.getPath(); gwtInfo.setMainPath(mainPath); gwtInfo.setMainUUID(root.getUuid()); gwtInfo.setLanguage(language); if (!mainPaths.contains(mainPath)) { mainPaths.add(mainPath); } gwtInfo.setMainPathIndex(mainPaths.indexOf(mainPath)); Map<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> gwtInfos = new HashMap<String, GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>(); gwtInfos.put(node.getPath(), gwtInfo); List<String> refUuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // if (node.isLocked() ) { // gwtInfo.setLocked(true); // } all.put(node.getUuid(), gwtInfo); if (lastRule != null) { gwtInfo.setWorkflowGroup(language + lastRule.getDefinitionPath()); gwtInfo.setWorkflowDefinition(lastRule.getProviderKey() + ":" + lastRule.getWorkflowDefinitionKey()); } else { gwtInfo.setWorkflowGroup(language + " no-workflow"); } String translationNodeName = node.getChildren().size() > 0 ? "/j:translation_" + language : null; for (PublicationInfoNode sub : node.getChildren()) { if (sub.getPath().contains(translationNodeName)) { String key = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(sub.getPath(), "/j:translation"); GWTJahiaPublicationInfo lastPub = gwtInfos.get(key); if (lastPub != null) { if (sub.getStatus() > lastPub.getStatus()) { lastPub.setStatus(sub.getStatus()); } if (lastPub.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.UNPUBLISHED && sub.getStatus() != GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.UNPUBLISHED) { lastPub.setStatus(sub.getStatus()); } if (sub.isLocked()) { gwtInfo.setLocked(true); } if (sub.isWorkInProgress()) { gwtInfo.setWorkInProgress(true); } lastPub.setI18NUuid(sub.getUuid()); } // references.addAll(sub.getReferences()); for (PublicationInfo pi : sub.getReferences()) { if (!refUuids.contains(pi.getRoot().getUuid()) && !all.containsKey(pi.getRoot().getUuid())) { refUuids.add(pi.getRoot().getUuid()); all.putAll(convert(pi, pi.getRoot(), mainPaths, currentUserSession, language, all, workflowAction)); } } } else if (sub.getPath().contains("/j:translation") && (node.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.MARKED_FOR_DELETION || node.getStatus() == GWTJahiaPublicationInfo.DELETED)) { String key = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(sub.getPath(), "/j:translation"); GWTJahiaPublicationInfo lastPub = gwtInfos.get(key); if (lastPub.getDeletedI18nUuid() != null) { lastPub.setDeletedI18nUuid(lastPub.getDeletedI18nUuid() + " " + sub.getUuid()); } else { lastPub.setDeletedI18nUuid(sub.getUuid()); } } } references.addAll(node.getReferences()); for (PublicationInfo pi : node.getReferences()) { if (!refUuids.contains(pi.getRoot().getUuid())) { refUuids.add(pi.getRoot().getUuid()); if (!mainPaths.contains(pi.getRoot().getPath()) && !all.containsKey(pi.getRoot().getUuid())) { all.putAll(convert(pi, pi.getRoot(), mainPaths, currentUserSession, language, all, workflowAction)); } } } // Move node after references all.remove(node.getUuid()); all.put(node.getUuid(), gwtInfo); for (PublicationInfoNode sub : node.getChildren()) { if (sub.getPath().indexOf("/j:translation") == -1) { convert(all, root, mainPaths, lastRule, sub, references, currentUserSession, language, workflowAction); } } return gwtInfo; } public Map<PublicationWorkflow, WorkflowDefinition> createPublicationWorkflows( List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo> all) { final TreeMap<String, List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>> infosListByWorflowGroup = new TreeMap<String, List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>>(); Map<String, String> workflowGroupToKey = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GWTJahiaPublicationInfo info : all) { String workflowGroup = info.getWorkflowGroup(); if (!infosListByWorflowGroup.containsKey(workflowGroup)) { infosListByWorflowGroup.put(workflowGroup, new ArrayList<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>()); } infosListByWorflowGroup.get(workflowGroup).add(info); if (info.getWorkflowDefinition() != null) { workflowGroupToKey.put(info.getWorkflowGroup(), info.getWorkflowDefinition()); if (!keys.contains(info.getWorkflowDefinition())) { keys.add(info.getWorkflowDefinition()); } } } Map<PublicationWorkflow, WorkflowDefinition> result = new LinkedHashMap<PublicationWorkflow, WorkflowDefinition>(); Map<String, WorkflowDefinition> workflows = new HashMap<String, WorkflowDefinition>(); for (String wf : keys) { WorkflowDefinition w = workflowService.getWorkflowDefinition(StringUtils.substringBefore(wf, ":"), StringUtils.substringAfter(wf, ":"), null); workflows.put(wf, w); } for (Map.Entry<String, List<GWTJahiaPublicationInfo>> entry : infosListByWorflowGroup.entrySet()) { result.put(new PublicationWorkflow(entry.getValue()), workflows.get(workflowGroupToKey.get(entry.getKey()))); } return result; } /** * Publish a list of nodes into the live workspace. * Referenced nodes will also be published. * Parent node must be published, or will be published if publishParent is true. * * @param uuids list of uuids of the nodes to publish * @param comments */ public void publish(List<String> uuids, JCRSessionWrapper session, JCRSiteNode site, List<GWTJahiaNodeProperty> properties, List<String> comments) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { try { // todo : if workflow started on untranslated node, translation will be created and not added into the publish tree calculated here final String workspaceName = session.getWorkspace().getName(); List<String> publicationPath = new ArrayList<>(); for (String uuid : uuids) { try { publicationPath.add(session.getNodeByIdentifier(uuid).getPath()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.debug("Cannot get item " + uuid, e); } } JobDetail jobDetail = BackgroundJob.createJahiaJob("Publication", PublicationJob.class); JobDataMap jobDataMap = jobDetail.getJobDataMap(); jobDataMap.put(BackgroundJob.JOB_SITEKEY, site.getName()); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.PUBLICATION_PROPERTIES, properties); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.PUBLICATION_COMMENTS, comments); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.PUBLICATION_UUIDS, uuids); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.PUBLICATION_PATHS, publicationPath); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.SOURCE, workspaceName); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.DESTINATION, Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE); jobDataMap.put(PublicationJob.CHECK_PERMISSIONS, true); ServicesRegistry.getInstance().getSchedulerService().scheduleJobNow(jobDetail); } catch (SchedulerException e) { logger.error("repository exception", e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException( "Cannot get publish nodes " + uuids + ". Cause: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Publish a node to live workspace immediately. * * * @param uuids uuids of the nodes to publish * @throws org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.service.GWTJahiaServiceException * in case of any RepositoryException */ public void publish(List<String> uuids) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { try { publicationService.publish(uuids, Constants.EDIT_WORKSPACE, Constants.LIVE_WORKSPACE, null); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("repository exception", e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException( "Cannot get publish nodes " + uuids + ". Cause: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Unpublish a node from live workspace. * Referenced Node will not be unpublished. * * @param uuids uuids of the nodes to unpublish * @param languages Set of languages to unpublish if null unpublish all languages * @param user the user for obtaining the jcr session * @throws org.jahia.ajax.gwt.client.service.GWTJahiaServiceException * in case of any RepositoryException */ public void unpublish(List<String> uuids, Set<String> languages, JahiaUser user) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { try { publicationService.unpublish(uuids); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("repository exception", e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException( "Cannot get unpublish nodes " + uuids + ". Cause: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } public void validateConnection(Map<String, String> props, JCRSessionWrapper jcrSession, Locale uiLocale) throws GWTJahiaServiceException { PostMethod post = null; URL url = null; try { String languageCode = jcrSession.getNodeByIdentifier(props.get("node")).getResolveSite() .getDefaultLanguage(); String theUrl = props.get("remoteUrl") + Render.getRenderServletPath() + "/live/" + languageCode + props.get("remotePath") + ""; url = new URL(theUrl); post = new PostMethod(theUrl); post.addParameter("testOnly", "true"); post.addRequestHeader("accept", "application/json"); HttpState state = new HttpState(); state.setCredentials(new AuthScope(url.getHost(), url.getPort()), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(props.get("remoteUser"), props.get("remotePassword"))); HttpClient httpClient = httpClientService.getHttpClient(theUrl); Credentials proxyCredentials = httpClient.getState().getProxyCredentials(AuthScope.ANY); if (proxyCredentials != null) { state.setProxyCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, proxyCredentials); } if (httpClient.executeMethod(null, post, state) != 200) { logger.warn("Connection to URL: {} failed with status {}", url, post.getStatusLine()); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException(Messages.getInternalWithArguments( "label.gwt.error.connection.failed.with.the.status", uiLocale, post.getStatusLine())); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.error("Unable to get source node with identifier: " + props.get("node") + ". Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException(Messages.getInternalWithArguments( "", uiLocale, e.getMessage())); } catch (HttpException e) { logger.error("Unable to get the content of the URL: " + url + ". Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException(Messages.getInternalWithArguments( "", uiLocale, e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Unable to get the content of the URL: " + url + ". Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new GWTJahiaServiceException(Messages.getInternalWithArguments( "", uiLocale, e.getMessage())); } finally { if (post != null) { post.releaseConnection(); } } } public void setHttpClientService(HttpClientService httpClientService) { this.httpClientService = httpClientService; } }