Java tutorial
package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import org.intermine.dataconversion.ItemWriter; import org.intermine.metadata.Model; import org.intermine.metadata.StringUtil; import org.intermine.metadata.TypeUtil; import; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreException; import org.intermine.sql.Database; import org.intermine.util.PropertiesUtil; import org.intermine.xml.full.Item; import org.intermine.xml.full.ReferenceList; import; import; import; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; /** * * @author */ public class GoAnnotationDbConverter extends BioDBConverter { // configuration maps private static final Map<String, String> WITH_TYPES = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); // maps retained across all files protected Map<String, String> goTerms = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, String> evidenceCodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, String> dataSets = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, String> publications = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, Item> organisms = new LinkedHashMap<String, Item>(); protected Map<String, String> productMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); private Set<String> dbRefs = new HashSet<String>(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Map<String, String> databaseAbbreviations = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, String> dataSources = new HashMap<String, String>(); // maps renewed for each file private Map<GoTermToGene, Set<Evidence>> goTermGeneToEvidence = new LinkedHashMap<GoTermToGene, Set<Evidence>>(); private Map<Integer, List<String>> productCollectionsMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); private Map<String, Integer> storedProductIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // These should be altered for different ontologies: protected String termClassName = "GOTerm"; protected String termCollectionName = "goAnnotation"; protected String annotationClassName = "GOAnnotation"; private String gaff = "2.0"; private static final String DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_TYPE = "gene"; private static final String DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_FIELD = "primaryIdentifier"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GoAnnotationDbConverter.class); // private static final String DATASET_TITLE = "SGD curated GO data"; private static final String DATA_SOURCE_NAME = "SGD"; private static final GoAnnotationDbProcessor PROCESSOR = new GoAnnotationDbProcessor(); private Map<String, Item> genes = new HashMap(); private static final Integer TAXON_ID = 4932; private static final Integer HUMAN_TAXON_ID = 9606; //private Item organism; /** * Constructor * * @param writer the ItemWriter used to handle the resultant items * @param model the Model * @throws Exception if an error occurs in storing or finding Model */ public GoAnnotationDbConverter(Database database, Model model, ItemWriter writer) throws ObjectStoreException { super(database, model, writer); } /** * Sets the file format for the GAF. 2.0 is the default. * * @param gaff GO annotation file format */ public void setGaff(String gaff) { this.gaff = gaff; } static { WITH_TYPES.put("FB", "Gene"); WITH_TYPES.put("UniProt", "Protein"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void process() throws Exception { Connection connection = getDatabase().getConnection(); processGOAnnotations(connection); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void processGOAnnotations(Connection connection) throws SQLException, ObjectStoreException { Item organism = newOrganism("4932"); ResultSet res = PROCESSOR.getGOAnnotations(connection); while ( { String productId = res.getString("sgdid"); String symbol = res.getString("gene_name"); String qualifier = res.getString("go_qualifier"); String goId = res.getString("goid"); String pub = res.getString("pmid"); String pubxref = res.getString("sgdrefid"); String strEvidence = res.getString("evidence_code"); Array withTextDb = res.getArray("withText"); String annotType = res.getString("annotation_type"); String taxonId = parseTaxonId(res.getString("taxid")); String dataSourceCode = res.getString("source"); Array annotExt = res.getArray("annotext"); Array annotExtPre = res.getArray("annotextension"); String annotationExtension = ""; String[] pre = (String[]) annotExtPre.getArray(); String[] val = (String[]) annotExt.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < pre.length; i++) { if (pre[i] != null && val[i] != null && i < (pre.length - 1)) { annotationExtension += pre[i] + " (" + val[i] + "); "; } else if (pre[i] != null && i < pre.length) { annotationExtension += pre[i] + " (" + val[i] + ")"; } } String[] with = (String[]) withTextDb.getArray(); String withText = ""; for (int j = 0; j < with.length; j++) { if (with[j] != null && j < (with.length - 1)) { withText += with[j] + ","; } else if (with[j] != null && j < with.length) { withText += with[j]; } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strEvidence)) { storeEvidenceCode(strEvidence, annotType, withText); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Evidence is a required column but not " + "found for goterm " + goId + " and productId " + productId); } GoTermToGene key = new GoTermToGene(productId, goId, qualifier, withText, annotationExtension, pub, pubxref); // create unique key for go annotation String dataSource = DATA_SOURCE_NAME; String type = "gene"; String productIdentifier = newProduct(productId, type, organism, dataSource, dataSourceCode, true, "primaryIdentifier"); if (productIdentifier != null) { // null if resolver could not resolve an identifier String pubRefId = newPublication(pub, pubxref); // null if no pub found Set<Evidence> allEvidenceForAnnotation = goTermGeneToEvidence.get(key); // get evidence codes for this goterm|gene pair // new evidence String newStrEvidence = ""; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(withText)) { newStrEvidence = strEvidence + ":" + annotType; } else { newStrEvidence = strEvidence + ":" + annotType + ":" + withText; } if (allEvidenceForAnnotation == null) { //|| !StringUtils.isEmpty(withText) String goTermIdentifier = newGoTerm(goId, dataSource, dataSourceCode); Evidence evidence = new Evidence(newStrEvidence, pubRefId, withText, organism, dataSource, dataSourceCode); allEvidenceForAnnotation = new LinkedHashSet<Evidence>(); allEvidenceForAnnotation.add(evidence); goTermGeneToEvidence.put(key, allEvidenceForAnnotation); Integer storedAnnotationId = createGoAnnotation(productIdentifier, type, goTermIdentifier, organism, qualifier, dataSource, dataSourceCode, annotationExtension); evidence.setStoredAnnotationId(storedAnnotationId); } else { boolean seenEvidenceCode = false; Integer storedAnnotationId = null; for (Evidence evidence : allEvidenceForAnnotation) { String evidenceCode = evidence.getEvidenceCode(); storedAnnotationId = evidence.storedAnnotationId; // already have evidence code, just add pub if (evidenceCode.equals(newStrEvidence)) { evidence.addPublicationRefId(pubRefId); seenEvidenceCode = true; } } if (!seenEvidenceCode) { Evidence evidence = new Evidence(newStrEvidence, pubRefId, withText, organism, dataSource, dataSourceCode); evidence.storedAnnotationId = storedAnnotationId; allEvidenceForAnnotation.add(evidence); } } } } storeProductCollections(); storeEvidence(); } private void storeProductCollections() throws ObjectStoreException { for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<String>> entry : productCollectionsMap.entrySet()) { Integer storedProductId = entry.getKey(); List<String> annotationIds = entry.getValue(); ReferenceList goAnnotation = new ReferenceList(termCollectionName, annotationIds); store(goAnnotation, storedProductId); } } private void storeEvidence() throws ObjectStoreException { for (Set<Evidence> annotationEvidence : goTermGeneToEvidence.values()) { List<String> evidenceRefIds = new ArrayList<String>(); Integer goAnnotationRefId = null; for (Evidence evidence : annotationEvidence) { Item goevidence = createItem("GOEvidence"); goevidence.setReference("code", evidenceCodes.get(evidence.getEvidenceCode())); List<String> publicationEvidence = evidence.getPublications(); if (!publicationEvidence.isEmpty()) { goevidence.setCollection("publications", publicationEvidence); } // with objects /* if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(evidence.withText)) { goevidence.setAttribute("withText", evidence.withText); List<String> with = createWithObjects(evidence.withText, evidence.organism, evidence.dataSource, evidence.dataSourceCode); if (!with.isEmpty()) { goevidence.addCollection(new ReferenceList("with", with)); } }*/ //goevidence.setAttribute("withText", evidence.withText); store(goevidence); evidenceRefIds.add(goevidence.getIdentifier()); goAnnotationRefId = evidence.getStoredAnnotationId(); } ReferenceList refIds = new ReferenceList("evidence", new ArrayList<String>(evidenceRefIds)); store(refIds, goAnnotationRefId); } } private Integer createGoAnnotation(String productIdentifier, String productType, String termIdentifier, Item organism, String qualifier, String dataSource, String dataSourceCode, String annotationExtension) throws ObjectStoreException { Item goAnnotation = createItem(annotationClassName); goAnnotation.setReference("subject", productIdentifier); goAnnotation.setReference("ontologyTerm", termIdentifier); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(qualifier)) { goAnnotation.setAttribute("qualifier", qualifier); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(annotationExtension)) { goAnnotation.setAttribute("annotationExtension", annotationExtension); } goAnnotation.addToCollection("dataSets", getDataset(dataSource, dataSourceCode)); if ("gene".equals(productType)) { addProductCollection(productIdentifier, goAnnotation.getIdentifier()); } Integer storedAnnotationId = store(goAnnotation); return storedAnnotationId; } private void addProductCollection(String productIdentifier, String goAnnotationIdentifier) { Integer storedProductId = storedProductIds.get(productIdentifier); List<String> annotationIds = productCollectionsMap.get(storedProductId); if (annotationIds == null) { annotationIds = new ArrayList<String>(); productCollectionsMap.put(storedProductId, annotationIds); } annotationIds.add(goAnnotationIdentifier); } /** * Given the 'with' text from a gene_association entry parse for recognised identifier * types and create Gene or Protein items accordingly. * * @param withText string from the gene_association entry * @param organism organism to reference * @param dataSource the name of goa file source * @param dataSourceCode short code to describe data source * @throws ObjectStoreException if problem when storing * @return a list of Items */ protected List<String> createWithObjects(String withText, Item organism, String dataSource, String dataSourceCode) throws ObjectStoreException { List<String> withProductList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String[] elements = withText.split("[; |,]"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { String entry = elements[i].trim(); // rely on the format being type:identifier if (entry.indexOf(':') > 0) { String prefix = entry.substring(0, entry.indexOf(':')); String value = entry.substring(entry.indexOf(':') + 1); if (WITH_TYPES.containsKey(prefix) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { String className = WITH_TYPES.get(prefix); String productIdentifier = null; // if a UniProt protein it may be from a different organism // also FlyBase may be from a different Drosophila species if ("UniProt".equals(prefix)) { productIdentifier = newProduct(value, className, organism, dataSource, dataSourceCode, false, null); } else if ("FB".equals(prefix)) { // if organism is D. melanogaster then create with gene // TODO could still be wrong as the FBgn could be a different species if ("7227".equals(organism.getAttribute("taxonId").getValue())) { productIdentifier = newProduct(value, className, organism, dataSource, dataSourceCode, true, "primaryIdentifier"); } } else { productIdentifier = newProduct(value, className, organism, dataSource, dataSourceCode, true, "primaryIdentifier"); } if (productIdentifier != null) { withProductList.add(productIdentifier); } } else { LOG.debug("createWithObjects skipping a withType prefix:" + prefix); } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("createWithObjects broke with: " + withText); throw e; } return withProductList; } private String newProduct(String identifier, String type, Item organism, String dataSource, String dataSourceCode, boolean createOrganism, String field) throws ObjectStoreException { String idField = field; String accession = identifier; String clsName = null; // find gene attribute first to see if organism should be part of key if ("gene".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { clsName = "Gene"; String taxonId = organism.getAttribute("taxonId").getValue(); } else if ("protein".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { // TODO use values in config clsName = "Protein"; idField = "primaryAccession"; } else { String typeCls = TypeUtil.javaiseClassName(type); if (getModel().getClassDescriptorByName(typeCls) != null) { Class<?> cls = getModel().getClassDescriptorByName(typeCls).getType(); if (BioEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { clsName = typeCls; } } if (clsName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised annotation type '" + type + "'"); } } boolean includeOrganism = false; String key = makeProductKey(accession, type, organism, includeOrganism); if (productMap.containsKey(key)) { return productMap.get(key); } // if a Dmel gene we need to use FlyBaseIdResolver to find a current id Item product = createItem(clsName); if (organism != null && createOrganism) { product.setReference("organism", organism.getIdentifier()); } product.setAttribute(idField, accession); String dataSetIdentifier = getDataset(dataSource, dataSourceCode); product.addToCollection("dataSets", dataSetIdentifier); Integer storedProductId = store(product); storedProductIds.put(product.getIdentifier(), storedProductId); productMap.put(key, product.getIdentifier()); return product.getIdentifier(); } private String makeProductKey(String identifier, String type, Item organism, boolean createOrganism) { if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No type provided when creating " + organism + ": " + identifier); } else if (identifier == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No identifier provided when creating " + organism + ": " + type); } return identifier + type.toLowerCase() + ((createOrganism) ? organism.getIdentifier() : ""); } private String resolveTerm(String identifier) { String goId = identifier; return goId; } private String newGoTerm(String identifier, String dataSource, String dataSourceCode) throws ObjectStoreException { if (identifier == null) { return null; } String goTermIdentifier = goTerms.get(identifier); if (goTermIdentifier == null) { Item item = createItem(termClassName); item.setAttribute("identifier", identifier); item.addToCollection("dataSets", getDataset(dataSource, dataSourceCode)); store(item); goTermIdentifier = item.getIdentifier(); goTerms.put(identifier, goTermIdentifier); } return goTermIdentifier; } private void storeEvidenceCode(String code, String annotType, String withText) throws ObjectStoreException { /*if (evidenceCodes.get(code) == null) { Item item = createItem("GOEvidenceCode"); item.setAttribute("code", code); evidenceCodes.put(code, item.getIdentifier()); store(item); }*/ //, String annotType String combinationcode = ""; if (withText == null || withText.isEmpty()) { combinationcode = code + ":" + annotType; } else { combinationcode = code + ":" + annotType + ":" + withText; } if (evidenceCodes.get(combinationcode) == null) { Item item = createItem("GOEvidenceCode"); item.setAttribute("code", code); if (!annotType.isEmpty()) { item.setAttribute("annotType", annotType); } if (withText != null && !withText.isEmpty()) { item.setAttribute("withText", withText); } store(item); evidenceCodes.put(combinationcode, item.getIdentifier()); System.out.println("Code is : " + combinationcode); } } private String getDataSourceCodeName(String sourceCode) { String title = sourceCode; // re-write some codes to better data source names if ("UniProtKB".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "UniProt"; } else if ("FB".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "FlyBase"; } else if ("WB".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "WormBase"; } else if ("SP".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "UniProt"; } else if (sourceCode.startsWith("GeneDB")) { title = "GeneDB"; } else if ("SANGER".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "GeneDB"; } else if ("GOA".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "Gene Ontology"; } else if ("PINC".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "Proteome Inc."; } else if ("Pfam".equalsIgnoreCase(sourceCode)) { title = "PFAM"; // to merge with interpro } return title; } private String getDataset(String dataSource, String code) throws ObjectStoreException { String dataSetIdentifier = dataSets.get(code); if (dataSetIdentifier == null) { String dataSourceName = getDataSourceCodeName(code); String title = "GO Annotation from " + dataSourceName; Item item = createItem("DataSet"); item.setAttribute("name", title); item.setReference("dataSource", getDataSource(getDataSourceCodeName(dataSource))); dataSetIdentifier = item.getIdentifier(); dataSets.put(code, dataSetIdentifier); store(item); } return dataSetIdentifier; } /** * Return a DataSource item for the given title * @param name the DataSource name * @return the DataSource Item */ public String getDataSource(String name) { if (name == null) { return null; } String refId = dataSources.get(name); if (refId == null) { Item dataSource = createItem("DataSource"); dataSource.setAttribute("name", name); try { store(dataSource); } catch (ObjectStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to store DataSource with name: " + name, e); } refId = dataSource.getIdentifier(); dataSources.put(name, refId); } return refId; } private String newPublication(String pubMedId, String sgdId) throws ObjectStoreException { String pubRefId = null; if (pubMedId != null && sgdId != null) { //lists both PMID and SGD_REF; it is assumed there will be one publication per line pubRefId = publications.get(pubMedId); if (pubRefId == null) { Item item = createItem("Publication"); item.setAttribute("pubMedId", pubMedId); item.setAttribute("pubXrefId", sgdId); pubRefId = item.getIdentifier(); publications.put(pubMedId, pubRefId); store(item); } } else if (pubMedId == null && sgdId != null) { //lists only GO_REF pubRefId = publications.get(sgdId); if (pubRefId == null) { Item item = createItem("Publication"); item.setAttribute("pubXrefId", sgdId); pubRefId = item.getIdentifier(); publications.put(sgdId, pubRefId); store(item); } } else if (pubMedId != null && sgdId == null) { //lists only PMID pubRefId = publications.get(pubMedId); if (pubRefId == null) { Item item = createItem("Publication"); item.setAttribute("pubMedId", pubMedId); pubRefId = item.getIdentifier(); publications.put(pubMedId, pubRefId); store(item); } } return pubRefId; } private String createDbReference(String value) throws ObjectStoreException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return null; } String dataSource = null; if (!dbRefs.contains(value)) { Item item = createItem("DatabaseReference"); // FB:FBrf0055969 if (value.contains(":")) { String[] bits = value.split(":"); if (bits.length == 2) { String db = bits[0]; dataSource = getDataSourceCodeName(db); value = bits[1]; } } item.setAttribute("identifier", value); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dataSource)) { item.setReference("source", getDataSource(dataSource)); } dbRefs.add(value); store(item); return item.getIdentifier(); } return null; } private Item newOrganism(String taxonId) throws ObjectStoreException { Item item = organisms.get(taxonId); if (item == null) { item = createItem("Organism"); item.setAttribute("taxonId", taxonId); organisms.put(taxonId, item); store(item); } return item; } private String parseTaxonId(String input) { if ("taxon:".equals(input)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid taxon id read: " + input); } String taxonId = input.split(":")[1]; if (taxonId.contains("|")) { taxonId = taxonId.split("\\|")[0]; } return taxonId; } private class Evidence { private List<String> publicationRefIds = new ArrayList<String>(); private String evidenceCode = null; private Integer storedAnnotationId = null; private String withText = null; private Item organism = null; private String dataSourceCode = null; private String dataSource = null; protected Evidence(String evidenceCode, String publicationRefId, String withText, Item organism, String dataset, String datasource) { this.evidenceCode = evidenceCode; this.withText = withText; this.organism = organism; this.dataSourceCode = dataset; this.dataSource = datasource; addPublicationRefId(publicationRefId); } protected void addPublicationRefId(String publicationRefId) { if (publicationRefId != null) { publicationRefIds.add(publicationRefId); } } protected List<String> getPublications() { return publicationRefIds; } protected String getEvidenceCode() { return evidenceCode; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected String getWithText() { return withText; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected String getDataset() { return dataSourceCode; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected String getDatasource() { return dataSource; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected Item getOrganism() { return organism; } /** * @return the storedAnnotationId */ protected Integer getStoredAnnotationId() { return storedAnnotationId; } /** * @param storedAnnotationId the storedAnnotationId to set */ protected void setStoredAnnotationId(Integer storedAnnotationId) { this.storedAnnotationId = storedAnnotationId; } } /** * Identify a GoTerm/geneProduct pair with qualifier * used to also use evidence code */ private class GoTermToGene { private String productId; private String goId; private String qualifier; private String withText; private String annotationExtension; private String pub; private String pubxref; /** * Constructor * * @param productId gene/protein identifier * @param goId GO term id * @param qualifier qualifier */ GoTermToGene(String productId, String goId, String qualifier, String withText, String annotationExtension, String pub, String pubxref) { this.productId = productId; this.goId = goId; this.qualifier = qualifier; this.withText = withText; this.annotationExtension = annotationExtension; = pub; this.pubxref = pubxref; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof GoTermToGene) { GoTermToGene go = (GoTermToGene) o; if (annotationExtension == null) { return productId.equals(go.productId) && goId.equals(go.goId) && qualifier.equals(go.qualifier) && withText.equals(go.withText) && pub.equals( && pubxref.equals(go.pubxref); } else { System.out.println("in GoTermToGene...." + annotationExtension); return productId.equals(go.productId) && goId.equals(go.goId) && qualifier.equals(go.qualifier) && withText.equals(go.withText) && pub.equals( && pubxref.equals(go.pubxref) && annotationExtension.equals(go.annotationExtension); } } return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getDataSetTitle(int taxonId) { return DATASET_TITLE; } }