Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.icgc.dcc.release.job.annotate.converter; import static; import static lombok.AccessLevel.PRIVATE; import static org.icgc.dcc.common.core.model.SpecialValue.NO_VALUE; import static org.icgc.dcc.release.job.annotate.model.ParseNotification.WARNING_REF_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GENOME; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NonNull; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import lombok.val; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.broadinstitute.variant.variantcontext.Genotype; import org.broadinstitute.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext; import org.icgc.dcc.release.job.annotate.model.AnnotatedFileType; import org.icgc.dcc.release.job.annotate.model.SecondaryEntity; import org.icgc.dcc.release.job.annotate.model.SnpEffect; import org.icgc.dcc.release.job.annotate.parser.SnpEffectParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Converts snpEff annotated variants to a list of {@link SecondaryEntity} */ @Slf4j @RequiredArgsConstructor public class SnpEffVCFToICGCConverter { public static final String INFO_EFF_FIELD = "EFF"; private static final String INFO_PRIM_FIELD = "PRIM"; /** * proteinDomainAffected does not have data to be populated. See SsmSecondaryRecord class for more details */ private static final String PROTEIN_AFFECTED_DOMAIN_VALUE = null; private static final String MISSING_DATA = (String) NO_VALUE; private static final String SSM_NOTE = MISSING_DATA; @NonNull private final String geneBuildVersion; public List<SecondaryEntity> convert(VariantContext variant, AnnotatedFileType fileType) { if (!variant.hasAttribute(INFO_PRIM_FIELD)) { log.warn("The unique identificator is missing in variant {}", variant); return Collections.emptyList(); } val effects = retrieveUniqueCancerEffects(variant); return createSecondaryEntities(effects, geneBuildVersion, variant); } private static List<SecondaryEntity> createSecondaryEntities(Collection<SnpEffect> effects, String geneBuildVersion, VariantContext variant) { val result = new ImmutableList.Builder<SecondaryEntity>(); for (val effect : effects) { result.add(createSecondaryEntity(effect, geneBuildVersion, getObservationId(variant.getAttribute(INFO_PRIM_FIELD)))); } return; } private static String getObservationId(Object observationId) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") val observationIdList = (observationId instanceof List) ? (List<String>) observationId : Arrays.asList((String) observationId); return observationIdList.get(0); } private static SecondaryEntity createSecondaryEntity(SnpEffect effect, String genBuildVersion, String id) { return SecondaryEntity.builder().consequenceType(getValue(effect.getConsequenceType().getConsequenceName())) .aaMutation(getValue(effect.getAminoAcidChange())).cdsMutation(getValue(effect.getCodonChange())) .proteinDomainAffected(getValue(PROTEIN_AFFECTED_DOMAIN_VALUE)) .geneAffected(getValue(effect.getGeneName())).transcriptAffected(getValue(effect.getTranscriptID())) .geneBuildVersion(genBuildVersion).note(SSM_NOTE).observationId(id).build(); } private static String getValue(String input) { return (isNullOrEmpty(input)) ? MISSING_DATA : input; } /** * Parses {@code variant} and returns a collections of unique effects sorted by priority and limited by the most * important. */ private static Collection<SnpEffect> retrieveUniqueCancerEffects(VariantContext variant) { log.debug("Processing variant: {}", variant); if (!variant.hasAttribute(INFO_EFF_FIELD)) { log.warn("No snpEff annotation found in variant. Skipping. Variant: {}", variant); return Collections.emptyList(); } val effects = extractEffects(variant); val result = new ImmutableList.Builder<SnpEffect>(); for (val effectAnnotation : effects) { result.addAll(filterMalformedEffects(SnpEffectParser.parse(effectAnnotation), variant)); } return filterEffects(variant,; } /** * Filters out malformed {@link SnpEffect}s. * * @return a list of valid effects */ private static List<SnpEffect> filterMalformedEffects(List<SnpEffect> effects, VariantContext variant) { val result = new ImmutableList.Builder<SnpEffect>(); for (val effect : effects) { if (isValidEffect(effect, variant)) { result.add(effect); } } return; } private static boolean isValidEffect(SnpEffect effect, VariantContext variant) { if (effect.hasError()) { // FIXME: [DCC-2578] Confirm with Junjun when a malformed effect can be still added to a ssm_s.txt. if (effect.containsAnyError(WARNING_REF_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GENOME)) { log.error("Skipping malformed effect: '{}'", effect); return false; } // TODO: Change to other level once this information is required for data mining etc. log.debug("Adding effect with warning or error: '{}'", effect); } return true; } /** * Retrieves all annotated variants from the INFO field. Returns as a list of individual annotations. Each list entity * is an unparsed (not broken down to fields) snpEff annotation. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<String> extractEffects(VariantContext variant) { val allEffects = variant.getAttribute(INFO_EFF_FIELD); return (allEffects instanceof List) ? (List<String>) allEffects : Arrays.asList((String) allEffects); } /** * Groups annotated effects at the transcript or gene level if the transcript one is not available. Selects one effect * from the group based on the {@link ConsequenceType}<br> * <br> * Skips variations which are not not mutations. E.g. controlSample equal to tumourSample (same nucleotide mutated * into the same nucleotide). * @param variant - annotated variant * @param individualEffects - effects retrieved from the {@code vc} * @return effects sorted by priority and limited by the most important * @see <a href="">Effect selection criterias</a> */ private static Collection<SnpEffect> filterEffects(VariantContext variant, List<SnpEffect> individualEffects) { val controlGenotype = parseGenotype(variant, SampleType.CONTROL_SAMPLE.getName()); val tumourGenotype = parseGenotype(variant, SampleType.DONOR_SAMPLE.getName()); if (!isMutation(controlGenotype, tumourGenotype)) { log.warn("No mutations found based on the genotype info. Variant: {}", variant); return Collections.emptyList(); } val predictedGenotypeNumber = predictGenotypeNumber(controlGenotype, tumourGenotype); val uniqueEffects = filterMatchingEffects(individualEffects, predictedGenotypeNumber); val transcriptIdMap = groupEffects(uniqueEffects); val result = getFilteredEffects(transcriptIdMap); if (result.isEmpty()) { log.warn("No effect found for this mutation. Skipping. Variant: {}", variant); } return result; } /** * Checks if {@code mutationFrom} and {@code mutationTo} represent a mutation.<br> * <br> * It is not a mutation if both arguments the same. There is no mutation in representation A>A. Must be something like * A>G. What means allele A mutated to allele G. */ // TODO: move this to ssm_s to vcf generation class. It's more efficient to check this before the annotation step. private static boolean isMutation(String mutationFrom, String mutationTo) { return !mutationFrom.equals(mutationTo); } /** * Gets genotype (control or sample) from {@code variant} by {@code genotypeName}. Transforms its name to numeric * format which is generated by snpEff. The genotype number corresponds to the allele position in REF or ALT fields in * the VCF file. The method returns a single position number of this genotype. * * We know that left and right sides of a genotype are always equal, because this is enforced by the submission * validator and it looks like "0/0 1/1". So, the method will return either "0" or "1" depending on the * {@code genotypeName} */ private static String parseGenotype(VariantContext variant, String genotypeName) { val genotype = variant.getGenotype(genotypeName); checkPhasing(genotype); return transformGenotypeNotion(variant, genotype).get(0); } /** * Converts {@code genotype}, which looks like [T/T] to VCF format. E.g. 1/1 */ private static List<String> transformGenotypeNotion(VariantContext variant, Genotype genotype) { val result = new ImmutableList.Builder<String>(); val leftAlleleIndex = 0; val rightAlleleIndex = 1; result.add(String.valueOf(variant.getAlleleIndex(genotype.getAllele(leftAlleleIndex)))); result.add(String.valueOf(variant.getAlleleIndex(genotype.getAllele(rightAlleleIndex)))); return; } private static void checkPhasing(Genotype genotype) { if (genotype.isPhased()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Phased genotype is not currently supported. Genotype: " + genotype); } } /** * Returns a set of effects sorted by priority and limited by 1 */ private static Set<SnpEffect> getFilteredEffects(Multimap<String, SnpEffect> transcriptIdMap) { val result = new ImmutableSet.Builder<SnpEffect>(); for (val transcriptId : transcriptIdMap.keySet()) { val effectGroup = Lists.newArrayList(transcriptIdMap.get(transcriptId)); // order by importance Collections.sort(effectGroup, Collections.reverseOrder()); // limit by 1 result.add(effectGroup.get(0)); } return; } /** * Groups {@code effects} by transcript or by gene affected if transcript is unavailable. */ private static Multimap<String, SnpEffect> groupEffects(Collection<SnpEffect> effects) { Multimap<String, SnpEffect> transcriptIdMap = Multimaps.index(effects, new Function<SnpEffect, String>() { @Override public String apply(@NonNull SnpEffect item) { return !item.getTranscriptID().isEmpty() ? item.getTranscriptID() : item.getGeneName(); } }); return transcriptIdMap; } /** * Filters {@code individualEffects}. Returns only those that whose {@code cancerID} matches {@code mutationSet} */ private static Collection<SnpEffect> filterMatchingEffects(List<SnpEffect> individualEffects, final String mutationSet) { Collection<SnpEffect> uniqueEffects = Collections2.filter(individualEffects, new Predicate<SnpEffect>() { @Override public boolean apply(SnpEffect effect) { if (effect != null && mutationSet.equals(effect.getCancerID())) { return true; } return false; } }); return uniqueEffects; } /** * Predicts what Genotype_Number should be valid for the {@code control} / {@code tumour} combination */ private static String predictGenotypeNumber(String control, String tumour) { val separator = "-"; val referenceAllele = "0"; if (control.equals(referenceAllele)) { return tumour; } else { return tumour + separator + control; } } @Getter @RequiredArgsConstructor(access = PRIVATE) public static enum SampleType { CONTROL_SAMPLE("Patient_01_Germline"), DONOR_SAMPLE("Patient_01_Somatic"); @NonNull private final String name; } }