Java tutorial
package org.intermine.web.logic.results; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.intermine.api.InterMineAPI; import org.intermine.api.config.ClassKeyHelper; import org.intermine.api.util.PathUtil; import org.intermine.metadata.ClassDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.CollectionDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.FieldDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.ReferenceDescriptor; import org.intermine.model.InterMineObject; import org.intermine.objectstore.proxy.ProxyReference; import org.intermine.objectstore.query.ClobAccess; import org.intermine.pathquery.Path; import org.intermine.pathquery.PathException; import org.intermine.util.DynamicUtil; import org.intermine.util.StringUtil; import org.intermine.web.displayer.DisplayerManager; import org.intermine.web.displayer.ReportDisplayer; import org.intermine.web.logic.Constants; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.FieldConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.HeaderConfigLink; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.HeaderConfigTitle; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.InlineListConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.Type; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.WebConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.pathqueryresult.PathQueryResultHelper; /** * Object to be displayed on * * @author Radek Stepan * @author Richard Smith */ public class ReportObject { private InterMineObject object; private final WebConfig webConfig; /** unqualified (!!) object type string */ private final String objectType; private Map<String, Object> fieldValues; private InterMineAPI im; /** * @List<ReportObjectField> setup list of summary fields this object has */ private List<ReportObjectField> objectSummaryFields; /** @var List header inline lists set by the WebConfig */ private List<InlineList> inlineListsHeader = null; /** @var List of 'unplaced' normal InlineLists */ private List<InlineList> inlineListsNormal = null; private Map<String, Object> attributes = null; private Map<String, FieldDescriptor> attributeDescriptors = null; private Map<String, DisplayReference> references = null; private Map<String, DisplayCollection> collections = null; private Map<String, DisplayField> refsAndCollections = null; private Map<String, Map<String, TitleValue>> headerTitles = null; private Set<String> replacedFieldExprs = null; private HeaderConfigLink headerLink; private String pageTitle = null; /** @var Set of References & Collections that will always be 0 for this type of object */ private Set<String> nullRefsCols; /** * @var webProperties so we can resolve # of rows to show in Collections * @see DisplayReference/DisplayCollection -> DisplayField -> getTable() */ private Properties webProperties; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ReportObject.class); /** * Setup internal ReportObject * @param object InterMineObject * @param webConfig WebConfig * @param im InterMineAPI * @param webProperties web properties config * @throws Exception Exception */ public ReportObject(InterMineObject object, WebConfig webConfig, InterMineAPI im, Properties webProperties) throws Exception { this.object = object; this.webConfig = webConfig; = im; this.webProperties = webProperties; // infer dynamic type of IM object this.objectType = DynamicUtil.getSimpleClass(object).getSimpleName(); } /** * Get a map from placement (header, summary or a data category) to custom report displayers for * that placement. * @return map from placement to displayers */ public Map<String, List<ReportDisplayer>> getReportDisplayers() { DisplayerManager displayerManager = DisplayerManager.getInstance(webConfig, im); return displayerManager.getReportDisplayersForType(objectType); } /** * Give us a displayer by a specific name, called by AjaxServices * @param name displayer name * @return ReportDisplayer */ public ReportDisplayer getReportDisplayer(String name) { DisplayerManager displayerManager = DisplayerManager.getInstance(webConfig, im); return displayerManager.getReportDisplayerByName(objectType, name); } /** * Get the id of this object * @return the id */ public int getId() { return object.getId().intValue(); } /** * Get the attribute fields and values for this object * @return the attributes */ public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() { if (attributes == null) { initialise(); } return attributes; } /** * Get the class descriptor for this object * @return one class descriptor */ public ClassDescriptor getClassDescriptor() { return im.getModel().getClassDescriptorByName(objectType); } /** * Get the collection fields and values for this object * @return the collections */ public Map<String, DisplayCollection> getCollections() { if (collections == null) { initialise(); } return collections; } private String stripTail(String input) { Integer dot = input.indexOf("."); if (dot > 0) { return input.substring(0, dot); } return input; } /** * A listing of object fields as pieced together from the various ReportObject methods * @return <ReportObjectField>s List */ public List<ReportObjectField> getObjectSummaryFields() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // are we setup yet? if (objectSummaryFields == null) { objectSummaryFields = new ArrayList<ReportObjectField>(); List<ReportObjectField> objectOtherSummaryFields = new ArrayList<ReportObjectField>(); // to make sure we do not show fields that are replaced elsewhere Set<String> replacedFields = getReplacedFieldExprs(); // temporary track of fieldConfigs so we know which attributes were missed out Set<String> fieldConfigPaths = new HashSet<String>(); // 1. add all fields configured with showInSummary=true for (FieldConfig fc : getFieldConfigs()) { // get fieldName String fieldName = fc.getFieldExpr(); if (!replacedFields.contains(stripTail(fieldName))) { Object fieldValue = getFieldValue(fieldName); String fieldDisplayer = fc.getDisplayer(); if (!isAttribute(fieldName) && fieldDisplayer == null && !fc.getShowInSummary()) { continue; // This is just configured for its label } ReportObjectField rof = new ReportObjectField(objectType, fieldName, fieldValue, fieldDisplayer, fc.getDoNotTruncate(), fc.getEscapeXml(), fc.getLabel()); // summary fields should go first if (fc.getShowInSummary()) { objectSummaryFields.add(rof); } else { // show in summary also, but not right now... objectOtherSummaryFields.add(rof); } fieldConfigPaths.add(fc.getFieldExpr()); } } // 2. then add configured fields that don't have showInSummary=true objectSummaryFields.addAll(objectOtherSummaryFields); // 3. any attributes not configured at all are shown last if (attributes != null) { for (String attName : attributes.keySet()) { if (!fieldConfigPaths.contains(attName) && !replacedFields.contains(attName)) { ReportObjectField rof = new ReportObjectField(objectType, attName, attributes.get(attName), null, false, false); objectSummaryFields.add(rof); } } } // 4. remove fields that are resolved IN titles Map<String, TitleValue> mainTitles = getTitleMain(); Map<String, TitleValue> subTitles = getTitleSub(); Set<String> allTitles = new HashSet<String>(); if (mainTitles != null) { allTitles.addAll(mainTitles.keySet()); } if (subTitles != null) { allTitles.addAll(subTitles.keySet()); } if (allTitles.size() > 0) { List<ReportObjectField> temp = new ArrayList<ReportObjectField>(); for (ReportObjectField rof : objectSummaryFields) { String rofName = rof.getName(); if (!allTitles.contains(rofName)) { temp.add(rof); } } objectSummaryFields = temp; } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME objectSummaryFields creation took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } else { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME objectSummaryFields already set, took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } return objectSummaryFields; } /** * Get InterMine object * @return InterMineObject */ public InterMineObject getObject() { return object; } /** * Return a list of field configs * @return Collection<FieldConfig> */ public Collection<FieldConfig> getFieldConfigs() { String qualifiedType = DynamicUtil.getSimpleClass(object).getName(); return webConfig.getFieldConfigs(qualifiedType); } /** * Return a string to display as the name of a field. * @param fieldExpression The name of the field as configured in webconfig-model.xml * @return the field's label, or the field's name. */ public String getFieldDisplayName(String fieldExpression) { Collection<FieldConfig> configs = getFieldConfigs(); for (FieldConfig fc : configs) { if (fc.getFieldExpr() != null && fc.getFieldExpr().equals(fieldExpression)) { if (fc.getLabel() != null) { return fc.getLabel(); } else { return fieldExpression; } } } return fieldExpression; } /** * Get field value for a field name (expression) * @param fieldExpression String * @return Object */ public Object getFieldValue(String fieldExpression) { // if field values as a whole are not set yet... if (fieldValues == null) { setupFieldValues(); } // return a field value for a field expression (name) return fieldValues.get(fieldExpression); } private boolean isAttribute(String fieldName) { Path p = getPathForField(fieldName); return p.endIsAttribute(); } private boolean isCollection(String fieldName) { Path p = getPathForField(fieldName); return p.endIsCollection(); } private Path getPathForField(String fieldName) { String pathString = objectType + "." + fieldName; Path p; try { p = new Path(im.getModel(), pathString); } catch (PathException e) { throw new Error(e); } return p; } /** * Setup fieldValues HashMap */ protected void setupFieldValues() { // create a new map fieldValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // fetch field configs for (FieldConfig fc : getFieldConfigs()) { // create a path string if (!isCollection(fc.getFieldExpr())) { String pathString = objectType + "." + fc.getFieldExpr(); try { fieldValues.put(fc.getFieldExpr(), resolvePath(pathString)); } catch (PathException e) { throw new Error("There must be a bug", e); } } } } private Object resolvePath(String pathString) throws PathException { Path path = new Path(im.getModel(), pathString); return PathUtil.resolvePath(path, object); } /** * Get the unqualified class name for the report object. * @return an unqualified class name */ public String getType() { return objectType; } /** * Fetch a header string to use as the page title. The title will be type of the object plus * the main and sub titles if configured, otherwise any value fetched from a class key. * * NOTE: This is called from HtmlHeadController so will block the page starting to load until * complete, avoid any unnecessary computation. * * @return a title string for the page */ public String getHtmlHeadTitle() { if (pageTitle == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.objectType); sb.append(" "); Map<String, TitleValue> mainTitles = getTitles(HeaderConfigTitle.MAIN); if (!mainTitles.values().isEmpty()) { for (TitleValue mainTitle : mainTitles.values()) { sb.append(mainTitle.getUnformatted()); sb.append(" "); } } else { // no title configured so attempt to get a value from a class key Object keyFieldValue = ClassKeyHelper.getKeyFieldValue(object, im.getClassKeys()); if (keyFieldValue != null) { sb.append(keyFieldValue); } } Map<String, TitleValue> subTitles = getTitles(HeaderConfigTitle.SUB); for (TitleValue subTitle : subTitles.values()) { sb.append(subTitle.getUnformatted()); sb.append(" "); } pageTitle = sb.toString().trim(); } return pageTitle; } /** * Used by JSP * @return the main title of this object, i.e.: "eve FBgn0000606" as a Map */ public Map<String, TitleValue> getTitleMain() { return getTitles(HeaderConfigTitle.MAIN); } /** * Used by JSP * @return the subtitle of this object, i.e.: "D. melanogaster" as a Map */ public Map<String, TitleValue> getTitleSub() { return getTitles(HeaderConfigTitle.SUB); } /** * Get the main or sub title of the page. * @param key: main|sub * @return the titles string as resolved based on the path(s) under key */ private Map<String, TitleValue> getTitles(String key) { if (headerTitles == null) { headerTitles = new HashMap<String, Map<String, TitleValue>>(); Type type = webConfig.getTypes().get(DynamicUtil.getSimpleClassName(object)); HeaderConfigTitle hc = type.getHeaderConfigTitle(); for (String part : HeaderConfigTitle.TYPES) { headerTitles.put(part, new LinkedHashMap<String, TitleValue>()); if (hc != null) { for (HeaderConfigTitle.TitlePart tp : hc.getTitles().get(part)) { Object fieldValue = getFieldValue(tp.getPath()); // maybe not in FieldConfigs - try just resolving the path if (fieldValue == null) { try { fieldValue = resolvePath(objectType + "." + tp.getPath()); } catch (PathException e) { LOG.warn("Error resolving path '" + tp.getPath() + "' in titles config for: " + objectType); } } if (fieldValue != null) { // Store both formatted and unformatted versions of the title String fieldValueStr = fieldValue.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fieldValueStr)) { String formatted = tp.getPrefix() + fieldValueStr + tp.getSuffix(); TitleValue tv = new TitleValue(formatted, fieldValueStr); headerTitles.get(part).put(tp.getPath(), tv); } } // There is optional configuration for a maximum number of main header parts if (part.equals(HeaderConfigTitle.MAIN)) { if (headerTitles.get(HeaderConfigTitle.MAIN).size() >= hc .getNumberOfMainTitlesToShow()) { break; } } } } } } if (!headerTitles.containsKey(key)) { LOG.error("Requested invalid title part '" + key + "', valid parts are: " + StringUtil.prettyList(Arrays.asList(HeaderConfigTitle.TYPES))); return null; } return headerTitles.get(key); } /** * Holder for formatted and unformatted versions of a title part. */ public class TitleValue { private final String formatted; private final String unformatted; /** * Construct with two versions of title part. * @param formatted with formatting, e.g. italics * @param unformatted just the string */ TitleValue(String formatted, String unformatted) { this.formatted = formatted; this.unformatted = unformatted; } /** * Get the formatted version, with e.g. italics tags. * @return formatted title part */ public String getFormatted() { return formatted; } /** * Get the unformatted version that is just the field value. * @return unformatted title part */ public String getUnformatted() { return unformatted; } } /** * * @return a resolved link */ public HeaderConfigLink getHeaderLink() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.headerLink == null) { // fetch the Type Type type = webConfig.getTypes().get(getClassDescriptor().getName()); // retrieve the titles map, HeaderConfig serves as a useless wrapper HeaderConfigLink link = type.getHeaderConfigLink(); if (link != null) { // link URL String linkUrl = link.getUrl(); if (linkUrl != null) { // patternz final Pattern linkPattern = Pattern.compile("\\{(.*?)\\}"); final Matcher m = linkPattern.matcher(linkUrl); while (m.find()) { // get the field name and do some filtering just in case final String path ="[^a-zA-Z.]", ""); // resolve the field value Object stuff = getFieldValue(path); if (stuff != null) { String stringyStuff = stuff.toString(); // String.isEmpty() was introduced in Java release 1.6 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(stringyStuff)) { // replace the field with the value & update link.setUrl(linkUrl.replace("{" + path + "}", stringyStuff)); this.headerLink = link; } } } } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME getHeaderLink creation took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } else { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME getHeaderLink already set, took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } return this.headerLink; } /** * The said function will resolve the maximum number of rows to show (in Collections) * from webProperties. * @return Integer duh */ public Integer getNumberOfTableRowsToShow() { String maxInlineTableSizeString = (String) webProperties.get(Constants.INLINE_TABLE_SIZE); try { return Integer.parseInt(maxInlineTableSizeString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to parse " + Constants.INLINE_TABLE_SIZE + " property: " + maxInlineTableSizeString); } return null; } /** * Resolve an InlineList by filling it up with a list of list objects, part of initialise() * @param listConfig retrieved from Type * @param bagOfInlineListNames is a bag of names of lists we have resolved so far so these * fields are not resolved elsewhere and skipped instead * @see setDescriptorOnInlineList() is still needed when traversing FieldDescriptors */ private void initialiseInlineList(InlineListConfig listConfig, HashMap<String, Boolean> bagOfInlineListNames) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // soon to be list of values Set<Object> listOfListObjects = null; String columnToDisplayBy = null; InlineList list = null; try { // create a new path to the collection of objects Path path = new Path(im.getModel(), DynamicUtil.getSimpleClass(object.getClass()).getSimpleName() + '.' + listConfig.getPath()); try { // save the suffix, the value we will show the list by columnToDisplayBy = path.getLastElement(); // create only a prefix of the path so we have // Objects and not just Strings path = path.getPrefix(); } catch (Error e) { throw new RuntimeException( "You need to specify a key to display" + "the list by, not just the root element."); } // resolve path to a collection and save into a new list listOfListObjects = PathUtil.resolveCollectionPath(path, object); list = new InlineList(listOfListObjects, columnToDisplayBy, listConfig.getShowLinksToObjects(), listConfig.getPath(), listConfig.getLineLength()); } catch (PathException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Your collections of inline lists" + "are failing you", e); } // place the list if (listConfig.getShowInHeader()) { inlineListsHeader.add(list); } else { inlineListsNormal.add(list); } // save name of the collection String path = listConfig.getPath(); bagOfInlineListNames.put(path.substring(0, path.indexOf('.')), true); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME initialiseInlineLists took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } /** * Resolve an attribute, part of initialise() * @param fd FieldDescriptor */ private void initialiseAttribute(FieldDescriptor fd) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // bags attributes = (attributes != null) ? attributes : new TreeMap<String, Object>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); attributeDescriptors = (attributeDescriptors != null) ? attributeDescriptors : new HashMap<String, FieldDescriptor>(); Object fieldValue = null; try { fieldValue = object.getFieldValue(fd.getName()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (fieldValue != null) { if (fieldValue instanceof ClobAccess) { ClobAccess fieldClob = (ClobAccess) fieldValue; if (fieldClob.length() > 200) { fieldValue = fieldClob.subSequence(0, 200).toString(); } else { fieldValue = fieldClob.toString(); } } attributes.put(fd.getName(), fieldValue); attributeDescriptors.put(fd.getName(), fd); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME initialiseAttribute " + fd.getName() + " took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } /** * Resolve a Reference, part of initialise() * @param fd FieldDescriptor */ private void initialiseReference(FieldDescriptor fd) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // bag references = (references != null) ? references : new TreeMap<String, DisplayReference>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); ReferenceDescriptor ref = (ReferenceDescriptor) fd; String refName = ref.getName(); // do not bother with 'em if they WILL be size 0 if (!nullRefsCols.contains(refName)) { // check whether reference is null without dereferencing Object proxyObject = null; ProxyReference proxy = null; try { proxyObject = object.getFieldProxy(refName); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (proxyObject instanceof org.intermine.objectstore.proxy.ProxyReference) { proxy = (ProxyReference) proxyObject; } else { // no go on objects that are not Proxies, ie Tests } DisplayReference newReference = null; try { newReference = new DisplayReference(proxy, ref, webConfig, im.getClassKeys(), objectType); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newReference != null) { references.put(refName, newReference); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME initialiseReference " + fd.getName() + " took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } /** * Resolve a Collection, part of initialise() * @param fd FieldDescriptor */ private void initialiseCollection(FieldDescriptor fd) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // bag collections = (collections != null) ? collections : new TreeMap<String, DisplayCollection>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); String colName = fd.getName(); // do not bother with 'em if they WILL be size 0 if (!nullRefsCols.contains(colName)) { Object fieldValue = null; try { fieldValue = object.getFieldValue(colName); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } long queryStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // determine the types in the collection List<Class<?>> listOfTypes = PathQueryResultHelper.queryForTypesInCollection(object, colName, im.getObjectStore()); long queryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - queryStartTime;"TIME - query for types in collection: " + colName + " took: " + queryTime); DisplayCollection newCollection = null; try { newCollection = new DisplayCollection((Collection<?>) fieldValue, (CollectionDescriptor) fd, webConfig, webProperties, im.getClassKeys(), listOfTypes, objectType); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newCollection != null) { collections.put(colName, newCollection); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME initialiseCollection " + fd.getName() + " took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } /** * Create the Maps and Lists returned by the getters in this class. */ private void initialise() { // TODO don't initialise replaced collections! Work this out first. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // combined Map of References & Collections refsAndCollections = new TreeMap<String, DisplayField>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); /** InlineLists **/ inlineListsHeader = (inlineListsHeader != null) ? inlineListsHeader : new ArrayList<InlineList>(); inlineListsNormal = (inlineListsNormal != null) ? inlineListsNormal : new ArrayList<InlineList>(); Type type = webConfig.getTypes().get(getClassDescriptor().getName()); // init lists from WebConfig Type List<InlineListConfig> inlineListsWebConfig = type.getInlineListConfig(); // a map of inlineList object names so we do not include them elsewhere HashMap<String, Boolean> bagOfInlineListNames = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); // fill up for (InlineListConfig listConfig : inlineListsWebConfig) { initialiseInlineList(listConfig, bagOfInlineListNames); } /** Attributes, References, Collections through FieldDescriptors **/ nullRefsCols = im.getObjectStoreSummary().getNullReferencesAndCollections(getClassDescriptor().getName()); Set<String> replacedFields = getReplacedFieldExprs(); for (FieldDescriptor fd : getClassDescriptor().getAllFieldDescriptors()) { // only continue if we have not included this object in an inline list if (!bagOfInlineListNames.containsKey(fd.getName()) && !replacedFields.contains(fd.getName())) { if (fd.isAttribute() && !"id".equals(fd.getName())) { /** Attribute **/ initialiseAttribute(fd); } else if (fd.isReference()) { /** Reference **/ initialiseReference(fd); } else if (fd.isCollection()) { /** Collection **/ initialiseCollection(fd); } } else { /** InlineList (cont...) **/ // assign Descriptor from FieldDescriptors to the InlineList setDescriptorOnInlineList(fd.getName(), fd); } } // make a combined Map if (references != null) { refsAndCollections.putAll(references); } if (collections != null) { refsAndCollections.putAll(collections); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"TIME initialise took: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } /** * Get all the reference and collection fields and values for this object * @return the collections */ public Map<String, DisplayField> getRefsAndCollections() { if (refsAndCollections == null) { initialise(); } return refsAndCollections; } /** * Get fields and paths that are replaced by custom report displayers and should not be shown * in the report page. * @return fields that should not be shown */ public Set<String> getReplacedFieldExprs() { if (replacedFieldExprs == null) { replacedFieldExprs = new HashSet<String>(); for (ReportDisplayer reportDisplayer : getAllReportDisplayers()) { replacedFieldExprs.addAll(reportDisplayer.getReplacedFieldExprs()); } } return replacedFieldExprs; } private Set<ReportDisplayer> getAllReportDisplayers() { DisplayerManager displayerManager = DisplayerManager.getInstance(webConfig, im); String clsName = DynamicUtil.getSimpleClass(object).getSimpleName(); return displayerManager.getAllReportDisplayersForType(clsName); } /** * Get attribute descriptors. * @return map of attribute descriptors */ public Map<String, FieldDescriptor> getAttributeDescriptors() { if (attributeDescriptors == null) { initialise(); } return attributeDescriptors; } /** * Set Descriptor (for placement) on an InlineList, only done for normal lists * @param name * @param fd */ private void setDescriptorOnInlineList(String name, FieldDescriptor fd) { done: for (InlineList list : inlineListsNormal) { Object path = list.getPath(); if (((String) path).substring(0, ((String) path).indexOf('.')).equals(name)) { list.setDescriptor(fd); break done; } } } /** * * @return InlineLists that are resolved into their respective placements */ public List<InlineList> getNormalInlineLists() { if (inlineListsNormal == null) { initialise(); } return inlineListsNormal; } /** * * @return InlineLists to be shown in the header */ public List<InlineList> getHeaderInlineLists() { if (inlineListsHeader == null) { initialise(); } return inlineListsHeader; } /** * Used from JSP * @return true if we have inlineListsHeader */ public Boolean getHasHeaderInlineLists() { return (getHeaderInlineLists() != null); } /** * Used from JSP * @return true if we have InlineLists with no placement yet */ public Boolean getHasNormalInlineLists() { return (getNormalInlineLists() != null); } }