Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.split; import static org.icgc.dcc.core.model.FieldNames.SubmissionFieldNames.SUBMISSION_DONOR_ID; import static org.icgc.dcc.core.model.FieldNames.SubmissionFieldNames.SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_CHROMOSOME; import static org.icgc.dcc.core.model.FieldNames.SubmissionFieldNames.SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_CHROMOSOME_END; import static org.icgc.dcc.core.model.FieldNames.SubmissionFieldNames.SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_CHROMOSOME_START; import static org.icgc.dcc.core.model.FieldNames.SubmissionFieldNames.SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_MUTATION_TYPE; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import lombok.Value; import lombok.val; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.icgc.dcc.core.model.BusinessKeys; import org.icgc.dcc.core.model.ValueType; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.CodeList; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.Dictionary; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.Field; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.FileSchema; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.Restriction; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.RestrictionType; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.SummaryType; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.validation.primary.restriction.CodeListRestriction; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.validation.primary.restriction.DiscreteValuesRestriction; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.validation.primary.restriction.RangeFieldRestriction; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.validation.primary.restriction.ScriptRestriction; import org.icgc.dcc.submission.validation.primary.restriction.ScriptRestriction.InvalidScriptException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Slf4j public class DictionaryValidator { private final Dictionary dictionary; private final DictionaryIndex dictionaryIndex; private final CodeListIndex codeListIndex; public DictionaryValidator(Dictionary dictionary, Iterable<CodeList> codeLists) { this.dictionary = checkNotNull(dictionary); this.dictionaryIndex = new DictionaryIndex(dictionary); this.codeListIndex = new CodeListIndex(codeLists); } public DictionaryConstraintViolations validate() { Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors = newLinkedHashSet(); Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> warnings = newLinkedHashSet(); try { validateSchemata(errors, warnings); validateCodeLists(errors, warnings); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception validating:", e); errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Exception validating", e.getMessage())); } return new DictionaryConstraintViolations(warnings, errors); } private void validateSchemata(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> warnings) { for (val schema : dictionary.getFiles()) { try { if (isBlank(schema.getPattern())) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Missing schema file pattern", schema.getName())); } else { Pattern.compile(schema.getPattern()); } } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Invalid schema file pattern", schema.getName(), schema.getPattern())); } validateFieldNames(errors, schema); validateFields(errors, warnings, schema); validateRelations(errors, schema); } validateBusinessKeys(errors, warnings); } private void validateFields(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> warnings, FileSchema schema) { for (val field : schema.getFields()) { Set<RestrictionType> restrictionTypes = newCopyOnWriteArraySet( dictionaryIndex.getRestrictionTypes(schema.getName(), field.getName())); restrictionTypes.remove(RestrictionType.REQUIRED); if (restrictionTypes.size() > 2) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Incompatible field restrictions", schema.getName(), field.getName(), restrictionTypes)); } val summaryType = field.getSummaryType(); if (summaryType == SummaryType.FREQUENCY && field.getValueType().isNumeric()) { warnings.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Potentially large field summary value set", schema, field, summaryType)); } if (summaryType == SummaryType.AVERAGE && !field.getValueType().isNumeric()) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Incompatible numeric field summary type", schema, field, summaryType)); } if (summaryType == SummaryType.FREQUENCY && schema.getUniqueFields().size() == 1 && schema.getUniqueFields().contains(field.getName())) { warnings.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Frequency defined for unique field", schema, field, summaryType, schema.getUniqueFields())); } validateRestrictions(errors, schema, field); } } private void validateRestrictions(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, FileSchema schema, Field field) { for (val restriction : field.getRestrictions()) { val config = restriction.getConfig(); if (restriction.getType() == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Field restriction type is blank", schema, field, restriction)); } if (restriction.getType() == RestrictionType.CODELIST) { String codeListName = config.getString(CodeListRestriction.FIELD); if (isBlank(codeListName)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Field code list name is blank", schema, field, restriction)); } else if (!codeListIndex.has(codeListName)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Field invalid code list reference", schema, field, restriction)); } } if (restriction.getType() == RestrictionType.DISCRETE_VALUES) { String text = config.getString(DiscreteValuesRestriction.PARAM); String[] values = split(text, ","); for (val value : values) { if (isBlank(value)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Blank discrete value", schema, field, restriction)); break; } } } if (restriction.getType() == RestrictionType.RANGE) { String min = config.getString(RangeFieldRestriction.MIN); String max = config.getString(RangeFieldRestriction.MAX); if (!field.getValueType().isNumeric()) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Non-numeric range field value type", schema, field, restriction, field.getValueType())); } if (field.getValueType() == ValueType.INTEGER && Longs.tryParse(min) == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Non INTEGER range min value", schema, field, restriction, min)); } if (field.getValueType() == ValueType.DECIMAL && Doubles.tryParse(min) == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Non DECIMAL range min value", schema, field, restriction, min)); } if (field.getValueType() == ValueType.INTEGER && Longs.tryParse(max) == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Non INTEGER range max value", schema, field, restriction, max)); } if (field.getValueType() == ValueType.DECIMAL && Doubles.tryParse(max) == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Non DECIMAL range max value", schema, field, restriction, max)); } } if (restriction.getType() == RestrictionType.SCRIPT) { val description = config.getString(ScriptRestriction.PARAM_DESCRIPTION); if (isBlank(description)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "Script restriction is missing description parameter", schema, field, restriction)); } val script = config.getString(ScriptRestriction.PARAM); if (isBlank(script)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Script restriction is missing script parameter", schema, field, restriction)); continue; } try { val scriptContext = new ScriptRestriction.ScriptContext(script); val inputs = scriptContext.getInputs(); for (val inputName : inputs.keySet()) { Field inputField = dictionaryIndex.getField(schema.getName(), inputName); if (inputField == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "File schema is missing referenced script field", schema, field, restriction, script, inputName)); continue; } } } catch (InvalidScriptException e) { errors.add( new DictionaryConstraintViolation(e.getMessage(), schema, field, restriction, script)); } } } } private void validateFieldNames(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, FileSchema schema) { val fieldNames = HashMultiset.create(schema.getFieldNames()); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { if (fieldNames.count(fieldName) > 1) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Duplicate field name", schema.getName(), fieldName)); } } } private void validateRelations(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, FileSchema schema) { for (val relation : schema.getRelations()) { if (relation.getFields().isEmpty()) { errors.add( new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Missing schema fields for relation", schema, relation)); } if (relation.getOtherFields().isEmpty()) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Missing other schema fields for relation", schema, relation)); } if (relation.getFields().size() != relation.getOtherFields().size()) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "Mismatching field count between schema and other schema for relation", schema, relation, relation.getFields().size(), relation.getOtherFields().size())); } for (val fieldName : relation.getFields()) { if (!dictionaryIndex.hasField(schema.getName(), fieldName)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Invalid schema field for relation", schema, relation, fieldName)); } } if (!dictionaryIndex.hasSchema(relation.getOther())) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Invalid other schema for relation", schema, relation, relation.getOther())); } for (val otherFieldName : relation.getOtherFields()) { if (!dictionaryIndex.hasField(schema.getName(), otherFieldName)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Invalid other schema field for relation", schema, relation, otherFieldName)); } } FileSchema otherSchema = dictionaryIndex.getSchema(relation.getOther()); SetView<String> difference = difference(newHashSet(otherSchema.getUniqueFields()), newHashSet(relation.getOtherFields())); if (!difference.isEmpty()) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Other schema fields are not unique for relation", schema, relation, difference)); } } } private void validateBusinessKeys(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> warnings) { FileSchema ssm_p = dictionaryIndex.getSchema("ssm_p"); if (ssm_p == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "'ssm_p' schema is missing but is required for required business key field validation")); } else { // See BusinessKeys.MUTATION_KEY // TODO: Add the full set after the dictionary is created val relaxedMutationKey = ImmutableList.<String>of(SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_CHROMOSOME, SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_CHROMOSOME_START, SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_CHROMOSOME_END, SUBMISSION_OBSERVATION_MUTATION_TYPE); for (val keyField : relaxedMutationKey) { val required = dictionaryIndex.hasRestrictionType(ssm_p.getName(), keyField, RestrictionType.REQUIRED); if (!required) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "'ssm_p' schema field is required for downstream processing", keyField, BusinessKeys.MUTATION)); } } } FileSchema donor = dictionaryIndex.getSchema("donor"); if (donor == null) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "'donor' schema is missing but is required for required business key field validation")); } else { val keyField = SUBMISSION_DONOR_ID; val required = dictionaryIndex.hasRestrictionType(donor.getName(), keyField, RestrictionType.REQUIRED); if (!required) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation( "'donor' schema field is required for business key field", keyField)); } } // TODO: Add validations for remaining business keys } private void validateCodeLists(Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors, Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> warnings) { for (val codeListName : dictionary.getCodeListNames()) { val collection = codeListIndex.get(codeListName); int count = collection.size(); if (count == 0) { warnings.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Missing code list", codeListName)); break; } if (count > 1) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Duplicate code lists", collection)); } val codeList = getFirst(collection, null); Multiset<String> codes = HashMultiset.create(); Multiset<String> values = HashMultiset.create(); for (val term : codeList.getTerms()) { codes.add(term.getCode()); values.add(term.getValue()); } for (val term : codeList.getTerms()) { val code = term.getCode(); val value = term.getValue(); if (codes.count(code) > 1) { errors.add( new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Duplicate code list codes", term, code, codeList)); } if (values.count(value) > 1) { errors.add( new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Duplicate code list values", term, value, codeList)); } if (codes.contains(value) && !code.equals(value)) { errors.add(new DictionaryConstraintViolation("Non-disjoint code list code and value", term, value, codeList)); } } } } public static class DictionaryIndex { final Map<String, FileSchema> schemata = newHashMap(); final Table<String, String, Field> fields = HashBasedTable.create(); final Table<String, String, List<Restriction>> restrictions = HashBasedTable.create(); final Table<String, String, Multimap<RestrictionType, Restriction>> restrictionTypes = HashBasedTable .create(); public DictionaryIndex(Dictionary dictionary) { index(dictionary); } private void index(Dictionary dictionary) { for (val schema : dictionary.getFiles()) { schemata.put(schema.getName(), schema); for (val field : schema.getFields()) { fields.put(schema.getName(), field.getName(), field); restrictions.put(schema.getName(), field.getName(), field.getRestrictions()); restrictionTypes.put(schema.getName(), field.getName(), indexByType(field.getRestrictions())); } } } private Multimap<RestrictionType, Restriction> indexByType(Iterable<Restriction> restrictions) { return Multimaps.index(restrictions, new Function<Restriction, RestrictionType>() { @Override public RestrictionType apply(Restriction restriction) { return restriction.getType(); } }); } public FileSchema getSchema(String schemaName) { return schemata.get(schemaName); } public boolean hasSchema(String schemaName) { return schemata.containsKey(schemaName); } public Field getField(String schemaName, String fieldName) { return fields.get(schemaName, fieldName); } public boolean hasField(String schemaName, String fieldName) { return fields.contains(schemaName, fieldName); } public List<Restriction> getRestrictions(String schemaName, String fieldName) { return restrictions.get(schemaName, fieldName); } public boolean hasRestrictions(String schemaName, String fieldName) { return restrictions.contains(schemaName, fieldName); } public Set<RestrictionType> getRestrictionTypes(String schemaName, String fieldName) { val types = restrictionTypes.get(schemaName, fieldName); return types == null ? new HashSet<RestrictionType>() : types.keySet(); } public Multimap<RestrictionType, Restriction> getRestrictionType(String schemaName, String fieldName, String type) { return restrictionTypes.get(schemaName, fieldName); } public boolean hasRestrictionType(String schemaName, String fieldName, RestrictionType type) { val types = restrictionTypes.get(schemaName, fieldName); return types != null && types.containsKey(type); } } public static class CodeListIndex { private final Multimap<String, CodeList> codeLists; public CodeListIndex(Iterable<CodeList> codeLists) { this.codeLists = index(codeLists); } private Multimap<String, CodeList> index(Iterable<CodeList> codeLists) { return Multimaps.index(codeLists, new Function<CodeList, String>() { @Override public String apply(CodeList codeList) { return codeList.getName(); } }); } public Collection<CodeList> get(String name) { return codeLists.get(name); } public boolean has(String name) { return codeLists.containsKey(name); } } @Value public static class DictionaryConstraintViolations { private final Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> warnings; private final Set<DictionaryConstraintViolation> errors; public boolean hasWarnings() { return !warnings.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasErrors() { return !errors.isEmpty(); } } @Value public static class DictionaryConstraintViolation { private final String description; private final Object[] context; public DictionaryConstraintViolation(String description, Object... context) { this.description = description; this.context = context; } } }