Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2012 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.intermine.api.InterMineAPI; import org.intermine.api.profile.Profile; import org.intermine.api.query.PathQueryExecutor; import org.intermine.api.results.ExportResultsIterator; import; import; import org.intermine.metadata.ClassDescriptor; import org.intermine.pathquery.Path; import org.intermine.pathquery.PathException; import org.intermine.pathquery.PathQuery; import org.intermine.util.StringUtil; import org.intermine.web.logic.export.Exporter; import org.intermine.web.logic.export.ResponseUtil; import org.intermine.web.logic.session.SessionMethods; import org.intermine.webservice.server.WebServiceRequestParser; import org.intermine.webservice.server.exceptions.BadRequestException; import org.intermine.webservice.server.exceptions.InternalErrorException; import org.intermine.webservice.server.output.Output; import org.intermine.webservice.server.output.StreamedOutput; import org.intermine.webservice.server.output.TabFormatter; import org.intermine.webservice.server.query.AbstractQueryService; import org.intermine.webservice.server.query.result.PathQueryBuilder; /** * A service for exporting query results in GAF format. * * @author Fengyuan Hu * */ public class GAFQueryService extends AbstractQueryService { private static final String XML_PARAM = "query"; /** * Constructor. * * @param im A reference to an InterMine API settings bundle. */ public GAFQueryService(InterMineAPI im) { super(im); } @Override protected String getDefaultFileName() { return "results" + StringUtil.uniqueString() + ".gaf"; } protected PrintWriter pw; @Override protected Output getDefaultOutput(PrintWriter pw, OutputStream os, String separator) { = pw; output = new StreamedOutput(pw, new TabFormatter(), separator); if (isUncompressed()) { ResponseUtil.setPlainTextHeader(response, getDefaultFileName()); } return output; } @Override public int getFormat() { return UNKNOWN_FORMAT; } @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { PathQuery pathQuery = getQuery(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String taxonIds = null; try { Set<String> orgSet = SequenceFeatureExportUtil.getTaxonIds(pathQuery, session); taxonIds = StringUtil.join(orgSet, ","); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(pathQuery.getRootClass() + " does not have organism as reference. " + "Non sequnce feature type is not supported...", e); } Exporter exporter; try { List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> viewColumns = new ArrayList<String>(pathQuery.getView()); for (int i = 0; i < viewColumns.size(); i++) { indexes.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } exporter = new GAFExporter(pw, indexes, taxonIds); ExportResultsIterator iter = null; try { Profile profile = SessionMethods.getProfile(session); PathQueryExecutor executor =; iter = executor.execute(pathQuery, 0, WebServiceRequestParser.DEFAULT_MAX_COUNT); iter.goFaster(); exporter.export(iter); } finally { if (iter != null) { iter.releaseGoFaster(); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalErrorException("Service failed:" + e, e); } } /** * Return the query specified in the request, shorn of all duplicate * classes in the view. Note, it is the users responsibility to ensure * that there are only SequenceFeatures in the view. * @return A suitable pathquery for getting GFF3 data from. */ protected PathQuery getQuery() { String xml = request.getParameter(XML_PARAM); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(xml)) { throw new BadRequestException("query is blank"); } PathQueryBuilder builder = getQueryBuilder(xml); PathQuery pq = builder.getQuery(); List<String> newView = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<ClassDescriptor> seenTypes = new HashSet<ClassDescriptor>(); for (String viewPath : pq.getView()) { Path p; try { p = new Path(pq.getModel(), viewPath); } catch (PathException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Query is invalid", e); } ClassDescriptor cd = p.getLastClassDescriptor(); if (!seenTypes.contains(cd)) { newView.add(viewPath); } seenTypes.add(cd); } if (!newView.equals(pq.getView())) { pq.clearView(); pq.addViews(newView); } return pq; } }