Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.intermine.dataconversion.ItemWriter; import org.intermine.metadata.Model; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreException; import org.intermine.util.FormattedTextParser; import org.intermine.util.PropertiesUtil; import org.intermine.xml.full.Item; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * DataConverter to parse an INPARANOID Orthologue/Paralogue "sqltable" data file into Items * @author Mark Woodbridge * @author Richard Smith */ public class InparanoidConverter extends BioFileConverter { protected static final String PROP_FILE = ""; protected Map<String, Item> bioEntities = new HashMap<String, Item>(); protected Item pub, evidence; protected Map<String, Item> sources = new LinkedHashMap<String, Item>(); protected Map<String, String> orgSources = new HashMap<String, String>(); protected Map<String, String> taxonIds = new HashMap<String, String>(); protected Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>(); // which objects to create from which source protected Map<String, String> createObjects = new HashMap<String, String>(); private File genePeptideDir = null; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> peptideGeneMaps = null; private static final String EVIDENCE_CODE_ABBR = "AA"; private static final String EVIDENCE_CODE_NAME = "Amino acid sequence comparison"; //private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(InparanoidConverter.class); /** * Constructor * @param writer the ItemWriter used to handle the resultant items * @param model the Model * @throws ObjectStoreException if an error occurs in storing */ public InparanoidConverter(ItemWriter writer, Model model) throws ObjectStoreException { super(writer, model, "InParanoid", "InParanoid data set"); setupItems(); readConfig(); } private void readConfig() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(PROP_FILE)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem loading properties '" + PROP_FILE + "'", e); } Enumeration<?> propNames = props.propertyNames(); while (propNames.hasMoreElements()) { String code = (String) propNames.nextElement(); code = code.substring(0, code.indexOf(".")); Properties codeProps = PropertiesUtil.stripStart(code, PropertiesUtil.getPropertiesStartingWith(code, props)); String taxonId = codeProps.getProperty("taxonid"); if (taxonId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find 'taxonId' property for code: " + code + " in file: " + PROP_FILE); } taxonId = taxonId.trim(); String source = codeProps.getProperty("source"); if (source == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find 'source' property for code: " + code + " in file: " + PROP_FILE); } String attribute = codeProps.getProperty("attribute"); if (attribute == null) { attribute = "primaryIdentifier"; } String object = codeProps.getProperty("object"); if (object == null) { object = "transcript"; } source = source.trim(); taxonId = taxonId.trim(); attribute = attribute.trim(); code = code.trim(); taxonIds.put(code, taxonId); orgSources.put(taxonId, source); attributes.put(code, attribute); createObjects.put(code, object); } } /** * Set a directory where files mapping gene ids to peptide ids can be found. The files are * expected to be in standard BioMart export style: * gene_id peptide_id * For multiple peptides per gene the gene_id will appear on multiple lines For no peptide * column 2 is empty. * @param genePeptideDir directory containing gene peptide mappings files */ public void setGenePeptideFiles(File genePeptideDir) { this.genePeptideDir = genePeptideDir; } /** * Given a directory for gene/peptide mappings: find files, determine taxon id from file name * and read files contents into a map from peptide id to gene id. * @throws IOException if we can't read the file */ private void readGenePeptideMappings() throws IOException { // contruct here whatever so calling method can test null peptideGeneMaps = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); if (genePeptideDir != null) { if (genePeptideDir.isDirectory()) { for (File file : genePeptideDir.listFiles()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (!fileName.endsWith("gene_peptide.txt")) { continue; } String taxonId = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('_')); Map<String, String> peptideGeneMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); peptideGeneMaps.put(taxonId, peptideGeneMap); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); Iterator<?> lineIter = FormattedTextParser.parseTabDelimitedReader(reader); while (lineIter.hasNext()) { String[] line = (String[]); if (line.length >= 2) { String geneId = line[0]; String peptideId = line[1]; peptideGeneMap.put(peptideId, geneId); } } } } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void process(Reader reader) throws Exception { // 1. create all bios and scores for cluster, in sets for each organism: orgA and orgB // 2. call homolog creation method (orgA, orgB) then (orgB, orgA) if (peptideGeneMaps == null) { readGenePeptideMappings(); } int lineNum = 0; String line, lastCode = null, oldIndex = null, index = null; Item bio = null; boolean isGene, onFirstOrganism = true; Set<String> abortClusters = new HashSet<String>(); List<BioAndScores> orgA = new ArrayList<BioAndScores>(), orgB = new ArrayList<BioAndScores>(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { lineNum++; String[] array = line.split("\t"); if (array.length < 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Line " + lineNum + " does not have at least five elements: " + line); } index = array[0]; // not all rows have a bootsrap score String bootstrap = null; if (array.length > 5 && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(array[5])) { try { bootstrap = array[5].substring(0, array[5].indexOf('%')); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error getting bootstrap score from line: " + lineNum + " of file: " + getCurrentFile().getName()); } } String score = array[3]; String identifier = array[4]; // code tells us which organism data is from String code = null; if (array[2].indexOf('.') > 0) { code = array[2].substring(0, array[2].indexOf('.')); } else { code = array[2]; } // work out if this is a Gene or Protein and create item if (createObjects.get(code) != null) { if ("Gene".equals(createObjects.get(code))) { bio = newBioEntity(identifier, attributes.get(code), getOrganism(code), "Gene"); isGene = true; } else { // if we have found a mapping file for this organism then convert protein // to genes and don't create proteins String taxonId = taxonIds.get(code); if (peptideGeneMaps.containsKey(taxonId)) { isGene = true; Map<String, String> peptideGeneMap = peptideGeneMaps.get(taxonId); if (peptideGeneMap.containsKey(identifier)) { // found corresponding gene, so create it String geneId = peptideGeneMap.get(identifier); bio = newBioEntity(geneId, attributes.get(code), getOrganism(code), "Gene"); } else { // no peptide id found so remove whole cluster // TODO this could be more selective about clusters it aborts, i.e. if // the invalid id is a paralogue could still create orthologues. abortClusters.add(index); } } else { // create protein as a last resort bio = newBioEntity(identifier, attributes.get(code), getOrganism(code), "Protein"); isGene = false; } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("No configuration provided for organism code: " + code); } String orgName = code.substring(3); BioAndScores bands = null; if (!abortClusters.contains(index)) { bands = new BioAndScores(bio.getIdentifier(), score, bootstrap, isGene, orgName); } // Three situations possible: if (!index.equals(oldIndex)) { // we have finished a group, create and store homologues // call twice to create in both directions (special test for first cluster) if ((oldIndex != null || !onFirstOrganism) && !abortClusters.contains(oldIndex)) { createHomologues(orgA, orgB, oldIndex); createHomologues(orgB, orgA, oldIndex); } // reset for next group onFirstOrganism = true; orgA = new ArrayList<BioAndScores>(); orgB = new ArrayList<BioAndScores>(); } else if (!code.equals(lastCode)) { // we are on the first line of the second organism in group onFirstOrganism = false; } else { // we are on a paralogue of the first or second bio, do nothing now } // store the bios and scores by organism if (!abortClusters.contains(index)) { if (onFirstOrganism) { orgA.add(bands); } else { orgB.add(bands); } } oldIndex = index; lastCode = code; } if (lineNum > 0 && !abortClusters.contains(oldIndex)) { // make sure final group gets stored createHomologues(orgA, orgB, oldIndex); createHomologues(orgB, orgA, oldIndex); } } // homolog creation method: // foreach orgA // foreach orgA // if this.score = 1 or other score = 1 // create an inParalogue // foreach orgB // if both scores are 1 // create an orthologue // else if this.score or other.score = 1 // create an inParalogue // else // do nothing (these are two separate inParalogues of main orthologue) private void createHomologues(List<BioAndScores> orgA, List<BioAndScores> orgB, String index) throws ObjectStoreException { // generate a name for the cluster based on organisms (in order) and index String cluster = orgA.get(0).getOrganism() + "-" + orgB.get(0).getOrganism() + ":" + index; Set<String> alreadyDone = new HashSet<String>(); for (BioAndScores thisBio : orgA) { // create paralogues with other orgA bios for (BioAndScores otherBio : orgA) { if (thisBio == otherBio) { continue; } // only create paralogues between 'ortholgoues' in the cluster and other bios if ((Double.parseDouble(thisBio.score) == 1) || (Double.parseDouble(otherBio.score) == 1)) { // reverse the cluster name if already created this pair in opposite direction String nameToUse; if (alreadyDone.contains("" + otherBio.bioIdentifier + thisBio.bioIdentifier)) { nameToUse = orgB.get(0).getOrganism() + "-" + orgA.get(0).getOrganism() + ":" + index; } else { nameToUse = cluster; } store(createHomologue(thisBio, otherBio, "inParalogue", nameToUse)); alreadyDone.add("" + thisBio.bioIdentifier + otherBio.bioIdentifier); } } // create orthologues and paralogues to bios in other organism for (BioAndScores otherBio : orgB) { // create an orthologue where both bios are a main bio in cluster, // create a paralogue if only one of the bios is a 'main' bio in cluster if ((Double.parseDouble(thisBio.score) == 1) && (Double.parseDouble(otherBio.score) == 1)) { store(createHomologue(thisBio, otherBio, "orthologue", cluster)); } else if ((Double.parseDouble(thisBio.score) == 1) || (Double.parseDouble(otherBio.score) == 1)) { store(createHomologue(thisBio, otherBio, "inParalogue", cluster)); } } } } // create and store a Homologue item private Item createHomologue(BioAndScores first, BioAndScores second, String type, String cluster) { Item homologue = createItem("Homologue"); // at least one score will be 1, if an inParalogue then we want the score that isn't 1 String score = "" + Math.min(Double.parseDouble(first.getScore()), Double.parseDouble(second.getScore())); homologue.setAttribute("inParanoidScore", score); if (first.isGene()) { homologue.setReference("gene", first.getBio()); } else { homologue.setReference("protein", first.getBio()); } if (second.isGene()) { homologue.setReference("homologue", second.getBio()); } else { homologue.setReference("homologueProtein", second.getBio()); } if ("orthologue".equals(type) && first.getBootstrap() != null) { homologue.setAttribute("bootstrapScore", first.getBootstrap()); } if ("orthologue".equals(type) && second.getBootstrap() != null) { homologue.setAttribute("homologueBootstrapScore", second.getBootstrap()); } homologue.setAttribute("type", type); homologue.setAttribute("clusterName", cluster); homologue.addToCollection("evidence", evidence); return homologue; } /** * Convenience method to create and cache Genes/Proteins by identifier * @param identifier identifier for the new Gene/Protein * @param organismRefId id representing the organism object * @param type create either a Gene or Protein * @param attribute the attribute of the BioEntity set, e.g. identifier or primaryIdentifier * @return a new Gene/Protein Item * @throws ObjectStoreException if an error occurs in storing * @throws SAXException if something goes horribly wrong */ protected Item newBioEntity(String identifier, String attribute, String organismRefId, String type) throws ObjectStoreException, SAXException { // lookup by identifier and type, sometimes same id for protein and gene String key = type + identifier; if (bioEntities.containsKey(key)) { return bioEntities.get(key); } Item item = createItem(type); item.setAttribute(attribute, identifier); item.setReference("organism", organismRefId); store(item); bioEntities.put(key, item); return item; } /** * Set up the items that are common to all orthologues/paralogues * @throws ObjectStoreException if an error occurs in storing */ protected void setupItems() throws ObjectStoreException { pub = createItem("Publication"); pub.setAttribute("pubMedId", "11743721"); store(pub); Item evidenceCode = createItem("OrthologueEvidenceCode"); evidenceCode.setAttribute("abbreviation", EVIDENCE_CODE_ABBR); evidenceCode.setAttribute("name", EVIDENCE_CODE_NAME); store(evidenceCode); evidence = createItem("OrthologueEvidence"); evidence.setReference("evidenceCode", evidenceCode); evidence.addToCollection("publications", pub); store(evidence); } private class BioAndScores { private String bioIdentifier, score, bootstrap, organism; private boolean isGene; public BioAndScores(String bioIdentifier, String score, String bootstrap, boolean isGene, String organism) { this.bioIdentifier = bioIdentifier; this.score = score; this.bootstrap = bootstrap; this.isGene = isGene; this.organism = organism; } public String getBio() { return bioIdentifier; } public String getScore() { return score; } public String getBootstrap() { return bootstrap; } public boolean isGene() { return isGene; } public String getOrganism() { return organism; } public String toString() { return bioIdentifier + " " + organism + " " + score; } } /** * @param code inparanoid's code for an organism * @return ID representing the stored organism object */ public String getOrganism(String code) { String taxonId = taxonIds.get(code); if (taxonId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to find taxonId for code: " + code + ", check properties: " + PROP_FILE); } String refId = super.getOrganism(taxonId); return refId; } }