Java tutorial
package org.intermine.web.struts; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet; import org.apache.struts.action.PlugIn; import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig; import; import org.intermine.api.InterMineAPI; import org.intermine.api.LinkRedirectManager; import org.intermine.api.bag.BagQueryConfig; import org.intermine.api.bag.BagQueryHelper; import org.intermine.api.config.ClassKeyHelper; import org.intermine.api.profile.BagState; import org.intermine.api.profile.Profile; import org.intermine.api.profile.ProfileManager; import org.intermine.api.profile.TagManager; import org.intermine.api.profile.UserNotFoundException; import org.intermine.api.query.MainHelper; import; import; import org.intermine.api.tag.TagNames; import org.intermine.api.tracker.Tracker; import org.intermine.api.tracker.TrackerDelegate; import org.intermine.api.tracker.util.TrackerUtil; import org.intermine.metadata.ClassDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.FieldDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.Model; import org.intermine.model.InterMineObject; import org.intermine.model.userprofile.Tag; import org.intermine.model.userprofile.UserProfile; import org.intermine.modelproduction.MetadataManager; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStore; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreException; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreFactory; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreSummary; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreWriter; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreWriterFactory; import org.intermine.objectstore.intermine.ObjectStoreInterMineImpl; import org.intermine.objectstore.intermine.ObjectStoreWriterInterMineImpl; import org.intermine.sql.Database; import org.intermine.sql.DatabaseUtil; import org.intermine.util.PropertiesUtil; import org.intermine.util.TypeUtil; import org.intermine.web.autocompletion.AutoCompleter; import org.intermine.web.context.InterMineContext; import org.intermine.web.logic.Constants; import org.intermine.web.logic.aspects.Aspect; import org.intermine.web.logic.aspects.AspectBinding; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.FieldConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.FieldConfigHelper; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.WebConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.session.SessionMethods; import org.intermine.webservice.server.query.result.XMLValidator; import org.jfree.util.Log; /** * Initialiser for the InterMine web application. * Anything that needs global initialisation goes here. * * @author Andrew Varley * @author Thomas Riley */ public class InitialiserPlugin implements PlugIn { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(InitialiserPlugin.class); ProfileManager profileManager; TrackerDelegate trackerDelegate; ObjectStore os; Map<String, String> blockingErrorKeys; /** The list of tags that mark something as public */ public static final List<String> PUBLIC_TAG_LIST = Arrays.asList(TagNames.IM_PUBLIC); /** * Init method called at Servlet initialisation * * @param servlet ActionServlet that is managing all the modules * in this web application * @param config ModuleConfig for the module with which this * plug-in is associated * * @throws ServletException if this <code>PlugIn</code> cannot * be successfully initialized */ public void init(ActionServlet servlet, ModuleConfig config) throws ServletException { // NOTE throwing exceptions other than a ServletException from this class causes the // webapp to fail to deploy with no error message. final ServletContext servletContext = servlet.getServletContext(); initBlockingErrors(servletContext); // initialise properties Properties webProperties = loadWebProperties(servletContext); // read in additional webapp specific information and put in servletContext loadAspectsConfig(servletContext); loadClassDescriptions(servletContext); loadOpenIDProviders(servletContext); // get link redirector LinkRedirectManager redirect = getLinkRedirector(webProperties); // set up core InterMine application os = getProductionObjectStore(webProperties); WebConfig webConfig = null; if (os != null) { webConfig = loadWebConfig(servletContext, os); } final ObjectStoreWriter userprofileOSW = getUserprofileWriter(webProperties); if (userprofileOSW != null) { //verify all table mapping classes exist in the userprofile db if (!verifyTablesExist(userprofileOSW)) { return; } if (!verifySuperUserExist(userprofileOSW)) { return; } //verify if intermine_state exists in the savedbag table and if it has the right type if (!verifyListTables(userprofileOSW)) { return; } //verify if we the webapp needs to upgrade the lists verifyListUpgrade(userprofileOSW); } final ObjectStoreSummary oss = summariseObjectStore(servletContext); if (webProperties != null && userprofileOSW != null) { trackerDelegate = initTrackers(webProperties, userprofileOSW); } if (os != null && webProperties != null) { final Map<String, List<FieldDescriptor>> classKeys = loadClassKeys(os.getModel()); final BagQueryConfig bagQueryConfig = loadBagQueries(servletContext, os, webProperties); if (userprofileOSW != null) { final InterMineAPI im; try { im = new InterMineAPI(os, userprofileOSW, classKeys, bagQueryConfig, oss, trackerDelegate, redirect); } catch (UserNotFoundException unfe) { blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.superuser", null); return; } SessionMethods.setInterMineAPI(servletContext, im); InterMineContext.initilise(im, webProperties, webConfig); // need a global reference to ProfileManager so it can be closed cleanly on destroy profileManager = im.getProfileManager(); //verify superuser setted in the db matches with the user in the properties file final Profile superProfile = profileManager.getSuperuserProfile(); if (!superProfile.getUsername() .equals(PropertiesUtil.getProperties().getProperty("superuser.account").trim())) { blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.superuser", null); } // index global webSearchables SearchRepository searchRepository = new GlobalRepository(superProfile); List<String> users = profileManager.getSuperUsers(); for (String su : users) { new GlobalRepository(profileManager.getProfile(su)); } SessionMethods.setGlobalSearchRepository(servletContext, searchRepository); servletContext.setAttribute(Constants.GRAPH_CACHE, new HashMap<String, String>()); loadAutoCompleter(servletContext, os); cleanTags(im.getTagManager()); if (webConfig != null) { Map<String, Boolean> keylessClasses = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); for (ClassDescriptor cld : os.getModel().getClassDescriptors()) { boolean keyless = true; for (FieldConfig fc : FieldConfigHelper.getClassFieldConfigs(webConfig, cld)) { if ((fc.getDisplayer() == null) && fc.getShowInSummary()) { keyless = false; break; } } if (keyless) { keylessClasses.put(TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(cld.getName()), Boolean.TRUE); } } servletContext.setAttribute(Constants.KEYLESS_CLASSES_MAP, keylessClasses); } if (oss != null) { setupClassSummaryInformation(servletContext, oss, os.getModel()); } doRegistration(webProperties); } } } private void initBlockingErrors(ServletContext servletContext) { blockingErrorKeys = new HashMap<String, String>(); SessionMethods.setErrorOnInitialiser(servletContext, blockingErrorKeys); } private void doRegistration(Properties webProperties) { Registrar reg = new Registrar(webProperties); reg.start(); } private ObjectStore getProductionObjectStore(Properties webProperties) { String osAlias = (String) webProperties.get("webapp.os.alias"); try { os = ObjectStoreFactory.getObjectStore(osAlias); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to create ObjectStore - " + osAlias + " " + e.getMessage(), e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.objectstoreconnection", e.getMessage()); } return os; } private void loadAspectsConfig(ServletContext servletContext) { InputStream xmlInputStream = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/aspects.xml"); InputStream xmlInputStreamForValidate = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/aspects.xml"); if (xmlInputStream == null) {"Unable to find /WEB-INF/aspects.xml, there will be no aspects"); SessionMethods.setAspects(servletContext, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); SessionMethods.setCategories(servletContext, Collections.EMPTY_SET); } else { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { IOUtils.copy(xmlInputStreamForValidate, writer); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Problems converting xmlInputStream into a String ", ioe); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.aspects.generic", ioe.getMessage()); return; } String xml = writer.toString(); String xmlSchemaUrl = ""; try { xmlSchemaUrl = servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/aspects.xsd").toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { LOG.warn("Problems retrieving url fo aspects.xsd ", mue); } Map<String, Aspect> aspects; if (validateXML(xml, xmlSchemaUrl, "errors.init.aspects.validation")) { try { aspects = AspectBinding.unmarhsal(xmlInputStream); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("problem while reading aspect configuration file", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.aspects", e.getMessage()); return; } SessionMethods.setAspects(servletContext, aspects); SessionMethods.setCategories(servletContext, Collections.unmodifiableSet(aspects.keySet())); } } } private boolean validateXML(String xml, String schemaUrl, String errorCode) { /* Source xmlFile = new StreamSource(xmlInputStream); SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); try { Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new StreamSource(xsdInputStream)); Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); try { validator.validate(xmlFile); return true; } catch (SAXException se) { LOG.error(xmlFile.getSystemId() + " is NOT valid"); blockingErrorKeys.put(errorCode, se.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Problems find file ", ioe); } } catch (SAXException se) { LOG.error("Problems parsing xsd file", se); } return false;*/ XMLValidator validator = new XMLValidator(); validator.validate(xml, schemaUrl); if (validator.getErrorsAndWarnings().size() == 0) { return true; } blockingErrorKeys.put(errorCode, validator.getErrorsAndWarnings().get(0)); return false; } private void loadAutoCompleter(ServletContext servletContext, ObjectStore os) throws ServletException { if (os instanceof ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) { Database db = ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) os).getDatabase(); try { InputStream is = MetadataManager.retrieveBLOBInputStream(db, MetadataManager.AUTOCOMPLETE_INDEX); AutoCompleter ac; if (is != null) { ac = new AutoCompleter(is); SessionMethods.setAutoCompleter(servletContext, ac); } else { ac = null; LOG.warn("No AutoCompleter index found in database."); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Problem with database", e); throw new ServletException("Problem with database", e); } } } /** * Object and widget display configuration */ private WebConfig loadWebConfig(ServletContext servletContext, ObjectStore os) { WebConfig retval = null; InputStream xmlInputStream = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/webconfig-model.xml"); InputStream xmlInputStreamForValidation = servletContext .getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/webconfig-model.xml"); if (xmlInputStream == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find /WEB-INF/webconfig-model.xml."); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webconfig.notfound", null); } else { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { IOUtils.copy(xmlInputStreamForValidation, writer); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Problems converting xmlInputStream into a String ", ioe); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webconfig.generic", ioe.getMessage()); } String xml = writer.toString(); String xmlSchemaUrl = ""; try { xmlSchemaUrl = servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/webconfig-model.xsd").toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { LOG.warn("Problems retrieving url fo aspects.xsd ", mue); } if (validateXML(xml, xmlSchemaUrl, "errors.init.webconfig.validation")) { try { retval = WebConfig.parse(servletContext, os.getModel()); String validationMessage = retval.validateWidgetsConfig(os.getModel()); if (validationMessage.isEmpty()) { SessionMethods.setWebConfig(servletContext, retval); } else { blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webconfig.validation", validationMessage); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { LOG.error("Problem to find the webconfig-model.xml file.", fnf); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webconfig.notfound", null); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) { LOG.error("Classes mentioned in the webconfig-model.xml" + " file aren't in the Model", cnf); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webconfig.classnotfound", cnf.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Problem to parse the webconfig-model.xml file", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webconfig.parsing", e.getMessage()); } } } return retval; } /** * Load user-friendly class description */ private void loadClassDescriptions(ServletContext servletContext) { Properties classDescriptions = new Properties(); try { classDescriptions.load(servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/")); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error loading class descriptions", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.classDescriptions", null); } servletContext.setAttribute("classDescriptions", classDescriptions); } /** * Load keys that describe how objects should be uniquely identified */ private Map<String, List<FieldDescriptor>> loadClassKeys(Model model) { Properties classKeyProps = new Properties(); try { classKeyProps .load(InitialiserPlugin.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("")); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error loading class descriptions", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.classkeys", null); } Map<String, List<FieldDescriptor>> classKeys = ClassKeyHelper.readKeys(model, classKeyProps); return classKeys; } /** * Load keys that describe how objects should be uniquely identified */ private BagQueryConfig loadBagQueries(ServletContext servletContext, ObjectStore os, Properties webProperties) { BagQueryConfig bagQueryConfig = null; InputStream is = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/bag-queries.xml"); if (is != null) { try { bagQueryConfig = BagQueryHelper.readBagQueryConfig(os.getModel(), is); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error loading class bag queries. ", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.bagqueries", e.getMessage()); } InputStream isBag = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); Properties bagProperties = new Properties(); if (isBag != null) { try { bagProperties.load(isBag); bagQueryConfig.setConnectField(bagProperties.getProperty("extraBag.connectField")); bagQueryConfig.setExtraConstraintClassName(bagProperties.getProperty("extraBag.className")); bagQueryConfig.setConstrainField(bagProperties.getProperty("extraBag.constrainField")); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Error loading ", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.extrabagloading", null); } } else { LOG.error("Could not find file"); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.extrabag", null); } } else { // can used defaults so just log a warning LOG.warn("No custom bag queries found - using default query"); } return bagQueryConfig; } /** * Update the origins and lastState maps if there are any new properties in the * current state, or if any of the properties we know about has a new value. * * @param lastState The way things looked last time we were here. * @param origins The places things come from. * @param currentSource What to record if a property has just appeared or changed. * @param currentState The way things look now. */ private void updateOrigins(Map<String, String> lastState, Map<String, List<String>> origins, String currentSource, Properties currentState) { for (Entry<Object, Object> pair : currentState.entrySet()) { if (!origins.containsKey(pair.getKey())) { origins.put(String.valueOf(pair.getKey()), new ArrayList<String>()); } if (!lastState.containsKey(pair.getKey()) || !lastState.get(pair.getKey()).equals(((String) pair.getValue()).trim())) { origins.get(pair.getKey()).add(currentSource); } lastState.put((String) pair.getKey(), ((String) pair.getValue()).trim()); } } /** * Read in the webapp configuration properties */ private Properties loadWebProperties(ServletContext servletContext) { Map<String, String> lastState = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, List<String>> origins = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); Properties webProperties = new Properties(); InputStream globalPropertiesStream = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/"); try { webProperties.load(globalPropertiesStream); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to find", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.globalweb", null); return webProperties; } updateOrigins(lastState, origins, "/WEB-INF/", webProperties);"Looking for extra property files"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/WEB-INF/(?!global)\\w+\\.web\\.properties$"); ResourceFinder finder = new ResourceFinder(servletContext); Collection<String> otherResources = finder.findResourcesMatching(pattern); for (String resource : otherResources) {"Loading extra resources from " + resource); InputStream otherResourceStream = servletContext.getResourceAsStream(resource); try { webProperties.load(otherResourceStream); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to load " + resource, e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.globalweb", null); return webProperties; } updateOrigins(lastState, origins, resource, webProperties); } // Load these last, as they always take precedence. InputStream modelPropertiesStream = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/"); if (modelPropertiesStream == null) { // there are no model specific properties } else { try { webProperties.load(modelPropertiesStream); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to load", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.webproperties", null); return webProperties; } updateOrigins(lastState, origins, "/WEB-INF/", webProperties); } SessionMethods.setPropertiesOrigins(servletContext, origins); Properties trimProperties = trimProperties(webProperties); SessionMethods.setWebProperties(servletContext, trimProperties); MainHelper.loadHelpers(trimProperties); return trimProperties; } private Properties trimProperties(Properties webProperties) { Properties trimProperties = new Properties(); for (Entry<Object, Object> property : webProperties.entrySet()) { trimProperties.put(property.getKey(), ((String) property.getValue()).trim()); } return trimProperties; } private void loadOpenIDProviders(ServletContext context) { Set<String> providers = new HashSet<String>(); Properties providerProps = new Properties(); InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); if (is == null) {"couldn't find openid providers, using system class-loader"); is = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(""); } if (is != null) { try { providerProps.load(is); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Could not load", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.openidprovidersloading", null); return; } } else { LOG.error("Could not find"); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.openidproviders", null); return; } for (Object key : providerProps.keySet()) { String keyString = (String) key; if (!keyString.endsWith(".alias")) { providers.add(keyString);"Added " + keyString); } } SessionMethods.setOpenIdProviders(context, providers); } private LinkRedirectManager getLinkRedirector(Properties webProperties) { final String err = "Initialisation of link redirector failed: "; String linkRedirector = (String) webProperties.get("webapp.linkRedirect"); if (linkRedirector == null) { return null; } Class<?> c = TypeUtil.instantiate(linkRedirector); Constructor<?> constr = null; try { constr = c.getConstructor(new Class[] { Properties.class }); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOG.error(err, e); return null; } LinkRedirectManager redirector = null; try { redirector = (LinkRedirectManager) constr.newInstance(new Object[] { webProperties }); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.error(err, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { LOG.error(err, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.error(err, e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOG.error(err, e); } return redirector; } /** * Summarize the ObjectStore to get class counts */ private ObjectStoreSummary summariseObjectStore(ServletContext servletContext) { Properties objectStoreSummaryProperties = new Properties(); InputStream objectStoreSummaryPropertiesStream = servletContext .getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/"); if (objectStoreSummaryPropertiesStream == null) { // there are no model specific properties LOG.error("Unable to find"); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.objectstoresummary", null); } try { objectStoreSummaryProperties.load(objectStoreSummaryPropertiesStream); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to read", e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.objectstoresummary.loading", null); } final ObjectStoreSummary oss = new ObjectStoreSummary(objectStoreSummaryProperties); return oss; } private void setupClassSummaryInformation(ServletContext servletContext, ObjectStoreSummary oss, final Model model) { Map<String, String> classes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Integer> classCounts = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String className : new TreeSet<String>(model.getClassNames())) { if (!className.equals(InterMineObject.class.getName())) { classes.put(className, TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(className)); } try { classCounts.put(className, new Integer(oss.getClassCount(className))); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to get class count for " + className, e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.objectstoresummary.classcount", e.getMessage()); } } servletContext.setAttribute("classes", classes); servletContext.setAttribute("classCounts", classCounts); // Build subclass lists for JSPs Map<String, List<String>> subclassesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (ClassDescriptor cld : model.getClassDescriptors()) { ArrayList<String> subclasses = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String thisClassName : new TreeSet<String>(getChildren(cld))) { if (classCounts.get(thisClassName).intValue() > 0) { subclasses.add(TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(thisClassName)); } } subclassesMap.put(TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(cld.getName()), subclasses); } servletContext.setAttribute(Constants.SUBCLASSES, subclassesMap); } private ObjectStoreWriter getUserprofileWriter(Properties webProperties) { ObjectStoreWriter userprofileOSW = null; try { String userProfileAlias = (String) webProperties.get("webapp.userprofile.os.alias"); userprofileOSW = ObjectStoreWriterFactory.getObjectStoreWriter(userProfileAlias); } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { LOG.error("Unable to create userprofile - " + e.getMessage(), e); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.userprofileconnection", e.getMessage()); return userprofileOSW; } applyUserProfileUpgrades(userprofileOSW, blockingErrorKeys); return userprofileOSW; } private void applyUserProfileUpgrades(ObjectStoreWriter osw, Map<String, String> blockingErrorKeys) { Connection con = null; try { con = ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) osw).getConnection(); DatabaseUtil.addColumn(con, "userprofile", "apikey", DatabaseUtil.Type.text); if (!DatabaseUtil.columnExists(con, "userprofile", "localaccount")) { DatabaseUtil.addColumn(con, "userprofile", "localaccount", DatabaseUtil.Type.boolean_type); DatabaseUtil.updateColumnValue(con, "userprofile", "localaccount", true); } if (!DatabaseUtil.columnExists(con, "userprofile", "superuser")) { DatabaseUtil.addColumn(con, "userprofile", "superuser", DatabaseUtil.Type.boolean_type); DatabaseUtil.updateColumnValue(con, "userprofile", "superuser", false); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { LOG.error("Problem retrieving connection", sqle); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.userprofileconnection", sqle.getMessage()); } finally { ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) osw).releaseConnection(con); } } private boolean verifySuperUserExist(ObjectStoreWriter uosw) { UserProfile superuserProfile = getSuperUser(uosw); if (superuserProfile != null) { superuserProfile.setSuperuser(true); try {; } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to set the flag to the user profile", e); } return true; } blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.superusernotexist", null); return false; } private UserProfile getSuperUser(ObjectStoreWriter uosw) { String superuser = PropertiesUtil.getProperties().getProperty("superuser.account"); UserProfile superuserProfile = new UserProfile(); superuserProfile.setUsername(superuser); Set<String> fieldNames = new HashSet<String>(); fieldNames.add("username"); try { superuserProfile = (UserProfile) uosw.getObjectByExample(superuserProfile, fieldNames); } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load user profile", e); } return superuserProfile; } /** * Destroy method called at Servlet destroy. Close connection pool */ public void destroy() { if (profileManager != null) { ((ObjectStoreWriterInterMineImpl) profileManager.getProfileObjectStoreWriter()).getDatabase() .shutdown(); } ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) os).getDatabase().shutdown(); } /** * Remove class tags from the user profile that refer to classes that non longer exist * @param tagManager tag manager */ protected static void cleanTags(TagManager tagManager) { List<Tag> classTags = tagManager.getTags(null, null, "class", null); for (Tag tag : classTags) { // check that class exists try { Class.forName(tag.getObjectIdentifier()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { tagManager.deleteTag(tag); } } } /** * Get the names of the type of this ClassDescriptor and all its descendants * @param cld the ClassDescriptor * @return a Set of class names */ protected static Set<String> getChildren(ClassDescriptor cld) { Set<String> children = new HashSet<String>(); getChildren(cld, children); return children; } /** * Add the names of the descendents of a ClassDescriptor to a Set * @param cld the ClassDescriptor * @param children the Set of child names */ protected static void getChildren(ClassDescriptor cld, Set<String> children) { for (ClassDescriptor child : cld.getSubDescriptors()) { children.add(child.getName()); getChildren(child, children); } } private TrackerDelegate initTrackers(Properties webProperties, ObjectStoreWriter userprofileOSW) { if (!verifyTrackTables(userprofileOSW.getObjectStore())) { blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.tracktable.runAnt", null); } return getTrackerDelegate(webProperties, userprofileOSW); } private boolean verifyTrackTables(ObjectStore uos) { Connection con = null; try { con = ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uos).getConnection(); if (DatabaseUtil.tableExists(con, TrackerUtil.TEMPLATE_TRACKER_TABLE)) { ResultSet res = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, TrackerUtil.TEMPLATE_TRACKER_TABLE, "timestamp"); while ( { if (res.getString(3).equals(TrackerUtil.TEMPLATE_TRACKER_TABLE) && "timestamp".equals(res.getString(4)) && res.getInt(5) == Types.TIMESTAMP) { return true; } return false; } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { LOG.error("Probelm retriving connection", sqle); } finally { ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uos).releaseConnection(con); } return true; } /** * Returns the tracker manager of all trackers defined into the webapp configuration properties * @param webProperties the webapp configuration properties where the trackers are defined * @param userprofileOSW the object store writer to retrieve the database connection * @return TrackerManager the trackers manager */ private TrackerDelegate getTrackerDelegate(Properties webProperties, ObjectStoreWriter userprofileOSW) { Map<String, Tracker> trackers = new HashMap<String, Tracker>(); String trackerList = (String) webProperties.get("webapp.trackers"); LOG.warn("initializeTrackers: trackerList is" + trackerList); if (trackerList != null) { String[] trackerClassNames = trackerList.split(","); TrackerDelegate td = new TrackerDelegate(trackerClassNames, userprofileOSW); return td; } return null; } private boolean verifyTablesExist(ObjectStore uos) { Connection con = null; Set<ClassDescriptor> classDescritpors = uos.getModel().getClassDescriptors(); try { con = ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uos).getConnection(); for (ClassDescriptor cd : classDescritpors) { if (!cd.isInterface()) { String tableNameToVerify = cd.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); if (!DatabaseUtil.tableExists(con, tableNameToVerify)) { LOG.error( "In the userprofile database, the table " + tableNameToVerify + " doesn't exist."); blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.tablesNotExisting", tableNameToVerify); return false; } } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { LOG.error("Probelm retrieving connection", sqle); } finally { ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uos).releaseConnection(con); } return true; } private boolean verifyListTables(ObjectStore uos) { Connection con = null; try { con = ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uos).getConnection(); if (!DatabaseUtil.tableExists(con, "bagvalues")) { blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.savedbagtable.runLoadBagValuesTableAnt", null); return false; } else { if (!DatabaseUtil.columnExists(con, "bagvalues", "extra") || DatabaseUtil.columnExists(con, "savedbag", "intermine_current")) { blockingErrorKeys.put("errors.init.savedbagtable.runListTablesAnt", null); return false; } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { LOG.error("Probelm retrieving connection", sqle); } finally { ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uos).releaseConnection(con); } return true; } /** * Verify if we need to upgrade the list */ private void verifyListUpgrade(ObjectStore uosw) { try { boolean listUpgrade = false; String productionSerialNumber = MetadataManager.retrieve(((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) os).getDatabase(), MetadataManager.SERIAL_NUMBER); String userprofileSerialNumber = MetadataManager .retrieve(((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uosw).getDatabase(), MetadataManager.SERIAL_NUMBER);"Production database has serialNumber \"" + productionSerialNumber + "\"");"Userprofile database has serialNumber \"" + userprofileSerialNumber + "\""); if (productionSerialNumber != null) { if (userprofileSerialNumber == null || !userprofileSerialNumber.equals(productionSerialNumber)) { listUpgrade = true; } } if (productionSerialNumber == null && userprofileSerialNumber != null) { listUpgrade = true; } if (listUpgrade) { LOG.warn("Serial numbers not equal: list upgrate needed"); //set current attribute to false Connection conn = null; try { conn = ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uosw).getDatabase().getConnection(); if (DatabaseUtil.columnExists(conn, "savedbag", "intermine_state")) { DatabaseUtil.updateColumnValue(((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) uosw).getDatabase(), "savedbag", "intermine_state", BagState.NOT_CURRENT.toString()); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new BuildException("Problems connecting bagvalues table", sqle); } finally { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } // update the userprofileSerialNumber uosw).getDatabase(), MetadataManager.SERIAL_NUMBER, productionSerialNumber); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error verifying list upgrading", sqle); } } }